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tv   Headline News  RT  September 4, 2013 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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on. the russian president against bypassing the u.n. to strike at syria putin said ignoring the security council the beginning and attack would be an act of aggression we got the full details of putin's wide ranging interview. which will make a debate taking action on syria as the country's president claims he's the only one to give orders and is determined to strike but only if washington decides to. new revelations by wiki leaks expose a huge snooping industry that's been selling spyware tools for terror and governments around the world so they can crack down on opposition groups our top stories this hour.
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live from a studio center here in moscow was just turned ten pm this is. president putin is want to get a military attack on syria without the u.n. security council's approval the russian leader said punitive measures can take place only under international authorization and if there is solid evidence the syrian regime gassed civilians thomas reports. president vladimir putin was doing an interview with the associated press and russia's first channel and in that interview he strongly cautioned the west against unilateral action against syria he also said that if united states has strong and conclusive evidence that it was the assad regime or that used chemical weapons then it must be handed over to the u.n. security council so that it can be analyzed and discussed in a global in an environment in terms of the investigation that is happening with the
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u.n. and the alleged use of chemical weapons he said that the world community needs to wait until that investigation is finished we know that those inspectors are out of the country and that information is being analyzed right now but he did say that he's not convinced that it wasn't the assad regime that used chemical weapons citing the fact that president assad and his army have made significant gains in advances in the syrian civil war and that he's not a desperate listen to what he had to say about that fact that it's good because it's social and you know we think it would be totally absurd for the regular government forces to use banned chemical weapons in a situation where they've been so-called the so-called rebels in certain areas and basically erbil to finish the month that they fully aware of the fact that such a step would mean sanctions including even the use of force this is just absurd it doesn't make any same. now in terms of the famous now famous video that is
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circulated around you tube we heard secretary of state from the united states john kerry bring that up as one of the reasons why the u.s. shouldn't get involved. the president did address that as well he said that this video is horrific but it raises some questions we don't know who these children are we don't see parents we don't see doctors in their president did it reiterate here wants to wait for there to be more solid evidence from the u.n. and they're. team on the ground to to basically justify any action going through international laws now in a separate as statement after a meeting with the human rights council a nonprofit organization vladimir putin talked about the united states congress and the fact that they are in the process of debating that the use of force and have actually drafted a resolution to be voted by the full congress later on this month he basically said that it was an acceptable to even consider using force outside of u.n.
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conventions this is what he had to say. it was the question of the authorizing the use of force is being discussed by the congress and the senate so it is an absolute commonsense substitutional in international law the congress and no country can sanction such a thing what they trying to authorize is aggression because everything outside the u.n. security council is aggression and a lot of you have put in his often come under fire for what is thought to be a strong alliance with a bashar al assad regime he had this to say he said that we do not defend assad or his regime and stead russia defends international law he also went on to say that it is dangerous when you start entertaining questions about the use of force when it comes to not going through un convention so a lot said today on the subject of syria from russia's president. almost there we
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can find out what else russia's president had to say during his interview the full version available on our website right now and don't call him well meanwhile the u.s. government is running support both at home and abroad for a potential strike in washington the house of representatives foreign affairs committee hearing on syria is the way the senate panel is about to vote on a draft resolution lawmakers agreed on yesterday authorizing military action let's go now to ortiz porton for more so we're going to take us through what's been said at this briefing so far well secretary of state john kerry secretary of defense chuck hagel and the chairman of the joint chiefs martin dempsey have returned to congress to tell the house foreign relations committee what they told the senate committee on tuesday and that is that the u.s. must execute a military strike against syria now all three top u.s. officials admitted to congress members that that there are risks to acting against
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damascus militarily but they say that the risks of not acting are even greater now during his testimony secretary kerry warned u.s. representatives that a lot of u.s. military action could actually fuel extremist fighters it was in what came across as a scarier somewhat frightening scenario for the american public kerry said that if the united states doesn't strike syria countries funding the opposition such as saudi arabia and qatar will begin giving more money to quote extremist fighters and caused. if we fail to. those who are working with us today with the syrian opposition we've been working hard to keep them from funding that elements those who are others and so if we back off we've failed to enforce our word here i promise you.
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the. respect of the moderate opposition versus that will dissipate immediately and people resort to anybody they can try and help them accomplish their goal and we would have created more extremism and a greater problem down the road a marina war is the latest we're hearing from president obama regarding his plans to carry out that strike on syria. we us president barack obama says that when it comes to the use of chemical weapons in syria he says it's not his credibility that's on the line it's the credibility of the international community although it was the u.s. leader who drew that red line a year ago against syria using chemical weapons he says that he was with his words he was in forcing a red line that the international community has already drawn now he says it's now up to washington to back up lip service as he said that the u.s.
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gives to the notion of international norms the fact that they are important but the irony here is that while invoking a list of international treaties as reasons to use force against a mascot's president obama has also said that he's comfortable bypassing the u.n. security council and striking syria without a resolution of that move is a clear violation of the u.n. charter and a violation of international law during his press briefing in stockholm with the prime minister of sweden president obama said that as difficult as it is for him to make the decision to militarily strike syria he believes. it is the moral thing to do and standing by and doing nothing would be worse. well we should act internationally well sometimes because of the various alignments it's hard through a security council resolution. and so either we resign ourselves to saying there's
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nothing we can do about it and we'll just shake our heads and go about our business or we make decisions even when they're difficult and i think this is an example of where we need to make decisions even though they're difficult and i think. it's important for congress to be involved in decision. when asked what he would do if congress rejects his request to use military force the us president did not rule out going ahead with his plan without the approval of u.s. lawmakers now president obama also drew a distinction between iraq and syria insisting that the evidence his administration has about bashar al assad using chemical weapons is more robust than the intelligence that was presented about saddam hussein using weapons of mass destruction which subsequently could be wrong resident obama also says that while
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russia has so far disagreed with the united states with the u.s. this course of action on syria he believes that he believes it will remain hopeful that russian president vladimir putin may eventually align with the position of the united states and he says that he will continue engaging with the process russian president on the matter of syria. thanks very much indeed for that report live in new york. well as the prospect of a u.s. military strike in syria grows more tangible the country's refugee crisis is deepening with a number of those fleeing the war zone now exceeding two million sweden has become the first european country to announce it will grant asylum to all syrians who apply let's discuss this now we can't swedish democratic party m.p. joining us live from stockholm what do you make of your country's decision then to
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accept these refugees from syria. well the decision the made it's insane i mean it's utterly insane it's ridiculous insane even for sweden to be honest and there is absolute absolutely no reason whatsoever to give them automatic asylum in sweden to give them permanent residency at the same time there's no reason whatsoever i mean. this government and previous government has done it's actually inhumane because what they're doing is spending the resources in sweden instead in syria or nearby syria we can help hundreds maybe thousands of times more people but your country's already accepted something like fifteen thousand refugees from syria since two thousand and twelve what's the problem it seems that the countries coping why are you so concerned about accepting more wise in saying. we are not coping that's a problem and we have fifteen thousand from syria in total immigration two thousand
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and twelve over one hundred thousand in a country or nine million and this has been going on for twenty thirty years we have huge problems economic social with crime and cultural costs which people don't feel at home in their own country in the north so we are not coping but instead of helping thousands or hundred thousands in sweden we can help millions of people in syria or in africa wherever it might be if we put the resources there why how can you help how can you help those the innocent victims in syria at the moment thousands dying also want to get to skate their country surely it's the least that the international community can do to help these people because it's failed to help in other ways doesn't it. you said it yourself he said there's two million refugees if we don't take twenty thirty fifty one hundred thousand that's of a lot for us but there's still basically two million out there in refugee camps in jordan or it might be that needs money and that u.n.h.c.r. screams for money every day we could help those people we could give them better
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care better security better food better medicine but instead we sort of prioritize the few in sweden because it makes the ruling elite in sweden happy about themselves so they can sleep better at night it's actually it's in a main decision is an utterly stupid to be honest you're a member of the swedish parliament do your views reflect the general population in sweden do you think you got a lot of backing from the suite. i definitely think we have a lot of back and we see that in the polls we're not a store largest party in sweden because of the utter failure that this simply was governments has done when it comes to immigration and you can also see surveys where swedish people think we need to lower immigration to sweden and after the session like this where we're going to get more votes and you know that's good for us but this immigration is unfortunate not good for sweden if military intervention does take place the u.s. and france in the go ahead with strikes are you concerned that they'll be even more
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of an influx of refugees of refugees to your country. yes definitely but the problem that sweden did with this decision is not only allowing them in is the signal we're sending out to these countries i mean people are. traveling to sweden for this and they're not fleeing to sweden if they fled they would have fled to the closest place where they could be safe and that's not sweden they have to pass through a bunch of countries in the middle east through all the countries in europe to go all the way to sweden they're not fleeing to sweden they're traveling to sweden and that's a very important points. let's remember the swedish parliament and sweden democratic party thank you very much indeed for your thoughts. thank you this is a life here in moscow i'll be back with more news shortly for you including brand new revelations by wiki leaks about companies selling spy wed to governments around the world of the stories shortly for
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a. wealthy british style sun it's time to rise. to. markets why not scandals. find out what's really happening to the global economy in cars a report on our choose your language. with oh if. someone. chooses to use the consensus to.
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choose the opinions that invigorating. choose the stories that impact your life choose access to. news continues here not here huge new revelation from wiki leaks is expose a sweeping surveillance industry which has been developing spyware for governments to track and control their citizens he was among the very few media outlets given access to the documents prior to that release data interception mass monitoring individual tracking those are just a number of services that were provided by some western companies revolutions have been outlined in thousands of pages which featured trade. and invoices the documents obtained by wiki leaks indicate that companies were making money on selling the technology to governments around the world among the countries were.
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which were provided with so-called monitoring systems and this kind of spyware could be used to snoop on activists and opposition members without their consent or these reports. say goodbye to the days of super sleuths gadgets and surveillance data person's privacy listening to their phone calls and internet activity and emails all you need is spy ware wiki leaks leaks by files three reveals that it's british companies that are pioneering the technology this is a promotional video for gamma international about its advanced surveillance software the program boasts that the technology can be installed inside an internet server which in turn allows the government to infect any internet user in the country with spyware nothing you say kept safe and that includes all your online passwords and usernames. but
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a government purchased and installed in. your browser. injectors. behind me are gamma international's u.k. headquarters from where the company develops and sells the capability to tap into anyone's smart phone or computer reporters without borders have named the company one of the five corporate enemies of the internet. the technology is marketed to law enforcement agencies as a way of identifying and catching serious criminals but human rights campaigners say that the software is regularly sold to repressive political regimes where the definition of criminals can be somewhat different as one human rights campaigner in bahrain found out she says that gamma's fin spicer was used to get her off to she
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took part in anti-government protests look like a genuine email addresses from another political activist saying that they were going to begin talks with the king of bahrain about the future of the country so i was in fact very intrigued very curious the manufacturer was government and national just opened my eyes into this other world of surveillance technology monitoring so we know that the british intelligence carries out this kind of activities of allowing private the private sector to carry out these kind of activities for all the foreign governments researches have identified. around the globe. activists and journalists last year. servers were spyware it appears for the number of other countries such as turkmenistan carter we also found a sample of the spyware by spyware appeared to be targeted to ethiopia. from our perspective is that this technology were created around the
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world without any sort of maybe the stuff of spy movies but campaign is say the british government needs to wake up and start regulating whose hands the invasive technology is falling into we need to start acting like the weapons that can be used online are exactly the same as the kind of weapons like bombs and guns that can be used to hurt people. london. and you can find detailed information leaked documents on the latest updates on this revelation at our website r.t. dot com. a key press freedom group has confronted the u.k. government over its attempts to silence those who try to raise their voice they claim downing street has abused anti terror laws in a scaremongering campaign against whistle blows so forth firth has more. an act of intimidation that could have a chilling effect on press freedom in the u.k. and beyond not quite what you'd normally expect from
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a letter to the prime minister about press freedom in the but those strong words coming from the world association of newspapers you organization felt compelled to write after the guardian newspaper was forced by british security services to destroy information received from n.s.a. whistleblower edward snowden and then the partner of one of its journalists suspected of carrying information the government deemed sensitive to national security was placed in detention upon arrival at heathrow airport david miranda partner of guardian journalist glenn greenwald was held for nine hours is the maximum time a person can be held using laws designed to catch a terrorist you know one of the reasons why we're so concerned and when i look at the work press freedom department does which is which has a global reach one of the issues that we have united kingdom is saying
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about. freedom with a very strong record on ensuring that it. can write the new and so so for around. here the press freedom situation in the united kingdom is this sliding and this is of great concern it is twenty thirteen freedom of speech seen here reporters without borders gives the satisfactory situation rating for freedom of the press britain slipped from nineteenth in two thousand and ten to its current ranking of twenty ninth many are concerned that she will serve in of the terrorism act the law used to detain miranda is certainly being used to stop journalists doing their job of holding people in power to account rather than being used to prevent terrorism. than allows for. to stop examine and search passengers that travel terminals there's no need for any suspicion that they are linked to
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terrorism it's a very difficult problem the security services have a difficult job difficult job. and the state clearly has a duty to protect its citizens and. those people living. at the same time i think they must recognise the role of the media. and you have to have to be in line with the appropriate law and use the appropriate rules responsibility and regional government said it had to assume that copies of the information held by mr snowden could now be held by foreign countries to see mr snowden's travel since leaving the us and that the disclosure of some of that material kids put lives at risk well critics of the government's actions have described these as alarmist planes aimed at justifying the blurring of the lines
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between terrorism and journalism it's thought a full hearing into the legality of david miranda detention and the seizure of that data will take place in october but in the meantime expect to see that war of words continue with the u.k. seemingly struggling to strike a balance between national security and press freedom sara. london. now to another chill c. manning formerly known as bradley uses her legal last resort the private sentenced to thirty five years for the biggest leak of danger in u.s. history a plea for a presidential pardon from obama as more on this story right now online plus. moscow welcomes military bands from around the world for an annual music festival with breathtaking performances right here in the heart of the russian capital invision section for more stunning images of the event. bombings and shootings in iraq have left more than twenty people dead many of them
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women and children who were executed by government just south of the capital this brings the death toll to more than one hundred fifty since the beginning of the month jeff steinberg of the executive intelligence review magazine believes terrorists are thriving on a neighbor in crisis. is enormous and the whole region is facing a grave crisis iraq is in a very fragile situation it borders are in syria so you. can you rock forces moving back and of course their border and of course the fact there are the saudis funding the sunni insurgency that's driving iraq into. internal crisis many of the. sunni insurgents who were operating inside iraq have now over into syria so in a certain way. the violence now tremendously inside iraq is
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a kind of reverberations back there the crisis centered in syria. some international news in brief the south africa's largest union the national union of mineworkers to stage a higher wages some eighty thousand members have laid down to the actual cost the industry more than thirty million dollars a day president zuma pledged to the union and the money companies to find a peaceful solution cause last year when police shot dead thirty four miners during a strike. the man who kidnapped three women and held them captive in his home for more than a decade has died after being found in his prison officials are struggling to explain how the incident occurred as the man's been in protective custody with regular checks castro was on the court when one of his victims managed to escape in may this year and. was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole plus one
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thousand years. update i'll be back with a news team in about fifty minutes from now in the meantime report on the terrible toll military service takes on young troops newly returned from the battlefield that's a special report after this short break and. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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syria and barack obama's complicated pounds towards the american administration is determined to punish the assad regime's alleged use of chemical weapons other than members of mainstream media many are skeptical of the president's claims and the necessity to attack syria so what is obama's plan and does it make any sense. to. put it on your whole show more than a life should be polished face time so i. was.
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a pleasure to. rings id for headaches this is for sleep this is a tranquilizer too if i have any episodes xanax would cause blackouts announced. the kind of which is pretty nightmare because. if you can't get off of it. and vilified it is kind of. true for me because sometimes i have episodes where i won't be able to own. i think something will trigger me and which i'll just keep on working and working and working. like seventy two hours just so exhausted. and i can take that and build. a show out for. every one.


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