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tv   Breaking the Set  RT  September 10, 2013 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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operations room. you know i'm abby martin and this is breaking the set so even though it is solders agreed to give it give up its chemical weapons arsenal obama and his team of warmongers need into closer igniting a powder keg in syria as a result of two thousand speech from the then state senator obama started to attract attention it was campaign web site posted a video in two thousand and seven to highlight his fierce opposition to military intervention during the run up to the iraq war conveniently only thirteen seconds of the original two thousand and two speech exists online take a listen. i don't oppose war in all circumstances and when i look out over those clouds of the i know there is no shortage of patriots. or patriots there's
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a what i do oppose is adult war interestingly only a transcript remains for the rest of the speech and it's not hard to see why the obama p.r. machine isn't keen on making this particular video viral here's what obama goes on to say about former iraqi dictator saddam hussein except i've replaced two words for saddam and syria for iraq quote he has repeatedly defied u.n. resolutions warded un inspection teams develop chemical and biological weapons but i also know that assad poses no imminent and direct threat to the us i know that an invasion of syria without a clear rationale and without strong international support will only fan the flames of the middle east and encourage the worst rather than the best impulses of the arab world. i could not have said it better myself state senator obama you know you should really sit down and talk to the president. of
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the. it was a. very hard. line that had sex with her right there. since nine eleven the surveillance and police state and u.s. have exploded all justified by the ubiquitous threat of terrorism yes folks this massive industry is banking on the your fear and
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a logical fear considering how americans are more likely to die from falling furniture or suffocating in their sleep than from a terrorist attack yet despite the statistical improbability this enormous growth has continued unabated accompanied by a corporate takeover of industries that profit off fear and war look it's no secret that many government officials have close ties to corporate america sometimes they're so intertwined it's kind of hard to tell them apart according to alter net seventy percent of the national intelligence budget is now spent on private contractors and there are at least one thousand nine hundred thirty one firms across the country dedicated to fighting terrorism and when it comes to the surveillance state some of the politicians fear mongering the most have the most personal of stakes in keeping us the most terrified like michael hayden former director of the national security agency and the n.s.a. leaks hayden has been raiding the media circuit to continue scaring americans yet never once disclosing that he actually has
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a financial stake in doing so see hayden that works for a private firm called the chertoff group run by none other than michael chertoff the former head of the department of homeland security how to help that's together yet another bloated government agency created in the wake of nine eleven the goal of the chertoff group is to help companies amp up their security and divide. strategies that will help them win government contracts for example as former head of the d.h.s.s. chertoff sold the idea of airport body scanners across the country a product his own company produced hundred eighteen million dollars later ching america's airports are invading your privacy one scan at a time but the chertoff group isn't working alone the science applications international corporation better known as c s a c called themselves experts when it comes to counterterrorism and centrally they're just another defense contractor and with over forty two thousand employees this company is making a pretty penny off the keeping america safe business model in fact their net income
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last year was five hundred twenty five million dollars and speaking of defense contractors who could forget that little company that edward snowden brought to the spotlight booz allen basically when the government wants to collect intelligence but doesn't have the manpower they outsource to booz allen and really is it any surprise considering how it's v.p. used to work in national intelligence yes revolving door strategy is definitely keen the defense business strategy that's landed the corporation one point three billion dollars just off government intelligence work over the last year and guess what despite the n.s.a. scandal the d.o.d. just set up another contract with booze worth five point six billion dollars but in the post nine eleven world we're everyone's a suspect apparently local law enforcement needs to be just as vigilant as the feds and that's where security solutions international comes in these guys are all about
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teaching cops about muslims and islam and the corporation has trained over seven hundred law enforcement agencies over the past nine years often holding workshops outlining how islam is synonymous with terrorism and if you can't afford the four hundred dollars to attend one of these forms don't worry just pay the thirty five dollars. year subscription fee to counterterrorist magazine and like security solutions international the center for counter intelligence and security studies makes its money from teaching classes on islamic practices to police the guise of national security of course and these classes appear to be a case of full blown islamophobia the company claims it quote posits radical islam as a new global ideological menace on the order of the old communist threat from the soviet union and what might seem far fetched to link islam of the cold war the idea is turning white a profit for the sperm of five day course for government employees runs about
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thirty nine thousand dollars too much well you can always do a mini course for about twenty three thousand or opt for the individual classes those only cost around seven thousand dollars a pop remember guys taxpayers pay the salaries of police which means we are paying for the training of an already heavily militarized police force which is exactly my point every day our economy seems to be running more and more on fear and war for what so that these companies can sell us back our own peace of mind against an invisible threat that they've created it look the question we should be asking here is just whether we're over pain for national security it's what exactly is our national security even protecting us from.
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every empire throughout the course of human history is shared a similar trait generating fear by scapegoating a certain segment of its population to maintain the status quo the us is replete with examples of this type of exclusion generalized accusations against a specific group in the one nine hundred forty s. it was the japanese who were dehumanized japanese americans were forced into internment camps and stripped of their freedoms and it was the communists during the quarter worse than the mccarthy led a witch hunt against anyone and everyone who we deemed a communist today even twelve years after that i would tax muslim americans continue to experience this type of prejudice so is the sum not a phobia an essential tool to perpetuate the war on terror at home and break down this issue from a storable perspective i'm joined by kumar professor of media studies at rockers university and author of the book islamophobia and the politics of empire thank you so much for coming on. thank you for having me abbi so in your book you mention the
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idea of the cold i mean dating back to the eleventh century in the crusades how does islamophobia today fit in that historical narrative well the argument that i make in the book as you just said is that empires always need an enemy and they need to generate fear and hatred in order to justify their actions around the world so back in the eleventh century when the pope actually launched the crusades it was not even the supposed holy war wasn't really about you know religion it was about extending the power of the papacy of the vatican over a united christian you are up and extending its influence into the middle east into the by. today after the events of nine eleven we have similarly seen the elevation of this idea often a small make terrorist who is everywhere around the world and against whom there must be an endless war on terror that gets switched on as you said earlier this is been the justification for the growth. in national security state you know there
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was some limits put on the national security state back in the one nine hundred seventy s. with the church committee and committee reports but since nine eleven of course this is all risen once again in order to supposedly protect us against the islamic terrorist who is everywhere but one is going to not work any more deeper because it's been more than twelve years since nine eleven the threat clearly is nil still is so much of national policy is fueled by islamophobia i mean why why is this continue to be the case right well let's throw a statistic out there in terms of how nonexistent this threat actually is. because men actually did a study and in the ten years since nine eleven all of the one hundred fifty thousand murders that have taken place muslim americans are responsible for about thirty three more americans die from drowning and they have bought as another social just put it than it related to terrorism the world over so the question then
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is why is this important in order to carry out certain policies well think about it back during the cold war as you mentioned there were these drills called duck and cover where kids were asked to hide underneath that desk and cover their heads in preparation for a nuclear attack against against this country and of course that's a ridiculous way to protect yourself against a nuclear attack but what's the point of this the point is to keep people scared so we never question the trillions of dollars that are spent advancing u.s. interests around the world and by the way these are not the interests of ordinary people these are the interests of the oil barons these are the interests of the political class that is interested particularly in the middle east in maintaining this idea of a muslim enemy so as to control the oil resources in that region or you're just broken down pretty lucidly and i think a lot of people realize that too and why question i guess is why are police so
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susceptible to islamophobia because you know last month a federal judge i'm sorry last month the news of the n.y.p.d. had a label that mosques terrorist organizations i mean what is going on here do they just buy into it. well there are i'm sure sections of the police who actually buy into it because as you mentioned earlier there are people in this well funded far right wing islama for big network who work for the centers that you mentioned earlier who instruct people so the third jihad was the stock you mentioned the documentary film that was shown on a continuous loop to n.y.p.d. police officers so to some extent they probably believe this kind of thing it's hard to generalize to everyone but what this particular designation was about is really doing an end run around the constitution when you name a mosque a terrorist you know institution then you can go in and violate people's right to religion people's right to free speech and so on because you know hey they're terrorists so we can do this but you know that's not all of today this morning
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there was an excellent story in the nation by sportswriter david xyron about you know not just mosques and community organizations and you know student groups across the northeast being infiltrated and spied upon by the n.y.p.d. but sports activities you know the n.y.p.d. set up these soccer leagues and a cricket cop and guess who came to it it was it was arabs and so on and it became a source for monitoring people and recording what they were doing i mean this is what this country has become today you're right it's unfair to say that they're susceptible to islamophobia i mean they probably are just using it as a tool to just blanket lease. you know road of civil liberties here that was going to much credit as well the phobia to an extent is something kind of many on the left tend to associate with conservatism but really this type of demonization spending on partisan as you point out you talk about something called the liberal
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islamophobia can you expand on what that is yes i mean basically if you understand islamophobia as not simply being restricted to hate crimes or the idea of concern conservatives the racist ideas of conservatives. but instead you trace it to the roots of who is responsible for projecting this notion off an arab terrorist first and then the islamic terrorist you have to go back to about the late one nine hundred seventy s. and the one nine hundred eighty s. in this country when this image first comes into being a theory is put out that there is an international conspiracy led by the soviet union of terrorists who are bent on destroying the west and of course you fast forward to two thousand and eleven this conspiracy has come true isn't it that the world is full of these sorts of people and so what you have is both democrats and republicans being part of this process let's not forget under clinton you have strikes against sudan for instance in afghanistan in retaliation for the embassy
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bombings in tanzania and kenya and that sets the precedent off militarily striking of course reagan had also done that in libya but it sets the precedent that should violence political violence be used then the u.s. has a right to go off and make war and this is a bipartisan project you know both democrats and republicans do this and however and also i'm so excited and we're out of time but of course the corporate media is central to all in this as well really appreciate you coming on professor author rocker's university thank you. still ahead i'll be talking to author kevin ryan about some alternative explanations that challenge the official narrative we've all heard about nine eleven stick around.
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i would rather i asked questions to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on our t.v. question. think i suspect. i would like to do it if you did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy albus. role. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and i was proud cynical we've been hijacked try a handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once it's all just my job market it on this show we reveal the big
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picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem. and rational debate in a real discussion critical issues facing america if i feel ready to join the movement then welcome in the big picture. for many of the crimes of september eleventh two thousand and one have been investigated and the case closed the conclusion one thousand arab hijackers led by a slow moving lot and successfully carried out the terrorist attacks by catching a trillion dollar defense industry completely off guard however millions of people around the world say that there are many questions left unanswered about what really happened that day and why because most of the evidence has been destroyed independent investigators have taken the initiative to piece together the facts
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themselves one of them being kevin ryan is the coeditor of the journal of nine eleven studies and author of another nineteen a book examining nineteen alternative suspects that he alleges has. the real means motive an ability to pull off the nine eleven attacks i spoke to him earlier and first asked him why he decided to write this book check it out. well because nine eleven was the origin or on terror which is kind of stationed around the world in the us official reports are known to be false and i'm looking commission report did not answer a majority of the questions were. in the news the world trade center report is unscientific and also we need to know what happened on nine eleven and we can't depend on the government to tell us or given the official narrative of course had to be american people about the strategy is that nineteen hijackers led from a manic hames act and pretty much completely alone to attack the us you allege that
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this is not the case and in fact that there is an extraordinary amount of evidence that points to other players and volved who are the other nineteen. well these men who are business leaders and military and intelligence leaders government representatives in the united states they are from syria the secret service norad and private companies like the carlow see similar have been have a history of cold or. experienced inventors appear to have worked for what seemed to be a private intelligence there or. basically all of them are suspicious and that they were in perfect position to make nine eleven happened in just the way that it kevin when people hear this kind of information many times the members of the u.s. government or government insiders or business affiliates allow it or even work toward ensure that nine eleven did happen why what was to gain for these people
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from nine eleven taking place. well there were many benefits obviously the seizure of natural resources and countries like iraq which has set up world's second largest reserves of oil and ask in a stand which has natural gas and other mineral resources so really the fact is in our day and age where her controls eurasia controls the world so it does appear that it war on terror group and by nine eleven was motivated by a seizure of they were radiation resources and that's what we've seen happen since and we certainly have seen that happen and i think a lot of people know of course the household names rumsfeld wolfowitz the bush obviously those are the names of the main neo con propagandist selling that the whole agenda that's been put in place since nine eleven i want instead for you to focus a couple lesser known people who want to talk about your book paul bremmer who is
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paul bremer and how does he tie into what happened on nine eleven. well grammar is most well known for having been the iraqi occupation to go after the u.s. invasion in two thousand and three he was selected for the job by donald rumsfeld and he made a lot of very terrible decisions that would not make a lot of sense for someone who is trying to help the country for example this banding the iraqi army so forth but rumor has it many other very interesting features about it since theory he was a lang time assistant and retention citizen here who was selected by bush to lead the nine eleven commission originally he was also material crap again this. throughout the nineteen ninety s. he led out of commissions and commissions that were transferred out of soviet you know terrier terrorist attacks into a threat of islamic terrorism so unfortunately none of these commissions were able
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to. report the incidents that were had already been revealed there were known as operation gladio operation worth words in the gulf of tonkin event which were state sponsored plan so what's most important about rumors on nine eleven he just happened to be at the world trade center as an executive for a company called marsh and mclennan and that was just for short period of time he was there but he was not killed instead he spent the day on television telling us what happened and who needed to attack because and one other thing i would say about bremmer is that he was that director for a company that had a patented thermal demolition device so on the morning of nine eleven instead of serving in the marsh and mclennan he is there kind of selling that been a lot of narrative before even the facts are really laid out cabinets pretty interesting given what wayne andrews who is that. well joining andrews was
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a long time dick cheney. andrews said that cheney was his lifelong hero what's interesting about you know bruce is that he led a company called science applications international corporation where s.a.i.c. for that eight years before a lever and this company has so many important links to nine eleven it's really astounding they created the national databases that identified attracting legit terrorists they provided terrorism screening equipment to the airports in the united states ender's himself was a leading expert on the communication systems that they don't know i'm going to let him into c.d.c. helped create the official accounts of what happened. world trade center also after nine eleven and after the nine hundred ninety three bar. in additionally one of the . managers actually managed the robots at ground zero which had been used for elimination or. unexploded ordinance in the past so these things all give and there
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are many more as you know i see me. so let's talk about dick cheney and the man behind the man i guess you can say everyone knows him but what a dirty you have on cheney and what does the evidence point to his complicity in events and subsequent coverup. well the one thing that most people have cited is the testimony of secretary of transportation norman mineta which indicates that cheney as vice president was tracking one of the flights as it was approaching washington and that's surprising because the official report says there was no one who knew about flight seventy seven which was the flight he was tracking appeared to shoot orders that of his flight so the morning when people should remember that dick cheney was the leading voice behind lines that have started several other wars one of them being the goal or in one thousand nine hundred ninety one you told
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several law as long as it is a partner when it enters and he was behind the lines that started the iraq or the weapons of mass destruction in accordance that saddam was a associated with nine eleven so in between these obvious deception is this or was nine eleven cheney being in charge at the white house ultimately doing nothing to protect us. cheney also work to strengthen the lady investigation and actively work to prevent an investigation into whether there are other things including the continuity of government which they go into in my book that i lead people to believe that cheney is. well i think you know when you're when you're point out a lot of these players in your book a lot of them are members of the project for a new american century that that document that kind of says that this crew needed an event like a new promo harbourne are kind of
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a knack that knew had gemini around the world and that overtaking out of eurasia resources and militarization kevin what about people who say you know all of this is really fascinating it's really interesting all however circumstantial coincidental all can be chalked up to ineptitude by the bush administration to kind of have this event happen they never expected it what's your response to that. well there are a few things that are not just. circumstantial but you're you're right the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming i would say that in some cases some of the suspects can be brought up on charges for example some of them were among those people who are sincere that would want to have an insider trading like walker is going to be assessed others lot of directly to congress including russia ever our commander and george tenet the director of the shiite area and that is of course against the law to lie to congress so of course there are there is circumstantial evidence but there is more than that as well right and we have about
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a minute left but i want to touch upon the enterprise called the bank of credit and commerce international what is this and why should we be concerned about it. will be c c i was a known terrorism network that was shut down in the early ninety's and then banned by the united arab. and people should know that richard clarke the teacher is an expert in the united states was basically a representative of their efforts and had warned him on several occasions of cia to just start out ok did some of the so b. c c i'm. just one of several scenes where paul bremmer again as with kissinger associates had meetings with species that refused to release documents to the senator. over there scandal well it's been called the world's sleaze is a bank by time magazine in the early ninety's maybe we should be looking a lot more carefully at this and have been arayan amazing to have you on coeditor
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of the journal of nine eleven studies. if you will guys that that person that show see you back here bright pathetic and a mile. i know c.n.n. the m s n b c news have taken some not slightly but the fact is i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be accurate. that was funny but it's closer to the truth and might think. it's because when full attention and the mainstream media works side by side the joke is actually on here.
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and our teen years we have a different thread. because the news of the world just is not this funny i'm not laughing dammit i'm not i. got a sense of the jokes i will handle them except that i don't. think . i would rather ask questions to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on our t.v.
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question for. biomass dancer this is the kaiser report here in new york city some say the greatest city in the world it is can't kick this city than it can flood it like we saw earth came sammie you can i it's a couple airplanes and let down the twin towers but it comes back keep on inventing the future new york why you got a problem with that stays in forever well max kaiser says the kaiser report nine eleven special and the first headline therefore is from the l.a. times this is from the opinion page americans are hostages of the terrorists on wall street this isn't.


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