tv Larry King Now RT September 4, 2013 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT
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on mary good analogy or winning add a google or a takes on the blue but i was six seven years old i heard a song on the radio it's like an electric shock and i sold this is i'm home this is the music from the and it always will be you like it better than acting i do think x. has become actors in order something i do they are they put on mosques when you when you're doing music there's still an element of actually removing moss is it's about exposing the subplots how did you do that very i loved it i still do the weird combination of grace intelligence and skill combined with the brain of a year old i just find completely challenging he still makes me go all next on larry king now. or on the road welcome to larry king now our special guest one of my favorite
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people hugh laurie is with us the musician actor writer director you've gone from the portrayal of course of gregory house the doctor on the fox series house he's now the or winning actor is now shifting that focus to music his second blues album didn't it rain didn't it rain is in stores now and we're shooting by the way from the nightclub don't tell mama and west i love that is feisty in west hollywood didn't it rain is that also a tune in the album it is yes it's a it's an old sort of gospel to you know it's made jackson had a big hit with the there's a bush my sister is a thought that still quickens mine pulse whenever i hear it is one of the believed to be blues you are saying that you play piano i would like piano and guitar and sing why the blues it's just i can't explain it it's just music that i've loved since the very first time i heard it i was six seven years old i heard a song on the radio it was like you know. electric shock and i thought this is i'm
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home this is the music for me and it always will be there are arguments though about genuine i just thought i don't want names out the chopped it that he was his son's eyes are blue shouldn't it in that pleasing only holiday right is a blues right you have to feel it this is correct i mean that you would hope that people would feel anything that singing it go anywhere during a play well i don't i'm not so sure about this i mean i know that there that is a view but i need to meet a lot of this music american jazz and blues to me this is high art it's as high as anything else and i don't i would hate to think it's got to live in a box like a museum exhibit that can only be sung by a certain kind of saying it but then i'd be bound to say that because look at me i don't belong there i mean i'm not a why don't i spend i don't i don't belong to him with i'm a damn your honor your first album sold a million copies were you first the say here no this is this is all come very late
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for me an actor i was an actor yeah yeah i mean i was saying i sang in my shot and i said my stress my shadow not other come about that you would do a record how does that even the come about well i reckon you know a man with a fat cigar came to me and said you want to give this a try my first reaction was no i it as you say you know i'm i'm i'm a wise in this room what business have i got trespassing on this holy ground and then i thought well if i say no to this i mean never get another chance like this in ten years from now i don't want to be looking back saying i could have done that and didn't so i thought i'm going to i'm going to jump and are standpoint of pure enjoyment if you like it better than acting i do i do i feel the cliff you know it's my sense of betrayal that all the people i've worked with are only accidents things i've done which have been fantastically enjoyable and i've been so so lucky. but there's something about music that. it's
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a stop rates on a different level it touches a different possible as you perform musically i do i do we just come back from a big tour of europe and we're going to start a tour of the united states playing what kind of houses we have playing all kinds that way it would sort of two three thousand seat sort of nice rooms i mean really really nice to write any of your own show on i i do but that's not what we do at the moment i feel like that's a way to me american jazz i feel like we're on a beach and the beach stretches off into the distance and why would we sit around making more grains of sand there's enough sand there there's so many beautiful treasures in american pop's only one johnny meyers there is only one tell you that is true so why would i be trying to be joining us. but i think maybe maybe the next album will or if i'm lucky enough to do one up to that maybe i'll start doing my own songs but right now i feel there's so many beautiful songs the people maybe have forgotten about only maybe never knew that arrow was
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a wonderful incredible incredible and yet i don't really think of it the full weight thing is i don't really think of it as being that this is that odd to me all these songs were written yesterday i didn't think of them as i don't have a particular thing about old music i don't think of it as old music this is just music to me what are some of the songs and then the rain where we start with a very ill i mean it's a sort of we try to do a soul's of chronological that we start with really the very the very first song that of oh was published with the wood blues and it is the first cleaning of the wood blues which is sin louis blues that w.c. handy well who knows whether it's by w.c. handy or he just found it in the does it engraved on a stone tablet but that was a no woman yeah if you're down in reno you see that i don't use it well a fight if we come along and you could've. you could've played some stuff you do blues in the night we don't do business but that's but then i'm hoping there will
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be a so you know all suggestions gratefully received play piano too and gives our your concert you play all three saying and do both yeah yeah i mean i'd like to get a guitar at the same time as is taxing but i will give it a try. do you have a group and certainly yes i mean yeah i've boy do i have a group i've got to say i call them the best band in the world and i'm not really joking. they british their notes there are. american one canadian and one guatemalan. but they had to call the couple boston band there are eight of we're eight of us on stage so it's a big show you going to come back to television. it's possible it's possible i'm so happy doing what i'm doing it's almost obscene i probably shouldn't be allowed to be doing what i say you're not reading scripts i am reading scripts i'm not yet sort of hoped on anything and age your films yes i'm actually about to start doing
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a movie up in vancouver a disney movie called tamara landed some very excited about the great george clooney how did house come about. why i read a script i read i put myself on tape the way the way actors do the seventy two pages of the script but i fancy now that even in those two pages i could tell this was a thing that's really a definite thing. i didn't think the character would be the central character but i thought he was a b. he was a great character i did sort of he did he an ensemble guy out of yeah i thought he would be the guy off of the side you know who show up every now and then but no idea i did. that i please well a did that went through the hoops and so there i always say you were not surprised it was a hit. well you all you want to surprise anything act really well i was surprised it was good i was surprised that it was a hit because good doesn't necessarily mean it you know it. you know it's. it's
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a pretty bloody battle fields where many many casualties of a good and noble ventures that take off right away. it took a while it wasn't until we came on after american idol which was a sort of juggernaut at the time well it still is. and that was really the that was the thing that sort of lifted to sup on to another level how did you view that character i loved him i still do i mean people talk about him as you know he's so mean or he was a jerk or he went oh yes he was some of those things some of the time but i still he still makes me laugh i still his view of the world still makes me laugh the weird combination of great intelligence and skill combined with the brain of a. an eight year old i just find completely chancing he still makes me laugh did that show have medical consultants oh we had medical consultants up as always you
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discovered a disease that you think they were wrong and you were right was a disease everything everything we did the any the any sort of mass of the truth was really in in the in the length of time things took so a thing that would take two years we squashed into a week but apart from that or all the medical science it was was feasible believable either had to happen could happen to you i am told one of the highest paid actors on television i was told that you hold a guinness world record for the highest paid t.v. actor in a drama series courting to get as you were making seven hundred thousand dollars an episode is a sad truth that is not true such that if they are not. tough enough legal i had clear does not ask a judgment about his i don't know if you were wealthy i was hugely well paid for a job that i love doing and that will be forgotten as already know my dad my dad was was adults we were not we were not wealthy but we were not struggling either
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what was it like to suddenly have all that when it wasn't sudden and i never really believed that the thing was going to stick i mean when it when when the show started only other members of the cars they were you know they were taking leases on apartments and they were buying cars and all the rest but i lived in a hotel i didn't unpack for the first year because i thought well we're going to get canceled any moment that's just the way i look at things i'm very sort of i never really believe it's happened until ten years later was he hard to play. i found him that times because he was a tall man to karen said you live in a dark place and there were times there were times when the darkness you know it sort of got to me a bit it was it was. intense yeah yeah i mean that was sort of the goal of it so it had to be that way and i don't regret it but that's that was certainly some some bleep moments that many british actors. i've talked to
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many find themselves at times uncomfortable with the hollywood scene right you. well yeah i know i know what they mean by that but at the same time the same time i'm sort of trying to resist the the. the cliche of a lot of british british actors that they sometimes spot that they feel obliged to say oh icons and that they you know they they did that yeah they do and i think i'll allow to help with that you know you're here embrace what what it is it is a wonderful opportunities to meet fascinating people do incredible work that there are chances here that does exist anywhere else in the world why not embrace it why did house go off. well all good things you know five years it was eight years actually and i think in the in the eight years thinking if a t.v. show is living in sort of doggy is i think that's probably a pretty good run i and fifty's it simply that it's like it's almost like a t.v.
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show has you can almost see the life of a human being in it actually you know you have this sort of vibrant infancy and adolescence and then you become the new sort of figure out your you know how to do it and then you start creaking a little bit thinking yeah can we keep doing it and then you know there comes a point where you have to say. he said he wanted to jump before you pushed was it said the end when this it was it was sad it was very sad and i. i miss the current tour i miss the people at the time and i miss them still but i have this amazing opportunity without any period of mourning to just jump straight into the music world which was an incredible gift pretty the album is didn't it rain begets you loria labels i will surprise for you a little. something to live up to that. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something
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else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. wealthy british style. markets. it's come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on.
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a hint you're married you have children there you had to be away from them when you were shooting here yes long periods of time and you know i would go back they would come here so we did the best that we took it with you know it was balancing and it is it is it's like you know there are people who join the navy and there are people you know i don't want to say that it was tougher than just all the people that wanting to moving them here. yes i did they didn't because they you know they were if they knew my kids being younger if they'd been sort of four five six that would have been one thing but they had teenage is late teens and they had what happens in girl friends and played in a band and they you know all that sort of stuff so you did comedy i'm told yes yes i do stand well not quite stand up i was in a double act with that with my. great friend and policy fry and we did we had many you didn't fry yeah yeah we were going to as it were you know actually speaking
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what was the ad called well it is done by the original it was called with its what was it called it was called fry and laurie that's not a great name we save the jokes for the if you do sort of sarcastic kind of british yes we did that's pretty much all thing that's that's in there that's in the drinking water of that we do go back to that i hope so we keep talking about it one day that we will do it maybe we'll do a stage review that's what i want to do what we would touch he doesn't tell of danger heads what is he doing that he's about to start a production of twelfth night on broadway. i think they start in about a month's time and no one advertising him and then it doesn't self but he said yes he's playing melbourne audio and you also wrote a novel i did. what are you i'm still trying to find out what do i do larry what do you want to be when you grow up. i see i
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think i would most like to be a moment i like to be veterinarian no i have to learn how to say that. this show and that must be one of all the things singing. acting and performing fatherhood. of all of things you bounce around with what is your well i would have said father i'm not a professional father by the way that's more of a sideline about it as i thought of it because i was i'm risk scarring my children forever. but professionally i suppose i mean right now i feel like music is i do as i say i feel like i've come home i feel like this is where i want to be as well as people let me talk about huge though if you're doing a disney movie with clooney the odds are pretty good that that's going to be a hit yeah and well get this right it does really good the good. god every very
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shrewd and and he has great taste without a doubt however i'm sure even he would admit there is no such thing as there's no show thing in this in this business and thank god because if they if there was it would be it would be pretty dull babe we have computers making we sort of do have computers buying them you know what i mean there were they were things would be just cookie cutter and they that doesn't tend to work why do you enjoy when you're sitting in your singing when you're playing you're playing to a comment why do you enjoy being someone else. well one of the i think one of the interesting things about music is that i actually i and i'm still trying to work out whether this is really true but i think actors become actors in order to hide who they are they put on mosques they want to be someone else when you when you're doing music even when you're playing a character in a song there's still an element of actually removing mosque is it's about exposing
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yourself it's about being vulnerable. and there's an intimacy to that. and an honesty in that relationship with an audience which i think is very very precious when you when it when its rights i mean is that it isn't always right but when it is it's a very serious that is yourself in house two or in the role you play i felt like there was. there was quite as a fetch on for me in a house it was probably more of the creation of the show david show it was the rights of that creates a bit but yeah there was it was a i i i understood where he was coming from you know he has in social media questions for you laurie writes one other quick thing are you excited about the royal baby oh i'm i'm i'm for things i need to frying was so thrilled to have so much really that you couldn't get over it oh exactly i'm still a little jittery about you know i cos i wish them well and one happiness and health and so on and so forth but i'm not. one of the american accent that come easy
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know is that was something i struggle with every day that was i was my biggest that was one of my biggest a mechanical problem every day was the answer always struggling with it and even now when i hear it i'm always going over that wasn't quite right oh that was right you do others. are you going to ask me yeah ok as dr friend then no no it was a foreign child valves you know well french is all in the shoulders it's russian will that i've just been to russia as you know home and i like russia russia russia lives the life again that was the land will give the law chanst of seeing the sing songs on the show do the canyon canyon know well from the south. but it came in south kenya and yeah the north of nature really. it's what was hard about america. there are a leader arrive the language you alone regular yes as americans haven't spoken of
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in years. that made these actually the current theory is the american english is actually closer to it's funny to hear american act is trying to do an english accent when they do shakespeare but in actual fact the current theory is that american english is closer to what shakespearean english would have been we've changed more than you have done here i don't know why that is and also the parts of the south affiliate a lot of ten you know we all know and what i do know that ok we have some social media questions right at keele prophet three the a twitter says you said stage acting they should nervous but live music doesn't they both think you know as did i really said that so easily so either i was lying then or are you learning never before you go on stage oh always always always i think there's no way around that i think you have to i think you did this before we you not as you would know that you know this is not his first day on the air
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there's no i wouldn't call nerves i've been the best thing is your you have to be you have to be exact but on nervous grades and a brain surgery could i could i'm make you know is there any i could do that to make you nervous no no no. there was a cute cartoon in the new yorker once of an operating room and they're about to commit brain surgery and one doctor says to the other it isn't television. it's truly a good thing stringing the big camp ninety four of the ends to graham is there a certain house quote that's one of your or your personal favorite. no the it's always shifting it's always shifting i can be walking down the street no walk i'm in los angeles nobody will. get arrested. but there are it's always shifting i'll have a new line that will that i'll just sub suddenly remember it'll pop back into my head on instagram and once a call i want to call it on instagram one thing our habit did you find the most bizarre in the united states thing i'm
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a bit worried about the united states was if you get the word bizarre it's and you like i would never say i because i'm a guest here so i would never go calling my hosts bizarre larry. i think the biggest difference is religion i think of britain and america is differing by about five percent in most things we have. you know we have five percent less melted cheese and off food on the pals of five percent narrow and maybe we like five percent more. techno i don't know that they're all very small differences we're very incredibly alike when it comes to religion ten thousand percent you know where this is a very very devout religious country you're on launch is no tony blair for example had to conceal his catholicism in order to. you know i could pretty much over here that is. i would say we just
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a couple quick if you only knew ok a first person you have a kissed. well you remember her name i don't remember her name i threw them a where it was where was the oh it was a it was in the foyer of a of a movie theater oh boy you know i was. thirty eight. favorite british delicacy. is there a british they say hey say hey i like scones though that's good i like it's good yeah i know all i'd go for that i give that what is it was a favorite british slang word concepts on the only account of all it's all it's all looks you can say that you can so does that mean i'm not going to tell you and ok what's on your i pod right now. what's on my i pod right now that i'm listening to right now is jimmy with
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a spoon embarrassing moment you've had on stage. i once did a monologue and i kind of chilled out while i was doing it and realized so would come up on stage and realize that i've done the whole thing twice and i thought it was sort of loop and and the audience was not surprisingly baffled if you are an active musician off the director what would you be let's be adult a good thought yeah like house yeah yeah if the when thing is i spent long the doing house i could have trained to become adults from the time i spent doing house and then i'd have something useful to show for it but we got it thanks to our guests you laurie the album is dead in the grain is in stores now and you can find me on twitter at kings things are surprises next. water to the three. no one in the plains sample to you and
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are lucky. play. player little i was a new alert animation scripts scared me a little league. there is breaking news tonight and they are continuing to follow the breaking news please please alexander's family cry tears of joy at it great things other than. theatrical read at a court of law found alive is a story made for a movie is playing out in real life. plenty of. people have a look at the.
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