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tv   Larry King Now  RT  September 11, 2013 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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on larry king now i'm cooking with curtis dahl this is something that's really i don't think anything comes to anybody naturally i think truthfully need to learn how to use in our bodies you know the law you have a cooking source point who has a lot of youths consider yourself a sex symbol chefs used to be the guys that had long hair and got out of work right where it's thinking of we couldn't get into that like problems and now suddenly we're called sex symbols as results of what's happened to play in the streets of brooklyn by the end of the plots as much as you want with you know of course in the you for the cost you get drugs but that's not what doesn't and that's ok ok all next on larry king now. on this edition of larry king now you may notice things are a little different word in my kitchen in my home in our home shawn and i think our
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special guest is curtis stone the author of what's for dinner it's a new york times best seller welcome to our house we're going to begin with a cocktail now i don't undergo a little red wine i don't get caught what what is a brown bowl in the us to make sure that i think i have been behind you might like interest what i thought i'd do is do a really simple gin cocktail so it's gin and brandel is actually comes from the u.k. it's an old style cocktail and you can give it a little twist in this is going to bit of key come by mean and and cryptic is a switch is a black count with you know about three or four put your way that's right and. so what i'm going to get is first models i mean gradient size of a little bit of a cucumber which i have to sliced up and just a handful of blueberries and low bluebirds good to good now i sort of think with of course these measurements or this stuff but i do think when you're making a cocktail each time you make it you want to make it a little different because sometimes you might want to bits. sometimes you want to
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be stronger the penny and work on a day and so that's the mint the blueberries and the cucumber and then you go ahead and just basically the model this up can i give you want to do as well or ok ok i'm not idle people say i love the i love that started cooking segment no i don't rather know what the other move the kitchen i make toast c.-q. covers a little a cucumber the devil and then a bit of made you tear a little bit i'm in life and then throw in a tear up. and i'll tear it up in a little mood where you are trying fame play and i know i do but the idea of modeling that is you bruising all of that flavor out of it and then i stamp vision writes it just go ahead is this which is that that that's the you got to write just go ahead and i notice the minute is and it isn't collapsing that's a k e don't want to do it's hardly demolish it just for a bruise a little bit of the flavor out of the numbers and ok good work i look at there are pros it's that i'll make solid those now i didn't write them as and i'm at the
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moment all right they're opening a new rochelle in beverly who i am going to be called that's going to be a lot of that know it i don't have a name not yet and i know you kind of western it's very small very intimate market driven so get the best of the season and we just cook fantastic food not menu it's going to be no menu not made easier you get to put yourself in the chefs hands it's me but it's very small as of the twenty five seats we're going to be south beverly bill of up to learn death of the jaw drop i got my bagel shop was there i was there i want to bagels what i didn't know that was yours will be neighbors as one of the couples gay i've stomped this little bit of sweetness of us my god my neck today how much just it just a little squirt maybe spent somewhere and that out created a can see a little bit of black thrillingly as much as you want but of course the more you put the faster you get drugs but that's had long doesn't that's ok ok a little bit of gin is the next great it's nervous about old english don't you know i count white you. i used to have
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a restaurant in yeah i had many restaurants before in the u.k. i haven't and this will be my first one and it's in the states gave it all up to come here for t.v. and i did i did i came here to do a show called time shift which feels like it was many years ago but it was a lot of fun and you still do bravo nothing right low top chef masters way we actually we have to she took very fast because we have to be respectful of all the different chefs on instruction in this as well so you'll be in your restaurant on our show well yeah unnamed restaurant on sub beverly drive with the young that would know minute i'm going to have to really solace that nighttime is have no name no menu and come in order what you want your thought comes i came in let's say in order to pizza when i don't take the larry ok i can right now what i can you get you straight or over the migraine or so that's going to strand all of that stuff that we're just going to have the going to take this away not see this that and then i was looking for as a kitchen before that i couldn't find one of those fancy little ice crushes. oh my . kind of kitchen is this larry so i squash are fire fired so we're going
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to do is i'm going to take kindly to sean is a big cloth oh my god damn us you have to get physical so this is what you do when you have one of those fancy phrases that has a mask that is generated you get all of your ice into the thing into a dish profit then kayden pick it up and then when you think of the ballot you take out all of your aggression this is for all the restaurant critics that are going to come in and criticize mark. one side with another and they criticize they don't even know what they're all of their you mean of the many. so we just did a very preliminary stages with it you know it's you know the price i got when you were going over. like this are probably more accurately not them but. you're from australia i am if i was born in the city of melbourne heard of a new guy and then you go ahead meet some of the cross-ties and you put the ice in the glass is our us and the ice you know and they brought us oh i loved it came
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very good i says in the do you fill it right up so this is a perfect summer cox out of course blueberries been a summer for it now you know you need a little ready to go shake a corner and it should come up about three quarters of the right ok to eat do we have to stir it they don't need to stir it eve already given it again a little more unusual perhaps i suppose help to give a little bit of talent like that. and then that's it you can get a shit with some blueberries if you live a little old you have a couple there is on top of the version of the garnish now do we sip this sort of growth just goes to drink it down to what was your point i just sit just sitting it's a british tree so it's a sort of drink you have a plan to get a card ok let's see if it affects me trees. blimey that's chase oh whoa. i think i got your olds got quite a lot of play currently accuses the losers with his father's killer later perhaps
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you can die and. feel why did you become a chef oh i love cooking i guess i started cooking when i was a pretty young young lad with my in my granny and i've always loved the taste of food not love trying to figure out how you make things and. get out of our break up every morning and regardless of whether i've been in restaurants or develop the recipes for hunt cokes i really enjoy all of the now you hooked up with a famous chef right i did jack was i work for a guy that market here wife for many years and not a was in london actually he was the youngest ship in the world two in three michelin stars and started working for marco as an apprentice when i was twenty two and worked for him for eight years and ended up running quite a substantial amount of his business did it come to you naturally. i don't think anything comes to to anybody naturally i think truthfully eed learn how to use a knife by using a lot you learn how to cook a source by cooking of a lot and i think you know hard work teaches you stuff no one walks onto
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a tape and hits a ball straight down the fairway the first time but pick up a golf club that takes a practice and some energy does anyone get a bad rap in the food department it does look i think when i first moved to the u.k. they. truthfully a huge separation in they make was a really good high end restaurants and the rest of it was pretty bad and since it's changed in this gastropods have been born and you know there's more good strong to me in local pubs and the food. is much better to get into the t.v. and. i was involved in a book funnily enough first of all called london's finest chefs in those dozen shifts that were featured in that book and i got asked to do a little bit of press for the book which was more into a they and that kind of thing and it was something i guess that i actually found that more easy than the cooking and indeed based on. it's all about what it is you cook it and so one thing led to the next and before you know doing
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a show for the basing your more than restaurant how long my last day in a restaurant was probably just i right years ago now you going to go back into your own restaurant or beverly hills which was a pretty discriminating place in the people those low good restaurants here right you feeling pressure absolutely yeah a lot of pressure and you know the from what i am in boxing on is a really small venture but you know one that's extremely hard to make money out of and that's not really my motive to be honest it's because on myspace in a small kitchen and with a group of talented guys i miss that camaraderie between a group of young people who you know work really hard and produce something beautiful at the end of it some going to life in a twenty five to thirty say the restaurant which like i said doesn't make much financial sense but i miss those kind of restaurants too i miss those beautiful little intimate settings where you go in the same major day time you go in the food is really special and someone's cooking from the heart and and that's what i want to do you have a liquor license at the moment we've got
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a beer or wine license that i think somehow i'll be able to figure out how to make the bramble feel larry as we larry brown but you don't have a name yet about stones. i like a study just now i like stone yet i like it i'm reluctant to put my name into the restaurant to guide us it was going to make it plain that i don't want to be. conceited about it or ostentation it with one of your famous chef you don't television you open a restaurant on your own with your name on it that seems right think that's the best commercial movie i can see i think it should be my name yeah on this one for a name like lenny birnbaum now i don't know lenny birnbaum but maybe lenny birnbaum will catch on the hill say who's the chef there he's an example of a chef has had a little bit of luck and had pretty good success also a friend of yours who hasn't used his name of the restaurant spot wolfgang puck but he has other restaurants where he puts part on his name the name park is known my
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show i was a bar goes a great name it is a good time yeah it's one of those decisions that you go around and around and around with if i had to sort of head you one direction my granny's name was more would know not more that i'm thinking molds because she was the first one to teach me how to cope i know what more it's it's not it's neither women as doug i want to but it's not romantic is what it is going to morgues you know of i go to more exotic spec'd bacon and eggs or i am more of what he got this morning and not enough for once you're on today's stunts it's going to be stunts and i like oil i'm not above that don't follow me on the thing i like just don't ask but usually lot of phone would you be there every night i'll be there as much as i know you going to order that we did t.v. schedule appearances and books i don't do that i'm going to change the mix of what we do a little bit with my business so i can be here more and i have got a young family as well i have hotel and zero. devoted to be in los angeles more than i am to travel you know of course i do do stuff outside of
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a restaurant so i'll carry on with some of that but the stuff that i can peel back from and just five percent more on the restaurant i will do it in a two year old boy or girl. little boy hudson hudson he has a nice name it's nice to have hudson's monkey on the something we miss now dinning room at certain we've i just love the name you know it's the same sort of thing when you have a child it's simple it's a dive in a restaurant you have all these different ideas and you go around and around and around and then hopefully one just sticks out since and that will be right back with curtis stone a lady is going to cook that my wife is going to join this we're in our kitchen don't go away. did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open process is critical to our democracy which albus. role. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of
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our government and across a cynical we've been hijacked lying handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once told us about my job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem trying to fix rational debate and a real discussion of critical issues facing america to find her job ready to join the movement then walk away from the big picture. the the. it was terrible a. very hard to take. once again on here there's a lot has never had sex with the earthquake there are no plans to.
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limiting the power. we're back with curtis stone the book is what's for dinner you know him from
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america's top chefs right it's a great man it's a great show bottoms up that's it youths consider yourself a sex symbol a sex symbol when i'm sitting all that when i'm sitting your kitchen bench area day on home i thought they call that you know i guess look i did i was the chefs used to be the guys that had long hair and got out of work right were a bit stinky stale itself and we couldn't get into the nightclubs and that's when they were called sex symbols it's bizarre to me what's happened to my industry i'll complain about it are you rough on your help out and i look i think in a in a restaurant environment it's a very different situation than most businesses operate on but you know everybody wants to wait at the same sign it's hot you've got a group of people trying to you know get the food out as fast as you possibly can you know you've done this on compared to whites you do have to be really directed occasionally voices to get raised and the language doesn't dip below what's acceptable but you know i think i'm pretty reasonable ok we have the most social media question for you over johnny baggins we have twitter wants to know if you
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could have one meal one meal only last meal what would it be. all i would be my granny's rossland shoes from yorkshire my grandma in the north of england and she's to cook beautiful rice and gorgeous crispy potatoes and that gravy that probably doesn't taste that great but you are really so we're all for putting some from it is sure it's a love yorkshire pudding and when you cook that is hudsons or stone or well ok. have you cooked a meal that were didn't work or many yeah i have a wood fire and a hive and of anything cooking out of this particular for a couple of years that i still have a mouth open some carrots just yesterday i guess i had to pay for whatever. we did a production not through some carrots and it's hard to regulate the temperature of those wood for seven and then. it goes a little to get a better saw then with that expected people come over they say bend something that sensation pretty funny i like burnt food they do get mad if i order steak well done well done for he want for another for another strong ones really headed in new york
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not state that was a cheese omelet i don't like eggs right i just don't like oh i like cheese so i said to that i said to the hey bill the waiter i'd like a cheese omelet with extra cheese burnt so i don't taste the egg so he brought me some was fluffy up bring it back bring him by the chef came out who ordered the one with the well done leave. and threw me out of the restaurant we can understand from the chefs perspective right there if you don't like eggs and you were at home but it's a little hard to do a good job with the chef it. you could try i like my my mother used to do it but my mother knew how about ok couple of quid if you only knew questions you member the first person you have a kissed i showed the what was your name while kennedy low well like anybody was they didn't albertan i was involved yeah all we you i think i was about fifteen a little old but now it's eight is that right. looking chef you most admire.
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has undress dish you've never mastered. who. as he does. sarkar think about it the maids are pretty confident doesn't it. but they will skip basket that dish most nerve racking million level cooked by cooks for gordon ramsay and marco pierre white when i was just taken i first headship cuevas us and you know to have us two chefs work in this is back without talking to each other and incidental luncheon they ordered on the the specials which were my dishes as opposed to marcus dishes so that was probably the most from the writing to go well it went very well actually yeah food you i hate eggs food you hate. i don't love the flavor of aniseed so licorice is something that i despise liquors here and so thing you miss most about australia. my family my mum still there my mum dad so this obvious i didn't miss the top with
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them does anyone ever cook quality there's no we done probably. just the four little of it that was a favorite australian slang cambridge we cork and amy's we call do they could tell those show the year they taste delicious as well out but not all of it. nor the next first nor did the nation if you weren't a chef but i think you'd be i think i'd be a god not i have a beautiful veggie god not imo it a lot of you know planting growing and nurturing a god and so i think that i would have done that on a bigger because scout favorite restaurant. in los angeles is probably moyse ladies and in new york in new york. seventy restaurants in london a little bit of downs pretty special in london i would say dinner by heston which is at the what used to be called the high park that's how i think now it's
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called the monger and oriental a dinner a great restaurant in a hotel as rare as and it is again more and more popular that is a bit of a trend moving back towards those beautiful hotels he's got me slightly sloshed on my brown bowl is the great curtis stone he's going to open a restaurant beverly hills is booked as what's for dinner my wife will join us and we're going to cook something john mccain has joined us he's the seven hours what are we making he says i heard one of your favorite things in the world. i'm going to show you how to make these delicious tropes are going to make you really could burn for them and i'm going to sit with them as a cane a tomato and i'm in great town i know you like the. town it's if you see the stock price rise regret anything so we're going to put seat of the profit we're going to direct and i'm very little operating there to begin my life or decide to write this down it's a bit of a firearm said is a prime tradition they use a barricade to infuse flavor to anything the americans that you can do it with
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water so sugar can be that simple but then you can handle fruits of fruits or vegetables we've got peaches the season right now the peach that offers pureed out and i'm going to literally take all of that she's off and then i'm going to cook the pork chops that appear at that place with a little bit of artist use some so. you were delayed to fly off so you go ahead you watch some of the excess. pace yourself and then you don't need to see it did you see. the show you had to make that. into a crew for a. little bit of a. couple of pages. for them to figure out. right you have. to look at. it. now to get at that town over how fast does that.
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get the face if we drop it in so little our assistance or how michael. it is that that will just as well in the middle east over with and that is the time of year that's right. a good amount so now why does it matter. because this is a. sort of march through the fog to the great what is it all. to sleep. which is why you do it that switch itself world again that. you get that gary you blend it out. and once you've got that you get that part of a good pull you know if it was very good for you don't they see. you actually try to pull their fur. and then that will eat you only need to leave it for about an hour and. run over these vegetables little girl little bit of granny's
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before she's program he'd love. to make the school kids and. the keys and some he wouldn't grow up but i actually think like really that he'd give it another element which is really. the good old days for it to be together to try to. get an hour or so we're going to just three days a couple of times in the day a couple of times like that. and get yourself a dish you can go out. and. get a could do this they're. very. good at heard some of us. generous amount of concern. to see the world for this of someone. and they need to get a little muscle work even the phrase this is the larry king special because iraq is
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cheap so we're going to go ahead and plenty all right she zoller and there you are right that everything. so the full is see if you tickle. your legs a little bit of good for. you the shape. of the. month that. we're in says. the from. the right on the. well. yes. i mean what is it in their. sound that is it.
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there is that there is that but if she took this claim. i mean i found. in the restaurant you are good orders and you sure can form i will do anything you want things to me about restaurants and the reason that i'm so tired of the better this project is i think you've gone of the days of those restaurants that used to feel like it was your special little restaurant so i do think that cost was coming and i want to be you have to be able to make that into the service. exactly to get . my. heart. attack so let's have the graph. which. you know i always think it's important to cool the darkness and i did a little bit of research are you that your life i think here we're all going to do what we just finished up a profile of mike or really kristen. haifa's with those beautiful little bride
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rushing for one of the for the poor child so i know you are a huge fan of souls so we're going to sit by the lead source for a little going to carry on luggage believe as you are on the first or are you doing something right she's. ok into our little dress that we did for a little bit of extra virgin olive oil little bit of vinegar out. of the papers just with the extra virgin olive oil insert there for the delicious healthy that's there for about i use it little bit of salt a little bit of pepper and then you've got a receipt and it takes just minutes that you know you don't have to close the schools right. let's make up a new name for shit right we cannot say yes it's not. like that. right i can go ahead and just scoop out some of that delicious direct. flights for.
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reading your whole shelf which is had sort of four or five minutes on the sundays for the feel of a little bit of this you don't want to be done. with the middle. of the top and then just a little of that dressing for two hours or crazy people have that. sort of like that. they've got to go to really soon. it's going to taste and. needs a little brown bowl. of hot. little more of this you don't care what it tastes like got stuck. you know why did. i hit. my cough oh that is so good. a solution would you make this i will make this this is
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a this if this is really really. well over the hooks and let's have an even better oh you've enjoyed this session and cursed all my life sean on my cell phone to get his book because stallings what splendid hour you'll see him and don't forget his new restaurant i will let you know the name assumes he means it is going to beverly hills see i've sung the following on twitter at kings things to go buy. or even one. wealthy british style to sign some time to. market why not i'm going to. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with my next concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on our. more news today violence is once again fled up. these are the images cobol has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations rule the day. hello from. little. little little. little.
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the problem is terrible they are looking very hard to make it up early in the flight pattern that had sex with the target they're looking little silver bullet. to the funny. little. little little little look look. look that. little as well reflect upon the tragic events of september eleventh there are undoubtedly many who are still seeking answers but the last twelve years we've seen.


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