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tv   Headline News  RT  September 10, 2013 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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and. barack obama says that he would prefer a peaceful solution to the syrian chemical weapons and now support proposal for damascus to relinquish its stockpiles. meanwhile sources claim that rebel fighters in syria are planning a chemical attack against israel from government controlled territory. and two years after a far right extremist killed dozens in a merciless attack norway immigration as part of a right wing coalition government. look at how europe is increasingly turning away from multiculturalism.
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the world's top headlines for this hour live on our. very warm welcome to you today the u.s. war machine will continue to loom over syria but washington would overwhelmingly prefer not to pull the trigger that's according to brock obama who is now backing russia's proposal for damascus to hand over its chemical weapons leaving the ball firmly in syria's court and that's why the u.s. congress and the american public remain largely opposed to starting yet another conflict details here from. this may be a face saving moment for the obama administration because its arguments for a military action against syria have been falling apart both in the international community and in the u.s. congress congress jumped on this russian proposal because they're being bombarded every day by their constituents who demand that they vote no to strikes against
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syria within hours after syria confirmed its willingness to get rid of chemical weapons the senate delayed the fold on the strikes that was scheduled for later this week the president knowing that the house of representatives would most likely vote no on attacking syria was very vague about the prospects of the vote he said i don't anticipate that you you would see a succession of votes this week or. any time. you know in the immediate future and so i think there will be time during the course of the debates here in the united states for the international community the russians and the syrians to work with us to see is there a way to resolve this the obama administration's rhetoric has been confusing and has raised lots of questions that is as it was building the case for strikes the u.s. wanted the support of the you when but would refuse to take classified evidence that washington supposedly has against the syrian leader to the u.n. security council also to u.s.
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lawmakers secretary of state john kerry would make arguments like if congress does not support strikes in syria u.s. ally saudi arabia and carter according to john kerry who would certainly fund the more extremist elements of the syrian opposition of course many asked what kind of an argument is that why are they even your allies if you admit that they're willing to fund terrorists we're almost used to this one day president obama says he has made his final decision on strikes the next day he says he has not made his final decision at a time when he has confused virtually everybody in the international community and among the american people and nobody knows where he's standing right now the president is still expected to try and sell the strikes against syria. american people in his tuesday night address in the meantime barack obama is hard pressed to avoid repeating the mistakes of his predecessor who attacked iraq without un approval and under what turned out to be a false pretext and that's according to one of the architects of russian foreign policy mr alexei pushkov. there is if not panic
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definitely tension in washington concerning this decision statements that promote acting on them are followed by new statements the u.s. seems to be having major trouble figuring out the policies that will be accepted by the international community america's own our allies and global public opinion as well as that inside the us obama has found himself in a very difficult situation he is desperately trying to not become a copycat of his predecessor george w. bush he campaigned on promises to be bush's opposite and now he's walking down the very same road bush attacked iraq with the u.n. sanctions and obama isn't likely to get them and he is deeply troubled by that because he campaigned that he would be a president of peace that's why he's desperate to get any legitimization for his actions now the majority of u.s.
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lawmakers are now leaning towards rejecting obama's plans for a strike against syria while opposition to war is also mounting among that of the american public if a new figures from the usa today newspaper now are showing that more than sixty percent of those polled on monday do not want their country getting directly involved in the conflict in syria that's up from a reuters poll last week where fifty six percent were against intervention but antiwar campaign of brian becker he says the white house may still sideline capitol hill and the people in order to push its own syria agenda. i think the message from the obama administration in particular secretary of state john kerry is we won't take yes for an answer any diplomatic solution even though is that they suggest themselves if there is any appearance that that might actually come to pass then the u.s. government rules that unnecessary a so many syrians will suffer so much is at stake
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but you know john clearly just doesn't care because they're damned if they do they damned if they don't united states wants to carry out this weapon strike not for chemical weapons not this chemical weapons in the future not the same children they want to carry out regime change in syria and they know this is the only road to do that of course the us itself has had huge amounts of chemical weapons biological weapons nuclear weapons and they act as if they're the overseers of the policeman of the world the police in the middle east but let's remember this is about politics right now congress is confronted with a choice will they listen to the people or those who are committed to war no matter what the syrians what the russians or what the people of the world say they have to make a decision and while the world powers are tied up in rhetoric sources on the ground in syria have told auty that rebel forces a plan to launch a provocation attack by using chemical weapons against israel auntie's paula slip this report. i've spoken to both the israeli foreign ministry is what is the army
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spokesperson is numerous and i was asking them for they reaction to the reports we have that there is an imminent threat being planned by syrian rebels originating in territory in syria that is controlled by the syrian government against israel now the reaction was to quote one of the spokespeople for off aged the response was simply a refusal to comment as of yet no reaction in the israeli press it's difficult to say whether or not we expect such a reaction because very often this country is reluctant to comment publicly certainly the officials don't want to go on record giving any kind of statements of what is happening inside syria but the information we are getting and this is from sources that are close to what is happening on the ground in syria is that as i say this attack would originate in a sad cold controlled territory but it will be carried out by the rebels the result of this is that the blame will be for me put on the shoulders of the assad regime now at the same time and the important point to make is that there has been
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a report that has just been released by the leading israeli counterterrorist think tank and this report does talk about the possibility of unconventional weapons forming into the hands of terrorist groups inside syria israelis are concerned that chemical stockpiles will for you into quote the wrong hands and knees this really is the hands of hezbollah and although israeli officials have not in the pasta on the record at most you missed it's widely understood that israel has carried out at least four strikes inside syria at weapon delivery supplies to the militants and to the hizbullah organization of course israel would rather prefer a side stay in power there's no love lost between the two countries but it's almost like that old saying to the devil you know the devil you don't from the israeli side i want to also bring you attention to the information we're receiving from a belgian researcher who was recently released after having being held. captive by
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syrian rebels inside that country and he was held by them for five months and he has saved that he denying that the syrian president was responsible for this notorious gas attack that took place on a village near damascus in which more than a thousand civilians were allegedly gassed by that seven gas agent now this belgian national says he has this information because he overheard a conversation between his captors in which they said as much and that is that they were responsible for this attack but of course we'll stay on top of the situation waiting to see if there's any kind of his radio official reaction to these reports of a potential strike against this country. and the defense consultant what we know what i was told my colleague kevin knowing that the reports of israel potentially being targeted by syrian rebels well they come as no surprise. well remember the rebels have stated previously from the beginning of this year that they're going to attack israel this has been
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a stated goal from the beginning anyway and once they had to achieve their objectives in syria they would have gone on to israel anyway they could now some or un observers in the golan heights earlier this year but israel underestimated the threat he thinks of. oh yeah oh yeah because israel thought so that once assad leaves is going to be peace in the region they had underestimated the rebels goal which was to start with syria and then go on to israel and other countries in the region. or at a time has passed there are moscow time norway is set for a change at the top it's after a general election saw the country's current government lose to a coalition of parties former by the conservatives and their right wing allies a conservative leader solberg who's eyeing the premier seat has hailed the triumph of the right as historic and artie's lucy catherine off now explains the polls
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result echoes perhaps a steady trend across europe. two years ago norway suffered the worst massacre since world war two a brutal assault unleashed against a summer camp for young people claiming seventy seven lives the perpetrator was extreme rightist anders breivik who claimed to have political motivation for his atrocities at his trial he said he wanted to punish the ruling labor party for its liberal immigration policies and to start a so-called conservative revolution he was a member of the progress party in his youth before he lost faith in it and in democracy and adopted the radical and to muslim views that underpinned his act of terror the n.c.a. immigration progress party saw supported crumble in the aftermath of the attack but as norwegians headed to the polls monday for the first parliamentary election since the tragedy the tables appeared to have turned and the progress party is poised to enter government for the first time the party has since softened its radical image and tried to distance itself from braving it it's campaigned for tougher
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immigration and asylum policies and wants to reduce the number of immigrants from outside the e.u. in the face of economic uncertainty and voters in some european countries have rallied behind a far right nationalist ideas a few of the parties that have emerged have grown more popular others much less so or not at all well since the financial crisis several countries including major european economies have seen a substantial rise of populist radical right electoral support let's take a closer look now in one of the biggest economies france after years of electoral decline marine le pen led the country's national front to its best ever results in the election of two thousand and twelve now some have claimed that you know phobia is still one of the country's party's trademarks although she has tried to soften the party's image since the more radical program of the one nine hundred ninety s. moving on to austria the freedom party of austria has focused on anti immigration anti islam and euro skeptic issues is even called for
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a withdrawal from the euro zone. and living on to the true finns in finland they may share populist rhetoric with other nordic parties its supporters to are opposed to the e.u. and to globe globalism now the party leader hundreds sieved the highest number of personal votes for any candidate in the party has one thousand percent of the seats in parliament well the movement for a better hungry entered parliament for the first time three years ago now the group describes itself as a radically patriotic christian party but it's described in a local pressed as neo fascist and in the far right national alliance brings together a coalition of conservatives ethno nationalists and economic liberals with fourteen seats in the legislature it's the country's fourth largest political party now at the same time some of the countries which do have notable far right parties there is a fairly even split between those that have seen an increase in support and those which haven't and as you can see right here support for right wing movements has gone
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down now in some ways the growth of right wing parties has been cyclical in europe some tend to gain power during economic downturns and fade during periods of growth but with economic stagnation continuing on the continent it remains to be seen what will happen to these political groups who see r t moscow ok still to come here on our spending more and spending less of the u.k. government's under fire off the expense of his department's cost cutting practices have been revealed details in that story the rest of us i was toppled headlines are just. wealthy british style.
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market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy. for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines and two kinds of report. put it on your. face. and. a pleasure to have you with us here today.
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thanks for joining us here today i'm rule re sushi in moscow while undergoing tough economic challenges the british government has made attempts to cut costs by cutting jobs but it's actually spend huge amounts of money just trying to do this
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millions of pounds are paid to independent consultants to try and oversee the process details here from laura smith. we call it all sterile but it's increasingly like ordinary people are the only ones tightening their belts and certainly not watching the pennies at the halls of government here in whitehall so a department like the ministry of defense caught in the lining and taking it cost them nearly three hundred million pounds in redundancy payments but as covenant. by the fund. for every child has to be fulfilled by the but still not staggering eight hundred million. cases in the capital self-restraint in two thousand and. seven the names apartment. a million pound notes to help with special projects in areas like the railways and the three hundred twenty eight
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million. payrolls like. allowing to some overlap with the pig is that eight hundred million his conservative estimate to see whether this is really the colossal waste of money it sounds i want to talk to the tax payers the night. i on our taxes big but it's a huge waste of money and particular time when one is looking to foreign savings we can't continue on with the culture of prophecy and forgetting who is actually picking up the bill because times past times past we may be having to balance their own budgets and look at what they can afford the revelations led to claims that good people should be met they be replaced by hugely expensive consultants summoning more than a thousand pounds a day they'll say some speculation that these so-called consultants are actually almost civil servants hired to do that but until last we inflated rates
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ironically last year the cabinet office minister accused the previous governments of an over reliance on expensive consultants and pledged to reduce. you know. many of the stories are you won't see on your t.v. screens though you will on our website including. the. victims of their own tactics. of spying mission over the u.s. consulate in germany. to foster parents adopting the wrong attitude to children in need taking. sponsibility. never been easier actually. online. to see. and i think.
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to. start with india now it's where a court has found guilty of the gang rape of a student last december the twenty three year old woman. on the side of the road she died in hospital two weeks later of a. nationwide protests on a debate on the treatment of women in india. and tens of thousands of people have walked out onto the streets in the capital of mexico protesting against the privatization of the state run oil company activists block the city center where leaders of the mexican left delivered speeches opposing the move last month the
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government announced its plan to end the country's seventy five year state monopoly on oil and open the. market to private investors. and police in istanbul fired tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters they've been rallying in support of a fourteen year old who remains in a coma after being injured in june during a demonstration in gezi park activists responded by throwing rocks and molotov cocktails at the offices of the gezi protests against the urban development plan for the park contacts some square began in istanbul in late may and grew nationwide after the initial certain was dispersed heavily by police. and the bus has fallen two hundred meters into a ravine killing at least forty three people in western hamada and the vehicle pronk from a kenyan after reportedly losing control on a tough part of the road emergency teams have managed to recover forty six
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survivors from the wreckage so far. now the us federal court has imposed a gagging order on jailed journalist barrett brown he's facing more than one hundred years in prison over his work related to exposing online surveillance and the case has already been dubbed as the latest circuit in the persecution of investigative journalism and whistle blowing by the obama administration. abby martin takes a closer look at breaking the set at eleven thirty am. that's a good journalist barrett brown has been in prison for nearly a year for shedding light on the dark underbelly of the private intelligence world and now he can't even talk about it federal court order just imposed a gag order on brown is the fence team that her bentham from discussing the details of the case with anyone from the media brown faces up to one hundred five years behind bars for a number of charges including posting a link to information already available on the internet and threatening a federal agent in a you tube video well guess who was the only testifying witness of the gag order
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hearing none other than robert smith the same f.b.i. agent who raided brown's home last year and brown is charged with threatening to flee a guy with an unbiased opinion on the legality of a gag order now according to the court's decision a gag order is meant to protect brown's right to a fair trial because there's just so much media coverage about the case you know between c.n.n. as miley cyrus twerking updates and amazon receives pounding at the syrian war drums government has been all over their brown look it's obvious why they don't want this case to generate attention but i better stop talking before they impose a gag order on me so let's go break the set. well before we get to the kaiser report for now it is one hundred and fifty days before the olympic flame is little in sochi for the first ever winter olympics to take place in russia with excitement certainly on the grow the milestone of the
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countdown will be celebrated in various cities all across the country meanwhile with that clock ticking a growing army of volunteers are doing everything they can to make sure the venues are ready before the curtain rises in february twenty fourth team is poised to have the biggest price tag elliptic history of the black sea resort is also the warmest venue ever to host the winter games with temperatures in the city expected to be around ten degrees celsius at the time of the event. well that's probably here and i'll say let's turn over to max kaiser now he's in new york to expose the latest stack of blunders by those with the bulging wallets the kaiser reporting just a second.
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fans of the shock to your football club and kind of gonda kazakhstan believe that a certain special ritual help them achieve victory against the world famous scottish team celtic this ritual was sacrificing a sheep at the stadium and someone who lived in kazakhstan for two years i know there's a real meat eating country with deeply rooted traditions in livestock racing so this news is unusual but maybe it's not completely bizarre for the culture of course defenders of animal rights who don't seem to realize that the sheep would be turned into people of the next few days anyways demanded that you a full officials punish the shock to a club for the actions of individual fans this is the same logic as if someone wearing a sexy tim kirby t. shirt went around robbing liquor stores i am not responsible for the actions of people like this program and it's not like i'd ever advocate robbing liquor stores and i doubt the shocked your management secretly arranged for fans to slaughter the sheep at the stadium where the slaughter of animals is acceptable to you or not well that's one thing but we don't need to regulate the morality of individuals of
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other countries via soccer especially if that regulation means punishing the football clubs who are responsible for the actions of individuals but that's just my opinion. biomass dancer this is the guy's report here in new york city some say the greatest city in the world it is can't kick this city down it can flood it like we saw earth came sammie you can hijack a couple of airplanes and knock down the twin towers but it comes back keep on
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inventing the future new york why you got a problem stacey oh max kaiser this is the kaiser report nine eleven special and the first headline therefore is from the l.a. times this is from the opinion page americans are hostages terrorists know wall street this isn't even horsy in the l a times piece use your phrase terrorist because these guys back here on wall street need to ask when are america's leaders going to step up and protect us from the us threatening terrorist hedge fund managers of course has it a little bit wrong i think that the hedge fund managers are necessarily the most dangerous and perhaps just simple bankers and brokers as we see behind us but there's a symbiotic relationship between wall street or finance and terrorism and that's been clear for decades it was we saw a lot of love in those two things come together where wall street or the city of london and the terrorist or together to create an event that made them an extraordinary amount of money and that is only accelerated going forward with the
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help of people like ben bernanke who keep interest rates artificially low levels to make sure that financial terrorism continues without any checks or balances or any prosecution whatsoever i'm glad to see the l a times finally understanding who the genuine threats are to the american economy their bankers their financial terrorists i wish they would step forward and propose some solutions like raise interest rates to a level that snuffed out financial terrorism the thing is the l.a. times asked you know since nine eleven twelve years ago america has galvanized behind you know is this. the war on terror and i've spent trillions and trillions of dollars defending the nation against further attacks will they ask then why not what's the bigger threat the threat of being blown up by a terrorist or the threat of being you know having your wealth destroyed by a financial terrorist and they say sure some islamics nutcase might be able to set off a bomb on a boss or in a building but for effect as that may be.


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