tv Headline News RT August 27, 2013 9:00am-9:30am EDT
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i'm new round of accusations over syria as the mask is insist rebels and foreign mercenaries are behind the alleged chemical attack accusing washington of lying over claims that has been deniable evidence of government involvement. while western warships and fighter jets move to within striking range of syria as the u.s. and britain seem set on military action if you want inspect there is confirm a chemical attack to place. also greece needs another massive money boost from viewers just as the people of pre-election germany get fed up with explanations on why it's ok to pour in their cash. to take off for the skies high tech as the world's finest aircraft and best buy is
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descent of moscow for one of the years key air shows. five pm in moscow you're watching r t m arena joshua welcome to the program while the blame game surrounding the alleged chemical attack in syria is gathering pace syria's foreign minister insists that rebels and foreign mercenaries fighting with them are behind the alleged atrocity once again refuting washington's assertion that it was the regime the calico assault claims have already damaged efforts to find a peaceful solution with the u.s. postponing a meeting with russia to discuss the revival of talks in geneva are listed often of has more in doubt. russia and the u.s. have been scheduled to meet in the hague on wednesday now this is to discuss setting up an international conference on finding
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a political solution to the crisis in syria now on monday a u.s. state department official indicated that the meeting would be postponed because of ongoing consultations over an alleged chemical weapons attack in syria and that russia meanwhile had expressed regret about that decision the deputy foreign minister had said that working out the political parameters for a resolution on syria would be especially useful now with the threat of force hanging over that country the russian foreign minister foreign ministry spokesman had also issued a statement tuesday in which he called on the international community to show quote prudence over the crisis and to observe international law urging against a potential military intervention now the intense international pressure does come on the heels of reports of a chemical weapons strike that may have killed over a thousand people in syria now a team of u.n. experts have actually arrived to damascus three days prior to that incident they were supposed to investigate a different incident and then there were reports of
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a mass poisoning in a suburb legibly killing hundreds of people the team did go on to investigate that attack but came under fire on monday as they were heading to the area they were able to reach the site to collect samples and to interview some witnesses but they weren't able to stay there very long just in half an hour and of course we have to keep in mind that their missions mandate is really to determine whether chemical weapons were used in the incident and not to assign blame on who was responsible for using those weapons now in some of the most aggressive language used yet by the washington administration the secretary of state john kerry had accused the syrian government of indiscriminate slaughter of civilians that efforts to cover up its responsibility for what he called a cowardly crime he. also said that the use of weapons chemical weapons against civilians and see. it was undeniable that the obama administration would hold the syrian government accountable for what he called
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a moral obscenity now russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov has warned very strongly against pre-judgment about the use of chemical weapons he also said that intervention or any potential intervention by the u.s. or its allies in the syrian conflict without a u.n. resolution would be what he called a very grave violation of international law and risk repeating past mistakes so he also sort of raise some questions about the timing of the incident and why there was such strong international pressure on action now as opposed to earlier when the reports of the alleged chemical separate chemical attack incident had arisen the syrian foreign minister spoke in damascus and he lashed out at the international community saying that syria would defend itself with what he called available means of a tapped unclear exactly what that be he accused the british foreign minister giving the wrong information to the public about syria's use of chemical weapons he
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also claims about the u.s. secretary of state john kerry had no evidence that syria sanctioned the use of weapons so i'm unclear if those remarks are going to make much of a difference in the. international decision making process at the moment but those are some of the things that he said in that press conference. while western powers have informed a syrian opposition and they may strike syria within the next few days that's according to the reuters news agency britain's media sas warplanes and transport jets are being deployed to the ukase air base in cyprus which is less than twenty two hundred kilometers from the syrian coast the british parliament is also being recalled early and will vote on the country's response on thursday the details from artie's tests are still in london. various reports here have suggested that there is indeed a signs of muscle flexing in the region particularly surrounding syria it's been reported here by the guardian newspaper that warplanes and military transporters
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have been moved to britain to cyprus fighting the marshall pilots regularly fly from larnaca in cyprus have spotted a c. one thirty transport planes from their aircraft as well as attempted small from ations of possibly european fighter jets from their radar screens and also of the guardian says residents living near the airfield have confirmed to them that there's been an increase in activity in the area over the last forty eight hours and it has to be noted that officials from the british airfield there have denied any military build up in the area the u.s. has been ratcheting up its rhetoric as well it's been reported by reuters that the u.s. navy was expanding its mediterranean presence with a fourth ship capable of launching long range subsonic cruise missiles to reach land targets in syria and now we also know from the white house that obama is
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weighing a military strike of limited scope and duration it's been said it will take no more than two days and involve the sea launched cruise missiles well as far as international law is concerned we know that up until this moment there has been no military operations in syria because there has been no agreement at the u.n. security council however now it seems that turkey britain and france are saying that they can have a villa to offer should even without the u.n. mandate of the french foreign minister along five you said set acting without the list possible and in some circumstances can be bypassed the box international law is defined by the u.n. now how exactly this will be interpreted will become clearer as we continue to follow this developing story around syria. well now let's discuss the western powers eagerness to act on syria was natural for the leader of the ukraine panels party and a member of the european parliament mr ferrars thank you so much for joining us
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here on r.t. well as we know the u.k. parliament is being recalled to vote on a response a response to the alleged chemical attacks in syria but why now i mean why not wait until the u.n. investigators finish their job and come up with some results of the a fact finding mission. well from the very start it's been the british government particular shape of william hague i didn't the david cameron himself who throughout the entire international community have been the keenest to get involved in syria you know whether it's arming the rebels or now as we see today a build up of warplanes in cyprus preparations for cruise missile attacks this government the british government has been the keenest of anybody to intervene in syria so that's why they're not prepared to wait but they also think that it's unlikely that they will get a resolution passed through the u.n. security council. and that what will happen there i mean some of the countries are saying that they did not need that mandate from the u.n.
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security council will they go how then will the military action without doubt well i mean international law is something that. you know people ideally i would have thought before launching a military attack would want to have and i'm sure that if we do go into military action without u.n. security council approval it will be a role that goes on for decades but ultimately international law itself is not going to stop the british and the french and perhaps the americans if they choose to do something. well i mean we're also hearing that the western powers from the reuters news agency have told the syrian opposition that they will strike within days but does that mean that the decision has a red. well i think the odds of that is yes that the british government made their minds up that's why you got the build up in cyprus today part of it's being recalled because i think throughout the conservative party and indeed throughout sections of the media in britain you know the questions are being asked please
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prime minister can you tell us what are the aims and objectives of this mission how can you guarantee that we were become more deeply embroiled and so i'm hoping that in forty eight hours time when the british parliament meets we get some answers to those questions but i have to say that ever since tony blair's time starting off with we seem to go in for foreign wars with alarming regularity often having no really clear objectives or any idea how we're going to withdraw and just to prove that point you know we've now been in afghanistan for longer than the first and second world wars added up together one as we're going to britain is ready to go ahead as well as some other western countries but where does the rest of europe stand on this. split i think that is the honest truth split but overall overall i sense that the feeling of moral outrage that perhaps john kerry expressed yesterday the feeling of moral
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outrage i think will win and therefore a majority in europe will decide that military action is acceptable i would just say this you know number one can we please actually find out for certain that it was a sad that use those weapons it's probable that it was but please can we find out for certain and i would send everybody else that moral outrage on its own is not a good enough reason to get involved in a war that could have unforseen consequences you know the real worry is that we have iran and russia on one side we have britain france and america on the other side. and without wishing to sound like a do monger military intervention in syria could lead to something far bigger far even more worrying than we're seeing at the moment so i think we really have to think very carefully in my view is that what we've done in afghanistan and iraq in fact for many decades whatever britain's got involved in the middle east we tend to
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have made things worse not better and horrible the wheat is ghastly though some of the crimes are the that are being committed there is nothing the british military can do in my view to make things better well mr prize just to clarify at this point there is no prove or any indication so far that if in fact the us the government it carried down the camel attack right. well what i'm saying is that i do myself believe it's probable that they did but it's not absolutely certain you know this whole situation is very very complicated and the so-called opposition are very very split amongst themselves and there was you know probably a stronger hatreds between some of the opposition groups as there are against the assad regime and i just think we ought to be slightly cautious we ought to absolutely make sure that it was a sad that use those weapons and not go for our leader of the ukraine of hannah's party member of the european parliament thank you so much for having to serve you.
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well r.t. spoke to hans blix who had the un's weapons inspection team to iraq before and during the two thousand and three west led invasion he says there is a campaign in the media to force governments to interfere in syria but the real purpose some intervention would be far from defending civilians there. i think that the public opinion and the media in the west will be pressuring the their governments to do something they say that this is such a horrible thing that there must be a punishment there must be action you cannot sit with your hands just folded so the public say that you know you must call the police we would call for a world police but the question is who is the world police is the united states is it nato it should be the security council and often into their service could take place i don't exclude those two to happen what will they do will just have been a punch on the nose and then telling the beleaguered city of syria that they go
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back and continue to fight the war the mandate is to establish whether chemical weapons have been used to or not and the way they go about that is that they go to sites and they may take samples of dust and of water and they will have to analyze that ascended to independent lab orators to lab orders they cannot just accept the samples given to them from some rebels or from some site that will not take them tape tell them who committed the attack but at least it will be able to tell them that yes the chemicals were used we see it as in the main as a contest between rebels and the government in syria but of course the intervention is there it is in large measure a arresting match between saudi arabia and iran and on that wresting much the u.s. is on the side of saudi arabia because they would like to isolate iran certainly
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saudi arabia is not in in syria to work for human rights it is there because they want to weaken iran that's the main purpose i think the yes you know i think you're right in saying that iran and the and the usa u.s. and russia or to get together and try to to sort out and to get a solution for syria might even make it less difficult to solve the nuclear problem concerning iran. while some countries seem to be leaning towards a military strike in syria even without a u.n. mandate others including russia and italy say such actions without security council approval would breach international law damaged account takes a look back at previous military ventures that followed that route. the obama administration is looking for ways to intervene in syria without a mandate from the united nations the president's national security advisers bring
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up the nato bombings of former yugoslavia as a possible blueprint for an intervention in syria you may not remember at that time none of the nato states that participated in the bombing former yugoslavia offered legal justifications for their actions it was labeled a humanitarian intervention and with the help of a very one sided media campaign it was engraved in the public memory especially in the west as a success story and little has been reported that the humanitarian intervention turned into a humanitarian catastrophe on the ground what some call a success was two months of bombings thousands of people dead as a result both serbs and kosovo albanians went after seventy eight days of nato bombing serb forces withdrew from kossovo there was an ethnic cleansing of nearly a quarter of a million serbs and other minorities from cos of all allied forces used cluster bombs attacked civilian infrastructure including power plant bridges factories the headquarters of serve radio and television in belgrade even the chinese embassy and
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yet despite all the destruction and casualties washington saw it as a victory with the same bravado several years later the u.s. made the case for a unilateral intervention in iraq in that case it did not even bother to seek a u.n. approval washington presented false evidence and went on with the mission to remove saddam hussein from power nearly two hundred thousand iraqis died as a result of that you mention millions lost their homes and two hundred thousand is a modest estimate iraqis continue to die in terror attacks every day and most recently in the nato went beyond its un mandate and effectively carried out a regime change what was called the humanitarian intervention resulted in a nation engulfed in chaos and terror. those are the precedents that washington has to look back to when considering an action in syria in washington i'm going to check them. well more news ahead including one of the world's largest air shows
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there's a media leave us so we leave that maybe. i will see motions to cure. all your party there's a goal. for shoes that no one is asking with the guests that you deserve answers from it's all on politics only on our t.v. . welcome back you're watching r.t.u. live from moscow well from the world's most agile jet fighters to pampering tomorrow's passengers it's time for one of the largest aviation events of the year planes for more than forty countries state of the art aerospace technology and of course astonishing aerial acrobatics well all of this just outside moscow at the annual max air show lindsey france is there.
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max has reached its twentieth year here in russia what it's really about is bringing civil groups and militaries from around the world together to share ideas so the both can push the boundaries into the future also it's about discussing expansion for both sides if you take for example this aircraft the rest of chalk it's about meshing the utility side of things it can haul heavy equipment and supplies long distances and it's also about transporting personnel with the comfort of these leather seats it's going to draw interest from the civil side and the military one of the biggest draws every year is the flight program this year eighty two russian aircraft will hit the skies doing aerobatic routines that will be five jet teams twenty aircraft from foreign countries will also have the skies will be three different teams one from france one from china and one from all over europe
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it just goes to show that no matter what is in the skies or on the ground after twenty years max is still going strong. well over half a million visitors are expected and the air show to see cutting edge jets perform some breast taking maneuvers and it's not all about the spectacle in the sky there will also be some multibillion dollar deals struck by airline a military chiefs are there for you throughout the week to keep you posted. greece may need another ten billion euros to patch the hole and its budget to fulfill the e.u. designed debt relief program but after six long years of recession and the economy
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barely showing signs it's hard to see what the huge cash injections it's had so far have achieved well the world crisis of two thousand and eight left athens almost broke but international creditors decided not to pull the plug and agreeing to it one hundred and ten billion euro loan greece accepted it had to wield the axe accepting a stereo and another one hundred thirty billion followed shortly and if the beginning of the turmoil saw public debt rocket to one hundred twenty nine percent of the country's g.d.p. the extra eight boosted by more than a quarter the alternative for germany party election candidate paul hampel believes greece is heading straight into a long term debt pit. even the last german understood already that we don't pay money to help the greek people that there is nobody unemployed who would help german funds it is the financial market that bangs and the people who have given
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loans to greece they want the money back and they got it back from this money it's quite simply the total adept of greece at about three hundred fifty billion euros three hundred fifty billion euros and you just have to put alkio death metrics books from school to understand greece can pay back annually makes him two point six billion two point six billion and greece will be in debt for cade's who is that solutions that need to have a cup and it needs a return to the divestment to the greek currency for greece already owes a whopping two hundred forty billion a year us and once some of the term slackened all of which comes at a sensitive time for arguably its main banker germany it all over isn't berlin to find out how people feel about how their money's being spent on countries other than their own. more and more we're seeing senior figures from the world of european finance coming out and saying that they think that it's almost inevitable that greece will have to have a third bailout if it's to try and it's
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a wing economy particularly here in germany that is something that would be looked at germany has been one of the major contributors amount of money has come out of the taxpayer coffers in order to to help out their neighbors in the south however when germans have been polled about whether they would like whether greece should receive this type of money well overwhelmingly about sixty two percent of them have said no that they shouldn't be getting any more money from germany it seems it's definitely the case head of what looks like a potentially inevitable bailout of a few that. it's too much we're subs need some too or we'll be giving everything away we're driving here in broken roads we don't have enough kindergartens it's money. in mentioning there are a lot of people in germany you also have problems we should also invest the money into germany we shouldn't just be giving the money away with thinking about syrian
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people here so the german people though we see alternately will be called on to foot the bill not happy about giving money to greece. well the head of a major russian company has been arrested in belarus he was invited to meet government officials but was detained on a rival at the airport to start his arrest maybe years decision to break off a partnership with the state for their what he's now accused of abusing his power and causing about one hundred million dollars in damages let's get more on this now from marty's business correspondent. so katie thanks so much for joining us to talk about the situation there i mean none of these you want to very complicated on the surface of course so what started off as a business dispute has now escalated into what seems to be a legal battle you got mr ball here the head of your account has been snatched will be thought to be the first hostage and this so-called horse hash. and i just want
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to give you a bit of a background to this he's accused of abusing his power in the partnership that counts which in your account valerie's college together this cartel accounted for over a third of the global twenty three billion dollar industry now that partnership fell apart at the end of july when you're i can accuse the other producer of mining that's the business part of it but it's as you say it's getting a little bit political at the moment is moscow's not too happy about it and speaking of moscow what has been its reaction so far with the action is somewhat fury you know looking at the t.v. while there is a powerful people in surrounded by batteries please i think the deputy prime minister you go she volunteers saying that it's all inappropriate and not facing. a little bit out of hand or spiced. or certainly there we have part two of this as we're watching the situation pan out for now thank you so much for putting this into perspective for us here. on r.t. discovery russia series explores exhilarates frozen in time.
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sometimes it seems like in the face of giant corporations people are just sort of helpless i could be pretty pessimistic myself about what a few individuals with no real money or power can really do against the system but you never dull in fact if you remember tour discussion about ammonia doused pink slime being used across america and frozen fast foods well shift jamie oliver has actually managed to shame mcdonald's enough on t.v. to get them to back down and stop using this ultra processed form of quote meat at their establishments also we recently discussed gamer rage at the rather racist portrayal of russians in the game company of heroes two well all the rage actually worked and thanks to the seventeen thousand signatures on the change dot org
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petition that game has been pulled from russian shelves by the developer the thing is that massive corporations do a lot of bad things because they have no morals and are obsessed with profit but because they have no morals and are only obsessed with profit the second you even slightly threaten their cash flow they will instantly start cowering at your feet sometimes but that's just my opinion. in russia summertime means. russians love their family country houses at the end of the working week millions of people head straight for the peace and quiet of the villages a chance to recharge the batteries take it did not escape the hustle and bustle. bus if like me you're not lucky enough to have your own dutch but little countryside isn't too hard to find. a room two hundred kilometers from st
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petersburg there's a holiday village that promise. his beautiful old house is a warm river and a complete break from city life it's called mundra and it's supposed to be a place to turn back time and leave the warnings of the twenty first century behind . it turns out the trying to live the simple life isn't always quite as simple as it seems. hello. are you going to mundra game i am can i get a lift with the hope on. when you're heading deep into.
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