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tv   Headline News  RT  September 5, 2013 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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syria's likely to loom large over the g. twenty summit in st petersburg where the world leaders split on how to solve the conflict and suspicions of the u.s. putting the notorious surveillance of the. white house and more advocates give the hard sell to american lawmakers on president obama's syria strike plan but the pentagon's call to backtrack on serious accusations against russia. plus some making money by so i have prize seeing a you'll prove a c week he beats reveals how tech firms up helping governments get inside online live imagine what they himan lives wreckage.
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from a mosque this is ard to you with me tom would say let's take a look at our top story this hour. five russia's historic city of st petersburg is hosting the leaders of the world's a top twenty economies where they'll take on some of the today's the biggest challenges. u.s. intentions are to get involved into syria's wall will no doubt dominate the sidelines of the g. twenty this year let's get more now from what's going on there right now with our team. in a russia is a second city let's see the some of the hasn't officially kicked off yet but discussions on the margins are already taking place what can you tell us. yes indeed the g twenty summit in st petersburg is yet to kick off and several
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hours from now but we already expecting the first high level meeting to start any minute now that is between the russian president. chinese counterparts obviously apart from all the economic issues in particular the. billion dollar deal between the russians. and the chinese company which obviously will be discussed between the two leaders the two presidents will talk about politics in particular the syrian conflict now it's no secret to anyone that russia and china have been sharing somewhat of a common stance on the syrian conflict both have been very negative on any kind of military strike against syria at the moment without any evidence on who used chemical weapons in the country the chinese vice finance minister also added that a possible strike on syria might also cause huge economic collapse with oil prices rising and causing economic instability not only in the region but everywhere across the world to china in this particular trying to defend its economy as well
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obviously in a nutshell that the russian president and the chinese president meeting in the very first place at the summit is giving us a clear hint as to where the priorities of lie unlike the situation with the united states and russia because officially and this is something unprecedented the russian. and the american president have no official meeting scheduled during the summit moreover barack obama refused to come to moscow earlier in the arranged talks in the russian capital because the because russia granting political asylum to edward snowden obviously these sides have been something of a rough a lately much as the summit because when to stand up barack obama will be trying to present what he believes to be the evidence of bashar al assad using chemical weapons against the rebels in syria while russia's position on that sounds. changed
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and it has been regenerated by president bush in an interview on wednesday he said that first of all there must be clear evidence of who used the chemical weapons in order for any strike against syria to take place and secondly also important enough that any strike must take place only on that unanimous decision by the u.n. security council also interesting to mention here that on wednesday evening russia published a report by u.s. investigators of a chemical attack in march this year when twenty six people were killed in syria and russian investigators in this hundred page report have firm evidence that the chemicals were used by the rebel forces so i want to speculate on that this would hardly add any credibility to what barack obama is expected to say here at the summit the biggest question in fact is whether the two presidents will have any direct contact at all as i mentioned they have no official meetings and all the meetings that may take place will be as we call it in the margins of these summits
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despite his recent interview described barak obama as a very good listener and a very good person to have a chat with despite him a seeming obviously very optimistic they have been some very strong statements coming from both sides lately as my call the explains from washington. after president obama canceled bilateral talks with president clinton over. russia's decision to grant edward snowden asylum many thought it couldn't get any worse the two won't even talk to each other but the one house now says there will be an opportunity for the two leaders to meet on the margins of the g. twenty summit so it looks like as much as washington wants to snub moscow president obama and putin will have to talk the u.s. is about to bypass the u.n. security council break international law and attack syria we believe very strongly with high confidence that in fact chemical weapons were used and that mr assad was the source russia says america's we believe is not enough and that if there is
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credible evidence it has to be presented to the u.n. . the question of authorizing the use of force is being discussed by the congress and the senate but it is an absolute commonsense substitution in international law the congress and no country can sanction such a thing what they're trying to authorize is aggression because everything outside the u.n. security council is aggression if this is truly an atrocity that the world has signed on to oppose how come we're so alone president obama is expected to use the g twenty summit to rally a coalition for a strike against syria the u.n. chief in the meantime said he will use this summit to urge everyone to respect the international law we should not vote for the billionth origination of the country and revitalize the search for a political settlement the g. twenty initially founded to deal with global economic issues will of course give
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a platform to world leaders to voice their position on the crisis in syria but will they hear each other in washington i'm going to check out. this summit has always been about finding a common solution to economic problems but this time it seems more about discord between the countries barack obama is clearly a fan. with russia's stance on syria he's also offended with the fact that the british parliament voted against strike on syria in the meantime the brazilian president also here at the summit is offended with the wiretapping scandal the revelations by edward snowden and is demanding an official apology from barack obama she's not even planning any meetings with the american president as well so this serenity of the venue of the. may be misleading in the sense because it may in fact become the stage of very heated political debates and of course we're keeping track of what's happening here in st petersburg. they at the g.
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twenty summit in st petersburg giving us a breakdown of what's ahead at the summit. president obama will be on his own or trying to convince other world leaders that the strike against syria should take place secretary of state john kerry won't be visiting the gathering unlike his g. twenty counterparts he is busy working on winning round american lawmakers meanwhile the pentagon has to move swiftly to clarify defense achieved chuck hagel claimed that russia supplied chemical weapons to syria officials say hey girl was in fact a referring to russian syrian military ties in general when he spoke at a congressional hearing alongside john kerry to help promote intervention efforts as art is marina bought by reports. well the u.s. senate foreign relations committee has approved a resolution for the use of force against syria in a ten to seven vote with three republicans voting with the president this bill was
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passed now the draft sets a sixty day deadline for use of military force in syria with one thirty day extension and it prohibits any troops on the ground now this bill will now go to the for full senate for debate in the meantime as secretary of state john kerry secretary of defense chuck hagel and chairman of the joint chiefs general martin dempsey returned to congress wednesday to testify before the house foreign relations committee america's top diplomat john kerry warned us representatives that a lot of military action in syria could fuel extremist fighters secretary kerry said that if the u.s. doesn't strike syria countries funding the opposition like saudi arabia and qatar america's allies will begin giving more money to extremist fighters.
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those who are working with us today with the syrian opposition we've been working hard to keep them from funding bad elements. or others and so if we back off we've failed to enforce our word here i promise you. that's the discipline we've put in place with respect to the moderate opposition verses that. will dissipate immediately and people resort to anybody they can find to help them accomplish their goal and we would have created more extremism and a greater problem down the road where u.s. president barack obama says that when it comes to the use of chemical weapons in syria he says it's not his credibility on the line he says it's the credibility of the international community that's on the line president obama was referring to his own statements that were made a year ago when he said that if chemical weapons are moved or used within syria
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that's a red line that would be crossed and the u.s. would take action now it seems as though he's trying to take the heat off of himself off of his own words and put it on the international community during a joint press briefing in soft home with the prime minister of sweden president obama was invoking a list of international treaties as reasons to use force against damascus president obama while he was invoking those treaties also said that he feels very comfortable bypassing the u.n. security council and striking syria without a resolution increasingly what we're going to be confronted with are situations like syria in which we may not always have. a security council that can act it may be paralyzed for a whole host of reasons i think it's important for us to get out of the habit in those circumstances obama's position has already left many critics wondering if the
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u.s. stance on syria undermines international law. i golfed want to keep offering to bankroll america's bombing campaign against syria and even finance a full blown invasion saying that if he had a veil up the support for al qaida cells in desperation to be rid of present us odd defense analyst and authorize an event to call that an outrageous offer that's implicit blackmail and i don't really think it's you know really a conditional thing i think they'll probably do it anyway and i don't see how u.s. bombing would stop that in fact as i say it may cause the jihadist even more to be more active in the war simply because the us is attacking islamic countries or actively trying to alter the situation on the battlefield against assad but on the other side you have al qaeda and i think al qaeda in that even the worst of assad
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and also we're slowly getting dragged into this war as if you're trying not to get embroiled in a war because then you're implicitly taking one side over the other even more so than if you just bombing them to say you shouldn't have used chemical weapons and i think then you get a stake in the outcome of the war. right now we're going to go now to the g. twenty summit in the st petersburg where mr xi jinping as well as the russian president to mr putin is the meeting together these are live pictures coming from st petersburg where the two leaders are meeting of course coming together to talk about how to time when there is a bilateral between relations between china as well as russia they are also going to be discussing a little bit more about some of those mego all oil projects that both of them will want to discuss the at the g. twenty meeting this is of course is of the opening day of the summit and obviously
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priorities for the russian presidency going first to mr xi jinping the you're looking at those pictures of form and petersburg we'll bring you more of that of course as they come up as the leaders meet and what comes out of those discussions here on our do you stay with that coming up right now president not the only one the u.s. and its allies want tax evaders and financial criminals will also be a major theme at the summit while economic wrangling is expected to eclipse even that the pull of the politics of syria now live reports on that in just a few minutes. also the granddaughters are waiting i can also shimmying all the way to the bank as they look to turn family fame into fortune the details on that in just a couple of minutes to stay with us here on r.t. for more.
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they were ready to do anything for their country to try harder to love their country more than yourself if you joined the military. you're probably not have a good day there were rules in the state now. remembering the. which is impossible to get rid of. the war. but however good people do get hurt. and i've heard good people empty silent. a lot. but would prefer not to be sometimes i feel like. i should have died over there are. those i. i saw some people who had died and. there is cheaper than target. on our.
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welcome back you're watching our it's a new way we're continuing our extensive coverage of the g. twenty summit that's getting underway the day. now it may be political crunch time at this year's g. twenty summit but as always all fine then so won't be far behind aside from the usual talk of classes and unemployment it is like spy to discuss tax evasion a new world bank and forge a fresh economic alliances live to katie pilgrim from artie's venture capital who's in st petersburg katie can you tell us a little bit more about the economics themes the leaders are going to be tackling
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at the g twenty summit. yes absolutely well it's all about boosting growth as well as d.n.a. where the jobs creation of jobs in these fragile times it's really the emerging markets that are suffering at the moment not in light of what ben bernanke and the federal reserve chairman he announced the fact that he would be tapering the stimulus in response that investors have been pulling funds out of the a mugging a wall so that's a really taking its toll and maybe it would have the rupee a good example dropping by a fifth of its value we've also got such tax evasion on the agenda as well how to proceed out with the implementation of the post is made back in northern ireland not the saudis i'm not going to talk to you right now with camille dimitri at affirmations direct investment fund so tell me in terms of brushwood it stop that do you think people are warming up to the idea of investing actually boy said it's the perceptions was and the reality in times of the russian economy yes we
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definitely are working with really being. some other colleagues and we can feel the tremendous momentum seven people making investments in russia so just recently we're starting to feel dismal but all of which is upon from upper darby is that there's going to be investing billion dollars which also does rush in the car so gentle that people appreciate some fact that middle class and watch the triple times the last five years real growth is continuing and russia is. is providing some growth opportunity just like in many other sectors this is being said issues of trash economy he's dealing with. the world economy is definitely affecting the russian economy as well he's. just. taking to. the street. from tightening what. we believe the general is a wall to space and only one real dicky ship which is remaining past the gross and
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emerging economies are really the solution to that because if you had to merge an economist growth slows down there dramatically the hold world can change is a tragic story so we believe that emerging economies need support we have some solution because we killed this infrastructure group because billboard you know three step plan to increase will grow by three percent but we believe that working together was emerging markets ensuring that they is moderate and that growth remains a system is a key priority for the world and frankly for the united states and its talk about big development bank on the agenda do we need that well again i think you know there are different models there is a model of different countries having different developmental banks and for example you said development bank in russia very successful showing example for how you can really grow infrastructure and grow the elements but have a developmental bank the question is still open about development bank for you know
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g. twenty how will it work is it too many countries working together to me process very easy and how decisions have been made so i think there will be discussions during meetings that will address some of those issues and what the main issues that we think. he's going to be in charge of for banks. to be defined as well as the remaining should so for example there's already a world bank and i.m.f. a bunch of institutions going to be separate. there was a question of how decisions are going to be made there is a question of forces bank is going to be focused its efforts equally on all of the points you can trace on emerging markets so there are many issues that i think are going to be discussed what we believe is actually less complex way of addressing some of those he she was just doing. well we created the joint farms with china that were great at the joint bond with friends and united arab emirates and we believe that some of those joint efforts i actually put dress things because it's
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simply in decision making firms and would you say with the climate at the moment with the imagine a country might say speaking about timing more important than ever to really take on with a spanking get it may say well i think you may be but the other things that can be done for example we have proposals of plans that include three simple steps reduce restrictions on capital flows encourage private capital to go into infrastructure make infrastructure investment more efficient if you do those three things with the growth will go up by three percent and we have some specific ideas so i think developmental bank is part of the solution but really biggest solution is focused on infrastructure investing ensuring that we invest in the future of the whole world faces six two trillion dollars of infrastructure needs until two thousand and thirteen with this money. this capital developmental bank may be part of the solution but there's a complete solution to this so it looks to be going forward for so long time right
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and true to me traffic for a much indeed things and i will be here all day long out and see times in summit in st peter's by such an event exclusive interviews coming up on. friday that's. our t correspondent thank you very much for that to keep you. there for more developments from the g. twenty summit. keeping tabs on where you and your own private firms are closing up the intelligence agencies according to fresh major revelations by wiki leaks our team was among the very few media outlets given access to the documents prior to their release now isn't messages and cole history down the e-mails faxes you name it modern spyware allows a surveillance companies to track your online life without even getting direct access to a computer or mobile device the latest batch of the so-called spy files shows how
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firms are making a fortune by selling their technology to governments and they don't seem to selective about who their customers are but i want to explain how the spyware could be used around the globe to cripple opposition movement. say goodbye to the days of gadgets and surveillance. person's privacy listening to their phone calls and internet activity and e-mails all you need. three reveals that it's british companies that are pioneering the technology this is a promotional video for. the program that the technology can be installed. which in turn allows the government to infect. the country with spyware. is safe and that includes.
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a government. website. behind me all international headquarters from where the company develops and. anyone's smartphone. reporters without borders have named the company one of the corporate enemies of the internet. the technology is marketed world wide to law enforcement agencies as a way of identifying and catching serious criminals but human rights campaigners say that the software is regularly sold to repressive political regimes where the definition of criminal can be somewhat different as one human rights campaigner in bahrain found out she says that gammas finn spicer valence was used to target her
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off to she took part in anti-government protests looked like the genuine email addresses term another political activist saying that they were going to begin talks with the king of bahrain about the future of the country so i was in fact very intrigued very curious the manufacturer was government and national just opened my eyes into this other world of surveillance technology monitoring so we know that the british intelligence carries out this kind of activities but also allowing private in the private sector to carry out these kind of activities for other foreign governments researches have identified. around the globe you saw a big target against activists and journalists last year. servers were spyware it appears for the number of other countries such as turkmenistan carter we also found a sample of the spyware by spyware appeared to be targeted back to
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ethiopia the scary thing. is that this technology in china work for it around the world without any sort of debris it may be the stuff of spying movies but campaigners say the british government needs to wake up and start regulating whose hands the invasive technology is falling into we need to start acting like the weapons that can be used online are exactly the same as the kind of weapons like bombs and guns that can be used to hurt people. and discover the toll which military service takes on young troops nuvi turns out from the battlefield.
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iraq afghanistan the balkans somalia haiti libya yemen and so on and so on the list of engagements and airstrikes by post cold war nato just keeps getting longer and now it looks like it's serious turn a lot of people have written me asking me to predict what is going to happen next which for me is a possible i'm not good at predicting the future but i can say is that we are living in a very tense moment in history many argue that the u.s. economy with its unfathomable debt is really propped up by war and the petro dollar so if the u.s. backs down here what could be the beginning of the end for the world's only hyper power but if they do attack syria there will probably be some sort of reaction from iran russia and china if you haven't noticed nato has been trying to encircled these nations and had russian internet conspiracy land a lot of people are saying that russia is next you see if there is no resistance in syria then one by one all resistance to the un ending hunger of nato will be
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smashed out one by one the reason syria is so important and so scary is that you have one massive military force that could be very motivated to attack for its own self interest while you have a group of massive military forces how they voted to counterattack for their own self interests this is a very tense standoff that could lead to a major moment in history military history but that's just my opinion.
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oh it's all about if you come back and do this all night. it's fun it's fun the rest of it you do. i were going up as we had to look up. and i'm about to actually go to afghanistan here in june so i got i got not very much time to have fun and. that's why we try to do it they want to go drag.


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