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tv   Headline News  RT  September 22, 2013 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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russia's foreign minister says washington is trying to blackmail moscow the u.s. has threatened to suspend while all syria's chemical design and if russia does not support a u.n. resolution allows the use of force. voting is in full swing in germany's parliamentary election against a groundswell of anger over a government conclusion in america's spying and the country's a staunch support for its heavily indebted european neighbors. rampaging mobs greenford chances in greece where the killing of a prominent anti russians has sparked aprile while thousands marched in a national strike against endless of stary see.
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the latest news on the week's top stories we're watching the week we'll announce he with me us from our thanks for joining us western states are eager to gain a loophole for unilateral action against syria and don't care one bit about peaceful efforts to resolve the sewer in conflicts that's the impression the russian foreign minister says he's gained after several weeks of a diplomatic mother and son to avoid possible strikes against the waterhole state. as the details for us. you have to understand that just two weeks ago it looked like the u.s. strike on syria was imminent then the hope of a diplomatic solution of the syrian crisis started to show you through and now we're looking at another stalemate so russian foreign minister has expressed his indignation with the way the west seems to be approaching the syrian crisis on this . american partners are starting to blackmail us so they say if russia does not
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agree to accept a seven resolution in the u.n. to see stop working with the chemical watchdog in the hague this completely counters what we agreed on was john kerry namely the chemical watchdog decision and then a supporting a solution from the u.n. a c. but without chapter seven. another issue the russian foreign minister touched upon was the reports which came out from the un inspectors were in syria investigating allegations of chemical weapons being used in that country the inspectors according to russian foreign minister have caved in under pressure from western powers and pulled out from the country before being able to do their job completely and entirely. there's a blinded by an ideological goal to remove the assad regime they want to show the big can call the shots in the middle east you know they are mostly concerned with proving their own supremacy and not the task that we are driven by which is to solve the syrian chemical weapons problem. now regarding the chemical weapons the
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united states and other western countries insist that it was the syrian government only that could have used the chemical weapons the russian foreign minister if there is a possibility god to chemicals could actually have been produced by the rebels in homegrown laboratories and those who are now covering for the opposition particularly for the military mind the opposition in syria were in fact contributing to its growth in the first place all no whole however mr lavrov has said that it does not seem like the western powers are interested in pursuing the diplomatic solution off the matter. this is a political and right now with some partners are trying to forcefully push forward with this syrian resolution their own edge because they understand that if chapter seven is mentioned there's a chance for them to get approval with the u.n. security council unilateral action we encourage them to keep calm and stop coming up with those allusions but put the convention for the prohibition of chemical weapons on the back burner and that prioritize u.s. goals the u.s.
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and france made no secret that they were not interested in the findings off the u.n. inspectors the report which they have come out with did not specify who has carried out the chemical attacks so the united states as well as their western partners are continuing the blame game as my colleague and he said now it now reports. as chaos and violence continue in syria so does the diplomatic battle surrounding the conflict this week a u.n. investigation concluded chemical weapons were used on august twenty first the environmental chemical medical therapy that the u.n. investigators collected provide clear and compelling evidence that the surface to surface rockets used in this attack contained a nerve agent sarin we know regime possesses. and there is not a shred of evidence however that the opposition does please.
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this isn't complicated when we said we know what is true we meant it but the u.n. report doesn't blame the acid regime for the attack or mention other chemical weapons attacks allegedly carried out this summer russia claims there is still no evidence the syrian government is guilty and rather many suggestions the attack was a clever attempt by rebels to push for foreign intervention we have every reason to think that it was a provocation a small provocation of course but the technique was very simple they use an old soviet missile which are no longer in service with the syrian army the key thing is that the missile carried the label made in the u.s.s.r. russia says the u.n. report was rushed and ignores relevant evidence of other chemical attacks in syria the deputy foreign minister called in damascus this week confirmed un inspectors
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were informed this material which was killed by the syrian authorities was discreetly handed over to aka sellstrom the head of u.n. mission here mission of experts which came and investigated the incident but never did so on the three subsequent incidents and then sell strong was asked to look into the and eventually factor this new evidence into the final report of cellphones mission you can never happened in fact still the u.s. is pushing for a response based on this u.n. investigation just last week the u.s. and russia agreed to a six point plan to read syria of its chemical weapons damascus pledged to move forward and has so far complied a chemical weapons ploy if you like by the west and by the by the jihadist was.
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was countered effectively. i rushed her and damascus saying ok you want to chemical weapons you've got to chemical weapons it's interesting to note that the free syrian army disavowed that agreement and will not. and little in the other forces will not give up their chemical weapons in this whole dispute and and john kerry the u.s. state is not even pushing on that instead he is pushing on the u.n. security council to sign a strong resolution possibly even mandating force but recently seems like a small victory for diplomacy in the syria crisis a new road is slowly going back to old ways as washington continues to threaten force and moscow push for compromise the battle continues and he's now a r.t. washington. and as we heard a u.s. secretary of state john kerry and says there is no evidence to suggest that the syrian opposition has sarin gas and michael maloof who works for the u.s.
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defense department for nearly thirty years showed us what he claims is a classified u.s. intelligence report stating the opposite. i have. a report from a source who has direct connections with. classified information it's one one page i mean expecting others it's classified secret no foreign it's from the n g i c or the national ground intelligence center the u.s. military did an assessment based upon fifty indicators that and clandestine interviews that the sourcing siren originated out of iraq into turkey before some of it was confiscated in may in turkey and that there has actually been a more significant amount of cern production both in iraq and in turkey going to
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the going to the opposition principally al-qaeda and we've had separate reports now that al qaeda elements are rather significant numbers. and have and now have permeated into the opposition so the ability to be able to. distinguish who gets what and where is going to makes it much more problematic for this administration and also mossad shell has had become pound of the russian embassy in damascus after the rebels carried out a strike on the capital at least three people have been injured flamed out we'll announce it out call. and our secret delves into this fake of the sewer and more coming up in the next hour of fall from the ancient christian city of mosul which finds itself in the center of the battlefield plagued by scores of radical jihadist fighters that make up to half of the anti asaad forces that's next.
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and now millions of germans are casting their ballots to elect a new national parliament poll suggest angela merkel's christan democratic union will likely to get the most votes but the real final count when her party if it does do as well as predicted tries to cobble together a coalition government and these are all of our of course our from berlin the campaign leads out to that all important vote has stood out not because of the issues that were talked about because all the ones that were left out. fall is nothing more the politicians can do it's up to the german people now to decide who will be the next chancellor of their country and perhaps more importantly just who will be taking up seats behind me in the german parliament and it's hardly been an election campaign pulses racing it's been more notable for the major issues that were talked about than those that were things like the future of the eurozone in the ongoing crisis within the monetary union were hardly mentioned if it all also
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germany's role within europe over the coming years how will that change well if i'm going to merkel becomes the chancellor for a third time it's unlikely that i'll change too much mrs merkel has been the chief cheerleader of austerity for those cash strapped so the european countries also the n.s.a. spying scandal no cross germany we've seen demonstrations here in berlin as well as all of the other major cities by people wanting answers from the german government germany was one of the main countries that was spied on by the the n.s.a. is part of their prism program no answers were forthcoming from either angle or merkel or her. main challenger in this election campaign period of the social democrats particularly touched on in the lead up also the current financial situation for germans has been an increase in the amount of people in the country that would be regarded as working poor. put forward a minimum wage that he wanted to see imposed that was knocked back by anglo merkel
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thing it just wouldn't work now to get into the german parliament any party just needs five percent of the vote in the past this is a lot smaller parties to get a foothold within germany politics one party that it seems may get across the threshold and could have potentially huge influence when it comes to forming future coalitions or alternative deutschland alternative for germany or a euro skeptic party an anti euro party if they get into parliament well that could seriously affect just how who comes out with the majority deals with coalitions that are being formed now they say that they won't operate with mrs merkel unless she adopts the euro skeptic anti euro policy so that could be all very interesting to see just who comes out as part of the coalition government after this german election the polls close here at six pm local time i'll be bringing you all of the news as we get it throughout the day here on r.t. and let's not have
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a closer look at how the issue of europe in these elections something non chilly find line during the campaign and a political commentator more it's surely joins me now live from berlin and mr sure that welcome to good to have you with us so gentlemen what you say that's many of them are not happy about huge amounts of that tax money being used to prop up savings european states but can their voices can their votes change anything that. well i think it started to question about money for the last four years a great majority of germans was prepared to prop up other countries in europe but this is just a growing sense that what we're trying to achieve isn't really working and that the aim to prop up and rescue those countries that after four years of spending an enormous amount of money is just not working and the growing skepticism in germany has something to do not really with an unwillingness to spend money but
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a sense that the spend money is not being spent well. so. it seems from here it's important issue but why has the euro crisis and germany's response to it not been a central issue in the run up to today election. i think the easy answer to that is that the major parties the four major parties. standing right now are in terms some sense implicated the have for the last thirty or even forty years they were the parties to built up this eurozone to build up this kind of european union and it's for them very difficult to approach a situation where they would have to in a way be critical with their own past and with what they've done in the past and. the reluctance of the bigger parties to approach europe has something to do with
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the fact that they are in a way responsible for the mess we're in right now talking about alternative for germany party what impact could this anti europe party make at like how because if it gets five percent of the vote and makes it into parliament what can happen. it's a very it's going to be the interesting question tonight will have they will actually enter parliament or not but even if they do it's quite clear that there won't be a part of the you know you coalition government in germany if they do get in most likely then anglo-american christian democrats will form a coalition with the social democrats a so-called grand coalition in there if that happens the turn the t.v. for the alternative for germany won't really be a member of their own government but it will be a voice in the new german blunder start and it's
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a voice that we had in hand for the last four years because it would be it will be if that happens the only party not critical of europe but critical of the way germany is dealing with the financial crisis in europe right now tamara it's a political commentator with the. daily thank you very much indeed for your time thank you. as europe's largest economy and biggest contributor to bail us the results of the election will reverberate far beyond germany's borders and as lisa catherine reports now from athens cash strapped greece would be particularly vulnerable to any change of monetary policy from its northern neighbor when it comes to finances decisions made in germany are often felt right here in greece and more albums may be the birthplace of democracy ballots cast by german voters have a huge role to play in this country's future that despite two bailouts and across
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the board spending cuts is still struggling through one of its worst recession since the second world war i look let me just soaring in two thirds of young greeks . to apac just west of two hundred forty billion euros revenues are still short of expectations what's more the growing consensus is that greece is unlikely to get back on its feet without more help it's all a third term for chancellor angela merkel meaning more austerity as well starship for greece and how do people here actually feel about a potential change in leadership in europe's largest creditor nation but we decided to hit the streets of athens to find out take a look at your money. to see if you. do get in there. with the local you know merkel's policies hurt the greeks as well as the germans but regardless of who wins the result will be bad for us because our politicians are weak during these national news blowhards which intervene so much
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in my country that it feels like greece is controlled by foreign politicians germany in general that's a good. comment. i don't believe but also greeks see that. says do so as you just heard a mix of views there although germany contributed to to bailout loans to greece models austerity policies are widely blamed her huge spending cuts and whichever way germans and up voting it certainly is likely to be felt right here in greece reporting from athens from r.t. and this accounts of. a general strike in greece turned ugly this week when a prominent anti-fascist was stopped suggests the killer was apprehended at the scene and reportedly found to be a die hard member of the far right golden dawn party the killing set off a chain of riots around agrees with the running battles between police and protesters officials quickly jumped on the bandwagon hinting they may shove the party down as police raided its offices golden dawn as well known for terrorist
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terrorizing immigrants and attacking its political opponents under george could regardless a professor of constitutional law believes the rise of extra. sentiment and grace is direct links to the site. and they're not going to with a good people is rejecting this austerity measures and unfortunately the i'm getting into despair is feeding not so good eyes of the new fascists in the first this is a small minority now we've got more than a massive demonstration of the public sector a very council peaceful and i've course not at all violence the most fearsome but all of that has been a complete at least by the murder also i guess bears on babies a new fascist group the only hope for greece is a story of the purse these are stated. in the come but there are multitudes of us all the european socialist state. and coming out knocking on the door piece
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and run office and only rush to be to ask only hopes of its controversial nuclear program as washington chooses to keep terror at bayfront. technology innovation all the developments around russia. the future covered. wealthy british style stock. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with mike's cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report. this is they were clearly not he welcomed america's decision to deny its as face to the venezuelan president on a very to china has been labeled an act of aggression by caracas the corridor was later opened with u.s. officials brushing of the incident as a filing era but that also in the end of it was president nicolas maduro a very link that washington has threatened to deny visas to venezuelan delegates
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these incidents will do little to improve the dismal relations between venezuela and the united states and nations pulled each other's ambassadors in twenty ten keeping diplomatic relations to the minimum listen for violations of the u.s. spying on lashon america have only a leading lyonnais to the south even more gregory co-founder of venezuela analysis dot com believes this incident was a show of force by the united states. i think it's basically just a show of force of muscle and this comes at a time when the united states is increasingly isolated and this is really one of the few resources it has to show it's it's it's power internationally my fact if we look just nasty week brazil's president dilma rousseff canceled a trip to the united states that was planned a long time ago over the whole spying scandal that the u.s. was involved in in brazil and other shows that more and more countries are
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resisting the exercise of u.s. power around the globe and in other words the united states is becoming increasingly isolated and so this is another step that actually that is the denial of the airspace is another step that furthers u.s. isolation internationally i think because other countries who are rejected and will act in solidarity with them as well but they will. iran's new president hassan rouhani seems to be persistently knocking on the door urging washington to break more than three decades of diplomatic silence between the countries the white house is still sending mixed singles whether it will answer in kind it has recently hinted there is a possibility for a change of heart let's now have a look at how tehran is trying to win over the sympathy sympathies of the u.s. president has now rooney drew global attention when he vowed iran will never seek nuclear weapon saying this strictly a top program is the subject of national pride and he also reached out to the white
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house through an article in the washington post according to leave frosty relations in the past and focus on warming them up and sticking to the election pledges of a moderate approach rouhani also released around a dozen political prisoners including prominent human rights activists and finally exchange correspondence with president obama later describing it has positive and constructive and professor say that miranda from the university of tehran things iran wants the us to stop the language of threats what the iranians are doing right now is they're saying look we are going to preserve our sovereign rights as an independent country we will continue with our peaceful nuclear program we've never this regarded international law there is no evidence of that but we are willing to be creating new favorable environment for negotiations so far the united states has responded negatively as soon as mr rouhani became president the new sanctions now
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they're taking a building that's linked to the iranian community in the united states. these are not positive signs but still the iranians are waiting to see over the next few days and few weeks if the united states is going to rethink its previous irrational approach towards iran. tasers are increasingly being used by british police to take the town people viewed as dangerous and threatening and shocking new statistics show the number of people hit by the high voltage weapons has increased threefold in just three years. with her force a string of taser related deaths has left many wondering whether stun guns should be used or. imagine the feeling of fifty thousand volts puffing through your body people who've been tasered say it's a massive shock that starts in your liver and kidneys courses through your hearts and your brain it feels like it's being right. it's been cold and yet it's
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instances of tasering by police albright is doing all the time in the u.k. more than doubling between two thousand and nine two thousand and eleven that's of great concern to human rights groups who say tasers on the modern day truncheon the police seem to think they are but a potentially lethal weapon being rolled out to huge numbers of offices you have to reduce fifty pounds and poked a so it's not like a little trick. of trying to get from. a stranger around a field it's much more serious than that and that's one of the big concerns because in the hands of people who aren't trained to sufficient level. you risk seriously is happening tasers were originally only given to highly trained marksman but they're now being issued to specialist units and the beats a total of fourteen thousand seven hundred offices amnesty says the training course
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for a new taser tower is woefully inadequate it only lasts three days but the association of chief police officers insists they all are adequately prepared. the percentage of occasions when the taser is actually fired has not increased since its introduction in two thousand and three and i believe this is evidence of the extensive and consistent training which the police in the u.k. have implemented so tasers aren't being fired more often but there are loads more of them to be fired and there are up to five instances of taser use a day now and the more tasers out there the higher the potential for accidents ten people have died since tasers were introduced in the u.k. in two thousand and three one month exploded in a fireball often dousing himself in petrol and in the us they've been linked with more than sixty deaths human rights groups say it amounts to the police being by stealth and worry that the negotiating and volatile situations will be know first
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and be replaced with shock now ask questions later. and coming out and i'll see team heads to the harsh continent of antarctica to find out what the alliance of explorers sound like. i got some angry but polite messages after i came out in favor of the foreign adoption ban of russian children by people in the usa this is not a dig on america i think russia or any country that respects itself should export any children to anywhere at all people tell me that i'm paranoid that the decision to stop the foreign adoptions punishes the children while a massive reuters investigation called the child exchange has exposed some dark
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secrets about adoption of foreign children they expose often by using the term really honing which is normally about finding new homes for animals people are basically advertising adopted. children they don't want like baseball cards on e bay we're just found out that on just one yahoo group child a week was offered up to the public my wonder what kind of people want to discreetly get children off the internet the thing is that in the us adopting a child from overseas is hard but transferring them to someone else later on is a breeze all you need is a notarized power of attorney document to clearing the child is another adult's care so for those of you who think that i am a cruel nationals because i support russians doctrine ben then take a look at the child exchange and you might just start to see my point but that's just my opinion.


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