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tv   Headline News  RT  August 26, 2013 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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video for your media project free video don carty dot com. coming up on our t.v. concerns grown over the expansion of n.s.a. surveillance since the war on terror started employees were spying on their lovers the agency was spying on the united nations and that's just what we found out over the weekend we'll speak with a former n.s.a. employee turned whistleblower ahead of. the conflict in syria may have reached a boiling point secretary of state john kerry says he has no doubt that assad's regime used chemical weapons on civilians so is intervention and never able to look at the options for the syrian conflict coming up. and speaking of chemical weapons a new report details how the u.s. it once helped saddam hussein and the iraqis with its chemical weapons attacks on iranian troops will dive into that topic in a moment's these. days it's sure it's
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it's it's the tens of thousands gathered at the nation's capital this weekend in remembrance of the one nine hundred sixty three march on washington even though the nation has come a very long way many feel that the struggle for martin luther king's dream still continues more on the weekends sights and sounds later in today show. it's monday august twenty sixth five pm in washington d.c. i'm meghan lopez and you are watching r t well a national security agency was once the most secretive organization in the u.s. now hardly a day goes by when we don't hear about the n.s.a.'s latest scandal this weekend was no exception to major headlines ran on the front pages of newspapers around the.
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this weekend the first was a revelation that a number of n.s.a. employees were actually using the surveillance program capabilities to spy on their lovers or as they called it operation love dash i n t that's according to the chairwoman of the senate intelligence committee dianne feinstein there are about one case per year during the past ten years that we know about and the people who participated were reportedly disciplined the second major revelation to come out this week the german publication der spiegel reports that the n.s.a. managed to crack the encryption codes protecting the un's internal video conferencing system allowing the u.s. to spine this comes just a short time after revelations came out about the agency's spying on the e.u. i was joined earlier by bill banning he is a thirty two year veteran of the n.s.a. and he helped design some of the very programs that the n.s.a. still uses today to spied before he turned into a whistleblower we started out by talking about the twenty eleven fice
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a court ruling that was recently released by the obama administration in it the n.s.a. said it was stepping out of the shadows by having this part released because it wanted to show that operates lawfully and fixes mistakes when they are detected i asked spinny if he thinks that statement is true. no i basically believe all the fights court orders to do domestic spying are basically general court general warrants and they're in violation of the constitution that is the right for privacy the fourth amendment principally but also the first amendment in terms of. by giving that data what that does with the tells them who's in who's associating with who internally in the united states that's that's violating the right of free association of the first amendment so when we have the however on the other hand you have john bates the judge having this scathing rhetoric within those court documents what does that do does that kind of solidify or not solidify the idea of
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the court being a rubber stamp court well i mean it what it is of course it coming out and saying they really have no way of verifying them even the chief judge there is that that is no way of verifying what he's being told by n.s.a. or the f.b.i. i mean that i've been saying for a long time they don't have any technical means of verifying the validity of the statements being made to them sir i mean even in august of two thousand and two the phase of court came out story was broken by the new york times where the pfizer court detected. seventy five cases where the f.b.i. solicited misled the court in soliciting seventy five warrants well that probably was only the tip of the iceberg too so i mean they haven't this is a longstanding problem they've known about it for a long time and they never really have had tempted to solve it now one of the purposes of edward snowden having revealed this huge surveillance apparatus today is that we presume that he thinks that things got out of control with the n.s.a.
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surveilling capabilities but already at the point of no return here where the n.s.a. can't be dismantled it's just too big no all you have to do is start and funding them and they'll have to start cutting back on what they're doing so that's the way to do it like representative a modest initiative to to fund this activity that's. the way to start if they don't stop start cutting even more just cut their funding that's the way to stop them now when you were in the n.s.a. were there any reports of employees using that these kind of surveillance capabilities to spy on their web or spy on anyone else that they wanted to not that i was aware of ok i didn't i did not know of any of that when i was there of course i left after nine eleven so that's when all the domestic to domestic communications was starting to be collected by the n.s.a. but as you say it's possible right now it's possible you know so this is this ability for abuse and the other thing to point out is that edward snowden the
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n.s.a. is saying that they are overwhelmed with trying to figure out how edward snowden got in took these documents because he was covering his tracks very very well so if someone like edward snowden can do it and there's a ton of these people that i mean contractors that have this or alleged modestly others can do that too right well yes. the problem is they don't have any way of monitoring what's going on across their network and what they need to do is put together an automated system to do diagnostics of who's doing what on the network when they do it so that they could pick up people like snowden when he was downloading files as he did it or relatively soon thereafter i mean within fractions of a second so that the but they don't have that capability now and so that's their that's still a major problem for them they can't monitor if they don't capable of monitoring who's doing what on their network on the other thing to bring up is that with those employees that were reportedly reprimanded for being a part of that love to be the way that the n.s.a. found out about that was that they self reported so wasn't the safeguards that.
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told the n.s.a. something was going on it was the employees yes and the other thing you should gain glean from that particular disclosure is the fact that all of this information is in the databases of n.s.a. very interesting now talk about the relationship of the f.b.i. and the t.h.s. and the n.s.a. because you were speaking with a bit earlier about how the n.s.a. is in the on. one with all of these capabilities and all this data right well part elman's interview with the director mueller the f.b.i. in i think was march of two thousand and eleven for time magazine it was published in time magazine he he had talked about the f.b.i. using stellar wind from from october basically of two thousand and one so the f.b.i. has been using that database all along and and also in in march or thirty three march of two thousand and eleven also he testified to the senate judiciary committee where he was saying that he could go in to the data to a database the set up with the department of defense where he could go in with one
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query get all passed involved all future emails as they come in on a person so that says the content being stored on people inside the united states because it's his response was how would you prevent a future fort hood that meant someone inside the united states becoming radicalized and came in doing it having a terrorist act or completing a terrorist act inside this country that means he's got access to they are in so that's that's getting back to this massive collection that mark klein only exposed one one note of the collection in san francisco but that's the upstream collection process that we know do you feel vindicated by all this information coming out from the n.s.a. . i guess the way i view it is that the. snowden did a great public service because he presented information that cannot be refuted by the government and now they have to face what they've been doing n.s.a. whistleblower bill bennett thank you so much for coming answer and it's not only
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domestic issues regarding n.s.a. spying that the president is dealing with he is also a needy been syria's civil war as aggression in the country escalates secretary of state john kerry delivered a speech just over an hour ago saying that the u.s. has little doubt that syrian president bashar al assad and his regime used chemical weapons on the syrian people after images of dying children being carried to hospitals have gone global human investigators were finally allowed to inspect the area where the alleged chemical attack happened but right as the u.n. convoy entered the area snipers began firing down on the rope forcing them to temporarily retreat u.s. defense officials said over the weekend that the navy has moved a fourth warship into the region and all of those warships have the ability to launch a ballistic missile missiles if tensions come to that however the assad regime denies using chemical weapons on its people and it says that the snipers shooting
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the weapons at the inspectors were in fact terrorists now the world is waiting and watching to see how all of this plays out for more on syria's options i was joined earlier by brian becker he said national coordinator at the answer coalition here in d.c. offset foxy he's a middle east analyst he was in new york and from miami was mostafa the executive director for the syrian emergency task force and i started off by asking was if western intervention intervention in syria is becoming a more realistic prospect. i think the way that the secretary of state spoke today came out sort of saying unequivocally that the regime is the perpetrator behind the chemical weapons attack and in the way that he spoke about it i think that signifies that there will be some sort of military action or military response by the united states in the international community so i think now we're coming to a point where we will see something happen but what scale that that's another question is it a good idea. absolutely i think any time the regime and
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a government uses chemical weapons these are weapons that should be used by no one at all and if something like this is allowed to happen as it has been in the past on separate occasions where it's been documented that it was the regime that has used for example in the different areas of syria this was the largest accents and if there is no response by the international community that is for their green light for the regime to continue these these insane humanitarian rights abuses brian you're on the other end of the spectrum how do you respond to what he just that. idea that the syrian government would carry out a poison gas attack the day before the u.n. inspectors were coming to syria to investigate a previous reported poison gas attack is completely ludicrous this is a stage provocation by the so-called free syrian army the so-called rebels who are fueled and have their weapons fueled by foreign proxy governments of the united states including qatar and saudi arabia not democratic governments they're staging
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a provocation because they know that without foreign military intervention they can't win they can't defeat the assad government militarily and they don't have a popular base ignitor going to nuff compared to the assad government spot that was supported to do the job so they're doing everything they can in concert with the hawks in washington kerry those in the pentagon establishment who want to go in as they did in iraq in two thousand and three as they bombed libya in two thousand and eleven as they want to do again in syria this is a stage provocation that i want to get you in here you believe that the u.s. has a moral imperative to get involved in syria if there is proof of chemical weapons used by the assad regime now given how difficult it will be to ascertain who use the chemical weapons with one hundred percent certainty what do you think the next move for the global community should be. put uses of chemical weapons in parenthesis to highlight it till now we don't know for sure who used the
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chemical weapons in syria we know that there were chemical weapons used but we are not certain not even minimum degree to justify military intervention however if the proof is concrete to prove that the syrian regime have used chemical weapons then definitely the united states and moral obligation however the track record of the us administrations with allegations of chemical weapons use your existence we remember the big theatrical show done by colin powell at the security council before the invasion of iraq on the w m d cetera until today there is no trace of that you have the iraq so we have to be really very very careful if chemical weapon was reused
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then this would justify an intervention not only from the united states but from the international community now one thing you have been in syria with great frequency one of the biggest objections to the u.s. arming the rebels is that the weapons could eventually get into the hands of fundamentalists and be used against us characterize the free syrian army soldiers that you've met and worked with and is this a fair criticism. but first of all i just want to say real quickly that this isn't like iraq in terms of. you know speaking about weapons of mass destruction that in exist there we know that there are chemical weapons in the hands of the syrian regime we know that he has used them in the past with unequivocal evidence we know that by no means do the rebels have the delivery systems if they even. grazie will got chemical weapons to use them and we know that it took five days for the for the inspectors to go in and inspect in these things of the regime had nothing to hide he should have let them in right away and proven
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that these struggles have used them now that being said to go to your question i think it is it is very important that first of all everybody wants a political solution everybody wants this crisis and i think the syrian people are incredibly tired but i think that if we do arms are flowing to syria whether we like it or not whether the united states or the west arms or not and they're going to different groups and sometimes not the right people at all and is open the room for for extremists sort of come in into the fray of of this conflict so it's imperative that we arm the right people in the right people are the ones that defected from the from the army from the regime the army because they didn't want to shoot innocent children didn't want to shoot their own people and you know now when i did see a lifeless bodies dying in large bodies wrapped in shrouds in areas where the regime did not allow people to go in these are not things that well i might down into let's get brian in here brian what we're going to say the united states government has been on a course to overthrow the government in syria because it's an independent
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nationalist government it was formally syria was formally a colony they did the same thing in libya they bombed libya in two thousand and eleven. ne invaded iraq in two thousand and three we see war after war after war what's the real reason for the war it's not because one government has a better or worse human rights record it's not about chemical weapons the middle east assesses. two thirds of the world's oil the u.s. wants to show that it's going to control this resource rich part of the world but the the bush administration and the obama administration are doing the exact same thing using chemical weapons as a pretext to carry out an illegal act of aggression against a sovereign country the people in the united states by the way by a margin of ninety percent ninety percent oppose any military strikes on syria and matt i'm going to give you the last fifteen seconds here. first the free syrian army as the gentleman from miami referred to was the you see is that they have
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defected and they went because the one true to shoot any civilians or children on the other side if they were armed by the western powers they are going to turn around and shoot other civilians but just because they have a different political conviction doesn't make them the enemy and we're going to end it there unfortunately bacary national coordinator at the answer coalition. middle east analyst and was mostafa is the executive director for the syrian emergency task force and while the u.s. considers actions in syria in the wake of evidence suggesting the use of chemical weapons a startling new revelation from foreign policy magazine shows that the u.s. played a role in helping saddam hussein use sarin gas to defeat iranian troops back in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight years how now according to a declassified cia documents that were discovered at the national archives using satellite images u.s. intelligence officials conveyed the location of the iranian troops to iraq fully
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aware that hussein's military would attack with chemical weapons including sarah and a lethal nerve agent and it gets worse according to those same it declassified cia documents senior u.s. officials were being regularly informed about the scale of the nerve gas attacks they are tantamount to an official american admission of complicity and some of the most gruesome that can. nicol weapons attacks ever launched here to talk about this bombshell revelation is jamal obviously he's the policy director at the national iranian american council thank you so much for joining me so how shocking are these revelations did aronian suspect this before. i think there was a pretty widespread perception. you know the u.s. was fully involved in coordinating with iraq in supporting saddam in terms of providing intelligence and things like that this is something that was fairly widely known that this had begun at least towards the end of the iran iraq war to
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now see though that you know sort of this feigned ignorance on the u.s. side about the fact that saddam was using chemical weapons that this is actually you know. not true the u.s. knew well what saddam was doing according to the report you know top officials were well aware that saddam planned to use chemical weapons in those particular instances in which the u.s. was providing intelligence for iraqi strikes so i think that any sort of veneer of . ignorance about the use of chemical weapons has sort of been dispelled by this report and this certainly isn't the only report that is coming out in recent days and weeks last week we learned about the revelation that the u.s. and the cia in particular execute the nine hundred fifty three overthrow of iran's democratically elected prime minister so what do these two revelations say about the history of the u.s. and iran and how the u.s. is intervening well this you know the revelation last week that most of deck was
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toppled in part by the cia this is something else that was it was widely well known it hadn't necessarily been corroborated in the terms that it now has but we have never seen these documents laying out very clearly the u.s. role in you know what are perceived in iran as two major injustices committed against iranians now the u.s. had already apologized for what happened in one nine hundred fifty three madeline albright towards the end of the clinton administration had went to the pains to to apologize for what had happened and to acknowledge complicity i think this is important i think that events like this shouldn't just confirm the worst. missions that the iranians have which certainly they do and certainly many of them actually are true but what we need to be able to do is look at this history this you know these decades of enmity between the two countries and figure out ok how do we acknowledge that these happened how do we move past them and avoid you know what
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we're seeing in the middle east this spiraling conflict and so many ways into a potential war between the two countries i think that hopefully what this can do is sort of air out these these past and justices and provide an opportunity to move past them in order to avoid something even worse coming in in the future but at the same time do you think it could draw a divine didn't even starker divide in the frayed relationship between the u.s. and iran at the moment it certainly would be used by. you know by people who don't want to see a reproach man or any sort of movement towards improving relations between the u.s. and iran to say look this is the united states. committing these crimes against iran and so we can deal with them. but again you know there are. just as on both sides there are crimes of the committed on both sides and. the hope is that these historical grievances don't serve as. an obstacle or something that sabotages what
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i really think is an opportunity right now for the u.s. and iran to begin in gauging in very serious timely negotiations to discuss some of the the really serious things that are happening right now and let's talk about this new opportunity that you're speaking about of course our own has a new president so go ahead and talk about how what role he plays in iran and the opportunities that he might offer to the united states in terms of finding those that those frayed relations yeah i mean given everything that we're seeing in the region. in the recent recent weeks been sort of a rare beacon of hope for news iran held an election in june. tune in which. has an rouhani one overwhelmingly one of the first round of the defied all expectations and he was somebody who was campaigning on a policy of. basically ending the conflict between iran and the united states and. and the west over the nuclear issue talking
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about the need to have some substantive dialogue to not engage in some of the rhetoric that the math would have any government had been engaging in and really promising to. potentially reach out to the united states and have real dialogue and i think that for rouhani and his government the calculation is if there's a deal to be had they want to pursue it and see if it's possible but if the united states is not actually interested in a deal they want the onus to not be on iran for a deal not not manifesting so really. it's a big question right now is the ball in the u.s. court or the iranian score iran has elected this moderate who is saying the right things if they meet at the table and iran appears willing to make some compromises the onus is going to be on the u.s. to be able to make similar compromises and that's going to be on the sanctions a very interesting compromise indeed and i know congress is right now is currently
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debating whether more sanctions should be in place jamal aviv policy director at the national iranian american council thank you so much for joining me thank you. well this week marks an important anniversary in american history the fiftieth anniversary of the march on washington and martin luther king jr's i have a dream speech. that thousands descended on the national mall to remember the legacy of civil rights leaders and that they set that at that march with this march they're using it to remind the country how much more work needs to be done martin luther king the third at representative john lewis al sharpton and mayor cory booker were among the people who spoke at the event and while all were optimistic there was one resoundingly message that there are still more work to be done to talk about the anniversary of this historic march as well as race relations in the u.s. today while one merrily on as the host of inside the issues and he joins me now
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thank you so much for joining me so let's start off with your impressions of this this last weekend's march well it was it was well attended it was it was fairly well organized. but it was it fell woefully short of the sixty three march and that's not really a criticism of the organization of the two thousand and thirteen march but understanding that the historical difference is the historical relevance is and where we were in sixty three and where we are now are are so different in sixty three we were dealing with a movement we were dealing with a judicial approach we were doing. the legislative approach we were did dealing with the civil activism civil unrest in the streets approach and that was to a great degree very well coordinated now in two thousand and thirteen we have a number of disparate issues whether it be mass incarceration whether it be stop and frisk with chief kelly in new york or stand your ground with zimmerman in the
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murder of trayvon martin but the coordination of all of that coupled with not having as friendly of an administration. in two thousand and thirteen as you did with the kennedy's last johnson administration in the one nine hundred sixty three a lot of that makes for the difference between these being disparate moments versus a cohesive movement and just pay backing off of what you're just saying something that was brought up in the editorial meeting here at r.t. today that i thought was very interesting is that this was very much obviously an establishment support of thing i mean you had an attorney general eric holder speaking at this you had a u.s. congressman speaking at this so is the idea of radicalism in order to end radical protests in order to make a point about how much more work needs to be done left to the history books at this point well i don't know if it's if it's left to the history books as much as you have to look at who was behind the organization of the march which was reverend al
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sharpton and the national action network and reverend al sharpton is tied very closely to the obama administration so you're going to get as a result of that you're going to get speeches you're going to get speakers you're going to get a lot of dialogue that is more consistent and in line with the obama administration then than quote unquote radicalism so you really again that's not necessarily to say anything negative against reverend sharpton i mean but that is just the reality and soledad's going to give you that again. because. you again in sixty three you had legislation that the civil rights organizations were pushing for they were pushing for a voting rights act they were pushing for a sixty four civil rights act and they were trying to apply pressure to the
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administration first kennedy being very reluctant to support it and then lyndon johnson being behind it they were they were they were pushing the administration to to support substantive identified legislation so things were that were being articulated were very very clear what we have right now is there really is no identified substantive legislation for people to get behind so that's why you wind up with a whole lot of discussion about we've come this far we have so far yet to go we've done so much there's so much you had to do but when you left the march on saturday which i did you didn't leave the march understanding what you were supposed to support specifically and something that i do want to bring up speaking of what you don't know what to support and there is a specific map that came out that is using the two thousand and ten census bureau if we can go ahead and bring that map out and what it shows is it shows this racial divide that is still in the country i mean it is split down the line on this map in
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a very physical way so my question to you is where do race relations stand in the u.s. and what are the top things that need to be fixed well i think part of the answer to that question depends on where you look for your answer for example if you have an eleven year old son and when when i look at my son his friends when i look at how the children play when i look at my students in the interaction between black students and white students that generation of kids there is an awful lot more dialogue there's an awful lot more many children will say that you know there is no racism in america but when you look at the number. as in terms of incarceration in this country and you have two and a half million people incarcerated over fifty three percent of those people are people of color when you look at all issues that are just so important to address exact fortunately we're just out of time i was only on thank you so much for coming on and pleasure. and that's going to do it for now for more on the stories we covered go to youtube dot com slash r.t.m.
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america i'm meghan lopez and i'll see you right back here at eight pm. mission. critical three years for charges three. three. three. three. three blown video for your media project free medio done to our t.v. dot com.


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