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tv   Headline News  RT  September 9, 2013 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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video for your media project free media don carty dot com. breaking news this hour an r.t. moscow syria says it's willing to put its entire chemical arsenal on the united nations control a proposal put forward by russia's foreign minister to avoid a u.s. military strike. while the blame game over last month's sorry gas attack in syria continues our tea source is also the stuff to do with a close to the conflict say rebel fighters are now planning a chemical prophet cation strike against israel will be hearing the latest on this potential development from our correspondent shortly. the battle for moscow is over . elected for a new term in office but opposition runner up the election of ali refuses to concede defeat his supporters right now in fact staging a mass rally in the center of moscow and demanding
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a recount. for a good evening just after nine pm here in moscow my name's kevin owen thanks for watching r.t. international our top story them so many twists and turns today syria has agreed to russia's proposal that it put its chemical weapons stockpiles under international control and whether in the day u.s. second state john kerry did mission suggested such a scheme as a way to avoid a military strike on syria but then the u.s. state department since the shooter apparent retraction of that saying it wasn't a genuine offer thomas is on top of this story has shown as i say so many twists and turns but since that initial offer was made there's been so much positive reaction to it to take us through the day certainly it has been a very interesting day watching this as it has developed it started off as a day of a meeting of. the ministers both from the western side and with russia and the
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syrian foreign minister in fact they met earlier today that is. and is sergey lavrov coming out of that meeting they both agreed that syria would work with russia to stop a strike from the west and also syria had agreed to come to the negotiating table with no conditions that's big news but the biggest news is that syria has agreed to release their chemical weapons arsenal to the international community let's listen to what. i had to say about that. i have listened to the russian foreign minister statement and i want to say that we welcome his initiative as a government can as about the lies of the syrian people and on national security and also because we trust the russian government's judgment and its efforts to prevent us aggression against the syrian people now let's backtrack and see how we got to this exact point it started off with john kerry meeting with his counterpart in the
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u.k. william hague in london out of that meeting kerry said that syria if they want to avoid a an attack from the u.s. they could turn over their entire chemical weapons arsenal by the end of the this week he also talked about if there were going to be a strike from the united states it would be of limited scope and unbelievably small saying that the united states is not going to go to war in over the syrian situation this could be a play on words because only congress has the ability to declare war congress is voting on syrian intervention this week so this could be a set up to basically say that obama has the right to go it alone if you will without congressional approval but out of that sergey lavrov then came out and said he welcomes this idea he's willing to work with the united states and the syrian government to make this idea a reality let's listen to what sergei lavrov his words were in we go. to this offer
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from kerry. we saw that statement by john kerry who said there would be no strikes of damascus hands over its chemical weapons arsenal to the international community we don't know whether syria would agree to it but if that helps avoid a strike listen we're ready to negotiate with damascus. now this is where this all gets really interesting in fact the state department kind of issued a backtrack if you will stating that john kerry's remarks were tongue in cheek it was a rhetorical remark in response to the unbelievable idea that bashar al assad would give up his chemical arsenal an arsenal that he won't even admit to having but after that retraction after the idea came forward and after sergey lavrov said that he's willing to work with the u.s. and with the syrian government lots of international support in fact u.k. prime minister cameron saying that it is a big step forward u.n. secretary general ban ki moon says he agrees with this concept was considering
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a similar proposal from the u.n. as well and then also urging syria to join the chemical weapons ban and then of course this latest news that the syrian government itself the syrian prime minister agreeing that they are willing to work with russia and the west to remove their chemical arsenal to avoid a strike from the west so big news developing tonight on the syrian front absolutely show but she would like we've got more live coming coming about this development too in just a bit meantime another potential major development today a number of anonymous sources close to the syrian conflict of told r.t. that rebel forces are planning to launch a quote provocation attack using chemical weapons against israel live no doughty's paula slater in tel aviv for more on this obviously those concerns that uncorroborated let's talk about where they may have come from and how strong it may be those concerns being greeted very seriously in israel. when it said he will be taken very seriously here in israel nothing as of yet in the israeli press or any kind of a. commons what we know is that r.t.
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sources are telling us that they have information that in the nearest future they will be an attack originating in the areas of syria where the rebels are present using certain and known chemical weapons against the territory of israel now there are two important points i want to make the first is that we are being told that these tax will originate in territory that has been controlled by the assad government so what this clearly means is that the blame will go towards the syrian regime but on the other hand it will be attacks that will be carried out by the syrian rebels as are so no reaction as of yet here in his role but in the last twenty four hours there have been a number of emergency drills particularly in the north of the country in israel's golan heights we also are hearing now from the israeli institute for policy against terrorism on monday they would least a report in which they say that they have information that there are chemical weapons in syria being housed in some fifty cities five of those are cities with
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big factories now the reporter saying that the situation in these cities is constantly changing so what this means it says sometimes the rebels are in charge sometimes assad's forces and the conclusion is that there is the possibility that the rebel fighters will be in control of these weapons if and when the cities for today hence the report also outlines concerns that hizbullah or palestinian organizations or all cried and often isolations will get their hands on these chemical weapons israel of course is very very concerned about any kind of attacks on israeli territory that will eliminate from syria in the past it has struck syria at the time it said to prevent weapons delivery to hizbollah of course it's common knowledge in israel and elsewhere that this country benefits from a side being in power otherwise israel would have to face a whole host of characters who ultimately are going to be worse than assad himself although. officially the israeli point of view is that it is not involved inside
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syria bed speaking to people here inside israel the israeli point of view by and large is that the list see evil is for israel to co-exist with the assad regime and of course this is something that israel has been doing for a few years the alleged use of chemical weapons by the rebels is not something new we've seen these allegations coming forward in the past of course this is a conflict that has been laden with all kinds of provocations at all levels we've seen homefront pictures of dead children that were used by the obama administration to justify a possible attack on syria later turned out that those children had in fact been kidnapped and salted by the rebels with chemical weapons israel of course will take very seriously these latest claims that rebels are planning a major publication to strike israel from the territory currently being controlled by the syrian government or paula thanks for the from tel aviv middle east correspondent meantime opinion polls united states indicate that americans are
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becoming increasingly reluctant to support any military action in syria new figures from the newspaper usa today show this they show over sixty percent of those polled do not want their country to be involved in the syrian conflict compare that to an older reuters poll that was carried out we've been showing you throughout the week where fifty six percent were against strikes it's interesting this gives more analysis on all of today's events now though from defense consultant moeen roofie joining us on the line from birmingham hi there and thanks for your time. as i say so many twists and turns today let's focus on the main one this solution possibly on the horizon that syria will give up its chemical weapons in response for not being attacked but how practical is it for a country that in the middle of a civil war gather together its chemical stockpiles to move them somewhere to a safe place because they're scattered all around the country in various locations
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aren't working. well there probably are but we need to seek out information from the syrian government as to where these chemical weapons are being held but also let's remember we've been here before. prior to the illegal invasion of iraq in two thousand and three bush stated that if saddam hussein gave up his weapons of mass destruction that there would not be an attack and later on he said to that if saddam hussein and his sons leave iraq there would not be another attack so this this rhetoric we've heard it before and i don't think john kerry is being contradicted by his own state department who should be the spokesman should be fired for this then then he's really a lame duck secretary but is the will not now in motion we've got britain saying it's a good idea we've got the u.n. banky move saying it's a good idea we've got russia actively doing this we've got serious
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a year we're on we're on board with it. yes but all they want is because they have not president obama's as been unable to convince congress about his need to attack all be on a limited basis syria has failed to convince congress and they're looking for more information so this is perhaps what they need is for syria to say yes they do possess chemical weapons so that congress can be convinced to authorize the president to attack syria hang on behind closed doors tonight maybe america qual is saying hey this is going to solve the whole. well yes or no i think they're going to move the goalposts at some point if it's not this you know if if kerry's been contradicted he's saying if they give up their chemical weapons well then let's take it to the united nations security council and let them pass a resolution resolution and send in the weapons inspectors inspectors again to to
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take possession of these chemical weapons this has to be done properly under the international law. just a unilateral decision there's a couple of things i wanted to ask you about the congress vote in just a second how that might go but the other big development potential development came out as we've been a little earlier our sources telling us of a possible provocation. prost possible provocation chemical attack by the syrian rebels against israel sometime soon it's very vague obviously it's going to me strangely concerned israel. what do you think about these claims today. well remember the rebels have stated previously from the beginning of this year that they're going to attack israel this been a stated goal from the beginning anyway and once they had to achieve their objectives in syria they would have gone on to israel anyway the. summer un observers in the golan heights earlier this year so it's been
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a stated goal and i would say that yes there is right israel and the rest of my real threat to being caught i'm sorry that israel underestimated the threat do you think so far all you are or you are because israel thought so that once assad leaves is going to be peace in the region they had underestimated the rebels goal which was to start with syria and then go on to israel and other countries in the region so yes completely underestimated moey we're out of time five seconds will it get through congress this vote yes or no as you see it currently no more a roof i'm sorry we got to leave it there we've got to break except for the head to go in route from a loan from burma defense consult as you well we appreciate your time. or the president obama sharpening his case for military intervention before that crucial congress vote he'll be making a string of media appearances later today before meeting democrat lawmakers and addressing the nation choose day the senate could vote as early as wednesday on the house of representatives may then take another week to make
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a decision many in congress are convinced so far they want to see more evidence of assad's involvement in last month's alleged chemical strike according to a washington post estimate indeed majority in both chambers of congress are undecided that's us looking at the moment indeed here is how the senate vote would play out if it took place right now we think the house of representatives could prove to be obama's biggest challenge it storeman ated by republicans are overwhelmingly against the military plan that's what looks like at the moment going to future can gauge the mood on capitol hill i must warn you report does contain images which are upsetting. in congress might not be as slam dunk as many thought it would be considering the support for military action in syria that congressional leaders have previously expressed members of congress admit that they are being bombarded by calls from their constituents ninety nine percent of whom demand that they vote no to the administration's plan to bomb syria this is ministration has failed to show me the direct threat to the united states of america we have
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absolutely no guarantee it will expand no guarantee of peace in the region the cia has prepared a video presentation that shows the aftermath of the horrendous attacks in syria it's a collection of gruesome videos that were previously posted on you tube it's designed to sway members of congress to vote yes on bombing syria but the videos as gruesome as they are do not offer proof that the assad government has carried out the attacks nor does the four page on classified report released by the administration earlier members of congress are supposed to get the proving classified hearings but as congressman alan grayson said they're being given intelligence briefings without any hard evidence to support of ministrations claims that the syrian leader has ordered the use of chemical weapons here's another members of congress are not allowed to discuss the classified hearings so we have no way of knowing what the administration has actually provided as evidence lawmakers are unable to discuss the evidence the classified evidence even among themselves unless they are inside
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an approved reading room and as congressman grayson says questioning the official account of events is quote actively discouraged is that the obama administration is doing what it calls flooding the field in other words trying to monopolize the conversation dominate the discourse and provide only information in favor of an attack to members of congress and to the public i think that's unfortunate there's always two sides to the story when you talk about war and peace the public and congress definitely here deserve to hear about both sides the president's aides are saying that he will listen to congress the president himself face hinting that he might not listen to congress which of course begs the question why this charade in congress then. a correspondent in washington while the country's civil war rages on we're continuing to bring you reports from the front line one ancient christian village in the mountains north of damascus has been besieged by syrian rebels have now driven out government troops out is meant for national witnessed or this is the
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latest of her reports from there. we so what more lulu looks like right now this is a very sad picture would used to be picturesque village surrounded by mountains in the central part of syria where you feel like time has almost stalled where people praying in the numerous churches all across the village inn and i make the language over jesus christ in greek in arabic and in french what also is home to dozens of. mosques this now looks like a battlefield and i want to know how to take a look at what we saw. in the row militants and my little now and our. hotel this is the mountaintop hotel which was the. rubble.
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but as i say. the militants first of all. exploded the car at the checkpoint to enter the village and after that they took the mountain tops if it had tel and they were firing from this position and this is the highest point in the village and also the run milton's behind the counter and stood around in marla so their position is very strong and a very good in and no one can say for sure now for how long it will last my lul is a very symbolic place it's reflects how the entire syrian society used to be a very secular society and eventually very tolerant society and right now we can see that this society is shaken and this is exactly what is happening within thai
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syrian communities so it is a very symbolic and. recently we saw a video posted on you tube where people who call themselves jihad this mujahideen who invaded my lulu they are in my loan this video they're saying that they came to my lawyer to protect people from brutal regime of bashar al assad how a cynic is this we were in mali last year in spring and i have to say that i haven't seen any place even here in syria where life is so calm and is so peaceful. griffen one of the few international correspondents in damascus if you want to follow what she's doing you can on twitter you can get her updates on what's happening in syria she's also got pictures from the live there as well where she's been traveling the last few days with the syrian army gains and losses on both sides of the last couple of days as you'll know if you've been watching you see how that military operation has been unfolding over the past few days and learn what makes that ancient landmark so unique.
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and. we'll be bringing you the latest on the fallout from moscow's mailer lection after the break. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images cobol has been seeing from the streets of canada. operations are all.
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free. pretty free. free. free free. free. free. free brought video for your media project free media don carty dot com. hello again moscow's acting mayor is poised for a second term in office then after winning sunday's election with just over fifty percent of the vote his main rival alexina valmy put up a tough challenge though securing twenty seven percent and is now demanding a runoff he called on his supporters to gather for
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a mass rally in central moscow to contest the results which he says were rigged let's go live to article has been often across the story for the last couple of days for us his supporters gathered in the center of moscow for a sanctioned rally as you have to do in moscow about two hours ago the now dispersing what became of that rally the rally is coming to an end by now police said that it was attended by up to nine thousand people initially was authorized for twenty five hundred reports in the media suggest that the figures reached twenty five thousand and other sources gave other numbers a several times higher than that so that information is still clearly very different and i guess we are still to find out what the final actual numbers of the amounts of people what tended to sprout we could see that while he did speak to his supporters and to say that he's critical of the outcome of sunday's all is to say nothing we demanding
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a partial recount of the ballots the claims that the necessary percentage needed for actually mir said he said battle to secure victory in the first round was added a lawful. he is demanding a second round to be to be held and he seems to be very. he seems to be very direct with the demands he did earlier warn of that if the demands would not be met then he may start asking his supporters to take part in civil disobedience it didn't happen this time but we'll have to see what is the actions would be in the future just to remind you on sunday acting. managed to get just over fifty one percent of. the route twenty seven percent so the election basically was officially decided in the first round and it's you know one is quite a controversial figure in washoe partially due to his old links with the russian nationalists but it was really last year that he became a public politician one of the leaders of the opposition during the wave of mass
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protest he's also. due to his online anticorruption projects but in july he himself was sentenced to five years behind bars after having been found guilty of embezzlement he was released on bail and is still expected to appeal that sentence but it seems that his main focus at the moment and his supporters focus is the outcome of this election ok thanks. and i will be got online if you want to stir some belt tightening why don't waste a few million dollars that's what happened in the u.k. military according to a spending report that's just been released it's raised some eyebrows r.t. dot com has got the story tells you how those costly blunders came about. plus a russian lawyer gunned down six people last year after a breakup with his girlfriend and posting a hate manifesto online has been sentenced to life in jail we've got the story
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again on our web site. as news updates from around the world now in brief in chile police are broken up an anti pinochet march using tear. gass the massive rally in santiago was to mark the fortieth anniversary of the code that brought the dictator to power crowds commemorated the tens of thousands of people killed and tortured by the military jump which ruled until nine hundred ninety riot squads moved in after groups of demonstrators built barricades in the fires. turkish police have broken up a rally in istanbul firing on demonstrators with tear gas the crowd gathered in solidarity with a teenager who was left in a coma during an earlier protest crackdown in gezi park berkin elvan aged forty was hit by a police gas canister as he went to buy bread during rest last month honest international demanded that turkey carry out a full and fair investigation into the incident. reporting max an explosion near a primary school in china has left two dead and seventeen injured at least ten of
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the wounded are children witnesses say a three wheeled motorbike pulled up in front of the building just before the blast security are already being tightened education institutions across the country after a surge in violent knife attacks. back to our top story we're getting reaction from the u.s. state department regarding the recent developments over syria they say the u.s. will take a hard look and quote the russian proposal for syria to turn over its chemical weapons russia earlier proposed putting syria's chemical weapons under international control that's the latest we know this out the next news update thirty four minutes time hope you can join me for that after the break we've got all the latest sport. people are scratching their heads to keep why would any chemical weapons attack in the interests of the separation given the fact that in recent months they've been
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making advances rather than retreating and why words. by workout such extremes are present in syria's regime but it's not the russian. speaking the language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on. reporting from the world talks about six of the r.p. interviews intriguing stories for you. to find out more visit. the media leave us so we leave the media. pushes secure the. visible. issues that no one is asking with the guests that you deserve answers from . politics.
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well i'm forgiven joining me for the artsy sports show i'm rich and coming up it's our weekly roundup of sport from russia and across the globe and here are the top stories. fantastic five serena williams wins big u.s. open for a fifth time after a furling of three say this picture against victoria azarenka. four in a row sebastian vettel on course for a fourth straight of formula one drivers championship title six one of a season of italian grown bre. dominates reigning gharyan come champions given u.k. chelsea's and off to the perfect stands three wins from the first three games. will
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kick off for football where russia cruised to a convincing of four one win over luxembourg in their world cup qualifier in and exam the koreans brace and goals from alexander cares a call for and alexander made of wraps up a four one triumph a korean record of the quickest goal in russia's history as a twenty two year old striker scored after just twenty one seconds fabio capello's men looking ahead to choose these clash against israel in some petersburg and have a chance to leap from the portugal and return to the top of group if they get all three points. plenty of other qualifiers going on around europe belgium eased to a two no victory in scotland to move a step closer to qualifying for the two thousand and fourteen world cup more real months as men headed into the mantua. camps in vincent kompany who are missing through injury stephen the four put the visitors ahead before the interval with a goal.


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