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tv   Headline News  RT  September 5, 2013 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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the evidence that suggests syria's rebels have used chemical weapons as russian experts published a report on the type used and how it's inconsistent with army capabilities. syria is likely to large over the g. twenty summit in st petersburg with world leaders split on how it is sold the conflict and suspicious of the u.s. following the notorious surveillance scandal. the record label seek to knock the wind down of the internet pirate sales and the rest providers to blacklist people for downloading music movies and books.
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coming to a line from the russian capital i'm marina joshie now russia has published findings from its experts who've looked into the chemical attack near syria some battled city of aleppo which killed twenty six people back in march there are reports suggest that rebel groups were behind the attack here's are going off. well this is a detailed one hundred page long report with thorough analysis of the weapons that were used in that attack in aleppo in mid march and first of all it concludes that it was in fact a chemical attack secondly the weapons that were used were custom built similar to the ones usually used by the rebels in the attacks also specialist found traces of hex again which was a used to release the chemicals that is not the way the military does it also the xyron nerve gas that was used in that attack was produced not industrially but homemade and they found traces of another chemical which was used by western powers
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during chemical chemical attack during the second world war this is actually the second time that we're hearing about this report russia will ready pass it over to the secretary general of the united nations back in july but neither then or now we are actually hearing about it in international media unlike the three reports published just recently on the recent attack near damascus they were presented by the intelligence services of the u.s. britain and the u.k. and all three suggests that that was a chemical attack which was conducted by syrian authorities they are based on interceptions of communications satellite photos and you tube videos putin has been saying that if these reports presented by these three intelligence services are concrete they have to be presented to the u.n. security council which still hasn't happened while the u.n.
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itself still haven't been able to reach a conclusion on whether or not that chemical weapons were used in that recent attack near them off because russia has been saying all along that it has to be decided by the u.n. and any military action against the government over sovereign state without the approval of the u.n. will be can. as an act of aggression so why is russia says the report on the chemical attack in aleppo earlier this year being ignored and the united nations we put that earlier to un veteran and its former humanitarian coordinator for iraq has crystal graph on. you can ask that question on the range of other. reports that have been received which are not convenient for those who are determined to carry out an attack but we cannot avoid looking into this and the media have. an obligation also to shed light on this when there are rumors
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that saudis and qataris have supplied chemicals is that true i don't know that the israelis were involved in this let there be a broad based. presentation what i would say about this is that the stalemate that prevails in the u.n. security council i say this because i am a person who has thirty two years worked in that organization that stalemate has been created by the insistence of the peace three france britain and the united states that the only answer to a crime whose origin we don't even know yet must be military action. on russia's historic city of st petersburg is hosting the leaders of the world's top twenty commies where they'll take on some of today's biggest challenges.
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well u.s. intentions to get involved into syria's war will no doubt dominate the sidelines of the g. twenty this year but let's now get more from what's going on there from. actually hello to you well we know that the summit hasn't officially opened yet but there has been some talks in the margins of it already what are you hearing well we do know that all the g twenty leaders have already arrived to the city of st petersburg and some meetings have already taken place in particular the meeting between the russian president and that his chinese colleague there has been no press statement following that meeting but we do know what they talked about apart from the top deal between russia and china or oil deal multibillion deal which was signed in june the sides also talked about syria it's not a secret to anyone that beijing and moscow have been sharing somewhat of a common stance on the syrian conflict and the words of the vice finance minister
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of china in the morning basically confirmed that he said that should any strike on syria happen this would seriously damage the global economy because of the ask elating oil prices obviously these was one of the one of the subjects discussed at the talks between the two we are certainly expecting more on that to come and it's no secret to anyone here as well that at the summit which is supposed to be about economic issues syrian conflict is in the spotlight and the fact that the u.n. special envoy mr brahimi is on his way to st petersburg as well pretty much proves this point and what about president obama and president putin what are you hearing there i mean will they have a good chance to talk. well the fact that the chinese and the russian leaders held the first meeting of the two day summit speaks volumes about where their priorities lie at the moment we cannot say the same about the american
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president in fact unprecedented leak there have been no official meetings on the schedule of the both presidents of russia and the united states so the only challenge they may actually have to talk to each other is during the official meetings or during the a gala dinner tonight at the palace here in st petersburg but officially they are not meeting each other and this is hardly a surprise given the very harsh rhetoric which has been coming from both presidents lately definitely no love lost between them despite that president putin in his interview ahead of the summit described obama as a good listener as a good person to talk with still experts are finding it hard to believe that they would actually try to find any common ground over the syrian issue we do understand though that obama is on his way here to present some kind of evidence which he believes is the prove that. perform the attacks against the syrian rebels and we already have a quote from the head of the european commission mr barroso it was said that europe
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wants a political solution to the dispute and wants to present this evidence as quick as possible now as my colleague. explains there's been a roller coaster ride between the united states and washington in particular between obama and putin over the last several weeks after president obama canceled bilateral talks with president putin russia's decision to grant edward snowden asylum many thought it couldn't get any worse the two won't even talk to each other but one house now says there will be an opportunity for the two leaders to meet on the margins of the g. twenty summit so it looks like as much as washington wants to snog moscow president obama and putin will have to talk the u.s. is about to bypass the u.n. security council break international law. in attack syria we believe very strongly with high confidence that in fact chemical weapons were used and that mr assad was the source russia says america's we believe is not enough and that if there is
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credible evidence it has to be presented to the u.n. the question of authorizing the use of force is being discussed by the congress and the senate but it is an absolute commonsense substitution in international law the congress and no country can sanction such a thing what they're trying to authorize is aggression because everything outside the u.n. security council is aggression if this is truly an atrocity that the world has signed on to oppose how come we're so alone president obama is expected to use the g twenty summit to rally a coalition for a strike against syria the u.n. chief in the meantime said he will use this summit to urge everyone to respect the international law we should all void for the been a temptation of the country now to revitalize the search for a political settlement the g twenty and actually found it to deal with global economic issues will of course give a platform to world leaders to voice their position on the crisis in syria but it
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will be here in chad there in washington i'm going to check on. to follow up on what again has said that while the g twenty summits have always been about finding unity and solving economic problems this time however it's all about discord and disagreements between the country because it's not only with president putin that barack obama may have a very difficult conversation it's also with a brazilian leader. who is clearly offended by the revelations of mr snowden that she was wiretapped by the n.s.a. and she is demanding an official apology from barak obama if that doesn't happen she will cancel her planned visit to washington next month moreover we do know already that barack obama is expected to meet the french president francois hollande and he's not meeting the british prime minister david cameron so it is rather warm and peaceful outside the constantine a skip bayless years in petersburg but there are serious doubts that the climate within this walls will be just the same where i do actually we're looking forward
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to the opening ceremony there let's hear. report from st petersburg where the g. twenty summit is about to start now there is a grim forecast from china's deputy finance minister at the g. twenty well prices will rocket and the global economy will suffer if the united states launches an air strike on syria goes russia's position advising washington to at least wait for an investigation is now bring in professor joseph chang from the political science department at city university and hong kong mr chang thank you so much for joining us here in r.t. to discuss the situation while you when it comes to syria as well as other international issues china and russia seem to have an identical position but. it's moscow the guess the diplomatic flack so why is beijing seemingly nord. well. china and russia as you say it shares a lot of common ground to see you in action have
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a lot of rest so be. a deal west. intervention they certainly would like a court of very important role to the you and which they all have a tool at the security council traditionally china respects the softening of developing countries which the position which is shared by all developing countries fortunately for russia in china. the most important or the most vulnerable in region organization supports intervention by but not intervention you never and not you do that to an intervention by the western countries i guess in the eyes of russia and china they also understand that military action to be adopted by the obama administration will be very very limited and they certainly can playing that they have been able that they would or would be
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able to exercise important restraining even pat on the move the reaction on the part of the obama administration but let me. just going back to my question here about you know the diplomatic relations between china and russia and why is it that it's always russia that gets the criticism by china seems to be sort of you know left alone and this. while russia china tends to adopt a lower profile in his criticisms of the united states. china has substantial trade with the united states and in the recent summit informal summit in june between the two countries both china and the united states have indicated that they would like to avoid any serious deterioration in dubai
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leftover relationship they would like to and arce. trust speech in them in the case of russia it appears that the russian nationalism is much more directed against the united states russian people desire to regain the kind of status and influence the country and joyed in the bipolar period. certainly has less straight with the united states and has been much bolder in is open criticisms of the united states well let's now our discuss the relationship between russia and china briefly if you could so is it a relationship that's made out of necessity in your opinion. bay certainly have a lot of common grounds not only on syria. they do not want to see too much you need to listen when the power of the united states they do not want to see too much
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domination on the part of the united states. base certainly see a lot of opportunities for trade and investment activity within the brics group and this russia one stool even more on is natural resources and we deal with seriously pendens on such exports to the west it will our core a higher power to the to the markets in the asian countries china welcomes the time know it's ready to invest more in russia all right at the same time be understand that imitations understand well professor joseph chang from the political science department at her car hong kong city university thank you so much for your views here on r.t. . i. do what you heard you live from moscow stay with us after this break to find out about the record labels preparing for an all out attack on internet pirates.
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right. first strike. and i would think that you're. on our reporters. on your. face i think you.
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should have you with us here on our t.v. today i roll researcher. welcome back you're watching our u.k. record labels are seeking to saying. it's companies are pressing providers to create a blacklist of people who download music movies books and other content for free and in just a week the british video société plans to discuss the issue at a downing street breakfast artist or smith joins me live now with the details. hi there laura well do tell us what's about to happen to those people who are black lace it over who will be blacklisted. well basically this is a move to make internet service providers essentially police the internet so it's
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a voluntary thing so far but if the likes of these big sort of internet providers here in the u.k. virgin media bt b. sky b. talk talk that kind of people if they sign up is understood what they'll do is create a database of repeat offenders if you like repeat illegal downloads that first be sent a letter warning that someone. at their ip address had used their address for an eeg illegal downloads they've outlined the consequences if that letter was then ignored they would see sites being blocks they could potentially see the slowing down of their internet connection and i think right up to and including prosecution now jim collector of the open rights group is here to talk to me about this he's our go to guy for all things concerning internet and rights on the internet now these are s.p.'s policing the internet basically though they'd be doing it at the behest of an on behalf of these rich huge industry titans music business film business will they be willing to do that you think is it legal is
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should they be the ones to do it kind of things you've outlined i think would be very very illegal i think would be extremely dodgy doing those kinds of things that's why legislation was proposed because you know if you started to fear is somebody is communications you're restricting their ability to work to educate themselves get a job you know there are a lot of consequences you can't just simply start blocking sites or restricting somebodies internet just because they've you know been entered on a database simply if you're putting information onto a database then you've got pretty concerns or laws about data protection that again is why the legislation was proposed because at least then there's a legal framework and it's clear who's responsible to b.p. they could be doing some of this some soames they have their own legal powers for them to seek the details of people they believe are infringing their cult. right to take the lead to get the information through the courts and then to take
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individuals to courts if they've got the evidence and you agree that they would be within their rights to do that they are making films and music in order to make money out people do have legal rights copyright is a legal right and the b.p.i. could take people to court that would be reasonable at least then you would know what the evidence was somebody could say well look i'm innocent i didn't do this it was not me and you could see some kind of logical conclusion that you know is transparent this would mean that people would have no legal recourse it could easily mean that and i think that's why it's very dangerous i mean there's a big difference between what a court might do and private policing of the internet and i think we're seeing a lot of pressures for that and it's very wrong and there are big concerns already about the government's digital policies in general claims about surveillance that tends to censor what grates on the internet in general is this another thing in the trends i think the internet has suddenly become interesting to everybody the secret services governments big industries they all want to of the information they want
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to have operated in their interests rather than the interests of individuals and that means attacks not previously it means attacks on a right to information it doesn't mean a lot of people are putting a lot of pressure on some very fundamental and important rights what's the point of this anywhere where people just find another way of hiding themselves whoa there is the there is the rub i mean with internet surveillance with the sort of thing that the n.s.a. and british. british secret service has been doing we know that the really hardened criminals are evading those kinds of logging that you know making sure they're not getting caught by those measures the same will happen here the people who are seriously trying to share files who really don't care about what the people i have to say they'll carry on and the technologies will evolve at the same time the b.p. are you know. the music companies the record companies are actually doing well on the internet that last couple of years they've really started putting the services
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out there you've got netflix you've got love film is well as the music services you put more star placed people starting to make money you know you that's how you get to make money you give people products that they want to pay for and all this sort of you know lead to sending threats this is a way to alienate your customers and it's not a way to actually make money and collect thanks very much and of course there's another important question who will pay the keeping this database out of the safe will probably be you in the shape of increased broadband charges. laura thanks very much for this interesting discussion that was laura smith executive director of open rights group jim killick. well we're continuing our extensive coverage of the g. twenty summit and that's getting under way in the same bed as today. now it may be political crunch time at this year's g. twenty summit by as always finance won't be far behind aside from the usual talk of
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crisis and unemployment the leaders are expected to discuss tax evasion a new world bank and forge fresh economic alliances cave hill them from r.d.s. venture capital program is insane but has worked with more on what's to be explored . job creation that's one of the central themes we know that there's still two hundred million people across the globe still searching for work seventy three million of those are you we know in the likes of spain and greece wanting to use are looking for jobs that's really a central theme going on here and the implications of that because as we know there's already a witness social unrest in certain parts of the world to do with the fact that people can't find what's that is a big problem and that goes along with the theme of growth long term growth but the problem is the emerging economies the day are suffering right now there's been a role reversal and earlier on i spoke to alexei kudrin he's the former finance
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minister of russia and he's very well respected in the find as well that he was talking a lot in the first of all he said to me that the problems in the emerging world now i look to do with the fundamental problems that were created by the developed world and added to that he actually compares what's going on at the moment on the global economy to a sick man of this and as what he had to say. just go to work america the world's economy it's current state can be characterized as being on life support it's vital functions are being kept running by the federal reserve the european central bank and other banks by constant cash and directions this should only be temporary if a sick man goes through treatment and it doesn't help there's no point continuing it is an ongoing effort now to buy time for reforms and changes but this will end and the world economies will be left to stand on their own feet which countries economies will be able to stand and which ones won't remains to be seen scary stuff
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just that and he's really talking about this medicine these steroids he's referring to the fact that central banks keep on pumping money into the economy and we know that the federal reserve chairman ben bernanke he says a back in may that he would be tapering those measures. in response to that the emerging markets had money pulled out from than they've already lost a sum of fifty billion dollars india is particularly suffering at the moment that rupee has dropped by a fifth of its value so it's really the leaders here at the g twenty they have to convince us that they are indeed the doctors if you like to heal the pace. alluded to just that is very sick right now. now have a look at some other stories from around the world this is the first video footage showing radioactive water leaking from the fukushima nuclear plant in japan it was
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recently revealed back in town in aid of water has been spilling into the sea for the past two years says the earthquake and tsunami crippled the facility the government raise the alert level to a serious threat and has allocated almost five hundred million dollars to tackle the problem. blast in the egyptian capital has ripped through a convoy of cars carrying the interior minister in an apparent assassination attempt officials say two of the assailants were killed during the assault but the minister mohammed ibrahim escaped unhurt at least ten people were also injured in the attack no group has yet claimed responsibility. a massive car pileup in dance fog has left dozens of people injured on a bridge eighty kilometers east of london or visibility at the time of the accident left vehicles careering into each other and all one hundred thirty vehicles were involved in collisions with some cars trapped under lorries. and abby martin is
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next with breaking the set and no way. iraq afghanistan the balkans somalia haiti libya yemen and so on and so on the list of engagements and airstrikes by post cold war nato just keeps getting longer and now it looks like it's serious turn a lot of people have written me asking me to predict what is going to happen next which for me is a possible i'm not good at predicting the future but i can see is that we are living in a very tense moment in history many argue that the u.s. economy with its unfathomable debt is really propped up by war in the petro dollar so if the u.s. backs down here won't could be the beginning of the end for the world's only hyper power but if they do attack syria there will probably be some sort of reaction from
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iran russia and china if you haven't noticed nato has been trying to encircled these nations and had russian internet conspiracy land a lot of people are saying that russia is next you see if there is no resistance in syria then one by one all resistance to the un ending hunger of nato will be smashed out one by one the reason syria is so important and so scary is that you have one massive military force that could be very motivated to attack for its own self interest while you have a group of massive military forces how they build evaded to counterattack for their own self interests this is a very tense standoff that could lead to a major moment in history military history but that's just my opinion. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought
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you knew you don't know i'm trying hard welcomes a big picture. of a. welcome to breaking the sets i'm abby martin the waterman's waiting on pins and needles to wait to see if us attacks syria and on the death toll resulting from america's previous middle eastern this adventure continues to rise from yesterday we think hundred seventy rocky citizens were killed after multiple car bombings tore through central baghdad and you know what most of you probably didn't even bat an eye at that number because in the aftermath of america's imperialist experiment that's just a regular tuesday in iraq we're only four days into september no.


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