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tv   Venture Capital  RT  September 22, 2013 8:29am-8:46am EDT

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it's all politics only on our team. if. really bad. for you the media. radio or t.v. dot com. that was a vegetable so on gates it will be encouraged in the great we check in with all teachers of cap and also use in our purses tell us about the real feeling on the streets that last i spoke to the head of saxo bank and i asked him what the underlying problems of the yahrzeit are and what needs to change to sort of
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problems out what is up with what is the call to show in thomas our in-house investor poise at the business desk to give us a peek at his because i thought fast. this week the federal reserve defied expectations and decided to keep the u.s. economy on life support the fed will continue to pump cheap money into the system or injecting the sick patient with steroids fed chairman ben bernanke is concerned that the u.s. economy is still not healthy enough to survive without its monthly medicine he's referring to the eighty five billion dollars a month the stimulus program which equates to one trillion dollars a year as a huge prescription halt of which is spent on supporting mortgages the other five hundred billion is spent on government bonds he also warned that the looming debt ceiling showdown that may have very serious consequences unless a date is reached soon but it seems like the more the debt ceiling is moved the
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falls to way approach again and ceilings and left some kind of freaky theme park ride are not supposed to move so now. by name as i am from a betrayed he predicted correctly that missed it but i think he would continue his matters so. tell me is the third or was doing the right thing by keeping the patient on the medicine on the life support. to take this kid out of rehab are we going to look at the history because in two thousand and ten when the end of the a q e what happened was there was a market selloff a similar thing happened in spring two thousand and eleven in two thousand and twelve the twister operation happened exactly in a similar situation we are doing eighty five billion dollars a month what is the emergency of doing this there is no reason for doing this in two thousand there was a quantity of using going on of this scale i mean i certainly do not remember this
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kind of massive quantitative easing going on if there is any sort of an leave for this going on for traders and like i said before you've got to love this market or you're just going to keep doing it and the markets and the real economy is are two different things completely because market is at its peak but whether the economy is that there no not at all because we have a growth which is literally very very fragile and then the fed they wanted to keep the kid on steroids and they wanted to keep thank you. thank you for your time today very much appreciated. greece enjoyed a five day strike this week by public sector was protesting against tough spending cuts and job layoffs and to make matters was the country's prime minister said that the country will need another six use to return to pre-crisis levels. already received. aid packages were two hundred forty billion euros since twenty ten and is expected to receive
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a rescue package of ten billion euro single lucy calf and she's in athens for us to tell us all about it now lucy good to see you just that can you tell me what to the protest is actually wrong. hi there katie well the protesters say that they want to preserve both their lives and their livelihoods six years of consecutive recession here in greece has certainly taken its toll the latest round of frights is been in response to new austerity measures imposed by the government in order to rein in spending it will affect up to twenty five thousand jobs here in greece with thousands potentially laid off or redeployed what this means is that a lot of these civil sector workers might either be forcibly moved to other positions against their will or will have to work and reduce our is not this is something that they say is completely intolerable for them not just because it is a painful economic measure but because of the cost of living here has gone up they've already been dealing with up to forty percent reduced pensions and salaries
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and they say that these new cuts are just too much for them to handle and it's not just civil sector workers teachers remain actually off the job we've seen doctors walk off the job as well and of course it really is something that they say they're tired of they feel like they're paying for mistakes made by the government and by big banks and they don't want to be the ones who are paying that price. is the. government and the banks who they directing at exactly. as well as the eurozone are true i mean we've heard different. ideas of opinions on the ground some people feel that it's the government's mismanagement that's due to to to blame for their problems they think that austerity measures isn't a necessarily the only thing that the government could be doing but at the same time when you actually talk to people about what other options the government has no one can really come up with a solution all they know is that they're tired of being the ones who who are basically seeing their quality of life go down seeing their salaries go down we
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have to keep in mind also that this is a country that has a record unemployment staring thirty percent two out of three young people are out of work people who do have jobs like some of these civil sector workers have found their pensions have gone down their salaries are being cut and while they're not exactly sure who specifically is to blame for this they know that they are tired of it but one thing actually that we noticed what that was a little bit surprising is that the turnout wasn't as strong as it was in the years before and what that signified according to some of the people that we spoke to is that a lot of greeks frustrated with the situation are really becoming resigned to it there simply isn't that level of hope and optimism that that feeling that perhaps taking to the streets will somehow be heard because again as you mentioned two bailouts are already possibly another one in the works they simply don't feel like either the government or the euro zone or the european lenders are hearing their voices lucy kasnoff that in athens giving us a real insight into the resentment being felt by the people on the streets in
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greece caught up with the head of stocks the bank loans kristensen one else to the pope of the euro zone are what needs to be changed. some fool. by the euro's a major drag on growth it's it destroys economies it has destroyed several economies already zero very close to and it will continue to do so so the really sure they has to they have to deal with this how. do we slowly but surely change so you are from where it is now into something that either works all it's this main of to some extent to make it work you have to make a full scale economic foundation on the fit in my view that's not going to happen i don't think should happen i think europe is better off with competing economists and their respective of what i think i don't think the populations of europe are ready to or to accept that full integration so that leaves really only the other option which is to smile the euro that doesn't necessarily mean exploded into seventeen old currencies but it does mean that you cannot have police in portugal
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and germany in the same currency union or simply will not work whether that means to you also three euro so ten euros or germany leaving the euro and leaving the rest to battle it out in a little bit more benign environment i don't know but but something has to happen because it cannot continue on its console mode and you will never see growth in europe again until we dealt with that problem now what we are to this probably seems to be a year of having a banking union and that all steps being made she put that into progress is this the also the. my view of ten countries in europe in the e.u. in the you will so right now many of these countries have specific you said no saying you took being in the euro so. and introducing the fact that the bank union is in effect introducing all the bad things from the you were sold through the backdoor so it's it's not only very very small but it's also very undemocratic
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because it's in essence what what people have said no to already the banking union just the next iteration is not in the first world will be that this is so derek so i dare. between you're for the week which means less than you are you've got a weakness from bridge to support. and this is just not the way to go for me breaking you know and i hope it doesn't come to pass but if it goes across the eurozone i don't foresee beginning to then also involve countries but why should i have to stay out of the euro zone. like a corporate news time we're going to get stuck a miss something small k. girl's best friend you know that crosses diamond mine are also out in the world produced by our place in paris is reportedly planning a chef sell this. the government passes so forty percent of the company says it must go in the privatization deal which is bid in the war. two thousand as a company sees its valuation between nine and fifteen billion dollars. the biggest
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russian is to pay which thank you we are already trading on the nasdaq is to hold a secondary public offering stakes what i've achieved hundred seventy million dollars will be sold by its founders and board members as well as by mel who were. the vulture grow ways company is a day has reportedly applied to price aids in the great rabbi company trans i see these plans as a part of russia's and this it is to support friendly green this complicated economic state according to the russian government speak about it's. ok we know that the sadr has made their decision this way we'll talk about it and that meant the global markets so let's go to almost all in-house abbess and see what he was up to and if you actually want us to benefit from the rally that it's also what have you been up to well actually katie i did benefit my friends down at the federal reserve i must thank them for not tapering that as stimulus but basically what that
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meant for us here is that you know energy use were all across the board and if you remember i stayed with energies in fact my notes i've got a big happy face on the. three percent and lukoil both up one percent which means i gave you this week also if you remember i stayed with agriculture at least agro they didn't lose money they didn't gain money traded flat so it didn't really benefit me much and but i didn't lose anything so overall i'm up one hundred eighty five dollars this week for a grand total of nine thousand four hundred sixty three dollars down almost five hundred from my original ten thousand but still i game this week so i am a happy happy man you said the first time investor that's all bad bank come on this winning streak what's going to happen next week you're going to keep it going well yeah of course you know like with energies and oil why change a good thing so i'm going to say well as they say in the gambling business i'm just
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going to let it run how ever i now actually i'm going to get out of agriculture though because it didn't do me any good and ready for this i'm going to get into the potage wars i'm going to enlist i'm going to do my part to see what i can to gain some money off of this craziness that's happening and here's why euro calley is surging there up nearly six percent five point eight percent so i'm going to try and get in and see if i can make some money off of this chaos right now you show us some. of that and this will. sell on the boston stock market so you know it's a good thing and that's all for today's events have to next week though although you can still see that taking the show on the right to the international economic forum said to me that if you can. wealthy british style it's time to. go. to
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the. market so why not. find out what's really. happening to the global economy in these kinds of reports on our t.v. . to speak our language. close programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on. reporting from the world's hot spots of the ip interviews intriguing stories for you to. sue finntroll a small t.v. arabic to find out more visit our big. dramas that can't be ignored to. stories others to refuse to notice. the faces changing the world lights now.
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so picture of today's needs long life on demand from around the globe. up to. fifty. one of the new bushell said it was born of nuclear attacks on america as israel explores syrian land coming up. rubbles warning bell strike the u.s. . even weather forecasts are now used as a weapon. and why syria is being called the last the battle.
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sixteen degrees in holmes means that sixteen hundred cameras for saudi are obeah and consoles al-jazeera will be in homes town square shelters of rebel slogan for five minutes and get paid in cash by the saudi u.s. networks which can then show this country is in chaos highly skeptical of the c.n.n. and b.b.c. versions parliamentarian nick griffin went to see what syria was actually like he found it fit if different places are quite normal. to get it. out explained that. this is the rules are but there is still a wall being waged against these people to know basically and even if it does well . he said i think he's saying the last few minutes just. is absolutely will. most likely days nic joins us now great to see you sir with the
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saudi will hold these or us but al qaeda is this foreign driven it clearly is for injuries and. did an interview with a a rebel who was a suicide bomb killed who still believed he was in a ripple hospital. because injuries and so on and so i asked him posing as a british jihadi volunteer i asked him will where he going to go once he concludes syria and quick as a flash he comes back and said we're going to attack iraq we're going to attack america because they're the real enemy you know watkins when a bomber gets enough congress the pull to bomb the us attack on syria will dry again iran it will dry again israel even the egyptians have said that the probably struck close this the suez canal if the straits of hormuz are closed as well then the oil will go up to what four hundred dollars a barrel.


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