tv Headline News RT August 27, 2013 2:00am-2:30am EDT
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warships and fanta jets reportedly converge near serious coastline as the u.s. and britain look set to launch strikes on the water saying it's time damascus pays the price. the war mongering comes as u.n. inspectors program the alleged chemical attack which western powers the blame on the syrian army speak to the head of a fact finding mission that searched in vain for iraqi weapons of mass destruction back in two thousand and three. and told third greek a bailout creates a headache for europe's political elite as chancellor merkel a. german taxpayers with an election looming.
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live from moscow this is our deal with me. syria looks set to face a military onslaught as british media report that war planes and transport jets are being deployed at the base in cyprus the sport is just a hundred kilometers from the syrian coastline and is expected to become a launch point for u.s. led campaign against assad government. joins me live now with the details what else do you use the military build up in the area short there to have able things of certainly reach a dramatic boiling point when it comes to syria as you mentioned now according to news reports britain and the u.s. could be inching towards a potential military attack against the regime of syrian president bashar assad after foreign secretary william hague said that all other options have failed over the past year and now we have to keep in mind that no country has confirmed or
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ordered any such attack that's really more of an escalation in the rhetoric at this point but it is rhetoric that is being backed by flexing of a bit of military muscle perhaps to highlight the seriousness of the situation at the guardian newspaper reported that warplanes and military transporters have begun arriving at a british airport air base on cyprus which is less than one hundred miles from the syrian coast now meanwhile on friday it was reported that the u.s. navy had sent a fourth warship armed with ballistic missiles into the eastern mediterranean sea without immediate orders for any sort of missile launching to syria at this point now france another key player in the possible conflict has its jet fighters stationed in the united arab emirates now again at this point it is unlikely that western powers would be able to get a united nations mandate for international military action over syria with russia and china certain to veto but on monday the foreign ministers of britain france
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turkey said in separate interviews that they would be prepared to back potential u.s. action outside of the parameters of a u.n. mandate. again at this point no such decision made thus far by anyone to use for force just preparations at this point lou see what exactly makes the u.s. and its allies so sure that the red line has been crossed well the intense international pressure comes on the heels of reports of a chemical weapons strike that may have killed over a thousand people in syria a convoy of what inspectors came under fire on monday as it made its way to damascus to investigate the area and that the inspectors were able to reach the site to collect the samples and interview witnesses but they were only able to stay for half an hour so incredibly difficult circumstances for them to confirm anything at all now the united nations the u.k. the u.s. germany france and turkey and others strongly condemned this apparent chemical
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attack saying it was likely done by the assad regime on the suburb in eastern damascus the russian foreign minister meanwhile suggest that the attack was the work of opposition forces trying to trigger essentially a broader foreign military intervention now in some of the most aggressive language used yet by washington secretary of state john kerry had accused the syrian government of quote indiscriminate slaughter of civilians and of cynical efforts to cover up its responsibility for quote a cowardly crime though he said the use of chemical weapons against civilians was undeniable and that the obama administration would hold the syrian government accountable for what he called a moral obscenity take a listen. gathering additional evidence on the ground our understanding of what has already happened in syria is grounded in fact informed by conscience and guided by common sense. well there you have it we certainly have an unprecedented roster of senior officials among the western powers and the un
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speaking up for urgent action in syria the big question of course is what form that action will come and what form without action come in and you know do see russia has been quite vocal about pushing those peace efforts and what how would russia would like to all of this you know what's in a position right now in terms of what's going on what's moscow say well certainly russia's position has been and continues to be that no force should be used that diplomacy should be the tool here russia's foreign minister sergey lavrov had a warrant against pre-judgment about the use of chemical weapons saying that the u.s. and other countries had essentially mistakenly drawn conclusions by raising the possibility of military strikes as russia has a sort of previously suggested that the attacks have been orchestrated by the rebels or other non-governmental forces saying that it wasn't logical that the syrian government would have launched a tap that would prompt this kind of international response now he also said that intervention by the u.s. and its allies without a u.n.
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resolution would be a quote very grave violation of international law and risk repeating past mistakes take a listen to the on the part of many key players started to take sides and act based on the principle of winner takes all betting on those who they saw wrist potential winners but then the winners turned into losers again this is an example of so-called ad hoc policies as opposed to logical and integrity policies you cannot for example declare war on one regime because you personally don't like the dictator in power and be friends with a dictator in another country countries need to divert from their personal preferences and determine the main threats to the region which are terrorism and extremism and that's what we need to talk about and agree. so there you have it that was russian foreign minister sergey lover of we know at this point that the rebels are unlikely to participate in any sort of international meetings we also heard that the u.s. may drop out of diplomatic meeting at
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a scheduled to have with russia on this issue so diplomacy certainly is the path that russia is pushing for but at this point it's quite unclear how the situation will actually play out a very tense indeed tabby back to you clear situation tense as you say captain of this says giving us an update on what is happening with syria right now a popular revolution against a brutal regime all a proxy war served up by foreign policy analysts in our washington studio have been delving into the causes of the conflict that's been raging in syria for over two years claiming countless lives and listen. first of all everybody wants a political solution everybody wants this crisis and i think the syrian people are incredibly tired but i think that if we do arms are flowing to syria whether we like it or not whether the united states or the west arms or not they're going to different groups and sometimes not the right people at all and is open the room for for extremists sort of come in into the fray of this conflict so it's imperative
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that we arm the right people in the right people are the ones that defected from the from the army from the regimes army because they didn't want to shoot innocent children do want to shoot their own people and you know now when i see a lifeless bodies dying in like this bodies wrapped in shrouds in areas where the regime did not allow people to go and these are not things that will go on my own and so let me brining here brian what we're going to say the united states government has been on a course to overthrow the government in syria because it's an independent nationalist government it was formally syria was formally a colony they did the same thing in libya they bombed libya in two thousand and eleven. they invaded iraq in two thousand and three we see war after war after war what's the real reason for the war it's not because one government has a better or worse human rights record it's not about chemical weapons the middle east possesses two thirds of the world's oil the us wants to show that it's going to control this resource rich part of the world the the bush administration and the
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obama administration are doing the exact same thing using chemical weapons as a pretext to carry out in illegal act of aggression against a sovereign country the people in the united states by the way by by a margin of ninety percent ninety percent oppose any military strikes on syria. the prospect of a devastating bombing campaign spearheaded by america with no united nations mandate starting to look in abbottabad for syria but what does history tell us about where this could be leading i just can't you can't take a look back at nature's previous mitchie benches. the obama administration is looking for ways to intervene in syria without a mandate from the united nations the president's national security advisers bring up the nato bombings of former yugoslavia as a possible blueprint for an intervention in syria you may not remember at the time none of the nato states that participated in the bombings of former yugoslavia offered legal justifications for their actions it was labeled
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a humanitarian intervention and with the help of a very one sided media campaign it was engraved in the public memory especially in the west as a success story and little has been reported that the humanitarian intervention turned into a humanitarian catastrophe on the ground what some call a success was two months of bombings thousands of people dead as a result both serbs and kosovo albanians went after seventy eight days of nato bombings serb forces withdrew from kossovo there was an ethnic cleansing of nearly a quarter of a million serbs and other minorities from kossovo allied forces used cluster bombs attacked civilian infrastructure including power plants bridges factories the headquarters of serve radio and television in belgrade even the chinese embassy and yet despite all the destruction and casualties washington saw it as a victory and with the same bravado several years later the u.s. made the case for a unilateral intervention in iraq in that case it did not even bother to seek a u.n.
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approval washington presented false evidence and went on with the mission to remove saddam hussein from power nearly two hundred thousand iraqis died as a result of that intervention millions lost their homes and two hundred thousand is a modest estimate iraqis continue to die in terror attacks every day and most recently in the nato went beyond its un mandate and affectively carried out a regime change what was called the humanitarian intervention resulted in a nation engulfed in chaos and terror. those are the precedents that washington has to look back to when considering an action in syria in washington i'm going to stick around r g talk to hans blix who headed the un's weapons inspection team to run before and during the two thousand and three us led invasion now he says the western media are now piling pressure on their governments to take action in syria . i think that the public opinion and the media in the west will be
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pressuring the their governments to do something they say that this is such a horrible thing that there must be a punishment there must be action you cannot sit with your hands just folded so the public say that you know you must call the police we will call for a world police but the question is who is the world police is the united states is it nato it should be the security council and after an intervention which could take place i don't exclude it is going to happen what will they do will just have been a punch on the nose and then telling the beleaguered city of syria that they go back and continue to fight the war the mandate is to establish whether chemical weapons have been used or not and the way they go about that is that they go to sites and they may take samples of dust and of water and they will have to analyze that ascended to independent laboratories to lab orders they cannot just
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accept the samples given to them from some rebels or from some site because that can be manipulated it will not take them to tell them who committed the attack but at least it will be able to tell them that yes the chemicals who are used. and you can keep up with events in syria as they unfold over on our website and also while you are they the euphoria that swept libya when gadhafi toppled was toppled is now just a memory as militia drive away hopes of peace to yes after the revolution get the full rundown on the libyan struggle for stability on our team. and t.v. stars joined hundreds of ordinary citizens on the streets of india's largest city in mumbai to show their anger at the gang rape of a young photojournalist you can see that full video of their protests on mine. now a third
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a bailout for greece is now unnecessary and unavoidable according to e.u. and german officials chancellor merkel who's trying to calm wild up electorate insist that a lot less money will be needed this time around it's a highly sensitive time for the chancellor with the elections just a month away. also gone out of her way to reassure voters that no debt drive down will be needed but economists say such promises are unrealistic and that greece simply unable to pay back what it's borat artie's peter out of all reports now on the dilemma of the german government's facing. more and more we're seeing senior figures from the world of european finance coming out and saying that they think that it's almost inevitable that greece will have to have a third bailout if it's to try and ease its ailing economy particularly here in germany that is something that would be looked at germany has been one of the major contributors towards the towards giving money to the ailing greek economy and of course we are in a period where there's
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a general election on the twenty second of september now to talk a little bit more about this and what is to be done with the greek economy i'm joined by dr marcus kerber who is a professor of political economy institute of technology and the founder of the think tank thanks very much for talking to me are we seeing mrs merkel and other leading german politicians dancing around the issue of what's going to be some rather painful decisions the going to have to be made in the near future as a matter of fact it turned out to be unavoidable to meet greece needs some extra money and instead of trying to. conceal this from the public by saying no it will will not come the german finance minister in straight consultation with from macro admitted in public that there will be a third package this was to limit the damage that would emerge from
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a denial of reality they continue appeasement policy and continue bailouts and sort of say now let's. draw a bottom line at least capitalizes on the believe of european politicians that the greeks sped away would be damaged. once you call their bluff it will be all over independent of whether the greek want or don't want to care thanks very much for talking to me so greece addicted to bailouts and texted to debts as well that debt . partly being financed by taxpayers from around the rest of the eurozone most notably from here in germany where alabaster mound of money has been as come out of the taxpayer coffers in order to to help out their neighbors in the south however when germans have been polled about whether they would like whether greece should receive this type of money well overwhelmingly about sixty two percent of them have said no that they shouldn't be getting any more money from germany it seems that
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that is definitely the case ahead of what looks like a potentially inevitable bailout that the should future few years you have all deserve a few good others vickie if it's too much we're subs need some too or we'll be giving everything away we're driving here in broken roads we don't have enough kindergartens this money. mention that there are a lot of people in germany you also have problems we should also invest the money into germany. we shouldn't just be giving the money away but thinking about throwing people here so the german people. will be called on to foot the bill about giving money to greece. a big lift off in moscow region major. with cutting edge technology and world class skills on display to an expected come from those strong winds.
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move. move move move. move it was thank. you. thank you. welcome back you still with us here on our team now it's a takeoff time for one of the biggest events of the global aviation talent just a spectacular fly program and hundreds of thousands of visitors expected at the max share just outside of moscow now lindsey friends are joyous as i live from
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a field day lindsey was there to see the biggest every asian globally what's this to see. it's over there's plenty to see out here max is in its twentieth year taking place out here on this airfield it's really a place where civil aviation and military can join organizations from around the world come to one place and really share ideas and look at some of the top achievements in the field in the last year and not only that but develop business connections both for for military and private business and now some of the developments in navigation and handling pertain not only to military aircraft but to two v.i.p. jets that business class customers may buy and so everything from new weapon systems to beautiful leather seats is really is really seen out here as just a shame or gets bored of what is on offer in the aviation industry now some of the
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things that people will want to see out here at max are some of the air shows there will be eighty eighty two russian aircraft hitting the skies five jet teams demonstrating their stuff over the skies above the fields helicopters and then also twenty four an aircraft will be hitting the skies teams from china france and from around europe now this goes on until september first prime minister medvedev will be stopping by and so it's it's a big show and there's really everything you can imagine out here from russian helicopters to these small private beautiful aircraft it's just it's just really amazing out here lizzie a smorgasbord oh at coole bad aerobatics us something obviously to see there we will make sure that we stop by. baggins in france they're giving us an update on what's happening they.
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find and then other news the palestinian leadership has said it will put off the start of planned peace talks with israel after three palestinians were killed in an i.d.f. raid on a refugee camp in the west bank but israel also faces a conflict within its own society as simmering tensions between secular and author of jews threaten to boil over into a violent confrontation argues policia expands military to feel were among brothers is one of the worst things in history the jewish people never lost to an enemy they lost when there was war among brothers higham and solomon is trying to prevent that from happening again but he's a lone voice the ultra orthodox rabbi was for many years a member of parliament for the country's biggest ultra religious party but they cost him out angry with his efforts to try and bridge the gap between secular and religious israelis it's left him angry because of a holiday unless there will be
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a change in the ultra orthodox community the direction it is going and it will lead to further religious extremism segregation and divisions within the community after this will cause real danger to the state of israel. one in ten israelis belongs to the ultra orthodox community they live in defector ghettos of the own making most of the men spend their days studying while the wives work for meager wages they live off to nations and state benefits in israel in two thousand and thirteen there are two different separated and hostile communities one is the old the other the one that most of its members are behind tall fences we will never meet in the workplace not in our schools not in the universities not in our college and because of this each side has stereotypes about the other those negative concepts ok so when two big societies will emerge on one lane in one state history told us
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that a civil war between the same people is just the middle of dying but even on this issue the two sides don't agree. with it that's simply not true there is no war that's nonsense if you see a religious protest against driving on shabbos it's because it offends the ultra-orthodox who live in that area or if it's about being drafted into the military it's not because we hate secular jews know this about keeping our way of life not to toros we act according to the word of god but tensions are at an all time high seems like the subject coming more and more frequent tens of thousands of ultra-orthodox men protesting moves by secular israelis to force them to serve in the army and every month confrontations at the western wall between ultra orthodox and reform jews they want to live with regular life they want to wear a little but i don't think they want to be in such
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a marginal place in the society i think it's only the very extreme groups that are dragging them to this point in response rabbi i'm saddam has formed his own political party it's called. i'm shelley i'm whole nation but for now the nation is not whole and doesn't seem to want to be so far he's failed to win a single seat in government whenever politicians here talk about the threats to israel they reference the usual culprits of hostile neighbors but the threat from within is no less dangerous a war between brothers policy r.t. jerusalem. now for some national news in brief the protesters calling for agricultural laws to be revamped have clashed with riot police in central colombia dried squads are used tear gas and wilted but taunts to force storytelling demonstrators off the streets it's the eighth day of a nationwide strike aimed at forcing the government to extend subsidies and cut
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fuel prices. a massive wildfire in california continues to sweep birds through the use of my national park edging closer to a large reservoir that provides most of them francisco's water supply the blaze there has also damaged two hydroelectric plants forcing the city to switch to other possible source more than three thousand five hundred firefighters are battling to control the fire which has been raging for eleven days. the virgin soil and government has set its oil to an s.s. nation attempt on president maduro earlier this month the resin to presume to hit men in the capital caracas officials though say they're working on orders from a form of venezuela. it's not the first time venezuelan oil has fed it to do real damage assessments in court against the president the most recent was two months ago reportedly orchestrated from colombia and to the united states.
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by gumming up it's a breaking of the said with her use every martin here on our team. sometimes it seems like in the face of giant corporations people are just sort of helpless i could be pretty pessimistic myself about what a few individuals with no real money or power can really do against the system but you never dull in fact if you remember tour discussion about ammonia doused pink slime being used across america and frozen fast foods well shift jamie oliver has actually managed to shame mcdonald's enough on t.v. to get them to back down and stop using this ultra processed form of quote meat at their establishments also we recently discussed gamer rage at the rather racist portrayal of russians in the game company of heroes two well all the rage actually
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worked and thanks to the seventeen thousand signatures on the change dot org petition that game has been pulled from russian shelves by the developer the thing is that massive corporations do a lot of bad things because they have no morals and are obsessed with profit but because they have no morals and are only obsessed with profit the second you even slightly threaten their cash flow they will instantly start cowering at your feet sometimes but that's just my opinion. to live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how fabulous and lucky i got so. i mean. that i'm. really not so. very closely. worst for the. white house says the. radio guy minutes from. what you. are about to reduce never seen
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anything like this i'm cold. what's up guys i mean martin this is breaking the set now been thirty three days with the blower edward snowden in complete legal limbo as he awaits his fate in the transit zone of the moscow airport you see despite being granted asylum by venezuela bolivia and nicaragua snowden cannot lead to the u.s. government's cancellation of his passport so looking for any kind of refuge in the meantime snowden is applied for temporary asylum in russia up which would allow him to remain in the country for one year is sound request prompted the white house officials to ask russia to extradite snowden the government officials have refused to return the whistleblower but this government wants snowden back so bad that they're willing to make a.
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