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tv   Headline News  RT  September 11, 2013 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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syrian government forces regain control of an ancient christian village that's been besieged by rebels for days we bring you report from the site in just a couple of minutes. washington puts a strike against syria with russia's proposal that damascus give up its chemical weapons allowing president obama to postpone congressional vote amid a lack of public. support. and the u.s. gave unfiltered private data on its own citizens to israel according to the latest washington insisting the secrets of americans safe.
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from our studios into here in moscow were just ten ten pm this is eleven pm i should say this is r.t. with international news and comment but we start in syria where government troops are forced. out of the ancient christian village of. the settlement which is home to some of the world's oldest religious sites was overrun by opposition fighters last sunday following days of heavy fighting. has made it to that village and joined us from there by phone. that's it we have and. it's not even a good simple theory when the army and go right now and need soldiers. early to say the army are controlling the situation the only big one we are
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essential to a square right now. could have been impossible to get the courage to do consent to aid. the visibility is not controlled by the army but we are told that the last minute turned up to two hundred as also for the public knowledge i didn't be trying to knock down trees that are surrounding malinda village and this is why it pays to kill a dangerous to be here and that's why they decided they will only unlock journalists to garbage for sunset. hours so that the army's can challenge the situation right now on the ground that they say they need some time to finish its conflict they told her feel how tall the troops taking on the first day of the trial by the minutes and i'm not shocked by the end of one day they say the army played the eighty's right now and again there are no mandatory.
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words are kicked out of this hotel by the army and also we were told that they were up to thirty five bucks to a local resident who were held hostage in the talks on the basement of the false house and they are now freed and they last thing to call to to the capital cost sensitive situation maybe you can hear it from time to time on the rocks we we hear shelling though we hear her shots into the army yes to talk to change the she hates being held by the military situation from the ground not my village is a known worldwide as one of the people who are they kill each other make life. which language from human cry. a number of. monetary concern monetary but also one can. run the guru. so i may be the number of.
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girls. in the uk are actually although i'm not. in the market or even moderate nortons. i this may look like an ordinary farewell amongst friends but the man in the long islamic coat is a suicide bomber leaving on his final journey. this is his last conversation with his elder brother in a car that is supposed to take him to the rules of the central prison in aleppo syria and then explode sending him to paradise according to his beliefs these clips were found on a laptop taken from one man seen in the food age who is now in a syrian prison he calls himself round and says he came to syria from the former soviet republic to fight with a group comrade approached me
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a year ago and convinced me that muslims in syria are being oppressed and killed and that i should go and take up arms against assad for world jihad and help establish a caliphate that will extend worldwide to europe america and everywhere he's sneaked into syria last january through turkey in istanbul two men who said they were from al qaida met him and accompanied him to syria where he joined a large bombing brigade run by an egyptian jihad is my job was mainly to prepare bombs for cars the rim any people all from different countries our teachers showed us how to make bombs which ingredients to use and how exactly to cook it. one of his recent assignments was analytical prison bowman last may the man you saw in the fan well he was driving the car that russian prepared russian brought his entire family to syria including his five year old son on this video the militant shows
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his boy how to make a bomb they say after a father dies the song should continue the jihad i don't know what al are prepared for me but we have to finish what we started we spoke to rush on at the air force intelligence jail next to military at porting damascus in the cells. to meet all. the prisoners here are mainly charged with by the terrorists and spying. this newly built unit can accommodate up to two hundred people and already it's almost full. in the jails backyard an officer tells us not to get too close as the prisoners could be dangerous there are people here from syria yemen iraq jordan egypt and palestine but many came from europe as well. algerian with a french passport ammar has spent most of his life in france where he married a french woman and leave a normal life that changed after he was recruited by an islamic group with the kind
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of ties calling into hard in syria. i volunteered i went to turkey in a refugee camp there i met a salafi group and i trained with them for about two and a half months and then we illegally crossed the border into syria. says as a son of the a fundamental muslim he had to get involved. with so much sunni syrian brothers suffering here i saw in al-jazeera our beer another channels the kids are also suffering i took up arms and i was ready to use them but when i came here i didn't see the enemy. in a separate building they show west weapons including handmade bombs and green maids seized from militants these are the instruments of global jihad that chose syria as a battlefield to bring foreign fighters and violence this prison may be full but beyond the walls really men with many causes remain free to continue their fight.
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damascus syria. and the real is keeping us updated from inside syria her twitter feed and in one of the most recent posts she says she and her crew were caught in a crossfire while trying to reach them on a street in and engineer was slightly injured by ricocheting bullets all the latest updates at the reformation to underscore. the voting on a strike against syria can wait but the threat of military action should remain after weeks of belligerent rhetoric the u.s. president has agreed to give diplomacy a chance following russia's proposal to put syria's chemical weapons under international control made the comments in an address to a nation which according to recent polls is mostly against engaging in a new war or he's going to come reports now from washington we saw president obama engaged in verb or acrobatics with a message that many americans will find very confusing he was forceful in pushing
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the idea that strikes against syria are necessary asking the american people to support him at the same time he will say maybe they will not be necessary and maybe diplomacy can work it was worth worrying too russia's proposal for syria to give up its chemical weapons pickler says it's too early to tell whether this offer will succeed in any agreement must to verify that the assad regime keeps its commitments but this initiative has the potential to remove the threat of chemical weapons without the use of force particularly because russia is one of assad's strongest allies. i have therefore asked the leaders of congress to postpone a vote to authorize the use of force while we pursue this diplomatic path the spin that president obama is now putting on russia's proposal is that a diplomatic solution only came because he threatened force but as much as the u.s. president is now trying to capitalize on that line of fog it's important to remember what preceded this proposal president obama was facing congress that was
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most likely to vote no on his war initiative because american people overwhelmingly oppose military action against syria and they've been barred their representatives with calls demanding that they vote no so he had congress the american people against him on bad beat eat you was not going along the u.n. has been against such inaudible action given all this many saw this diplomatic opening as a life raft if you will for president obama who with his military threat says basically boxing self into a corner we've heard a call through to strip him of the nobel peace prize for not showing enough initiative to find a diplomatic solution while now the administration is saying secretary kerry is dismissive of mars on monday which russia picked up on was not really a rhetorical gaffe and that there was a strategy behind it by the way here is more about the strategy i've spoken to the leaders of two of our closest allies france and the united kingdom and we will work together in consultation with russia and china to put forward
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a resolution at the u.n. security council requiring assad to give up his chemical weapons and to ultimately destroy them under international control. we'll also give you one inspectors the up to report their findings about what happened on august twenty first it was interesting to hear president obama talk about the you when and inspectors considering that his administration was largely dismissive of the u.n. effort all the way trying to discredit the work of u.n. inspectors and refusing to show the u.n. security council the classified evidence that washington says it has against the assad government but it looks like the future of this resolution of this proposal will be about who the judgment on whether or not the proposal is working will belong to is it going to be the u.s. which has a track record of jumping to bombs as a first option or the international community which has a real interest in resolving the crisis in syria and making sure that the weapons
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are not used again or despite the international community embracing the chance to end the diplomatic standoff over syria russia says it's disarmament proposal will work only if war plans are scrapped all together well he's in the east and now he has more on the view now from moscow. syria has agreed to give up its chemical weapons this is a game changer it's a way out for the u.s. and also a chance for diplomacy in the syrian crisis something that seemed almost impossible just a week ago but according to russia in order for it to work the threat of force needs to be taken off the table. in with lou surely a positive move because that i mean we've heard a positive reaction from syria to the chemical weapons destruction offer we're now hoping that our syrian colleagues will make a responsible decision to put their stockpiles under control agreed to destroy them enjoying the chemical weapons nonproliferation treaty no doubt it can only work if
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we get the u.s. and its allies to agree not to use force clearly this option is being taken very seriously by the u.s. it was first discussed by putin and obama and will now move forward this week between circuit love rove and john kerry but you when the president comes through most of the votes and we did talk about the since you had the g. twenty summit and we agreed that it will work in that direction and we'll have the secretary of state and russian foreign minister to try and move this forward it's up to top diplomats now to try to move this proposal forward this week what many see as a last chance for a step towards peace in the syrian conflict. when as the u.n. security council debates ways to carry out the chemical disarmament of syria i also the chemical weapons expert how difficult it would be to just produce new ones chemistry professor james tool from rice university told me that under certain circumstances it could be done by anyone including the rebels. anybody with access
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to some raw materials the raw materials are not gotten into at a grocery store but they can they can come in very easily one can buy on the chemical market items that are just one step away from sarin easily two steps away saw a chemist with about a masters level of training can produce sarin quite easily but the rebels in syria could easily have used chemicals and cells in an attack of that kind. they could if they if they had recruited some chemists with with a few years of training and chemicals there's many different types of chemical weapons that are available some of them easier to make than sarin not quite as effective as sarin is but easily made and easily brought in easily transported no i understand that you conducted an experiment prove that making chemical weapons is very easy to do if that's the case why haven't we seen more terrorist attacks using chemical weapons well one of the reasons is probably because of natural
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selection those that try to make it are if they don't know what they're doing they're going to die in making it and so it's risky business if you don't know what you're doing if you know what you're doing if you have a get about a masters level of training we did several tests to assess what level of training one would need and one can pull this off really quite easily and access to the chemicals is easy and then the dispersion is easy why there have been not as many attacks with with chemical weapons i'm not sure but there are there are actually dozens of documented chemical attacks i know in the united states they don't receive a lot of attention but there are are documented attacks. coming up after the break renewing the calls for statehood thousands take to the streets of custom odia on a national holiday demanding madrid to give the region full scale independence party
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looks at the prospects hopes and hurdles on the way to seventy. two come to the world economic forum opens in china as the country's government promises new reforms to turn its currency into a fully fledged alternative to the dollar and the euro. stumbling in syria there can be no doubt feel balmy administration would very much like to strike syria and strike a hard problem is if you actually bought into the administration's so-called commonsense reasoning surrounding assad's alleged use of chemical weapons what is the administration's real aim and has it painted itself into a red line corner. dramas that can't be ignored. stories others who refuse to notice.
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faces change the world. so picture of today's leaves. tons and tons from around the globe. look to. the media leave us so we leave the media. by the scenes push the security for your party visible. for shoes that no one is asking with the guests that you deserve answers from it's all on politicking only on our t.v. . continues here in r.t. the us has been sharing filtered intelligence with israel including the private data of american citizens according to a confidential document that was part of whistleblower edward snowden's leaks it
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shows that washington set no limits as to how its ally could use the information noughties paulus led joins me live from tel aviv paula tell us more about what's in this leak. well what we're talking about here is a top secret a five page memorandum of understanding that lays out all the details of intelligence sharing between the n.s.a. and its israeli counterpart what it does reveal is that the n.s.a. routinely shade intelligence with israel without first sifting this information to remove information that is inside relating to american citizens it states that israel is allowed to receive intelligence signal it includes and evaluated and minimize transcripts just faxes telex voice and digital network intelligence metadata and content and that is a quote at the same time the agreement places no legally binding limits on the use
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of the daughter by the israelis so while the memorandum does say that the material has to be handled in accordance with us law and at the same time these raids have agreed not to deliberately target americans who identified in the datta there is no kind of legal obligation to back up these claims in this respect what it reads is that the agreement is not intended to create any legally enforceable rights it is not an international agreement and it is not legally binding it also says that these raids were required to destroy upon recognition any communication that is either to or from an official in the u.s. government this includes the white house cabinet departments the house of representatives and the senate amongst others paula has there been any reaction from the n.s.a. over these revelations. well the n.s.a. so far has declined to answer specific questions about this agreement and n.s.a.
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spokesperson has said that the agency insists that the shared intelligence complies with all the laws governing privacy there was a statement that they did release and in that statement they said and again i'm quoting we are not going to comment on any specific information sharing arrangements or the authority under which any such information is collected the fact that intelligence services work together under specific and regulated conditions mutually strengthens the security of both nations so that has been their their formal response to the n.s.a. scandal it just seems to run rather doesn't it. it certainly does i mean we're looking at a scandal that has at its heart edward snowden this thirty year old format national security agency contractor who made public documents that show that the n.s.a. and its international partners conducted mass mass surveillance of foreign nationals and u.s. citizens certainly these documents continue to be an embarrassment both to the n.s.a.
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and the american government paula thanks very much indeed for that that's all it is policy a lot of that in tel aviv. the spanish region of catalonia is celebrating its national day with a call for a break from madrid millions joined demonstrations last year to demand independence in the couple and president has promised a referendum on the issue in twenty fourteen or the surface in the separatist region. well they did it so let's just. let's say it. was a lady up in the building with. the lady still i mean even the oak this action to put pressure on the spanish government could close catalonia independence referendum and instantly of course catalonia to become an independent state that's sort of going to dozens of people taking part in this
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action today the big question for everyone watching this around the world why do you guys want independence in the ben. own culture language history and also because we have economic reasons why you are young a seventeen year. you haven't had independence one of the three hundred years exactly what is still such an issue among. different from spanish people. we are always working working for free. thank you very much for that. tide out today now undoubtedly the economic crisis. certainly plays to believe all these pools full independence. catalonia the richest region. economically they would be better off independent the economic. world. very much to speak to
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your own today i plan to leave that's a bold economics of you know the. police say and she told me she had no doubts the calculation here would be better all right so become independent. higher. revenue for our government because at present only fifty cents of each euro that we face taxes came back alone using best if you've got the money so even though the prices isn't very complex and it's not going to be easy to get out of these phrases it is going to be easy to get a view if we are able to draw on sources. say has been formed now catalans have made it very clear that whether it's again
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independence they would want to remain a part of the the lead they've been looking they tell us what happened in scotland to the fact that scotland was wonted the power to hold an independence referendum they say if scotland can do it so you can they will cut loose and be doubling it any time soon well the thing for an independence referendum by twenty forty posts to majority support for independence in the two thugs of the politicians in the parliament have all pride of independence and might not happen as early as twenty fourteen but one thing seems clear with move and a million people turning out in support of independence last year hundreds of thousands take in part this the momentum ahead calling for independence doesn't look like is fading any time soon sir on a. true monday there's always plenty online for you including british police
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shocking the public since two thousand and nine you can read about how the relationship between the u.k. . has been growing ever closer in recent is. an underground adoption network in the u.s. let's parents hand over unwanted children to new families using online advertising the details of this troubling. dot com right now along with plenty of other stuff. china is ready to reform to make sure its already spectacular rate of economic growth continues its aiming to establish the one as a world currency and on side combating corruption and regulating the markets bullish is likely to be discussed in the chinese city of delhi and which is hosting the world economic forum or what's become known as the some a divorce. host of venture capital takes a look at the three day annual meeting of the new champions of the world economic
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forum as it officially titers will feature all the double settlements the global leaders the business heavyweights the save the world policy is just. about with the forever of valving global economy and china's increasing economic power in contrast to your stack of growth this asia event really highlights the economic shift east despite a recent slow downturn as economy is still posting enviable growth figures just this week china's industrial production rose by more than expected in august along with factory output and retail sales the latest signs that the world's second largest economy is still robust so with china demonstrating a resilient economy this begs the question why have a world economic forum in europe saw where greed is astounded as the flowers on the mountain tops added to this following on from the g. twenty summit is that this is about the foundations of the one hundred billion
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dollars bric development bank we decided now this bank will drive all of the i.m.f. the world bank will concentrate on supporting the developing world so the tensions focus east the remote ski resort of dov also even more isolated as the finance and they continue to warm up to asia. no time for some headlines in this hour at least thirty five people have been killed and more than fifty injured in a double bomb attack on a shia mosque in the iraqi capital a suicide bomber blew himself up as worshipers what leaving the press and then a car bomb exploded nearby no one has yet claimed responsibility for the attack but similar sorts of carried out by so many minutes and almost daily basis the country's witnessing the deadliest wave of sectarian violence in years with over five thousand people killed since january. in the capital santiago where protests clashed with police on the fortieth anniversary of a military coup dozens have been arrested and at least one officer was reportedly
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injured security forces used tear gas and water after being attacked with stones and petrol bombs nine hundred seventy three crude oppose the democratically elected president. of the tree. with more with a new. show goes through the options which for syria that's after the break. down in the final. and the rest. of the.
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wealthy british. markets. find out what's really happening to the global economy. for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser report. well for the. science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've. covered.


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