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tv   Headline News  RT  September 12, 2013 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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that's my job mark it on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world to go beyond identify the problem trucks rational debate and a real discussion critical issues facing america of october go ready to join the movement then walk a little bit to. speak your language as i think about the war not advance. news programs and documentaries and spanish more matters to you breaking news a little turn a different angle this story just seems. like you here. in troy altie spanish find out more visit actuality. the syrian army and the extremists reign of terror in the christian village of our
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correspondent witnesses government troops to regaining control of the historic settlement. of the use of force would be catastrophic and not just to syria present present dresses america's public and politicians as diplomats needs to find a way to deal with damascus chemical weapons. and ignorances believe it's a us university who does its resident cryptography to take down an online investigation into n.s.a. surveillance threatening him with a lawsuit l.t. talks to the professor. and this is all see coming to live from moscow hello and welcome to the program. the syrian army is battling small groups of rebels who remain in the ancient
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christian village of opposition fighters links to al qaeda have been in control of the area for almost a week reportedly looting religious sites and forcing residents to convert to islam at gunpoint while he's more if an ocean and made it to the village following reports that government troops have recaptured it but found pockets of resistance remain. the late zero zero zero. the mood is cheerful soldiers are smiling and relieved the jihadists have been booted out. but some of them were killed some of them escaped locals joined the army to defend the native town the soldiers in light colored uniforms of the so-called national defense but the drain he's very difficult with mountains and
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caves but we know the area better so we are carrying on with the operation. but we come across one grocery shop owner who we filmed back in two thousand and twelve then he told us that the armed rebels hasn't come to their village and why would they. this time he's armed with a gun and monster in soldiers and he has some questions again syria syria is a land of history and of love they sent terrorists here from all corners of the world to kill syrians and each other why i asked the world why if the european citizen is so much a slapped across the face they'd be a scandal while in syria how many victims how many hundreds of thousands have been slaughtered why will it stop with quickly find out that it won't be today held by the militants for a week it seems that mountain tops of fear hotel still poses
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a threat that sufi hotel our goal was to liberate them push on to mark tough climb on a street but we couldn't do it there snipers are everywhere milo is home to many christian churches and monasteries as well as mosques everywhere we go here we see either crosses on the arrests now added to these we see blag jihadists flags it's time to head back right. but while in the car something goes wrong. we take cover in a place where we find dozens of army soldiers hiding from enemies bullets. the main road is being targeted and it sees our only way out we think over our chances when our engineer gets hit. much characters which. thankfully it's not serious.
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but it becomes clear we come to a to minutes more. when i was stuck here in this corner and we're now trying to get out of here using this was. no no no. this had been anything done to back then go clear a lot. more full before the bullets did you hear them whizzing by. now say that we've reached
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the safe area of. the fire and you're behind this. and you're told that this is the syrian army again you know. that's how you make. sure you get there. and we leave while governmental forces continue their friends the former lula village which despite the claims remains under siege. reporting from syria. meanwhile the russian president has expressed concern over the growing number of islamist within the syrian opposition a warning that foreign mercenaries eventually take the fight to their own countries let the repression address the situation in syria and also go for the new york times where he explained why he believes the use of force would only make matters was thomas cities have. a strong and hopeful article in the new york times
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called a plea for caution from russia in this putin directly address the us people in what he calls a time of insufficient communication between the societies he talked about the need for the u.n. and providing international stability and talked about a u.s. strike saying that it would put innocent lives at stake spread the conflict derail peace efforts between israel and palestine also hamper discussions on iran's nuclear problem and promote terrorism destabilizing the region as a whole he also talked about unilateral action from the united states under the u.n. charter would be seen as an act of aggression here's what he had to say about working within the limits of international law if you cannot count on international law then you must find other ways to ensure security versus a growing number of countries seek to acquire weapons of mass destruction this is logical if you have the bomb no one will touch you we left with talk of the need to
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strengthen nonproliferation when in reality this is being eroded. president vladimir putin also wrote about this idea of military intervention culture in the united states saying that is alarming and ask the question why would the u.s. want to repeat the mistakes of the past invoking the memory of iraq and afghanistan a conflict which is still on going now he also talked about the need to consider the u.n. investigation which we have not heard the results from yet saying there are indications that it was the rebels who could have used the chemical weapons here's what he had to say. no one doubts the poison gas was used in syria but there is every reason to believe it was used not by the syrian army but by opposition forces to provoke intervention by the powerful foreign patrons who would be siding with the fundamentalists reports that militants are preparing another attack this time
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against israel cannot be ignored we've been reporting on it here on our t.v. from local sources on the ground r.t.e. sources that an attack on israel from the rebels could happen something that they feel would be a stronger provocation to israel now the one thing that is very interesting president putin quoted obama on this idea of american exceptionalism it is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional whatever the motivation we are all different but when we ask for the lord's blessings we must not forget that god created us equal overall putin said that he was hopeful with his relation with obama saying that it is marked with a growing trust and he is now pushing for diplomatic ties and see where agreeing to give up its chemical weapons did not come as a result of the u.s. threatening a military strike president assad has told a russian t.v.
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channel maltese house of that interview at our website at a dot com. these diplomatic ties will phase the first test when russia's foreign minister sergey lavrov meets his e.u. us colleague later in geneva they are trying to reach consensus on a u.n. security council resolution which will see russia's plan to rid syria of chemical weapons implemented on his pony boycott reports now from geneva. has reportedly handed washington a proposal already that they're set to mull over later on today now thanks to leaks in the russian media we've got some details of that proposal it's reportedly set out in several stages the first stage is going to involve syria signing up to the chemical weapons convention thereafter damascus will have to declare all of its chemical weapons storage and production facilities after that they're going to have to let chemical weapons inspectors into the country and finally they will have to
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decide together on how to destroy that stockpile of chemical weapons now we know that the russian and the u.s. delegations here are going to be accompanied by technical experts and by scientists are going to be advising both sides on how to implement any plan that they come up with hit we know that the u.s. president barack obama he's faced mounting criticism and opposition to his proposed military strike against syria so a lot of analysts saying that this diplomatic path that really came out almost accidentally through a throwaway comment that john kerry made on monday that it presents a sort of diplomatic escape hatch for the u.s. president to ultimately save face and potentially save himself the embarrassment of a defeat in crum gress over the issue mosco says that any proposal should mean that u.s. military strikes are off the table now in fact russia has already rejected
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a french trough to the u.n. security council that involved a wording that threatened military action against syria and that blames the chemical attack on the twenty first of all guest on damascus so we're watching whether or not these differences can be reconciled here in geneva but at the same time we know that the cia has started to provide syrian rebels with weapons so on the one hand we've got talk of peace. on the other hand is a bit of a discrepancy in terms of action shots as i said earlier because of the situation that president obama is in back home it looks like there is a political will to thrash out an agreement if you present it to the international create community and to ultimately say face over the issue of syria and while embraced around the world russia's initiative to place chemical stockpiles on to international control is not welcomed by syria's opposition one of its main function is the free syrian army has categorically rejected the plan and even the
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removal of weapons does not mean they can't be produced again one chemistry professor told my colleague male dog that under certain conditions practically anyone can make them in creating gravels. anybody with access to some raw materials the raw materials are not gotten into at a grocery store but they can they can come in very easily one can buy on the chemical market items that are just one step away from sarin easily two steps away so a chemist with about a masters level of training can produce sarin quite easily but the rebels in syria could easily have used chemicals and cells in an attack of that kind. they could if they if they had recruited some chemists with with a few years of training in chemical suits many different types of chemical weapons that are available some of them easier to make than sarin not quite as effective as sarin is but easily made and easily brought in easily transported no i
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understand that you conducted and explain the prove that making chemical weapons is very easy to do if that's the case why haven't we seen more terrorist attacks using chemical weapons. well one of the reasons is probably because of natural selection those that try to make it are if they don't know what they're doing they're going to die in making it and so it's risky business if you don't know what you're doing if you know what you're doing if you have a good about a masters level of training we did several tests to assess what level of training one would need and one can pull this off really quite easily and access to the chemicals is easy and then dispersion is easy why there have been not as many attacks with with chemical weapons i'm not sure but there are there are actually dozens of documented chemical attacks i know in the united states they don't receive a lot of attention but there are are documented attacks coming up after the break
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edward snowden is nominated for and human rights prize thanks to the european parliament group that's nomination the whistleblower and also whether they are any chance of winning. and also find out how the city of russia's far east is working around the clock in a race against advancing floodwaters say they you know will total disaster that's not the right. to choose your language. with. some.
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concern. choose the opinions that you think. choose the stories that imply. this is he coming to live from moscow welcome back edward snowden has been officially nominated by european union lawmakers for the prestigious of human why
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it's a prize laureates include nelson mandela a chinese dissident to reporters without borders the winner will be decided in october and paula and irish and maybe from the parliamentary group that's nominated snowden believes he won't win the prize but it's not about winning. well this nomination doesn't call unfortunately from the leadership of the european union who are think would certainly prefer to avoid the embarrassment of him winning the prize but it comes from the left in the european union which has consistently supported edward snowden he deserves to win the prize because he's a hero and he's a hero for putting his freedom on the line. on the line in reality i think he's on likely to win and i think the greens are the green group inside the parliament also supports edward snowden and what i fear that certainly the big groups will not wants the so-called embarrassment of choosing edward snowden
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because of the impact that that would happen in relations with the us the reason you know very practical reason that we're proposing him is to try to pressure on countries to grant him permanent asylum we don't think he should be a man without a visa is a visa for the goats of well i saw them for a year now but after that he has. no definite future so it's designed to add pressure on to embarrass the us meanwhile the ongoing leagues from n.s.a. whistleblower edward snowden are making some institutions very nervous joe's hopkins university in the us made a resident resident cryptographer take down the block post about america's spying program warning he might need a lawyer if he didn't do as he was told and in an interview to see matthew green explained the boat has found out about this advance program. what we learned is that the n.s.a. has a hard time breaking cripps and so what they've done is they've actually tried to
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take the products that are that perform and corruption and make them worse make the weaker so that it's easier for them to break that encryption the n.s.a. is is willing to make us if you're a little bit weaker because remember it's not just you know don u.s. citizens are using these products it's americans too and they're willing to you know in a sense put our credibility on the line our tire industry on the line in order to access that communications of whoever it is they want to listen to we have a big debate ahead of us how much spying i mean there is there's a range anywhere from zero percent spying to one hundred percent spying and i think we have to figure out what the right balance this i think what we're learning is that the american public is not comfortable with what we're learning about that out on google plenty more stories for you online including the web as smog as a need to plan and wife team see the pictures of a north korean nuclear site taken from space apparently such as the reactors being a re launched find out why the region on the world aside i'm easy about that.
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past the mystery of a subglacial lake scientists discovered need life forms in antarctica dating back around two hundred thousand here had to alter dot com from all. right from the scene to. the first st peter and i think that you're. on a recorder's twitter. and instagram. could be in the. emergency crews have been joined by volunteers in russia's far east to reinforce a major dam protecting people from the rising waters of the river over three thousand locals are being evacuated to save sea in a region which has been struggling with devastating floods for over
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a month now are. now reports. the threat of these levees failing occurred overnight and that is when locals and military reinforcements rushed to the area to ensure these levees do not break if that were to occur the surrounding communities would be submerged in water and now these people have endured nearly two months i'm intensive flooding every time the situation appears to be under control it's worsens in many cases setting new records nearly one hundred thousand people have been affected by the floods there this summer now the officials are trying to strengthen the dam around the clock it's just an intensive situation out there because not only are the people's houses in the way but this is a very egg or cultural community their livelihoods have been very badly affected by this in many cases livestock wiped out and even their food supplies wiped out so these people are again dealing with a very difficult situation for reinforcements are there and they are monitoring
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those levees around the clock and now look at some other world news in brief in the philippines muslim rebels seeking to establish an independent islamic state in the south of the country the town in the town at least two residents were wounded and five people are now missing that comes during a a four day siege in the city of bog where militants have taken over one hundred people hostage conflicting reports say over a dozen rebels as well as two soldiers have been killed in a shooting there. he is in turkey where police clashed with protesters wouldn't pass over a young student at a demonstration of the weekend forces that resorted to tear gas to trying to disperse crowds and they stumble on the capital on krock the third night of violent confrontations started after a funeral was told with a twenty two year old man who died in disputed stuff. and in mexico thousands of teachers have taken to the streets until they read to the president
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signed into law a controversial new. educational reforms the right is turned violent after demonstrators tried to breach the police cordons the law will soon be firing and hiring of teaching staff taken away from the main teachers union and brought under the government control. now day celebration of a national day in catalonia so more than a million people would join hands to form a human chain stretching four hundred kilometers across the region everyone taking part was joining the push for independence from spain after the council on president promised a referendum on the issue in twenty fourteen the south us went along. well the human child did it so let's just. cut it got a little bit so it was good to have to let you have the bill that was right for the
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cat to live. i mean this action to put pressure on the spanish government could quote. the independence referendum and instantly of course the catalonia it's a become an independent state the question to everyone watching this around the world why do you guys want independence we wonder in the bend we are a mess. culture language and history and also because we have economic reasons. to heed study out today not to believe the economic crisis in europe has certainly ways to believe all these cool school independent. catalonia is the richest region in the sky the economically they would be better off independent be economic. independence very much to speak to but you won't today i place to at least that's
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a form of economics of you know about the lady. lucy and she told me she had no doubts the calculator would be better off why it's become independents. on taxes. we would have. higher. revenue for our government because at present only fifty cents. each euro that we face taxes came back the following year in his investor think of the long post shows majority support for independents indeed he does of the politicians in the parliament have all price independence and might not happen as early as twenty fourteen but we. one thing seems clear with the momentum ahead calling for independence doesn't look like it's fading anytime soon surf on a bus later. after the break we'll take a look at how terrorists managed to stay off the raid on despite c.c.t.v.
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cameras watching our every step stay with us. responsibility to protect is a relatively new invention but already highly controversial one especially after its trial run in libya how to make sure that the protests terrorists don't die and i'm doing more harm than good.
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i know c.n.n. the most obviously. slightly but the fact is i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be. true. that was funny but it's closer to the truth from might think. it's because one whole attention and the mainstream media works side by side the joke is actually on here. and our teenagers we have a different approach. because the news of the world just is not this funny i'm not like damnit i'm not. ok. you guys talk to the jokes i will handle the stuff that i've got to.
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played. a little. live. cross talk rules in effect got into can jump in anytime you want. says he's a culmination of globalization and. nowhere else in the world
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a conflict so strongly concentrated as here. cities are of the ebus and the savior bustling with possibilities yet vulnerable to those wanting to hama society ambushed the city and its daily life a. city he's a defenseless against this form of terrorism. there are now buttons vulnerable. how do cities respond to this threat. and how does fit change our open lifestyle. playing.


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