tv Breaking the Set RT September 6, 2013 1:29pm-2:01pm EDT
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but all of that i have done and all that they can do by this denial is to make more clear than ever our own determination to undertake one last mission to search out and destroy the mosque vestige of this barbaric war to pacify our own hearts to conquer the hate and fear that have driven this country these last ten years and more while that was vietnam that john kerry in one nine hundred seventy one giving an impassioned appeal to congress for wanting to bring an end of that war fast forward forty years and he's done a complete one hundred eighty now pushing for a war of the same kind of chemical weapons attack that the us inflicted on the vietnamese with the spraying of agent orange so you go from being a fervent antiwar activists who worked side by side with john lennon to now one of the biggest war hawks on the hill well done mr kerry you especially sold your self out before even selling syria.
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provide material support for or to participate in any way with the implementation of any thought or a law that purports to authorize indefinite detention of a person within california now the initiative only awaits a signature by california governor jerry brown but action isn't only being taken at the state level this week the main plaintiffs in the n.b.a. a lawsuit announced that they will challenge indefinite detention provision at a federal level yet again by appealing to the supreme court the main plaintiff in the case joined me earlier to talk about these updates and something else has been very vocal about syria i first asked him if the federal government would have the power to supersede california law against indefinite detention and here's what he had to say. essentially the federal government has empowered the military to section twenty one of the n.d.a. or national defense authorization act to see. categories covered
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person anyone who is substantially supports that's not a legal term. or it substantially supports a kind of the taliban or something called associated forces again another nebulous term hold in military facilities stripped of due process and keep them there indefinitely that was our reading of the law that was judge catherine forrest reading of the law in the southern district court of new york when she declared an unconstitutional when it went to the appellate court. and you should be clear that they don't rule on the law itself they ruled on the standing of the plaintiffs they said that we as plaintiffs didn't have credibility to bring the case to the court so they sort of ducked the issue of actually dealing with the section ten twenty one of the n.d.a. which i think by any reading is of agree just violation of our most basic
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constitutional rights to due process did the appellate court say that because no one had been threatened with arrest that the plaintiffs in the case had no credible fear but i mean is not the hypothetical nature of the possibility of indefinite detention the whole point of the loss in the first place. it's actually a hope on a law suit is that they're not going to give you a warning with where they come take you once they take you it's all done in secret you have no possibility for legal redress and that's the issue and they base the appellant court base their decision on. amnesty international versus clapper case or i was also kind of in that case where they said that we. couldn't show evidence that we were in fact being monitored and surveilled what we now know from the leaks that were provided to the guardian by the courts that were all being monitored and surveilled and all of our information is being stored in perpetuity in supercomputers in places like utah so. you know we're hopeful we've all we will
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file in a couple weeks and asked the supreme court to take the case to the supreme court does not take a case then the law will stand the only way it will be changed that point is if our elected legislators decide to change it and they've shown no interest to do in writing it while you kind of dance around africa and how likely is it that this will be brought to the supreme court i mean i guess it's just anyone's guess at this point bad even if it is by the same supreme court do you have faith in the court as the end all be all judiciary. well the judiciary and especially the supreme court is a wholly owned subsidiary of the corporate state and decision after decision i think has shown that to be true. i think for us you know we understand the odds here we understand the difficulties and yet we just don't want to take this lying down this obliteration of the right to due process and essentially
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overturning one hundred fifty years of domestic law which have prohibited the military from carrying out acts of domestic policing and now we're seeing the military being empowered to do that and. you know in essence carry out acts of extraordinary rendition of american citizens on their own streets and at the very least we have to stand up and to cry and use every american is we have to fight back because history has shown that when governments cruder themselves this kind of power of eventually they use it right i mean the freedoms that that cost hundreds of thousands of lives took hundreds of years to achieve once i relinquished i mean it's not really given back that easily chris chris you've also been very vocal about the imminent syria war i mean i don't know about you but i feel like cheney is still president right now i mean i never expected obama to
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pursue a unilateral military action against syria are you as surprised as i am. no because there's complete continuity between the bush administration and the obama administration in terms of our imperial adventures overseas if anything you know the obama administration has not only curate out a more agreed just assault on civil liberties than bush but it is also expanded the war of the draw or the kill lists. so i mean this is a machine that whoever is in the executive branch serves and if they don't serve it they don't end up in the executive branch so no i wasn't surprised at all why are chemical weapons the arbitrary red line in the sand pact. well it's a fallacy because when the iraqis dropped chemical weapons on the kurds we not only not acted didn't act we were a tacit ally. giving agricultural credits all sorts of other aid to saddam hussein
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when saddam hussein during the iran iraq war dropped chemical weapons on iranian troops we provided the satellite photos which show them where those troops were when the israelis dropped two hundred why phosphorus rockets on gaza i've seen white phosphorus of workers were corresponded burns right through your body we said nothing when the israelis dropped a cluster bombs all over southern lebanon we said nothing when we dropped her and used agent orange oh all over viet nam. chemical. we were you know essentially carrying out the kind of policy it were condemning so it's selective enforcement and force it when we feel it's in our strategic interest and we nor it has you know to give our course is not lost on anyone at least right anyone is paying attention obviously since their rhetoric if we've learned anything in the last twelve years that. you talk about strategic interests i mean
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a serious situation is causing so many global power dynamics to ship that around and. from the cold war why is serious such a linchpin now for the world superpowers. i think it's a backdoor into iran certainly the israeli lobby is pushing hard for strikes against syria because it sees syria has. an enemy and of course a conduit. for arms and weapons to hezbollah militia groups in southern lebanon. so you know what we have is a kind of neo con kabul both in drew slum and in washington and let's not forget the arms manufacturers always make a lot of money when this stuff starts flying through the air who are pushing for this kind of strike. you know i don't have a problem intervening to stop an active campaign of genocide i think that we should
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have intervened in rwanda should have intervened in cambodia i was in sarajevo during the bosnian war and i supported the intervention. with the siege of sarajevo jeff of the safe areas which were being overrun by the vikings serbs. but. the attack is over and so by launching cruise missiles what you're doing is essentially playing the configurations or balance of power on the ground and you never know what that will unleash so the argument that there's genocide is a valid argument one that genocide is ongoing when it's over. then you're attacked becomes something else and you're going to kind of pandora's box you never know what the consequences are going to be how is this going to play out is certainly going to ripple out beyond the borders of syria. in ways that none of us can predict and ways that could be extremely frightening so you know it's a deeply misguided policy one which the majority of the american public. by the
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way just us or why do you think that the us is choosing to support radical islamic factions on the ground when we've seen the repercussions of doing the exact same thing in the past namely afghanistan. because they don't know what they're doing and the people driving the policy don't understand the instrument of war remember the pentagon is very. deeply. and they don't understand the region that understand. you know just marking around in iraq change forever the balance of power in the middle east making iran ascendant destroying iraq as unified country these are people who unfortunately the ones who are determining what's going to happen just lack any kind of experience in the region. and frankly in terms of the effects of military force i speak as someone who covered wars around the globe for twenty years and spent seven years in the middle east and
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i'm an arabic speaker. so does the short sightedness of kind of the ends justify the means sort of things even in the short run it seems like every time there's a new crisis they reckon people have chronic amnesia although our leaders apparently the past repercussion the battlefield now that syria is going on in this war is imminent do you think that people are just going to forget the fact that the n.s.a. is unconstitutional and spying on everyone with zero accountability well but the polls are the people don't support the war unlike iraq where everybody was out waving the flag and i think that sort of interest they're very war weary and very weary of the rhetoric let's be clear that you know the psychosis of permanent war is the engine of corporate to. keep people in a constant kind of state of alert you're always searching out new enemies here expanding. battlefronts i mean pretty soon it will be a lot easier to list countries in the middle east for not arming ones that we are.
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it's utterly insane and i think what's interesting is that obama although he says that he's not bound by any vote has gone to congress because he realizes that. a lot of people are beginning to ask questions about what's happening and i think that you're right that you know that everybody loves a war to divert attention from domestic issues including the n.s.a. wholesale spying gathering and storing of all or trying to communications of nearly all americans. i think the state is rattled. and let's not forget that internally the economy is in very poor shape our infrastructure is crumbling we're closing school after school even people who have employment. can barely survive are listed on living at subsistence level so there are all sorts of issues
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that are going on here in this kind of colder and that's brewing. that. is mean and harder and harder for the state to police kind of tricks yes and even though you know the sequester is in effect and this country's seems to be more broke than ever before according to the establishment we never cease to find money for war chris hedges thank you so much for coming are always a pleasure to have your ward winning journalist plaintive and how does the obama. thank you. we're taking a quick break you guys when we come back we'll tell you the wall makers and their summers give you a hint it's probably very luxurious. the bible says many times the gold is the father of all folks. i'm sure he told me to set up these children. because i
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escaped from the orphanage that you know in times which is close but still nobody needed me. my fellow pilgrims hello pastor. dunn is probably the kindest soul in the world. one can't abandon a child that they wouldn't survive so he in jurors to the end when he was a dream can be summed up in just a few words russia and the world was no wolf and we don't want any children to wake up in orphanages firmly believe that the parents out there every child spit up my ego's.
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to have you with us here on t.v. today i roll researcher. so congress is starting to filter back into d.c. after taking their august recess while some of them are probably spending time with their families or constituents many of them were out traveling the world i'll tell you about personal vacations i'm talking about all expenses paid trips from lobbyists and yes according to watchdog group alleges storm there been over thirty six thousand privately financed trips for lawmakers over the last thirteen years
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that's what you call swayne by swore a guy's now just to give you just an idea of how effective this tactic is jack off the king of all lobbying this of any use to spend millions of dollars making sure lawmakers travel to the luxury i'm talking about all len bolen g.'s six private jets lavish golf trips to scotland you name it that's what lobbyists do spend millions of dollars to bribe politicians all to get an earmark attached. a bill that benefits their firm now interestingly enough congress previously passed the honest leadership and open government act which specifically states no gifts no private jets and no meals from lobbyists but we all know that something like a federal law could never keep lobbyists and politicians away from that but in flute see this year alone there have already been over thirteen hundred trips on the lobbyist dime and all that globetrotting thus far has cost over three point one million dollars and in fact a pac arguably the biggest and most influential lobbying group on the hill funded
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two trips in august for sixty lawmakers travel to israel costing ten thousand dollars a person it's no surprise that congress is sold out when you consider how there's twelve thousand seven hundred one thousand registered lobbyist operating in d.c. not to mention the unregistered special interest groups that's twenty three official lobbyist per member of congress and this by all those arbitrary laws the business is booming in fact it's more than doubled over the last ten years look everyone knows that money and politics is ruining the shell of the democracy in which we live that's common sense so they call your congressman and ask who financed their summer vacation because the only way we're going to break free of this rampant corruption is simply to play the game it's to stop the cycle and break the mold.
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guys some of you might recognize the fact the government is facing billions of dollars in spending cuts over the next decade by way of the sequester but instead of a rational discussion over how to fix the economy a majority of congress are more focused on drafting plans for yet another war in the middle east all without a peep over how much it's going to cost now i. i realize that the majority of americans are confused by the logic behind yet another military and angle meant believe me some of my here to help me break down why a country that can't pay for public schools still has money for bombs i'm joined now by the host of artes kaiser report max kaiser thanks so much for coming on max . pleasure to be here yes so with the sequester taking effect i thought this country was too broke for war how is it that we can suddenly afford to launch tomahawk cruise missiles over syria well you know we have a lot of bonds that we need people to buy to finance the u.s.
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government and occasionally what happens is the u.s. government decides they're going to coerce governments to buy their bonds or to bomb them to buy their debt and this is what we've seen now the federal reserve took on three trillion dollars of fresh step to bail out wall street the banks of america by some estimates between thirty and forty trillion dollars worth of debt that they have no way of paying back so in the last resort let's go out there and tell the foreign creditors that are thinking about pulling back from buying u.s. debt like china for example that it has pulled back from buying u.s. debt that we're going to bomb them into buying our debt it's basically a mafia model it's like uncle luigi i don't want to cast aspersions toward any ethnic group believe me but let's say that somebody is an organized criminal and they want to collect rent from somebody that they are. you know leaning on
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this is what america is doing to get these bonds paid for it sounds totally logical max and of course i'm sure in those corporate profits keep funneling in the region for the next couple decades speaking of china we all know about obama's egypt they were he's putting all this military pressure on the region again leverage but if the u.s. is so indebted to china already does not automatically give china the upper hand in the future. well i think what we're seeing in the region is saudi arabia is really calling it in this kerfuffle going on now because they're very jealous that russia has almost a near monopoly on a pipeline from europe and saudi arabia wants a pipeline into europe too and has to go through syria to get the pipeline established so they get their good friend america and israel to gang together and go bomb syria i mean it's just all very strategic terms of what saudi arabia river saudi arabia threatened to blow up the sochi olympics in russia and less they were allowed to go forward in this program to bomb syria and be
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a part of this remember that it was saudi arabia prince bandar who in number ten downing street told tony blair that unless he called off a serious fraud office investigation into a b a slush fund and that was with saudi prince bandar and b. a he that he could not guarantee another seven seven bus bombing in london so he threatened a terrorist act to a sitting prime minister tony blair and tony blair just basically threw up his hands and said whatever whatever the good kind of terror is the max and do you hear did you read the report saying that the saudi intelligence perhaps old chemical weapons to the rebels i mean it's like we're living in a freaking twilight zone i want to get your opinion on some of these trends that are going on or if there are any i mean the n.s.a. leaks what type of impact do you think they've had on the global economy. well the n.s.a. leaks is about information gathering because i anticipate in the next six to twelve months that the big banks and the governments around the world were orchestrate a bail in or a wealth confiscation from banks you saw this in cyprus we saw it when m.f.
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global along with j.p. morgan took money out of people's accounts to bail out john cores i'm so now what i support using the n.s.a. data that they've got all the information they need to announce one day in america obama will say we're going to have to take twenty percent out of every american's bank account today to pay for these deficits these wars and another round of bank bailouts and we know we can do so because we've got all the data it was given to us from the n.s.a. and we have to go for it be patriotic and allow us to take twenty percent of your money that will call it a beilin but it's basically wealth confiscation and i think that's what the really the heart of all of this snooping that's going on we're preparing the u.s. for a massive wealth confiscation taking money directly out of people's bank accounts oh my god that's terror. well i was going on what's going on in the in the justice department what's eric holder doing if the f.b.i. is going after j. is going after j.p.
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morgan's black masters for rigging the energy markets but what are we seeing abbi with the justice department they go after these bankers with what i call a marshmallow gun they go after them with a marshmallow gun they say yeah ok cat take that jamie diving yeah yeah we got so that'll get him back that's going to punish him there you see the marshmallow gun does nothing. you know another bizarre thing i can do your part in this is a how to burn after reading guilty for destruction of evidence in the wake of the b.p. oil spill their stocks rose how is it that people are investing rushing to invest in a corporation that basically admitted to a felony here i'm just really confused well albert is of the genocide business remember if if you. goldman sachs were allowed back in the day they would have taken auschwitz public and then every time they incinerator a few more people their stock would go up now that was i.b.m. . oh no i mean they j.p. morgan a place was there during the during the the holocaust as i.b.m.
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as was coca-cola but albert is in the genocide whole across business so it's time they create some enormous death of a species or enormous health risk of course that's their job that's what they're there to do to wipe out all the the i mean it's like back in the the rolling over of the plains when the corporations got rid of the. indians at the time as we call them the native americans now they're doing it all over again we're going to go over this population to make room for the corp ocracy the kleptocracy the stocker city ruled by the least qualified yeah in the corporate all of ours are loving and they're like well we know that you will still be just as valuable in ten years if not astronomically more than you are now is that that's not going to hinder our investment at all max for me you know only about a minute left but i just want to get your opinion on this i've always said that people should use their purchasing power to drive irresponsible corporations into irrelevancy how do you suggest that we can ensure some sort of accountability on the system woud be the purchasing power doesn't work anymore to try to boycott
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because you have to understand that america is like saudi arabia and one key way is saudi arabia they have all the oil and they don't need the people they have a few princes they do the oil everyone else has no rights really they don't care what they do at all it's just a huge poverty there in america that the federal reserve bank they can print all the money they want for the five thousand princes that run america they don't need people to have jobs they don't need their taxes they don't need the people because they've got a printing press so they get a little as people just died and where they're put them in the oven and help stock go higher because they get the contract to burn everybody in america thank you halliburton all the casualties of the market keep the money flowing at max kaiser always awesome to have you on i'm happier new york thank you. so much because i report my pleasure. that's it for our show today you guys have a great night and we'll see you right back here to break the set again tomorrow.
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but how you would test that the intentions of somebody and how would you know the intentions of george w. bush one can launch that war on false pretext it's now recognized internationally that saddam hussein never had weapons of mass destruction i think that sharing your point of view in any circumstance is a good thing so if you want to open up another country to a different source of government or a different type of government or a different type of authority i think that being open minded and taking it in and perhaps there are better ways of doing it than through force like i just said being invasive but i think that to be open minded is again.
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the. economic down in the final month to do your saying i and the rest because i was doing the makes you believe everything we can all to. do the main competitor girl on the market is mother. nature. may customers struggle with goods. fight for each drop from an old dirty supply. let people think i are prices
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pure want to. live on our teeth. they use it up there and wash their hands in it and flush their toilets when the same water. nestle's is selling and spraying water. dramas that can't be ignored to. stories others refuse to notice. the faces changing the world lights never. a full picture of today's lives long life on demand from around the globe. dropped. to fifty.
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a provocation by syrian rebels to trigger a foreign intervention that putin's called last month chemical attack outside damascus service shatter the g twenty summit in russia. global alarms raised over a surge of extremism within the opposition forces in syria after al-qaeda linked rebels procedure in a christian village is the latest in a wave of attacks on religious minorities. and a fresh insight into britain america's confidential folder shows nothing could stop government agencies from getting their hands on your personal data even the most heavily encrypted information it seems is now.
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