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tv   Headline News  RT  August 26, 2013 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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the. right now it's ten pm here in moscow tonight russia says the alleged chemical attack near damascus is aimed at disrupting peace efforts and that any military intervention triggered solely by unconfirmed claims would violate international law all. the time the u.s. and its allies gear up for a possible strike on syria despite the u.n. inspectors still working to try to establish whether a chemical attack has taken place. in other news tonight the scandal around the american surveillance leaks gains new momentum threatening to influence of tempers german election now while fresh revelations claimed the n.s.a. even tapped into the un's headquarters. and triumph to despair we look at how libya is resurrected the same control methods used by the toppled
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regime as the country's dragged back into chaos two years after the revolution. we're going to refuse joins us this is our to international it's kevin with you this hour and first in russia says foreign intervention in syria would be a mistake that would further destabilize the country and the region in a news conference in light of the u.s. and its allies considering military action foreign minister sergei lavrov says there's no proof that the assad regime used chemical weapons. she heard from our correspondent sean thomas a little earlier about the briefing. sergey lavrov was very direct in his press conference outlining key concerns about the rhetoric that the west is using in fact he says that they say that they are sure that chemical weapons have been used by the assad regime but they have not yet presented convincing evidence to support
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that it was assad's regime that used the chemical weapons but they keep saying that they crossed this red line the famous red line and it's quite clear that the syrian government had neither political nor military reasons to resort to chemical weapons during which u.n. experts were working with when the regime had the upper hand on the ground i'm going to russia u.s. meeting on preparing the geneva conference was to take place how exactly would the syrian government benefit from using chemical weapons in such circumstances he said that mass hysteria surrounding the syrian crisis is aimed mainly at disrupting the peace process and that would include the new geneva two talks that were orchestrated by russia and the united states jointly and that this is just basically an attempt to derail that also using force in syria without any u.n. sanctions is a blatant violation of international law and that is something that just should not
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happen and lavrov went on to say is what we're witnessing now is a massive fear mongering campaign something that we have seen before using as an example ten years ago in iraq something that did not end well drawing the united states into a drawn out quagmire there one thing whatever i've said is that it's an illusion to think that regime change in syria would end of the civil war also that bombing infrastructure would simply lead to more bloodshed and actually that western strategy in the region is aimless this is what he had to say is on the part of many key players started to take sides and act based on the principle of winner takes all betting on those who they saw wrist potential winners then the winners turn into losers again this is an example of. so-called ad hoc policies as opposed to logical and integrity policies you cannot for example declare war on one regime because you personally don't like the dictator in power and be friends with a dictator in another country countries need to divert from their personal
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preferences and determine the main threats to the region which are terrorism and extremism and that's what we need to talk about and agree with you one can strike the russian foreign minister or the seriously you're also not so long ago broad of the problem fighting terrorism so what more can you tell us about well certainly in an interview with the russian newspaper bashar al assad was very critical of the west in the united states in particular directly refuting the idea that his forces used chemical weapons against his people saying that it just doesn't make sense about the close proximity of close quarters fighting that they would basically be killing themselves if they used chemical weapons but about this idea of military intervention from the west he said that this is something that has been on the table the entire time they just don't have the support to go through with it that's why they've been sitting on the fence and taking such a long time listen to what he had to say about that another obstacle to a military intervention is that everybody understands the syrian conflict has
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nothing to do with the nation's revolution and demands for reforms it's terrorism in this situation whiston leaders can't tell the citizens we're going to syria to support terrorism so bashar assad continuing to stand up to the west a very defiant and sergey lavrov in russia saying that all parties involved need to exercise caution and go through legal channels to find a solution to the problem in syria. i see sean thomas there will be tom there's already damage to syrian peace efforts the opposition's declared talks are now off the table that's despite the u.n. insisting that the work of negotiations in geneva is in progress i spoke to german slowed widely covered events in syria he told me there are factions within the opposition who are willing to participate but they're being ignored there is also very little talk to talk about the civilian an armed nonviolent opposition who are willing to put are not allowed by for example the british and the u.s.
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to participate i mean it's one thing to say we're going to own our stocks and then tell your allies but that don't come i mean that's it that shows bad faith and that is where that happening for the moment of course what is happening now is that it's probably likely the foreign minister russian foreign minister is that some kind of creating a situation that alters the things on the ground so the u.s. and many of its allies seem impatient to wait for the u.n. findings with american warships already converging near the water own state and the british too are preparing to jordan and to say now to move for national looks at where their confidence comes from in blaming the syrian government for using chemical weapons and where it might lead. united nations experts are in syria to investigate whether chemical weapons were used during the ongoing conflict finally but even before they start a senior u.s. administration official has said there is very little doubt that chemical weapons
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were used by the syrian regime against civilians these are the arguments we have told were given to president obama as proof the reported number of victims talkin the number explain how they say during world war two up to eighty million people were killed what does that tell us about how they died the next argument to the american ministrations leaves them in little doubt assad attacked his own people with cameco weapons is the reported symptoms of those who were killed or injured symptoms of course speak for themselves but how does that answer exactly who was behind this u.s. intelligence cites witness accounts that is hardly a reliable argument for syria since the beginning of the conflict there almost two and a half years ago each side has accused the other often acquainted charter while covering events from different cities in syria those undercover manto all rebel control i often matt and talk to witnesses from both sides whose accounts contradicted one
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another the truth was never easy to find even on the ground well it would be chemical weapons were used in syria why doesn't automatically point to the syrian regime isn't that still to be investigated it all appears to be based on assumptions we still believe that they don't have the capability to use chemical weapons that has not changed again we're looking into the facts on the ground but there's no reason if there's nothing to hide for the regime not to let the investigative team do you know with the u.n. team is a greeting and they do seem assumptions that the opposition doesn't it. to use these people yes they are. meanwhile major world media are bombarding audiences with glow task pictures of dead people including children allegedly killed by chemical agents allegedly used by the syrian regime and all that during the
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military escalation in the region the pentagon is moving its naval forces closer to syria three destroyers already in the mediterranean ready and for a variety of attacks all of them carrying up to three hundred cruise missiles more scope warns the west against repeating the tragic mistakes of these is remain a center of events of ten years ago in which it was in false information that the iraqis persist weapons of mass destruction the united states launched a reckless enterprise with consequences that everyone is well aware off russia's foreign minister spokesperson said well this small tube colin powell the u.s. secretary of state at that time presented to the u.n. security council as proof led to disastrous consequences will history repeat itself . marty moscow. for many that's the worry you could for of circuitry william hague's refused to hold back on the possibility of military intervention so that washington fully count on britain support serve
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furth coverage of the story. well foreign secretary william hague said this morning that the west kid take military action against the assad regime without the backing support of the united nations security council now he was speaking to b.b.c. radio four s today programme and he said that the united nations security council has not been united on syria and has not shouldered its responsibilities on syria and on the question of whether it was possible to act without complete unity on the united nations security council he replies oh dulcie yes it is now no firm decision has been taken on what the response will be or indeed when it will be but the timetable if you like for the next couple of days is this prime minister david cameron has cut short his holiday and he'll be returning to london and then on wednesday he's going to be chairing the national security council meeting and it's going to be there that you'll have all the key decision makers and after that
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meeting on wednesday you can expect that we'll have perhaps a clearer idea of exactly what the plans will be moving forward now we're still not talking about direct intervention here so no boots on the ground in syria what is being discussed the is a more limited form of military action in the form of its thought pinpoint tomahawk missile strikes now by no means has the political dialogue been abandoned but that limited form of military action certainly something that is now on the table being very seriously discussed of course a huge concern is we're now meeting ever closer towards getting involved in a conflict from which there isn't a clear exit. earlier or two supposed to brew course a bill clark who's long focused on covering the middle east he said whatever the u.n. and spoke to find it's not going to alter america or britain. we're going to see the weapons inspection teams going to this site and whatever they do the syrian
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government will be blamed that us would've made that quite clear william hague and british made that quite clear they blame the syrian government for this whatever the evidence or lack of evidence and there is no evidence that the syrian government ordered this massacre with chemical weapons yet they're still going to blame because they want war the us will go there they may find chemical weapons traces or they may not and if they do that of course the us has said quite clearly the syrian government is the only party capable of using chemical weapon surveyed by their mind up if they don't then the syrian government will be accused of moving them so the syrian government be damned if they do and damned if they don't whatever the un inspection teams find the decision has already been taken i think. i love all interview with jessica jonas no clogs available if you're on line if you want to catch it r.t. dot com while there as well you might want to take part in today's web vote we will know what you think the preparations for a military response could mean thanks for the taking part with them if you have done this is what telling us forty six percent of you believe that it's washington trying to distract public attention away from its own problems at home that will not change thirty two percent of the last hour or so at least nearly a third of you think the u.s.
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will go ahead with the attack despite president obama's cautious words the risk of evenly split between believing it's being done to get leverage over the university geisha or whether it's all just the pentagon's plan b. plenty of time to have your say r.t. dot com. edward snowden's revelations that the u.s. has been spying on its european allies could have a bearing on the political race in germany where there's an election in just under a month chancellor angela merkel's main rival is promising to freeze trade talks with the united states until it comes clean on its espionage programs if he's elected more from artie's peter all a very. what peer steinbrück the head of the leader of the s.t.p. and the only real candidate who has a chance of challenging angle of merkel in the in the upcoming elections what he said is that should he become chancellor well he'll put the brakes on ongoing talks on a a free trade agreement between the u.s. and the e.u. now these are trade talks that have moved at
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a pretty pace at the best of times and they are potentially worth multiple billions of dollars worth of money to both sides but there are sticking points and it's what he said during an interview on german television was that how can we trust our american allies and colleagues when it comes to talking about the best trade deal for both sides when how do we know they don't have microphones under our desks and they are listening to everything that we are saying they are one of the only few issues in which the which the opposition can can attack angle of merkel on she remains incredibly personally popular here in germany and is pretty much expected to be to be returned as chancellor but if it is to get in there and is to have a good chance this is the option what he's what he's gone for because this is one position where angler merkel has appeared to be slightly we can go on because she is the chancellor of the book stops with her and it seems that not only did she
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know that the united states was conducting espionage activities on on german civilians and on german businesses but it seems that at some points according to the leaked documents that edward snowden put forward that the german security services may have actually helped them to do that it's seen in the past these documents coming out. the b.m.d. the german security services were very forthcoming with trying to help the n.s.a. in their spying activities so this is a major issue if not the major issue going into the election and being the politician he's seeing he sees an element of weakness there and they're rounding on the current chancellor. a correspondent in berlin well it seems even the united nations is demeaned to being snooped on by american scandal plagued national security agency newly published information leaked by edward snowden indicates the world bodies' new york h.q. was schooled in its controversial spy net one former un director of communications
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told us that the united nations can't do much though against acts of espionage like this without the help of its members the un secretary that has limited resources not very sophisticated techniques and it's basically dependent so the techniques that it does have this technology that it does have on its member states so i think that this operation was that if the especially the united states which is a host country where the headquarters are located he'd be very advanced superpower. communications technology if they really want to crack whatever encryption the secretary at is adopting they will probably be able to do say it's unfortunate because of course diplomacy does need to be confidential and so the sector general to do his job properly he needs to have the confidence of the heads of state and government at alba's but he's having conversations with
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a little to mention his own colleagues but you know these are some of the unpleasant facts of the world that we live in or international news coming can be a way off to a quick break. we'll . see technology innovation all the developments from around russia we've got the future covered. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you. are welcome to the big picture.
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with. the consent you. choose to. choose the stories that impact. choose. to. use overuse which led to the fall of colonel gadhafi two years ago is still open the country's grip by militia violence is in the midst squabble over territory in a bigger share of plummeting oil revenue on top of all that the government's trying to revive some of the tactics used by the former regime to keep who said there's a bad day. explains. anniversaries are often a time of celebration for two years on libya has pushes little to be applauding.
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i'm not sure it will be right to assume that there's a government in libya there's no army no police armed militias are in control there's violent chaos the. militia violence stalks the land jihadist groups are growing strikes threaten to cripple the oil industry and economic stagnation is everywhere with all the bad negative things that the to say about the state those that. control it by force the situation of these device divided countries libya post gadhafi is far from the haiti days of the with illusionary euphoria human rights watch says a wave of assassinations has killed dozens of politicians activists judges and members of security agencies all we hear is very. very troublesome because we hear about clandestine detention centers. detention centers that are run
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by militias that are not accountable to anybody these armed militias reportedly have more power than the government turning the country into a new hub for he's not make extremism over the past few weeks we knew kind of can seven opened in the south libya is becoming the main base for al qaeda in the maghreb we also know that as a direct result of the libyan intervention that the civilian government in bombing mali was overthrown in the north of the country and certain islamicist took over creating a humanitarian disaster leaving tens of thousands of internally displaced persons not to mention tens of thousands of refugees fleeing into mauritania linked to burkina faso basically creating a mirage and if that's not bad enough. the much promised constitution has failed to materialize politicians are deadlocked over the role of sharia law and bitter
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regional rivalries. libyan society consists of arabs berbers and taboo so the constitution should represent all segments and if any group is ignored then this means exclusion. the berbers who make up ten percent of the population are threatening to take up arms against the government there is a real danger that libya may break up you've had a severe problem in libya with regard to the darker skinned nationals of the south of the country not being except. by those who are lighter skinned in the north and the deteriorating economic situation isn't helping commercial banks are closing their doors imposed test against the current armed robberies in a desperate attempt to keep a grip on things the new government is reportedly using methods that were popular during the duffys time libya's transitional government has quietly we anticipated to be surveillance technology it inherited from the depths of the sea it uses it to
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attack the mobile phones and online communication of gadhafi loyalists the two it seems it seems on the back to front after all except that oil production is down with libya unable to promise crude deliveries next month as on off strikes patronize its major terminals two years on and many are asking was it worth destroying libya to get this broken state when it's not clear who won it definitely doesn't seem to be the libyan people policy r.t. tel aviv. striking workers in libya have brought the oil industry to its knees with production more than half during the protests covered that side of it out is katie pillbug explains how the collapse of fuel exports will make the economic turmoil even worse. according to the libyan oil and gas minister nearly one point six billion dollars has been lost in less than a month because of the security guard strikes libya's two main crude oil export
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terminals remain sharp which means the country's financial recovery after the twenty eleven brest has been very old become trees reliant on oil exports accounting for ninety five percent of all output your produces shipments have been cut to the lowest level since the civil war of twenty eleven more than half of libya's it's what capacity with some estimating just three hundred thousand barrels per day and now being shipped out of the country and as a consequence libya's government to have said it will use military force if necessary to stop the striking security guards from selling the country's or independently but the root of the problem remains so is the ousting of gadhafi regime the country is still plagued by chaos this time the cause is economic and north little make about is worse libya's south become a hot bed for some of the most violent terrorists waves of fear of lawlessness gadhafi was overthrown attracting coder affiliated groups to establish themselves.
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african newswire expects the crosses to only deteriorate. this counterrevolution has been detrimental to the well being of the libyan people what we've seen over the last two years is a total disruption of libyan society in the area of the economy it has been the most pronounced we've seen the production of all cut in half because of the strikes and rebellions the been going on there is no plan for the national restoration of libya many of the key political players involved in an attempt to run libya right now divided over tribal regional as well as political levels and until the general national council of government there are reigns in the militias and tries to bring about some type of national reconciliation process the economic decline and consequently the social instability will intensify. elsewhere in the world tonight the killing of three palestinians by israeli border police in the west bank
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has sparked a protest that ended in scale machines and security forces it's after the deadly shootings we saw israeli troops turn up at a refugee camp to arrest a terrorist and then rocks and live rounds palestinian witnesses deny firing at the soldiers but this incident led palestinian negotiators to temporarily hold the peace talks with israel in washington. in india a rally in support of the take hindu nationalists leaders and supporters to violent when hundreds of protesters clashed with police security forces resorted to water cannon and tear gas to try to disperse the peace disperse the demonstration be a protest is with defying a government ban on a pilgrim march a speech to the holy site that's been the cause of deadly clashes. this huge wildfire in california is just seventy national parks continuing to spread ten days now after it started its fourth people in small mountain communities to evacuate their homes the flames found by high winds and dry conditions are threatening water and power supplies to san francisco around three thousand firefighters at
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a dozen helicopters of battling the blaze. when you see what you serve us twenty four seven if you're not via t.v. at r.t. dot com coming up next the future of surveillance and personal privacy with sophie shevardnadze after the break. sigrid laboratory tim curry was able to build a new york's most sophisticated robot which on fortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach creation why it should care about humans and. this is why you should care only on the r.-g. dot com. so we leave that maybe. by the soon to secure in.
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your party there's a goal. is that no one is asking with the guests that you deserve answers from it's all on politics only on our t.v. . mission free cretaceous free in-store chargers free arrangement free. free spirit free. download free blank video for your media projects a free media. and
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co i'm still not saying how to save leaks have revealed very very little left. privacy felons are tapped the internet tracked it's our way to slow it down to five . just face reality and accept the new world order. our i p rest in privacy the world is in mourning for innocence lost edward snowden's revelations come from the worst case scenario they know they always new technology has made big brother bigger. and different gadgets know more about you than your best friends or your most personal information is available at the touch of a button to big brother social networks have substituted rumors and connections
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governments behind it all claiming you're protected how safe is your info how far should surveillance go is sacrificing privacy for claims of security. and our guest today is rich dr richard solomon software freedom activist. and program and recently ducted into the internet hall of fame has joining us live from brussels it's really great to have you with us today dr stallman thank you now we're not that you don't own a phone why is that. well i do have a phone but it's not a mobile phone the reason is mobile phones are surveillance and tracking devices the phone system is constantly finding out where the phone is and they generally keep a record of this for months or years and that information is available to big brother .


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