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tv   Keiser Report  RT  September 17, 2013 3:29am-4:01am EDT

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espionage it is not a secret he said max that the intelligence community collects information about economic and financial matters and terrorist financing this is because all this n.s.a. information has been released and they're collecting information not only on american citizens and foreign citizens but also on corporations and banks and financing centers around the world he says we collect this information for many important reasons for want it could provide the united states and our allies early warning of international financial crises which could negatively impact the global economy and also could provide insight into other countries economic policy or behavior which could affect global markets economic. infrastructure surrounding the government. to conduct economic espionage in the wake of nine eleven it gets back to how do you define terrorism in america the definition of terrorism is if you kill a bank or anybody else gets killed it's a crime but if you kill a banker that's terrorism trust me it's not eleven and it was just innocent enough
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bankers it would not be the event that we know today is a great tragedy the fact that bankers went down there as a moment ago that pressure starts what will we do the worst of all the regulars are to follow about terrorism was conducted going up against an arch rival spot every single transaction everywhere in the world to make sure that bankers make the most illicit gains possible right back so this is this is not just post nine eleven the evidence suggests that they've been collecting data on all sorts of economic activity for decades many decades they've been collecting this data so the cover story is nine eleven and that it's only been happening for the last twelve years but he says that despite the fact that they were collecting evidence before nine eleven he said that this evidence the data they're collecting should give them evidence of the international financial crisis about to emerge so they have this evidence of a financial crisis about to emerge presumably they must have known that lehman brothers was going to blow that goldman sachs was on the verge of blowing that the entire five. the system is on the verge of blowing what did they do probably just
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engage in insider trading because they certainly didn't warn the american public that's what goldman sachs and the banks and wall street profit knowing that there was a collapse coming in two thousand and two thousand and one we know that from lehman brothers see n.b.c. famously was sold the line that lehman was about to go bust sold to them by j.p. morgan it was shortly my brother it was not actually going to go bust but when the news got out that it was going to go bust you had a huge short selling attack on lehman and it went bust same thing with greece goldman knew was going to go bust the engineer of the collapse they profited from the collapse something of the subprime market same thing with the u.s. economy same thing on the european sample the asian economy same thing on the mexican economy insiders closing the event probing from the event and then claiming the markets didn't we don't know what markets do yes of course you do this proves that what you're saying is the absolutely beautiful proof we've got financial terrorists who traded on a tourist information not just nine eleven that they knew was happening and profited from but it also you know america is now being
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a little bit more comfortable with embedding that it is a empire so one thing that empires don't like to do is lose their position as the world dominant power the u.k. didn't like it when they ended their dominance of the world in the early one nine hundred and the u.s. doesn't like it now and they you know james clapper is admitting here that we're looking at other countries economic policy and behavior which could affect global markets are you which could affect and impact their global dominance so this is something new in global history is that you know empires ball as they get old and you know lack innovation and a new guy comes along and takes over here where it's like we're going to be stuck in some this is it this is this far is innovation could ever take us because nobody else is allowed to compete with them all they're interested in now is making sure nobody can compete with them right well other empires of collapse they've left behind artifacts in egypt. romans here in america they're leaving behind
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a pile of worthless dollars and garbage and prozac and the water that's the legacy of the american empire and a twenty four hour news channel playing old ronald reagan speeches that all these things be left between that land mass squeeze between mexico and canada will be a pile of garbage so here comes the official denial from james clapper the director of national intelligence he says what we do not do as we have said many times is use our foreign intelligence capabilities to steal the trade secrets to foreign companies on behalf of or give intelligence we collect to u.s. companies to enhance their international competitiveness or increase the bottom line no no no no no they don't do that they say and in fact intelligence community's efforts to understand economic systems and policies and monitor anomalous economic activities is critical to providing policymakers with the information they need to make informed decisions that are in the best interest of our national security everyone try this experiment bullet point out of your pocket
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flip in the air and say heads or tails ok and if you can guess the proper heads or tails of ninety times in a row then you my friend are probably in league with the devil well j.p. morgan goldman sachs and other banks around the world last year will report quarters three months or ninety days business trading days of a flawless trading of winning bets every single day never having a down day that's a statistically about as probables flipping heads ninety times in a row or more so clearly they're trading on inside information that they can conduct and then manipulate markets and if they need to invade a country maybe of syria or some other country they don't care many people they murder remember a million iraqi civilians murdered for wall street and the city of london they don't care they don't care if americans die best of that's the bottom line states think america understands that americans are the new to the new era coin the new indigenous population is going to get wiped out by jamie diamond he couldn't give a. a fig no matter how many people go down and of course we already know years ago
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under bush they allowed cia agents active cia agents to work for the likes of j.p. morgan and goldman sachs they're moonlighting there so again that's another blurred line over this corporatism fascism you might call it but why did this james clapper make this remarkable statement why did he issue this on their tumblr blog right well it's because of the n.s.a. revelations from snowden that went to glenn greenwald and he released them to global television in brazil and this is the next headline regarding the reason why james clapper spoke at a safe spying on petro bras if proven is industrial espionage rousseff reports that the united states spied on brazilian oil company petro bras if proven would be tantamount to industrial espionage and have no security justification brazil's president dilma rousseff said she says if the facts reported by the press are confirmed it will be evident that the motive for the spying attempts is not security or the war on terrorism but strategic economic interests anyone in the
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world who thinks that the so-called war on terror is about security just look at the american population there unhealthiest an educated infant mortality bloated obese sick population in the world if america was going to learn about security you probably should know about reflect a zombie nation of psychopaths looking for free money from the government clearly it's not about security it's about corporate espionage and have been from the beginning we've said that from the beginning and now it's coming to light and brazil and other countries are right to abandon the us dollar to get rid of the us dollar you sever the link to the financial terrorists on wall street so petro process is brazil's largest company in october twenty first option off the rights to their giant we were oil field is between eight and twelve billion barrels of oil in there this could impact their decision whether or not they give any of these concessions to u.s. companies but also president restock. brazil is supposed to meet with obama
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on october twenty third and they were supposed to discuss four billion dollar fighter jet deal so that also may be off because they're very serious about this and again you know going back to my point that the n.s.a. spying is about economic sabotage as well as espionage and sabotage because bric the brics nations are what people say are the next superpower and together they are displacing u.s. economic might so brazil is one of the most important of those and here she's got proof that they're spying pretentiously possibly sabotaging keeping them down from ever competing with the u.s. right well brazil with the polish to get you know let this go on any further nation that engaged u.s. contractors for their oil reserves they should not engage in defense military contracts with us corporations they are a sovereign state and they want to try to beef up remember during the previous decades all of south america was a banana republic basle say the american empire now that expired thanks to some
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democratic processes in this country and they've elected democratic leaders are fighting for the interest of the people of these countries similarly in brazil if they want to remain a sovereign state and they have the wherewithal to do so resilient economy is a very dynamic economy you don't need a dollar you don't need the u.s. you don't need to u.s. fighter jets you can't make it out over so you can do it. but part of the u.s. dollar please i beg you now finally on this story is this headline from mt we'll dot com and it says james clapper financial war on the world and they look at this the same memo that national intelligence director released on his tumbler and they say two things first of all he mentions that with their monitoring swift so this is the n.s.a. monitoring swift that we're all financial transactions happened to their well first of all those european nations already have a deal to give that information over to the u.s. government so why is why did they. needed additional information it must be more
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than just the war on terror and financial terrorism stuff so the other thing that he mentions however is that he mentions the word financial weapons he uses actual words financial weapons and as if all their people are going to use it well and he will brings up the fact of for example quantitative easing the likes of brazil have over the years called that financial war brazil coined the term or one of the ministers of currency war to describe what's going on in the currency markets because that's what i think seventies when the our currency were born that were on tethered to anything of substance like coal you know beginning of what we now know as the modern era of currency wars and over the decades due to sophisticated algorithms and by deregulating the banking industry you've been able to create car engineer financial weapons but what if that's what a derivative is you swap assets in a bank in a foreign country that are collateral that you can use to build
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a sound economy with exploding financial derivatives that take down the country well in particular brazil's dilma rousseff complained about q need explicitly she said it undercut brazil's exports at a time when the country was finally booming that goes back to whether or not america and the head of state is ahead tool for economic espionage and sabotage absolutely because the u.s. at the end of the day doesn't feel confident enough to compete they don't want to compete and like a mafioso they just want to extort it's an extortion versus competition i stay sober thank you for coming out thank you max don't go away greg palast coming up after the break you. told me my language a little bit only react to situations i have through. the reports. from the
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no i will leave them to stay current comment on your latter point to say it is. a car is on the docket no god there. are no more weasel words. when you made a direct question are you prepared for a change when you throw a punch be ready for a battle pretty expats. down to freedom to cost. speak your language another day of. school music programs and documentaries in spanish matters to you breaking news a little turn to tip angles stories if you hear. detroit altie spanish. visit.
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to go to the. science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered. there's a media leave us so we leave that maybe. i will see motion security play your part of the. questions that no one is asking with the guests that you deserve answers from. politicking only on our t.v. . you're about to see an interview i did at a greg palast in new york city a few days ago before the weekend we discussed larry summers who only sunday night dropped out of the race to be federal reserve bank chairman but not to worry the
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new front runner is get this larry's right hand boy timothy geithner enjoyed the interview welcome back to the guys report imax guys are very special as greg palast welcome back to the guys report but we're with you max all right thank you with another blockbuster piece larry summers in a secret endgame memo tell us about it well there was a memo written to larry summers who is obama's favorite to replace ben bernanke at the federal reserve board he got a very secret very nasty memo and somehow it ended up in in my hands i you know some thirty dropped that's how i work for those no greg palast i do investigative reporting in america not allowed under patriot act three but we do it anyway. so i got a hold of this memo which says the this is the end game so it's the end game memo it's kind of chilling words that came from his assistant a guy named timmy geithner this is before geithner became secretary of the treasury
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when summers was about to come secretary of the treasury and what it was was a discussion of the secret meetings that they were having with the five big bank c.e.o.'s in new york here in new york that the head of goldman sachs c.e.o. goldman sachs c.e.o. of citi bank c.e.o. of chase j.p. morgan city the bank of america c.e.o. they were having secret meetings to decide us. economic policy and foreign policy really serious stuff basically this was the the conspiracy nuts fantasy you know you have the bankers secretly meeting with treasury officials designing the details of banking regulation policies it's as if the bob got together with the police chief is like a bad scene on the godfather so i disclose this and of course i had to do quite a bit of work to make sure it was real one is that it actually the memo to summer
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saying remember call the boys the memo to summers actually have the private phone numbers of the five big c.e.o.'s. and so i called one of the c.e.o.'s private numbers and sure enough no secretary nothing straight to the man i had to wonder b.b.c. rules say who i was and when he found i wasn't larry larry summers click and all the other numbers were changed but i travel all over the world confirming this memo to geneva to ecuador and darkest new york as well. this is part and parcel of the pattern the energy industry the regulations are written by the energy companies and you've covered this in these various global energy catastrophes and corporations in these various countries here you've got the banking industry writing the regulations that suppose the overlooking overseeing the banking industry and of course you need to this catastrophe two thousand and eight is the five year anniversary and as some of the scribes and now there's been
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a lot of back and forth discussing this basically waiting out the statute of limitations which will expire so and then thought about that well you know the reason why this memo is dangerous is engaging memo it wasn't about the banks talking about regulation it was talking about deregulation or what i call decriminalization this memo was about requiring every nation in the world to join in the u.s. hold hands jump off the banking deregulation cliff that you would a limb in a. rules against derivatives trading we have to call that selling watered stock you could go to jail for that and then you know selling the security which didn't represent anything you know. so allowing derivatives trading wasn't going to cause some of the futures modernization act in two thousand i believe that yes the instance was when they decided that the revenue were no longer gambling instruments and so they would be regular as gambling instruments and that they were financial
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instruments and they came under a separate regulatory bodies but now you're saying that this is yet another chapter in this whole process of making everything completely legal no matter how so. there are dangers of it right what literally used to be criminal which was to speculate on currency movements abroad sell securities which had actually no asset attached to them these were called watered down securities go to prison this is the criminalizing rogue banking it also said the decriminalization of banking was made worse and took down the planet because the glass was called larry summers again we want to go back to summers was behind the summers wrote that law about derivatives saying they're not only legal but you can't regulate them in the case of what's called the glass steagall act we took regular commercial banks your savings banks your piggy banks and mix them allow them to mix up and use your government insured deposits to gamble through investment banks on derivatives and other speculative
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junk it was like saying ok we're going to replace. bank vault with a roulette wheel so summers is the daddy of the deregulation disaster and yet obama's talking about making him the most powerful economic official in the world incredibly powerful plus under new laws the fed is also the number one banking regulator so he can be regulating the banks that he let run amuck. and by the way who have been his clients this guy's worth now about thirty seven million dollars. selling his so-called consulting services to the very banks that he let run amuck and crack house i know you've covered these stories around the world and also in the u.k. as you mentioned b.b.c. and then the great health dot com of course the web site people don't get all the latest i want to talk mentioned quickly mark carney is now running bank of england
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he came over from canada and he has another x. baldwin guy and he doesn't fall under the same umbrella of this corrupt you say that the fed is the world's global central banker so does mark carney in effect works under it larry summers becomes the fed gov fed chairman he would report central areas that the reverse larry reports to goldman sachs if you read the endgame memo which is that greg palast dot com if you actually read the memo it said summers has to report to the head of of goldman has to report to the bank of america they're not allowed to do anything let's take all these five c.e.o.'s and by the way you know the secretary of treasury can call any damn banker that they want what they can't do is do it in secret and they can't give these these bankers inside information or allow them to change the policies and the actual regulations of the united states and in this case was also changed our trade policies we are the point of the end game was to require every nation in the world to throw out all
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their banking police. and the way they did they went to places like ecuador and they said you want to sell us bananas you're going to sells your goods we're going to sell us we're going to sell you our bags our derivatives no bananas unless you accept our derivative africa that's a good and you know larry summers was infamous for once saying that the third world does not accept enough toxic toxins and poisons and toxic assets he wasn't people always talk about chemical and he may have been but he was mainly talking about toxic financial ass. that's it the third world doesn't take our rivers junk they won't take our sub prime synthetic collateralized debt obligations isn't this that's a real derivative by the way or good on real derivative but that's something the junk that goldman sachs was selling at before larry summers got into treasury was completely illegal even have these things they didn't exist because it was against the law ok now the memos are thanks to the smoking gun yeah well i think that everything that you've written about the math i've been about over the rolling
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stone about all the shenanigans and criminal activity of these major banks is now verified confirmed by the smoking gun memo and they're putting the guy who recommended that all these countries around the world are not accepting enough toxic securities to bank up their nation is now running this federal reserve bank that's what obama wants to do and you know you have to keep in mind how did this happen why would obama take the guys known as the typhoid mary of economics and give him the top job the top job in the in the u.s. economy and the answer is that obama's a picking summer summers and his career picking obama summers mentor and his guy is robert rubin at the time c.e.o. goldman sachs and later chairman cochairman of citi bank. jamie diamond and penny pritzker of superior bank jamie diamond of j.p. morgan chase who found barack obama a state senator whoever you know whoever heard of this guy they got behind him they
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raised three quarters of a billion dollars to name themselves a president within hours hours of his election. obama named somers. and his dog's body geitner to run the u.s. economy within hours it was meant that the deal was cut as part of the election deal and there's a sense in the bankers boys this is very dangerous stuff because he works for these guys he works he literally want to say he works for these guys and i mean it's not a metaphor he gets checks he's made millions to people who think or say that this is a victimless crime let's remind people that's going on here using the revenue and it being interest rates artificially low and in no way. the wealth of the nation from the nation if you speculate but let's put it this way it was illegal until this memo went into effect until this little cabal and that's exactly what it is. that
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it was illegal to do derivatives. on foreign securities and foreign currency goldman did a secret currency swap deal on euro with greeks when it got exposed and blew up it turns out that greece instead of making billions on this deal it was a phony they lost billions and that is at the heart of the collapse of the greek economy the second thing was that goldman was selling. collateralized synthetic collateralized debt obligations on subprime mortgages i know it's a mouthful it's even more complicated than that they were betting on the destruction of the u.s. mortgage market when the mortgage market collapsed in america goldman and its key client made four billion dollars at the defense of other clients at the expense of other clients and expense of this planet and i have to tell you that one of the people that confirmed the contents of the memo he didn't give it to me i guarantee you is joe stiglitz a nobel prize economist who was in clinton's cabinet and he said that summers would
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sit in cabinet meetings and when they would talk economic policy he would turn to rubin and say what would goldman think of that over gold and think of this so finally simple it said to him in front of. president the united states you know we're in the west wing you know i mean why are you know why us would go that would think about what's the best policy for the american people and they looked at him like you know he has fallen off a watermelon truck and they got rid of another i mentioned that he briefly another journalist up there writer john perkins and it's confessions and they get the kids and mine and it was your books and you know it's like another chapter in this idea where the u.s. bankers are foisting all of jump on these foreign powers and in exchange they give them stuff you know at an income producing assets real assets boil gas mineral and then up with the toxic securities and blow up on the balance sheets as they're guaranteed to blow up all these balances and lo and behold these guys keep getting wealthier during the five year crisis the past five years the top two or three
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percent net worth doubled in quite simple. and completely bankrupt and they say it was an accident well look look at the look at how much money these five guys have made the the five c.e.o.'s of the banks that larry summers was was playing footsie when they made absolute killing i mean the only one that's in trouble is john cores and is about to go to jail from goldman because he did the no no stealing from from the other boys but. yeah this is been one of the problems in the afghanistan like i said stiglitz said it always ask what does goldman think and what goldman flawed is that the world economy would collapse and they can make a fortune off it that's the sick thing so like these guys were you know like patrols this is not the plato's idea of some plutocrats who are thinking the best of us little people they're saying you know if we can wipe detroit off the map imagine what we can do betting against the city what if we bet on people four million people losing their homes and that's what they did and if we not bet on it
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make sure it happens make sure it happens that's the deep evil of this these guys made sure the collapse happened because that's where the. put their money on collapse ok they cry out they remember the great bell that is the smoking gun and if you have fantastic insight into this evil incarnate larry summers it looks like it's going to be better so thanks so much for going to guys report read it time and again soon you will and that's going to show the guys who report with me back i think you remember what i get greg palast a great belt. i will report back by you know. wealthy british scientists and. time to.
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market. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cause or a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into a report. unexplored antarctica what is it in this icy expanse that attracts the people who come here. on the weekend i know i only go to the doc. and enter into. a new generation of polar explorers is coming. we have a new group of specialists here now all of them are young how are they going to get along with each other and i don't know. what i used to be a bureaucrat. seriously. one ventures away to this mysterious land
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where they live want to eat and want to be actually doing in antarctica. live right on the scene. first straight. and i think your. reporters. can still. be in the. little bit. of both. live.
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but speak. with. a. little. secret lover toure. was able to build the world's most sophisticated robots which will unfortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach creation why it should care about humans and. this is why you should care only on the dog call.
4:00 am
russia warns western powers against jumping to conclusions over un reports on last month's chemical attack in syria. sarin gas was indeed used but stopped short of naming a culprit. a deadly rampage at a heavily guarded military facility in washington d.c. sent shock waves through the nation and raises a deep security concerns. also our guests exclusive inside into the life of a fugitive whistleblower edward snowden in russia months after his revelations on american global surveillance that shook the world.


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