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tv   Headline News  RT  September 9, 2013 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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live from moscow today breaking news this hour syria says it's willing to put it simply hired chemical arsenal on the united nations control a proposal put forward by russia's foreign minister that killing a comment from the u.s. secretary of state. but shortly after john kerry raised that idea in london the u.s. state department but saying it was never intended as a real offer. also this hour the battle for moscow is over. and instead elected in a new term in office but opposition runner up election of only refuses to concede defeat calling for a mass rally to demand a recount. very
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good evening it's now is to say just past eight o'clock here in moscow my name is kevin and you're watching r.t. syria has agreed to russia's proposal that it put its chemical weapons stockpiles under international control u.s. secular state john kerry initially suggested such a scheme as a way to avoid a military strike on syria but the u.s. state department says since issued an apparent retraction saying it wasn't a genuine offer to sean thomas joins us for more hi there sean it's been an afternoon of twists and turns but the dramatic news in the last hour syria now said its own border this plan bring us up to speed well certainly kevin has been a very interesting day in fact as this story has rapidly develop from a tongue in cheek remark apparently to an actual diplomatic proposal the latest news while the foreign minister of syria saying that he welcomes russia's proposal to work with them on bringing syria's chemical weapons arsenal under international . control let's backtrack though and talk about how this is all unfolded throughout
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the day it all started with a john kerry and william hague meeting in london discussing the situation in syria at that point john kerry said that the evidence was compelling that the assad regime had used chemical weapons and it basically made an offer basically if syria hands over their full chemical weapons arsenal by the end of the week then an attack can be avoided he also said that any military strike from the united states would be unbelievably small and limited in scope that the u.s. is not going to war perhaps. a war of words if you will because only congress can declare war and that may be perhaps setting up the case for obama to act alone later on loud who had earlier meet met with the syrian foreign minister said that he promises to support john kerry's initiative and at that point he said he will work with the united states and the syrian government meant to make sure that this
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is a reality but then we didn't hear anything from the syrian foreign minister immediately we then heard from the u.n. secretary general ban ki-moon who echoed this idea that if syria decides to put their chemical weapons into international control and have a destroyed that he pushes for that it was also pushing for syria to join the chemical weapons ban which the international community overwhelmingly supports then we heard from the syrian foreign minister himself who then basically this is the big news right now saying they are willing to go ahead with this proposal this is what sergei lavrov turned in from a remark from john kerry into a proposal if we hear what he had to say. i don't feel it is the will is the reason we saw that statement by john kerry who said there would be no strikes this damascus hands over its chemical weapons arsenal to the international community we don't know whether syria would agree to it but if man it helps avoid a strike then we're ready to negotiate with the mask so that when there's
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a little comfort now throughout the course of this day the interesting part of the little twist in this if you will is a spokesperson from the state department said that john kerry's remarks were tongue in cheek it was meant as a rhetorical comment on the impossible idea that bashar al assad would get rid of his chemical weapons arsenal of weapons arsenal that he hasn't even admitted to really having at all but at this point time syria saying that they are willing to go ahead and work with russia and united states to make sure that this happens to prevent a u.s. led attack sean thanks lee up there they'll be following up in the coming hours thanks for thomas our correspondent so than russia taking what john kerry said at face value despite washington trying to play down that the idea of syria handing over its chemical weapons well we spoke to michael maloof about this he's a former senior security policy at the u.s. department of defense he says america's backpedaling provides an insight into what its real plans are. well i think if if the syrian government comes around and says
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yes we're going to go ahead and do that and mr mr obama goes on t.v. tuesday night and says he intends to still bomb then i think that this clearly shows what this administration's goal was all along and that was something beyond just chemical weapons but to try to destabilize and replace the the syrian government and of course that's going to bring on other kinds of of ramifications which are just going to be which is going to bring total instability to the middle east so the trade off is dramatic and i think that if. mr obama does not go along with this then i think that we will seriously have serious problems but that on the other hand this could be another way for the obama administration to back its way out of the corner that had boxed itself into some other news to student by the syrian conflict as well anonymous source close to the syrian conflict telling our say that a planned provocation with the use of chemical weapons would be carried out against
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israel by the syrian rebels they apparently want to carry out some sort of chemical attack from the territory which is controlled by the government to get you always leave more details on that from our correspondent in the region a little bit later. president obama sharpening his case for a military intervention meanwhile before a crucial congress vote he'll be making a string of media appearances later the day before meeting democratic lawmakers and addressing the nation on tuesday the senate could vote as early as wednesday and the house of representatives may take another week then to make a decision many in congress are convinced the bombers pitch so far they want to see more evidence of assad's involvement in last month's alleged chemical strike according to a washington post estimate a majority of both chambers of congress are undecided that's what's playing out there here's how the senate vote would play out if it took place right now we think
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the house of representatives could prove to be obama's biggest challenge it's dominated by republicans are overwhelmingly against the military plan. gonna gauge the mood on capitol hill her report does contain images which some of you might find disturbing the upcoming vote in congress might not be as slam dunk as many thought it would be considering the support for military action in syria that congressional leaders have previously expressed members of congress admit that they are being bombarded by calls from their constituents ninety nine percent of whom demand that they vote no to the administration's plan to bomb syria this is ministration has failed to show me the direct threat to the united states of america we have absolutely no guarantee it will expand no guarantee of peace in the region the cia has prepared a video presentation that shows the aftermath of the brainless attacks in syria it's a collection of gruesome videos that were previously posted on you tube it's designed to sway members of congress to vote yes on bombing syria but the videos as gruesome
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as they are do not offer proof that the assad government has carried out the attacks nor does the four page on classified report released by the administration earlier members of congress are supposed to get the proving classified hearings but as congressman alan grayson said they're being given intelligence briefings without any hard evidence to support administration's claims that the syrian leader has ordered the use of chemical weapons here's another cab the members of congress are not allowed to discuss the classified hearings so we have no way of knowing what the administration has actually provided as evidence lawmakers are unable to discuss the evidence the classified evidence even among themselves unless they are inside an approved reading room and as congressman grayson says questioning the official account of events is quote actively discouraged is that the obama administration is doing what it calls flooding the field in other words trying to monopolize the conversation dominate the discourse and provide only information in
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favor of an attack to members of congress and to the public i think that's unfortunate there's always two sides to the story when you talk about war and peace the public and congress definite. here deserve to hear about both sides the president aides are saying that he will listen to other ways to present himself as hinting that he might not listen to congress which of course begs the question why this charade in congress them go if you can in washington but when it comes to popular opinion polls consistently show over fifty percent of americans are against intervention in syria the numbers even higher in france and eighty percent of british people want security council approval before any strike similar sentiments are shared in germany in italy to meantime in turkey the majority of people don't want their neighbor as it is attacked either former intelligence or military officials in the u.s. of meantime sent a letter to president obama which says chemical warfare in syria was a provocation by the rebels ray mcgovern worked for the cia for three decades and was among that group who signed that letter he told me about the politics behind
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the planned intervention. last friday kerry went before the cameras and said we got to do this and here's the not intelligence assessment mind you but the government assessment meaning the white has white house had a chance to massage it had it edited ok here's the exception it didn't hold up to scrutiny and apparently the military got to the president and i see some evidence of this next thing we know that the president has changed his mind on saturday afternoon and the only thing that really intervened was the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff martin dempsey telling the president look you know it's going to be really hard as we're going to be really hard to explain what we have to do this now we could do this tomorrow or next week or next month we don't really have to do it now and the president said that and justifying his delay now what's more evidence lindsey graham and john mccain the next day just took off after the joint chiefs of
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staff chairman in a very personal and vindictive way because they know that finally the military leaders went to the president said look you know we know we know you've been told that this is going to be easy and limit all our stuff but these guys and these gals don't know a thing about war we do how do you think the congressional votes going to play out in the upcoming vote which way is it going to go i talked to a congressman last night for five minutes and it was very clear that he pledged to house leader nancy pelosi that he would vote according to what that what the president says because we have to protect the president and are you going to are you going to say that the president is why you don't have to say the president is lying or you do need to say according to our information is that the president being given cooked up intelligence because john brennan the head of the cia and james clapper it can be confessed perjury or have thought it in their interests to to cater to the wishes of the white house which have been very clear this time we
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want to strike syria. well while the country's civil war rages on we're continuing to bring you reports from the front line one ancient christian village in the mountains north of damascus has been besieged by syrian rebels have now driven out government troops out is refreshing a witness to all that this is the latest of a report. we so what more lulu looks like right now this is a very sad picture which used to be picturesque villages surrounded by mountains in the central part of syria where you feel like time has almost stalled where people train in numerous churches all across the village in make the language over jesus christ in greek in arabic and in french what also is home to dozens of. mosques this now looks like a battlefield and i want to you now to take
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a look at what we saw. there are militants and my little now in our. hotel this is the mountaintop hotel which was the. rubble. but as i say. the militants first of all. exploded the car at the checkpoint to enter the village and after that they took the mountain tops i feel. they are firing from this position and this is the highest point in the village and also the run milton's behind in the mountains that was around in my little or so their position is very strong in a very good and no one can say for sure now for how long it will last my lula is
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a very symbolic place it reflects how the entire syrian society use to be a very secular society and a value very tolerant society and right now we can see that this society is shaken and this is exactly what is happening within thai syrian community so it is a very symbolic and. recently we saw b.t.o. posted on you tube where people who call themselves jihad this mujahideen who invaded my leader they are in my loan this video they're saying that they came to my lawyer to protect people from the brutal regime of bashar al assad how a cynic is this we were in mali last year in spring and i have to say that i haven't seen any place even here in syria where life is so calm and is so peaceful. correspondence and ask is they one of the few international reporters actually in the country you can follow me on twitter as well to get her updates on
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what's happening in the country she's also got pictures from a little over she's been reporting from lately where she traveled with the syrian army you see how the mood to operation it's been twisting attorney has been unfolding of the past few days and learn what makes that ancient landmark so unique . in the. moscow thanks for being with us let me just begin on the news one about you about five minutes ago norm a source close to the syrian conflict is told us quote that a planned provocation with the use of chemical weapons will be carried out against israel by the syrian rebels that's the quote let's try and put some more meat on this and trying get some more details and clarify paula slee is in tel aviv for us are there paula you heard what i said there are no you're across this is lines coming in the last couple of hours can you tell us any more. kevin we don't have
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too much information at that stage just to me to break point that you have making we're being told that an anonymous source close to the syrian conflict say that there is a planned provocation what's the use of chemical weapons that will be carried out by the rebels inside syria from trixi that is controlled by the syrian president bashar assad on his role the information we're receiving is that this attack will happen in the nearest future and that they will be the use of so can chemical weapons now let's talk course what the blame on syrian government because it's coming from areas that are being held by the student government to nothing as a community in these a place although i want to make a point that we have seen emergency rule held in the last twenty four hours to katie in the north of the country and it will go on. the subcommissioner weapons by the rebels look for these kind of reports on not nothing new on nothing means nothing as can't afford and in the tank is being intended for israel of course
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israel is concerned about any kind of a text it is all in the content actually attached to me as you well know they're going to take what you can bend literally to hezbollah now it is common knowledge that it will benefit from a child and as strong as that machine to the israelis would have to carry because it ultimately a worst than that officially it will change it doesn't want to get involved in side during the conflict but should it be the opinion of people i've been interviewing here in israel is that any kind of going forward of the student president even looking to be beneficial to his role on the wii point of view the list to eagle to co-exist with is as chad and his machine as indeed israel has been doing for the past few years now this prompted because bin laden looked for all kinds of applications at all levels just to remind of those horrifying continue to update children by the obama administration to justify a possible attack on syria and they could withstand the children actually kidnapped
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in school today by the rebels is all of course because he's he's reported we are seeing him on our team at the rebels are planning a major publication to strike this country the character he did a comedy controlled by the student government or let you get back across this story from verify hopefully not verify more of it you know where everyone's hoping that the polis way all along the from tel aviv thank you very much we'll bring you more live reaction on the latest developments in syria here on our team from moscow right after this quick break. escalation agenda u.s. president barack obama has ordered the pentagon to be a task force and expand the target list as part of his assumed assault on syria. international opinion polls at home the us on its own is poised to carry out forced regime change in damascus well at least that's the plan.
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we could know if. the consensus. choose to go to the great to. choose to stories could impact the. access to. the media leave us so we leave that maybe. by the same motion secure. your party there's a bill. for shoes that no one is asking with to get that you deserve answers from. politics. to our top stories promise serious offer to hand over its chemical weapons in the
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last few hours to u.n. supervision to avoid a foreign intervention and another development british prime minister david cameron has responded to that statement of those fellows as well saying it would be a big step forward in the ongoing international standoff let's get some thoughts live. time's running correspondent pepe escobar so many twists and turns to soften payouts i know you know it seems on the face of it a solution has been found to avoid intervention or has it. we don't know because don't forget the president of united states said this will as a red light either was a breach and he was going to war. so he is going to backtrack against the congress against us public opinion against lack of evidence and now with an offer on the table which obviously was between the bush era assad government and i would say high excellence of the russian government which is a face saving situation for everybody hang on this started this started first of
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all today with john kerry putting it on the table the boss of you know of foreign affairs basically underneath a bomb and yet then we hear a couple of hours later oh no what did not actually say that peculiar behavior no. well flickers or this or this isn't even big into this tribe because we had as john kerry school involves john kerry selling a war to a bunch of very skeptical hawkish republicans in the u.s. congress nobody in hollywood would ever write a screenplay like that and it's happening in front of our own son particularly if you were trying genuinely to avert having having to send bombs or weapons if you possibly could. and on to syria if you were trying to avoid more bloodshed. kevin look there's some singing as shadowy going on or because of that we are not seeing the obama administration has seeing the numbers don't have the votes in congress they have i would see eighty percent of world public opinion at least
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against them if not ninety percent d. so what happened that g. twenty meeting in st petersburg last week where the obama administration was completely isolated in fact apart from the brits france and the democratic kingdom of saudi arabia so they're trying to find a way out there is no question about it will dispute be part of this thread is this ng is burned our bush house of sell their big four idea that apac the israeli lobby is law. starting today monday congress for the war so who's going to. the peaceniks or these rarely house of cellblock and the other extremely disturbing bit of news we got from an a source close to the syrian conflict talking to r.t. today false flag or not we don't know but a false flag chemical attack was the theory by the rebels launched from the
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territory controlled by the syrian government into israel give us your thoughts about that. wow this school says. it's one up only whites might have happened in fact in ghouta do forget that a few of us lead depended analysts in fact we were less of course stuck to the possibility of the false flag and how it happened in guta with chemical weapons that kitchen salary as we put it that came from iraq and then to syria fly al qaeda in iraq and job out. now we are going one step forward if do this and it will soon that the ruler is already there it's extremely possible because this would be a consul's barely. the weight that the obama administration doesn't have at the moment because the other estate has already said the evidence that we have is not refutable and this would be irrefutable but go see that we are all warned and all
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the players are warned of false slack my pappa and my friend ray might go over former cia analyst you know washington he was already talking about the possibility of absurd or false flag for the best of days and yes and yes i just last month we got to leave it there thank you for your thoughts so it's good to see you at times even correspondents thank you thank you i'll call my website let's take a look at some other stories a website have learned a few way from syria for a moment big cambodia revellers get in touch with the wild side of the hindu harvest festival in southern india you can see all the best pictures in our invasion gallery and on t.v. don't hold money in a sterile t. bug city felt so tight and want to waste a few million dollars bucks exactly what happened in the u.k. military according to a spending report has just been released to read up on not to don't come tell you how those costly blunders came about plus two russian lawyer who gunned down six
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people last year after breaking up with his girlfriend and posting a hate plan a festival online is. sentenced to life in jail again we've got the story. now moscow's acting mayor is poised for a second term in office after winning sunday's election with just over fifty percent of the vote is made rival election of ali put up a tough challenge though securing twenty seven percent and is now demanding a runoff vote he's called on his supporters to gather for a mass rally in central moscow to contest the results which he says were rigged let's go live to artie's big ego piskun off for the latest i go bring us up to speed about what is happening in central moscow that. it was authorized for two and a half thousand people but very various reports do suggest that it's already gathered more than that police have been calling on moscow wise to respect the law in order and have also warned that they are ready to curve any attempts not to play by the rules and now i like seeing the only team officially came in second place
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during sunday's election views it was the meanwhile all packed in mirrors to be set back again to see that he's critical of the outcome of the vote is to see nothing he is demanding a second round to be held he's also demanding a partial recount of the ballot ballots claiming that the percentage which was needed for. to secure victory in the first round was added on wall fully and he says that is if he's demands are not met then he's going to start calling on his supporters to take part in civil disobedience alexina while in the is quite a controversial figure in russia partially due to his links to the russian nationalists but he did really become one of the leaders of the opposition and public politician during the last years wave of mass protests he's also known online anti corruption projects in july and himself found himself in the center of a scandal when he was found guilty of environment and sentenced to five years
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behind bars he was released on bail but is still still has to appeal that sentence but it seems for now his and his. supporters' main concern is this election and it also seems that they are very determined with their demands or what will be obviously monitoring the situation here in central moscow and we'll be bringing you the latest as it happened throughout the evening go for now thanks thanks for position just saw the kremlin there and thank you for being with us after the break crosstalk see here peter in the guests weighing in on america's possible strike on syria. fans of the shocked your football club and kind of gonda kazakhstan believe that a certain special ritual help them achieve victory against the world famous scottish team celtic this ritual was sacrificing a sheep at the stadium as someone who lives in kazakhstan for two years i know
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there's a real meat eating country with deeply rooted traditions in life stuck racing so this news is unusual but maybe it's not completely bizarre for the culture of course defenders of animal rights who don't seem to realize that the sheep would be turned into people of the next few days anyways demanded that you a full officials punish the shock to a club for the actions of individual fans this is the same logic as if someone wearing a sexy tim kirby t. shirt went around robbing liquor stores i am not responsible for the actions of people like this program and it's not like i'd ever advocate robbing liquor stores and i doubt the shocked your management secretly arranged for fans to slaughter the sheep at the stadium when the slaughter of animals is acceptable to you or not well that's one thing but we don't need to regulate the morality of individuals in other countries via soccer especially if that regulation means punishing the football clubs who are responsible for the actions of individuals but that's just my opinion .
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please. go and welcome the crosstown for all things are considered i'm peter lavelle escalation agenda us president barack obama has ordered the pentagon to double the attack force and expand the target list as part of his assumed assault on syria irrespective international of. opinion polls at home the u.s. on its own is poised to carry out forced regime change in damascus well at least that's the plan. to cross talk the war in syria i'm joined by my guests in washington gareth porter he's an investigative journalist and author of the upcoming book manufactured crisis.


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