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tv   Headline News  RT  August 26, 2013 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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syria's president rejects western finger pointing over the alleged chemical massacre outside damascus saying flags not assumptions should come first as u.n. weapons inspectors head to the site. bugs planted to seize the e.u. offices and now even the united nations headquarters a nuvi leaked document reveals another front in the n.s.a.'s all out spying effort . platts says libya months two years since the fall of gadhafi we report on how the government is a reversion to the colonel savage method is to crush dissent while the countrysides in chief in economic turmoil.
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live from moscow this is our cio it's me tom would say it's good to have you company with us the soft and let's take a look at the bulletin by the authority of the united nations appears to be facing a serious challenge from britain and turkey which say they are ready to join a potential military intervention in syria even without u.n. approval u.s. or ships already converging around the war torn state while syria's president says there are absolutely no grounds for action against his country joining me live and now it is our cheese or sean thomas xan it looks like the syrian war could soon turn phase the sort of libya style invasion or what's the president saying on this matter well not necessarily a little libya style invasion as of yet but if the president bashar al assad enters into. view directly refuted international claims of allegedly
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chemical weapons use in his country and his forces using it against his people this all comes after last week the n.-g. o. doctors without borders claimed that in three of their hospitals they treated masses of people who exhibited symptoms of it neurotoxins and of course the u.n. inspectors are in country right now getting ready to do inspections to find out if there is any validity to these claims that weapons chemical weapons have been used against the people in syria bashar al assad in his interview said that it just doesn't make sense that refutes the logic this is what he had to say. statements made by the u.s. and other politicians violate common sense and ignore public opinion in their own countries it's nonsense they threw accusations first and collect evidence later and the one doing this is the us a powerful country. now the military option has always
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been on the table in fact the western powers have been trying to go through the u.n. channels to get some sort of a military intervention however this is been blocked at the u.n. security council by china and by russia and also the western powers are kind of sitting on the fence recognizing the fact that there are al qaeda linked groups among the syrian rebels and so by backing the rebels they're actually backing al-qaeda so they wouldn't be fighting terrorists as well but there's also no support at home in fact polls in the united states show that the majority of the american people do not want to become involved in syria in terms of a military intervention in fact they are completely against the idea in his interview bashar al assad seem to recognize this fact. and the opes a cool to a military intervention is that everybody understands the syrian conflict has
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nothing to do with the nation's evolution and demands for reforms it's terrorism in this situation western leaders come till they citizens we're going to syria to support terrorism now president obama in the united states has met with his national security advisers as well as his military advisers he also spoke on the telephone at length with u.k. prime minister cameron about the option of serious response if in fact it is proven that the chemical weapons were used by the syrian regime now in fact the united states has moved some military ships into the area the u.k. has also been doing some military exercises with their navy has a submarine in the area as well and turkey they have publicly stated that their foreign minister said that they he wants to get involved and is willing to join any military coalition regardless of if it is supported by the united nations or not this is what bashar assad had to say about that. if saudi arabia plays the role of
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the main sponsor turkey's in a different position it's a shame that just a few dollars can control such a country as turkey it's unfortunate that one gulf state is able to control a huge country which holds an important strategic position and has a progressive society the turkish prime minister is responsible for all of this no blame lies on the turks a people with whom we share a lot of traditions and historical heritage. so it seems that bashar al assad is remaining defiant against the possibility of western intervention in his country and is basically holding firm but sounds like he had quite a lot to taggle in terms of his speech there but one of the attitudes here in moscow in terms of this recent escalation well russia has been urging caution not all along in fact they are saying that the western powers should not jump to conclusions they should wait until the u.n. investigation has been completed before making any decision because otherwise it
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would be a tragic mistake in fact of the foreign minister of russia made a phone call to his counterpart the united states john kerry in which he wanted to draw attention to the implications what it would mean for the middle east and even north africa as an entire region if they did decide to proceed with a military intervention and basically they didn't mention the u.s. by name but they said that any attempt to jump to conclusion would be a tragic mistake they're also asking the united states to help make sure that the u.n. probe is done in a very unbiased fashion and asking them not to try and persuade in either direction the u.n. which way to go until that is complete so they're basically looking for a peaceful solution and in fact russia is hoping that the u.s. and russia and other countries will meet in geneva to try and find a peaceful solution a solution on a diplomatic level as well son thomas
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a giving us the latest update on the syrian conflict now russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov will address the syrian issue at a press conference that around twelve o'clock g.m.t. will be of course bringing you that conference live transmission from moscow do stay with us for that. right media reports suggest that at least two mortar bombs have exploded in damascus in the area where u.n. inspectors are saying this comes after the team went to probe the alleged chemical attack outside the capital and while the u.s. senate's allies are seem reluctant to wait for their findings archies marouf a national as to whether jumping the gun or if there's some some hard facts behind their verbal attacks let's take a look. united nations experts are in syria to investigate whether chemical weapons were used during the ongoing conflict finally but even before they start a senior u.s.
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administration official has said there is very little doubt that chemical weapons were used by the syrian regime against civilians these are the arguments we have told were given to president obama as proof the reported number of victims talkin the number explain how they see during world war two up to eighteen million people were killed what does that tell us about how they died the next argument to the american ministrations leaves them in little doubt assad attacked his own people with chemical weapons is the reported symptoms of those who were killed or injured symptoms of course speak for themselves but how does that answer exactly who was behind this u.s. intelligence cites witness accounts that is hardly a reliable argument for syria since the beginning of the conflict there almost two and a half years ago each side has accused the other often acquainted charter while covering events from different cities in syria those undercover manto or rebel control i
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often matt and talk to witnesses from both sides whose accounts contradicted one another the truth was never easy to find even on the ground well it would if chemical weapons were used in syria why doesn't automatically point to the syrian regime isn't that still to be investigated it all appears to be based on assumptions we still believe that they don't have the capability to use chemical weapons that has not changed again we're looking into the facts on the ground but there's no reason if there's nothing to hide for the regime not to let the investigative team do you know with the u.n. team is a greeting and they do seem assumptions that the opposition doesn't it. these people yes they are. meanwhile major world media are bombarding audiences with glow task pictures of dead people including children allegedly killed by chemical agents
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allegedly used by the syrian regime and all that during the military escalation in the region the pentagon is moving its naval forces closer to syria three destroyer is already in the mediterranean ready and for a variety of attacks all of them carrying up to three hundred cruise missiles more screw warns the west against repeating the tragic mistakes all these is remiss and of events of ten years ago in which he was in false information that the iraqis processed weapons of mass destruction the united states launched a reckless enterprise with consequences that everyone is well aware off russia's foreign minister spokesperson said well this small tube colin powell the u.s. secretary of state at that time presented to the u.n. security council as proof led to disastrous consequences will history repeat itself . r.t. moscow and to war activists time barry explains why washington's idea of
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intervention in syria isn't finding much support among american citizens. for the last twelve years the united states has been fighting. a war of choice in iraq it war of choice in afghanistan that turned out to be longer battle that a longer fought war than then the vietnam war which also was a war of choice the american people are war weary we know that what's going on inside syria americans even the average american know it's a proxy war we know we're not going to get the correct information from our government and we know that our government officials are only interested in continuing what would be a fear tactic of a continuation of war after war after work to keep the american public in check but warner going to buy into it. a mess of flooded russia's fly isa's schatz's a community says thousands of forces say goodbye to their own party beats of the
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determined to stay at this and bridge houses to the bitter end. of the us national security agency has been spying on the united nations the headquarters in new york that's according to newly pumping published information leaked by edward snowden i just learned up and put my is in new york with the details on this latest revelation. america's national security agency allegedly cracked the encryption guarding the united nations' internal video conferencing system that's according to german or spiegel the publication says that the n.s.a. surveillance of the united nations took place last summer and three weeks after hacking into the video system america's spy agency had allegedly boosted its number its number of such decrypted communications from twelve to four hundred and fifty eight now for anyone who doesn't already know this spying on the united nations is
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illegal under international law der spiegel also reports that the u.s. maintains a monitoring program called the special collection service in over eighty embassies and consulates around the world often without the knowledge of the host country now many may be wondering why is it that the united states would want to spy on the united nations but spy on its allies because as as we've been reporting and as u.s. president barack obama said himself recently the n.s.a. is in place to protect american security and target only potential terrorists what we do with it or some mechanisms where we can track a full member or e-mail address that we know is connected to. now it's unclear how spying on the united nations and international partners coincides with america's war on terror if anything what many critics are saying is that what may
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come out of the n.s.a. is worldwide surveillance is a loss in confidence and reliability in the united states because you have to think about it if you have a friend that you trust to find out is always spying on you is listening to what you're saying is watching what you're doing is reading what you're typing does that relationship still stay strong and that is a question that is clearly coming to light not only following this report but those questions have been coming to light over past months ever since edward snowden blew the whistle on n.s.a. spying programs. rise of the n.s.a. spy revelations taking a toll on germany's upcoming election and killer merkel's made rival says that if he wins you'll see trade talks with the u.s. until there's clarification of the surveillance program are to speed all of a joins us alive or with the more why is he's threatening the freeze in one of his terms. well it's starting to become
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a major issue in the election campaign here in germany just what was being done about the know how much of the german government know about this n.s.a. spying scandal now what the head of the leader of the s.t.p. and the only real candidate who has a chance of challenging uncle merkel in the in the upcoming elections what he said is that should he become chancellor well he'll put the brakes on ongoing talks on a a free trade agreement between the u.s. and the e.u. now these are trade talks that have moved at a pretty glacial pace at the best of times and they are potentially worth hundreds multiple billions of dollars worth of money to both sides but there are sticking points and it's what he said during an interview. on german television was that how can we trust our american allies and colleagues when it comes to talking about the best trade deal for both sides when how do we know they don't have microphones
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under our desks and they aren't listening to everything that we are saying he said that could be giving them an unfair advantage when it comes to the ironing out the creases in that deal and he said that if he becomes chancellor well you put the brakes on that deal until the u.s. the u.s. came clean over just how much they were spying on germany and if it was they were looking into non-security methods that they would be apologising for that and played out how i mean talking about spying and apologizing how big has been the impact of the these n.s.a. spy revelations are how are they having an impact on the german election if at all . well they are one of the only few issues in which the which the opposition can can attack angle of merkel on she remains incredibly personally popular here in germany and is pretty much expected to be to be returned as chancellor but if it is to get in there and is to have a good chance this is the option what he's what he's gone for because this is one
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position where i'm glad merkel has appeared to be slightly weekend on because she is the chancellor of the book stops with her and it seems that not only did she know that the united states was. active ities on on german civilians and on german businesses but it seems that at some points according to the leaked documents that edward snowden's put forward that the german security services may have actually helped them to do that it's we've seen in the past these documents coming out that the b n d the german security services were very forthcoming with trying to help the n.s.a. in their spying activities so this is a major issue if not the major issue going into the elections just how much should i call know and what does she do to it if anything to try and to try and stop and look after the interests of the german people no germans are very. it's a big issue here in germany is privacy and we've seen that when i'm. on the
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hustings giving her speech and setting out what she sees for the campaign for the head of the elections in the end of september that she's actually been booed she's been heckled she's been drowned out almost by vuvuzela trumpet one speech by people who were upset by what was going on and some cases very extreme outrage over. spying in germany and well steinberg being the politician he's seeing he sees an element of weakness the rounding all the current chancellor well it looks like at the german election upcoming german election will be one to know god for the lots to be thinking about the macao obviously have hope for campaigned on to challenge anybody challenges that all will be looking well that's out. in berlin for us right now moving on now we'll be back just after the break a strife and desperation in libya as the nation marks two years since the fall of
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gadhafi will have that report after this as well as of the flooding in russia's fly east to stay with us. for the. science technology innovation all the developments around russia we've got the future covered. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. language. because we can we know if you're going to show some.
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true it's good to consider. the opinions that immigrate to. choose the stories that impact your. choose the access to. thanks for staying with us here on r.t. r t years on from the fall of colonel gaddafi in libya the euphoria of the revolution has all but gone today armed militias and islamist rule much of the country fighting over territory smuggling routes and shares of drilling oil revenue to top that off desperate government is quietly reactivating colonel gadhafi is feared surveillance parrot is using it to hunt down dissenters arches policy or reports on these sobering anniversary. anniversaries are often
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a time of celebration for two years on libya has pushes little to be applauding. i'm not sure it will be right to assume that there's a government in libya there's no army no police militias are in control is violent chaos the. militia violence stalks the land jihadist groups are growing strength wishing to cripple the oil industry and economic stagnation is everywhere with all the bad negative things that they will say about that they those that control it by force the situation of these device divided countries libya mr duffy is far from the key days of the with the new should never before in human rights watch says a wave of assassinations has killed dozens of politicians after this judges and members of security agencies all we hear is very. very troublesome because we hear about clandestine detention centers. detention centers that are run
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by militias that are not accountable to anybody these armed militias reportedly have more power than the government turning the country into when you have a freeze and i make extremism over the past few weeks we all kind of can see the need to be open to the south libya is becoming the main base for al qaida in the maghreb we also know that as a direct result of the libyan intervention that the civilian government and bomb a ko mali was overthrown in the north of the country and certain islamicist took over creating a humanitarian disaster leading to tens of thousands of internally displaced persons not to mention tens of thousands of refugees fleeing into mauritania linked to burkina faso basically creating a morass and if that's not bad enough. the much promised constitution has failed to
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materialize politicians are deadlocked over the role of sharia law and regional rivalries. the. libyan society consists of arabs and taboo so the constitution should represent all segments and if any group is ignored then this means exclusion. the berbers who make up ten percent of the population are threatening to take up arms against the government there is a real danger that libya may break up you've had a severe problem in libya with regard to the darker skinned nationals of the south of the country. except. those who are lighter skinned in the north and the deteriorating economic situation isn't helping commercial banks are closing their doors imposed test against the current armed robberies in a desperate attempt to keep a grip on things the new government has reportedly using methods that were popular during the duffy's time libya's transitional government has quietly reactivated to
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the surveillance technology it inherited from the depths of the sea it uses it to protect the mobile phones and online communication of gadhafi loyalists the two machines it seems are not that different after all except that oil production is down with libya unable to promise crude deliveries next month as on off strikes paralyze its major terminals two years on and many are asking was it worth destroying libya to get this broken state when it's not clear who won it definitely doesn't seem to be the libyan people policy r.t. television. and as if they cannot make turmoil and infighting weren't enough al qaeda is now reportedly making solid and libya its new base of operations a top official described how the terror and that work is taking advantage of the tails and establishing itself in the south of the country by a may as if you were editor of the pan african newswire predicts that the
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instability will only get worse. this counterrevolution has been detrimental to the well being of the libyan people what we've seen over the last two years is a total disruption of libyan society in the area of the economy it has been the most pronounced we've seen the production of all cut in half of the cost of the strikes in the body of the thing going on there is no plan for the national restoration of libya many of the key political players involved in an attempt to run libya right now divided over tribal regional as well as political levels and until the general national council of government there are reigns in the militias and tries to bring about some type of national reconciliation process the economic decline and consequently the social instability will intensify record flood levels and russia's fi east forcing more people to leave everything they have
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behind and as the authorities try to find ways of helping the devastated regions the vibe the upcoming winter mall rains a full costs. talk to those who decided to stand their ground no matter what it. is a village under threat on the banks of the red river residents wait nervously. record breaking water levels in the region a still rising forcing more and more people from their homes ruining property and livelihoods this lady is a full time carer for her disabled father she says leaving is simply not an option here not using we have no i don't live here i live in the neighboring house my garden is underwater i'm here because i take care of my dad life was tough for residents in rural eastern russia even before the floods here father and daughter grow their own potatoes and vegetables but now the land they used to rely on is totally under water various or got all of that my garden and chicken coop flooded
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the water is coming nearer and nearer to the house they are the only residents to remain artie's film crew later came across this man he's also decided to stay with his submerged property like many scared to leave through fear of looting because did they. every three hours or report to the emergencies minister the situation is under control we are on guard and we are ready to deal with all variance to the situation as it changes up to ten thousand people can be housed in temporary accommodation centers that have sprung up across the region shelter and supplies are provided along with psychiatric support to help people deal with the fallout from the devastation. that this can use now people are grateful to those who have evacuated them from their homes who have provided everything they need matunga sleep residents worry about the future about their hooves and how they will spend
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their winter well how about off for mains relatively untouched by the flood waters so far the same parts to the fifteen kilometers worth of dimes that have been built around the city in order to keep the water at bay or florentines ordering it to reach a height of nine meters at the moment in order to contend with the rising flood waters but that is of little comfort to the people in the remote rural regions you're seeing their lives swept away. sculls how about us. stay with us for the entity chez sophie coming up spake. sometimes it seems like in the face of giant corporations people are just sort of
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helpless i could be pretty pessimistic myself about what a few individuals with no real money or power can really do against the system but you never dull in fact if you remember tour discussion about ammonia doused pink slime being used across america and frozen fast foods well shift jamie oliver has actually managed to shame mcdonald's enough on t.v. to get them to back down and stop using this ultra processed form of quote meat at their establishments also we recently discussed gamer rage at the rather racist portrayal of russians in the game company of heroes two well all the rage actually worked and thanks to the seventeen thousand signatures on the change dot org petition that game has been pulled from russian shelves by the developer the thing is that massive corporations do a lot of bad things because they have no morals and are obsessed with profit but because they have no morals and are only obsessed with profit the second you even slightly threaten their cash flow they will instantly start cowering at your feet sometimes but that's just my opinion.


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