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tv   Headline News  RT  September 8, 2013 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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the latest news on the week's top stories now washington that fails to get the world on side for an attack on syria scant support from the g. twenty and the e.u. and while russia takes a firm stance saying the rebels are provoking foreign intervention. in r.t.c. as the brutality of that civil war first hand syrian army tries to clear out fighters from an ancient christian village. afghanistan's president condemns the latest nato airstrike that killed up to nine civilians including children something the law itself denies. moscow votes for a new man twenty results point to a victory for the acting chief leading opposition figure head to an excellent printing well behind the capital's first such election movie a decade. salty's
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with the news of you live from moscow. it's been a tough week for u.s. secretary of state john kerry he's been trying to convince the european union to get on board with a military strike on syria the regime's alleged use of chemical weapons but kerry presented no new evidence against the syrian government and few countries are willing to rush into action without u.n. approval now says president obama has made no final decision on whether to strike an apparent u. turn from last week so far turkey and france have been first in line to back u.s. action iraq obama wasn't able to change the minds of the other world leaders at the g. twenty summit in st petersburg. tough action should be taken but didn't endorse military
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intervention. and it's in our hands. i was elected to end wars and not start a u.s. military intervention in syria dominated talks that the g twenty but if obama was looking to gather overwhelming support at the summit he didn't get it in st petersburg there is no military solution there is no military we will not participate in military action. aside from france turkey and saudi arabia a few countries expressed outright support for obama's proposal of a military strike in a joint statement they condemned the use of chemical weapons blaming the after government and called for some kind of response but they stopped short of backing a u.s. attack on syria summit host president putin accused the rebels of being behind a chemical weapons attack near damascus. that he says was carried out to discredit the syrian authorities in the eyes of the west just the way. i view everything
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about how to get the so-called use of chemical weapons in syria. by the count on help from abroad from those countries that originally supported them that's the reason for the provocation i also want to remind you that the use of force against a sovereign state is acceptable only if it's done for self defense. and we know that syria talks to us only if the u.n. security council approves the action as one of the participants of our discussions on the issue put it yesterday those who do otherwise put themselves above the law. obama continues to insist also it was behind the attack and he won't wait for the u.s. to respond to assad's regime brazen use of chemical weapons isn't just a syrian tragedy it's a threat to global peace and security the u.s. president is due to address the american public on tuesday and try to make his best argument for an attack on syria one that failed to convince global partners at the
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g. twenty. summit could have been a last chance for a political solution to the syria crisis or at least an attempt to push forward with diplomacy but leaders part of st petersburg splits solidly on those for or against military intervention in the syrian war what has been called the worst humanitarian crisis in modern history reporting from the g. twenty and he's now a r.t. . well tensions over syria didn't completely overshadowed the talks instant pieces but we're talking the world's economic issues you know you know this is achievement so the foreman also gets i.m.f. chief christine the gods first time in the state of the global economy. the u.s. congress is still divided over whether to attack syria the first senate showdown vote expected on wednesday get out of this with the nine eleven attacks. i
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those are the chants ringing out in washington d.c. with crowds marching from the white house to capitol hill and n.b.c. poll has found that nearly eighty percent of americans think the president needs congressional approval for any response obama however says he would still have the authority to order a military strike even without lawmakers support and so far the polls are showing that more than half of americans are against any strikes on syria the figure is even higher in france in the u.k. where sixty and eighty percent respectively are against any action similar sentiments are shared in germany and italy the percentage of those against intervention in syria is a neighbor turkey even higher. on both houses of the u.s. congress all this week expected to vote on how to tackle syria let's have a look at where they tend to stand and here we go right now when you add up both
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democrats and republicans in the senate twenty three senators are in favor of the president's plan for intervening and twenty seven against any military involvement but if we look at the lower chamber of the u.s. congress the house of representatives only it comes there we go twenty five members support a military strike while two hundred twenty seven the pows intervention and reminded that two hundred seventeen votes in total are needed in the house and fifty one in the senate for any resolution on syria to pass. syrian president bashar assad meanwhile says he had nothing to do with any chemical weapons attack there is no evidence linking him to it in the us that claim was backed up in a letter to president obama written by former intelligence and military analysts say mcgovern is a cia veteran who signed a letter earlier he told my colleague kevin owen about the mood on capitol hill and why he thinks administration could be softening its stance. last friday kerry went
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before the cameras and said we got to do this and here's the not intelligence assessment mind you but the government assessment meaning the white has white house had a chance to massage it had it edited ok here's the exception it didn't hold up to scrutiny or apparently the military got to the president and i see some evidence of this next thing we know the president has changed his mind on saturday afternoon and the only thing that really intervened was the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff martin dempsey telling the president look you know it's going to be really hard as we're going to be really hard to explain what we have to do this now we could do this tomorrow or next week or next month we don't really have to do it now and the president said that in justifying his delay now what's more evidence lindsey graham and john mccain the next day just took off after the joint chiefs of staff chairman in a very personal and vindictive way because they know that finally the military
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leaders went to the president said look you know we know we know you've been told that this is going to be easy and limit all us stuff but these guys and these gals don't know a thing about war we do how do you think the congressional votes going to play out in the upcoming vote which way is it going to go i talked to a congressman last night for five minutes and it was very clear that he pledged to house leader nancy pelosi that he would vote according to what that what the president says because we have to protect the president and are you could have are you going to say that the president is why you don't have to say the president is lying when you do need to say according to our information is that the president is being given up intelligence because john brennan the head of the cia and james clapper can be confessed perjury or have thought it in their interest to to cater to the wishes of the white house which have been very clear this time we want to strike syria. those calls for an intervention in syria go back to the alleged
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sarin gas attack outside damascus last month most british firms have supplied chemicals to syria that can be used to make the nerve agent you could government this week admitted to approving the sales which for six years up until twenty ten just before the civil war broke out. to ask the government's department of business innovation and skills to comment on the situation and they said on monday that the syrian company which ordered these chemicals provided proof that they would be used for entirely innocent purposes namely window frames and the shallowness of this intelligence experts have condemned the deliveries as grossly irresponsible well to surf earth has details business secretary vince cable certainly going to be facing some tough questions these revelations that the british government has granted export licenses as yet as yet unnamed british company now this first for
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a substance has to be sent to syria and it was due to so-called fuel use substances and that was potassium fluoride and sodium fluoride and both these agents can be easily precursor chemicals in the manufacture of nerve gas those export license is granted by the department for business innovation and feels it's reported in january the seventeenth and eighteenth there are going to be questions tabled in parliament and we're really working through and scrutinize exactly how these licenses for chemical agents that could be used in the types of weapons that the syrian government big accused of using on their own people were granted for a british company to send to syria. meanwhile in syria itself the violence continues with the ancient christian village of malula having turned into a battleground government troops are turning to clear affiliated rebels from the area which was overrun a few days ago ortiz were for national president
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a trip inside. we entered my lula through its ancient gages burnt and them it in recent attacks shortly after the syrian army announces that most of the militants were pushed back signs of the recent battle and destruction a reverie where we were told to move fast and to follow the military is the cause without stopping or even slowing down there are some parts of the road where we have to speed up officers still fear they could be snipers around we hear them shouting go go fast on one turn we suddenly stop. for a minute. it's hard to understand exactly what's happened we only hear a loud boom and feel the earth shake. we get out of the car to take a look around when i was inside our little.
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christian community all over the world now it is a battlefield look at this. and then we realized we have landed in the heart of this battle as some live bullets started flying around us we've ended model of village with the army but just just a few minutes later they told us to get back the militants launch an attack fire an instrument explosives from the safety of high ground so this is what we're doing right now we're coming back to you to the entrance this is where. a car bomb exploded on wednesday morning and this is how it all started after a suicide attack militants mostly from a job or the looser group stormed in and since that question is have been contained in for three days and sure as you can see they are considered now soldiers firing shots back but they can't even see enemy fighters who are cooped up in their hiding places. and that the real militants in that
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model now and in the us i fear hotel this is the mountaintop hotel which was my. brother told me up. front. but also from behind the mountains surrounding the mall lula village and that's is where the danger lies because the road many snipers and the rah rah could grenades and the rock warms mortared warms was you can see the situation on the ground it's very hard you can see that the army is rick rubin right now but this. is that. what the american congress does. on syria where.
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the decision made thousands of kilometers away from the battlefield will affect this. but exactly how it is not easy to predict. from in syria. more stories to ahead including the battle for moscow the majority of votes to things don't look promising for opposition who. bring all the latest on that. peace prize. is now also become global brand you have a full story on the program. afghan authorities say that up to nine civilians including children were among fifteen people killed by the latest nato air strike in the country. only militants were killed meanwhile four afghan troops died when taliban militants set off
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a bomb at the entrance of a compound starts the country's capital kabul all this ahead of the old withdrawal of coalition troops from the country twenty fourteen investigative journalist says the presence of foreign soldiers was caused a spike in the levels of insurgency. the civilian death toll shows us over the over ten years that look nato is not winning in afghanistan that fighting militants is very very difficult and civilian casualties have been on the increase even vul need to call these position precision attacks not very precise. afghanistan want to border regions of pakistan civilians are paying the cost of this war since the occupation started the taliban have seen an increase in support there it's almost that their movement has been revived civilians normal people are looking for someone to resist against the occupation and i think that as you see the increase
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of civilian casualties if people's brothers sisters fathers homes are destroyed people are murdered family members killed they will turn to those people and say look we can free you of this oppression. it's headed to the polls to decide who's going to be their man almost all the ballots counted the latest figures indicate that the incumbent. holds a clear lead with more than fifty one percent of the vote while the opposition candidate saying that only is a distant second just over twenty seven percent. of the polls. initially it was widely expected that acting in the would most probably beat his main rival and candidate from the opposition i didn't see enough money in this election and the question was is this going to happen in the first. or second round not least the voter turnout was around thirty two percent which is frankly much less of than initially expected now this election is being monitored by eleven thousand
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observers many of them a large part of them are actually independent activists also web cameras were installed at over thirty six hundred polling stations across the whole city in an effort to ensure transparency this is the first time a mosque always treating a mere since two thousand and three so lots of attention is being paid to do how fair it's going to be held throughout the course of the voting itself there were no reports of major violations but it's really the focus is really now on how these ballots are going to be counted since that's what's really going to decide whether or not a second route will be there and that will only happen if neither candidate manages to pass the fifty percent mark now six candidates are taking part in this election but clearly the main rivals are acting there's a bag and and. now for mr sabbat and he's already been in charge of the city for over two years now but for i don't see now why this is really his first attempt at
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such a high political post he is quite a controversial figure in russia partially due to his connection with the nationalist he did become one of the leaders of the opposition movement during the last years wave of mass protest he's also known as anti corruption online projects but in july he himself was found guilty of investment and sentenced to five years behind bars he was released. on bail many analysts actually say that that didn't only allow him to take part in the select. would also have served as additional. he's planning to appeal. after the election he was also saying that no matter what the outcome of the boat would be he's already received the green light from the authorities to hold a rally on monday in central moscow to meet with his supporters and we are waiting for the final results and the final figures. we'll have plenty more stories for you on live in wasteful spending britain's minister of defense squandered about one
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point five billion pounds and. counting. on to our to dot com for the full story. passed so one hundred seven year old man squares off against. you know the full tragic story of the gunfight on our website. on the spot being overshadowed by the syrian crisis the g. twenty summit still to address its core business of tackling the world's economic issues among those who are tax avoidance employment and emerging economies struggle to support themselves most of artie's venture capital program as the details. we did have big financial decisions that. we know the only official agenda it was to do with how to tackle the vast amounts of unemployment another big theme here was the volatility that the emerging markets are now currently faced away and that in light of ben bernanke the federal reserve chairman saying that he's going to be
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pulling the plug on his stimulus measures because of the investors have been pulling that cast out of what is perceived to be risky assets i managed to catch up with the international monetary fund christine legarde and i asked for her opinion on the current state of the global economy but about monetary stamina do you think that these measures have run their course and they simply doesn't work that we need pain in the short term in order for what would you say that the monetary policy doesn't work because we believe that it does hog. very positive effects and certainly seeing the u.s. economy and the japanese economy pick up as they are at the moment despite the. fiscal. door in place and that we would like to see improved a bit i managed to catch up with the former finance minister of russia alexei could today and he referred to these cash injections as almost like a jogger work america the world's economy its current state can be characterized as
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being on life support for its vital functions are being kept running by the federal reserve the european central bank and other banks by constant cash and directions this should only be temporary if a sick man goes through treatment and it doesn't help there's no point continuing it but there's something else i want to talk about is the bric development bank because this was a breakthrough as well and we have the countries of course i'm talking about brazil russia india china south africa and they have set up this which just to put it into context for you would rival the likes of the i.m.f. and the world bank it was that as a safety net to support the struggling emerging economies so there was a danger that the political tensions would completely override the proceedings but there was certainly plenty business deals and agreements made here at the g. twenty in st petersburg. now in chile's capital santiago the t.v. crew vowed to stop this child was caught up in the time all that erupted in initially peaceful march commemorating victims of general goes to pinochet's nine
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hundred seventy three where is the footage we received from them and what you are seeing is a police chasing radical yusuke hijab provided by throwing stones and building barricades on the spanish correspondent was tear gas to describe the actions of the authorities as brutal as the fortieth anniversary of the canal in the through serves as an inspiration later resulted in thousands of people being killed and detained by the military government around sixty thousand people relatives of initials victims among them took part in emotional. group of armed men have stormed several bars in a remote city in guatemala killing at least fifteen people leaving schools wounded sentence escaped on a seized car all three on stalled officials believe the attack could be related to gang violence in the region just against us on the way. the philippine port city of has been overrun by suspected muslim rebels according to
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reports one soldier's been killed and six others wounded in clashes with the more national liberation front. it was holding at least twenty hostages in four different districts decades old insurgency by him was then rebels in the south of the mainly catholic country has claimed more than one hundred fifty thousand lives . just as have blocked roads leading to one of the world's largest arms fairs in london over thirteen hundred military and security tom police will be displaying their hardware at the event set to launch on monday police were called in to manage the situation but no clashes have been reported and he will groups say the fir encourages arms sales to cultures with human rights records. and india has deployed hundreds of troops to disperse riots between hindus and muslims in the state of progress of claim twenty one lives so far islands erupted in chorale village after the killing of three villages who
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had objected when a young woman was being brutally abused a curfew has been imposed on the road to several neighboring towns. peace prize laureate and father of a nation there smuggler spent his first week at home after almost three months of intensive care in hospital while he remains bedridden relatives have been fighting to get a piece of the money pie honestly reports. as far as we t.v. shows go this one is right up there sibling rivalry feuds and family gossip but it's not any old family we're talking about here it's the mandela's it's clearly not an arson one project it's a monday and a family project is very uncomfortable about his name or his image being associated with commercial projects so the question becomes where do you draw the line the reality show follows the lives of two of mandela's granddaughters as they
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spend and lose money on extravagant business ventures and go on while shopping sprees it's a far cry from the humble background mandela grew up in all the grim reality facing millions of south africa's poor black citizens bus argument bella's children it's their name and they have a right to use it however they see fit i think that he has paid his dues to society and i think his family who very often we don't mention the prize that they've had to pay to be without a father a husband and uncle who was behind bars all these years. and yet it's disgusted most south africans that while the icon laid for months in a hospital bed many of his family were cashing in on his famous name two of mandela's daughters took him to court for their share of his legacy it hurt him deeply and dragged the country's moral compass to a new low is absolutely an outrage that's what the armed stand where they're doing these a lot of money and off to rip you have that name i suppose you feel the mark want
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to keep the last one. is like the father is a bit of a nation actually so all of these that i have pretty right now i'm not really sure if this is appropriate for people to be using those they see is the mandela name it is their family name you cannot go far in south africa without being reminded of the ninety five year old nobel laureate he is everywhere on t. shirts banknotes bookshelves smiling down from up above more than just a man he's become a global brand one that's estimated to be worth millions of dollars. an extension of a brand has to be almost more of the same it has to respect the qualities and values about brand into all those other areas so it's a tricky area. of nelson mandela is being stretched and tortured and pulled in different directions but for most south africans nothing can match the man himself
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who lived inside this house this is the mandela family home for weeks people have been leaving here flour was gifts and cards the crowds might have gone but their messages and hopes remaining graved on small stones. it's a sad irony that the father of the nation who bought south africa back from an almost certain civil war has seen his own family descend into britain fighting within itself. johannesburg south africa. coming up after the break kids cross talk with your hosts people about. it was a. very hard to make i. want to get on. why have
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you ever had sex with her there's no. point. of. right the same place. first struck the luck and i predict what you're going to play. on our employers
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playing the against the law. the law the law. dramas that can't be ignored. stories others refused to notice and. say since changing the walls lights now. so picture of today's lives the pundits from around the globe the globe to. the clinicians. couldn't take three months for charges.


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