tv Keiser Report RT August 24, 2013 8:29am-9:01am EDT
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and bubble housing prices are now down and you've got all this debt which is now trading huge drag on the economy yes actually house prices are down twenty one percent thirty percent of the population is a negative equity because prices are collapsing actually let's look at this data market chart data market dot com and it shows private debt to g.d.p. and as you can see from one thousand nine hundred to two thousand and ten private sector debt to g.d.p. in the netherlands went from one hundred twenty five percent up to about two hundred twenty five percent at the end of that chart which is two thousand and ten now it's up to two hundred forty percent so the highest across the eurozone and now we're seeing that the government relatively to other nations anyway across europe is is ok in terms of debt but here you have that the citizen what used to be known as a citizen the consumer and the economy is collapsing under the weight of the debt they need to build some of those fancy dikes to help them from being overwhelmed
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with debt they need a debt dike you know they're good at building dikes this is a story about the debt in the netherlands if you build a nice big dike you can prevent yourself from being overwhelmed with debt but unfortunately no countries able to effectively build a debt these days and they're all being overwhelmed with the tsunami of debt well it's also a whack a mole sort of situation because we keep on doing this where this a margin is ation and there's always one answer alone that we want everybody to be the same so at first everybody was like we all have to be germany we all have to export it forgetting the fact that somebody has to import one person's expertise somebody has that import well here we had in the netherlands this also this notion that the housing bubble all you need is a housing bubble and everything will be fine and as the f.t. points out. at the heart of the netherlands persistent case that the blues economists agree is a slowly deflating housing bubble property values in the netherlands rose as much
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in the boom years before two thousand and eight as in peripheral european countries like spain leaving the country with the mortgage debt load larger than any other in the eurozone as i said it has dropped twenty one percent housing prices since two thousand and eight right well you know this is really another story which is the importance of private debt in addition to government debt so a lot of these countries are loaded with government debt and then the i.m.f. and all these other institutions coming up to reform your government debt but here is a country as you're pointing out here that doesn't have the huge government debt problem but they allow themselves to encumbered them selves with huge amounts of private debt like the u.k. for example they have a huge government debt over a trillion pounds of government debt but if you include the bank's debt they've got also the household debt and the corporate debt they've got almost a one thousand percent debt to g.d.p. so they're the most one of the most indebted countries in the world yes and now
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part of the speaking of the u.k. government they are really involved in forcing housing bubbles this is their policy this is their one policy north sea oil is gone all they have is this one thing left and that's how it's in bubbles and of course banking fraud but here in the netherlands also there was basically the government forced this housing bubble bit because the bubble was fuelled by the fact that dutch mortgage interest was fully tax deductible a strong incentive in a country of high income taxes dutch banks developed a series of unique complex mortgage products to help borrowers maximize the tax benefits once again the government is interfering with the market which is you see this all over the world really either have a market based economy or add a centrally planned economy but don't try to mix and match and take the worst of both policy. but worlds here's the worst of both possible worlds you have a centrally planned economy in europe from the e.c.b.
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the european central bank that's artificially keeping interest rates low that already stoke all kinds of speculation and bubbles and housing and stocks but you also have the government coming in and saying we'll give you a tax advantage on top of the free money what happens to prices in that market situation they become completely distorted so you really have to decide what the world has to decide whether they want free market capitalism or free markets of some stripe or whether they want to censor the planet scott economics is right now the u.s. essentially plant from ben bernanke it's essentially planned soviet era economy and the results are predictable you've got millions and millions on the breadline and they called food stamps now and it gets worse from there it's not only government intervention however as they say banks always collude with them and they come in with these complex derivatives complex products that are supposed to their toll you know the the consumer is told this is going to lower your costs in the miraculously give you all sorts to wealth this is our wealth creation this is replace what used
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to be wealth creation in the original capitalism where we used to you know turn resources and products into we said add wealth to it now we just hide the wealth in the banking accounts of these bankers banking is not an industry that you can really grow beyond a certain threshold because it's a very simple business it's like a utility business they they provide a basic service but banks to an answer bottom line of come up with products and sits physically to complicated interest rate swaps these types of products products to an answer bottom line which do more damage than anything else even lord sugar who's a big wheel here in the u.k. is suing his bank for having mis sold him interest rates drop swap product like so many companies around the u.k. are doing because the banks they're not satisfied with just providing basic service they feel is a case in the netherlands where they have to take my. good use they have to reset your ties that they have to repackage them and create all kinds of new products around the basic services which are now exploding in their face because by the way
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interest rates around the world are going higher which of course makes all these products value go down now remember the dutch were at the forefront of braiding the likes of greece and portugal for their profit spending their government spending so the f.t. points out however here in the netherlands the current account has been more positive in the netherlands than in germany almost every year of the euro's existence the dutch public deficit was consistently smaller than the german one before the crisis and their view of economic policy to the dutch often outdo the germans insisting more loudly them berlin on painful deficit cuts in portugal and other deficit states as the price they have to pay for the financial rescue use as an example they imposed austerity just to prove that it can be done and this is part of the reason why the spiralling house price collapse is they've withdrawn a lot of child tax credits health insurance costs have gone up so the consumer is
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withdrawing rapidly right so you've got an ideology that's informing the public to commit financial suicide even though the evidence on the ground is clear that these policies are are horrible we have what your guest will talk about is this alice in wonderland economy where austerity for example has never been imposed upon bankers their costs get lower and lower and lower and lower and lower and lower down the looking glass and into the rabbit hole of zero rates for them where all the costs whether it's for health insurance and i'll care that's an ideology just that at low interest rates are always is always good just like drinking arsenic laced kool-aid is always liberating. but it goes good. well you know so a lot of these the governments in the banks do this to foster the animal spirits
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right to encourage people to feel good have the wealth effect the well keep and yes the wealth effect of rising house prices. even though it's backed by rising debt consumers somehow still feel good so i want to move on to the next story google patents paper gaze i tracking that could measure and motional response to real world ads so google has granted a patent for a paper gaze advertising which would employ a google glass like sense or an order to identify when consumers are looking at advertisements in the real world and online and they will measure the dilation of your pupils to see what your emotional responses to this but you could see this being deployed against all citizens how they're feeling towards. george oz however i also have got a vast copy of the understand these are these are these are the new google glass this is paper gay's ga z. and so whatever they found and i look at it and i get i get billed i get charged
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presumably you're looking at me you're having a deep emotional response and now they want to sell you something to do with the shower scene comes to mind. but well this paper gaze ok this is according to google's own patent application filed in two thousand and eleven paper gays advertising need not be limited to online advertisements but rather can be extended to conventional advertisement media including billboards magazines newspapers and other forms of conventional print media ok right so i see a billboard with a net with my eyeball the pad charges the person selling the yes i gazed on that as paper gaze right yeah oh and potentially everything has an ad to it so the. need to force like like ducks on a fork all farm in france where they stuffed them with all the grain until the livers become distended in the way they harvest them they'll be
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a need to stuff our eyeballs with more ads even more than we're already being stuffed with that will be as with an ad with an ad well on top of this. to talk of ducks in a fog or a farm and it's hard to look at you with. paper achingly lab you know standing right now i know the search google knows we've got a lot of money being paid by my thoughts of what i'm gazing at when sick georgia sinkers for example would get paid a huge amount of money when schools become dead zones of the imagination bill and melinda gates foundation has provided a five hundred thousand dollars grant to clemson university to do a pilot study in which students would wear galvanic skin bracelets with wireless sensors that would track their physiological responses to various stimuli in the schools so bill and melinda gates have also patterned something similar to the students. those in those head start programs the ones that are already monitored surveyed and everything now we're going to censor motional response to various stimuli are they offended by the eradication of native american indians are they
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the sort that are outraged by government like us more like oh you didn't pay or student loan this quarter so the biometric bill gates pads a bracelet we're going to. know we're going. to get my god that is some serious technology all right stacy with thanks being on the kaiser report thank you max stay tuned for the second of all level. to the. gunman still central to texas on this month's show we found out why security take me soon be a girl's best friend already can you truly machine make scholz with a sleaze ball design classic still has room for improvement and we learned how to
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dispose of time as an improved roads in one fell swoop. they're actually what happened i don't know but a woman got killed. piers lakers when i got arrested for. for a crime i did not do. we have numerous cases where police officers lie about polygraph results. people to consent to the police officers don't beat people anymore i mean it just doesn't happen really. in the course of interrogation why because there's been this is like meant no because the psychological techniques are more effective in obtaining confessions than physical abuse and they were often. they could do what they wanted they can say what they wanted and there was no evidence of what they did or what they said. it is.
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told in my language at all but i will only react to situations as i have read the reports so i'm not in a position to the know i will leave them to the states are going to comment on your latter point of the month to say that it is secure yet a car is on the docket. of a jail no more weasel words when you vade a direct question be prepared for a change when you have to punch be ready for a battle freedom of speech and a little down difference of caution. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harvey welcome to the big picture.
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. welcome back to the guys revert i'm x.-prize are time now to turn to and pettifor of prime economics dot org and welcome to the kaiser report thank you great to be him yet you've caused a sensation with this alice in wonderland phrase that's what viral all over the world because you nailed it so talk to us a little bit about alice in wonderland what are you talking about there well what i thought about is that there's all this frosted excitement in britain about the recovery and kind of worried me because i wondered what is it based on what are the fundamentals and the more you looked at it the fundamentals of the flea no investment. falling incomes with which to go shopping trade imbalances north south
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imbalances that the economy is deeply dysfunctional so where is all this fuss and excitement coming from and for me it seems delusional which is where the alice bit comes in you know she goes into this fairy land and and it's delusional because it's based on basically payday lending we're living beyond our means here in the u.k. proudly we think we've done it before we can do it again and that's inflating prices it will cause greater trade imbalances because we'll second imports from elsewhere because we can't we don't make things anymore here we buy things from others and we haven't got anything to buy it with because we don't sell things we don't make things so we borrow. in order to live and it's kind of crazy right and it's delusional if you think it's recovery it's alice in wonderland right now on the land of course is a payday lender and that they just raised the analyzed rates of interest at the charging to five thousand percent now we talk about it on this show and we also
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talk about a concept called interest rate apartheid so as you describe in the u.k. the government is living on borrowed money the debts and the deficits are rising and then you have the consumer that's going. into debt using payday lending exploit the they're not equal borrowers in other words for the friends of george osborne and friends of the government they can borrow from the bank of england for half a percent but if you're living on a council estate somewhere you go to all that is five thousand percent so it if you are in a semi a small business a higher rate than you would get if you're let's say a friend of goldman sachs or j.p. has a good anchor to clear the insiders so this interest rate apartheid really discriminating against people who are not willing to be kleptocrats because remember the cheapest money the cheapest loans go to the hardest kleptocrats the hardest financial criminals in the society is discrimination against being a non kleptocrat yourself yet know it's a discrimination against being
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a productive member of the economy as someone who makes things and does things if you're a small business you know if you if you're out there trying even if you're a consumer you're trying to do something and you are discriminated against and what it annoys me i mean i have. a big go bad world of bankers and so on what i don't like is when public civil servants actually aid the process so we have the central bank both of the united kingdom but also the united states stealthily recapitalizing the banks through a kind of carry trade cheap from the bank of england lend to did it to some poor businessman in the in the midlands who's got some big ideas which may be risky but it may be amazingly innovative so you charge him fifteen percent and that way you clean up your rotten balance sheets you know and i do and i'm in favor of the banks keeping up to their balance sheets but why a civil servants and why is a nationalized bank the bank of england doing this for the private sector and not
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for the rest of us you know so there's a real not so i think you apartheid phrase here is very very powerful because it's about discrimination is. discrimination between the make. because and those who just shake the tree and collect the borrowers that are always a speculator are given free money essentially the part the savers and workers have to pay through the nose yet for the credit but this idea of a carry trade i want to focus on this for a second because you've described one where there's an enormous interest rate spread between the out there the midlands who are maybe have a small factory or the enemy small medium size enterprise and that seems to be inequitable but there's also internally a carry trade where the bank of england is lending to these big to fail to bag. fail banks yeah but they're not lending it out there to the s. and b.'s the small to medium enterprises either they're actually putting it back onto the balance sheet of the bank of england and there's a carry trade there they're making a positive spread yeah i mean what's i mean look for me what is most bizarre about what's going on max is that. we invented banks and we
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developed a whole banking system for the sole purpose the sopa the civilian doing into the economy and right now what's happened is that banking system is being turned on its head instead of lend against the economy the economy is lending to banks it's really bizarre and it's historically unprecedented we've never been in a situation where we've had to lend to the banks in order to keep the banks well from going completely bust because many of them in my view are effectively insolvent and just kind of extending and pretending the other side of it was the focus of that for a second because they're insolvent in that their balance sheets a little with bonds that they say are what one hundred cents on the dollar but they're only worth one hundred cents of the dollar of the bank of england keeps buying them at one hundred cents so that once they stop their mark to market they get a real value based on supply and demand and they would immediately declare all four banks in this country the big ones would be insolvent correct well i think so i mean because nobody really knows what the value of those risk weighted assets
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because they possible that we don't know what the weighted assets are these big four banks but we know that the government is down there heathrow airport picking on visitors from brazil and i stays with laptops full of information and anti-terrorism act in other words the banks committing acts of financial terror and should the government be concerned about that as they are concerned about let's say what's going on in other countries journalistically max it's far too logical far too sensible to come in sensible but there is a deeper thing here which is why is the government getting so oppressive at a time when it's so protective of what are effectively often fraudulent financial act basically and is that because the government is very fearful of social unrest and of i mean all of the surveillance of all of us citizens you don't even need to survey us if you thought we were likely to stand up one day and give you a hard time i got a little restless like i am because you know the. riots broke out
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a couple of years ago yeah cameron of course you know pointed at that and was talking about the need to more for more law and order yet all simultaneously letting let's say h.s.b.c. off the hook for laundering billions of drug cartel money and he doesn't see connection between riots in the council of the states and the policies that are creating this enormous wealth an income gap is the wrong. i think is absolutely wrong i don't think you can polarize your society to that extent and expect your society to be grateful what strikes me though max is that actually there's been very little on risk really considering i mean there was that flare up that summer which i i mean i don't want to make a direct link but i there's no doubt that there was a huge amount there's a sense of i can see everybody else having fancy teles and wearing fancy shoes and stuff and i think i can and that sense of you know. wrongness was clearly at the
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heart of that but if you think back to twenty nine in the big crash and twenty nine nothing happened between twenty nine and seventy three and i'm very fascinated by the american in the history of the american period because roosevelt came to power but almost without a social movement behind in the trade unions were new to it was a little bit of upset around pensions from veterans who hadn't collected hadn't been given their pensions and therefore went to the white house and made a bit of a colossal but but actually and farmers burnt down their farmers because of debt of course so there was social. unease and there but there wasn't a revolution there wasn't an uprising and i think there's two reasons for that which is that people are really scared they're really frightens they're deeply in debt they're vulnerable they're exposed and but also they're confused they don't understand you know they don't know send they here with no money i get very angry about the story the story goes around every day the politician says oh we can't
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afford welfare we can't deal with with poor people we can't afford better housing we can't do that because we have no money and yet as. congressman burned itself and as found you know the federal reserve and the treasury between them sound sixteen trillion dollars with which to bail out the banking system and where that money come from it came out of sinead you know it came from nowhere it wasn't taxation money it wasn't taxed so we found money to bail out the banks by. confines money to look after the poor in the vulnerable in our society and people don't understand that people who know there's money out there but they can't and i think i think there's a in that i think your show plays a really valuable parts instead of educating and helping people understand i just think the web is amazing because before this time really it was very hard to find out more if you didn't belong to the orthodox club you would just carved out a full discussion because my solution is called it's interesting apartheid in other
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words the big banks they have money because they convince the governments that in the case of the u.s. or the u.k. either you lend us at this extraordinarily low rate of half a percent to zero or we're going to crash the system they have threatened they extort the others don't have the ability to crash the entire system to stuart as they do but let's get back to why there's not more social unrest here in the u.k. i just read a study discussing about why there's no more social unrest in the u.s. as well and they're saying one of the biggest reasons is student debt there were the students in the sixty's they revolted they stopped the vietnam war they had a social movement but they didn't have the debt yet these days students haven't they were graduating us with forty thousand dollars in debt so it and there's a huge debt i mean just five six years ago. education was quote unquote free yet here in this country than there is a top of the and that's just raced right ahead it's become onerous if you think that's a factor oh absolutely and actually it's really it's really almost evil max
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you know this this is this burdening of a whole society and debt and and and and you're absolutely right suppressing it and doing that in a way which is a complete key country to to the free market system because the other thing i mean i agree entirely that there is a party for interest rates but there's a party this geographical apartheid here in in britain you know if you're from the north or you're from london there's housing apart tate's there's all kinds of polarizations and. and that's the part take combined with debt is is really making it really hard for people to organize so we know there's always been class struggle but what people don't understand is that there's also a new way to enforce this class struggle using interest rates which they don't appreciate they think it's a good idea that i can borrow money at five thousand percent a year they don't see how that plays into their overall being subjected to the pressures of an organized criminal syndicate of bankers and politicians speaking of
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criminals george osborne has helped to buy scheme is this some called it's a politically ingenious way to buy the next election but economically it's sucks no absolutely i call it to help to buy votes. well said thank you for being on the kaiser report and q thanks and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert like to thank our guest and better for of prime economic stuff org if you'd like to get in touch tweet the report into next time ask others and bio.
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bottom a little. the u.s. military is reportedly waiting for the green light to intervene in syria with the pentagon moving the naval forces closer and sending another missile carriage to the region. for an investigation into an alleged amongst chemical damascus where the european states blamey assad despite a lack of evidence. also the song was spying for cash major tech companies are accused of taking from u.s. intelligence in exchange for help and it's a whipping subelements programs. and about to get some real recognition of a german government decided that bradshaw money bitcoin is legal and try that means of.
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