tv Headline News RT September 16, 2013 9:00am-9:30am EDT
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forcing the issue russia's foreign minister says the syrian opposition should be made to sit down for peace talks with the government if the u.n. will meanwhile reveal its findings about chemical weapons use in syria they did today. under fire r.t. continues its series of reports from the heart of the syrian war this time our correspondent joins a syrian troops dodging sniper fire on a damascus suburb. and. it's revealed that the u.s. and national security agency is keeping a close watch on international financial operations monitoring banking transactions of customers worldwide.
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well he's in comments twenty four hours a day this is. the syrian opposition should be forced to sit down for peace talks with the syrian government or some message from russia's foreign minister who believes it's time to get the opposition on board after the syrian government agreed to destroy its chemical weapons and join the geneva talks without preconditions. has more. the main message put forward by foreign minister lavrov is that time has run out for games this conflict has been going on for too long and so much effort has been made to for a diplomatic peaceful solution to be possible and the opposition in syria according to foreign minister a lateral has to stop making preconditions and if needed it has to be forced to sit down and negotiate peacefully the foreign minister also commented on the latest demands coming from france britain and the u.s. which wants to see the u.n.
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security council pass a fresh resolution on syria before the end of the week moreover paris wants to see this resolution under chapter seven which basically gives the green light for military intervention it's the same chapter seven which allowed a military operation in libya in iraq and during the korean war and according to foremost a level of these demands distorting reality and go against the previous agreements reached between moscow and washington and the rules which was put forward and proposed to the moscow it's agreed to as well we are expecting a report from the u.n. experts later on monday which should really shut some light on what happened in august on the outskirts of damascus meaning that alleged chemical attack but it's not expected that the report will actually establish which side used to allegedly use the chemical weapons but it is expected that they should establish whether or
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not a chemical attack did in fact take place we're also expecting to find out some details which should really paint a clearer picture about what really happened there the situation currently is still very fragile just remind you there is a heavy international military presence there in the region military intervention is still very much possible earlier the u.s. said they didn't need the approval from the u.n. so it's still very fragile. well most of the world supported the syrian a chemical disarmament deal which russia the us shook hands on in geneva last week rescued a journalist they ask about things washington is trying to take all the credit for itself and downplay moscow's crucial role in the diplomatic breakthrough. you're worried about history she is trying to steal all the credit for everything that's going on from the russians when in fact the obama presidency was see why display which is not all in a russian this is
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a plan that was discussed in the. the iranians the russians and the syrians when we were all the brink of war week to see what was going to happen in even before obama you know last minute lloyd this sided to pass the bolt of congress so the old one of presidency essentially was saved by the syrians the remnants and the russians and now they're claiming the ground for themselves. and a syrian opposition will meanwhile get more help from the west as announced by the french foreign minister and his counterparts from the u.s. and the u.k. the un report indicates both sides in the conflict have committed human rights violations and clude such crimes by the opposition have been on the rise as more foreign mercenaries arrived in british defense study has found that nearly half of those fighting against the assad government are either jihad this or hard line islamists who now has the number of opposition fighters breaks down in that defense report one hundred thousand rebel fighters are split into many different factions
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and these include al qaeda linked groups about ten thousand jihadists fighting amongst them the hard line islamists in syria are similar but they're focused solely on the syrian war not on the global is mr struggle. well there are moderate islamists which means that secular or nationalist fighters are in the minority parties where if national has been reporting from the front lines and has her report from a damascus suburb where she's witnessed syrian government forces battling the rebels. now underage just a few kilometers from the central damascus it used to be a nice and beautiful very picturesque town where the population of up to three hundred thousand people but it's been torn by questions between the governmental forces and the rebels rebels two years now the result you can see everything is ruined the residents left the only people we can meet here either the army all the militants. fighting against i guess i can't take you at all now we're going
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with the army to one of their operations. during a itself or the capital is sponsored a powerful militant belt around damascus known as eastern ghouta the scene of recent fierce clashes it is also where a chemical attack last month brought international resonance in its wake all weapons smuggled to syria through jordan in the sols comes through here providing local militants with a secure supply line for. fire come. here. this is what the syrian war looks like today to urban battlefield provides dense cover and that's work of underground tunnels also shields the militants there is no defined front line and you don't know when your enemy's watching. the syrian army soldiers say they could be snipers
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there and they pulled curtains like this one just to protect to prevent snipers from seeing what's going on here. the simple system helps save many lives every day where it doesn't work soldiers just strong. in a full two minutes with travel from one district to another we follow the army as you can see through. buildings through the hells and the walls like this one all these one they're everywhere. and you can't you fall on the pavement. can. you salute is here in the morning is the need. for life. in this war snipers are from both sides of the frontline. is what they do most of
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the time waiting for the enemy. in office assures me the map they update every day this is where we are the militants are in this big building the army liberates the town street by street building by building very slowly and very carefully has just addressed militants to surrender their arms promising it will be sweet sometimes to leave their work and sacrifice but sometimes they refuse and we have no other choice but the quite of an american strike seems to be on the backburner at least for now but syrian civil war goes on and on. damascus suburbs syria. but you can follow maria on twitter she has the latest updates from the fighting in syria right now she's tweeting about what's going on in the battles around and ask us. i am.
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a western governments are blaming the syrian government for the deadly chemical attack in august and now the country has agreed to get rid of all such weapons from middle of next year and take a look at where the stockpiles are believed to be stored and how you can see that well how the ongoing conflict has divided the country into rebel held and government controlled areas some places still hotly contested rebels have been strongest in the north. the country they area where a chemical weapons storage facility is also believed to be located the rebels could have already had a chance to grab control of some of their stockpiles imminent threats of the u.s. attacking syria may have been put on hold for the disarmament deal that has france now reports some american companies have billions of reasons to see their country go to war. raytheon is the manufacturer of the b g m one o nine better known as the tomahawk missile individual units sell for around one
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million dollars it's been the weapon of choice for the u.s. military and has been used in each of america's conflicts over the past twenty years raytheon is the largest manufacturer of guided missiles in the world statistics from the wall street journal show the company raked in more than twenty billion dollars in arms sales in two thousand and ten it's already delivered two hundred fifty two missiles this fiscal year and engagement in syria would likely mean a future increase in tomahawk orders and profits for raytheon its share prices when talk of a four re in syria intensified reflect that between april and august this year stock surged by a third another big shot in the world of weapons lockheed martin the biggest arms maker in the world in two thousand and ten it grossed just under three billion dollars think advanced combat missile rocket manned and unmanned systems as well as aeronautics in two thousand and twelve it reeled from the us budget sequestration
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and fiscal cliff just before the last presidential elections lockheed threaten to lay off vast amounts of its one hundred twenty three thousand employees the white house intervened and lockheed martin back down again as stock surge with the beat of war drums then there is boeing it's not only concerned with passenger aircraft like the seven forty seven or the dreamliner just under half of the company's total sales in two thousand and ten came from strategic missile systems g.p.s. and electro optical systems all potentially used in syrian conflict should washington decide to act and to tie it all nicely together it pays to look at the top three contributors to federal candidates parties and outside groups boeing lockheed martin and raytheon all shelling out nearly three million dollars each in the two thousand and ten election cycle to people who may. or breaking u.s. foreign policy the numbers can't be ignored the more conflict american gauges and
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the more money flow into these companies coffers the talk may be about saving the world from tyrants but the actions and the figures also point to big money. and some news just in the u.n. inspectors say there is convincing evidence that chemical weapons were used in syria there's no indication yet on who was to blame of course i will bring you more details on that as soon as they're available. later in the program no more cash for questions u.k. government attempts to regulate lobbyists all next with a wave of criticism as charity funding comes under threat bring you the details. america's national security agency is widely monitoring international banking and credit card transactions that's according to reports published by the german magazine der spiegel. relations shows that the n.s.a. is keeping track of phone records tapping person conversations across the globe
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it's also public knowledge that the agency collects robin from ation about the online activity of the world's internet users will freshly expired whistleblower edward snowden indicate that the n.s.a. has created a massive database to telling local financial operations pacifically targeting customers of large credit card companies are calling sean thomas to attorney your old home he explained what dangers banks and customers are facing in light of these latest revelations. first of all there's the question of privacy that is to say the n.s.a. is well known for not vetting and investigating to contract tours that they hire they can get access to the personal data of various individuals and that can lead to identity theft that can lead to various kinds of fraud but the other aspect of the spiegel story i think is more fascinating you may recall that der spiegel has also reported that s f t which is the interbank entity based in brussels
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belgium also was penetrated by n.s.a. that smells like espionage on the economic level that is to say that the n.s.a. can gain details of what a german bank may be doing what a russian bank may be doing what a chinese bank may be doing and pass that on to their u.s. competitors thereby giving the u.s. competitor an advantage in the financial market how will this affect us using our credit cards and regular banking services on a daily basis if n.s.a. is able to penetrate these so that raises the question of what other agencies and entities are able to penetrate visa and that opens up a pandora's box that can lead to all manner of fraud. to the head few this matter of not so mutual benefit as front struggles to heal its economic moon scientists say it's becoming more addicted to cash flowing from the east found out
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he's been a major aid helping to keep the country's business alive and report coming up in just a few minutes. there's a media leader so we lead that maybe. by the same motions secure. your party physical. issues that no one is asking with the guests that you deserve answers from it's all on politics only on our.
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do we speak your language or not at the. news programs and documentaries in spanish what matters to you breaking news a little turn it into angles stories. so you hear. the spanish find out more visit actuality. welcome back to the program and some news just in several people have been reporting wounded after a lone gunman still at large opened fire at a navy yard in washington d.c. five injuries have been confirmed so far but this is report hitting shots where we are is at the scene folks many three thousand people work inside the building when
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the attack occurred of course we'll bring you more details of that as we get it. now following a string of cash for questions scandals british prime minister david cameron is attempting to regulate the activities of special interest groups over the proposals are coming under fire not only from the obvious but from their opponents as well well sort of takes up the story. same being in the u.k. and people think. it began in one nine hundred ninety four with cash for questions a newspaper claimed a parliament had brought two conservative m.p.'s into asking questions in parliament then last year that was cast for cameron when a conservative party treasurer was filmed apparently offering dinner with david cameron and the chance to influence government policy snit just two hundred fifty thousand pounds and most recently three lords and an m.p. are accused of apparently offering to do polling meant to work in exchange for cash
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in the sunday times sting so david cameron's had enough in a bid to prevent yet a novice will his party's introduced a bill to regulate lobbying but the proposals are thorough week that anti-doping campaigners and lobbyist themselves are united in their opposition to what the ridge that provides transparency it doesn't stop politicians behaving badly we have nothing to fear from such a rush of locusts in fact we've been calling for it and that's why we're so disappointed with the government because the definition of lobbyist has produced and it's going to cover less than is already on the existing public. lobbying register the register as proposed would exclude around eighty percent of lobbyists and lobbying activity and that family the heart of it the second part of the bill puts charities and voluntary organizations in the spotlight applying it can to their spending in an election year just raising awareness about public policy issue
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could fall into that category in a downing indictment of the bill the government's own election regulator the electoral commission says it will have a downplaying effects on public debates the bill's already had its second reading and industry insiders are worried it'll be rushed through it won't prevent more scandals they say but when the next one does happen the government will be for. to hit back with something fall more draconian. they will find all stories were running and much more online including israel has never confirmed or denied being a nuclear power. now an american reporter want to lift the veil of secrecy all the details for you out on t.v. dot com. thus far in russia's far east as the nuclear sub lines takes a dozen teams of fun like this to buffer the blaze. news
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today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations rule the day. to police stations have been hit by car bomb attacks in the russian republics of chechnya and. three officers were killed and more injured when a suicide bomber attempted to ram a vehicle packed with explosives into a police station eastern chechnya another car was detonated in a separate instance several kilometers away in english. he's trying to stop the vehicle for inspection when it exploded one officer was killed. news making headlines around the world the ongoing flood rescue operation the u.s. state of colorado is being hampered by
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a new wave of downpours fresh dairy which is preventing helicopters from reaching reston's trapped behind walls of debris flooding has already killed six people more than twelve hundred unaccounted for instance of bridges and roads have been swept away across the state recovery costs estimated a lot of millions of dollars. six nights of protests in istanbul have resulted in scuffles between police and anti-government demonstrators are bullets and water cannon were used to disperse the crowds demonstrations began after the death of a twenty two year old student involved in a city against a construction project affecting his university. or the economic times have made uneasy bedfellows of france and its eastern investors china has emerged as one of the world's top three investors in a significant share of that cash benefiting french firms well she says our city or
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gauges where the feelings between paris and beijing are mutual. then years in burgundy of bordeaux including well known. sold iconic french bread and holiday resorts club med sold parisian fashion brands. eighty percent sold to hong kong investors the tip of the iceberg as far as chinese money and french firms is concerned but if you ask french president francois lauded his army of trade ministers and business x x there's always room for more especially as recent grim industrial output figures cast doubts on paris's claim of economic recovery france accounts for a tiny portion of china's foreign trade just one point three percent of vs germany's five percent france buys more from china than it sells so much so that there's a twenty six billion euro trade deficit with the asian giant restore program i think that. probably we need more chart. where france
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is core industries are concerned another one of those with increasing chinese of well what in the billions is a nuclear energy sector france's expertise as a crucial position within the st john's are. leading the pack bot and gaining access to china's massive market and investment dollars france finds itself straddling a delicate balance of opening up its wealth of knowledge and protecting its relevance which means once the know how it was passed on what's stopping china from going it alone there appears to be a price of doing business with asia's booming economies should we stay outside or do we heard to invest in china. crude south korea i don't know but to be able. to put it come to policy and called about this is a. technology that although the chiefs of these two nuclear giants moved to
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reassure the public about what technology they've given china the deals in denial still caused it not. fear that national interests were compromised leading the finance ministry to launch an investigation early this year and maybe even a finger oh so many chinese people are very we like it before we didn't want to american investment but you know we cannot stop the movement if story of the world. by the possibility of our technology is to make every day every more. new products new credit e.v.t. by the way we will be completely people again an uphill battle for a country of internal german memo described as a europe's biggest problem child and image it will have to clean up if it wants the chinese to keep heading its way tesser sylvia r.t. paris. let's go back to our breaking news story this hour union specked says say
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that samples they've collected from the kuta area of the syrian capital indicate that surface to surface rockets with a sarin nerve gas were used during an august twenty first attack that they're expected to present a full report to the un secretary-general in a couple of hours time and these are the first statements which was seen on the first page of that document stay with our team for more on those developments. also developing story at this hour several people have been reported the wounded after a lone gunman opened fire at a navy yard in washington d.c. witnesses report hearing shots the same three thousand people work inside the building where the attack occurred of course we'll bring you more on that story as well as we get it. weekly sports update with kate right after the break.
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we talked before about people getting in trouble throughout the usa just for gardening in fact according to the christian science monitor a couple of florida has been fined five hundred dollars a day until they dig up their vegetable garden which is on their own property and mediately people who write these articles draw comparisons to communist russia where people weren't allowed to grow their own food unless the state allowed it yes the revolutionary period in russia forced agriculture to change rapidly and often against the will of many of those involved and this did lead to starvation revolution isn't fun but what about after that while stalin and khrushchev gave out a lot of which are private summer houses where people guard and also there were markets in the soviet union where people could bring the food they grew to sell to see all these pictures behind me these are people the soviet union selling food
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they produced privately and legally but there were some moments in soviet history when there were some taxes placed on the sale of your personal goods from your personal labor which according to russian website history of taxes was around ten percent whether you love or hate communism more than anything doesn't matter this half truth about shooting soviet gardeners burns like wildfire on the american side of the internet the real truth is that in fact when the u.s. government for every reason in. forms clamps down on private gardens it isn't the same as communism but is actually technically worse than communism for the majority of its life span where you could guard it up as you like excluding the brutal revolutionary period but that's just my opinion.
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hello welcome to the all tasteful show i'm kate paul triggered all the bringing you hop in our sport from russia and around the world here's some of what's to come. poison for brazil russia regained top spot in group back after seeing of israel three one in the world cup qualifier in st petersburg. while up and running moscow holds its first major marathon as the organizers look to make the race an international event. and old by as we look ahead to the big m.m.a. rematches make it official and alexander yuval youngcare prepare for another titanic clash. full first third and russia coach fabio capello says he'll retire after completing his mission with russia the sixty seven year old italian spoke after helping the national side we got in the leading group f. following a three one victory at home to israel in the world cup qualifier in some petersburg
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off a slow start at the just the stadium the home side came out for the second half with all guns blazing the city but is that ski breaking the deadlock soon after the restart. i think sound like a core and doubles that lead just a couple of minutes later the twenty two year old posting his third go into matches . then with sixty minutes to go a handball so russia awarded a penalty that i'm sure i'll copy hits the woodwork that's a nice cushy cough still got the job done well a last gasp headed by ed and the harvey proved just a consolation for israel as russia rolled out three one winners. and that result puts russia top of grew back one point clear of christiane are now those portugal with too much has to go with russia travelling to mina's luxembourg and azerbaijan next month while swear the netherlands qualified for the world cup finals as winners of group d. with a cheery no win in under a four minutes after the break following a quiet first half.
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