tv Headline News RT September 5, 2013 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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leaders of the world's biggest economies gather in st petersburg with syria and u.s. strike plans eclipsing global financial concerns r.t. brings extensive coverage of the major summit. russia publishes a damning report showing syrian rebels were behind a chemical attack last march with evidence that the weapons used near aleppo were not from government stock. and u.k. record labels are set to break the pirate code as they look to revive their ailing industry by crushing free downloading user by user.
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this is r.t. coming to you live from the russian capital on marina joshie welcome to the program . leaders of the world's top twenty connelly's have gathered in st petersburg for the g. twenty summit to tackle some of today's biggest challenges. clarges worries if she is in our g twenty city or in st petersburg with all the very latest updates on what's going on at the summit over to. marina thank you very much indeed auntie continues to broadcast live from the twenty third g. twenty summit in the venice of the north russia's northern capital of course the one and only peter's book now the g twenty is supposed to focus on predominantly economic issues however many have been saying in recent days and weeks that the whole issue with syria is now taking center stage let's delve deeper into that now on tuesday so now it is actually at the exact venue of the g.
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twenty summit can join us live here on the program the new suits who are here by the river so i hope you can hear me ok syria the g. twenty global economic so what is first and foremost on the table today. both fiscally on the agenda of course is the reforming of the financial sector but none of the leaders whether they like it or not can avoid the fact that syria is going to be a main topic of discussion at this summit especially with the recent developments surrounding the conflict the civil war and u.s. very possible military intervention into the country and there are a lot of different views of course around the world that should be said though that already on the meter some day it's looking like europe is not going to stand behind the united states right now the only bilateral meeting that has officially been confirmed is between president obama and french president francois alond france of course looking like the only european country that has at least
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a voiced support for military intervention we heard earlier today from herman van rompuy expressing e.u. sentiment which is that military intervention is not an answer to the serious crisis shows a manual grosso president of the e.u. commission saying that he believes a political solution is the only way and this just in from germany's angela merkel saying that she too doesn't. i believe that military intervention is the way but germany is ready to support a political solution so it looks like this is what is going to be the general sentiment coming out of this g. twenty summit coincidence or not this is the sentiment and the position that russia took from the very beginning that military intervention is not the way russia of course adamantly against any kind of military intervention and very much waiting for the results of a u.n. investigation into the events of august the twenty first but like i said rory it
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was meant to be a financial summit no way is this g. twenty summit going to focus only on the economies of the twenty largest economies in the world it's going to be all about syria. absolutely and. as you say syria certainly does seem to be taking center stage here the twenty third so you know a g. twenty summit as you were saying though france president francois hollande has suggested that he will join barack obama if america does strike syria although very very few of the people supporting it russia and trying to continue to be on one side of the fence and america and france and very few others on the other side of the fence and he said well i've still got you here you're at the venue for the g. twenty summit just a short distance from where i am here in some petersburg i understand that with the leaders of the twenty nations of the g. twenty in attendance we also have the leaders from brazil india china south africa of course we're talking about the brics and he said they had a meeting today on the sidelines of the g twenty didn't they. they did have a meeting in fact in the meeting on friday the second day of this summit i should
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mention that putin did meet with his chinese counterpart and china once again reiterated that it also is against military intervention in syria with that said the brics did sit down they agreed to create a one hundred billion dollar foreign exchange fund as a defense mechanism against any kind of fallout from. the. the emerging economies are being really hit by the actions taken by the federal reserve and quantitative easing they're also going to meet on friday to discuss an alternative to the i.m.f. some kind of bank that could bring them all together and again defend them from any actions taken by. more to develop the richer nations they want to protect themselves but against syria coming up in those sideline meetings as well. you know you see them. all right as you can use in our way that the venue of the g. twenty summit here in st petersburg will be checking in with you throughout the day
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and if in fact throughout the next thirty six hours here in artsy thank you very much indeed for that and he said i'll be there at the venue of the g. twenty and he was saying are talking about syria possibly taking center stage in this world economic forum in the past few months though let's just talk about with the relationship russo american relations are washington and moscow they've been pretty frosty to say the least over the past few months if you want to talk about the edward snowden being granted temporary asylum in russia the former whistleblower that did not go over well in washington and we just syria this issue is not going over well across most of the entire rest of the world as well but when it comes to taking the issues between moscow and washington and put them under the microscope. you can fold this story with that respect with them after president obama canceled bilateral talks with president clinton over russia's decision to grant edward snowden asylum many thought it couldn't get a new worse the two won't even talk to each other but the one house now says there will be an opportunity for the two leaders to meet on the margins of the g.
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twenty summit so it looks like as much as washington wants to snog moscow president obama and putin will have to talk the u.s. is about to bypass the u.n. security council break international law and attack syria we believe very strongly with high confidence that in fact chemical weapons were used and. mr assad was the source. russia says america's we believe is not enough and that if there is credible evidence it has to be presented to the u.n. . the question of authorizing the use of force is being discussed by the congress and the senate but it is an absolute commonsense substitutional in international law the congress and no country can sanction such a thing what they're trying to authorize is aggression because everything outside the un security council is aggression and if this is truly an atrocity that the world has signed on to oppose how come we're so alone president obama is expected
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to use the g twenty summit to rally a coalition for a strike against syria the u.n. chief in the meantime said he will use this summit to urge everyone to respect the international law we should all voice for the military tradition of the country to revitalize the search for a political settlement for the g twenty and actually found it to deal with global economic issues will of course give a platform to world leaders to voice their position on the crisis in syria but it will be here each other in washington i'm going to check out. so as he is here live in some petersburg for the twenty thirteen g. twenty summit i'm real research show you it's a pleasure to have you with us for the program today and he said no way alexina chefs. are joining us now throughout tonight's an old dates more as well as we continue our live broadcast now i suppose the issues are you hear a lot about syria but syria will not be the main issue according to some of the g
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twenty summit this year there are plenty of financial challenges that face the world as we speak right now for example tax evasion financial crime recessions these are all causes the key concerns are also the issue of tax avoidance multinational corporations is it high time for them to well to pay their taxes because a lot of multinational corporations have their offshore bank accounts. they managing to skip out on paying a lot and we are talking a lot of government talks as well for the meantime though we will have a g. twenty x. but i'll be on. the economist and a host of venture capital she'll be joining us for a live report very shortly here on r t as we continue to come to you live from the venice open all that is the twenty third g. twenty here on nazi. welcome back now to our moscow studio and to the stories that we're following for
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you here russia has released expert finding showing that a chemical attack in syria was apparently conduct the by the rebels and not the regime the assault in question killed dozens of people near the city of aleppo back in march the report comes as the u.s. strives to convince the world that syria's opposition has no access to chemical weapons or does it work is going off has more. this is a detailed one hundred page long report which provides thorough analysis of the weapons which were used in that attack in aleppo in mid margin and first of all it concludes that it wasn't fact a chemical attack the weapons which were used were custom made and were similar to the ones usually used by. one of the most radical rebel groups with wings to al-qaeda fighting against president assad regime investigators also found traces of hexagon which was used to release the chemicals that is not the way it's done in the military and also found traces of the xyron nerve gas which was produced not
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industrially but it was all made and found traces of another chemical which was used by western western nations in the times of the second world war so these are the main arguments presented this report which is to suggest that that attack in aleppo the chemical attack was in fact conducted by syrian rebels this is actually the second time that we're hearing about this view toward russia already passed it over to the secretary general of the united nations back in july but neither then or now we are actually hearing about it international media basically de facto this report is being ignored by world powers and international media unlike the order to publish just recently on the recent attack near damascus they were presented by the intelligence services of the you were britain and the u.k. and all three suggests that that was a chemical attack which was conducted by syrian authorities
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a lot of media attention is currently being we'd to these reports basically the our international spotlight even though one of the key arguments in all three is that while they are based on interceptions of communications satellite photos and open source reports which are actually youtube videos. and information from other social networks the how correct it is is raising lots of questions and another argument shared by all three intelligence services pointing that it was the regime which held that attack is that the rebels the syrian rebels are simply incapable of dealing with chemical weapons something which is not proved it's not confirmed in the report presented by russia. we talk to the un veteran and its former humanitarian coordinator for iraq hans christopher graf on spa nick who explained why russia's findings are largely being ignored by the international community you
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can ask that question on the range of other. reports that have been received which not convenient for those who are determined to carry out an attack but we cannot avoid looking into this and the media have. an obligation also to shed light on this when there are rumors that saudis and qataris have supplied chemicals is that true i don't know that the israelis were involved in this let there be a broad based. presentation what i would say about this is that the stalemate that prevails in the u.n. security council i say this because i am a person who has thirty two years worked in that organization that stalemate has been created by the insistence of the p three france britain and the united
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speak your language. programs or documentaries in arabic it's all here on all t.v. reporting from the world talks to be ip interviews intriguing story to tell you. that. arabic to find out more visit our big dog called. welcome back you are with our team file sharers are facing a crackdown in britain a new anti-piracy code could see hundreds of thousands of internet users blocked by their providers and even prosecuted for downloading unlicensed movies and music
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representatives of struggling media companies will be sharing their grievances with a prime minister during a private discussion next week are his or smith has more. well basically this is a move to make internet service providers essentially police the internet so it's a voluntary thing so far but if the likes of these big sort of instep writers here in the u.k. virgin media bt b. sky b. talk talk that kind of people if they sign up is understood what they'll do is create a database of repeat offenders if you like repeat illegal downloads that first sent a letter if that letter was then ignored they would see these sites being blocks they could potentially see the slowing down of their internet connection and i think right up to and including prosecution now jim collector of the open rights group is here to talk to me about this he's our go to guy for all things concerning internet and rights on the internet now these i s p's policing the internet basically though they'd be doing it at the behest of an on behalf of these rich
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huge industry titans music business film business will they be willing to do that you think is it legal is should they be the ones to do it the kind of things you very minor thing would be very very illegal i think would be strongly dodgy doing those kinds of things you can't just simply start blocking sites restricting somebody is internet just because they've. been entered on a database people do have legal rights copyright is a legal right and the b.p.i. could take people to court that would be reasonable at least then you would know what the evidence was somebody could say well look i'm innocent i didn't do this it was not me and you could see some kind of logical conclusion that you know is transparent i think the internet suddenly become interesting to everybody secrecy says governments big industries they all want to copy the information you want to have operated in their interests rather than the interests of individuals and all this sort of you know letters sending threats this is where you are you know you
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consumers it's not a way to actually make money and collect thanks very much of course there's another important question who will pay to keep in this data. out of the say it'll probably be you in the shape of increased broadband charges meanwhile creators of spyware are reaping huge profits from government snooping schemes that's according to the latest investigation by wood leaks which reveals cozy ties between private i.t. firms and intelligence agencies can find our report on our website r t dot com. right to see. first street view and i think the jury. on our reporters were there. in. the in the.
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now back to our top story and standing by for us in st petersburg with all the very latest from the g. twenty summit of course. thank you very much for joining us a marina thank you for that as well i am rule re sushi for all to you here the g. twenty summit in some petersburg and it is a glorious laid off you know early evening now just about quarter past six here day one of the g. twenty summit and already some action has taken place before we get all bogged down talking about what the u.s. congress and senate are going to do about a strike on syria let's let's stick to the main issues here that you twenty this is an economic forum we need to be aware of the fact that world leaders want to stabilize the global economy but also help to stimulate and protect those developing and emerging economies as well and all of these katie pilbeam the host of a venture capital new economic program business program she's joining us here as well
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down to the venue of the g. twenty and could bring us up to date now the latest on what's actually been accomplished at the g. twenty it's really i hope you can hear me ok i'm just a just a short distance away from where you are now when it comes to day one of the g. twenty any major highlights to tell us about but you. don't want to go outside every what's been very busy in d.m. while there's not cooperation in terms of politics behind the certainly is it with the economics because we've heard the president vladimir putin he has addressed his fellow leaders here the g. twenty leaders which can comprises the likes of german chancellor angela merkel we've got all the heads hit which make up ninety percent of the lot of quantum a very important people and they have agreed that times of asian needs to be tackle it in the almost place the fact that they have to come together and they all going to be clamping down we're talking about five times is in places that are often
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referred to as tax havens as well as that strict laws and regulations and he as i say he did praise the fact that they will manage to agree upon the lease and it's all about growth as well in terms of long time quality great it can be sustained and high unemployment needs to be top. we know that two hundred million people are still unemployed in the world seventy three million of those are you which is the biggest concern let's talk about the emerging economies because they are. at the moment in terms of economics because they have been taking a survey recently and that's because. he would be. taking out the money that he's been pumping into the system near september not interesting enough we spoke to the finance minister of could today and he was talking about the fact that the global economy is almost like a sick man and that this stimulus is almost like the. medicine that subjected to
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the six miles let's have a listen to what he had to say. she just got to work on. its current state can be characterized as being on life support for its vital functions are being kept running by the federal reserve the european central bank and other banks like constant cash and directions this should only be temporary if a sick man goes through treatment and it doesn't help there's no point continuing it is an ongoing effort now to buy time for reforms and changes but this will end in the world's economies will be left to stand on their own feet which countries economies will be able to stand and which ones won't remains to be seen. and indeed we will find out who all the healthy economy is when the medicine when the steroids are taken away swore at the likes of india which is suffering the most
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at the moment having lost a fifth of the rupee that currency because it's the current says that already suffering in the emerging world as well another topic that is being approached. it's a major major issues when it comes to the global economy as well interesting what mr goodman had to say. but also you were mentioning about the issue of washington tapering off its quantitative easing now i'm a simple man caveated we understand what that means about me because i understand that the brics member nations also here the g twenty have some concerns about that of a tapering off the quantitative easing can you just make it more simple for me. absolutely so as it stands the federal reserve has been pumping eighty five billion dollars worth of bonds into the system every mother not just means that is putting cash into a sick man if you like is giving money that is not otherwise there now there has been talk about increasing interest rates and because of that investors are pulling
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their money out of what is seen as risky assets the emerging market and sending it back to their economies in the hope of higher interest rates to make more money and also into safe fact havens and that means that these emerging economies become very volatile and as do the current is now to counteract this it's become more important than ever to move forward with the development bank now this bank was first the subject was first approached in durham in south africa back in march and then it wasn't seen as needed but now it's very much is and there's been some clarification come out today one of the biggest questions was how much money each country was going to contribute so i can tell you now that has been clarified china will give forty one billion to that one hundred billion dollars fund we've got the likes of india china russia all three of those will get eighteen billion dollars and south africa will get five billion dollars so it really reflects the size of their
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economies this is a huge achievement because that would seem to be the biggest stumbling block as to how much money each economy would get now the questions remain where will it stay and also who will be in charge of this bank so this still the big question. already getting. as to what's going to be happening with the development bank so it's a. citing software and plenty going on in the economic wild side of finance lovers need not worry politics is not a dominating told you twenty agenda i can tell you that much. or at all she's likely to feel being the host of venture capital live on r t for the g twenty katie thank you very much we'll see you a bit later in the in the evening here on r.t. for the meantime though our live coverage does continue hope you can stay with us for the g. twenty two thousand and thirteen live from some people. and coming up here on our team discover the toll which military services takes on young
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troops newly returned from the battlefield. iraq afghanistan the balkans somalia haiti libya yemen and so on and so on the list of engagements and airstrikes by post cold war nato just keeps getting longer and now it looks like it's serious turn a lot of people have written me asking me to predict what is going to happen next which for me is impossible i am not good at predicting the future but i can say is that we are living in a very tense moment in history many argue that the us economy with its unfathomable debt is really propped up by war and the petro dollar so if the us backs down here would could be the beginning of the end for the world's only hyper power but if they do attack syria there will probably be some sort of reaction from iran russia and china if you haven't noticed nato has been trying to encircled these nations
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and had russian internet conspiracy land a lot of people are saying that russia is next you see if there is no resistance in syria then one by one all resistance to the un ending hunger of nato will be smashed out one by one the reason syria is so important and so scary is that you have one massive military force that could be very motivated to attack for its own self interest while you have a group of massive military forces how they voted to counterattack for their own self interests this is a very tense standoff that could lead to a major moment in history military history but that's just my opinion.
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feel. feel. my. love. for it's all about me come and do this all night so it's fine it's fine person did you do. i we're going to pass out that you look up. and i'm bout to actually go to afghanistan here and you know i got i got not very much time to have fun out here so that's why we try to do it the way you want to go drag i'm sure you meant employed before yes man thai rak was pretty good nothing bad haven't we lose any by so it was a good guitar hopefully this year is the same day things are starting to calm down
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maybe not so much i can say no but i'm really tired and i know exactly everything is now so got some work to be done but i hate how so i just want to get paid for you know so i get so i had to have her own table for the wife and kid you now see how. big. three weeks so. it's only forward to your dad now i'll be all the past my truck down as well so if you know i have to really cause. i'm glad. for her your art.
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