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tv   Headline News  RT  August 31, 2013 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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the russian president blocks the view outspoken citric military action in syria insisting the alleged chemical attack was a provocation by those dragging the west into the conflict. intervention plans are leaving president obama isolated with america's allies in nato rejecting support of the campaign against assad but despite that yet another destroyer has joined america warships and the reacher. also this hour sleeping rough in london the number of homeless is still rising in the british capital despite the mayor's promises to cut the problem by the end of last year.
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hello and welcome to. news live from moscow my name is you to our top story now russian president vladimir putin has hit out at the allegations that assad's government carried out a chemical attack against its own people warning the glass against military intervention he also added washington's claims the full intelligence report providing firm evidence kind of republished disrespectful to its international partners. has more now on russia's reaction to the u.s. drums of. president vladimir putin was addressing the press in vladivostok and he did have some strong words to say on the subject of syria he said that russia is of course against the use of chemical weapons and weapons of mass destruction but in this particularly we need to wait and see for the u.n. to do their job for the investigation to come forward and as russia's position has always been then act in a lawful matter as
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a global community now one of the things he says is that it is ridiculous that the assad regime used weapons chemical weapons against his own people saying that under these circumstances it just doesn't call for it let's listen to what he had to say on that subject. by syrian government who else is advancing in some areas they've surrounded the rebels to think that it's such it's so and they would give a tribute to those calling for intervention. now as the u.n. chemical weapons inspection team has just left syria we haven't heard anything back yet and he says that if the proof of chemical weapons has not yet been presented it means that there isn't any now the other thing is he spoke about his surprise about the british government who met over this past week to debate the idea of intervention in syria he said you're surprised that they voted down the idea but that it proves that there are sane rational people who are out there who are using
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common sense in this situation he also appealed to president obama not just as a president but as a peace nobel laureate basically saying look if weapons are used look at what it will do to the peace process let's listen to his words on that. let's not forget that barack obama is a nobel peace prize laureates to dismantle the u.s. historically conflicts in the world. really solve any problems afghanistan iraq libya is a new dimension to the now. which is what the us explained it to are to bring your there's no civil peace or violence all of this needs to be taken into account before you wonder decision to start bombing syria which will lead to civilian casualties so as the world expects a u.s. air strike at any time a prudent urging restraint at this moment in time. the u.n. chief doesn't want to military action in syria until his chemical weapons inspectors present their findings to the security council that could take
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a couple of weeks but washington has said it will decide on what to do regardless of the probes results the u.s. appears ready to pull the trigger soon but much of the world rejects that plan also is going to check out reports while the obama administration is laying the groundwork for a military strike against syria but the president says he has not made the final decision it missed ration has spent the last few days scrambling an intelligence assessment that would make the case for an attack on syria today we finally saw that report the un classified four page version of it secretary kerry presented the report with this take a listen the american intelligence community has high confidence high confidence this is common sense this is evidence these are facts so the primary question is really no longer what do we know. the question is
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what are we we collectively what are we in the world going to do about it but if you read the paper you also come across this line our high confidence assessment is the strongest position that the u.s. intelligence community can take short of confirmation so u.s. intelligence does not confirm the evidence that the white house says is undeniable as far as the evidence is concerned the report shows no evidence as such just conclusions then we have to bear in mind that this was the unclassified version of the report it mentions satellite images and intercepted communications with the paper's main argument seems to be this the assad government has huge stockpiles of chemical weapons they have the capacity to deliver them and therefore they were likely responsible for last week's attacks near damascus in the last few days several members of u.s. intelligence community spoke out on condition of anonymity saying the actual evidence that the u.s. has is not a slam dunk and there are caviar in the report related to the analysis of the
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satellite images and the intercepted communications also from secretary kerry's presentation it seems the main selling point for the strikes is the horrible horrible images that we've all seen the report refers to several times it refers to the videos in the social media but they do not prove who carried out the attacks not only the american people are against an attack on syria but also the international community although secretary kerry talked about what he sees as a substantial international backing for for action whatever international backing he was talking about it's not the u.n. or whatever military action the u.s. takes eventually against syria it will be illegal under international law nato secretary general just said nato does not plan to dissipate into military intervention in syria the un security council is yet to receive the results of the u.n. investigation but even that investigation will not reveal who is to blame for the horrific attacks that took place the inspectors only have a mandate to ascertain the use of chemical weapons but not by whom they were used
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so the key question will still remain up in the air even as we receive the results of that investigation nonetheless the u.s. has already made its judgment. assays on facebook where you can join the discussion about america's plans to attack syria or follow say about u.s. warships in the mediterranean and obama's hints at an imminent a time find out and tell us what he's saying on facebook dot com slash. secretary of state john kerry said that both he and president obama believe a military strike on syria needs to be discussed directly with the american people financed let's not take a look at what the u.s. public things that and over half of those americans who took part in a reuters poll don't want an intervention see where only twenty percent are in favor or it's asked whether a son should be a tox if he's implicated in chemical weapons use just under thirty percent of americans said yes the british parliament wasn't convinced that an attack on sea
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where should happen and m.p. george galloway was among those who voted against it and john kerry's words didn't do anything to change his stance either and that's now this. all the high confidence fool confidence conference top secret all the james bond speech i recalled it all from the debates leading up to the war on iraq and those of us who were saying that these are all lies we're treated as are the fools or worse by the short ball mainstream media and political class here in the west well this is george bush all over again no go for it but this started with lower the benefit of their traditional allies britain in britto in france in america public supports getting involved in this war as our guide us air force how did you want a dog for president obama is making a great mistake so believe i think me going off broccoli probably and by entering
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into this war because once he does it do it going to be much more difficult for him to get out of it. u.s. stocks prayers shelled out more than one hundred million dollars for non-lethal aid to the syrian rebels the opposition includes al-qaeda linked groups to samarra because intervention in syria might mean the u.s. will be helping someone they consider their sworn enemy and the situation explains . a major aspect that's close to impossible to prevent in the syrian crisis should it get even more chaotic and unpredictable with the u.s. and western outside military involvement the likelihood of empowering al qaeda already a very powerful force in the country experts left and right are warning that the west would be fighting alongside group members in syria who at home are seen as its own main enemy in the war on terror the opposition in syria is far from unified political force al qaeda members form a large chunk of this opposition attempting to get assad to step down concerns were
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high before that western ammunition would end up in the wrong hands because there's no way to selectively support one part of those against assad's government and not another the fear now is that u.s. and western military escapades would in force not just a vague opposition it sees as the good guy but the al qaeda members that make it up by the thousands mainly the front considered the most violent elements in the opposition which experts label rebranded iraq in syria its numbers on the ground are estimated to be at around six to ten thousand fighters the larger extent of our presence in the country in terms of specific numbers is not known but its presence and influence in the future of the country cannot be diminished if historical lessons are remembered this is already reminiscent of the old two painful experiences we've seen before prior to western involvement in iraq in libya for instance insurgency it ran rampant but a peek at us presence walked hand in hand with foreign participation bringing along terror suicide bombings and even greater chaos to those regions. and
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online as well that closely forming international tensions bring over syria as well as this is on the ground. for a live update. on those on our website to give us governments assessment of the use of chemical weapons in the sewer in full you can read it closer i'm trying to find where washington's high confidence of assad is coming from. right the same. were struck. and i think you're. on the record.
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where we go now the u.k. government is pressing the new york times to destroy the documents leaked by n.s.a. whistleblower edward snowden the sensitive materials on the snooping activities of the you asked in britain made its way to the american daily newspaper from the u.k.'s guardian which was forced to a blue trace the hard drives going taining the leaked files however snowden's revelations have still been making their way to the public and here's the latest exposure so apparently they view as has been spending more than fifty two billion dollars on intelligence gathering this year alone the cia called denial schild more than fourteen billion dollars significantly more than the n.s.a. or any other agency the national reconnaissance office on the picture and general defense intelligence programs also came near the top of the money to gather they got nineteen point six billion dollars to operate imaging satellites draw maps and assets assess foreign military plans and resources made while snowden's leaks how
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won him international recognition has been awarded the twentieth century and whistleblower prized by the coalition of n.g.o.s and his people all over in berlin reports snowden has been stealing the show and germany's genuine actual race. well he's certainly not on the christmas card list of the german government as it stands at the moment these leaked documents that he's he's put forward really rather damning on the german government and just how complicit it seems that the b. and d. the german security services were in terms of spying not only to help the n.s.a. but spying on their own people here in germany when edward snowden released these documents one of the things i'm sure he didn't think he would be was a major issue in the german elections the that's on the twenty second of september the general election here and it's become one of the main the only real issue that people seem to be attacking anglo merkel over. the leader of the social democrats who said her main challenger in this election it said if he becomes chancellor if
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he wins this election then he will be asking some serious questions of the united states and he also be looking into delaying an important trade deal saying how can we possibly look at doing trade with the americans when we don't know if they have microphones under all of our desks so this has become something that the politicians are looking to attack anglo-american it's probably one of the only things she's really weak on in the public eye because not only it seems to allow the united states to spy on germany but it seems that she also helped the united states to spy on germany so this is one of the reasons why edward snowden has received this award and he is being honored with this by a number of groups for his work in revealing what turns out to be the wide ranging spying activities of the n.s.a. and the united states. now by club because after the break as the marks and pound stands with checked out some of the hottest dad devils to grace the sky.
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and london streets to have an increasing number of people with thousands sleeping rough despite plans just by the man to provide shelter. but the city's homeless the details after the break. wealthy british style. time to retire the money. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines in two counties a report on our. interview.
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this is also a coming to life for most of all combine london's mayor seems to have failed to deliver on his promises to come about homelessness in the city in the five years says has been also stayed number of people sleeping rough has only grown high of his soft ass reports now from the streets of london. the charity nightwatch head
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out on their nightly run distributing food to london's homeless no one knows exactly how many people are homeless in the capital but one thing that's agreed upon and that is that the numbers are increasing it's gone up from thirty people a night to fifty six to seventy. you can see a large number of people have gathered here to use night watches daily it's now more all of the people who are here. but a number of them are when london mayor boris johnson came to office in two thousand and eight he pledged to end rusty paying by thousand and twelve not only did he not hit that target but rust leaping numbers have increased every year he's been in office in london and promised he eradicate the thing by fencing. yeah. it's very difficult. although it is. a problem.
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homeless database change shows a rise from three thousand four hundred seventy two people when the mayor came to power to six thousand four hundred thirty seven sleeping rough last year but the mayor's office insists it's not all bad news and the increase in numbers isn't party to an increase in funding longer hours on the streets rat reach teams mean more people than ever before a big identified and now a target of ten new. lonely spend twenty four hours on the street yet despite the increase in funding many of the people here have been sleeping rough for months. on the street and in your dreams. that doesn't happen. a lot of them are problems of hostels before. the council please.
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get the police from. twenty two year old silas doesn't want his face in he tells us he often sleeps in a car park nearby it's a complex story this tells us that he has had some contact with outreach groups operating in the area but he hasn't yet got on benefits and therefore can't get into council accommodation to get rich through. a local outreach team have told us that they're looking into silas's case here's just one of thousands of the homeless in the capital this is the face of london's famous in twenty thirteen and it seems it's an increasingly. arty london. and for some international news headlines this hour and to afghanistan first where so side blast has claimed five lives in the southern city of kandahar twenty other people were
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injured that target stormed a security checkpoint that's people by both face and civilians are among the victims this is the latest unclaimed attack to head the country lost just yesterday fifteen people died in a bomb blast. while in neighboring pakistan a you are strong strike has killed at least four people according to officials the missile strike devastated a compound in northern visitor style this is part of a tribal belt and a tourist taliban and al qaeda stronghold recently leaked reports this is deep and popular draw strikes have substantially increased and. aid bus drivers and the woman have staged across a fictional process of being fired from their drugs and part of why that anger came in response to gears of unpaid benefits for over fifty employees of a bus company in a suit on it's already their third week of this plunge to last another twenty two days. courteney india has found
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a teenager guilty of rape and murder in the first conviction in a notorious gang rape was sentenced to three years in a reform for sexual assaulting and beating a woman to death with five other one of the group's members was found dead in a jail cell this march while the rest of face the death penalty the brutal attack set off nationwide protest with the government in action new laws for the protection of women that. way will waves of discontent over the upcoming football world cup are continuing to cause ripples in brazil hundreds of demonstrators flooded the streets of rio de janeiro protesting against corruption and income inequality demonstrators and mocks the president dilma rousseff was under pressure to boost spending in brazil's largest cities and power marchers turned violent as protesters attacked and major bank and national media giant the anger was sparked in truth over public transport fare hikes and pouring money into high profile sporting events while social services remain severely different.
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now after some thrills and spills from some of the world's finest pilots at russia's marks aviation shows some of the biggest day of devils don't need an object seat for a supersonic jet engine is then subprocess plane. it's not the size of the engine that matters it's how you use what you've got that's what the pilots of first flight rushes only aerobatics team using propeller plane say no jet engines here no mach two or eject buttons just good old fashioned pistons and plenty of guts at air shows like max these pilots may no longer be the main attraction but propeller planes were the first to take on aerobatics and they plan to stick around. and main goal is to show everyone how beautiful flying can be and to demonstrate the potential of these planes and popularize esports and aerobatics though these planes may not be so big and powerful they have great
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potential reminiscent of the barnstormers of the one nine hundred twenty s. in america this team's planes are equipped with smoke systems that leave patterns in the skies piloting on a stunt team is still a man's world but irina markov is one russian woman breaking that mold yeah people often ask me how i feel different from the male pilot but i just assume that flying planes makes us the same i feel complete freedom in the skies it is believe there are six degrees of freedom but in reality it seems to be much more out there that is how free you feel. making it look easy is part of the job and world champion aerobatics pilot. insists that means his mood has to be put to one side when he takes the controls. the most important thing when you do a great flight is to follow the guidelines and express your emotions be they sad or happy only to you land and turn off the engine during the flight you have to be
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calm and focus on performing the elements flawlessly and stay safe so if you is going to have fun. of course just watching isn't enough so off i went in a bright shiny yak fifty two with the arena at the controls and a leisurely two hundred kilometer per hour cruising speed it was clear that for the pilots it's more about finesse than g. force lindsey france r t moscow. and out on line team caught some of the best marlins of the skies you can see the photos of our website on our website right now in the invision section. and moonwalking on the bottom of the sea a new species of this brown and white bunbury a shark has been discovered in boxes near indonesia watch how the creature touches the sea bed using a fence instead of legs. and coming out and face it
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take the big take on the big bankers of wall street in the late edition of the kaiser report next on r.t. . sometimes it seems like in the face of giant corporations people are just sort of helpless i could be pretty pessimistic myself about what a few individuals with no real money or power could really do against the system but you never go in fact if you remember tour discussion about ammonia doused pink slime being used across america and frozen fast foods well shift jamie oliver has actually managed to shame mcdonald's enough on t.v. to get them to back down and stop using this ultra processed form of quote meat at their establishments also we recently discussed gamer rage at the rather racist
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portrayal of russians of the game company of heroes two well all the rage actually worked and thanks to the seventy thousand signatures on the changed. org petition that game has been pulled from russian shelves by the developer the thing is that massive corporations do a lot of bad things because they have no morals and are obsessed with profit but because they have no morals and are only obsessed with profit the second you even slightly threaten their cash flow they will instantly start cowering at your feet sometimes but that's just my opinion. you are a. very hard to take a cue. like that x.x. with that her make her look.
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good if you can. get. ok. i dave a crack a welcome to ten year oliver jane it's a little while in the middle of the chesapeake bay kind of a genocide lacka lacka out a. rampage here all in the chesapeake bay probably one of the best there is in the country saul fred. this is an old picture of ten deer island before the channel was cut for a hole here. way up there. as go all. right
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here are some of the headstones from the graves it for here this is a fruits that's what we don't want happen to tangier all and we want to get some protection and make sure that we don't go into the chesapeake bay like uppers did in other communities. welcome to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser today we're going to talk about young people those to whom we bequeath there's a burnt out underfunded hollowed out bed ridden drug addled and old financial
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system pension system markets and infrastructure stacy herbert yes max we're going to talk about a generation the all should just do or run or because mom and dad and grandpa and grandma have left you with a big bill for all of their hollowing out hold economy hold jobs. you know it's like back in the dust bowl days you know they had that woody. guthrie woody guthrie you know gone around town to town with a little guitar talk about you know shellacked bangle from duke old well that's what we're going to talk about you know i was inspired by looking at the story from los angeles where they're selling three billion dollars worth of bonds to fix potholes now there are so many potholes there because they actually haven't fix the roads for up to sixty years in some places so they're piling on taxes in order to pay for all of these past few decades where instead of spending a very small amount to keep the roads maintained during the whole process the queue .


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