tv Headline News RT September 16, 2013 4:00am-4:30am EDT
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the u.n. security council is due to debate a resolution to enforce a bit comical disarmament of syria but the u.s. military remains in position ready to strike at washington's discretion. i mean all the civil war shows no signs of dying down our correspondent accompanies the syrian army on a daily operation and then back off damascus. and the latest revelation courtesy of edward snowden is that the national security agency has been trolling through private financial transactions with foreign and domestic. and.
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it's just gone possum midday here in the russian capital you love with us on our to you with me to say let's take a look at our top story this hour. later on monday the united nations a will present the results of its probe into last month's alleged deadly chemical attack in syria the findings are not expected to assign blame but could shed light on the origin of the toxins which reportedly killed hundreds of civilians this comes as the u.n. security council prepares are to hammer out a resolution to enforce a deal on syria reached by russia and the united states the plan requires the us government to disclose full details on its chemical weapons within a week and allow the stockpiles to be destroyed by the middle of next year but u.s. military forces remain in position to strike syria if damascus fails to comply with friends or backing up washington's threat now let's get some reaction and insider from investigative journalist perfect escobar joining us live mr ask about russia
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and do you were managed to reach an agreement on syria after what some call political arm wrestling and brinkmanship so what side got the better deal. well in another measure of u.s. exceptionalism in fact they're loaded ministrations trying to steal the credit for everything that's going on from the russians when in fact obama presidency was saved by display which is not only a russian plan this is a plan that was discussed in detail to the runnion the russians and the syrians when we were all to bring cold war leaching to see what was going to happen in even before obama you know last minute ploy decided to pass the ball to congress so the obama presidency essentially it was saved by the syrians the renaissance and the russians and now they're claiming the credit for themselves we have to bait
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attention very close attention to the deal that is being hatched between kerry and lavrov very important if syria is going to hand over all their chemical weapons to do organization and protection of chemical weapons they should apply to everybody else in the middle east including israel nobody's talking about this at this point but the so how could the results then of the u.n. chemical weapons approve a probe into a lengthy ad coming debate at the security council today's a d. day. exactly the problem is the u.n. inspectors they don't have a mandate to attribute to guilt or blame the who launched these weapons so they're going to have a detail. not as detail i would say compared to the russian report. related to an incident last large the russians three months to. write that
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one hundred beats very detailed report then presented to the united nations this one was done in a rush what two weeks mostly it's not enough it's not an extremely seriously best against they would say yes there was a chemical weapons at that broadly souring but it could be kitchen sarich as we call it informal that is literally setting a club or a kid in a kitchen you know rudimentary weight and then last through d.i.y. iraq it's very important this is something that took a few independent observers have already talked about the iraqi ministry of the festiva busted the cell in iraq in back that over a month and a half ago and they found nuclear chemical weapons i'm sorry jesus where under interrogation the guys were plus the said look this way to job out all those that are in syria as well so discreet has been kitchen sarin as well and i'm not sure if you went expect or will establish with one hundred percent certainty what kind of
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nerve agent this was yes well we're going to have to wait for those results to come up but what i do want to find out is that you think it's possible for the syrian government to provide international access see if chemical sites especially if there is a civil war going on i mean will they be able to do that. exactly this is this process. in the best of circumstances would last years don't forget that u.s. has not destroyed its own chemical weapons for over a decade in the case of syria in a situation that was it's the worst situation no civil war even though it's the government against bunch of gangs of torture in this forum mercenaries you name it but it is a situation of civil war and with it came to weapons now spread out among over fifty different sites so can you send international monitors from the organization
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of protection of chemical weapons to just get different sides and they have to organize them walking up all the chemical weapons and then destroy them and then counter the possibility that there could be a false flag operation any time lost by the rebels who have their own kitchen serin stock somewhere it's a mixture of any complex process so when we have john kerry saying that look we need to resolve this in the next week or so he is obviously smoke something you know that we don't know of so what did terror and from foreign attack would damascus then have left if it gives up its chemical stockpiles if he gets to that well and. well damascus already agreed to subscribe to the chemical weapons treaty and. be open to inspection by the organization for the protection of chemical up best step number one step number two is to coordinate. which inspectors
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are growing is this going to be an international team is this going to be europeans or americans ross and chinese or africans you name it how long this is going to take will they have free access to all the sites and how they can protect themselves from sniper fire force operations their rebels trying to turn the tables again it's an extremely complex process and i'm not sure this is just has to be decided in the u.n. because this is not a u.n. matter this is a mess that applies to disorganization which is not the u.n. body your nice mission for the protection of nuclear weapons chemical chemical weapons i'm sorry so this is a very very long term process we are in step one it's a long way ahead. i we all making forward to finding out what this u.n. inspectors have found out day so that we can and try to unravel more of what is going on day in syria in terms of this alleged chemical weapon attack that is about
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to ask about investigative journalists they in bangkok of speaking to us live here on r t we thank you you thank. i mean well a british defense study has revealed that islamic extremism make up the core of the syrian opposition now the report puts the total number of rebel fighters at around one hundred thousand and says it is split into hundreds of different factions now about ten thousand of those fighters are in fact jihad is with links to al qaeda up to thirty five thousand others are radical islamists who broadly share al qaeda views meanwhile the study puts the number of moderate islam is at around thirty thousand meaning that circular opposition forces are vastly outnumbered and while there is fractured groups are pushed back by syrian government troops out is maria financial is in the midst of the x. action. and i wonder in just a few kilometers from the central damascus it used to be a nice and beautiful very picturesque town where the population of up to three
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hundred thousand people but it's been torn by clashes between the governmental forces and the rebels rebels two years now the result you can see everything is ruined the residents left the only people we can meet here either the army all the militants. fighting against my guys like it but i don't know we're going with the army to one of the operations. darius cells of the capital is sponsored a powerful militant belt around damascus known as eastern ghouta the scene of recent fierce clashes it is also where a chemical attack last month brought international resonance in its wake all weapons smuggled to syria through jordan in the sols come through here providing local militants with a secure supply line for. this
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is what the syrian war looks like today urban battlefield provides dense cover and the network of underground tunnels also shields the militants there is no defined front line and you don't know when your enemy's watching. the syrian army soldiers say they could be snipers there and they pulled curtains like this one just to protect to prevent star players from seeing what's going on here and the simple system helps save many lives every day where he doesn't work soldiers just wrong. in a full two minutes with travel from one district to another we follow the army as you can see through the buildings through the holes in the walls like this one hole this one they're everywhere. i don't know because i don't
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understand that you think someone's having to. carry you through this here in the mornings he needs nothing. to support life. in this war snipers or from both sides of the frontline. is what they do most of the time waiting for the enemy. in the woods in the dead of an office assures me the map they update every day this is where we are the militants are in this big building the army liberates the town street by street building by building very slowly and very carefully has always first addressed militants to surrender their arms promising that they will be safe sometimes they leave their weapons and try to escape but sometimes they refuse and we have no other choice but the fight them. this soldier shows me where he was injured his three bullets haven't come to him down. i'm honored to defend my country to defend
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the syrian people even if the us attacks us with its aircraft and tanks and everything we will make our land there cemetery an american strike seems to be on the back burner at least for now but syrian civil war goes on and on. damascus suburbs syria. and among as sharing firsthand reports on the military operations are on to mask us on her twitter feed you can find out the latest by following her online. right to see. the first for you and i think that you're. on our reporter's twitter. and instagram i.
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would be in the middle. on the. military and intelligence experts around the globe have warned that a u.s. strike against syria could spark a catastrophic region wide conflict but as are his losing friends now reports the war told is music to the ears of some of american for. raytheon is the manufacturer of the b g m one o nine better known as the tomahawk missile individual units sell for around one million dollars it's been the weapon of choice for the u.s. military and has been used in each of america's conflicts over the past twenty years raytheon is the largest manufacturer of guided missiles in the world statistics from the wall street journal show the company raked in more than twenty billion dollars in arms sales in two thousand and ten it's already delivered two hundred fifty two missiles this fiscal year and engagement in syria would likely mean a future increase in tomahawk orders and profits for raytheon its share prices when
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talk of a four re in syria intensified reflect that between april and august this year stock surged by a third another big shot in the world of weapons lockheed martin the biggest arms maker in the world in two thousand and ten it grossed just under three billion dollars think advanced combat missile rocket manned and unmanned systems as well as aeronautics in two thousand and twelve it reeled from the us budget sequestration and fiscal cliff just before the last presidential elections lockheed threatened to lay off vast amounts of its one hundred twenty three thousand employees the white house intervened and lockheed martin back down again a stock surge with the beat of more drums then there is boeing it's not only concerned with passenger aircraft like the seven forty seven or the dreamliner just under half of the company's total sales in two thousand and ten came from strategic missile systems g.p.s. and electro optical systems all potentially used in syrian conflict should
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washington decide to act and to tie it all nicely together it pays to look at the top three contributors to federal candidates parties and outside groups boeing lockheed martin and raytheon all shelling out nearly three million dollars each in the two thousand and ten election cycle to people who may. make or break us foreign policy the numbers can't be ignored the more conflict american gauges and the more money can flow into these companies' coffers the talk may be about saving the world from tyrants but the actions and the figures also point to big money. coming up later in the program a reigning in the special interest groups the u.k.'s attempts to regulate lobbying managed to use a straight all parties involved and undermine the work of charities that the details in a couple of minutes on r.t. . that's that's france areas for an economic recovery it's going increasingly dependent on the cell cash from the east find out who's been helping to keep the
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her street view and i think the trip. on our reporters twitter. instagram. to be in the. welcome back you're watching our team the u.s. national security agency is facing more on the welcome attention to the. german magazine der spiegel has a published a report detailing the n.s.a.'s practices of tracking private financial transactions all over the world now it was already public knowledge that the u.s. national security agency has been tapping the phone conversation of countless unsuspecting people around the globe the n.s.a. it was also called collecting and are storing private user information and meta
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data from all over the world wide web and where the latest reports indicated that people's financial transactions and bank operations are under scrutiny as well it seems most aspects of human interaction and surveillance earlier my colleague shawn thomas of spoke to attorney general holder who explained how access to such information could be abused for personal gain. first of all there's the question of privacy that is to say the n.s.a. is well known for not vetting and investigating to contract tours that they hire they can get access to the personal data of various individuals and that can lead to identity theft that can lead to various kinds of fraud but the other aspect of the der spiegel story i think is more fascinating you may recall that der spiegel has also reported that s f t which is the interbank entity based in brussels
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belgium also was penetrated by n.s.a. that smells like espionage on the economic level that is to say that the n.s.a. can gain details of what a german bank may be doing what a russian bank may be doing what a chinese bank may be doing and pass that on to their u.s. competitors thereby giving the u.s. competitor an advantage in the financial market how will this affect us using our credit cards and regular banking services on a daily basis if in the us eighty is able to penetrate. that raises the question of what other agencies and entities are able to penetrate visa and that opens up a pandora's box that can lead to all manner of fraud the british government has moved to preempt a new scandal by tightening regulations on special interest groups however the proposals have been roundly condemned by both lobbyist and the opponents and laura smith explains why. being in the u.k.
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and people think. it began in one nine hundred ninety four with cash for questions a newspaper claimed a parliament had brought two conservative m.p.'s into asking questions in parliament then last year there was cash for cameron when a conservative party treasurer was filmed apparently offering dinner with david cameron and the chance to influence government policy snit just two hundred fifty thousand pounds and most recently three lords and an m.p. are accused of apparently offering to do polling meant to work in exchange for cash in the sunday times sting so david cameron's had enough in a bid to prevent yet another the scandal his party's introduced a bill to regulate lobbying but the proposals are third week that being campaigners and themselves are united in their opposition what the bridge to provides transparency it doesn't stop politicians behaving badly we have nothing to fear
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from such. in fact we've been calling for it and that's why we're so disappointed with the government because the definition of lobbyist. is going to cover less than is already on the existing public. being registered on the register as proposed would exclude around eighty percent of lobbyists and lobbying activity and that's only the half of it the second part of the bill puts charities and voluntary organizations in the spotlight applying a cap to their spending in an election year just raising awareness of the public policy issue could fall into that category in a damning indictment of the bill the government's own election regulator the electoral commission says it will have a dampening effect on public debates the bill's already had its second reading and industry insiders are worried it will be rushed through it won't prevent more scandals they say but when the next one does happen the government will be. forced
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to hit back with something far more draconian. israel has never confirmed or denied being a nuclear problem but a recent american reporters finally lifted the veil of secrecy we've got the details for you online at our t.v. dot com. and emigrated faces off with best alone off the pitch this time as a spanish government takes steps to prevent that the learned from becoming an independent nation read more all about it on our website. well europe so once powerful economies crumble it's china that's picking up the pieces the country emerged as one of the world's top three investors last year and a significant a share of the cash benefited european firms some ease states are now becoming increasingly dependent on beijing are just. explodes. burgundy and gold though including won't shut. so iconic french brand in holiday
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resorts klum and so parisian fashion brand sonia rykiel eighty percent sold to hong kong investors the tip of the iceberg as far as chinese money in french firms is concerned but if you asked french president francois long and his army of trade ministers and business exact there's always room for more especially as recent grim industrial output figures cast doubts on harris's claim of economic recovery. france accounts for a tiny portion of china's foreign trade just one point three percent versus germany's five percent and france buys more from china than it so so much so that there is a twenty six billion euro trade deficit with the asian giant. probably with more charter trying to ease their friends at school or industries are concerned another one of those with increasing chinese advancement in the billions
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is a nuclear energy sector france's expertise as a crucial position within the street giants are advised e.d.f. leading the pack bot and gaining access to china's massive market and investment dollars france finds itself straddling a delicate balance of opening up its wealth of knowledge and protecting its relevance which means once the know how it was passed what's stopping sharing them from going it alone through the state old search results to exert. caruso's guerriero. to do that. it's called a vote this is. a consequence that's already raised fears of compromising france's national interests prompting the finance ministry to launch an investigation earlier this year and we be seeing so many chinese people earth. it was before we didn't want to break it to this that but. you know we cannot stop the
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movement of the history of the world. by the possibility of a war take. to make every day every more over your new projects new credit t.v. . we will be completed again an uphill battle for a country an internal german mental described as europe's biggest problem child image it will have to clean up if it wants the chinese to keep heading its way just ourselves are to paris station for our weekly sports update with kate coming up right on to the pike.
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we talked before about people getting in trouble throughout the usa just for gardening in fact according to the christian science monitor a couple of florida has been fined five hundred dollars a day until they dig up their vegetable garden which is on their own property and mediately people who write these articles draw comparisons to communist russia where people weren't allowed to grow their own food unless the state allowed it yes the revolutionary period in russia forced agriculture to change rapidly and often against the will of many of those involved and this did lead to starvation revolution isn't fun but what about after that while stalin and khrushchev gave out a lot of doctors which are private summer houses where people guard and also there were markets in the soviet union where people could bring the food they grew to sell to see all these pictures behind me these are people in the soviet union selling food they produced privately and legally but there were some moments in soviet history when there were some taxes placed on the sale of your personal goods from your personal labor which according to russian website history of taxes was
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around ten percent whether you love or hate communism more than anything doesn't matter this half truth about shooting soviet gardeners burns like wildfire on the american side of the internet the real truth is that in fact when the us government for every reason in various forms clamps down on private gardens it isn't the same as communism but it's actually technically worse than communism for the majority of its lifespan where you could guard it up as you like excluding the brutal revolutionary period but that's just my opinion. british style. time. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with mike stronger or no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars report on r g. hello welcome to the all tasteful show i'm kate paul triggered all the bringing you half an hour of sport from russia under around the world and here's some of what's to come. for brazil russia regain top spot in group back after seeing of israel three one in the world cup qualifier in st petersburg. while up and running moscow holds its first major american as the organizers look to make the race an international event. and old fire as we look ahead to the big m.m.a. rematches make a little bit and alexander hugo young and kept prepared for another titanic clash.
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but will first learn and russia coach fabio capello says he'll retire after completing his mission with russia the sixty seven year old italian spoke off to helping the national side regained the leading group f. following a three one victory at home to israel in the world cup qualifier in some petersburg off a slow start at the just the stadium the home side came out for the second half with all guns blazing the city but isn't scheme breaking the deadlock soon after the restart. alex sounds like a korean doubles that lead just a couple of minutes later the twenty two year old posting his third go into lurches . then with sixty minutes to go a handful so russia awarded a penalty the man should all copy hits the woodwork it's been a scoop off still got the job done well a last gasp headed by ed on zahavi proved just a consolation for israel as russia rolled out a three one win is. not result puts russia top of.
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