tv Headline News RT September 14, 2013 6:00am-6:30am EDT
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access to opportunity. the top stories on our c cautious optimism as talks on syria's chemical arsenal continue into a third day with the u.s. now reportedly saying it won't insist on threatening damascus with force to make it dissolve. tykes perez shunned this u.n. refugee accidents as a financial burden and terrorists rant while a guilty conscience problems others to open their doors. and the euro crisis bill stirring new scenario crescendo fresh bailouts missed deadlines and overwhelming death threats and to tear apart that what little stability there raise.
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hello and welcome to our t. twenty four hour news live from moscow our top story now u.s. officials say washington reportedly won't insist on a u.n. resolution threatening syria with the use of force in order to make a drop its chemical arsenal that's the first sign of progress of the desire and talks and to that day in geneva right now president assad is ready to draw in the chemical weapons convention the u.n. security general secretary general says he's optimistic the next round of peace talks could take place in october and right now we're bringing you live pictures from geneva being brought by our news agency and of course it will bring you full coverage of the press conference news conference of u.s. secretary of state john kerry and russia's foreign minister sergey lavrov later
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this hour so stay tuned to boycott reports now on what the signs have agreed on and sticking points remain so far let's now. it's been a question of will they or won't they in geneva and so far there's been no answer to that question john kerry and sergey lavrov were locked in tense negotiations throughout the day and into the night more than fifteen hours of talks took place and now those negotiations over how to rid syria of its chemical weapons are set to continue into saturday both parties trying to hammer out a deal and avoid a u.s. military strike against syria that is what is at stake here and already there have been some reports of progress with the u.s. and russia reportedly agreed on the size of syria's chemical weapons stockpiles speaking earlier john kerry and sergey lavrov expressed cautious optimism that they would be able to come up with a diplomatic solution to this crisis despite the diplomacy there are a number of sticking points that could put a spoke in the wheels of coming up with
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a workable deal here the first is the issue of timing in this latest t.v. interview syrian president bashar al assad said that damascus would begin to provide information about its chemical weapons stockpiles thirty days after signing up to the chemical weapons convention which is standard procedure and the u.n. has already confirmed that they have received serious documents for signing up to that treaty but john kerry has already rejected this day window that bashar al assad spoke of and last week he said that he wants assad to be able to give up his weapons within the space of a week which he knows is on viable which has raised some questions from observers as to how constructive the u.s. approach is especially when it comes to the difficult task of disposing of chemical weapons now the second sticking point is the use of force john kerry has said that the u.s. military remains poised to strike syria if they fail to reach
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a deal here which has been hanging over these talks and it's a condition that russia says is completely. unexceptable that a deal can only be struck if the u.s. military strike is off the table but in his latest interview as well has said that the negotiations are only going to work if the u.s. stops threatening military intervention so number of very different positions that need to be reconciled if the top diplomats here will be able to come to any agreement over the course of the day john kerry's words that the u.s. remains poised to strike syria if an agreement isn't reached as a reminder of what the consequences could be if they fail to come up with a plan here. r.t. geneva. and to discuss the syrian crisis and the current diplomatic efforts surrounding it with. who served as france's foreign interior and prime minister and he told me earlier why if things the use of force wouldn't and years of bloodshed.
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i think we should do our best to avoid the use of force we know that the force without law and the force without. diplomatic efforts is always useless that's why the priority to ease negotiation but of course we should go forward and we should have results today we have one result to see the signature by your new regime of the convention on the ban of chemical weapons that's a first step but that's not enough washington is convinced syria agreed to be designed only because of the real threat of being attacked and bashar al assad said that's not the case or do you think well i think you're firmness is part of the game is showing some results but i think the main factor is the willingness of russia to take responsibility and russia taking the lead. making
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some proposals this is really changing the. figure of the whole fijian army of the of the situation threat of military force is now a stumbling block in negotiations and diplomacy as sad ones the threats to and why washington wants to keep the possibility of strikes on the table off the way out of this we know that military strikes are not easy. because there is nobody already in the congress favoring the use of force second because we know that in the last thirteen years the use of force did not gave any result in the international scene we've seen it in afghanistan we've seen it in iraq we've seen it in libya so we know that the solution for syria is not force. and we know also that there is a way to escape from force from the use of. an attack and this way out is to have some results on the ground some diplomatic results in order to find better solutions for the syrian problem but any other interests be behind the u.s.
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and its allies in wanting to strike syria beyond just punishing assad for the chemical attack here allegedly connected. well first we know that punishing. should not be by force for that we have. the league delusional legality we have the international criminal court so the answer to punish is never to use force the answer to punish is to go through justice that's the real issue but the main problem today again is to try to protect the syrian people and for the force is not going to give us any force will mean more people dying on the ground the. new escalation we should not forget that not only we have a civil war in syria but we have a big fight between sunnis and shias and so the problem is not at the level
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of the use of force and we have seen in iraq that force. only created more problems we have one thousand people dying every months in iraq so i don't think force is their answer is to use diplomacy to have steps going forward and that will eliminate the risk of force if we can have peace again. and it looks like the overwhelming majority of americans prefer as implementing solution to syria despite president obama's attempts to explain why he would like to launch a military strike against damascus. and. right now our ok we are ready to bring you the news conference at the said day of talks on syria's chemical disarmament in geneva as you remember and russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov and the u.s. secretary of state giving a joint news conference on their progress and we are now ready to bring it to you
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live so let's listen in. well thank you. your patience not just this morning but over the last couple of days we're very appreciative and i'm particularly grateful to. sergey lavrov who. stayed extra time from what he had originally planned hoping we'd get a sooner and. this gave us a additional opportunity to be able to work through some of the issues. i
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especially want to thank the. cooperated effort of circuit law who has worked hard and his entire delegation including teams of the world's foremost chemical weapons experts who have joined us here for the important discussions that we've had. over the last two days two weeks ago president obama made the decision that because of the agreed just use of chemical weapons in syria against innocent syrian citizens women and children all indiscriminately murdered in a night that claimed the lives even if people trying to rescue people he believed it was critical for the world to say no more. the president made the difficult decision that after multiple warnings it was his decision that the time had come to take military action to deter future use of such weapons. but he also made the
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decision that we needed to take time to enlist the support of the congress of the american people and i have no doubt that the combination of the threat of force and the willingness to pursue diplomacy helped to bring us to this moment but diplomacy requires willing partners and i want to thank president putin for his willingness to pick up on the possibility of negotiating an end to syrian weapons of mass destruction his willingness to embrace ideas for how to accomplish this goal and his willingness to send foreign minister lavrov here to pursue this effort was essential to getting to this point and i want to thank thursday lavrov for his diligent efforts in the efforts of his entire delegation who worked hard and in good faith. to overcome difficulties and even disagreements in
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order to try to find a way through tireless efforts to get us where we are today. i also want to thank the foreign minister laurent fabius of france with whom we've partnered salted as well as foreign minister william hague of the united kingdom both of whom will meet with me in paris on monday in order to discuss the road ahead for nearly one hundred years the world has embraced the international norm against the use of chemical weapons and the principles that the united states and the russian federation have agreed on today can with accountable follow through allow us to expedite the elimination of syria's chemical weapons. providing this framework is fully implemented it can end the threat these weapons pose not
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only to the syrian people but also to their neighbors to the region and because of the threat of proliferation this pray more it can provide greater protection and security the to the world we said at the outset that to accomplish our goal this plan had to produce transparency accountability timeliness and enforceability it must be credible and verifiable if fully implemented we believe it can meet these standards the world will now expect the assad regime to live up to its public commitments and as i said at the outset of these negotiations there can be no games no room for avoidance or anything less than full compliance by the assad regime i thank sergey lavrov for his efforts to try to guarantee the
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genuine. aspects of this framework so let me just outline specifically where we are and the steps that the united states and russia have agreed to take under this framework first the scope we have reached a shared assessment of the amount and type of chemical weapons possessed by the assad regime and we are committed to the rapid assumption of control by the international community of those weapons second specific timelines the united states and russia are committed to the elimination of syrian chemical weapons in the soonest and safest manner we agreed that syria must submit within a week. not in thirty days but in one week a comprehensive listing and additional details will be addressed regarding that in
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the coming days third the un precedented use of chemical weapons convention procedures is an important component of this framework we have committed to use extraordinary procedures under the chemical weapons convention for the expeditious destruction and stringent verification of syrian chemical weapons forth verification and monitoring in the interest of accountability the united states and russia have agreed that the syrians must provide the organization for the prevention of chemical weapons and supporting personnel with an immediate and unfettered right to inspect any and all sites in syria fifty destruction we have agreed to destroy all chemical weapons including the possibility of removing weapons but destruction outside of syria we have also reached
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a side agreement on methodology fifth finally consequences six to scuse me our green mint today strengthens the o.p.c. w. the organization of the prevention of chemical weapons executive council decision to use the chemical weapons convention in extraordinary procedures in order to ensure full implementation it also provides for un administrative and logistical support to the o.p.c. w for inspections and destruction in the event of noncompliance we have committed to impose measures under chapter seven within the un security council ultimately. perhaps more so than anywhere in the world actions will matter more than words in the case of the assad regime president reagan's old
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adage about trust but verify though that i know pro that i think is the saying that is in need of an update and we have committed here to a standard that says verify and verify but i also want to be clear about the endgame here if we can join together and make this framework a success and eliminate syria's chemical weapons we would not only save lives but we would reduce the threat to the region and reinforce an international standard and international norm we could also lay the groundwork for further cooperation that is essential to end the bloodshed that has consumed syria for more than two years. what we agreed on here today could conceivably be the first critical concrete step in that direction the united states and russia have long
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agreed that there is no military solution to the conflict in syria it has to be political it has to happen at the negotiating table and we together remain deeply committed to getting there from the beginning president obama has repeated again and again there is no military solution we must find a political solution through diplomacy foreign minister lavrov and i have long talked about the importance of creating the conditions for a political settlement that implements the geneva one communique we will very soon be meeting again we've agreed to meet on the margins of the u.n. general assembly with a locked up or a me in order to try to advance these two linked parallel efforts and we have no illusions about the challenges ahead the united states and russia have not always seen eye to eye that is known and we still don't see eye to eye on
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everything but we will not lose sight of the fact together that the implementation of this framework which will require the vigilance and the investment of the international community and full accountability of the assad regime presents a hard road ahead ensuring that a dictator's wanton use of chemical weapons never again comes to pass we believe is worth pursuing and achieving and president obama is determined that we work hard in the days ahead to travel a path of conscience and to achieve our goals and we know that president putin and sergei lavrov are committed to that endeavor thank you. was it with the mega splenda. that should be. over to you because not in this to run so that's good news but it isn't gentle it will like to just resist migrating issued for your station
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just so i will not comment. on here they will be available to you so i will only mention that these documents are based on the consensus and their professional and it's a compromise we have achieved the objective that all presidents have agreed on when they talked on the friday september fifth on the margins of the sing pittsburgh g twenty summit. this subject to boards. publicly announced. just recently we could go. this objective is to bring. the syrian chemical stockpile longer international control and to day i think you know what i think is a record setting sign we have proposals i stress these are us russian
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proposals that have to be put into legal form and still you can hardly overestimate the importance of this so we are grateful to all u.s. negotiators especially mr kerry for their constructive approach. on which we were able basically to set aside the rhetoric that has nothing to do with the essence of the matter and to focus on professional discussion over a realistic measure to put the syrian. chemical stockpile under international control what have you to further destruction old these chemical weapons and this is based on the damascus is the decision to join. international convention on the ban of chemical weapons and damascus. has agreed to i mean that's
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a bide by this convention even before it comes into force with respect to syria when you listen to what we have agreed to. join the steps that are delegations will take school in the organization for their profit mission of chemical weapons according to procedure set forth in the convention yes. this will allow us to. without any further delay to address specific issues related to the destruction of the chemical arsenal. we hope that the members of the o.p.c. w. council will share. with the approach suggested by russia in the us and we'll make a decision regarding syrian chemical weapons. we also have agreed that. was. we need to get an approval from the u.n.
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security council for what w. is going to do which is this has specialist steps that go beyond its. means. its confidence. which we also noted you know proposals that the syrian authorities will be responsible for the security of inspectors but also the opposition should be responsible for the naacp creating any danger for its international personnel but i know we will have to discuss this further and want to find all the details it is a very important like i said earlier that. the responsibility for not in danger and international personnel he's on all parties in syria without any exception we
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have also agreed that any violations of the procedures that will be approved by the o.p.c. w. console regarding syrian chemical arsenal and any facts so the use of chemical weapons by any party will be reviewed in the u.n. security council in the u.n. security council will. decide on measures and steps to be taken if this use of chemical weapons is approved. we have agreed on this and this agrees with what members so for the g eight have agreed to in law. we all share this position that it is unacceptable for chemical weapons to be used by anybody and all such facts should be reported to the use of security comes so of course. our coordinated approach which does not include
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any use of force any automatic sanctions any decisions any steps have to be and if facts have to be clearly proved in the u.n. security council or first we realized that today's agreements are just the beginning a wave will just. thinking first steps towards our final objective of establishing international control over syrian chemical arsenal and eventually eliminating chemical weapons there as we intend to work together with our u.s. spark nurse. within the o.p.c. w. . where together with other members all theists organisation we will put these suggestions these into legal
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transparent form. and this agreement even though it's preliminary and then it to requires. details on universal mechanisms but we have been able to achieve this agreement in a very short time and we think this demonstrates that as long as we have goodwill and political will. and we were together is one team the united states and russia can achieve good results in addressing modern issues including. the possibility of the proliferation issue especially if these initiative is successful this will be important not just for what they do struction over all chemical weapon stockpiles but this will also enable us to avoid the military scenario that would certainly be a catastrophe for this region and for international affairs in general but it
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struck it's there for john kerry and i have reaffirmed that we seek a peaceful resolution in syria we met with mr brahimi and at this meeting we talked . to. relaunch this process so we expect. the opposition will follow suit the syrian government and will agree to participate in the geneva two conference without any preconditions with the only purpose of. fulfilling the. communique which we also discussed you have probably read the news there this is there was a report from new york we have an approximate date for this conference. opto birth
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russia was actually ready to have this conference in september. earlier but it is important for all syrian party is to be represented at this conference so without then you special conditions any special terms but based on last year's communique which says that it is up to the syrian people to decide their future i would. i also like to mention another detail. our approach has found support among many countries around the world and john mentioned france the united kingdom we are ready to work with them in the u.n. security council and today i would like to thank from the brics countries. countries and many other states for their principled support. the approach to addressing the issue of chemical weapons in syria through.
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strictly peaceful means i hope that we will be able to live up to these expectations in the work we have started to do. if we resolve the matter of chemical weapons in syria this will be a big step forward in. creating in achieving a very important objective of turning the middle east into zone free for all. weapons of mass destructions. or russia and the united states together with the united nations were expected to call an international conference celeste's here. on fortunately there were some delays but we will insist on carrying out in twenty. we made a decision to have this conference in two thousand and twelve and we are now at the end of two mighty thirteen.
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