tv Documentary RT September 2, 2013 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT
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wife i said. i think god just spoke to me and he said that these are his children and he'd give me whatever i need vienna said calm down god will keep his word when it rolled over and fell asleep and three days later something incredible happened. oh lord bless this food and the hands that prepared it. i didn't know where to get a hundred dollars. but in three days someone led me into the office of the most successful businessman in ukraine. as i told him about the children how they used to live in city basements and then came to live in my rundown house. the guy just smiled shook my hand and said go past or do your good work. in just four months they built a completely new house out of the ruins. what
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do we go ahead and so. there used to be an iron gray dawn cinder blocks over there where the kids we rescued used to sleep. we tried to give them new clothes to wash them. and to get the lice out of their hair. right here the republic of pilgrims began. yet finished had. little turned high it where not to tell you feeling ok if you want to keep living like this. that's the condition those kids are in when we rescue them from the basements. their arms are covered in syringe heads. clean them up.
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he lived in basements from the age of eight. he injected drugs seven times a day. at fourteen. i know what should be done when someone dies but honestly. i just couldn't do anything i was devastated i was on my knees before the care i cried it was amazing how much the boy consoled me with kind words he had no illusions he was going to die. for the first rescues we just went to the nearest crossroads. with twenty five or thirty kids the whole group back with us. no fooling around on the route. you know one overtakes me. yet the first seventy kilometers will be gently climbing up the hill. was
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a mountain passes are waiting. will turn you into men. right in pairs. i'm a musician and i've never cycled before but here i am. it was so hard my legs felt like they'd fall off my bike was about to collapse on the asphalt but thank god i got a second wind. we do it so russia will be with us we tell our own stories we were orphans ourselves even drug addicts we lived in basements but people took us in and we changed there's nothing scary about it you see we're normal healthy people. always had a dreadful smell the stench of homeless children. simply beyond description when we took those filthy teenagers from the basement. people who. do something to died
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in it but it's ok everything's fine. special. he's one of the first guys who came to the republic of telegrams. just. to change to eat as far as i remember. last year i came to the pilgrims when i was twelve i lived on the street since i was six right where we are now. i spent nights in basements i saw drug addicts and even sniff glue. if they had. come to our basement about time to feed us i think i would be in prison just like so many of my friends is you know. my life has changed completely and at the very least i'm alive i'm studying at the conservatory
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now playing music which is what i like. in the orphanage thirty nine times i felt nobody needed me there. my dad i. know my mother is drinking. in my life just like i want to become a champion. for beer with who's my first rival me. that much and you get a bottle of cola just that. you know. this guy is
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serious what do you think doesn't matter that he's short he's serious are you got me. getting his prize. joking aside. having a boxing match with the president of the republic of formerly homeless pilgrims go to thankless task. he got me three times in the jaw. once in the eye. first we talked to the homeless children and drug addicts. we urged them to come with us to change their lives to stop them from killing themselves. after burying yet another boy i just said. i'm not just talking to the kids in basements on the streets anymore. if it's a homeless child we just take him with us we know. that
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we waged war on drug dealers we kicked up a fuss in the city we started picketing places where they dealt drugs. obviously there was intimidation they threatened to kill me. right here under this window thousands of boys and girls ended their lives with a fatal dose. when i found him in the basement he never stop swearing. he said don't touch me just let me die he was stinking filthy his legs and arms were twisted and he couldn't walk. he was so damp all over that it just ran down your neck because he had to be carried out. we cleaned him up and after three weeks we took him with some of the other pilgrims to a children's camp. put him on a chair and bathed him in the sea. that day when the sun was setting he called me and said. forgive me i'm an idiot i just didn't listen to you.
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my fellow pilgrims. congratulations season is now. here we're going to be the world record. for how many people. you can fit. into one boat. the last one is an elephant called the pastor. i didn't think i'd become an adoptive father. but as my life became intertwined with them as i began to treat them like my own. when you take a child save him from drug abuse wipe the dirt from his face and help to rehabilitate him it's quite impossible to say to him go back to the orphanage especially if you know the boys escaped from there
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a hundred times so we began adopting the children we took that another and one more and more again. is my thirty first adopted son first when we were out walking he panicked even if he let him go alone for just a short distance but now he can walk freely and he says to me dad i feel the strength inside. about. horsemen that the best compliment is he grew up in a saddle. i can say that about my guys thought oh as. they grew up in the bike settle their fight of. how did you become my real son yes i never changed your diapers did i. my dad is
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probably the kindest soul in the world whenever you come up to him his eyes are so kind you see his heart in them even if he's tired he can't abandon a child he knows that they wouldn't survive so he endures to the end. as a special case the first time he was seen on the street he was just two and a half years old he couldn't talk yet. when we asked where he lived he just pointed to a rubbish dump. they lived in a metal container even in the freezing cold huddled in rugs like mice. well. you go begging jealous of people. go to the dump in the morning to find something to eat to steal or beg for food at the market and i see children going to school with their parents it hurt to see that a lot is a lot. bigger through forty chips of glue
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a day the court said had committed four robberies a night if you multiply that by the time he spent on the streets i can't imagine how many robberies he committed. and then you you get high from the glow and you go stealing and looting you need money to buy vodka beer. i'd already been arrested. waiting for the trial and dad took me into a room and said listen nicholai your mother has died you can go either to the orphanage or to me. so that i didn't think it would last a long because he was utterly beyond control he went hysterical and ran off but gradually the boy comes down today i'm sure that he's one of the most promising guys here he's very talented. he talks even more than that don't you from shrek
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that little donkey has got nothing compared to nicholai. kids is the thing i want to become an actor and playing comedies i like comedies a lot i've got everything i need now i've got a childhood i'd love and people just pat me just stroking me on my head or back because when i was little my mom was busy and she had no time to do it i don't know why maybe because she drank.
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emission free accreditation free transport charges free. range month free risk free. to tide free. download free blogs just plug in video for your media projects and a free medio dog hard teton tom you. get are sometimes you see a story and it seems so for life you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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my children make me very happy. all i have to do is just to look at my little eagles and my soul feels good. just recently i saw one of my sons who sixteen sleeping with his arms around a teddy bear and mickey mouse. tears came to my eyes. through this boy spent his childhood banking. and money for his parents which they just spent on drink. it's a great joy for me that i can give them a childhood. to get fire brigade good morning to you little rabbits. a new day begins has some questions in store for you i hope you can accept the challenge. to get. i grew up in
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a family of alcoholics i was afraid to go home because i feared finding my parents had killed each other in a drunken fight. maybe that's why it's easy for me to understand my adopted sons whose own parents were also alcoholics or drug addicts. ok dad. remember the rule slowly slowly gently pour it all right dad. i think. it's a miracle for me. i don't know what i would do if it weren't for this family i would have been dead now or would have been living on the streets. well i spent the first nights on the roof sometimes i had to go to the train station to spend the nights in the winter when i was little i pressed hard against the radiator stuff like that that i loaded watermelons at the market well i own money i brought
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watermelons and some food to my house knocked on the door and run off i was afraid my father would beat me for that long then my mum died right on women's day i want to congratulate her and afterwards my dad came to see me. i was eleven when they were gone it's been five years since. i want to have a family. i want to couple of kids of my own and adopt three or four children. never once did i'd find cyclists with a figure like mine and they're all living like by done. when we go up the hill i have my tongue on my shoulder he's just smiling is coming. well i can see it coming he'll be having fun while his dad's half dead but they always do what dad let me go
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ahead all right go ahead son. then i look at him go. back and become closer to our dream little by little we don't pay attention to roads the nature of the ballots were peddling to achieve our goal. we went past one village and right after we left it three children were adopted after we told them our stories. we save other children by showing off who we are. not long ago we took a new boy into our family he's my thirty second adopted son he's eight my own son is five but they look alike. so my son came up to me and said something that made me burst into tears instantly. he said daddy mommy i understand that. i have to share my mommy and daddy with him my son five he's living in his own
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little world and he's already so selfless it's fantastic. when we adopted our first children our friends were in shock they thought we would get tired and give up that we would fail because it's very hard and would come back to a normal life but these friends adopt children now. but you mine are not yours yeah you're mine no you're mine. oh yeah you know it. was you know he doesn't get it yet he still knew. he's number thirty two when i put that label on you have it on the air on the back i can't remember where it is. they wanted to take him to the orphanage. in the head of the orphanage wanted to do it once but i said no he's got a brother. but our mother died after
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a second bout of pneumonia i'm his brother so i had the right to take him with me we fought for him and we won. like he's crying because of mom. maybe god wanted to take our mother and it so happened that he came to us i can bring him up here so he doesn't repeat my mistakes. which. i think. let everybody see that around with deposit around to everyone that it was. money a number of years there in a i. found her brother. then she learned that she had one mo brother two. she was looking for one and she found
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a whole platoon. we were small when they separated us she was adopted when she was eight they took her to italy. i was hanging out on a russian social network and a friend request popped up i looked at her photos and i saw at once that it was my sister dad didn't believe me at first but i showed him the photos and said look the nose the teeth the hair everything is like mine we're like them we cold via skype and we talked i cried like a baby simply out of happiness i always remembered or i'd be looking for her. if you have any do you know any poems in italian. that now do you think. she should. what is merely a round of applause cool.
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dream can be summed up in just a few words russia and the world with no orphans. we don't want any children to wake up in orphanages. way firmly believe that parents out there every child so if it should happen that one child is left without his own parents then other people should turn up and embrace them and treat the child as their own dad i think we're ready to take part in the tour de france they right on smooth roads run through to france and europe where on siberian roads that means we have better you know mohels. they don't have potholes in the tour de france we do.
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this team has covered mall. the cells and kilometer of you let me out. the whole of ukraine central russia much the orals and almost all of siberia sort of that but suddenly i was kids who grew up in basements around sewage and heating pipes. today they go around the world with their adoptive parents calling on people not to be a fright but he's obliged to overcome their faith is myths stereotypes and prejudices me i just go to the orphanage with you to bring the children out of here me. yes yes. yes. yes. yes.
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yes yes. this bicycle is from italy i got it from a professional cyclist who took part in the tour de france our dad told this guy about his dream and he gave this bike to my sister was adopted and she lives in italy now i dream of seeing her i hope that in the near future i'll be able to go there and see her myself. there knowing what he goes. doesn't spit up my ego's. by. who.
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you know. yes you are i cried with joy today. you know that once in a while i get overcome with happiness. today was one such day for was to be a show me perhaps it's because i'm exhausted but it's not just that i'm really proud of you guys you've heard me say that before but i'm not just saying it for. there will be people who will adopt kids in a week in a month and offer yeah i'm one hundred percent sure of it absolutely. that's what makes this tour worthwhile. he.
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there's no blood brain barrier developed at that stage. wealthy british style. sometimes. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report. they were ready to do anything for their country to me is to love the country more than yourself if you joined the military for any other reason that you're probably not going to have a good day they were tools in the hands of the state now they live remembering the past which is impossible to get rid of. the war. but however
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good people to get hurt. and i've heard good people empty silent. a lot. but would prefer not to be sometimes i feel like. i should have died over there are. those. i saw some people who died. there is cheaper than therapy. on are. ok. i dave a crock it welcome you to ted you're all of virginia it's a little while in the middle of the cheshire big. and a virginia. county. rampage are all in the chesapeake bay probably one of the best there is an offensive call fred.
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before the channel was. away up there. as go all. right here are some of the headstones from the graves it for you this is a fruits that's what we don't want to happen to taint your all and we want to get some protection and make sure that we don't go into the chesapeake bay like uppers did in other communities. today. again fled. these are the images. from the streets of canada. giant corporations are today.
7:00 pm
german intelligence shares obama's confidence the assad regime was behind last month's alleged chemical attack in syria as washington continues building the case for a military strike meanwhile in the u.k. . revelations that a british company with quantity lights and takes full potential no gas stations to syria is not the government has a think tough questions about how that was allowed to happen. ousted egyptian president morsi will stand trial for inciting violence and the murder of protesters amid accusations from his supporters of the case is politically motivated.
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