tv Documentary RT September 1, 2013 9:29am-10:01am EDT
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the story of the cuban five began more than fifteen years ago. nine hundred fifty seven i was a university student and i discovered that kids my age were fighting a guerrilla war in cuba i read the story in the new york times. the rebels were led by a young lawyer dealt castro. the us government backed a loyal and very anti communist dictator. but the stuff. we have
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a lot of that you. will gladly sell for. and there are people up and i don't think. that we can pick up that. up. a lot. nicer than i was part of castro's generation. and openness and i was president of the accountant school and we opposed but he stood the dictator. all affectionate and business classes. we're all against but he's done it in the. life we're good for. are far worse than expected to
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do us sugar for version. our boat people. and the n.p.a. sportscar. time we would. really. have anything and everything that you could possibly had. my grandmother took me to cuba the hometown it was just before the revolution. and i'll never forget my very astute grandmother telling me a thirteen year old watch out for the prostitutes and the game would go. organized crime had taken over the city how.
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the mafia built the hotels you still see and have on a. lot of. who would have believed that such a ragtag operation could succeed. but it did. water when we emerged as cubans on that day. when i wake up it was a day of dignity patriotism and solvent a bit bob it will be those who wait on. you know maybe one of the revolutions important acts in those first few weeks was to eliminate the gangsters and the rockets. it seems you both naturally was provoked angry
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protests from the us government only. human revolution generates a process of social changes. brought the first wave of migration to miami. but used as corrupt officials torture as. my father was a colonel in cuba and he left that night that that president but he still left. i remember i was seven years old when castro came to power and i remember mobs
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outside my home. our house was surrounded sacked we were searched constantly so that's the image that i have of the revolution people were being imprisoned the fact that people were being everything was taken away from them. without trials or or without a recent. the revolutionary prosecutor had presented evidence that the men on trial had participated in torturing tens of thousands and killing some twenty thousand people suspected of antibodies to activity. the revolutionary court acquitted thousands of former batiste police and military officials but executed some five hundred others. some former but eastern military and police officials who launched attacks from
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miami trying to bring down the revolutionary government. in the exiles didn't just threaten they took action. in mid october of one nine hundred fifty nine they flew b. twenty six's from the u.s. to bomb have. either since the revolution took power. in all we had to do more than denounce the attacks. we had to send our people there. cuba complained to washington about allowing cuban exiles to use south florida bases to bomb the island secretary of state christian her to raise the issue with the president eisenhower responded why don't the cubans just shoot the planes down . but eisenhower didn't stop the raids and cuba began heavier infiltration of its
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agents into the violent groups in miami. that would be ended in a second migration comes in the one nine hundred sixty s. it up or be able to see in the merchant class he came to the us. the people who fled cuba fled castro came primarily to florida. were greeted with open arms in march one thousand nine hundred sixty president eisenhower ordered the cia to launch a covert operation to overthrow the cuban government it would be based in miami and use cuban exiles as the shock troops. were recruited and trained by the us government and the idea was to support them in overthrowing castro get rid of this communist it is. spring up play it like a weed in our hemisphere a manifestation in the name j.m.
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wave was the second largest in the world outside of the headquarters in langley. so you can imagine what kind of tentacles that had throughout the community but case office for cubans in. miami was essentially like i fantasize blanco was during the war. back when the when the cycle war. nobody was concerned about the employment of the cia and i mean i was day because as i say the cold war was at its pay there was this undercurrent of and trade get when exiles plotting to do it on their own or plotting to do it with the say i station. first i supported castro's revolution. you know it then i said no this man is a dictator. and i thought he'd become
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a real communist dictator i'd become important in the n.t. castro underground if you know more and more especially asked if i'd work with him . and. he invited me to lunch at le florida if we wanted. i mean. he said he worked for an intelligence agency it was obvious it was the cia and his intention was to create a psychological war. but i'm in language don't want to spread a rumor to provoke more fear of the government. to destabilize the cuban government but we force a lot of people believe that. the state you know parents would control children's education by this caused a huge panic this was the origin of the campaign known as pedro pan.
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i was thirteen years old. by the fall of nineteen sixty the central intelligence agency decided that it was in the interests of the united states. to get children of the upper middle class out of cuba. we call it. project put together by. the church with assistance from the cia western about it. some fifteen thousand kids came to the us.
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what i mean here is of course the bailout in the united states with eighty five percent of the population being strongly against it and i don't think even democratic institutions and the will of the people could prevent the government from actually implementing you know we have created a system that is against the will of the people that is too big to fail we know bankers that committed these heinous acts which destroyed trillions of dollars of wealth and so it does bring into question the very strength of democracy right now i would argue that it's quite weak. we speak your language. news programs and documentaries in spanish matters to you. a little too much of angles keep these stories on.
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old free broadcast quality video for your media projects free media party dot com in. one thousand nine hundred sixty it became clear the cuban revolution showed blatant disrespect not only for washington's policy preferences but for private property in general. hospital as followers bury american business and dump the symbolic caskets into the sea. in early one nine hundred sixty the cold war entered the equation when the soviet union offered to sell cuba low priced oil washington ordered the u.s. refineries in cuba not to process it. to go away our national icing all the assets of the texaco and as so oil company it's i that is what i was press conference president eisenhower i'm not supposed to was
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assigned chair of the united states should everybody has been caught in reply to my you know how strong deliberate policy i was going to. castro responded by nationalizing all u.s. property in cuba. by then how are imposed a commercial and credit embargo on cuba under the radar however the cia made a major change in its plan to overthrow the cuban government. the original plan for the bay of pigs was infiltration and set up. the guerrillas that were already operating mostly in the us and eastern cuba but then in november the fall of somebody decided to change the concept and require a lot more people and so as a strike force many of the participants in the bay of pigs were on that landing
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force because i had known them personally in cuba and i had recommended on a number of occasions that such and such a person would be a good man to have in the brigade. started training for the operation but later be gave a fix at the beginning he was not going to be an invasion. and his direction from inside. the spearhead. on january second one thousand nine hundred sixty one fidel castro called the u.s. embassy a nest of spies. remember what the united states and self-respect can endure that lebanon has now been reached. proper interpreter. not affected. they kennedy continued to pursue the covert plan to send
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a force of cuban exiles to invade the island. i was in cuba in one thousand nine hundred sixty one and like everyone else there i knew an invasion was coming but where and when. i watched militia men planting dynamite under bridges and installing anti aircraft guns along the coast. cia backed exiles assassinated cuban schoolteachers and militiamen. they burned cane fields and tried to sabotage sugar mills and oil refineries. shortly before the invasion kennedy ordered that no u.s. air support be given to the invasion force. that's begun on the dictatorship. media
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we got involved in the first firefight which was a cold that was guarding the city or the oil that will calm down and and therefore after that we started them moving in then we found the first resistor at one am in the morning and wednesday the nineteenth i was awakened by a call from the white house it was mack bundy he said i am in the president's office and he would like to have you come down here soon as. when i arrived in the president's office president was concerned it sharpened his comment. it was increasingly clear even with the breakdown of communication that things were going badly. no one knew. to see the american ships in the horizon and people were trying to get in whatever boats they could find to try to reach them but the five of them either there were too few
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rope boats and there was just not enough time when that broadcast came from the beach and the leader said we're standing in the water and there's nothing else we can do and he first we were inside this one so no. more mount and we're looking at the beach and then you know castro was coming to the beach sitting on top of the tank for a few minutes we were debating would take a shot at him and try to kill him we had him in the fight you could have a shot. for a position to begin with but i guess kennedy was not altogether with the idea that ration should take place or that castro should be the post so one day he decided to get rid of us and that's precisely what he did.
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even if that i was not being monitored or had not turned the words communism. the americans wouldn't believe a good. these was not a product of ideology was a problem of being to be in effect i. asked name call ups we were in a place called candle then the kids basically freaked out because now they came to the food really sation that then i'm going back home. there's no saying that. victory has one hundred bobbins in the peanuts and often the immediate mood of the white house in the weeks that followed the bay of pigs was a mixture of anger frustration there's little doubt then that. ultimate objective remained the same which was a overthrow cuban revolution the castro regime and i are pigs failed and then it
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became obvious that the only way to win was to execute the tyrant yes to assassinate fidel castro. does it was the first attempt was made at the presidential palace when i was here but if you look we. i was recruited by the cia by colonel harold benson. later we identified him when you put. as david atlee phillips also known as maurice spaceship. i had been stationed in cuba in one nine hundred fifty five fifty eight i was there fifty nine and sixty before i had to leave rather abruptly i had an affinity for cuba the cuban people are more. every occasion his interest was fidel one when leaving where is fidel going to
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walk our feet els i ten or aries clearly they intended to assassinate him these operations against cuba were known to the attorney general of the united states the secretary of defense the secretary of state and the president for national security affairs the president united states himself. castro could not defend against these attacks so he tried to plough missy. in august one thousand nine hundred sixty one he dispatched che guevara to meet with kennedy's advisor richard goodwin in or of why. the two men met in secret during which che made it clear cuba could loosen its ties with the soviets stop supporting revolution in latin america and compensate the american companies that had expropriated if the united states would stop its aggressive behavior and resume trade with cuba kennedy
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was very interested but the rooms were of the bay of pigs for the united states were much too raw to think of beginning discussions at that point in the weeks following cuba's diplomatic gesture cia backed raids against cuba increased castro then turned to a dramatic form of deterrence from moscow the soviet union began to secretly install nuclear missiles in cuba for thirteen days the world nervously waited. with the missile crisis and with nuclear war but kennedy and khrushchev resorted to diplomacy instead the soviet union would withdraw its missiles from cuba kennedy would remove u.s. missiles from turkey and not invade cuba. despite with president kennedy had promised to. the christian off on. agreeing to get the missiles out of cuba. we suddenly were found again
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a new boss came in and we were back in action again to get rid of castro the castro regime. and it was during this period that we ended up with what was called the autonomous groups. to involved operations against against cuba provide money and materiel in any way to these groups do not try to direct them do not try to tell them what to do and do not ask them what they are doing the cubans are going to run their own operations and they do it and if it was a disaster the got about the bush plainly from for its bombing mission i feel hollow and i was going to be the plane left from a secret base log or you go on and. read about nine bombings across the above or this never for the right place we did one thing on a materiel we told them where to but buy their weapons and not get rooked
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by the mid one nine hundred sixty s. the cia officials had left miami. but the culture of violence they had nurtured remained in the further away they got from being able to realize their goal they began at some point in time they just begin to morph into regular criminals. they are the children who raised in the twenty's and thirty's and forty's and saw all political gangsterism. as a means to money and to power some of them were politically illiterate it's the old story of give to the end i castro freedom movement. or suffer the consequences my father always said i remember even as
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a small child say he never feared debating somebody who was a radical or a communist he only feared not being allowed to debate so my father did not cooperate with the terrorist and repudiated the dictatorship in cuba it was a moral position to take but it also made him a target for the extremist and on april thirtieth of one thousand nine hundred six he was a victim of a terrorist attack that cost him both his legs and nearly his life. i would work again i would be on my feet again ok. captain there seems to be. just an unusual amount of bombings in dade county over the past few years what's been the record year our biggest fear is back in one nine hundred sixty eight we had forty four bombings this year so far at twenty three i think at one point in the one nine hundred seventy s. miami was having more bombings than you would find in belfast or in beirut they even bomb planted an institution in the big period of dodi's and in miami one of
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the bombs they blazed here. back in the late seventy's was at the f.b.i. office. that was as a message to the u.s. government saying wait a minute. we were and were on your side were your people and now you're persecuting the violent exiles carried out dozens of attempts in miami new york new jersey and puerto rico. but their main target remained the same kind allusive. ok. i david crockett welcome to attend your oliver james it's a little island in the middle of the chesapeake bay and of virginia side and back a mack county. rampage here all in the chesapeake bay probably one of the best
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areas in the soft red. picture of tangier island before the channel was cut for zero zero zero here. way up there. as go all. right here are some of the headstones from the graves that for here this is a fruits that's what we don't want happen to taint your all and we want to get some protection and make sure that we don't go into the chesapeake bay like uppers did in other communities. well if you will. face.
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world holds its breath i would pull simple intervention in syria as president obama calls for military action but it goes looking for approval from congress while the secretary of state claims the u.s. has evidence of the use of sarin gas. that's the russian president appeals to the american media as a nobel peace prize laureate warning him of the grave consequences of a campaign against syria. and also the sound of radiation in the fish a minute that blunt levels are eighteen times higher than previously thought which would prove a nice hole within four pounds.
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