tv [untitled] August 28, 2013 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT
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on larry king now the backstreet boys howie kevin a.j. brian and nick. this was. i mean these guys actually became more families in mind and they actually raised me and. actually brian mentioned to me that they were my car he and his guardians they talked about their tour that's the one that everybody knows but you know we didn't do that by fantasies but when we have all of them and the stage was on up the stage leans split our pants cavanagh's the time he was up on the wires up and floating in their hands while downs ripped off it's all next on larry king now. welcome to an unusual edition of larry king now our guest today are musical
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phenomenon of the backstreet boys they've sold more than one hundred thirty million records worldwide their ninth studio album called in a world like this is in stores now and their worldwide tour started august second in chicago we are shooting this from the verizon wireless amphitheater in irvine california and they'll be performing here on this tour in september and we're talking with kevin riches and how he doro brian littrell a.j. mclean and nick carter they comprise the phenomenal backstreet boys how did all this start with you guys start we started twenty years ago in orlando florida all from orlando no actually brian and i are cousins were from kentucky and these three gentlemen nick a.j. and how we are from the central florida area tampa and how did it hook up how does it happen that you would. it's
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a boy band well these guys he's got the start of it right and then they had nick unfortunately they had two other guys sides kevin and myself he was seven no no they were five before five guys these three and two other guys besides me and brian and then i came in and took place one guy and then we need another guy so i called my cousin in kentucky brian and he came down and the rose twenty years ago two guys who left have been living in depression. for them and it works and yeah they've taken to sell a lot of the house i think it's like the beatle drama. i interviewed him once there was desperation on the left the group for yes why did you leave high you know it was and it was in two thousand and six and we were on the road and the management we were already talking about making another record and i just my heart wasn't into going right in the studio making another record right away and it wasn't fair to
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these guys or the fans of my heart wasn't in it so and i wanted to start a family i wanted to do some acting was just some things that that i wanted to do i needed to step away the band perform of this not stop performing i think i just kept on going for gives us and they did two more out poems i gave them my blessing they gave me their blessing so it wasn't a bad no no no and then you came back why i came back because i felt inspired i had the desire to do it again i felt inspired to create with these guys we've maintained great relationships while i've been gone but i just had the desire again are now this new album in a world like this is your own label right yes yes you left the jive label why did you leave a.j. well for a couple reasons one actually jive kind of fizzled out once the big merger happened with most of the labels and sony b.m.g. a lot of the indie labels fulfilled our dream well that was you know they were.
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that was the other how they had their number one out of the other they filled the con we had told r.t. r r seven album deal and then the label but by that i thought you were the forerunner a lot of boy bands right in sync ninety eight degrees you have a talk with them where you went on tour with the new kids just to have four of us that we didn't design the block with walberg i yeah it was our guy and i have an oncologist with chris kirkpatrick from insane so there's never been any like weirdness amongst all this with all of the big you know ok let's get into the definition and help me what brian and. to disappear and what is a boy band it was basically modeled after european time where you've got pretty faces one or two guys that sing and then the other guys are just role players and then they would she be together and they make a record and they sell millions and i was really talented was a purpose of the role players just looks looks so good why will sell records your group works we know what do you like to we like to say that we're we've always
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first of all the definition boyband came from europe but when we went over there we everybody's like so you're a boy band and we're like what's a boy band and they said just what brian said and right will know we we like to model ourselves after the temptations and boys to men so we all sing yeah revoke among all the vocal harmony group and that's what we take pride in so we took offense to being labeled a boyband. but we were all singers writers and musicians and what you call you so boys the backstreet boys but the beach boys can call it savile is from yeah i don't easily boys you know it's rejoice over the boys you're right yeah ok i stand corrected. what do you think of today's boys' bands like one direction or the want me it's a little i say all different then you know groups like us that dance you know. it's more of
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a show with us where some of the newer boy bands they don't dance some of them play instruments like the jonas brothers we also play instruments as well but i mean it's just a different it's a different generation think it's a bit because it's a little exciting for the younger generation to sort of experience what our fans experienced with us. you know we can appeal to thirteen year olds anymore we don't want to necessarily unless they're we can mothers bring their children to terra showed us how to do you know what is the material come from you write your own this record here actually we've taken major ownership than it is sides being the label they in ours you know the permits the we are the writers we're the producers is the title blah blah mouths of the holes in the world like this thing so it's the first single off the record we collaborated with longtime collaborator max martin who's responsible for most of the hits you hear on the radio today and most of our
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hits that we've had in the past we teamed up with him in one nine hundred ninety four years ago and made our first song together and he's going to little over ten digits nails generally. one to. him you know what this sound. i don't know maybe go on them they didn't like this when. i don't know you got it's a. headset . this. wow that's terrific what was your part just to say mr president i'm doing the energy all up with you i guess it is in them
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stuff as teenagers just like we were partly you know some of us were teenagers now i was another mario and it was twelve he was the ambassador now they're well out of your parents come with their kids it's a girl i don't have to go with you and i did actually a.j. and i did both of us to you know i well i was for wouldn't have it's well i was fourteen i was before you tube it was the oldest kid of that whole oh it was you know i was twenty or forty one how did you feel going to rome with the news you could drink they could but that's wild because i'm the youngest of three boys so i was always a little brother and i got four of the big rubs i'm a big brother how important to your success was a t.v. and m.t.v. was definitely you know crucial and i think breaking the backstreet boys not only in europe because we got our start overseas and we won some of our first and t.v. awards over there but come back to america that was the first aware that we won here was a it was an m.t.v. award they create a show around us t r l because fans are requesting our videos so much so what
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happened to videos. i don't see why the black eyed way that's a really good question this fast paced world that we live in you know i mean you do well to listen to a song on the radio for three minutes you know without changing because it was intense in spain you can watch anything video you want your videos on the internet i have videos yeah i mean that's that's where videos are now is you tube vivo all these music channels are all reality television that's was taken over what should be music videos is now how about the whole industry of records change download them and. people don't really buy entire albums per se anymore they can go listen to the songs test them out and buy the track. that they like which is empowering to the consumer at the same time it's made the record label flip over on its head and i think also it's made the artists like us. which is something we've
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always done try to take our time and making a good quality album because we want to buy the whole record and that's what we take our time and make every song is you know potential possibly single. have you have a song you thought could miss that missed we had actually one time on m.t.v. live on m.t.v. there was a voting that we did with the fans and i get a lot of slack for this actually because we're the song it was off in the middle of william record and one was called i'll be the one. and it was more if i could dance song really a happy song the other one was called i don't want you back which we actually perform in the show as well and so i remember calling them up and saying i think i would really like because they were like neck and neck and carson daly is like which one do you want to be on the record i still have one i'll be the one as they don't want you that you never actually made as a single but i think it had been really big i think we had two great two actually three great records we had some great music on there but unfortunately at the time the climate being different we didn't get the shot on radio what was your biggest.
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i think our biggest hit that everybody in the world knows is probably i want that way i think of for that would probably be crippling games but actually it's back i want to weigh i think is is our staple i mean that's that's in the rock n roll hall of fame that's that's the one that everybody knows but you know we didn't do that live sandra bees but what do you think. in retrospect what made it for you what made your band different i think the. the diversity that we have homonym in harmony and we work very well together i think we're we're much. we're much greater than the sum of our parts you know as we do any one of you have a problem be it early you know thing too soon it was interesting you get to the problem for the i got a lot of trouble in both young guys both of us did i mean i i don't know if it was
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so much the fame that caused me to take the road i did with drugs now all as much as that was just my own insecurities and my own demons i mean i was a late late bloomer i didn't really drink drink till i was twenty two and we were travelling the world when i was fourteen fifteen so. and the drinking age in europe was obviously much younger but i just didn't have any desire but i think you know just surrounding yourself with the wrong people at such a young age we're going to do it i think ultimately my family sort of i mean the dynamic was. disturbed as it was you know before this happened but it it ripped us apart and out of their problems of thank you guys. i think we're all the older brothers to them i think i think the fact that you know like nick and as he said he's you know and a.j. a.j. didn't really come from the family besides you know he was just a single child me an only child and you know we're the fact that we've been able to be a family beach other and liberate on that just in
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a weird way i mean these guys actually became more of a family than mine and they actually raised me in a lot of ways actually brian mentioned to me that you were my guardian calls his guardian who would argue the legal guardian time. because a lot of bands generally break up this discord problem with the manager one wants this one wants the discourse famous for that did you ever come you have but that was even with those families you have a come close to badly with each other breaking up i mean we've we've had highs and lows obviously individually as a group we went through a period where we had no management for a good eight months where it was just us on our own and i mean we have a really good open communication and i think we all have the same common goal to just keep doing what we're doing and we've thought we've physically fought we argue that mean we're like brothers we are family but we do always want to have the same goal and i mean what i was saying obviously doing something right we're here twenty
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never asked at the something that must work at the same time we had a lot of people coming in and out of the the door for management to label to you know everybody associated with us and at the end of the day it came down to us five so that was who was going to stay and i flew with them on a plane to miami. because it was on believe. that the bar and i'm sorry if i did that really just saying everybody has a red eye to. only give their wonderful lens that they. have and what they were smoking but they were really bad with the backs. for example this. is a problem it was a problem very hard to make
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the breaking news. alexander's family cry tears of the wife and a great thing rather that there has been rendered in a court of law found online is a story made for movies playing out in real life. we're back with the backstreet boys they're on tour their album in a world like this is out now and that's the single from the album and they'll be playing here in california at the verizon wireless sampler theater in irvine in september they are a roaring success have been for years and maybe the most successful boy band ever sort of a little personal you and you i've just had a second child have them write us. you all married you know four of us four of us
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is when he's the next one he's in jail yes you're engaged has married life i'll have the wives put up with all this. they're amazing support for us they mean i knew my wife i was dating her before i even got in the in the group twenty one years ago almost twenty two years ago so she's seen the whole thing i mean these guys are like little brothers to her so where do you all live. i live here in california you all live in does lawrence and work in florida of the beach i'm in atlanta georgia l.a. . so when you get together you you fly in and get together right. now and see how well you know what about your marital your second child and yet right i just had a second boy as well kevin and i have now two boys and and how's your situation brian i was a little boy you were on our show with him yeah years ago disease that he had he
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had callous disease you know a stock which was it was only a food well or a motorbike a motor. car he had a boat of the right and he has the inflammation of the corner and the heart which causes aneurisms blood clots you see ok no he's good now he's almost ten years old now so he's actually to be open enough for us on tour. this a.j. was a situation home i have the only backstreet girl. and it was boys i have a bad girl it's definitely payback it's fake but you know my my little girl is amazing she is the cold did she's seven a half months and she's just an absolute dream and going to tour well my mom thought she might come out fully tatts but you know what both my wife and i both have lots of tattoos so if my daughter wants it she can definitely do it as being of course you're going to face this is it comes with being parents affected
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the tour at all is it hard to leave was it yeah that's harder leave it but at the same time it motivates you to work harder. you want to provide for your. family you want to set a good example. and i'm excited to bring my my six year old out on the road because i left the group and then we had my first son so he's not seen any of this so he's going to be he was here right here is a last night of blues mind you know we know is there not only his father was famous there now so none of the children is not old enough to have been affected by celebrity. really bailey's been around too long. he was on television on our show yes celebrity affected him i don't think so he loves the study but he's out of the box a lot many still everything are. saying he's a little ham we just have to see. there's a dock your bedroom big made about you guys yes why now should have been done soon when we had the idea that right yeah we had this idea initially we saw this this
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movie by a tribe called quest they had done a documentary you know we're all a big fan of tribe and. brought up to the guys and say hey you know what do you think and we had this idea long time ago so long story short we decided to start taping you know going back to our houses where we grew up he took each other to our individual homes you know went to kevin you know to kentucky with cabbage and that's off in the barn bowed shed football coaches and it's just really it's showing everybody the journey that we've been on through the years and the things that we've actually gone through in our lives i mean it hasn't been easy for sure but it's all about overcoming you know challenge tribulations there's a whole making of this album as well yes and just a music doc and yeah it's you know it's like. you know it was it was therapeutic tell me about how you're received in other countries. thankfully which every nation great your pm there's an example we just went to china and we played some provinces
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over there that had never had english speaking artists playing and they were singing every word to our song so that's just amazing and discos show you the power of music and that it crosses all lines colorings high it was a shock to a little towards on stage and styles of chinese kids are going over there and grab you a little absolutely i mean it's it's kind of cool like so his place that we were just at we were the first american artists international artist to actually perform in some these different cities and you know it's it's so cool it's very uplifting to hear from these fans that you know not only were we the first music that came out of the country when america started to have them but in terms of china. but that we inspired to live so much that a lot of them have said that they've actually learned english to understand our words from our songs when you a book j.j. did you say we're going we're yeah i mean we have been to china a couple of times prior but certain places like one of the place that we actually got to go is a place called chang chengdu china and we got to actually go to hold
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a baby pandas that was well this thing in the world i think for me that we've ever done as far as like a little extra curricular things well each of us got to hold a pad that would see them a bottle i mean it's just opened up pictures at all we all we did i mean that's just we're not when did the dancing start we did you always dance is a group. we are inspiration were the doo wop groups the motown guys temptations the child lights all those guys had choreography it didn't do a lab or dance just and it and it adds a dynamic to the show that it's exciting it's a shrine it's entertaining and we want to be well rounded entertainers we play we sing and we dance and that's just something we're very proud of and but we enjoy dancing i'm a mom i grew up dancing as a little kid i'm not only. i don't like dan brown's not it's not his favorite saying don't do it now why don't i do it is that we have social media questions for
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the backstreet boys say to get on facebook which album other than the current one was the most satisfying garbus of commercial success what album would you say this was our best and so on is the i was a millennial let me jump in there for one actually i would say for me never gone was just fun and i actually really liked this album unfortunately we didn't do it this is us it's a black and blue. runs our very first album we ever did something titled bakshi boys who all have a different favorite album interesting at jane or tears on twitter was there any artists you listened to in the late ninety's or the early millennium that would have shocked fans or your band mates i used to listen to nerve on a number and i listen to a lot of any. i like the i don't want the big deal that i like and you know frank sinatra aren't finally are you going to left and i think yeah. i love you frank.
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sandler sarong on facebook if you had to change anything about your password one thing would you change i know what you guys would change i actually wouldn't change it i wouldn't either because we wouldn't be who we are today if we didn't go through that but i would change some of our wardrobe choices. and so on and so my hair is no choice you look back at what you wore and all your god it was yeah but it worked for that time at least sweetie on twitter word songs that you're tired of performing it's got to be some you know what i'm doing but yeah you know it's probably for us in the past can sense is always been quit playing games in my heart because it was one of the first songs we came out we said in that song it's so many thousands. but to the fans out there every night that are coming they way they want that i do for them brian ken ken via facebook wants to know if there will be more solo albums in the works. problem joy into his solo records yeah we give each other
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the you know the freedom to go and do those things and then come back to the group if it makes us better i think lauren lease says you have to switch voices with one of the other guys who would they choose who would vote whose voice. switch. or new. on her brains. or how into. one of the guys it's not the group anymore he's going to think kevin's actually i think how it's. how he's majority and this is a diverse group sheepish engines me. play a little game goes if you only knew funniest thing that's happened to you guys on tour. i did a settlement through a it was not funny i don't know why you thought it was all right i tell you seriously there i fell through a hole in the stage right before the first and k o t b s b show with us and they eat the yeah i will of it which was what i was here yeah just as i disappeared i
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was lucky there was a cool director and i was looking to him and the ground just disappeared scared. and the stage we fought off the stage we actually split our pants we dropped our pants a couple times and i suddenly time he was up on the wires have been floating in there is pants i'll pass ripped off you know but i was hanging above the audience here in l.a. is where the legs used claves what staples college for a part of the forum in los angeles you know you got all your friends and kind of hanging up there my pants are coming off i said it's pretty embarrassing for me who takes the longest to get ready kevin or how it. was the pickiest eater. probably me who was the loudest norah how he. was on the plane with the right i was right next who's the know it all in the group. one of
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these two down there so i don't really want to be in the area where there are more than here. favorite boy band other than your own i'm afraid temptations. shy. cool in the gang a new addition poised to my. new addition worse roommate on the road. allow you with the juice and stuff. what is it again i know you are going to be one of us secretly what's it gonna charlie brown that's always got a cloud just hit and hit and. i say just waiting there you have a favorite song you always love to. say i love i love performing show me the meaning i really love performing some of the new songs of this new album it's always nice when you get fresh material that you're proud of. we're very proud of it it's been a wonderful thank you thank you very much. thank you i'm going to see you when
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you're back here so we know there's a link thanks for having us let's give a great thanks to our guest the backstreet boys grabbed their new album in a world like this you can play me out little background music you can find out coming dates on the tour a w w w dot backstreet boys dot com and don't forget you can help me pick the next larry king now i guess just tweet or instagram a picture or a d.v.d. with the book from larry hash tag and you just buy it up and up sitting right opposite the table from me and remember you can find me on twitter a king's things will see it next time. well. it's technology innovation all the developments from
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