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tv   [untitled]    September 11, 2013 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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washington puts a strike against your own cold world russia's proposal that damascus give up its chemical weapons allowing president obama to postpone a congressional vote i mean a lot of public and political support. as a u.n. report implicates above the syrian regime and opposition forces in world crimes it was speak to those who came from abroad to fight not full democracy but for joe and . later this hour the world economic forum opens in china as the country's government promises new reforms to turn its currency into a fully fledged alternative to the dollar and you are.
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international news live from moscow this is the with me thanks for joining us. on a strike against syria can wait but the threat of military action should remain after weeks of believe the u.s. president has agreed to give diplomacy a chance following russia's proposal to put syria's chemical weapons under international control barack obama made the comments in an address to a nation which according to recent polls is mostly a gay's to engaging in a new war on she's going to check out reports now from washington we saw president obama engage the acrobatics with a message that many americans will find very confusing he was forceful in. are necessary asking the american people to support him at the same time he will say maybe they will not be necessary and maybe diplomacy can work with whispering to
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russia's proposal for syria to give up its chemical weapons this is it's too early to tell whether this offer will succeed in any agreement must to verify that the assad regime keeps its commitments but this initiative has the potential to remove the threat of chemical weapons without the use of force particularly because russia is one of assad's strongest allies. i have therefore asked the leaders of congress to postpone a vote to authorize the use of force while we pursue this diplomatic path the spin that president obama is now putting on russia's proposal is that a diplomatic solution only came because he threatened force but as much as the u.s. president is now trying to capitalize on that line of fog it's important to remember what preceded this proposal president obama was facing congress that was most likely to vote no on his war initiative because american people overwhelmingly oppose military action against syria and they've been barred their representatives
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with calls demanding that they vote no so he had congress the american people against him on that beat either you was not going along the u.n. has been against such inaudible action given all this many saw this diplomatic opening as a life raft if you will for president obama who with his military threat says basically boxing self into a corner we've heard a call for strip him of the nobel peace prize for not showing enough initiative to find a diplomatic solution while now the administration is saying secretary kerry was dismissive for marg on monday which russia picked off on was not really a rhetorical gaffe and that there was a strategy behind it by the way here is more about the strategy i've spoken to the leaders of two of our closest allies france and the united kingdom and we will work together in consultation with russia and china to put forward a resolution at the u.n. security council requiring assad to give up his chemical weapons and to ultimately destroy them under international control will also give you one inspectors the up
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to him to report their findings about what happened on august twenty first it was interesting to hear president obama talk about the you weigh. considering that his administration was largely dismissive of the u.n. effort all the way trying to discredit the work of u.n. inspectors and refusing to show the u.n. security council the classified evidence that washington says it has against the assad government but it looks like the future of this resolution of this proposal will be about who the judgment on whether or not the proposal is working will belong to is it going to be the u.s. which has a track record of jumping to bombs as a first option or the international community which has a real interest in resolving the crisis in syria and making sure that the weapons are not used again. despite the international community embracing the chance to end the diplomatic standoff over syria russia says it's a design moment proposal will walk only if plans are scrapped all together she's an
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isa now it has more now on the view from moscow. syria has agreed to give up its chemical weapons this is a game changer it's a way out for the u.s. and also a chance for diplomacy in the syrian crisis something that seemed almost impossible just a week ago but according to russia in order for it to work the threat of force needs to be taken off the table. and with lou surely a positive move because that i mean we've heard a positive reaction from syria to the chemical weapons destruction offer we're now hoping that our syrian colleagues will make a responsible decision to put their stockpiles under control agreed to destroy them enjoying the chemical weapons nonproliferation treaty no doubt it can only work if we get the u.s. and its allies to agree not to use force clearly this option is being taken very seriously by the u.s. it was first discussed by putin and obama and will now move forward this week
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between circuit love rove and john kerry but you with those opportunities present them soon much to the the ball or not so we did talk about the since you had the g. twenty summit and we agreed that it will work in that direction and we'll have the secretary of state and russian foreign minister to try and move this forward it's up to top diplomats now to try to move this proposal forward this week what many see as a last chance for a step towards peace in the syrian conflict. meanwhile talks on the proposed removal of syria's chemical weapons have begun among u.n. security council members and they are proving to be a tense affair russia has rejected attempts to put forward a resolution under chapter seven of the u.n. charter which implies the use of force for noncompliance historian and middle east expert mark almond believes even if the u.n. security council agrees on the resolution it will be difficult to implement because of the syrian opposition actions. it is possible that the syrian government assets
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could be conveyed relatively risk re into the hands of an international commission though of course with a civil war that is not going to be easy the question is what about those assets that may have been territory that is either controlled by the rebels or chemical weapons that the rebels could intercept as though being moved and so it's very difficult to see that the rebels have an interest in this resolution clearly one thing that unites the disparate rebel groups is they hope that american bombing would weaken assad and make their chances of coming to stronger so the rebels have no great interest in a successful outcome to this even if in practice it might be in the interests of all the members of purity council to come to some resolution of this issue which saves everybody's face enables everybody to claim to be a peacemaker and could put this beast complicated part and potentially very dangerous part of the syrian equation out of service. and of course where you are interested in what you think about the stories we're covering here on r.t.
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so you can go to our website dot com and have your say about a possible outcome syria's chemical of syria's chemical desire and so far the majority of our viewers and readers think removing chemical weapons will only postpone the u.s. and its allies plans to attack roughly eighteen percent of you are convinced the civil war will continue but without chemical weapons just one percent less say the move while and prevent the further use of illegal agents in syria as some may remain unaccounted for and only a handful of you think the syrian government and its opponents will engage in peace negotiations so you can go to r.t. dot com and cast. washington has started to supply rebels in syria with lethal arms according to the opposition as a un report accuses government forces and opposition fighters of carrying out war crimes including executions hostage taking and the shelling of civilian neighborhoods
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a significant part of the rebel forces are extremists who came from abroad to find their son versioning all his wife a notion of rest against now what's making syria a jihad is a battlefield. this may look like an ordinary farewell amongst friends but the man in the lawn is lucky coat is a suicide bomber leaving on his final journey. this is his last conversation with us elder brother in a car that is supposed to take him to the loser of the central prison in aleppo syria and then explode sending him to paradise according to his beliefs these clips were found on the laptop taken from one of the men seen in the food who is now in a syrian prison he calls himself round shown and says he came to syria from a former soviet republic to fight. a group called approach me a year ago and convinced me that muslims in syria are being oppressed and killed and that i should go and take up arms against assad for world jihad and help
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establish a caliphate that will extend worldwide to europe america and everywhere his necke to into syria last january through turkey in istanbul two men who said they were from al qaeda met him and accompanied him to syria where he joined a large woman brigade run by an egyptian jihad it's my job was mainly to prepare bombs for cars the rim any people all from different countries are teachers showed us how to make bombs which ingredients to use and how exactly to cook it. one of his recent assignments was analytical prison bowman last may the man you saw in the fan well he was driving the car that russian prepared russian brought his entire family to syria including his five year old son on this video the militant shows his boy how to make a bomb they say after a father dies the son should continue the jihad i don't know what al are prepared
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for me but we have to finish what we started we spoke to russian at the air force intelligence jail next to a military at porting damascus in the cells. in new york. the prisoners here are mainly charged with by the terrorists spying this newly built unit can accommodate up to two hundred people and already it's almost full in the jails backyard an officer tells us not to get too close as the prisoners could be dangerous there are people here from syria yemen iraq jordan egypt and palestine but many came from europe as well. algerian with a french passport ammar has spent most of his life in france where he married a french woman and leave a normal life that changed after he was recruited by an islamic group with an kind of ties calling for jihad in syria. i volunteered i went to turkey in
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a refugee camp there i met a salafi group and i trained with them for about two and a half months and then we illegally crossed the border into syria. or says as a selfie a fundamental muslim he had to get involved with so much sunni syrian brothers suffering here i saw on al-jazeera arabic another channels the kids are also suffering i took up arms and i was ready to use them but when i came here i didn't see the enemy. in a separate building they show west weapons including handmade bombs and green maids seized from militants these are the instruments of global jihad that chose syria as a battlefield to bring foreign fighters and violence this prison may be full but beyond the walls many men with many causes remain free to continue their fight rif notion r.t. damascus syria. over the past week morea for an ocean of has also been reporting on
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the rebels fight for the ancient christian village of mostly from damascus and hellacious suppose she says the settlement which is home to some of the walls oldest son has reportedly been taken from forces by government forces mari is on her way to check her twitter feed and our website for the latest top day. comes i will bond very short break with more news including a successful touchdown the soyuz capsule bringing the crew will be international space station. after completing a months long mission in the space. of a small he's hoping to make a big impact on germany's national election and also how they plan to make loads from mainstream power is accused of boring the electorate that's coming up in.
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new york london. the whole world. of the original one the one on the end. of the court building at the end of the street another one a more transparent society get the money or the puppet years become we see military and state police forces mobilized against people who blend into the city the city the more people trust electronic devices the more due from. fear that it is a. monarchy. economic down find out. that new york shanghai and the rest. a little bit
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every week. this is some see coming to you live from moscow welcome back china is ready to reform to make sure its already spectacular rate of economic growth continues its aiming to establish the yuan as a world currency alongside combat saying corruption and deregulating markets this is likely to be discussed in the chinese city of dolly and which is hosting the world economic forum or what's become known as this davos to people being host of venture capital takes on. the three day annual meeting of the new champions of the world economic forum as it officially titers will feature all the double settlements the global leaders the business heavyweights the save the world
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policies just minuses but with the forever valving global economy and china's increasing economic power in contrast to your growth this asia event really highlights the economic shift east despite a recent slow downturn as economy is still posting enviable growth figures just this week china's industrial production rose by more than expected in august along with factory output and retail sales the latest signs that the world's second largest economy is still robust so with china demonstrating a resilient economy this begs the question why have a world economic forum in europe sure where greed is astounded is the flowers on the mountain tops added to this following on from the g twenty summit pieces about the foundations of the one hundred billion dollars bric development bank we decided now this bank will drive all the i.m.f. the world bank will concentrate on supporting the developing world so the tensions
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focus east the remote ski resort of dov also even more isolated as the final continue to warm up to asia the chinese economy has been one of the fastest growing in the world but for certain part work from university believes there is still much to be done by beijing if the balls that to go on. there are a lot of things the economy is actually for than a lot of other things in china like the political maturity and social problems that still loom at large in china and one of the toppers actually at the global forum in this these days is also work ethics you know china wants to have a stakeholder in making the rules are fair game and shaping them in the future i think it's perfectly reasonable to think that the chinese want to see their currency to become the next work currency they supply and of course at the moment
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it's for purchasing more and more gold there's also plays into this sort of take. for what actually took control of the world currency and to replace it with the euro yes and there's always does a plenty more online for you including please shocking the public since two thousand and nine read about the latest report on how the relationship between big you pays always and tasers has been dwelling of a close race and here. there's also a line of underground adoption that what can view us as parents hand unwanted children to new families using online advertising the details of this troubling story. i think.
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as so use cops carrying three members of the international space station has successfully touched on and they step among them was a russian cosmonaut pawel been a grant of his sixtieth birthday while on the ice says bolton reports now on what else the crew did during their home mission. one u.s. astronaut chris cassidy and two russian cosmonauts grabbed off and alexander missouri qin are back safely on earth after their five months in space they seem well having been fished out of their soyuz capsule which parachuted down on to the step in kazakstan they were then wrapped in thermal blankets and began their climatized ation back to conditions on earth up there for five months orbiting around earth they took part in a number of space walks to help maintain the international space station the size
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of a football pitch that floating spacecraft and also in involved in around forty different experiments looking at everything from the effects of zero gravity on organisms and also on the on different materials to to physical experiments such as new equipment brought up to the to the space station and looking at how well the space station itself is doing and bearing up to the rigors of zero gravity and and over to a round earth there are three crew members now remaining up on the space station they'll be joined by three more shortly bringing the space station back up to its complement of six but for the moment we can all be glad that those those three crew of the i assess are back safely on earth. the largest u.s. in afghanistan has been a time to islamist militants reports claim that six one could head the base near
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there i'm going to cancel but there has been no reports of casualties so far responsibility for that has been claimed by the taliban insurgents u.s. forces carried out an ass try that killed six suspected militants in eastern afghanistan the report of the time comes on the twelfth anniversary of the nine eleven atrocities which led to america's invasion of the country. on the symbolic day been marred by violence another trouble region in the libyan city of benghazi a powerful blast has ripped through a central street reportedly injuring one person the blast also damaged a ranch of the central bank and the foreign ministry building it's come as a gift of the day after the american ambassador and three staff were killed during an assault by militants on the u.s. consulate in the same city. prosecutors are seeking the death penalty for fleeing man found guilty of fatally gang raping raping a young woman their sentences are expected to be announced on friday the twenty
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three year old victim was viciously assaulted on a bus in new delhi in december last year is bumped a nationwide outcry prompting the government to make the death sentence on the couple in rape cases. hundreds of first houses clash with wives police in turkey and a fresh round of demonstrations overnight that west was sponsored by the death of a twenty two year old man who some claim was killed by security forces tear gas canister fired from point blank range demonstrators are calling for a rerun of the mass away with anti-government demonstrations seen in the summer. and among the groups in australia are fighting for major follows through with close to the west of sydney helicopters have been brought in to try and down as flames being funded by the strong winds and high temperatures and of us to geisha has been launched into what sparked the blazes is thought as safe the operation to provide
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wildfires raging in may actually have been because it's. now with less than two weeks before germany's parliamentary elections the kind of the being accused of sending the electorate into a political coma but i want to report smaller parties are hoping to see the votes of board citizens and to the big arena. on the campaign trail hoping to strike a chord. and efficient with us we convince that we have to get a say and a higher level we end up having to pay for the big decisions so we want to be part of the process. free voters are a grassroots political organization they're opposed to the major german parties they claim look out for the interests of big business over those voters we don't have the big money the other parties have for commercials for leaflets etc we mostly paid ourselves the candidates pay it because we cannot raise so much funds.
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also because we don't tolerate lobbyists most of their support comes from rural areas where people feel ignored by the bureaucracy in berlin the party has its eye counted on influencing decisions far beyond the very a though they want to see struggling eurozone countries be able to reissue their own currencies to help tackle inflation as well as end bailouts home this bank is still is bailed out by the state we don't want this any longer we don't want banks to be bailed out by the taxpayer small parties like this one are unlikely to cause too much concern for chancellor angela merkel however three voters are convinced that they can draw support from those who've become disillusioned with the more established political parties. in big parties this is flow from top to bottom and that with these guys everyone can bring their ideas to the table and each person's opinion counts yeah yeah bring in. i think small parties that are not spoiled yet
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are very important we need different points of view out there. but i know these small parties are not playing the game if they can get into a coalition me they can have a real influence. in the two thousand and eight varian state elections free vote is picked up just over ten percent of the vote this time the aiming to go further the others they have a lot of money so we have the members and we have the spirit of how much the spirit converts into votes we'll find out on september the twenty second when germans go to the polls peter all of us are to the very. now with c.c.t.v. cameras watching go every step on the most advanced secure is again place how do terrorists so manage to stay off the raids on documentary reveals all that's up next.
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i know c.n.n. the m s n b c news have taken some slightly but the fact is i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be. that was funny but it's closer to the truth and might take. off. goods because one whole attention and the mainstream media works side by side the joke is actually on you. and our teenagers we have a different approach. oh yeah because the news of the world just is not this funny i'm not laughing dammit i'm not i. but. if.
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you get a sense of the jokes i will hand over the stuff that i've got to. busch's the perpetrators are older than is driven by their hatred of the government. as a religious fanatics. to society protect itself against the encounter level how should it react to attacks with retaliation. or like the citizens of norway and spain who opted for freedom and openness. london two thousand and five. on july the seventh four bombs exploded three in underground trains one in a double decker bus the result fifty six deaths and seven hundred injuries the
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attack is not from the outside nor from the end. the four young assassins of muslims three of them born in the u.k. . a traumatic experience for the metropolis in the blink of an eye the entire city fell out of step it's about her ability visible tool. these things live on in the collective memory they become sources of mourning and many more and they have formal memorials and song but this is nothing actually new you know london has a two thousand year history of disaster of plague of wall of strife so there is a pragmatic culture to this city as with many other cities that you know you grief you move on you go through trauma and shock and then life goes on and what is the
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alternative to have one just stay at home. and bunker themselves off from the future of the world and the life of the city it's not an option. the police quickly identify the perpetrators and their accomplices naturally with the help of surveillance cameras. in a second series of attacks fourteen days later and innocent man was shot. he had dog skin and was reportedly wearing a thick jacket with wires hanging from it as he fled. but the video shows he did not flee. the cameras could prevent neither the bomb attacks nor the death of an innocent man.
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the bombs of two thousand and five and more than twenty years of ira threats have led to an all pervasive architecture of security diverse obstructions guard against trucks laden with explosives reinforced concrete barriers come of laws does flower boxes and benches. while working on their project ring of steel and reactor williams and george being ill also discovered how urban space is transforming and another different way this would be in a public street as the public right now is now being sold to a developer as the comfort of a tight space so the actual landscape begins to completely change and what you have in these spaces is they're put piece by private security guards and although you have the right to walk down it they can actually choose to so you have these like strange places that begin to the compost of the city.


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