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tv   Headline News  RT  September 17, 2013 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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twenty first. which should be and poor it won't mention says i'm pretty sedan to it since nine hundred forty eight. this is really serious. alongside other countries we have said that we have to prevent and there is a me from using base cameco weapons again to use them from it to use to use them against his own people acetone people and his neighbor as well so we believe that this tough stance has common very handy just as russian initiative. but it's thanks to these tossed stunts and russian initiative that the syrian regime has agreed to destroy its chemical arsenals and. this is a major change of course and has to be precise bush i would like to say that on the
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second of september your washer i said it. was very much in an interview to the figaro we have never said that we said any woman he had never said we had any chemical weapons on the seventh of september then however the syrian foreign minister mr while it said we are ready to say where these chemical arsenals are and to stop its production so you can see that all of those five days there's a chance changed which indicates that our tough stance and the russian initiative have made a major contribution to the. what shall we do now now has undertaken to join the chemical weapons convention and competent are going to ization side going to take their appropriate measures
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since security council will pass a resolution with all. so while all this measure said being taken away should be jailed and i'm not saying that we shoot. fight that we should really be aggressive but we should pursue fear with with this tough stance this is what i wanted to say basically. the question for me first i'd like to say is. probably a series not unique in. that it was not replying for a long time whether they had or not weapons of mass destruction what's important is that finally they admitted that they had it and it was more important they definitely joined the convention on that came a cold weapon nonproliferation more than definitely because unlike the normal procedure according to which this convention would have come to force for normal.
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thirty days softer it was the best immediately turn force the convention and syria said they were willing to fulfill their obligations we support that and i think that's the main fact and that's an example as i've said also in the context of the task though was set three years ago by the entire international community to creed . weapons of mass destruction phrase so on in the middle east i also want to stress that. the current dynamics as a result of that agreement. will allow it to improve that here to implement a long term initiative of the geneva conference in order to fully implement those agreements that had been made in geneva communiqué all share it is june two thousand and twelve we. have met. together with john
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kerry and with mr brahimi. we have a common understanding with france we have no disagreements with france on the. calling for this conference more over. back in june. when it was discussed when we were discussing the syrian issues president suggested that aid would. specific date for the conference and to put pressure on the potential participants so that they would. divert from this event the president put in a supportive suggestion but some other members of the g eight. believed it was not reasonable where willing to set the date even immediately because. we are convinced that the government has. that there brady to send the delegation the delegation is already announced the key
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point for us now is for the opposition to do exactly the same thing. we appreciate the efforts undertaken by our american partners and by our other colleagues in europe and in their region. have the decisive influence on the national coalition which they believe is the main opposition if not the only opposition movement but for now so far this efforts have been fruitless and the national coalition. has been our pride to cool it gainst their russian american initiative on liquidating the chemical weapon in syria straw the mechanisms of convention because they are really expected that this problem would be resolved by the military intervention they were disappointed that the intervention did not take place and the issue was transferred into politics and legal area and our in our view
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this stance is counterproductive and those who even pat. this coalition those who created this coalition who can see new building it up there are definitely responsible for it justice for ensuring participation of these opposition areas in the geneva convention and we discussed it with my colleague and our stance is match that we need to do it as soon as possible so that would push all the syrians towards. us as the geneva communiqué last year said the they what contra joint common agreement so for creating a transitional government with all fullness of executive power there is certainly an issue of personality which the opposition has said a number of times however they have to agree which way themselves the syrians have to agree between themselves and secondly i want to point out that the more often
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the more allowed. different capitals including european capitals and washington's and capitals of the regional countries the more often they say that. it is a criminal and that he has no place in this earth and that he belongs in the hague in the tribune no. more controversal this coalition because moms who claim that they represent the interests of the entire syrian nation and the more difficult task becomes to make this coalition to fulfill the geneva communique through calling the new conference with a purchase a patient of syrian parties so and we do have common goals. for his methods are concerned we haven't reached perfection yet we have to keep working for other. people thank a question from you know if you got up please. and i'm going to move on to.
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my real name from and i think i know. mr lauper and i've got a question for you ok it's russian brady two very. own to. you but they're legally binding resolution of the security council. to sixty seven zero at the united nations chapter this is an extra question because we have to be talking not about solutions where there aren't six or seven chapter another chapter we have to be talking about the tasks that the international community is facing right now the task is well geneva two is obvious wherever it is talked about with my colleague and also with the key task is to implement that plan on liquidating on the limb in aiding syrian chemical weapons and. we support the fulfillment of the russian american agreements for obvious reasons
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we do realize that other countries do not persuaded those agreements but our american colleagues and as mr kerry in us we agreed on promoting their procedures that had been agreed during the last weekend in geneva. and this is what my colleague and i also discussed today is. france is willing to support these approaches just as many other countries are and that's something we've been told by our colleagues from other countries as well the proposal is primarily that the priorities step would be for russian americans to prepare a draft decision of the executive council of the organization banning the chemical weapons which would. explain the procedures and terms and events on particular steps of eliminating chemical weapon. in syria this is
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a professional organization. and the ideas of russian american experts on how we should decision in general is explained in the geneva document nevertheless these ideas have to be translated into a legal legally comprehensive and full fillable language and the following draft by of russian american experts in this are going to zation on banning chemical weapons i will be prepared and presented in the next few days the second part of the agreements between russia and america is that. following this decision by the council and the managing council of the organization banning chemical weapon the security council decision and also make a dish take additional measures on the issues beyond the competence of their going to zation and banning chemical weapons. airily in terms of maintaining security of the inspectors were going up aeration definitely they general practice is.
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supported by the russian american document is that the host country the government of the corresponding country has to ensure security of the gratian of those areas and. our statement with mr kerry mentioned that other syrian parties meaning opposition are also responsible for the secure a war over those who will be there doing the job of eliminating the chemical weapon however it's also clear is that some additional steps are required because. the storage place is determined eventually by the first stage of the experts work will require some kind of international presence i'm convinced of that and russia is willing to participate in these events and in sharing such security on the perimeter is of those areas where the. corresponding works will be formed by the
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syrian experts and. so experts basically every solution son. of the security council resolution. will not be the seventh shop here and that's what we're definitely in geneva and the document which. says nothing about it however you will definitely include the obligations of the security council to their regular obligations to control the implementation of the decisions of the managing of their going to zation of eliminating the chemical weapons and in case there are. any instances. of refusing from the corporation or. where if we receive reports that one or another party impeding the work of experts or god for. anyone using chemical weapon then the security council will definitely
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review those situations. as soon as possible determine the truth of whether such groups or suggest a probe occasion because we've had more than enough for vacations regarding syria. to provoke interventions with if there is clear proof and clear evidence the security council has to take measures against the violators and such actions will definitely be performed i also have to mention the american document. specifically emphasizes that we want to sample size those possibilities contained in the convention on banning the chemical weapons i think it's article eight. this article suggests that in case you're going to. finds difficulties in its operation on eliminating chemical weapon in one country
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or another there have their riot the security council so this is joined. who on the ground will get a feeling of how things are done and the security council which will control their operation will receive information from them on a regular basis on their current state of things and emergency information if there are any problems with this junction guarantees quite a reliable legal mechanism of tracking this entire process. i would like air interfax to ask you last question folks on the would ask you know what was interfax edges sally had a question of the rationing medicine fermatas out of his garment. so i just mentioned according to a chair the recent u.n. mission. says that this rocket that was used to make
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chemical weapons attack was delivered by soviet weapons. yes i've seen the south thirty years and part of the. rules. of the know to use all know the rocket to use this seriously culture beds but you know in this region there are really a lot of weapons it's swarms with weapons even dating back to the soviet times and it's very tense that were shipped to leave in spite of the embargo of the united nations security council is now all across north africa and perhaps even beyond it's now in mali and in central african republic can charge in small retain yeah so we definitely let vacate the strict control over all kinds of. arms trade and certainly units and so the current blues words are not surprised production of soviet weapons
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must be stopped wherever it is going on now we have to read a lot of efforts into that because quite a number of countries including members of the united european union and nato see it as a profitable business so they are not changes to banning and stopping the unauthorized production of soviet designed to weapons and we are going to see this. and you know order to answer this question all this the we need to have more comprehensive evidence and not from hearsay but straight from the horse's mouth thank you so much thank you everybody thanks to all the ministers this press conference and now thank you. well we have a foreign minister sergei lavrov danny's french counterpart on obvious they're giving a press conference off the talks in moscow the main focus of the meeting was of
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course the chemical disarmament of syria or scare in paris have agreed that damascus must relinquish its chemical to tear into accordance with a deal brokered by russia and the us russian and french governments don't agree on all the details of in forcing the agreement let's not get more in this war correspondent paul scott pull out of the positions of moscow and paris defer on the syrian disarmament process well both sides were made to stress that their objectives for syria remain the same and that is eventual peace in the country however it appears that the method of getting there is what appears to be the stumbling block at the moment now the french along with great britain and the united states they feel that the wording of any future united nations security council resolution should adhere to chapter seven which would include the possible threat of military intervention if syria were not to comply with the security
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council resolution of course the security council resolution will reinforce what was agreed between moscow and washington in geneva over the weekend that is that syria should destroy their arsenal of chemical weapons by the middle of next year and declare their stockpile of weapons by the end of this week and it's the wording of the security council resolution that is going. to strengthen that agreement that appears to mean that the be the main stumbling block at the moment russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov saying that if syria comply with what has been agreed and there is simply no need for the threat of force to still be on the table however as mentioned france great britain and america certainly came for that to still be an option russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov saying that the. organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons should be allowed to carry out. their work and that the resolution should simply reinforce their work and support their work and only then if syria fails to comply should any possible sanctions or military force
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be taken back to the united nations security council for discussion so although the end goal of peace in the country appears to be something that all sides are striving for the moment the methods of getting there appear to be slightly different and the other thing that was discussed is of course geneva two the possibility of getting the syrian government and the syrian opposition around the table but at the moment not sit still seems unlikely russia say that they can get damascus and representatives from the syrian government around the table without preconditions however the opposition how that precondition to any talks should. only start if president assad agrees to stand down which seems unlikely at the moment so though there is movement it does seem that france and russia are agreed on some things methods of achieving them still slightly different ok artie's postcard thanks very much indeed for that. russia has stressed that the united nations probe including the gas was used in syria last month has not ruled
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out rebel involvement in the atrocity the us britain and france have been quick to claim the report is enough to implicate the assad government despite the u.n. stating that the sarin tipped warheads used in the attack may have been improvised so the report did not subpoena point the sites from where the rockets were launched residential areas of damascus report now has details. therefore released by u.n. inspectors says that there is clear and convincing evidence that chemical weapons were used in the rebel held damascus suburb of on august twenty first but the report does not answer the key question of who launched the top russian ambassador to the united nations batali turk and says that allegations that the syrian opposition used chemical weapons should not be frogged off i think some colleagues jumped to their conclusions when they were saying that this such the report definitively proves that it was the government forces who used the chemical
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weapons in the glued on august twenty first of all we haven't even had a chance to look at the report in part of the u.n. report inspectors describe the rocket used to disperse the nerve agent gas sarin as a variant of an m. fourteen artillery rocket with either an original or an improvised warhead the u.n. report also says that while the exports were canvasing want to talk site individuals arrived carrying other suspected munitions indicating that such potential evidence could have been moved or possibly manipulated the reports said those areas were under rebel control but did not elaborate on the individuals who are ambassador churkin says when it comes to who carried out the chemical attack many questions still remain unanswered one question which i sort of wondered out loud about in the course of consultations and there was no answer to that you know
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we have this scenario of the use of chemical weapons on august twenty one by the government forces they are fighting with opposition armed groups and they've they've fought a number of rockets with chemical well weapons. trying to get through those armed opposition groups and there are no casualties in the opposition groups is it even said equally possible to fire five or six rockets against your opponent. have all of them missed the targets you want to specter's help included that the environmental chemical and medical samples collected provide clear and convincing evidence that surface to surface rockets containing the nerve agent sarin were used in the ongoing conflict between the parties in syria u.n. secretary general ban ki moon says the incident amounts to a war crime and that the perpetrators of the top must be held accountable the un chief says this is the most significant confirmed use of chemical weapons against civilians since saddam hussein used them in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight
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. stay with r.t. for the latest on syria and you can also get more details on analysis on our web site at r.t. dot com. in other news a mass shooting at one of the most heavily guarded military facilities in the u.s. capital is left thirteen people dead including the gunman police are saying the attacker used a valid poss to access washington navy yard the possibility of a terrorist attack and ruled out on saxes in washington d.c. . i'm here on m. street in southeast washington d.c. just a few blocks from the navy yard where police responded to an active shooting that we now learned led to multiple fatalities as of right now the fatality count stands at thirteen people including the suspected gunman who police have identified as thirty four year old aaron alexis who formerly served in the navy and was working as a military contractor police are also looking for a second man who was seen wearing a military style uniform around the scene of the crime he's considered
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a person of interest in the shooting witnesses described the scene shot starting side the building and building one hundred seven i was not there i heard this and shots there inside the building i know it was on the fourth floor when i thank you we did the building myself and other gentlemen were in the alley behind that building and that's where we were shot at the washington navy yard is the navy's largest on shore establishment today it serves as an administrative pub for the navy housing the chief of naval operations and the naval sea systems command many who worked at the navy yard were forced to shelter in place for as long as eight hours until police determined the scene to be say we were shuffled around and just . wish they could home an area here is it where we could be took care of as fours like contacting spouses family members with. the they were very very professional about that they made sure that we were comforted that during this traumatic situation that those who worked at the building considered it secure this is a military environment and we all screened to get in and you know we thought to be
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in the seven vironment but again not on come on you know i said in this area because we had a military zone but for that to happen is quite unfortunate it's believe the suspect may have acquired a security card from someone who has access to the building there are no metal detectors in place as part of security as of right now there is no known motive and survivors are still trying to piece together what they lived through. that's going to be tough in washington sam sacks are to. well president obama has lamented yet another mass shooting describing it as a cowardly act on the country has seen numerous recent god attacks the latest rampage is the deadliest of the many chips it seemed for years let's take a look at the time end of this now in the vendor in two thousand and nine and on a psychiatrist killed thirteen people injured thirty two more in a rampage at fort hood texas two years later twelve people lost their lives in
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a mass shooting at a movie theater in aurora colorado less than six months after that adam lanza shot his mother dead before entering sandy hook elementary school and killing twenty six most of whom were children in march this year another shooting spree at a military base there three days when the attacker opened fire on fellow service personnel and a few months later an employee twenty three year old killed five people including his own father in santa monica bickel analyst now gordon duff says that such incidents highlights major flaws in america's security system the issue we have i think is that we have a massive amount of security in places where it's highly visible where the threats are really very very low they're done for appearance sake only. america is it is a country with maybe two hundred million or more privately owned weapons. the idea of increasing security in the united states the people are very much against it
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they're tired of twelve years of being followed catalog wiretapped apparently all our mail being read. people are tired of that. there is no amount of violence that's going to bring the american people do a point where they're going to want more government more watching more security more big brother. next to join us on a trip to one of the least accessible places on earth. we've talked before about people getting in trouble throughout the usa just for gardening in fact according to the christian science monitor a couple in florida has been fined five hundred dollars a day until they dig up their vegetable garden which is on their own property and mediately people who write these articles draw comparisons to communist russia
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where people weren't allowed to grow their own food unless the state allowed it yes the river appeared in russia forced agriculture to change rapidly and often against the will of many of those involved and this did lead to starvation revolution isn't fun but what about after that while stalin and khrushchev gave out a lot of doctors which are private summer houses where people guard and also there were markets in the soviet union where people could bring the food they grew to sell to see all these pictures behind me these are people in the soviet union selling food they produced privately and legally but there were some moments in soviet history when there were some taxes placed on the sale of your personal goods from your personal labor which according to russian website history of taxes was around ten percent whether you love or hate communism more than anything doesn't matter this half truth about shooting soviet gardeners birds like wildfire on the american side of the internet the real truth is that in fact when the us government for every reason in various forms clamps down on private gardens it isn't the same
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as communism but is actually technically worse than communism for the majority of its lifespan where you could guard it up as you like excluding the brutal revolutionary period but that's just my opinion. i think. they really. did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy correct albus. role. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and across several we've been hijacked why a handful of transnational corporations will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once will just my job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on.


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