tv Headline News RT September 3, 2013 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT
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it's cheaper. in the mediterranean and detected by russia with part of an israeli missile defense test briefly high tension in the region waiting for a possible u.s. strike on syria. with american troops preparing to leave afghanistan for good next year washington is under pressure to close one of its prison facilities they're considered to be even worse than one time a bank. and what comes first. will the crisis in the eurozone voters give a hard time to germany's general election hopefuls who they believe focus too little on what the main priorities should be.
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live from our studio center here in moscow where it's just ten ten pm this is. israel has carried out an unannounced missile test in the mediterranean sparking an alert in light of a military buildup in the region for a potential strike on syria the confirmation came off to the launch of two rockets was detected by russian radars. brings us the details. the two missiles were launched at around five am g.m.t. in the neutral waters off the mediterranean sea and then headed towards its eastern coast this was detected by russia's early warning system and then reported by the defense ministry at first no one else could officially confirm this including israel and the united states but then we've heard from the israeli defense ministry which said that that was a test of a new anti missile defense system which they conducted along with the u.s.
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washington did confirm that they provided technical assistance tell if said that a military plane fired a rocket which was then intercepted by another missile now. a lot of questions around the timing off drill since the full region. around syria is now filled with tensions with concerns of a possible military intervention led by the u.s. since most nato members did say that they're not planning to take part in any military action against president assad's regime but france and it will be us do seem ready to do so and only a president barack obama did say that washington may start a military operation even without the approval of the u. when he does want to see the approval of the congress but we've just heard from the u.s. president who said that he's absolutely confident in the senator's approval and he stressed once again that this would be a short term military operation aimed at reducing president assad's capabilities
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and also stressed that he wants to see more help and assistance provided to the rebels now this brings us back to the timing of this drill so since many military analysts now are saying that it may have not been only a test of the new military hardware but they have also been a test to see how the syrian authorities may react to such a situation or even possibly to see how long. it takes for russia's. monitoring systems to detect such a rocket largess in the valley area so the tensions are clearly still arising in the region around syria and so is international military presence. meanwhile president obama seems to have growing support for a strike earlier today leaders of both parties in congress said they were convinced the u.s. should respond to the use of chemical weapons in syria now that's amid
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a massive u.s. and allied naval deployment in the eastern mediterranean off syria's coastline russia's also sending warships to the troubled region but denies it squaring up to america so let's take a detailed look now at the u.s. fleet there will five u.s. destroyers loaded with missiles along with an amphibious assault ship are already in the mediterranean poised for a potential strike in addition an aircraft carrier group moved to the red sea from the indian ocean to support an attack if ordered the super carrier the u.s.s. nimitz is one of the largest warships in the world it's over three hundred meters in length it's powered by nuclear reactors and on board it has ninety planes and helicopters it's accompanied by a cruiser and three destroyers well the u.s. military buildup in the region is taking place ahead of a congressional debate next week on whether to support barack obama's decision to strike syria now says the chorus of those against washington's military involvement is growing at home and now apparently it's even been joined by some servicemen and
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as judging by images uploaded on social media people in military uniform are seen brandishing posters saying they did not join up to fight for our qaeda in syria while the pictures can't be verified the pentagon is already reportedly looking into the identities of those involved marine veteran gordon duff explain to us why many within the u.s. military are not eager to support the syrian rebels. if he does seventy percent of americans are clearly opposed to up. against syria and members of the military particularly lost five thousand killed fighting the same groups in iraq that we are advocating that we support in syria so members of the military from either side and there are clear divisions in the military both the left and the right none of them have any reason to want to support syrian rebels president obama has got himself painted into a corner there is no way out the syrian crisis and the threat of
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a military strike of forcing an increasing number of people to flee the woman zone the number of refugees now in neighboring countries is already exceeding two million with the u.n. calling the exodus the humanitarian calamity of the sentry or to continue to action returned he's returned he says that the war rhetoric is further exacerbating the plight of those refugees. when one looks at the number of american destroyers the number of missiles tomahawk missiles the cost of all of that historians in the future will be saying why when there was a peace deal on the table to be discussed in geneva did obama destroy and torpedo the peace deal and leave the plight of the refugees to get worse and worse one should add of course that while there are a billion people working for n.g.o.s refugee agencies they act as an arm of the american government it might be incumbent on some of those refugee agency
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volunteers and more so the people who are paid to work for them to look at where their salaries are coming from from the same people that are creating the refugee crisis but as you say two million when i was last in syria i was writing for counter punch and i was talking about the massive amount of care and concern president assad government had for the results of the nato invasion of iraq taking in the equivalent proportionately of twenty million refugees it was the united states meanwhile in the syrian capital the prospect of u.s. led strikes is not what scaring people the most efficient reports now from damascus . we were last time in damascus a year ago now we returned and we decided to meet some of the people we've previously interviewed for our report but sadly many of them have either fled the chaos or were killed one of those who died was mohammed rafia a young and very successful very famous actor who was also another and activist who
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chose wards to defend his country and he was killed for that are. the movie was that. we met muhammad in july two thousand and twelve during the filming of one of the most popular syrian t.v. dramas where he played one of the leading roles syrian series used to be financially backed by the gulf states but after the conflict erupted here those countries vocal critics of the assad regime was drew investment from an industry that's made syria famous across the arab world they want to fight everything good in syria they don't want us to be. the shows our drama to the word to shows our history or the way we live the way we love each other the way we taking care of each other's that's why they stop they stop they are fighting us actually. exactly ten months after muhammad's death we
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meet his brother noor. it's a lot of trouble and that evening a guy who was supposed to be a friend of my homage asked him for a live somewhere muhammad was helpless boy a lot because he was poor then nine people appeared out of nowhere and grabbed him and the next day we got an anonymous tip that he had been killed in his body had been cut into pieces we didn't believe that he's only a civilian we thought why would anybody kill him several days later his body was fine shall i order or. whoever. it was killed with three bullets one to his leg one to the stomach and one to his neck. now this is. during the kidnapping they want to take him alive to torture them to force him to
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confess that he was working for the government and then szell that al-jazeera of course the p.l.o. out of money for that sort of thing but he resisted to the death which. was that she comes back and they too can they also took his car it's common that such cars are leader used in terror attacks about three weeks ago we got news there's been a car bombing and that was muhammad's car. know your brother died ten months ago exactly ten months ago why you think he was killed he talked openly about what he thought. paul did the live here in searing damascus change in the last ten months and that may not last i shot him after mohamed stance many people who supported the opposition changed their minds they knew that he was very kind and help people all people regardless of their beliefs so when he died they ask themselves what are the people who belong to the opposition doing if they kill innocent civilians some of them are nothing more than criminals. what do you think about
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a possible airstrike that america is now planning. i smile when they tell me about the american attack we syrians are only afraid of god we're not afraid of us nor showed us and other this time empty grave in the cemetery the boy's father who is also well known actor living in damascus has already reserved for himself. a recent ocean r.t. from damascus syria. and would like to hear what you think about the threat of a military strike on syria on our website rocking the endgame will look like if the u.s. does go ahead with intervention plans well these are the results on the screen so far and more than hold for if you think at the moment that the devastating region wide conflict will. breakout a fifth of those who voted see libya as a blueprint for what could happen next fifteen percent think that washington wouldn't hit out at syria all on its own and the minority just
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a small number agree that any strike would be short and precise and punitive your thoughts on our home page at r.t. dot com on our online poll. mass unemployment tax evasion by the richest of the rich and the eurozone heading down a dead end pundits in germany believe those are just a small part of the vital issues being skirted around during the country's general election campaign and hopes the one and then the t.v. debate would rigged night critical dialogue have left us disappointed as the details. the post is the flesh is being pressed that this german election
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campaign is full of bull says racing maybe that's the whole idea make it as boring as possible so i know everybody kind of goes to sleep and doesn't worry about the real issues what we have being treated to is chancellor angela merkel talking about potato soup a main challenge in reading fairy tales and the green party suggesting compulsory vegetarian days where does it stop they going to start cattle to refrigerators at home and check to see what you've got there as well i mean or they're going to shut down the burger kings and mcdonald's on tuesdays and so you have to serve and aside from the greens apparent food fascism have been some peculiar manifesto promises the social democrats want legislation to prevent stress in the workplace and the free democrats hoping to win over commuters by making it illegal for trains to be late all distraction tactics according to those hoping to win their first seats in
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the bundestag they don't want to touch the real problems with the euro crisis diminishing pension fund survey come up with things like the green party wanting a veggie day one reason being cited is the lack of a major issue for the parties to really attack each other on when you talk about their support for the government's decision to implement the same to initiate further payments for greece all said yes yes yes there is no real opposition in parliament so providing the comic relief in an otherwise dreary campaign. the party i'm very easy to remember. with policies such as banning tourists from berlin and building a wall around the whole of germany these jokers are quietly confident we want to get into power and then we will decide what we are going to do with it what do you
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think the chances are. our chances are pretty good weeks back to take one hundred percent of the vote and even more in all seriousness though with greece looking likely to need a third bailout package will be no laughing matter for those that come to power after september the twenty second they're going to have to deal with some real issues as they take their seats in the bull in the stock peter all of a barrel and. more news ahead for you this hour including a look at the fate of dozens of inmates in the infamous u.s. prison in background in afghanistan that story and plenty of all those after the break. with. science technology innovation. developments from around russia
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we've got the future covered. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. choose your language. because we can we know if you. choose to use the consensus to. choose the opinions that immigrate to. choose the stories that impact. choose. to.
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he continues here in r.t. bahrain is to host a permanent headquarters for the pan arab human rights court the move is being praised by the ruling monarchy as being inspired by quote the king's belief in basic human liberties but the mood is quite different among the opposition ranks activists claim it's nothing but a public stunt and won't improve the rights of those in bahrain i'm now joined live by your wod fruits he's a former m.p. of the opposition party to discuss this issue more now i understand that you yourself were tortured in a bahraini jail can you tell us briefly what happened to you. i've been in prison for three months and seven days and imagine places like clinic within the military camps. military prosecution buildings and even on the military camps i've been tortured civil early and all different
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types of the torch or kicking. putting guns away slapping me beating me with with military shoes and even sexual harassment that happened many many times and i inform all or thirteen after my release even the king i addressed them a clear distinction you that exactly what happened to me and i demanded a trial and a full investigation even the best soon is report a cia report indicated my story in details but up to now more than two and a half year nothing happens and nor investigations being carried on what you actually take presumably you can take your case now to this new pan arab human court of human rights do you have faith in that call. definitely i don't have a faith and even bahraini people don't have faith and i think free international
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community they don't have faith and the question is in what bases and what they choose in bahrain bahrain considered to be the capital of torture and day by day we are having the evidence that the torture is still continuing in the prison and there's so many places and it's been published so many reports by international organization the human rights organization amnesty amar swartz readers and so on just lately the invention for reports even as ladies are being tortured so i think what is. why is why is all this being ignored by the arab world who appointed bahrain to host this pan arab human rights court. as everyone knows the pan arab is consisting of the countries of governments and all of them are part of the dictatorship regimes definitely they defend themselves against
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the freedom seekers within their countries none of them is still approved to be a democratic country i think it is part of that bahraini government money also a humongous they pay money to try to try to to to all make a whitewash and it is so clear that this is a part of sequence movement or bahraini regime to try to move this international pressure to improve the human rights conditions in the same time when you see that there are they forbidden even the special reporter on torture of human rights the special report on torture related to the international. nascent united nations or national council has been forbidden to come to war and then who get a judge that this court is going to be it won't be part of the regime plan to
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hold out i mean i know that you are part of the opposition and the bahraini opposition has really been calling for reform since two thousand and eleven you don't think anyway that this court be some sort of platform where the opposition is concerns can be voiced and the accusations of human rights can be listened to. i don't think saw due to so many reasons one because it's been located in bahrain and definitely has been funded by the bahraini government secondly up to now all the. evidence it is becoming like a frame without real content in bahrain itself we have ministry called a human rights. minister we have in establishing and organization established by the government but at the core it's just we want to show that the government is acting within the human rights condition but actually all the valuation is still. good dealing with it and it is not this is not just
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a position i saying that as i said international human rights organization day by day they are giving evidence i reports and it cannot be denied so i think it is part of a game want to play by the dictatorship regimes like bahrain it is. opposition party in bahrain thank you very much indeed for joining us live from london and sharing us your thoughts thank you. the u.s. military's twelve year fight in afghanistan is drawing to a close but there's some finish business washington still doesn't know what to do with its jailing background built in the early stages of the war on terror may be dubbed the second the kuantan m o but his reputation for torture abuse and lethal interrogation methods may even overshadow the human detention center what is alina going to reports now on what the future holds for background. some call the program prison a second guantanamo although in reality it was established just before the detention center in cuba and at one point housed twice as many inmates at the height of the
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u.s. war in afghanistan but these are just details the two really could be called sister jails just like guantanamo bay graham is used to detain people apprehended in the u.s. war in terror and has been around for more than a decade the detention centers have both had their fair share of scandals surrounding the conditions in which the prisoners are held and the way they are treated humiliation of inmates by u.s. personnel physical and emotional abuse allegations of torture you can really sign off the checklist as you go for both prisons and of course the biggest common trait inmates in so-called administrative detention that's people who were arrested but never received a court trial they've been behind bars for years and will stay there for no one knows how long sure american officials insist some of detainees at bagram a hard core al qaeda operatives and will immediately get back to the old business of terrorism the minute they're set free and just look at guantanamo there are prisoners of program who have already been cleared for release and yet remain in
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jail sixty seven of them for more than a dozen different countries and no one knows what to do with them again sounds very familiar doesn't it however things that bug rome are slightly more complicated than i told him oh by the fact the facility has actually been handed over to the afghan government which was deeply unhappy about having a foreign operated jail on its soil to begin with as soon as couple to full control of the ground in march it either transferred or release prisoners but what to do with the almost seventy foreign nationals that remain and what to do with the u.s. because some allege the americans are still very president fearing that i'm going to fishel israel releasing mates that the u.s. sees as a threat to its security and i'm going to fish and strongly dislike having these foreign detainees in their custody so far no solution has been provided by any side involved in this day in fact one top american military general has confessed that there is absolutely no plan on how to deal with the detainees at bagram so the
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still made looks set to drag on. wasn't big he spent three years being dragged through america's detention program from background to guantanamo bay and he says life in background was so terrifying he actually longed for a move to guantanamo among the things that i witnessed was prisoners being beaten in two cases actually physically to death one of the techniques they used to use was to hold us into common or cells our hands were tied above our heads to the top of the cage for punishment or for discipline a hood would be closer placed over our heads and we would be left there sometimes for hours on end and in this way i saw at least one person getting beaten so badly that it was that he was beaten to death and weren't even allowed to get up to walk we weren't even allowed to pray in congregation if we didn't comply with the orders would simply be taken to the front of the cell or to the isolation cells and there would be physically tortured and i was during one interrogation i remember very
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clearly being interrogated by the cia with my hands tied behind my back to my legs and in the next room that led me to believe was my wife being tortured and at the same time the way in pictures of my children in front of me asking me what do you think has happened to them where do you think they are right now suggesting that they were also in custody and this is the sort of place by graham was it was a terrible place and it was a place where i believe quite categorically that murder took place at the hands of u.s. soldiers for my part it was worse than kuantan in fact by the time i'd finished being a prisoner and background for most eleven months i was actually looking forward to going to guantanamo. some other international stories in brief now at this hour fifteen minutes have reportedly been killed on egyptian helicopters in the air strike on two militant strongholds in the sinai peninsula according to military officials three suspects were arrested during a ground operation i mean warehouses in vehicles were also destroyed egypt's been
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trying to tackle rising terrorist activity in the region since the arab spring revolution that toppled president mubarak in two thousand and eleven. the death toll from a wave of bombings and shootings in baghdad and across iraq has now risen to forty seven in a police station commercial districts and restaurants were among the places targeted they want to claim responsibility for the attacks incidents of the latest in a huge surge of violence in recent months with the number of attacks now the highest since two thousand and eight. so that brings up today for the moment with the news team out with more news when about to forty minutes from now in the meantime we meet the russian man who gave a home to thirty opens that story coming your way after a short break. we'll. see
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