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tv   Keiser Report  RT  September 10, 2013 12:29pm-1:01pm EDT

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whether the slaughter of animals is acceptable to you or not well that's one thing but we don't need to regulate the morality of individuals in other countries via soccer especially if that regulation means punishing the football clubs who aren't responsible for the actions of individuals but that's just my opinion. right on the scene. first strike. and i think pictures. on our reporters twitter. and instagram. could be in the.
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biomass dancer this is the guy's a report in a new york city some say the greatest city in the world it is can't keep this city down it can flood it like we saw on earth came sammy you can hijack a couple of airplanes and knock down the twin towers but it comes back keep on inventing the future new york why you got a problem that stacy herbert well max kaiser is the kaiser reports nine eleven special and the first headline therefore is from the l.a. times this is from the opinion page americans are hostages terrorists know wall street this isn't even a horsy in the l a times piece use your phrase terrorist because these guys back here on wall street need to ask when are america's leaders going to step up and protect us from the us tonight knowing terrorist hedge fund managers of course has had a little bit wrong i think that the hedge fund managers are necessarily the most dangerous and perhaps just simple bankers and brokers as we see behind us look there's
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a symbiotic relationship between wall street or finance and terrorism and that's been clear for decades it was we saw a lot of love in those two things come together where wall street or the city of london and the terrorist or together to create an event that made them an extraordinary amount of money and that is only accelerated going forward with the help of people like that bernanke who keep interest rates artificially low levels to make sure that financial terrorism continues and without any checks or balances or any prosecution whatsoever i'm glad to see the l.a. times finally understanding who the genuine threats are to the american economy their bankers their financial terrorists i wish they would step forward and propose some solutions like raise interest rates to a level that snuffed out financial terrorism the thing is the l.a. times asked you know since nine eleven twelve years ago america has galvanized behind you know this. the war on terror and i've spent trillions and trillions of dollars defending the nation against further attacks will they ask then why not
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what's the bigger threat the threat of being blown up by a terrorist or the threat of being you know having your wealth destroyed by a financial terrorist and they say sure some islamics nutcase might be able to set off a bomb in a fosse or in a building but for effect as that may be the damage to our society is not nearly as great as the wrecking ball second hit us all when one of the greedy schemes of aggressive and on scrupulous financier's go wrong yes islamic terrorists took down the world trade center in two thousand and one but the financial terrorists took down the world economy in two thousand and eight right a lawyer blankfein of goldman sachs or jamie diamond of j.p. morgan are cut from the same cloth as a crazed extremist. wielding terrorist one forceps a theocracy a misreading of all the books about being extremists in foreign lands people on wall street they follow what's called market fundamentalism as the hottest make
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sure a missed ideology that puts profits over people that want to blow themselves up people room the very quick buck and i agree with lloyd blankfein is one of the biggest tourist in the world today ben bernanke is one of the biggest terrorist in the world but i am not about limiting jury old gentlemen to do a couple of frickin towers talk about the ideological terrorism about being looted six running the american economy outside a wall street that's what they do i agree with the l.a. times article yes max that was the east river ferry because i want you to know we're out there we're actually live we're not from a green screen these are all the noises that's the world trade center the new one going up that's the south street seaport where maxis live also is flooded of course during this hurricane sandy as you mentioned food slowed down. well of course the financial district one of the things that you know you mentioned light. he's always selling right is that the mantra lawless be selling always be closing
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both the selling sell or be sold you must sell or perish you must securitized three securitized financial eyes hypothecate riyad propagate twenty four seven you must always do this to prevent imploding into a black hole of your own nothingness if good life i wasn't selling something at this very second he would implode into a speck of dust and never see him again that's why it needs to be stopped by raising interest rates higher because that's the fuel that keeps the black hole of lloyd blankfein criminal enterprise going well. that always be selling we've seen this and that when we were staying at this hotel here i came down in the lobby and i saw the headlines look at this right here always be selling they're selling the war on syria so i thought this was interesting as well for nine eleven sort of special because we protest from the war who profits bono we've noticed and one of the articles mentions a quote from jonathan feldman who even interviewed here on this show the teachin
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the global teachin and he says he calls the protestors to war is peace movement has had no luck over the years and he says that the cost of protesters without portfolio and i thought in light of wall street having always a portfolio with which to sell whatever scam whichever terrorism they have for the american people in the rest of the world it's the protesters have no portfolio going to measure a couple things are first of all this idea that the war in syria needs to be sold and otherwise there's no ideology behind it there's no real politics behind it there's no financial incentive to do it it's financial suicide in many ways it's financial terrorism or market fundamentalism which needs to be sold so you know in the u.k. they put it before the parliament they voted it down and america said you need to resell it to parliament you don't sell it right as if democratic process is worthless just in the cell that right we've got to put a nice chick on the hot cover of syrian war and it gets sold this is the mentality that's bringing the empire of the us into its eclipse well there are selling
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weapons because that was when the shock and all remember that iraq war what happened the following day there were massive billions of dollars and quarters of those weapons that did that we want those the same thing here because we see sales of weapons going on as a result of this and i'll show you those headlines but first i want to say the wrong weapons were in the hands of syria because this is the headline here cost makes chemicals w m d of choice for shrinking group of roads one reason for the. peale of chemical weapons is cost because they are relatively easy to make chemical agents cost a fraction of the investment needed to develop nuclear arms so they talk about this treaty that was brought in first in one thousand twenty five it was you know there was an international treaty on chemical weapons and that was because of the germans in world war one and however you were allowed to manufacture them but from one thousand nine hundred three you're not allowed to have the manufacture stockpile because of course the nuclear powers now want a better stronger weapon so they criminalized the chemical weapons but they have
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the nuclear weapons and those are the special treaties that they're allowed to stockpile and build these things. chemical weapons as weapons of mass destruction that are the methamphetamine of the weapons well you know methamphetamine or crank or speed or other popular street names is cheap because you can make it by the gallon make it by the barrel cheaply in mexico bring it into america get the kids don't buy it you know as a kid we had an easy we just got a two bit airplane glue sniffing glue you know those are the good old days but today you got to go to the whole of methamphetamine labs cook it up you know watch breaking bad same thing with chemical weapons in syria and around the world it's a cheap way for obama to murder kids remember that obama murders kids play he doesn't even respect the kids enough to blow him up with an atomic weapon he disrespects syrian children so much he kills them with cheap chemicals i want to want to punch this obama. now of course there are international treaties as well
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on cluster bombs for example but the u.s. has not signed on to this so therefore cluster bombs are oh ok defying international concerns us to sell cluster bombs to saudi arabia so before we go into the details of this deal with saudi arabia who also hasn't signed that let's look at this video actually cluster bomb now we're. if. there is a cluster bombs in action as you see very very deadly in violence and the u.s. has signed a six hundred forty one million dollar deal to send one thousand three hundred of those cluster bombs to the kingdom of saudi arabia you know also house was nine eleven justified you know i mean it's a crazy question but in light of everything that we're talking about here in the context of weapons of mass destruction being used on defenseless children all over
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the world to satisfy banks and defense contractors i think it's an interesting question so now we talk about the final headline because you mentioned that the u.s. is committing financial suicide and this is the final headline about this financial war financial terrorism and it's taking in the major players as well the. finance and that's s. and p. calls u.s. lawsuit retaliation for stripping triple a rating u.s. government filed a lawsuit against s. and p. in february remember and accusing them of inflating ratings to win more fees from issuers and failing to downgrade ratings for collateralized debt obligations despite knowing they were backed by dodgy mortgages now standards and poor has now blasted back the u.s. government saying that the five billion dollar fraud suit against them is just retaliation for his twenty eleven downgraded u.s. debt to double a from aaa. the grol hill financial unit was the only major credit rating agency to take away the united states to stop reading and the only one sued
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by the department of justice for allegedly misleading banks and credit unions about the credibility of its readings before the two thousand and eight financial crisis well what's jamie bamber going to do is going to blow up the mcgraw hill building like he blew up the twin towers on nine eleven with his friends in the military industrial complex we're going to send a drone over there some payoff and some blow up some analysts and that's where the real wars being fought over the financial ratings of various instruments of mass financial destruction the u.s. treasury bond market best. or the world needs to fight back against financial terrorism by putting those bonds into receivership don't buy u.s. bonds don't support the u.s. dollar well you know one of the things from terrorism is asymmetric warfare ok these guys do not have the nuclear weapons of a great superpower so in this case here the u.s. is acting as like a dictator with nukes and they're they're threatening while they have a department of justice they're suing for five billion dollars s. and p.
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making it very clear that they're sending a message they are sending a message that do not dare downgrade us we don't care how bankrupt we are how many of our bridges are falling down we don't care how you laugh but even the system is do not downgrade us well you will meet the department of justice and our lawsuits right now the n.s.a. controls all internet traffic they won't let any e-mail going to anyone suggesting that the u.s. bond markets are actually insolvent that's part of the scam part of the day racket going on since there were thanks so much for being once again on this beautiful day in new york the kaiser report that was an excellent nine eleven report that's. well stated we've got much more coming your way so don't go away. i know c.n.n. the amazon b c news have taken some slight risk but the fact is i had one of their
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commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be accurate. that was funny but it's closer to the truth and i think. it's because one whole attention and the mainstream media works side by side the joke is actually on here. at our team news. that's a different right. because the news of the world just is not this funny i'm not laughing dammit i'm not how. he got us into the jobs well handled stuff that i've. heard new york london. the whole world is.
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the true hero of the original one a further one down the end of the to hang up to point out the link at the end of the street another one the more transparent society gets the money or the part the tears become we see military and state police forces mobilized against people who blend into the city doing the hobbit the city the more people trust electronic devices the more defenseless they are. fear that has a thousand i. find our key. welcome back to the cars report i'm max keiser yet we're still in new york city he had a problem. let's talk to him he's got this whole series on you tube called moment of clarity and he just got back from admiral friends comedy festival you are really
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not a comedian of the moment. thank you but my agents my agent sent to the have a look you know why isn't more do this than scientology that america would want to rescue syria well years ago before all ron hubbard started a religion he said that the way to make a million dollars is to create a religion he then went on to create a religion now that's similar to what's happening here in syria because general wesley clark years ago in speeches in interviews said the pentagon told him people the pentagon told him we were going into seven countries it was like syria lebanon libya rak iran or are opening them in some way and now we're doing it so the question is do you believe l. ron hubbard when he says oh i'm creating this religion because it's a real religion right tom cruise is the burning bush will smith is a virgin mary do you believe him well that's similar to believing the idea that we're only going into syria for humanitarian reasons rightly camp they are not far away from wall street and were bankers hanging out like bankers from goldman sachs
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goldman sachs set it up as a terrorist number one lloyd blankfein recently said that the upside of the war against syria it would break the school gridlock partisan bickering over the debt ceiling so he sees a lot of upside to murdering or syrian children with chemical weapons is your moment of clarity on this yes there's a lot of there's a lot of benefits to murdering people and i'm surprised we aren't talking about those i mean this this and say this is i think like listening to what they want what goldman sachs wants really is like listening to the leeches on a dying man's skin like checking in with a leech is well what do you guys what would what would make you happier i mean the idea that if of course that's all they want to give a crap they don't care how many people foreclosed on how many bills lives. stroy as long as it's making some good money for him bill of the words coming out of a blank line is not as one would like to call them the a bowl of virus when he says something at a political leader and then i start acting as if they've been affected by his financial terrorism well this phrase financial terrorism the l a times as you know
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repeated i've used it many times i recognize that the real threat to america are bankers on wall street with weapons of mass financial destruction not the kind of pay paul not the bomb wielding fanatic all people out there in the middle east what he thought one thing about their common yeah his no doubt to do the financial terrorism is more dangerous to the american people i mean they did number of millions of lives destroyed after the two thousand and eight collapse you know just how they can make a few bucks for more than the number of people who died in nine eleven the number of people to die from terrorism in this country on a regular basis more people die in the bathtubs so it's absolutely financial terrorism it's destroying far more lives i mean there's more empty there's five times as many empty homes sitting around this country down homeless people smoke a little bit of all right i'm going to introduce this now this is the marshmallow go just hold it on fire oh yes hurting me in the carrots is that what you're trying to do and not just dropping out i've got the world wide recognition for this this is the marginal ago that we used to stop bankers according to eric holder he fires
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marshmallows out of that and they're going to use this later on in the broadcast i just want to you know hold and get rid of it because they're going to be the shooter i thought they were too big to marshmallow well that could be a whole nother topic going to get into that now the u.s. has just concluded a deal the so saudi arabia of nearly one billion worth of cluster bombs this is really all about war and weapons. yeah i mean it goes to show that we don't actually care about humanitarian causes the fact that we're ok with this with this war profiteering by way of cluster bombs shows that it is not about humanitarian reasons and furthermore you know if we only have the humanitarian reasons to go into countries the. it serves a geo political interest to have oil or some other reason it's like a lifeboat saying he's at the pool to save the day and then he ends up just doing mouth to mouth with all the hot chicks whether they need it or not and it's on point there's a pile of obese ugly dude's dead from drowning and you're like he's here to just save the day i think you see it is me go at the chance so that humanitarian reasons
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why we're selling cluster bombs insane i mean one clear motivation for this cluster f. word saying. russia has got a monopoly natural gas to europe saudi arabia wants to tap into that business said to build the pipelines here of they've got to kill a lot of syrian kids i mean that's basically what the war is all about the simple math really just oil and gas but it's obama when he gets on t.v. and says there's something what if a mile below you say was on a thing on a t.v. and he said america we got to cut into russia's gas monopoly to hero by killing a lot of syrian kids and as a result price of oil and gas would be cheaper for you and you can still buy happy meals for less than a block what do you think you know it's a vote on it do you think anyone to vote against it may end up going to be the same right right because this is also something general wesley clark said in those same speeches is he said what the first iraq war showed us was that we can invade the
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middle east and no one's really going to stop us no one's really to get in the way and so that's the same idea that we can invade syria no one's really going to stop us but now we're doing really well and so and i thought at this point now having introduced a marshmallow gun that eric holder uses to stop baxter's we're going to keep going but this is a banker zombie right here and so what we're going to do lisa i'm going to hold this in my mouth going to william tell moment and then you try to kill the zombie by firing the marshmallow gun directly at my face there's all this is just a pump action like any standard item you might find in an arnold schwarzenegger movie are you ready i'm not a make out johnny not very good i would say oh just. oh. yeah. and you realize that for anyone who doesn't like your show that's going to become a viral thumbnail they're going to we can only hope they could only trade but that goes viral but you say banks are on the side of the equation although that stove
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a little bit of a marshmallow you know probably thirty five mph directly hitting the flesh of my face and i can still go down to the joe cocker but i know it's not it right i'll just throw the ball parks about security as part of all kinds of stuff and a bad life masters or jamie diamond does really stop me doesn't exactly these corporate crimes massive corporate crimes sometimes they pay a fine sometimes there's a little a little slap on the wrist but it doesn't stop them and we wouldn't accept that on any of the levels of business if you want to outside your door and a five year old was selling lemonade and you took a sip and it was like you were like this here and you tested this car you wouldn't just tell him to move the block down and keep operating his business but that's what we do with large corporations just go back to doing what you were doing business cop we can tell us a little bit about larry summers see is potentially going to be the next fed chairman what are your thoughts well you know greg palast is a great journalist a reporter just came out with this leaked memo written by my summers and geithner
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years ago about how do you regulate the entire banking system and how they need to do it globally and how they could do that via trade regulations you know it's basically standard countries if you don't allow us to you know if you don't know how to do regular banking then we will trade with you and it works and so basically you have that memo sewing that they are the main reason one of the main reasons for this entire financial cluster f. is you called earlier that has as has destroyed people's lives and now you can put them in charge talk about failing up lord i mean these failing these people are bailing everyone else in the world besides a very select few and now he's going to be fed chair i mean it's horrific were the men. something very serious we're in the middle of it really is it's profit into a full blown war between profit and people versus light mel gibson now versus mel gibson one thousand nine hundred three this is some serious stuff this is a drop down drag out bloody freaking war and most of us don't even realize we've anesthetized or still to sign shiny crap and zombified ourselves
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a televised social rejects just like a fish bowl if you just give us a little bit of food and a little a little plastic treasure chest or a chest of plastic treasure then we will never even question that most of our thought is happening inside of a little two foot sphere we will never even question it i mean this this will full on ravenous unfettered capitalism domination of the mental speed of the natural here and now we liquidation it's an extraction we did it to digest in a different case you don't know anything never even matters to you average human being and it's just a matter of whether we can put our differences aside to tell those select few to select power lead to go screw themselves you know you know you talk about the deregulation of larry summers of course he was involved in the we're going back to the year two thousand and clinton the. law that change the status of financial derivatives from being what were was then considered to be as ferments of gambling they reclassified them and said they are no longer gambling and therefore would not
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have to be regulated as gambling instruments so that was part of the whole process that occurred during clinton he also of course they got rid of the glass steagall what separates the regular utility banking function from the speculators but i noticed and you do a lot of work around the country performing and you go into casinos i'm sure and there is a casino mentality where in the casino once they get you in a casino they try to keep you liquored up they throw hot babe in your face the slot machines are rigged so that if people start to walk away from the slots they tweak them so that they start winning paying out a little higher payouts there's a whole behavioral science to see. now where they have your frequent casino used car and they use that data big data to emotionally hard to you they know what your weaknesses are that's one reason why they collect all this data through the n.s.a. that is that they can behaviorally target you a casino to get you to throw away as much money as possible and to become part of the a ball of virus which is the american economy is there an analogy to see between casinos
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do you work because you know we're here last week to talk to me like a perfect analogy because not all we were standing in front of the world's biggest lot of sheen but also you're talking about the emotional harm that's done to people in order to keep them in the casino that's what syria is that's what endless war is it's keeping us constantly afraid we've got to be scared or else we turn around and go why this is like this why we can screw it like this we start saying that the moment we start saying that they go up everybody get together we've got to go to war over here look over here look at what's going to over there it's not paying attention to the man behind the curtain raiser the other interesting observation that i think only you can weigh in on because you've been forming in europe as also in the united states and europe there is this concept. this means equal access to things like education health care doesn't matter to rich or poor there's a notion of equality when i've seen you perform in europe i saw you in scotland the audience is a little bit different and that they are seem to be more in tune with society of
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a cohort of a coherent society that has rights whereas in the us now you see complete obliteration of the middle class because only the very very rich and then everyone else is basically waiting to get into prison for a meal is there a contrast between europe and the u.s. and is the european model breaking down and heading toward a u.s. model because of financial terrorist like larry summers or lloyd blankfein yeah i think i think their model is becoming closer and closer to ours and i think you're absolutely right that the move to one of the biggest achievements the corporate greed monkeys across this water haven't done it steve is making the idea of the common good of a dirty word here in america the i. we should give a crap what's going on next door in our neighbor's house whether his life is destroyed so so making that a dirty word is one of the biggest successes they've been able to achieve but this idea of spying by the n.s.a. and microsoft are examples usually a big player in spying and now they've been allowed to buy a nokia big european phone company penalties that they just keep buying stuff but
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part of the problem of having the state spying on everyone it's not so much that they're protecting your privacy but more importantly you're getting rid of the ability to assemble because part of the any opposition would be the need to assemble to create opposition but if you get rid of them with spying on you you cannot assemble the right to assemble is destroyed your thoughts yeah i think i think we have to legalize protest again i think that's important and you're absolutely right i mean this spying everyone should be outraged about it in again saying look over here they're doing that with snowden they're like oh it's all about snowden he's a traitor he's a horrible person he's a war but he failed out of college look none of that matters in terms of the n.s.a. spying scandal giving a crap about that he's like if you're powerful burning down someone tells you the burning down you see it you then turn back and go did you fail out of college i'm not falling for this do i mean he doesn't matter what kind of person do snow snowden and bradley manning chelsea manning are just the messengers all right
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that's all they are and if only there was some sort of expression you know he's a guy in our culture to tell us what to do with messengers something about imprisoning messengers or shooting messengers if only there was something to guide us ira link him who i might add is not carrot top thanks very much for bringing the kaiser report and what you tune into a moment of clarity on you tube and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser and for me i mean really taking the current top comin to the hartley so i'm going to use a profit and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser a four with me max kaiser and stacy herbert i want to thank my guests leave him if you want to send us a tweet do so it's go to twitter and find a time because the report i want to thank stacy herbert. and so like time is like that or saying by oh. ok. i dave
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a crack it while going to take your oliver jane it's a little while in the middle of the chesapeake bay kind of a genius. a lack of black audi. a rampager all in the chesapeake bay probably one of the best there is in a phone call fred. this is that your ten year island before the channel was. oh here. way up there. as go all. right here are some of the headstones from the graves it for you this is a fruits that's that's what we don't want happen to change your all and we want to get some protection in the make sure that we don't go into the chesapeake bay like uppers did in other communities.
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1:00 pm
i. syria formally agrees to russia's proposal to hand over its chemical weapons to the u.n. potentially pushing washington back from its threats to launch military strikes the u.n. security council is set to convene the c evening in new york. sources suggest to watch either rebels in syria are planning to launch a chemical attack on israel designed to look like it was carried out by government . and in other news the. immigration party is set to join the new coalition government two years off to form a member.


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