tv Headline News RT September 22, 2013 1:00am-1:30am EDT
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syria completes the first step of its chemical disarmament plan while russia u.s. diplomatic progress on the issue was overshadowed by fresh exchanges over who's to blame for last month's poison gas attack near damascus. amid reports of moderate opposition fighters joining the extremist ranks we look at the aftermath of a rebel siege of an ancient christian village where people were forced to flee their homes to protect their fate. polls are about to open in germany's parliamentary election which looks set to see chancellor merkel securing a third term a growing social and economic difficulties leave many disillusioned. and as germans cast their ballots greece awaits the outcome we'll look at the just how the decisions made in berlin will echo in athens.
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you're watching our t.v. live from our studios in moscow and thanks for joining me. syria has fulfilled one of its key obligations as part of a chemical disarmament plan handing over a list of its talk six stockpiles to the international watchdog the deadline said today russia u.s. deal hammered out last saturday was also met this apparently surprised american officials with some saying the inventory was more complete than they expected but despite serious compliance so far not everything has been smooth on the diplomatic front this week or to use a missile now has the details. as chaos and violence continue in syria so does the diplomatic battle surrounding the conflict this week
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a un investigation concluded chemical weapons were used on august the twenty first the environmental chemical and medical therapies that the u.n. investigators collected provide clear and compelling evidence that the surface to surface rockets used in this attack contained the nerve agent sarin we know the regime possesses. and there is not a shred of evidence however that the opposition does please this isn't complicated when we said we know what is true we meant it but the u.n. report doesn't blame the assad regime for the attack or mention other chemical weapons attacks allegedly carried out this summer russia claims there is still no evidence the syrian government is guilty and rather many suggestions the attack was a clever attempt by rebels to push for foreign intervention we have every reason to
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think that it was a provocation a small provocation of course but the technique was very simple they use an old soviet missile which are no longer in service with the syrian army the key thing is that the missile carried the label made in the u.s.s.r. russia says the u.n. report was rushed and ignores relevant evidence of other chemical attacks in syria the deputy foreign minister of egypt called in damascus this week confirmed un inspectors were informed. this material which was collected by the syrian authorities was discreetly handed over to drum the head of u.n. mission here mission of experts which came and investigated the incident but never did so on the three subsequent incidence and then sell strong was asked to look into the and eventually factor this new evidence
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into the final report of drums mission you can never happened in fact still the u.s. is pushing for a response based on this u.n. investigation just last week the u.s. and russia agreed to a six point plan to read syria of its chemical weapons damascus pledged to move forward and has so far complied the chemical weapons ploy if you like by the west and by the by the jihadist was. was countered effectively by russia and damascus saying ok you want to chemical weapons you've got the chemical weapons it's interesting to note that the free syrian army disavowed that agreement and will not . and that little in the other forces will not give up their chemical weapons in this whole dispute and and john kerry the u.s. secretary of state is not even pushing on that instead he is pushing on the u.n. security council to sign
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a strong resolution possibly even mandating force what recently seemed like a small victory for diplomacy in the syria crisis a new road is slowly going back to old ways as washington continues to threaten force and moscow push for compromise the battle continues and he's in our party washington. as we just heard u.s. secretary of state john kerry insists there is no evidence to suggest that the syrian opposition has sarin gas well michael maloof who works for the u.s. defense department for nearly thirty years showed us what he claims is a classified u.s. intelligence report stating otherwise. i have. a report from a source who has direct connections with two to classified information it's one one page i mean expecting others it's classified secret no foreign it's from
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the n.g.i. sea or the national ground intelligence center the u.s. military did an assessment based upon fifty indicators and clandestine interviews that the sourcing of siren originated out of iraq into turkey before some of it was confiscated in may in turkey and that there has actually been a more significant amount of cern production both in iraq and in turkey going to the going to the opposition principally al-qaeda and we've had separate reports now that al qaeda elements are rather significant numbers. and have and now have permeated into the opposition so the ability to be able to. distinguish who gets what and where is going makes it much more problematic for this administration meanwhile on the ground in syria the number of al qaeda linked
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extremists within the opposition ranks is rapidly growing hundreds of rebels from one of the free syrian army is the largest brigades have reportedly pledged allegiance to the islamist all nusra front the extremist elements of grows and violence turns increasingly sectarian syrian christians are becoming a frequent targets of the rebels are to worry if an ocean now reports on the aftermath of the ancient village of falling into the hands of jihadists from the syrian village of beit hanoun a is where the error made clear believed to have been spoken by jesus christ was in daily use but not say not sure these days. after jihadists attacked this mostly christian village in syria more than two weeks ago local residents were forced to flee the battlefield that was once their native land and calm organized life. many of them to graph huge with christian families in all damascus we try to meet them only the clergy house vocal music stores for us
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that. many refused to talk because their relatives remain missing they say is the miss kidnapped people and they fear this could put them in even more danger and these people know well about danger three members of on two on its family were killed on the first days of the siege. in the morning by the shards of a log bar closed the doors and all gathered in one room they told us to run there and we won't harm you and one mikkel in charge he went there and surrendered they pointed their guns at them and started shooting i was injured in my chest and. one of them offered to save me but i ignored him and the other one said let them die hundreds gathered for the funerals of the three men who they now call mall choose those muslims and christians the attack on malala village syrians say was an attack
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on the country and its way of life. the family what's going to be there a game other than the throw in the current strand of muslims and christians live in my luna but it's surrounded by four or five muslim villages maybe they see this as the last obstacle in their part. here and two on it's father in law is eighty eight years old he says nothing like this has happened in his lifetime. we were living in peace and now it seems they want to throw all the christians out of the country who pray to god that will defeat them and kick them out another relative who's afraid to show her face says it's hard to say how many people were killed in the lula because militants holed in the village often keep bodies for further rennison and to instill fear their goal is not assad their idea is to establish an islamic emirate in all of the middle east however fine countries are helping them with weapons money whatever they need helping them destroy the country and people of this region special sweet sanctified bread he serves in the family to commemorate
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the dead. in church they held special ceremonies for several days. and again all the syrians equally shocked prayed together for the dead and alive the ancient language in my lula united people for thousands of years the help now is that it can sustain them for a little longer and old over the country the two hundred harvie alone conflict is taken lives language and shattering people's hope. from damascus in syria in just a couple of hours time germany will vote in parliamentary elections while polls suggest angulo marcos christian democratic union will win there is growing discontent in the country with the mainstream political parties voters have been left unimpressed with campaigns and as artie's peter oliver reports and i feel the bulk of the most pressing issues have been left out of the debate. well there's
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nothing more the politicians can do it's up to the german people now to decide who will be the next chancellor of their country and perhaps more importantly just who will be taking up seats behind me in the german parliament and it's hardly been an election campaign say pulses racing it's been more notable for the major issues that were talked about than those that were things like the future of the eurozone in the ongoing crisis within the monetary union were hardly mentioned if at all also germany's role within europe over the coming years how will that change well if i'm going to merkel becomes the chancellor for a third time it's unlikely that i'll change too much mrs merkel has been the chief cheerleader of all star ity for the cash strapped southern european countries also in the n.s.a. spying scandal now across germany we've seen demonstrations here in berlin as well as all of the other major cities by people wanting answers from the german
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government germany was one of the main countries that was spied on by the the n.s.a. is part of their prism program no answers were forthcoming from either angle or merkel or her main challenger in this election campaign period of the social democrats particularly touched on in the lead up also the current financial situation for germans as being an increase in the amount of people in the country that would be regarded as working poor fish time to put forward a minimum wage that he wanted to see imposed that was not. thing it just wouldn't work now to get into the german parliament any party just needs five percent of the vote in the past this is a lot smaller parties to get a foothold within german politics one party that it seems may get across that threshold and could have potentially huge influence when it comes to forming future coalitions alternative deutschland alternative for germany or a euro skeptic party an anti euro party if they get into parliament well that.
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could seriously affect just how whoever comes out with the majority deals with coalitions that have been formed now they say that they won't operate with mrs merkel unless she it being adopted a euro skeptic anti euro policy so that could be all very interesting to see just who comes out as part of the coalition government after this german election the polls close here at six pm local time i'll be bringing you all of the news as we get it throughout the day here on r.t. on how merkel recently described her country as the motor of europe but that might not sit well with many germans unwilling to continue bailing out their cash strapped partners on top of that many are concerned about an ever widening income gap and continuing disparities since reunification business and government consultant christoph forstall says this has all led to apathy amongst the german electorate people in germany by a large numbers very frustrated so frustrated that all the media are coming out
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these days with you know his pleas in the elections daughter who are to go to vote don't stay at home the government is very clearly afraid the whole system in germany is afraid that more than fifty percent of the germans could epstein and that would be a very bad sign for the system obviously right now many germans on the move that they would be ready you know to vote for dirty or donkey to get rid of the euro eighty percent of the germans don't want to pay in the you know more tax payers hard earned money into supporting the road to currency euro well doubting today germans will not only decide their own country's future in austerity stricken greece people too are closely following the election the country needs another bailout to keep going which depends in large part on what germans have to say about it this is not reports from athens. when it comes to finances decisions made in
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germany are often felt right here in greece and the outlands may be the birthplace of democracy ballots cast by german voters have a huge role to play in this country's future that despite two bailouts and across the board spending cuts is still struggling through one of its worst recession since the second world war unemployment just soaring and two thirds of young greeks are without work and despite two aid packages for some two hundred forty billion euros revenues are still short of expectations what's more the growing consensus is that greece is unlikely to get back on its feet without more help so a little third term for chancellor angela merkel mean more austerity as well starship for greece and how do people here actually feel about a potential change in leadership in europe's largest creditor nation we decided to hit the streets of athens to find out take a look at your money up close. you see you can. you hear the chanting there there's plenty solution but each one has with me intervene so much
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in my country that it feels like greece is controlled by foreign politicians we've been lucky enough policies hurt the greeks as well as the germans but regardless of who wins the result will be bad for us because our politicians are weak germany in general has a good. common good and i don't believe what some greek sees the times says do so as you just heard a mix of views there although germany contributed to to bailout loans to greece models austerity policies are widely blamed for future spending cuts and whichever way germans and up voting it certainly is likely to be felt right here in greece reporting from athens from r.t. on this the counting of. greece has seen violent protests this week following the murder of a prominent left wing activist he was allegedly killed by a man claiming to be a member of the far right golden dawn party which has been riding a wave of popularity of manned growing economic troubles in the country george katz
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regardless a professor of constitutional law believes there is a direct link between the anger and the rise of extremist movements. in the majority of the good people he's exacting these austerity measures and unfortunately the i'm getting into despair is feeding those so that eyes of the new fascists of the first is a strong minority people now we've got a good morning a massive there must be some of the public sector a very confident peaceful and of course not at all violence to most of them but all of that has been a complete eclipse the way the matter was i got best babysitter knew if i says the group the only hope for greece is a purse lisa stated. this is going but to that or might it be of a sort of a utopian socialist state. still ahead for you this hour iraq is rocked by a bloody day of sectarian violence
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a series of attacks targeting shared neighborhoods and gatherings make it the deadliest day this year. plus brazil's president cancels a state visit to washington over n.s.a. spying allegations to take a look at the measures the country is mulling to protect itself from the u.s. cyber surveillance. iran seems to be offering an olive branch to the west ahead of next week's un general assembly meeting a change of tone that first appeared with the election of a new president has become especially noticeable this week here's a look at some of hasan rouhani is moves that may be signaling a thaw first in a recent interview he made it clear iran will never pursue nuclear weapons adding that his government might be ready to strike a deal with the west rouhani further address the topic of cooperation when he made his case for putting an end to frosty relations and engaging in constructive dialogue in an open letter to the washington post newspaper and in
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a conciliatory gesture iran released almost a dozen political prisoners this week two of them renowned human rights advocates at the core of this push to defrost relations is an exchange of letters between rouhani and president obama while the white house indicates the pair can meets although not formally at the u.n. general assembly next week jamal of d policy director at the national iranian american council shares his thoughts on what can be expected from this potential landmark meeting. you know there's a lot of work to be done i mean no u.s. president has actually sat down with an iranian president since since you know the one nine hundred seventy nine revolution so i think what we can expect from this upcoming meeting is probably some sort of symbolic handshake or or signal something along those lines but i do think that this paves the way for a substantive meeting between both sides to actually address with these outstanding issues that are on the table including obviously the nuclear issue where rouhani
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has expressed willingness to increase transparency and perhaps put some caps on the nuclear program but that meeting will also necessitate some discussion of actually easing sanctions on the u.s. side but i think that this is definitely possible. the deadliest assault on civilians in iraq this year has claimed the lives of at least ninety six people after a string of attacks targeted shiite muslim nabl main neighborhoods the majority were killed when suicide bombers attacked a shia funeral in the capital baghdad anti-war activist richard becker from the answer coalition believes the bloodshed raging in iraq is just an echo of the u.s. led invasion. the fundamental cause of the ongoing violence in iraq the us invasion and occupation which tore iraqi society apart and in which at the time of the occupation the us. favored certain groups in the
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population against others demolished the state have existed and said in that place in it's place we are going to give you something new and better democratic and wonderful and in fact the tearing apart of iraqi society back in two thousand and three. is still. reaping the kind of consequences that we saw the horrible consequences that we saw in iraq and i think that. we responsibly for this claim for this has never. been attributed in the mainstream media in the united states to those who are responsible and that is those who created this war the bush administration and all of its agents will be right back after the short break stay with us.
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well. technology innovation and all the developments from around russia we. covered. well see british scientists are. spot on to explain the different. markets why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to conjure reports .
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welcome back you're watching are to live from moscow i'm lindsey france thanks for joining me this news in brief now kenya's security forces have reportedly contained al shabaab militants in a shopping mall in nairobi after the islamists took control of the building on saturday at least thirty nine people have been killed and over one hundred fifty injured in the attack and an unknown number of hostages are reported to be in the center of the attackers have been killed during the standoff with police somalia based al-shabaab says the assault was in response to the presence of kenyan forces in somalia. china has evacuated more than eighty thousand people and deployed thousands of disaster relief troops in regions that lie in the path of super typhoon it is expected to strike on kong and other parts of the country with in the
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coming hours soggy has already battered the philippines and taiwan triggering landslides severe flooding and massive power cuts. brazil's president dilma rousseff has canceled an official visit to the u.s. over allegations that america's national security agency snooped on her e-mails and phone calls leaked documents from x. and s a contractor edward snowden suggest that the agency also tapped into communications of ordinary brazilians the revelation has prompted brazil to look at ways of protecting its data and internet independence from the u.s. marine a port has the details. as the n.s.a. spying scandal continues to undermine america's global standing one u.s. ally is not willing to forgive and forget brazilian president dilma rousseff has canceled her scheduled visit to the white house next month pulling out of what was supposed to be the first official state visit of u.s. president barack obama's second term it would have also been the first for
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a brazilian president in nearly two decades in addition to breaking dates brasilia is also taking steps to divorce itself from the u.s. centric internet while seeking its own sovereignty in cyberspace president rousseff has ordered a series of measures aimed at greater brazilian online independence including storing citizens data locally to protect from n.s.a. snooping according to reports the brazilian government is also planning to lay underwater fiber optic cable directly to europe and also link to all south american nations currently most of brazil's global internet traffic passes through the united states now experts say if other nations follow in brazil's footsteps the u.s. . cloud computing industry which stores data remotely could lose tens of billions of dollars in business by two thousand and sixteen brazil's path towards internet sovereignty follows revelations that the n.s.a.
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intercepted president rousseff communications hacked into the network of the state owned oil company and spied on brazilians in trusting their personal information to u.s. companies like facebook and google president rousseff says she intends to push for a new international rules on privacy and security in hardware and software next week when all the heads of state gather in new york. on tuesday the brazilian leader is set to open the u.n. g.a. debates and her u.s. counterpart president obama is set to take the stage immediately afterwards reporting from new york marina r.t. . on our web site a mass pro independence rally comes to edinburgh ahead of next year's referendum and you are invision section at r.t. got on to see how thousands of scots have stressed their cultural identity saying no to a centuries long time i wanted. plus russia's female soldiers proved they're just
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as tough as their male counterparts to show off their skills during special forces training if i put it that at our emotional page. up ahead our special report looks at the victims of friendly fire incidents in the us army. i got some angry but polite messages after i came out in favor of the foreign adoption ban of russian children by people in the usa this is not a dig on america i think russia or any country that respects itself should export any children to anywhere at all people tell me that i'm paranoid that the decision to stop the foreign adoptions punishes the children were a massive reuters investigation called the child exchange has exposed some dark
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secrets about adoption of foreign children they expose it often by using the term read homing which is normally about finding new homes for animals people are basically advertising adopted children they don't want like baseball cards on e bay we're just found out that on just one yahoo group our child a week was offered up to the public my wonder what kind of people want to discreetly get children off the internet the thing is that in the us adopting a child. from overseas is hard but transferring them to someone else later on is a breeze all you need is a notarized power of attorney document to clearing the child is another adult care so for those of you who think i am a cruel nationals because i support russians doctrine bad then take a look at the child exchange and you might just start to see my point but that's just my opinion.
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