tv Larry King Now RT September 16, 2013 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT
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nations are ruled today. larry king now the jonas brothers make joe and kevin jonas they're here with a new album the new sound the new hairdo we're coming back after three years of not making music together and a lot of life lived in between that let's make this feel like the first time over when it comes to criticism has a take in stride you know i think you can either let it really get to you and there's times where it really does first of all you have a kiss and it is a.j. how we i was i was the i was a late bloomer i was sixteen first kiss in sixty sorry larry that's all ahead on larry king now. welcome to larry king our special guest
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a return visit for me with the jonas brothers the grammy nominated artist of soul twenty million albums worldwide the eldest by the way of the group is only twenty five years old mick joe and kevin jonas join me today their latest single first time is out now and their fifth album aptly titled five will be out this fall august a big month not only the seven about a version of debut album but joe you were twenty four years old on a board two thousand and nine live to be interviewed at the cowboys new stadium on will you guys open that stadium right there were december for we almost didn't go because the rigging wasn't set up properly at the show yeah so two days before the opening of our tour was one of our biggest at the time you know we're all excited and we show up and i like the show might not happen. and it was a very moment now you know mary jones hearing all right we're brought you guys split up tell me the story of this given you split up and you're back with us we all needed some time to live a little bit a life and an intern joy that kind of grow and go on your own journeys and each one
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of us did some individual projects nicole was able to do or more broadly was able to do how to succeed just finished a movie. nick and joe as well did solo projects i was able to focus on a t.v. show the wife and just be at home and be a husband for a little while which was really nice and then when we started writing coming back together in new york it just started to click and it didn't click right away it took a little bit of time legally spent a year doing this album and we didn't want to rush through it we didn't want to make it just in china and out want to make it special for the break up was of the bed split right now known it wasn't so much a break up in our minds as it was just a sort of transitioning and a need to sort of take a step back after about six years of sort of being right in people's faces for so much time and also for us you know we turned on i think four records and four and a half years so we did a lot of joe did you think it was over for good oh i didn't know i kind of figured we'd be getting back together eventually i wasn't sure how long i thought it was
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actually would be a lot quicker than the three years but it was the perfect amount of time and kind of made the audience hungry again for some new music all the fans still was from that a cabin or a big grown up and mature number at cowboys stadium that they do a little crazy dad they they are still as intense it's just they're a little older and so i think the the intentions have changed a little bit as well it's funny but it's it's an incredible thing to have the kind of fans we do you know they're passionate they're enthusiastic and they really fall on the country we've had some fans come to almost every single show on the entire tour we just finished which is is incredible. what was allowed to come. was a great feeling you know we had given birth to work together in the that we needed to take time so in a came back it was that much better for the first time was in the studio and it was actually in my home studio in new york. you know resources are down and said all right we've taken some time what are we feeling is is next up for us musically and
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try to start with the music and let the rest sort of carry itself out but. you know it's it felt good to be back and to know that we'd be in front of the. and at some point again and it took about a year before we started touring but you know we were really really blood given to stay with us to it tonight right merely that it's an l.a. tonight and then hopefully turning back around for the fall run the music changed quite a bit of music changed nick produce this whole record so that changes a lot for us we dive into the record when we're starting to write and just the way it sounds as just really neat i think from anything we've done in the path what prompted the title first time is that one of the tunes yeah it's one of the songs symbolic does it have space on you i think you know it's the song itself as a song we all worked on together in when we were writing and it really just had a moment of. i think i just had a moment of. finding the next step in each each moment you know focusing in on you know the first time in this the first time in that and you're enjoying the
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steps and when we are writing a kind of started with nick and then the track in the studio. you know you know the idea was sort of like a modern day take on fleetwood mac which was a big concept for the album or a big clue to my fans and this one particular stem from everywhere one of my parents songs of theirs and the idea was you know we're coming back after three years of not making music together and a lot of life lived in between that let's make this feel like the first time all over again give me a pinch of joe over all the success you guys. absolutely need it was i was right you were kids it was we were kids going into that there's some experiences i think you might be going into it and you look back you know wow i definitely took that for granted when the moment when you're walking into the white house and you're performing with in front of public garden or something something bizarre that seems just like a dream come true so there's a there's a lot of pinching going on especially now and going back into it realizing how much
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work you've got to do and the crazy busy schedules and when you're i mean even four years ago we you know we did the coffee now it's like our governor full of every day all day you get carried away with good care that your egos get a little blown away i don't think so i think it has a lot to do with where we came from and we also are extremely appreciative of what we have especially now you know being able to take a break and come back and still be able to make music in tor and have a fan base at that is still receiving what you're putting out is incredible and i think we're just really honored to get to do when do tour to you i think we fall into into winter when you know we have a new member of the family coming pretty soon you so so we have to be going to do right after the new year like january and january so you know holidays and then the new year will probably be a little quieter just with that. happening but up until then we're going to go on hard and trying to be unfair of our fans do you have a steady girlfriend. are you going to marry her wow come on that's only asking ask
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me. every year to let you know i don't know twenty four and if the baby when you get married oh wow. she lined up be watching yes right every watch might be in the room there you never know and i think we're taking our time we're enjoying this time what about young mick what about he's he's yet to times four times we're divorced i think now five five five it's hard account is that hard to count with anyone you know i will be on been single for about two years and. dated some people but not have been in a relationship you know well what do you think is it you got time yeah i think i got some time at twenty twenty. guys why did you leave hollywood work is which was owned by disney well you know i think the time just came as we grew and as our sound was evolving and where we sort of saw ourselves and five to ten years the
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vision was different than what theirs was and we had a good relationship with them and did a lot of great things but it was no longer right was the parting ok it was. there was a mutual decision and luckily. we had a great run with then and this time doing our own it feels kind of brand new and just like we spoke about earlier our song first time kind of represents a little bit too and doing this by ourselves we also left with our masters which is really really rare. so we you know we're in a great position now being our own label and sort of making the decisions we can be really creative with how we release old music and the music did you guys used to wear purity rings. yeah whatever i got married. was nice of them i really speak about too much it's sparingly personal and so we keep it to ourselves being young and getting a hit there are downsides that aren't there it was in hard to live in
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a real world when you say when you say get ahead what do you want to be you're famous and young yet you don't as there's not really a debt there's actually can be downfalls in that and you see a lot of people in different areas like to go to a different direction and kind of focus on the wrong thing but for us i think it was all about the music and always has been and it's just you know we've enjoyed that part of it and really haven't focused on battle when. i think there's moments that lancaster has you feel like. you're unstoppable. doing with your family it's got brothers that will like you know knock you out of here if you get a you had to get through grade or whatever. and that's why it's nice to the family . who does the right thing by the way we all do and we're part of the writing and i produced his last record which was a great feeling for me to really take on that responsibility but the writing is a collaborative effort. what was it like by the way to play at the white house
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think out of all you know it's a dream project really were you thinking you know hey jude on stage with paul mccartney in president obama's column those moments you look back on and you have the letter from paul you know thanking you for the event and you know the picture of you guys doing it and it's just it's kind of surreal you know it's an incredible thing it is the role he played piano at my house. and sang along with my wife playing the piano with amazing. men he looked in the show real that's got to be it's got to be on really take me back to getting the catalog how do you get that normally they don't give brings up easily you know and and it wasn't easy you know we had a lot of conversations with them and hollywood and disney and get the play from we there was a deal yeah there was a deal but it was good on both ends it's not like. it was one sided anyway on our end or there's you know but we definitely you know we had to agree relationship
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with them until that point so there was was a friendly conversation it's a name of the new label jonas enterprises. the whole original going into parts or are you going to sign other acts and you know where they are so that actually is coming from artists that we really likely find interesting right now is trying to get this record out and focus on our project and then once it's out there and start writing producing for other artists you have your own studio in new york i've got a home studio it's not some crazy but it's enough to get interesting sounds out have fun with it is still very involved in a small that think you know he's taking more of the father role these days and be able to sit back and not managing as much i think for him it's it's as we get older there's things that probably. you know for a father might feel uncomfortable for him not to like dive into so having
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a set of managers that kind of have a particular role for us is i think important in the stage of our career and joe having a dad is important so that coming up we've got a couple of surprises up our sleeves for the jonas brothers who would not want to miss this oh. it was a. very hard take on it. once again here. that we. know. it was.
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their tour today to have another tour coming in the fall their latest single is first time and their fifth album five will be out this fall we have a little surprise for you gentlemen if you would pay attention to the scream. hey larry it's a mantra common you as a democrat it was up just about us it's been a long time yeah saying that stuff we have three things rather quick that we want to can spill the beans on you guys since you know me there's something that everybody knows about you so really quick three things yes these are all true yes. nick jonas yes actually a red sox fan i know that you know you call yourselves the jersey boys out stuff but he's actually a diehard red sox fan letter read stuff is great because you know so it really is it's partly communities are techniques that kevin yeah. i'm sorry man i got to throw to the boss actually all those those girls nice and tight there that's actually a perm yeah is there a straight as a board perfectly straight and he's got to get at least once
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a week to carry those you know and i smells really bad everybody has to clear out and joe apparently he's got a small glass or joe pass around our stage at least once every show to use the facilities it's like clockwork yeah so they're going to happen it's not happened so every night it's it's amazing so there's three things you probably didn't know about jonas brothers. i was in the group comedy open for the group on tour and it was what they said right about it so i know he's a hundred and we've been going at it this whole summer and you know about the red sox and it's actual but. yeah it did it make. a lot of blood and i think i do we. stage every night i definitely run but it's funny that they play with all of us on stage. and there's a song that nick plays by himself on piano so i've timed it out it's about two minutes and thirty seconds so i know how far i can run to the bathroom it's a long show is about an hour and a half you drink a lot of t.v.
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for the show so when you get on stage are going to use the rest of the time in a perfect with you permute yeah the perm is it's a terrible thing for everyone it smells terror is a team that travels with yeah i'm very people here i mean and you party with my friend ryan seacrest you've got real on your own reality show we do the show with ryan which was great it was called married to john it's and we've had a lot of fun doing it doing reality shows very unique and interesting thing now it's a lot you know. you love the warts and all do bad things and yeah of course you know you have to kind of have to let it be you know if you're not doing that and you're not doing a good enough job i think our whole thing going into it was saying if we're going to do this we have to be real and we have to show the good the bad and the ugly so we kind of you know what kind of baby you're having boy or girl we're finding out this week for sure well we got a gift for you oh really just. you take it out. there you know before you go into the love oh this is incredible yeah. that's
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incredible i was showing you so much amazing and what your girl go a little bit everywhere they go were absolutely they anything goes that's incredible thank you it's very nice get any name of it's a boy we have a couple names we haven't really told any ordinary. yes. we do have a lot of great like names that are already in the family so you know we've got joe nick frankie mikey we've got a lot of real or not new names like laffey it is the new knowledge i like it the most cosmos cosmo mother called the sun bluff e.f.l. a. lot about girls' names i've got a couple as well i like i'm up i have a couple like in the pocket i really like so we're going to be a good uncle nate i think so we'll find. you nervous for your brother i mean the little bit i'm just excited to return to watch him pulls hair out at some point
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it's really fun we had to say we can play with the baby and just give it back that's the best part. you're going to be good of girls yeah i think you know nerves kevin. and obviously there's a lot of unknowns but you know that comes with the territory merge looking forward to it do you guys get nervous when you go on sometimes you know what the there are some instances were i will get nervous and i never used to accept it and just sort of resupplied enough shows the boss to be nervous but you know some of some of the shows were some that we had meyers in the audience or the brother stuff that i did i was really nervous but all in all the parents. you first then on broadway were little nervous very nervous not so much that i would forget lyrics which i did but not now that i would forget the words but but it was just it hit me right before i went up because i was hoisted up to the base of the top the theater of the sorrow as the window washer and i had this moment i realized oh my god i'm starring on
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broadway show it's a lot of pressure and that was the nerves and great show it's so good right les a lot of great shows a level yes it will you get it was joe when you got to run through. if. i have headphones in and i can hear him saying his song on stage so i know he's enclosed in the song and then finishing up about electing a really big problem. i think when when you perform at award shows it always gets you because you're looking out there and you see familiar faces you see artists that your peers your peers and whether they respect your they don't you got to give your all and that can be a scary thing how do you over the years when people criticize you and they're always in music business critter i would you handle that knocks people would make critics would make fun of the jonas brothers and it all depended for me what it was about if they were knocking the music i always thought that was interesting because they had this idea that it was manufactured you know because we partnered with
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hollywood and with disney they figured like most of the models for that that it was manufactured when in fact we were writing our music and a big part of the recording of it so they got it wrong had it wrong so when when people are wrong when they're criticizing you and you know it there's facts i think it's way easier to accept it you know brush your shoulders off and keep going but when it's more. you know just criticism for the sake of being a critic it gets a little annoying and for us you know i think we've come into this next phase with the mentality of what what were some of the common criticisms and things about our band that we could work to improve because you know we had law a. success and we were still very young without a lot of time to master our craft any critics hope your job a job or really criticism you say but that's a good point louis i think sometimes in our early on we love to just jump around stage and with all of those had to move around i think it was something
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a lot of critics would pull from a show or say that they felt like there was so much high energy and it started to fall off towards the concert so we just felt like let's just tone it back as now we're back doing this we're just like me about the music we stripped away a lot of our staging and a lot of like the big performance pieces that we had and we just said let's make it about the music and that's what the story's about i grew up with it i agree with joe i think you know when it comes to the criticism and you have to take it in stride i think you can either let it really get to you and there's times where it really does you know speaking honestly i'm i know that i've let things get to mean i think sometimes what's harder is reading what people are saying about you know online like just people can write whatever they want even i credit should i bother with some of the letter your old exactly so you just have to learn to live with it and i think learning how to live with it is an important thing that is an instant thing everyone's been given a voice no social media and people that he was a critic there's no reason for their opinion to be valuable but it is some of how it is that yeah i thought i was big with two and
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a half million followers on twitter but mick has seven million joe has six million kevin has over three million and mick you recently tweeted out a photo of yourself shirtless you're looking healthy let's look at that live good bet that now that i think you took that from me why were you yeah oh yeah there it is so we get the whole idea exactly. well you look at you look who really great you have diabetes so do you have one type one diabetes. yet the whole idea behind the photo was basically to. bring some gershman inspirational people also live with diabetes both one and two you know because it is tough to live a healthy life and stay in shape when you're a diabetic and you know work is there wouldn't be autumn i've got a pump so i still have to do it myself but i have a pump which makes that is their birth no i was actually diagnosed when i was
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thirteen so coming up on eight years we have some social media questions for you and one or two of them are on video my question is if you could name kevin's baby what would you call it and kevin would you accept this is your baby's name let's say it's a boy what would you name it joe ralph ralph raul ralph nader known as the nice right joe. i'd probably go with. jonathan jonathan i like that next question up on the board's terms you know this bothers round his neck oh i don't want to know what are some clothing gifts you gon on this story. there's a girl who's come about three shows who every time she brings me a gold rose this is a really rotten carrot her gold dipped rose twice three times three times and she really she is actually a she she is a senior at georgetown university and i see the process the problem with it
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president of school she's pretty and she's the senior george down and she said joy rose i mean rose i'm sorry and i'm on with the ten he was sort of asked about a meter i mean i don't know right now you know i got shows a lot of my mind but the roses are nice. another head it or i we have some twitter question follow up next. that n.b.a. joselyn says you fans are obsessed with your hair joe what made you want to buzz yours all. this hot summertime good answer. no months ago how do you settle your arguments. you have to argue your bro you do we talk it out i want to know we don't really top that we play x. box you play video games we do and we play call of duty and we just we just so i have two young boys just you guys fight on the skids yeah absolutely yeah we like our room of the car apparently for ten minutes and walk back in and a bunch of i would take some punches if you pick on nick the baby you
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know we never really picked on him you know they had been to that and how pick on me which i don't get i should be the oldest and i should never have happened when they brought him down cable and be on twitter as what's your favorite song on the new album their song is called found on a record called what i mean to you the world so we have three different favorite songs joanna taylor thirty four wants to know if you could change one thing about yourself what would it be. if i could change one thing pretty competitive and i have adjusted that i'm not as brutal to be around in a competitive setting but if i can be a little bit less competitive to get. i am the kind of person if i have a cough i think like it's my death but cancer yeah pretty much i would change that about myself the worst thing for you would be running to the bathroom and coughing right exactly that was the answer is he owes you i want to go back on stage and go he go to the hospital and i like to please everyone or try to please everyone
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around me all the time of organic and he only ends up making it worse plus he kept wants to know where do you see yourselves in the next five years hopefully she'll do and this. together in five years absolutely i'd like to be producing more for the people as well them being. goal ok to be and also follow up with the girl go over us go go go route of ok george down the hall maybe you return the favor with a whole book a gold roses. she follows you in different cities if you can since she's going to be reading i think so anyway there's a game if you only knew everything i want to know those first really have a kissed. the letter and it was jessica and shoot i was like seven and where did you kiss or where were you in school i was just like in a playground somewhere yeah you have of know what happened there no idea first girl you ever kissed and it was a.j. a.j. initials that's her first name is ager a.j.
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and where did you wear that occur on a bowling alley how we i was i was i was a late bloomer i was sixteen first kiss at sixteen sorry larry to have been a j. . she she's good question the exactly. i make first really have a kiss. all the next time on elementary schools or numbers darragh i believe there are listeners later bloomers joe. i was waiting for the right one next carry on guys you guys it's really enjoyed being with you again yeah thank you for having us watching this maturity is terrific so much. thanks to our guests nick joe and kevin jonas that latest single first time is out right now and don't miss their upcoming album five out this fall and remember you can find me on twitter at kings things i'll see you next time cold.
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think. it's because one whole attention and the mainstream media works side by side the joke is actually on we're. going to get. at our team we have to print right. because the news of the world just is not this funny i'm not laughing damn it i'm not how. you guys stick to the jokes i will handle the make up stuff that i've got to. if you're. going to take three. or four chargers. arrangements three. free. free. download free bloggers live video for your media project c.e.o.
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don carty dot com. what's up guys welcome to breaking the set i'm adding my love of the week and america's grossly over militarized police force once again showed its true colors first in charlotte north carolina where police killed twenty four year old football player jonathan feral who was seeking help after miraculously surviving a car crash a homeowner called nine one one and told this patterns that a man was repeatedly knocking on the door at least when they arrived at the scene fairly charged at them but something tells me that by charge they meant stumbling injured so naturally want to cops fired a stun gun when that failed to stop another police officer opened fire and killed him and not to be outdone in the police brutality department on the same day in new york city the n.y.p.d. open fire.
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