tv Headline News RT September 12, 2013 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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video for your media project the free. syrian army ends the extremists reign of terror in the christian village of a correspondent with this is government troops regaining control of the historic settlement. the use of force would be catastrophic and not just for syria president putin addresses the american people as diplomats meet to find a way to deal with assad's chemical weapons. the white house is accused of gagging big corporations with the c.e.o. of yahoo suggesting that even talking about the n.s.a. spying program could amount to treason a top developments this hour. live
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from studio center here in moscow which just turned nine pm this is r.t. with international news and comment the syrian army is battling small groups of rebels who remain in the ancient christian village of opposition fighters linked to al qaeda have been in control of the area for almost a week reportedly looting religious sites and forcing residents to convert to islam at gunpoint. made it to the village following reports that government troops have recaptured it but found pockets of resistance remain. oh oh. but. the mood is cheerful soldiers are smiling and relieved the jihadists have been booted out of the to some of them were killed some of them escaped the locals joined the army to defend the native town
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the soldiers in light colored uniforms of the so-called national defense but the terrain here is very difficult with mountains and caves but we know the area better so we are carrying on with the operation of that but we come across one grocery shop owner who we filmed back in two thousand and twelve then he told us that the armed rebels hasn't come to their village and why would they this time he's armed with a gun among syrian soldiers and he has some questions again. that syria is a land of history and of love they sent terrorists here from all corners of the world to kill syrians and each other why i asked the world why if a european citizen is so much just slapped across the face they'd be a scandal while in syria how many victims how many hundreds of thousands have been slaughtered why will it stop would quickly find out that it won't be today held by
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the militants for a week it seems that mountain tops of fear hotel still poses a threat that sufi hotel our goal was to liberated them push onto my tough climb on a street but we couldn't do it there snipers are everywhere milo is home to many christian churches and monasteries as well as mosques everywhere we go here we see either crosses on the eretz now added to these we see black jihadists flags. it's time to head back. to trial in the car something goes wrong. we take cover in a place where we find dozens of army soldiers hiding from enemy's bullets. the main road is being targeted and it's he's our only way out we think over our chances when our engineer gets heat.
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it's off to do the bullets did you hear them whizzing by. now and if we really take harry and. if i mean you're behind this. and you're told that this is tsunami guess. that's how you. know you got there. and we leave while governmental forces continue their fancy for marla village which despite the claims remains under siege. he reports in from syria. meanwhile the russian president has expressed concern over the growing number of islamist within the syrian opposition warning that foreign mercenaries could eventually take the fight back to the own countries that it putin address the situation in syria in an article for the new york times where
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he explained why he believes the use of force will only make matters worse thomas has the details a strong and hopeful article in the new york times called a plea for caution from russia in this putin directly address the u.s. people in what he calls a time of insufficient communication between the societies who talked about the need for the u.n. and providing international stability and talked about a u.s. strike saying that it would put innocent lives at stake spread the conflict deal real peace efforts between israel and palestine also hamper discussions on iran's nuclear problem and promote terrorism destabilizing the region as a whole he also talked about unilateral action from the united states under the u.n. charter would be seen as an act of aggression here's what he had to say about working within the limits of international law. if you cannot count on international law then you must find other ways to ensure security versus
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a growing number of countries situ acquire weapons of mass destruction this is logical if you have the bomb no one will touch you we left with talk of the need to strengthen nonproliferation when in reality this is being eroded president vladimir putin also wrote about this idea of military intervention culture in the united states saying that is alarming and ask the question why would the us want to repeat the mistakes of the past invoking the memory of iraq and afghanistan a conflict which is still on going now he also talked about the need to consider the u.n. investigation which we have not heard the results from yet saying there are indications that it was the rebels who could have used the chemical weapons here's what he had to say. no one doubts the poison gas was used in syria but there is every reason to believe it was used not by the syrian army but by opposition forces to provoke
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intervention by their powerful foreign patrons who would be siding with the fundamentalists reports that militants are preparing another attack this time against israel cannot be ignored we've been reporting on it here on our t.v. that an attack on israel from the rebels could happen something that they feel would be a stronger provocation to israel now the one thing that is very interesting president putin quoted obama on this idea of american exceptionalism it is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional whatever the motivation we are all different but when we ask for the lord's blessings we must not forget that god created us equal overall putin said that he was hopeful with his relation with obama saying that it is marked with a growing trust and he is now pushing for diplomatic ties. syria agreeing to give up its chemical weapons did not come as a result of the u.s.
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threatening a military strike president assad has told a russian t.v. channel the interview took place as russia and the us try to reach consensus on a u.n. security council resolution which will see moscow's plan to rid syria of chemical weapons implemented for a minister sergey lavrov is meeting the u.s. secretary of state john kerry very soon in geneva and. is joins us live now so what else did the syrian leader say in that t.v. interview. well bill regarding the plan to rid syria of its chemical weapons stockpile. said that damascus will only start to give away information about that stockpile what they have signed up to the chemical weapons convention and if the u.s. stops the rhetoric forth against syria let's take a listen to what he had to say. i
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would like to make it clear to everyone that this will not be a unilateral commitments it's not going to be about syria signing a protocol and delivering on it with no positive feedback this is intended as a mutual process and we primarily expect the united states to give up its policy of threatening syria our actions will also depend on how far the u.s. embrace is russia's proposal to. see that the united states truly want stability in the middle east and once we see them refrain from threatening us and pursuing an intervention once we see them stop supplying terrorists with weapons then we will consider that this process is truly acceptable for syria and we will see fit to finalize it russia should play a major role in this process this is the only country that can fulfill this role now. now bashar al assad also spoke of. saudi arabia and qatar and accuse them of supplying and supporting the syrian rebels whom
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he accuses of chemical weapons of supplying chemical weapons he also spoke about the usa and said that they could have launched a chemical weapons attack in order to as an act of provocation in order to have an excuse for a military intervention he said that the countries that have supplied terrorists in syria with chemical weapons need to take responsibility for their actions now finally warned that syrian rebels could try and launch a chemical weapons attack against israel as a further act of provocation. and what's happening in geneva right now the russians and the americans are meeting this meeting with john kerry what's expected to come out of these two. well yes as you say john kerry and sergey lavrov have both arrived in geneva now they're just about to start their first meeting now we know that moscow has already provided washington with
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a proposal and that proposal reportedly contains several steps toward disarming syria of its chemical weapons now the first step would be syria signing up to the chemical weapons convention and we've just heard reports that the u.n. has already received preliminary documents from damascus a regarding that the second step would be for damascus to declare where its chemical weapons are stored where they are. where they're stored and where they are produced the third step would involve letting weapons inspectors into syria and finally they would decide together on how to dispose of the chemical weapons now both delegations are with a big teams of technicians and of chemical weapons experts who are going to advise the delegations on the logistics of such a mammoth task really a power to disarm syria all of this chemical weapons also know and it really shows
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how serious both sides are about finding an agreement a solution a diplomatic solution to this crisis so the potential sticking point could be the threat of force because we know that the u.s. the u.k. and france have said that any resolution which gave to the u.n. security council should be backed up with the threat of force against syria which is something that russia has said is completely unacceptable and as i just said earlier something that bashar assad said is also a game changer for him so it looks as though it's going to be some tough negotiations taking place here in geneva but we know that from the situation that barack obama is facing domestically which is one of the real opposition to his proposal to strike syria militarily it could present these. this diplomatic route could present a escape hatch for him and a way of saving face and potentially a very embarrassing defeat in congress a video here to be watching very closely how these negotiations go over the course
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of if evening and all day tomorrow yes we'll be hearing a lot more from you there in geneva following the developments for us there thanks very much indeed. but we're heading into a break now but we'll be back with more news in just a moment including an interview with kevin mitnick now he's one of the world's most wanted hackers from the nine hundred ninety s. who tells us why hardly anyone is safe from surveillance. also find out how a city in russia's far east is working around the clock in a race against a flood waters over concerns that could mean disaster that after the break. with. its technology innovation believes developments from around russia
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news continues here in yahoo's c.e.o. who says internet companies have been put under serious pressure by the u.s. government not to talk about what information intelligence agencies are requesting she even said that talking about the prism splay program could see her face charges of treason marina joins me live now with more from new york so made a big corporations are speaking out only to tell us more about what's been said so far. for yahoo and facebook are among the big data companies that have faced mounting criticism for violating users' privacy by complying with the n.s.a. surveillance program but according to yahoo c.e.o. marissa mayer her hands were tied and rejecting government requests would have amounted to treason mr mayor made her comments at a san francisco tech crunch press conference where she and facebook c.e.o.
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mark zuckerberg were told the audience that they were obliged to comply with washington's spy programs this mayor told those in the crowd that it makes more sense for big tech companies such as yahoo to work within the system and fighting the n.s.a. through lawsuits have so far proved unsuccessful she also said that she's only allowed to. data because releasing classified information surrounding n.s.a. programs is punishable with jail mr zuckerberg went on to say that the obama administration has done a bad job at balancing national security and citizens' privacy rights the facebook c.e.o. said that the white house's initial reaction to the n.s.a. spying revelations have worked against the interests of u.s. tech firms that are operating abroad now this is the first time we've heard from the heads of such big corporations speaking publicly about the n.s.a.
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scandal while acknowledging that the spy agency requests use user data and those requests can't be rejected in the meantime it seems that every week the public is receiving new details about how pervasive the n.s.a. is taxes tactics have been and how much authority this agency actually wields extraordinary to think the c.e.o. of yahoo says she could actually. treason charges how big corporations. have a big corporations being before the government in this sort of way. well i think that there's an effort from everybody we've interviewed over the course of the past months there's clearly a consensus that there is an effort there's a push to silence these corporations but it appears that these big data companies like facebook yahoo and google are beginning beginning to follow in the footsteps of smaller companies that have actually stood up to the n.s.a.
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and refused to comply with their spying requests for example the owner of x. mission that's an internet provider he has refused to comply with the n.s.a. data requests. told r.t. that the only solution for keeping the government from spying is using encryption and having service providers that are willing to stand up against fraud surveillance and wholesale monitoring another example is a lot of it and. mail provider which was actually used by n.s.a. whistleblower edward snowden instead of complying with an allegedly u.s. secret surveillance order that owner ladder levinson told r.t. that he decided to shut down his company because he was no longer able to assure that his clock to use that as his client's e-mails would be secure so instead of complying with what the u.s. government wanted he decided to take a stand and shut down the company he suffered a big financial loss because he became very popular after edward snowden blew the whistle on the n.s.a.'s spying programs but you know the of the ability
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he says for the government to punish people that don't agree with them and don't comply with them is profound he says he believes the u.s. government has the ability to take your business your money and your freedom if you are jack their requests but all of this is an indication of the n.s.a.'s power and that power actually recently came to light this week when a cute computer science professor at john hopkins university a prominent university in the united states was actually forced to dig take down one of his blog posts on the university's site after he posted an article about america's spy program now the post was written by cryptography professor matthew green it was highly critical of the n.s.a. specifically how he says the reckless reckless behavior of the agency and attacking online security astonished him now green said the acting dean of the engineering school of the university told him that he doesn't take down his post his critical posts on the n.s.a.
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he would need a lawyer and this of course left us professor fearing for his academic freedom. i wrote a post about these new revelations that came out last week about the n.s.a. breaking encryption breaking. that's my research area so one of the things i do is i write a blog that's focused technical people but also a journalist and people who aren't you know cryptographers themselves so i tried to take a. this story and explain what it meant that the n.s.a. was breaking this technology and that led to the blog goes which a lot of people read somebody somewhere made a decision that there might be classified material on this blog the instinct was to shut the blog down rather than to sort of investigate that i think that was a mistake i don't think i'll ever know exactly where that came from and i hope it never happens again. now according to some reports the n.s.a. and the department of defense has strong connections to part of the job john hopkins university not what led for this pressure to be put on the professor but
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after it became public according to recent reports the university has backed off and now has allowed this professor to publish whatever material he wants to marina thanks for that report in new york well the on going leaks from n.s.a. whistleblower edward snowden cause more anger every time they emerge people across the world are being shown just how much their private lives and private data are being monitored by intelligence services will only i'm not easy to shop of on a discuss this issue with kevin mitnick he's one of the world's most renowned computer because. according to edward snowden's revelations e-mails phone calls messages a role being tracked so how can the government god i think have access to everything at least in the united states and probably britain great britain and now it's there's been some revelations that they've been pretty resourceful at breaking crypto so now i think they have access to a ton of stuff scott mcnealy said i think about fifteen years ago you have no
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privacy get over it and talk about edward snowden is he a traitor or hero from your point i think is a whistleblower you know i don't look at him as a true i'm actually glad that he revealed what the national security agency was doing at least against americans by violating our constitutional rights to privacy but i do think you know i have some mixed feelings that he did cross the line when he revealed n.s.a. operations that we have against other countries because as we all know all countries spy on each other where state law is a question is hash tag ask made to make the most popular one is how can citizens protect that data and communications while still using popular cool create software the first thing i would recommend to the average person on the street is use whenever you're out in the public or using public wife values use of service because what that immediately does is it creates it takes your data and it kind of puts it in the encrypted envelope so people can really intercept and spy on that
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could a boycott of time to train like i pod and phones like the rising are good go and i said. to the n.s.a. . no no i mean this is like the form of activism were you you have you know a group of individuals whether it's like lulz or anonymous and they break into stuff and they try to get the media to cover the message they want to send but at the end of the day it really doesn't change behavior of a government agency or a company basically they go out and try to prosecute the guys do you regret of being at. i regret any problems i caused companies or consumers you know like i caused damages because i hacked into their systems and they had to go in and figure out you know what did he do and they had to rebuild their systems so i would consider myself as a what i call a pain in the ass hacker right now the guy that was out i was never the type of guy who would try to wipe out or or try to profit it was great to have you on the show thank you thank you for having me. emergency crews have been joined by volunteers
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from russia's far east to reinforce a major protecting people from the rising waters of the moon river over three thousand to being evacuated to safety in a region which has been struggling with devastating floods for over a month now. reports the threat of these levees failing occurred overnight and that is when locals and military reinforcements rushed to the area to ensure these levees do not break if that were to occur the surrounding communities would be submerged in water and now these people have endured nearly two months i'm intensive flooding every time the situation appears to be under control it's worsens in many cases setting new records nearly one hundred thousand people have been affected by the floods there this summer but now the officials are trying to strengthen the dam around the clock it's just an intensive situation out there because not only are the people's houses in the way but this is
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a very agricultural community their livelihoods have been very badly affected by this in many cases livestock wiped out and even their food supplies wiped out so these people are again dealing with a very difficult situation the reinforcements are there and they are monitoring those levees around the clock. and he fronts there with that brings up today for the moment i'll be back with the news team with morphine just a half an hour including the developments from geneva in the meantime after this break stay with us we have the latest edition of worlds apart this is our team in moscow. david silver and president of american atheists initially had his request for a custom license plate with the word atheist on it rejected atheist written with a one as the i was deemed to be just too offensive after some pressure the new
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jersey motor vehicles commission caved in allowed the plate this is only logical because a properly spelled atheist point had already been in use i look at this two ways one if you're going to give people the freedom of choice of expression then some people are going to express themselves in an offensive way so if you're terrified of offending people then why not just give everyone a random plate with a random number and no one will be offended at all or two if you really believe in freedom of speech and expression all that then allow drivers to pick whatever they want and be responsible for themselves if someone throws a brick through their car window for having an ultra offensive license plate and if you want to express yourself or express something really offensive on your car then you better be prepared for some blowback or at least a few people spitting on your windshield but passionist my opinion.
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hello and welcome to worlds apart the responsibility to protect is a relatively new invention but already highly controversial one especially after being applied in how to make sure that the protector is doing more harm than good while to discuss that i'm now joined by one of the architects of our to form our strategy and foreign minister gareth evans mr evans thank you very much for being a part of me i'm recording this program just hours after president obama called all of the pounding military strikes against syria and he didn't invoke our to peace formally but in his speech to the american people he talked
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a lot about america's responsibility in this world and i wonder what do you have a country or a set of countries that are prepared to do the lawn doesn't that ultimately make our two pete totally redundant what's the point of even trying for a collective action and why are the united states will do it alone anyway what if the united states will i think the united states is listening to world opinion and listening to domestic opinion and it sure as hell not to go going to go down a military intervention unless there's very strong and compelling reasons for doing that has a very strong and compelling measure of international and domestic support and i think that's not an unreasonable position to adopt we've been there before back in the ninety's standing idly by watching these terrible massacres occur with the rest of the world saying it's none of our business we've been there before in the nineteen.
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