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tv   Documentary  RT  August 26, 2013 8:29am-9:01am EDT

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position and maybe vote for military intervention into syria in the security council or maybe abstain in the security council as it happened in libya case and secondly does russia have a plan b. if the u.s. begins to military intervention into syria is that russia ready to use other forces besides diplomatic statements to protect its stance as well the questions of if are not used. at press conferences i'll just like to make clear one thing the experts which are now in syria. have the mandate to determine where. three use of chemical talk scenes for begun by international conventions took place and what were the agents they are not mandated to carry out the verdict about who uses these you know agents government forces or one of the multiple opposition groups be that the free. syrian army or terrorists or
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other groups and that is why that's the logic of this process who was in fixed in the local. by the leaders of the g eight and the children of most of. the following order first there should be an unbiased professional investigation and then the results of this investigation will be reported to the security council which is the u.n. security council and this security council when it determines the source. of using chemical weapons and it will take into account all three so you can accuse cumulative load of information including theoretical and factual information available in the internet and mass media. but also he wants people. there's been a lot of divorce we can look at her child in the lebanon. communication good bye mr
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la grone i wouldn't speak of ifs that. when there is a situation that the west and other allies will not. this is the palmer to listen to the russian diplomats and say take this insane step what would be the position of russia in that case. and for two and a half years now we've been using this as the reason and common sense. but are those diplomatic actions enough to stop this insanity from the western side and for their different response thank you very well you know it just very difficult to understand the real motives by which our western colleagues are guided. witnesses. of the shooting having. had the destructive interventions in iraq then in libya.
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and having not solved the anni with other problems which have emerged there is arab spring so in order to. assist to the police to mention states to have stability and into confessional in into ethnic peace not having solve those problems we should move to those. countries begin to make statements at the summit level which are really astonishing. and they're standing in a way that we could not understand the political path wage those statements said. i asked john kerry yesterday during our phone conversations what was the strategy of their actions with the with how they planned to make it sure is. but that almost sounds the almost declared although not yet sanctioned
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action against syria could help to solve the problems in the region as not multiply them and not leave the region to the real catastrophe and what i offer plans to ensure that i asked him and his answer was. you know i'd say he's a bit narrower than my question he just called on russia and china to join you see efforts on eradicating chemical weapons and not allowing it to. be in the wrong hands. by the way that this is making about what this strategy is of our western partners the richest it's a look at tentatively a couple of years ago one of the most popular goals that we were address to us and some of them to china as well and i see these work calls on the russians to stake the correct side in history it is a policeman and just remember for the last six months or maybe twelve months i
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don't have it in my memory that mr there weren't any calls about the right side in history lessons were repeated i don't remember back tomorrow because of the process but few people understand what would be the end of the process is called the arab spring and if someone thought of this process as manageable chaos then only the last word remains now of this. word group chaos i'm not. i do not support the through juvenile theory with people of usually. conspiracy because beer is a theory but i believe that those actions that someone supports is now in the forms which the international community has to ensure a dialogue and national reconciliation within the countries but instead we see that
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many keep actors have began taking sides. and act on the principle the winner is always right. and forgetting the old alliances. placing bets on those who thought to be the winning filicide and then the winning side to be at the losing side cetera this policy this kind of policy is that the policy and help as we say here but we need to have a comprehensive policy instead. you with each and we need to have a logical policy you can't for example. usually i'm i'm going to put the motion to fights with the regime only because you personally do not like the dictator leading into it and not fight. some regimes way you like with the you dictator and reveals more you will get more maybe as i spoke
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with my friend in the around five years when we discussed all those matters my only friends in mali for example the french were helping put a filter used to fight against terrorists and from this illegal groups. which were armed and supported by the french be in libya so even if the us so here we should step back from their personal political remove likes and dislikes we have to determine the main threats that is terrorism that extremism millicent arms trafficking. accumulation of weapons in the. a lot of them are allowing the weapons to go into the hands of the illicit armed groups and this creates huge threats this water we should discount but not probably the fact that the letters just deal with syria forgetting everything else it happened so in libya
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and it had happened so in iraq unity salutes to conclude that there may be consequences and implications for arab world were not taking into account. and the fact that external players are being involved in this conflict forcibly involved in this or that conflict in the middle east and in the north of africa this fact could lead to. the aggravation of the initiate. when we see the likes and dislikes in the islamic world we shouldn't forget that islam school so through which. the including during our work with the organization of islamic cooperation. and when we work on creating fair lines of civilizations to aid to harness the dialogue of civilizations we're calling on all our muslim
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friends to follow the principles of the oman declaration. which was to adopted at the conference hosted by a king of jordan several years ago and where all muslim. religious people announce that all muslims are brothers and that can be no wars in and mons the islamic countries. but the recent events just. make they said thoughts of beer and this about the question of our rajah's calling about a plan b. . and using force without the sanction of the un security council is this severe violation of the international law and i'd like to highlight even if we leave aside the legal aspect. then we still have the moral and ethical aspect which is remaining and if you leave that aside as well so you know the direct
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consequences of the external intervention on sanctions by the international community will aggravate the situation in a country which is claimed to be saved from dictatorship and a solution in the safe for the sake of democracy i had with great concern that. from paris and london. there would have been already been statements about. nato the possibility of nato took interfere in order to destroy the chemical weapons in syria without the. sanction of closeness to the over the mandate from the u.n. security council that is a very slippery slope you gotta stand up and put it you know our partners western partners have that with me for being on that for several times and proceed but i hope that the common sense will prevail and that we shouldn't think of how we should help the region in the whole but not to support one country in the region
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against the other countries in the region and we should think of how we should create the conditions for the regional reconciliation come forward so that every other country would be comfortable place to live so that there would be tolerance to ethnic and religious minorities and so that the rights of all those people were being enhanced that is what the efforts of the international community should be aimed at to help all the states in the region to find a national peace and national conciliation work you can not use to divide those states in the hope to solve their own political and political tasks so thank you mr pastor russian information news agency. yes. it's. all good in use of our mr lover of according to the current statements from the
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western mass media u.s. and great britain preparing themselves for the intervention in syria in accordance with it in connection with the use of chemical weapons on the twenty first of august according to your account recent contacts with john kerry what do you think how high is the probability of this military operation by the u.s. and great britain in this country in that country well yesterday john kerry said at the end of the conversation a long conversation i should say no to the promise to me to study our arguments for very attentively and he says that he'll call back. in the following days to continue the dialogue for costs predictions of it is not a very good thing to do. which you know that the regime which some actions have been already have already begun. but that is the similar scenario to
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iraq ten years ago and to libya i mentioned already that see you as soon as there is a small. light at the end of this dark tunnel there are always some people who want to undermine the peaceful transition of the situation to the political process. when the observers of the arab league in the autumn of twenty eleven began working in syria and reporting unbiasedly about the situation that there were immediately withdrawal on the coffee peace plan one resulted in the un observers on the ground they work for three months and their first steps allowed to lower. a little bit the level of violence in the country someone did not like that in and around the un observers there began
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regular provocations that there was the situation of intolerance around them and our western colleagues in the un security council's refused to extend their mandate for another three months this chance was lost and so there was a conference in geneva where there was a communique adopted by consensus of which all they keep players including the permanent members of the security council's the arab league turkey the european union the un etc and we suggested to adopt this document in the end security council and we received a refusal on the grounds that it will be gone so that this document which was taken by consensus should be joined by ethernet. support confusion a sanction threat against the asaad regime. the sort of approach so the arrangement was undermined again and then there was the situation which i
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mentioned they had of the national coalition how to spoke about the readiness to have dialogue with damascus without preconditions and he was put away quickly and changed for the leaders which did not express such thoughts and others he's after that so the russian initiative the russian american initiative on creating the conference to follow the geneva communique which our partners did not want to adopt in the secure security council last year and the situation we see as it goes to that and now there's the situation around the using of chemicals weapons and of course the situations works to undermine the latest initiative because as we have all heard under the pretext. of mannish ing the regime for the events of the twenty first of august although no one has yet proved anything but there were have been
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already statements that it's the regime is to blame there were statements done without the security council so under the pretext of this because varies huge military group including the us the great britain etc and out some other countries which is being accumulated supposedly missed a place on the borders of syria that is the navy groups and other military units as a human and in this condition of course the opposition does not want to agree to go to the conference because why do they need it where all the militant for structure will be bombed soon and then they could become the leaders of damascus that this is not just an illusion this is a huge mistake which will not lead to any peace and. calm situation this will lead only to more bloodshed in the civil war in syria.
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now the fact that proves that someone is willing to floored all the efforts. on normalizing the station like has just told me while we were preparing for the press conference next year the next birds chemical experts of united nations have. started their first mission you. went to a specific district and they were shot by snipers on the territory controlled by the militants so on my say that snipers are shot from some other part of some other side about any weights all. links are one chain and they do these old blocking still optimism. ok bloomberg
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please. good day mr love could you please tell us whether russia. it's one of my also has the commission from surveillance services probably confirming that they attack might have been a provocation for the part of opposition who want to attack. i'm referring to. the chemical weapons attack of the twenty first of you know what it was is not a question to the russian special services. it suffices to you as the websites used. and see that there are the images of the shell that was exploded. and the description of the substance there proximate destruction of a substance that looks like the shell that was exploded in
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a suburb on the nineteenth of march. thing i previously referred to and the professionals who have the track record of working with b. c w would draw attention to the fact that these veto images. suggest very many questions like images of bowling images of dozens of children lying on the ground which you know there is a question that appears that crops up how they assemble all together. at the same time so these scenarios displayed in the images in the video clips don't look like the symptoms of sarin or some other chemical agent poisoning . the liquid says the bush white medical personnel attending
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these affected by the chemical agents don't have any protection means. contains as old the. that's a. female's. e-mail deceptions and one can conclude after reading them that the substances were supplied from abroad. who. can use the future there is one of the was substance scrawny i'm sure. those discovered recently. i cannot states and things firmly and resolutely. believe that the syrian government had no need to apply to you to resort to chemical arms because the experts working there and the military alignment is in the favor of the
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government these days the us some russian meeting is to be held to. prepare the geneva two conference so the regime have benefited under these circumstances to have used chemical weapons and made these extra operations of un experts and on doubtless on the other hand. spittle on my dad's been interested well if wishing to deal a blow to the regime from abroad one might organize such a provocation against the regime i can state anything firmly unlike those who already made claims that the government made these crimes but i believe that we should wait for the results of the investigation by a group of experts unless. it is. us watered by sniper
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shelling or any other assault or sell you please to the channel. often mike mike was off on many occasions repeatedly you warned against a military intervention intervention into the syrian conflict saying that it would lead to grave consequences and after effects for syria for the whole of the region could just specify what these after effects horrendous off the affects would be. i believe that we already can witness these horrible. consequences of the previous interventions in the region look at what is happening in libya from the central government way which we are in a state of a dialogue that does not control. of the country and the militants including those who participated deposing of gadhafi these took their arms and
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went to mali where they received. they were they were dealt a blow. in chad and other countries they have feared look at iraq. every day dozens of paypal's who perished there and hundreds are wounded as a result of some of the bloody terrorist attacks look at what is happening in syria now it's surreal full fledged civil war. one of the cities the government is waging a war against the what is called free syrian army. and craig. of terrorists like. you and. the islamic state of lebanon iraq and other terrorist units and groups. and the
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syrian free army the faces of terrorists every now and then the notes that with them. probably if someone thinks that if one shells all the infrastructure there raises it to the ground. with the good use of my good would be allowing the opposition. to win it's an illusion even if the you make dury of their position is there. the civil war will continue but the the current government will become the opposition and the original has a number of instances to sites. to colleagues bearing in mind these should deal with the so we will take two more questions couple more questions come of new spade broadsheet newspaper. thank you so much to give it to
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rich i have seen him. a request to you could you specify on the mechanism of the commission's operational does not have a mandate i can see. to specify who exactly committed that attack but if it it's establishes that there was an attack over this or that substance and then the information is submitted to the security council what if the security council members disagree and cannot meet each other halfway will escape the council be not accused of was sitting on their hands and what time does the commission have to stop wish the facts because as western media report the decision on the intervention may be taken within the coming days i hold ready said that the western leaders make statements. little judging by they don't want to expect the results of the commission's activity they have made their own decisions
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they made no comment on our detailed report that was presented as a result of our investigation of water happened on the nineteenth of march and they were pulled up and put by the maze are a detailed and professional one with all the probe son tests the site. is such a fight with the b c w. and this is also part of the mandate of the commission and they visited the visits to the. original of it twenty first of august where the attack of the twenty first of august took place was called nate's additionally one the mission had already arrived in damascus and the arrow b. c w which sound which sent its experts to the region has its own procedure and rules they don't make and name them excuse it is they
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don't accuse anybody. about school they just say side facts that a shell was fond of the water the production mode was improvised or industrial whether it's in line with. industrial standards always it's an improvised device and it presents all the objective facts and later the you and security council is to decide and are known then go and security council members can't arrive at a unanimous conclusion. let me guess that the show over to see the. show ten confidence that they are right expressed by our west as same bait and they need no tests and probes they know everything by default on their surveillance services received cogent evidence all these statements.
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suggest was it starts they might adopt the un security council. well you've just seen a news conference given by russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov on the situation in syria let me now quickly talk you through some of the key points that he made well during this news conference he said that there has been no evidence of syrian government guilt the spy the new claims that he was the chemical weapons sergey lavrov also mentioned mentioning the opposition he also said that the opposition disregards the diplomatic effort and is reluctant to hold talks demanding us its government capitulation well the fresh claims that isis forces use chemical weapons and hysteria surrounding them are time to undermine the new round of talks in geneva and also talking about the possible military intervention. go ahead without the u.n. mandate is a slippery slope well finally he hopes that common sense will prevail you're
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watching r t coming to live from moscow next hour we'll be bringing you more analysis on this and other stories to stay with us. ok. dave a crock you welcome you to ted you're all a virgin it's a little while in the middle of the chesapeake bay and of a genocide. back out on. the ramp a year all in the chesapeake bay probably one of the best dowries in the country saul fred. this is an old picture of ten year island before the channel was. oh here. a way up there. as go all. right here are some of the headstones from graves that for you this is a fruits that's what we don't want happen to taint your all and we want to get some protection and make sure that we don't go into the chesapeake bay like uppers did
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in other communities. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. the easy easy easy easy easy easy. easy easy easy
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. well russia says the alleged chemical attacks near damascus are aimed at disrupting peace efforts and that any military intervention triggered so we've confirmed claims would violate international law. meanwhile the u.s. and its allies gear up for a possible strike on syria despite the u.n. inspectors still working to establish whether a chemical attack has taken place. a fresh claim the of the american n.s.a. is even spied on the united nations have waters while across the atlantic washington surveillance scandal threatens to influence of cambers german election. and from triumph to despair we'll look at how libya has.


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