tv [untitled] September 10, 2013 8:30pm-9:01pm EDT
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around russia we've got the future covered. today on larry king now kevin smith the filmmaker actor and off there on his last feature film i can't bring anything new to the game and i assure you i cannot there's no point in me stepping up to the plate on why he started smoking marijuana i like to i was when i was smoke and i was like him i'm more free i'm not guarded and stuff way more open that's what i like to be i was the person i most wanted to be in life on becoming a comic book nerd it just warms your heart a forty two a still well up when i read the dark knight returns the first miller's graphic novel like that to me that was not my literature of that was my my passion that's today on larry king now. welcome to another edition of larry king now kevin smith filmmaker actor best known
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for his coke classic films perch and chasing amy he's co-founder of smog code you know it's about so i don't know it has serious i mean here's a man a legend since mago makes about much more legitimate this is a series of podcasts and web videos and shows also on hulu the second season of his show comic book men airs sundays on amc you actually call yourself i want to get this right fat lazy slob who did good that was if i was on the book i don't really walk around and call myself like i don't introduce myself and my kids i hope i don't feel like i am marley's that fat lazy slob who didn't call you a fat lazy obviously outside but i'm reminded of how fat i am when i have to sit down to do an interview which i can't stand to do the moment i walked in this room saw two chairs of tables or jesus you don't like this for no listen this is the least flattering this is me at my best and believe me this isn't even great but this is me and my best right at the moment i sit down everything goes self like
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boom the ball the chins come out in the gut so it's like job. you need a little dude over here going to ask you know you got the fortunate thing covered so right now we look like a scene from return the jet you know who's built like that to form a goalie of the old toronto maple leafs as you. say you're good man you suddenly made me feel better about being fat how did perched come about clerks happen because i would sit around and watch movies my whole life and then one day i saw a movie called slacker richard linklater directed i want to new york to see it was very rare and characteristic for jersey burbs could read about it in a village voice went up to see it in new york and. this counts as filmmaking i won in a nonna dismissive like this looks like crap conaway but it wasn't about anything when the three act structure nothing exploded there was no pirates no superheroes were in that in those days no die hard in that was the big formula point so what was it it was the fact that these dude's and. texas nowhere's ville texas made this
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movie on their own that inspired me it emboldened me i was like maybe i can make a movie and nowheres film new jersey now the fact of the matter is it was made in austin texas which is not only the capital of texas from what i understand but also a big arts capital so had i known that there was going to that that austin was a power center for creativity i doubt i ever would have seen slacker and said oh i should make clerks i still would have felt a little bit impotent so what happened was i left there and i was like you know what man maybe i could do this maybe i could do the filmmaking thing like these kids in texas went back to jersey is where i live i was working this convenience store i said i'll start writing a script based on this song interview that rob rodriguez ago did. had done once and he said take stock everything you've got is like never mind write until like a budget you don't have or are writing things that you have no access to think about what you've got access to write your script around and i was sitting in the command of never really seen
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a comedian store movie so let me do that but really it came down to this day i was watching movies my whole life. never saw myself or my friends represented on screen you know insane even in movies words like it's the slobs going to snobs my caddyshack or or animal house or some bag of the day you root for the underdogs but still than recognize myself in any of those characters because i wouldn't consider myself insanely rebellious like most of the characters they put forward in comedies of the day so i just wanted to see someone look like me and my friends and so when i saw that richard linklater made this movie slacker with him and his friends in a corner of the world that nobody generally tell stories about i said this is what i would like to do and go home do with my friends in jersey how do you become a hit i still don't know it probably because harvey weinstein was behind it was a miramax film we wind up with the imprint tour of miramax the movie so definitely that's a big boom what happened was we took him to sundance we screened the movie first two screenings like people seem to really dig it but it was quiet there was
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a movie called go fish that was very popular at the beginning the festival a lesbian black and white movie we had the straight black and white movie that a lesbian one way more sexy so that there was a lot of action i'm on that film the beginning of the festival and we were like all there is a dirty movie just once go fish sold at the festival suddenly they were like what do we talk about next and people like have you seen this movie clerks and our screenings that sold out so by the time we got to the fourth screening there was did a marked this lovely human being worked on acquisitions at miramax he was a big champion the movie was from new jersey bergen county not were we were the county but he was like this this place is gone think this speaks to some lost generate i don't know he's talking about because there's just me and my friends as it is about me and my friends but he was like no this is an echo of a time of this period now this speaks to generation x. so much so that he was like take off the chaos and make it clear it's with the next sounds like he's a terrible idea so anyway he's a champion of the flick and he told harvey harvey onesies last hour he said you've
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got to come you've got to come see this movie well first he showed it to him at. tribeca you know at the at the screening room there are we walked out the first ten minutes is this monologue where does anti smoking seems like he's anti smoking and harvey in those days it was a smoke like chimneys nine cigarettes at once the cartoon octopus smoke and stuff so he got to that scene he was just like i'm done and he walked out martellus brought him back to the screening that we were doing at sundance the fourth one at the egyptian and once again mark was like at the same point in the movie harvey started to get up mark so you just sit down mother held them in place in the seat is like you just sit there and think thirty seven and a few minutes later there's a scene in the movie reference is the number thirty seven and that's where the movie was regarded to take off huge and harvey was there and he started laughing too and at the end of it all i was there for the whole screen is one of those screenings it did change my life it was a wonderful screen regardless it like put it in the pantheon of top ten screenings
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i've done for anything i've ever had it still remains in there and i can still hear to this day like of all the laughter in the theater and the egyptians are they used by the three hundred seaters i'm like that but of all that laughter man you can hear one guy very loud. sound like go like that was his name robert de niro in cape fear was smoking a cigar that's what it sounds like it would allow the brain of noxious i thought it was like miss my father like as a straw man or something like that and we found out afterwards it was harvey weinstein always an old friend and publish my list two books there's a great. void is nobody like harvey yeah he honestly changed my life i got measures with them to obviously especially because i worked with him for nearly over nearly well fifteen years by the time we rafted all before we get we get to. the high school. you wound up you were given a convenience store what was your goal did you want to be a film what do you know i had none i would talk a lot of people in my life at the time my mother my mother was ok with me not picking a direction because my brother and sister had gone right to college after high
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school and they were like four and five years older than me so. they left the nest and i think my mom was just going to harass him like i like another one to stick around who want to be i had nothing i didn't have anything like this is what i thought when i was a kid i've worked at so many delis that i said i know how to make a sandwich obviously as a maybe i'll own a sandwich you know i tried to think what would a fat man do for a living and i was like a jelly sandwich shop owner so i assume that one day i would run a deli and in my wildest dreams i would own a comic book store i'd run a comic book store for those a moment bush i did before film absolutely and so it wasn't until i saw slider until i started thinking about a career and who let me go pursue film and there you know i was too late to go to film school so i was twenty one so i just pretty much figured i'll go to tech school it was a big group or but that period from my post high school to the moment i'm like oh i'm a clerks now i just found recently one of the podcasts we do of course is called smog
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kisses the first one which is the keystone the touchstone all the pod cast it's come one i do every week with scott mosier on the on the recent six episode we had this mini series within the series because we're up to like over two hundred episodes at this point and i found these cassettes these micro cassettes i used to roam around on a bike paddling around my neighborhood recording my thoughts and age it sounds like i'm fifty in the county most stuff i'm talking about turns out i'm twenty which will embarrass or it is nice to is nice to go back to listen to him we did a month six episodes and it was like listening to the genesis because there's a kid who's like i don't like where i am i want to do something i don't know what it is and i know in one year he sees slacker he's off and running but at that point it's getting to listen to because he's at such a crossroads he can't get himself to the next place don't know what is purposes so when you ask like what did i want to do sandwich shop you know was was the most realistic complex store was a dream nothing else i didn't have any interest i wasn't like spielberg run around
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super eight camera knows there's only so you so so you're. sess must be surprising to you very much every day as you know there's a sort of a crazy kind of some rushed up ingenious oh never oh my god no tell me about comic book men is going to do a second season it started out as a podcast yes the show's inside a comic book store yes. what is its leases if i was going to do a cheap show to capture the geek imagination because cheap is always keyword or they don't want to hear expensive they want to hear an expensive i said everyone's doing reality shows man like show this audience themselves like show us our world takes in a complex story like the short hand is they are now the simpsons of a company man man is a character for twenty years of people understand like you know these cup people inside a comic store different breed whatsoever there's a stereotype we could flip the stereotype all our guys you know the stereotypes like you know. all these dudes are married middle aged men and whatnot that is very
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passionate about the subject matter of books a gay culture so i said you guys should do that needs to me take it back to an mc one four and i was even thinking about my friends i said just go to a complex store find the most to serve a one on the planet roll camera these dudes are geniuses they're really really funny so the amc once said we want to be a pilot was blew my mind as a pilot for a reality show but i want to see a presentation want to look like so charlie goes where do we do that and i said you know what did i own a company store in red bank new jersey so we could shoot their no cost no location fee and the doods who are in the store they do a podcast for network called telling steve dave the really funny so they can stand in for this pilot so we'll see what the show would look like so it's limitless of the podcast charlie he went back listen to him then he was just like these guys you're an idiot these guys are the show why we look at any place else these guys originally said yeah no idea i didn't see it like i wasn't a visionary where i'm like yeah i can get my friends on t.v.
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it happened almost organically an accidental what do they do so come on bush told them to do that a little bit as i. student thomas said dupont stores in a comic book store and it didn't quite work out like that there's a little bit of that it wound up being this is the angle i didn't even see it's kind of clerks the reality show is about these dude bionic our services build globalism in a by time and by come books and people also come in to sell stuff there's a lot of transactions that people look at and get cash for like geek stuff so there's an element of the show that people just love to watch the merchandise come through it's like i haven't seen that in twenty years i had that when i was up there very my anything stuff like that a piece of their youth man and then like you know there's even a sequence this year somebody bring some to the door walter flanagan who's kind of the lead man at the store is one of the most kind of low keyed our people on the planet something came through the door that little up like a child that was it was awesome to watch and i think that's what the audience by. kevin about was going to live at the time that there are all the things he does
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right if that is. the really. good you know the price is the only industry specifically mention in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy schreck albus. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and at press we've been hijacked by handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once i'm john mark and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem. rational debate and real discussion critical issues facing. ready to join the movement and walk the big picture.
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he should be one of the most interesting people that kevin smith he's at the balls about seeing every word of d.h. got everything going for him now i'm told that hit somebody will be your last feature film why you know i did i directed films i directed more films than i ever imagined i would clerks was always meant as a sort of calling card film make this and show people we know how to make a movie in the next time they'll give us one hundred thousand dollars and not paying for it on my own credit cards or something like that so everything that followed was just beyond expectation it was like hope and for a kiss and get the most amazing blow job you've ever had in your life where like i scored beyond that and then just when she's finished like in two hours we'll go again so for me i was like this opened up everything will expect asians whatsoever
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everything since then has been a gift that all being said you do anything for almost twenty years you know this you know it's time to move on to something else and not because i'm like i hate it or i've never loved it of course i love it there's a reason to walk away from things if you love them so much like if i can't bring a thing new to the game and i assure you i cannot there's no point me stepping up to the plate like some other young buck who i used to be twenty years ago has a more interesting story than i do what things are all i'm not going away trust me i just don't want to direct i don't especially because that world right now the economics don't support the kind of stories i want to tell they like big bombastic campolo the homeport is marijuana in your life massively important like incredible audio. addict to. have it every day know that i wouldn't have to but i couldn't imagine not having it every day that would be your ability no no no i don't think it's addiction at all because i can easily put it down i've gone overseas to europe and i've had to be without and i'm not like god i'm flipping
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tables but it's almost like brushing my teeth to me where it's just like well i should do it every day. oh like the moment i wake up i'm awake and baker but i made this deal with myself a long time ago see i made it thirty eight years clean and sober i never touched anything i was very boring individual thirty eight seth rogen i'm working on zack and miri make a porno he. can't say introduce me to we don't know it existed but he kind of he this was a dude who could work forever juggle three projects and here he was a stoner you know he talked about being sternness this guy's managing i never met anyone like this i knew jason mewes my friend to play james. and he had like an oxycontin addiction to heroin addiction so for me that was drugs and all drugs are bad some lamps are going to rogen and i'm like this is the same bed like weeds not bad in a cigar and man i tried it when i was younger few times maybe a handful of times which is weird because i made movies about stoners but i never really got into it so i said i'm going to give this is shot to give
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a shot with rogen we were done we wrapped the movie we're in the editing room back in pittsburgh and the way we celebrated the end of it was awesome i like to i was when i was smoking i was like him i'm more free i'm not guarded and stuff way more open that's why i like to be i was the person i most wanted to be in life not the person i internalized on man i wish i could be that cat suddenly i was that cat i threw off all this stuff and i was like i am a guy the only thing holding me back is meat so i go home and i don't touch it again for eight months never even think about as the guy i was then i got at this movie and you got to be responsible stuff like that stoning silly accounts but we cut so i think it is not months later man we were home alone me and my wife is fourth of july our kid was out she was a big bear with her grandparents so we had a place to ourselves and when i was a kid if i had an empty house i merely called the anybody in the remote three town area who might give me a hand job man or woman didn't matter so i'll respond to an empty house even in late thirty's or early forty's when the house is empty as
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a bliss just do something wrong let's do something weird let's get ochers over something transgressive and my wife of course will go for any of the. first thing she said was she was like we got some weed for christmas somebody gave us we and this was five years ago so we went we found it was very crumbly and i tried to roll is best to join a and we smoked together and it was amazing like there's somebody i've known you know for years i get a kid with and you think you know them inside now and suddenly it is different suddenly at the she even the even the kind of him premature of who i was to her that i would put forward i'm your husband i was able to drop and just be like after ten years this is who i really am and in this way better and blah blah blah so it kind of changed me in that way that i was like i like you and i said to myself this is that i'm not going to i can't get into this too much i'll smoke whenever my day my work day is done i'll work all day long six o'clock smoke a joint now be my joint for that would be amazing and then i started like maybe a week in us a you know i don't really have a job to job and i wait until six o'clock noon is probably best for someone like me
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in the arts known i would give myself til noon and then zack and miri open didn't do well to forget i'm awake and bakers' a stairway going up and smoke and this is the deal i made with myself this is important cause i don't advocate this for everyone not everyone can have a way to see my wife's take two hits of a joint have to call the ambulance because she was like la i smacked me in the face it was like being in fight club and so i said this is what i'll do i'll smoke weed as long as i'm productive i can't be got smokes weed watches t.v. and stuff getting way into sponge bob i will smoke weed and i will work so the moment i light up do some creative record a podcast write a script cut a podcast cut your movie anything creative that's remotely work weren't it or also arts oriented so that was three years ago and if you look at my output over the last three years i used to just make a movie every two years and now it's like there's only an podcasts there's too many shows there's this she knows i sat down how she's thirteen and i had a conversation with her when she was eleven to listen
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a star smoking marijuana and she's like what's that and i was a psycho a threat they don't cover. or this on sponge bob and i had to explain what it was and she goes is it will you die and i said here's the good news i said i want to wicked pedia which as we all know is guaranteed big truth on the internet i says to the kid want to wikipedia there's never been a single death from marijuana i said cigarette smokers you know they die all the thomas a but i put that aside i'm like your mother and i've started smoking weed and so i'm going to live forever i sold it to the kid properly she's going to smoke at that no she's not interested and i don't not at all she's shown no interest one iota of interest why should i be canadian i do i want to be canadian not just purely canadian here's the thing i love canada the big bad way and always have been big canada file was born new jersey so i think i understand canada law you know you grew up in new jersey in the shadow of new york and people always like new york rocks new jersey which is toxic waste jokes canada has grown up in the shadow of
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america of course as always i know you guys live next to america so i have a canadian sensibility i think i don't want to be canadian vs american but i feel like i'm north american why can't i have access in both countries as i and i love hockey so much that alone should make me a canadian when you were a kid did you go see the devils i did i picked up on the devils i. can add lives or get in because gretzky i phone love with gretzky about the same time this is weird same time i started smoking weed a foam of wayne gretzky's longs to apply interesting is that i went back and started kind of reading and catching up on games treated it like a religion do it became a messianic figure to me i saw gretzky not as god but as you know the lessons that his father taught him i thought were as simple and beautiful platitudes as you find in the good book so like him telling is young son you know when he was a kid was first teaching in the game teaching a boy to anticipate you know he's like you don't have to be have brawn you have to have insane talent in this game you just have to be able to anticipate and he told
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the most important lesson that he's carried through life everyone quotes and stuff i phone over the years ago. and the quote walter gretzky wayne gretzky's father told him when he was young kid was don't skate to where the puck is skate to where it's going to be yeah it was sort of a sports those voices go to the ball yeah ok we have a couple twitter questions andy's nine hundred ninety one wants to know if you're planning on acting on the big screen with jason using it we've got a card yes and no kind of we have a cartoon movie that we're doing next year like we did the red state tour last year we took the movie out ourselves booked in theaters for all those wonderful experience because a doing a concert series it was like being a rock star in concert so we made this other movie way cheaper mazal cartoon feature called super groovy card to movie where you take that out and march same way we did like for about three months just go around showing the movie and then doing a podcast afterwards and whatnot so we're both were cartoons in it but there's a little bit of live action at the end so we'll be back in the costumes again davey
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sure they'll want to know what you thought of the final christopher nolan but minutes so i liked it so much that i did three hours of podcasting of we were talking about off camera about how long we could talk about sports i could talk about batman i've already done it we've got a podcast called fat man on batman and it's just me sitting down with people who've worked on the character they're pretty high on the scenes or on camera where his voice actors in the animated various animated series so i wound up for dark knight rises i wound up doing three hours of split across two pod cast first on smog cast and then on fat man on batman i wept during the pog as you hear me talking about at the end that man is crazy dude so and it's i guess you could be like you are addicted to we love certain out of pockets going at the end he's in a he's in the bat in the bat he's flying off he's got a nuclear bomb he's going to die my friend hadn't seen the movie unexplained so i was again i was a batman fan of forty two years i was ok with that you know give him permission to die as pathetic so out of big big fan of that movie that being said there are
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massive holes you could drive trucks there looks dirty to. andy bettman character level poem the bad guy i think dead shot has an incredible look not the first incarnation of him as a western guy but a dude who is also over with this for the buys or comic books he has in the comic book he is. like i created one that i like lies called onomatopoeia he's a character that really only works on the page will never be pulled into the movies onomatopoeia of course is like drip bang and comics comics are full of onomatopoeic addicts when you know they fire gun it's as blam so this character was first hunting green arrow then start hunting batman was a guy who was creepy didn't talk at all he would just say blam and then shoot you with a gun it's you like the early. like green lantern yeah of course and the wonder woman absolutely i'm not i would say like in terms of collecting i never went to the golden age stuff because by the time i got into comics that stuff would be very expensive but they laid all the groundwork for the stories we still read today and
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there's a there's this wonderful series that i just caught up on so many and all of the downside of being busy a lot sometimes you miss stuff for years ago i remember one point jason mewes list of this and he played this rap music has this great man is a fresh new sound what are these guys and he's like is the wu tang clan the better over ten years you know i just had my head up my and my own make you would know i knew bob kane very well you did write rated batman and what. important here is going to miami i lived in miami get out of here and this whole concept of the he didn't like superman but because he wanted someone who couldn't fly one normal regular guy can you imagine what a billion dollar idea that was like that guy came up with that character and then there are other people the jerry robinson dick sprang who built that world with the most of the stuff you love about batman came from other cats but this was the guy who was like a man who dresses up as about fights crime simple concept captures everybody's imagination makes billions of dollars but really remove the monetary it just warms
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your heart of forty two i still well up when i read the da. returns the front miller's graphic novel like that to me that was not my literature or that was my my passion would have to do this again given our be certain of it thank you thanks to my guest kevin smith you can find me on twitter at king's things and i won't tell you where to find him which i want to keep my lead in followers i have two million two hundred thousand are you over maybe going by feel man you got me by one hundred thousand or more. wealthy british. time.
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market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into khan's report on r g. i know c.n.n. the m s m b c news have taken some not slightly but the fact is i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be accurate. that was funny but it's close and for the truth from the might think. it's because one whole attention and the mainstream media works side by side the joke is actually on we're going to be ok. and our teen years we have a different approach. because the news of the world just is not this funny
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i'm not laughing dammit i'm not god. i don't know if. you guys talk to the jokes well handed to me i said ok. plus there was a new alert innovation scripts scare me a little. there is breaking news tonight and we are continuing to follow the breaking news. alexander's family cry tears of the warrior grave thinking rather that there has to be a bridge or in a court of law on the ground. there's a story sort of movie is playing out in real life.
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good evening i'm a mirror david live in washington d.c. you are watching our special coverage on the fate of syria we begin tonight with a speech from president barack obama he'll be addressing the nation and just a few moments on what the u.s. response should be to the use of chemical weapons in syria obama has been pushing for support of his plan to launch military strikes against the country yet the talk comes just a day after new developments have arisen hinting at a possible diplomatic solution for the war torn country and while obama tries to win support from the public and congress the american people still have questions why intervene now over to over two years into the civil syrian civil war and after one hundred.
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