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tv   Headline News  RT  September 13, 2013 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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the. syrian government takes its first step towards chemical dissolve and with washington's threats of sorcerer reigning one of the main stumbling blocks for the top diplomats meeting in geneva. the n.s.a. has reportedly been disguised thing itself as google to trick a line users into surrendering private data using techniques from the world's finest hackers. plus sleeping patients and staff at a psychiatric hospital in north western russia are caught in a massive fire overnight with also or an unguarded cigarette suspected of causing the.
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international news and comment live from moscow this is me your leisure follower thanks for joining us for us to see where has made a key step towards implementing russia's plan to remove its chemical weapons the un confirmed it has received documents which will see damascus joining the chemical weapons convention this comes amid crucial talks between top russian and u.s. diplomats who are in geneva discussing the plan to put serious chemical arsenal under international control she's pointed boyko reports now on what the sides have agreed on and what sticking points still remain. a lot of people holding their breath in geneva and indeed around the world at the moment while russia's and the u.s.a.'s top diplomats meet to try to come to a diplomatic solution or a way of disarming syria of its chemical weapons a u.s. military strike against syria is currently on tour while john kerry and sergey
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lavrov meet and trying to rush out a reply a bull diplomatic solution to the crisis now some progress has already been made we've received confirmation from the united nations that they've already received syria's treaty papers to sign up to the un chemical weapons convention and this morning still in meeting between john kerry. and the international envoy for syria lakhdar brahimi where the leaders all expressed optimism about the prospects of coming to a viable resolution a diplomatic solution to the crisis let's take a listen to the. government. joining the chemical weapons convention we have to show a professional so there goes that was the chemical weapons for if you're going ization is regnery would deny the nations. design a road which would make sure that this issue is resolved quickly professionally. as
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soon as practical countries our presidents are deeply concerned about the death toll and destruction of. the both sides all sides and we are committed to try to work together beginning with this initiative on the chemical weapons in hopes that those efforts could pay off despite talk of working towards a diplomatic solution seems that there are a number of sticking points that remain between the sides now and one major issue could be the question of timing in his latest interview bashar asad. has said that damascus will start to provide information on its chemical weapons stockpiles thirty days after signing up to the un chemical weapons convention this is something that john kerry has already rejected he's rejected this thirty day timeframe he says that he said last week that bashar al assad should be able to
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give up all of his chemical weapons within a week and he doesn't think that that's very viable that damascus will be able to do that that's already led a number of international observers to question how constructive such a strict timeframe from the usa is whether or not it's even viable considering that the process of chemical disarmament is extremely tricky and indeed dangerous now the u.s. military remains prepared and poised to strike syria if a deal is not come up with here in geneva that is what is it state care at these negotiations and russia has already said that this very strict condition is unacceptable that they are not going to be able to come to a diplomatic solution if the usa is threatening to use force against syria this is something that was echoed by bashar al assad in his latest t.v. interview as well. this would be about syria signing a protocol and delivering it with no positive feedback it has to be
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a mutual process and above all the united states has to give up its policy of threatening syria once we see the united states truly want stability in the middle east refrain from threatening us and pursuing intervention once we see them stop supplying weapons to terrorists then we'll consider this process is truly acceptable for syria and to finalize it. russia should. disarm. we don't trust washington and. moscow is the only party that can fulfill. so many tough positions and sticking points that need to be reconciled here in geneva before the end of the day and many now say that it's up to russia and its role as mediator to help to come up with a realistic plan both for ridding syria of its chemical weapons and then implementing it as well so we're expecting
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a press conference at the end of the day where we are going to see if all these major differences have been ironed out and if the two sides have been able to come together and issue a realistic plan and ultimately narrow avoid a u.s. military strike on syria. where is also dominating a meeting of the shanghai cooperation organization in kurdistan a group which represents more than hold the world's population the summit iran's new president and says that any possibility of force against syria must be condemned and it. has the details. the russian president vladimir putin met with the iranian leader for the first time since he was elected and obviously syria was in the spotlight both countries are completely on the same page when it comes to understanding that any foreign military intervention would not only lead to more violence in syria itself but would risk spreading it throughout the whole region also both the welcomed serious decision to sign up for the international
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convention on chemical weapons which basically bans the use and the fact that it agreed to the proposal to move control over its chemicals or signal to the international community in fact mr rowhani added that the way this proposal's been acting else so for greece view chances for a peaceful solution in the meantime is now widely recognized including by u.n. senior officials that iran is a key player in the region it's a close ally of and there is no way a diplomatic peaceful solution would be possible without getting involved in this summit here in curious dan is a great opportunity for tara to start doing so. to discuss the syrian crisis and the current diplomatic efforts surrounding it i'm now joined live from paris by dominic. who has served as france's foreign interior and prime minister. welcome to a very nice to see here with us previously. yes previously you were warning
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against intervention in syria what's your position now and do you believe this chemical design and plan is a move that can permanently prevent military strikes. well i do believe that we have a window of opportunity that we should seize negotiation. now on. going on and i think we should do our best to avoid the use of force we know that the force without low force without. diplomatic efforts is also is always used this that's why the priority today is negotiation but of course we should go forward and we should have results today we have one result which is the signature by the syrian regime of the convention on the ban of chemical weapons that's a first step but that's not enough we should keep in mind the fact that the main
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objective of these negotiation is to protect the syrian people people are dying every day in syria and we had in the last two years one hundred ten cells and people dying so we should keep this in mind and that's why diplomacy now must be a success in washington if convinced syria agreed to be designed only because of the real threat of being attacked and bashar al assad says that's not the case what do you think. well i think your firmness is part of the game is showing some results but i think the main factor is the willingness of russia to take responsibility and russia taking the lead. making some proposal this is really changing the. figure of the whole fijian of me of the of the situation so
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we should we should look forward to see how now we can have in between the discussions between john kerry and sergey lavrov some result i think all the players should be proposing and i hope that the french diplomacy will work on the next during the next days also be in its traditional position in a position of mediation proposing i think everybody should be looking forward to try to find some peaceful solution to the situation or but still the threat of military force is now a stumbling block in negotiations and diplomacy as sad ones the threats to end while washington wants to keep the possibility of strikes on the table off the way out of this. well we know that military strikes are not easy. first because there is nobody geraghty in the congress favoring the use of force second because we know that in the last thirteen years the use of force did not gave any result in the international scene we've seen it in afghanistan we've seen
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it in iraq we've seen it in libya so we know that the solution for syria is not force. and we know also that there is a way to escape from force from the use of an attack and this way out is to have some results on the ground some diplomatic results in order to find better solutions for the syrian problem so now i think really the game is in the hands of diplomacy and in the hands of the political responsibles and that's why we should really look forward the problem of force is something else i think that. we can find an alternative to force if we are all willing to go forward and try to have new steps that would be a lois to find a solution for syria that create any other interest maybe behind the u.s. and its allies in wanting to strike syria beyond just punishing assad for the
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chemical attack here largely connected. well first we know that punishing assad should not be by force for that we have. the league the national legality we have the international criminal court so the answer to punish is never to use force the answer to punish is to go through justice that's the real issue but the main problem today again is to try to protect the syrian people and for that the force is not going to give us any force will mean more people dying on the ground i mean new escalation we should not forget that not only we have a civil war in syria but we have a big fight between sunnis and shias and so the problem is not at the level of the use of force and we have seen in iraq that force. only created more problems we have one cells and people dying every month in iraq so i don't think force is
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and if the western countries if the u.s. if france and the europeans can see that they are some result and again this is the key to avoid force it is necessary to have some results on the ground is on results during the negotiations and that's quite clear today we know what we should do. during the lead up to the u.s. led invasion of iraq u.s. french foreign minister were among the most vocal opponents of that move and now with fear your country has a completely different position is it because the circumstances are so different always france playing politics now or can you say. yes i'm afraid the situation is a little different but i'm afraid of i think also that everybody does know that force is not the real answer and we know that the public opinions are not in favor of force that's why i think today we are all expecting moscow. the russian to
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really deliver some results to to put more pressure on assad nobody can be satisfied with the war going on nobody can be satisfied with the tensions in the region and the answer is diplomacy but diplomacy doesn't mean that nothing should happen diplomacy means we should be able to go forward. you know to have chemical weapons getting out of syria and second to find some new answers because we know that the solution is political some new political and as well as some of humanitarian and so forth. some people in the western world are still talking about force and force and firmness is an element of this stage but their answer is to use diplomacy to have steps going forward and that will
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eliminate the risk of force if we can have peace again in this region. dominic france's former prime minister foreign minister and interior minister live from paris sadness here double pang thank you very much indeed for your time thank you. and right after the break the crackdown on protesters in bahrain and the accusations that britain is more than willing to support the oppressive habits of their ally. interview.
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do we speak your language or not advanced. news programs and documentaries in spanish matters to you breaking news a little tentative angles to the stories. that all teach spanish find out more visit. again this is r t welcome back bahrain's ruling monarchy threatening legal action
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against anyone taking part in protests today on thursday and anti government demonstration was violently despised by police meanwhile in london and an arms fair showcasing until ryan arrived equipment intended for bahrain security approaches from action is demanding the british government stop supporting oppressive regimes and to discuss this issue further now joined light from london by human rights activist side made our die. mr our die welcome to our bahrain's government has been condemned to many times for its harsh crackdown on protestors so why do you think the u.k. still corporators with it. this is quite interesting that we could not and nor in could just deploy how comes the united kingdom on one side admit there are and has been considered as
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a country of serious concern because of their records of human rights at the same time the artist still providing them with weapons and points in italy those weapons are often new is the poor in turn over oppression so it is the standard of the british governments how they continue to support a dictatorship regime like the but her species because they are i mean. has been in the human rights situation has been deteriorating in extend their human rights defenders have been. being to be dear some of them were subject to sort of torture house raids and. daily through the. in radio. we could not and there are stand how comes the united kingdom is this. don't you think this corporation is more about the money or political influence
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briefly if you can. to be honest i mean bahrain is very with the country and. obviously is one of them in sources i think i believe the british government does not want to upset the bahamian authorities because they have the they have always been naming of him as a sort of. as our friend. they consider but had in their country where they were of their reality i mean if we consider home and human rights organizations been recommending on databases the human rights abuses in addition to the u.k. government itself has signed this statement along with forty six countries i mean this is three there's a statement in geneva where they clearly stated how badly they were
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still continuing to or right and if you see i got you on the other hand they are still. yeah the bahraini government is thrashing legal action against protests as well dot com activists or do you think say it again of course the bahraini government promises to take legal action against protesters will that move come activists. of course i mean. in the u.k. it's in the past that it is starting a problem sunday there has been number of people which been arrested here in the united kingdom only because they were accused of blocking their order or interfering with the main entrance. charges again as the activist here in the united kingdom. would with with when activists who say they are waiting poor and there are trained. so i believe this kind of action would all was.
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good action for the government i mean any government they have been i think people for protesting we are quite surprised. actually here in the united kingdom. right human rights activist side ahmed di thank you very much indeed for sharing your views of this. now the n.s.a. in google's closing media report such as the you are a spy agency has been gathering private data through a stealth site they allegedly do so by carrying out so-called mine in the middle are tox which hope trick users into giving away information voluntarily and here's how it works imagine you want to find something online you log onto your computer open up a search engine and type in the details and now the interesting part one clicking on the go button your data is being directly transferred to the agency remotely
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connected to your internet service provider after that information is checked your quest reaches its final destination in the blink of an eye so you wouldn't notice and aversions g c h q is believed to be practicing the same technique but it's not only governments tracking your online stats universities trace students' private data claiming this could improve the education experience laura smith looks now at where good intention may lead. remember the film minority report it's the one where tom cruise is the car in the future and uses paths in the day to stop crimes before they happen while the fictional future is now universities are our allies in the electronic trail of students how often they use the library what books they get out even where they park their cars to create a picture of them and how they learn and they use the data in different ways that different you need for marketing courses but also to predict which students are
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likely to fail or dropouts and here's where it is in some nineteen eighty-four territory in the dystopian novel any negative thoughts is thought crime every party member has a telly screen in his or her home which the thought police use to watch them and record anything that resembles an unorthodox opinion or in the struggle now look for a university in the midlands says it's considering doing something frighteningly similar monitoring student private emails but negative comments on their university experience to see if they're at risk of quitting. students at the london school of economics are not keen on the idea would be that it would be an infringement of my integrity it sounds a bit the cia now i think people are the things that went on i think people are much more kind of. give it more violated i don't think it's right it's a kill if you can say sure you wouldn't do it in denmark where you come from i
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think people would like that i would mom my emails to money. i mean the private email is should have exclusive right to see may's. private universities do have a good track record for keeping data private but the worry here is that there's so much data and of course how it could be used ultimately the information could be used to allocate resources for example if it identifies the type of person most likely to fail universities could stop group. seeing those people altogether or not waste money on trying to retain them as students start returning for a new academic year they'd better be where big brother is watching them now more closely than ever. more news on line for you this hour residents go to high ground as a route as a roach sixteen thousand people have been evacuated from citizen russia's far east while soldiers fight all bunk and deluged calls by the honor of river r.t.
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done. and also that flames and ravage a seaside tourist bank in the american state of new jersey devouring fifty businesses including an ice cream shop the dramatic footage is in our website. a blaze in a psychiatric clinic in northwestern russia has claimed such a seven lives including a nose who died trying to rescue others twenty three people managed to escape the fire which witnesses say had been caused by one of the patients in france has the details. the fire reportedly broke out in the evening hours and me in a wooden an excess of this facility in the northwest of russia in your the village of luca apparently this wooden and extent does the men's ward many of these patients were bedridden at the time witnesses are saying that they saw
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a person within the facility who was engulfed in flames before the structure caught fire obviously investigators are taking a very serious look at this and trying to ascertain the the cause of this blaze now crews arrived within minutes but it is said there was very heavy smoke and rescuers have spent the morning searching the surrounding areas to find possibly any patients who escaped the fire and run out into the into the areas surrounding the facility in are possibly still hiding so many many concerned people out there trying to find people who may have survived this blaze one nurse it's reported died trying to save patients now the martis emergencies ministry has said that it's cited this facility for safety violations and the facility had until august first of twenty fourteen to fix those so obviously that's being looked at very closely on the under very tragic morning in the village of luca what really brought fire safety into focus the infamous lame horse nightclub in december of two thousand and
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nine one hundred fifty six people killed this was because of a pyrotechnics show on stage at the at the night club one leaf of a double doors was sealed shut and that really brought fire safety into focus here in russia and unfortunately tragedy has struck again last night and this morning in the northwest stay with us for the tough questions on international issues that song so he called next. david silverman president of american atheists initially had his request for a custom license plate with the word atheist on it rejected atheist written with
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a one as the i was deemed to be just too offensive after some pressure the new jersey motor vehicles commission caved and allowed the plate this is only logical because a properly spelled atheist point had already been in use i look at this two ways one if you're going to give people the freedom of choice of expression then some people are going to express themselves in an offensive way so if you're terrified of offending people then why not just give everyone a random plate with a random number and no one will be offended at all or two if you really believe in freedom of speech and expression all that then allow drivers to pick whatever they want and be responsible for themselves if someone throws a brick through their car window for having an ultra offensive license plate and if you want to express yourself or express something really offensive on your car then you better be prepared for some blowback or at least a few people spitting on your windshield but the surest my opinion.
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will told you my language as well but i will only react to situations i have read the reports. like it is a no i will leave that to the state department to comment on your latter point. secure yet a car is on the docket no. thank you no more weasel. when you made a direct question the proof for a chase when you know you should be ready for a. pretty speech is little and the freedom to watch. hello and welcome to sofia and co me so.


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