tv Keiser Report RT September 17, 2013 5:29am-6:01am EDT
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max that the intelligence community collects information about economic and financial matters and terrorist financing this is because all this n.s.a. information has been released that they're collecting information not only on american citizens and foreign citizens but also on corporations and banks and financing centers all around the world he says we collect this information for many important reasons for one it could provide the united states and our allies early warning of international financial crises which could negatively impact the global economy and also could provide insight into other countries economic policy or behavior which could affect global markets right economic. infrastructure surrounding the government wall street to conduct economic espionage in the wake of nine eleven it gets back to you have to define terrorism in america the definition of terrorism is if you kill a bank or anybody else gets killed it's a crime but if you kill a banker that's terrorism trust me it's not eleven came and it was just citizens and no bankers it would not be the event that we know today is the great tragedy
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the fact that bankers went down it's terrorism oh my good what will we do oh worst of all thank you oh no that's terrorism this conduct economic espionage rather well despite every single transaction everywhere in the world to make sure our bankers make the most illicit gains possible right faction of the say this is not just post nine eleven the evidence suggests that they've been collecting data on all sorts of economic activity for decades and many decades they've been collecting this data so the cover story is nine eleven and it's only been happening for the last twelve years but he says that despite the fact that they were collecting evidence before nine eleven he said that this evidence the data they're collecting should give them evidence of the international financial crisis about to emerge so they have that evidence of a financial crisis about to emerge presumably they must have known that lehman brothers was going to blow that goldman sachs was on the verge of blowing that the entire financial system was on the verge of blowing. what did they do probably just
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engage in insider trading because they certainly didn't warn the american public that's what goldman sachs and the banks and wall street profited knowing that there was a collapse coming in two thousand and two thousand and one we know that from lehman brothers see n.b.c. famously was sold the line that lehman was about to go bust sold to them by j.p. morgan it was shortly my brothers it was not actually going to go bust but when the news got out that it was going to go bust you had a huge short selling attack on lehman and it went bust same thing with greece goldman knew was going to go bust the engineer of the collapse they profited from the collapse something on the subprime market same thing with the u.s. economy same thing on the european central the asian economy same thing on the mexican economy insiders closing the event probing from the event and then claiming the markets didn't we don't know what markets do yes of course you do this proves that what you're saying is the absolutely beautiful proof we've got financial terrorist group three that it was summer tourist information not just nine eleven that they knew was happening and profited from but it also you know america is now being a little bit more comfortable with embedding that it is
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a empire so one thing that empires don't like to do is lose their position as the world dominant power the u.k. didn't like it when they ended their dominance of the world in the early one thousand nine hundred and the u.s. doesn't like it now and they you know james clapper is admitting here that we're looking at other countries economic policy and behavior which could affect global markets are you which could affect and impact their global dominance so this is something new in global history is that you know empires ball is they get old and you know black innovation and a new guy comes along and takes over here where it's like we're going to be stuck in some this is it this is this far is innovation could ever take us because nobody else is allowed to compete with them all they're interested in now is making sure nobody can compete with them right well other empires of collapse they've left behind artifacts any gyptian the romans here in america they're leaving behind us.
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pile of worthless dollars and garbage and prozac in the water that's the legacy of the american empire and a twenty four hour news channel playing old ronald reagan speeches that all these things be left between that land mass squeeze between mexico and canada will be a pile of garbage so here comes the official denial from james clapper the director of national intelligence he says what we do not do as we have said many times is use our foreign intelligence capabilities to steal the trade secrets of foreign companies on behalf of or give intelligence we collect to u.s. companies to enhance their international competitiveness or increase the bottom line no no no no no they don't do that they say and the fact is intelligence community's efforts to understand economic systems and policies and monitor anomalous economic activities is critical to providing policymakers with the information they need to make informed decisions that are in the best interest of our national security everyone try this experiment bullet point out of your pocket flip in the air and say heads or tails ok and if you can guess the proper heads or
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tails of ninety times in a row then you my friend are probably in league with the devil well j.p. morgan goldman sachs and other banks around the world last year will report quarters three months or ninety days business trading days of a flawless training of winning bets every single day never having a down day that's a statistically about as probable of flipping heads ninety times in a row or more so clearly they're trading on inside information that they can conduct and then manipulate markets and if they need to invade a country maybe of syria or some other country they don't care many people they murder remember a million iraqi civilians murdered for wall street and the city of london they don't care they don't care if americans die best of that's the bottom line staysail think america understands that americans are the new to the new era coy the new indigenous population is going to get wiped out by jamie diamond he couldn't give a fig no matter how many people go down and of course. we already know years ago
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under bush they allowed cia agents active cia agents to work for the likes of j.p. morgan and goldman sachs they're moonlighting there so again that's another blurred line over this corporatism fascism you might call it but why did this james clapper make this remarkable statement why did he issue this on their tumblr blog right well it's because of the n.s.a. revelations from snowden that went to glenn greenwald and he released them to global television in brazil and this is the next headline regarding the reason why james clapper spoke at a safe spying on petro bras if proven is industrial espionage rousseff reports that the united states spied on brazilian oil company petro bras if proven would be tantamount to industrial espionage and have no security justification brazil's president dilma rousseff said she says if the facts reported by the press are confirmed it will be evident that the motive for the spying attempts is not security or the war on terrorism but strategic economic interests everyone in the
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world who thinks the so-called war on terror is about security just look at the american population their health is an educated infant mortality bloated obese sick probably less than in the world if america was going to learn about security you probably should not reflect a zombie nation of psychopaths looking for free money from the government clearly it's not about security it's about corporate espionage and have been from the beginning we've said that from the beginning and now it's coming to light and brazil and other countries are right to abandon the us dollar to get rid of the us dollar you sever the link to the financial terrorists on wall street so petro process is brazil's largest company and october twenty first their option off the rights to their giant we were oil field is between eight and twelve billion barrels of oil in there this could impact their decision whether or not they give any of these concessions to u.s. companies but also president restocked of brazil is supposed to me with. obama
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on october twenty third and they were supposed to discuss four billion dollar fighter jet deal so that also may be off because they're very serious about this and again you know going back to my point that the n.s.a. spying is about economic sabotage as well as espionage and sabotage because bric the brics nations are what people say are the next superpower and together they are displacing u.s. economic might so brazil is one of the most important of those and here she's got proof that they're spying potentially possibly sabotaging keeping them down from ever competing with the u.s. right well brazil would be foolish to get you know let this go on any further nation that engaged u.s. contractors for their oil reserves they should not engage in defense military contracts with us corporations they are a sovereign state and they want to try to become remember during the previous decades all of south america was a banana republic basle state of the american empire now that expired thanks to
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some democratic processes any country that elected democratic leaders are fighting for the interest of the people of these countries similarly in brazil if they want to remain a sovereign state and they have the wherewithal to do so there is going to call them is a very dynamic economy you don't need a bell you don't need the u.s. you don't need to u.s. fighter jets you can't make it on or over so you can do it. but it's part of the u.s. dollar please i beg you now finally on this story is this headline from mt we'll dot com and it says james clapper is financial war on the world and they look at this the same memo that national intelligence director released on his tumbler and they say two things first of all he mentions that swift they're monitoring swift so this is the n.s.a. monitoring swift that we're all financial transactions happened to their well first of all those european nations already have a deal to give that information over to the u.s. government so why is why do they need additional information it must be more than just a war. terror and financial terrorism stuff so the other thing that he mentions however
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is that he mentions the word financial weapons he uses the actual word financial weapons and as if other people are going to use it well and he will brings up the fact that for example quantitative easing the likes of brazil have over the years called that financial war brazil coined the term one of the ministers of currency war to describe what's going on in the currency markets because that's what i think seventy's when we are currencies or for that we're on tethered to anything of substance like coal you know beginning of what we now know as the modern era of currency wars and over the decades due to sophisticated algorithms and by deregulating the banking industry you've been able to create car engineer financial weapons but if that's what a derivative is you swap assets in a bank in a foreign country that are collateral that you can use to build a sound economy with exploding financial derivatives that take down the country
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well in particular brazil's dilma rousseff complained about q need explicitly she said it undercut brazil's exports at a time when the country was finally booming that goes back to whether or not america and i say it isn't a tool for economic espionage and sabotage absolutely because the u.s. at the end of the day doesn't feel confident enough to compete they don't want to compete and like a mafioso they just want to extort it's an extortion versus competition i say it's never going to bring up more thank you max don't go away greg palast coming up after the break. on the way to introduce the crew of c i can to make sure the tree smitty try to introduce. you to look at true self. crushing on to rocks trapped in pack ice
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in extreme conditions in a sink can happen and dr who always comes up with surprises you have to keep your eyes open because if there's always something going wrong the ship carries huge reserves of water food fuel as well as helicopters and people able to survive extreme conditions they're ready for anything even an apocalypse she's really an incredible ship calling all antarctica stations but this is academic a field of radio check please respond. to that you're going to come and watch it. all. go back to our top story now foreign minister sergei lavrov is hosting talks in
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moscow with his french counterpart laurent obvious irises pushing for a strong u.n. security council rest doesn't force the sort of chemical to solomon still brokered by russia and the u.s. diplomats are now holding a live news conference let's listen and we discussed a number of projects where we think we should build up our efforts and cooperation i doubt that mr the overall face very much committed to building a cultural center in paris if they spall to face some difficulties at an early stage but i hope that now is kaylene to go forward speaking out by their children they should say everything is carried superbly totally see eye to eye and our stances and we see the rage of international questions how approaches are similar or even identical. in terms of key problems. today over today sarah satiate we have
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a pro-choice county inside a large extent we appreciate your support for. actions. in mali. i would also like to say that we spoke about drug trafficking out of the works and to share as president of here she. eight has made this priority we also discussed. opportunities to develop ration in this area and this is not the only issue russia and france stand shoulder to shoulder there is one more issue that mr lavrov has not mentioned. that's pretty perry's day decisions on climate change. you know that's. the late twenty fifteen paris will
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see a. comprehensive foods national conference on climate change and we have suggested that we are prepared to gather with our russian colleagues i know this is going to be very interesting. and of course i have to say that so our bilateral copper a share and to its national copper a shanty is very fruitful. we have also spoken about the syrian issue which see you be at which. they are pretty easy to see rand is well because our russian friends have recently met with iranian officials and. i was very pleased to hear sergei's sadly. lover of sin analysis of the of this meeting and its prospects.
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as well it's of course with the we love you to inside five plus one for a minute of discussion. that is the format that includes five permanent security council. member sans germany. from the national party. we have convergent stances on the iran definitely iran has a right to use nuclear power for peaceful purposes. nuclear bomb and you clear bomb. poses a threat to international security with fully share at least in. the mall now speaking of syria. we have naturalists. grimm and between russia and the united states. goal.
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this is a real breakthrough at the same time and this is not. the end. we have to build on this success we have to play this agreement into action. there is a structure and i'm going to say sharon involved in privation of chemical weapons and destruction of chemical weapons they said going to ization has to arrange for a number of special mechanisms that would enable syria to. get by by itself a geisha and said this is a very important issue that is soon going to be on the table of the united nations and together with mr lavrov who insist on campus. and safe and prompt action to prevent the threat of proliferation of nuclear weapons from spreading
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across the whole region we know that the use of such weapons are prohibited and when rash air agreed. when syria agreed to join it they said conventional prohibitions of chemical weapons we hailed this chap yesterday. and the year and experts delivered their report. following the investigation on the use of chemical weapons on the twenty first of august. the secretary general of the united nations sat that this report in this report there is a clear kuntar nation of the use of chemical weapons. our assessments and they sorry big divergent. we believe and.
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these data is confirmed by our intelligence data we believe that this report proves that mr i said to regime is to blame for the chemical attack under twenty first of all ghost. that was the chased off our stance off our contribution to the discussion on the syrian issue our action partners. believe just like we do that there is no military solution we have to stick to political solution which has been dubbed geneva two and just like mr lavrov i attended to the first geneva meeting. that's when we're just worked out a declaration and. we all remember the text of the statements the gist of it still is that we should build
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a transitional government based on national consensus and bad would wilt. comprehensive executive power. and this is the main idea of the first round of the geneva talks now we have. apply the finishing touches to ring the build up to the geneva two talks both the syrian opposition and the syrian ruling regime and they need to. negotiate and mr brahimi should also build his efforts in this direction and if there is a political solution we need to use it to avert further that tragedy in syria i have emphasized as i to. she my russian colleagues took colleague mr la bella if we don't find a solution in
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a few days we are going to find ourselves in a very difficult situation almost all the while i've had to wear batting chemical weapons on the other hand there are still a steeler to go along in syria we can't allow this situation to continue to rain territory. of course a should be a battle and you can recover weapons and it's very important for the syrian consent to prohibits chemical weapons and to destroy so that chemical arsenal. to place it into action but it's also very important to stop close to it is and that's what i actually want to the second round of geneva talks will be aiming at this is in a nacelle. the words. where mr lavrov were about
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so that may say again that we had that we we've had perfect relations yes so we are we differ a little bit about the method we should use in syria but i agree with him that our ultimate a our ultimate goal is this saying we agree that we should achieve this goal all this remains is to discuss. the matters to achieve the best possible solution. question one. to ask one french television show who was that meeting with hello. this is the valley of all the many of. you have with us with their french minister your colleague they report was presented yesterday to the yeah and according to that report. you were. supposed to point the a one responsible for
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a chemical attack and during our report we could come to a quick conclusion that it proves very seriously the fact that the syrian army was responsible and guilty of using the chemical weapon and with and it proved that the syrian army was responsible for launching those missiles is that a trustworthy report can we trust well the u.n. inspectors did not have a mandate to determine the guilt scene. was not an op to us it was the mandate issued by secretary general and that mandate hasn't been fulfilled yet they have to go back to syria as mr. investigate the episodes that took place in march in aleppo and in other parts of syria and other times we believe that they have to investigate for sure the message of using the chemical weapons following the twenty first august and twenty two twenty four and twenty five august and the inspectors are still to do that
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following that. they will find no report on their mission as regarding yesterday's report. was about it particular episode it's as you've just said a particular instance. that inspectors of what's. been their mission and prepare its origin just for the events of august twenty one and many countries support that decision and we did not object. against that specific emergency approach the report proves as we can tell from reading it. just within the yesterday's meeting it does prove that chemical weapon was used and the questions that i rose. initial response we asked them in the security council and the reply about the way or the chemical agent was
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produced. whether it was an if an official factory or whether it was domestic there was no rapes response to that and there were. a number of other questions that left open but once again there has to be researched and it has to be researched not in a nice ally's way by in combination of all the evidence that internet is full off and then change. evidence presented by the. then on year by monastery and evidence provided by a journalist who visited that area specifically to talk to the militants and he received information from them that they received some are weird i mean nation from abroad. and finally an open letter to president obama from the former employees of cia and pentagon where they vance of aug twenty one a word called. a stay
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a stage they were staged events we want to have an independent objective unbiased report of the events of the twentieth when you first saw guests and they have to be investigated we have a serious grounds to believe it was a probation and some of our partners. stated blatantly that their regime was the only one who could use that chemical weapon just as your question just said but the truth has to be determined and. it will be in debt. for our further worst with the security council. chuck. seven when someone states that their regime or their position to use the chemical weapon then will just be able to. play in emotions which isn't acceptable and making significant decisions or will be based on professionals that have to research every message every instance they have to research them very carefully in
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an unbiased objective way and to report to the security council with the full final picture. to people who do. move to questions from our russian media rochelle you kindly but. my first question is to mr fabulously. because the united states has recently. shut its mate made his tunnels easy easy easy and on his toes on the military action in syria by france continues to insist on tough and measures. against the asad regime. can you clarify your chance. can we take it to its differences in the west or are you or you just didn't coordinate imposition with
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your other partners in the western bloc my second question. was how the prospects for the second round of geneva talks. given the differences or just divergence tan's of russia and france thank you. i will answer the first question. just picking on the previous question. on the south report. of the u.n. commission you know i would believe that this reports just like secretary general said in his report that indicates clear
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condemnation of the cameco attack if you will look at the amount of sorry now of the nerve gas that was years. and they quickly into that was used and some other aspects it becomes totally clear as day. that there is a text of. the tranter first of all goes to were perpetrated by the syrian regime as to the question that you have just asked france has always been an advocate of peace we have shown and demonstrated this repeatedly for instance during the war in iraq. you might remember that the french intelligence and the french security agencies. who had been telling as for all from the very start that the. what happened on the twenty first of august to us a chemical attack and to the syrian regime is responsible for that so the same
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agent says had told us that iraq had no weapons of mass destruction and that's why jacques chirac then president of france said we needn't intervene into you rock. and you might also remember that the very first decision of mr or lon to al when he took all this president was to withdraw forces from afghanistan i don't think i need to cite any more examples to confirm that france is peaceful country but at the same time some. at some times when you want when you seek peace you have to. be quite tough. and speaking of the chemical attack of august twenty first. which should be mission look
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for a lot of mentions as an precede dented since nine hundred forty eight. this is really serious. alongside other countries we have said that we have to prevent scenario from using base cameco weapons again to use them from there to use to use them against his own people ass its own people and his neighbor as well so we believe that this tough stance has come in very handy just as russian initiative. but it's thanks to these taft's stance and russian initiative that the syrian regime has agreed to destroy its chemical arsenals and. this is a major change of course and to.
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