tv Headline News RT September 22, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT
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thanks because. russia's foreign minister says washington is trying to blackmail moscow the u.s. is threatening to suspend work on syria's chemical disarmament if russia does not support a u.n. resolution that allows the use of force. in america has declared germany's general election results as the leader of the social democratic party can scenes defeat. rampaging mobs scream for justice in greece where the killing of a prominent fascist uproar as thousands marched in a national strike against endless variety. of it back at the past seven days top stories and the latest developments this is
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the weekly here on. western states eager to gain a loophole for unilateral action against syria and don't care enough about peaceful efforts to resolve the syrian conflict well that's the impression the russian foreign minister says he's gained after several weeks of a diplomatic marathon to avoid possible strikes against the war torn state. has the details two weeks ago it seemed like the united states are ready to essentially strike syria. going to ease up just a bit and now again russia seems to be facing some sort of alley masi especially head of the u.n. general assembly which is to take place in new york next week so the russian foreign minister in an interview to russia's channel one has used the points that he's made before but in a very different or rather harsh manner especially when talking about the way that the west is approaching the syrian crisis. can partners are starting to blackmail
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us to see if russia does not agree to reach up to seven resolution in the u.n. to see stop working with the chemical watchdog in the hague this completely counters what we agreed on was john kerry namely the chemical which does decision and then are supporting a solution from the u.n. a c. but without chapter seven. the russian foreign minister said that the team of u.n. experts who were in syria last month investigating reports of alleged chemical attacks actually couldn't complete their job in its entirety caving into the pressure from the likes of the united states who seem to be determined to push their agenda in only one direction. which our partners a blinded by an ideological goal to remove the assad regime they want to show the big can call the shots in the middle east. they are mostly concerned with proving their own supremacy and not the task that we are driven by which to solve the syrian chemical weapons problem. on top of that russian foreign minister has said
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that there is a high chance that the syrian rebels themselves could produce chemical weapons and homegrown laboratories has also said that those who have essentially created the syrian are continuing to cover its tracks all not hold our mr lavrov has said that it does not seem like the western powers are interested in pursuing the diplomatic solution off the matter right now our western partners are trying to forcefully push forward it with syrian resolution. because they understand that if chuck. something is mentioned during the show is a chance for them to get approval of the un security council unilateral action which to encourage them to keep calm and stop coming up with this illusion but the convention for the prohibition of chemical weapons on the back burner and that ties us goals according to the russian foreign minister of france and the united states and didn't really read the report from the un inspection team their minds were set up long before that and they have only used that report as yet another attempt to
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insist that in fact it was just the syrian government that was using chemical weapons in syria even though there is absolutely no such indication in the u.n. reports as my colleague mr now we now reports. that chaos and violence continue in syria so does the diplomatic battle surrounding the conflict this week the u.n. investigation concluded chemical weapons were used on august the twenty first the environmental chemical medical therapy that the u.n. investigators collected provide clear and compelling evidence that the surface to surface rockets used in this attack contained the nerve agent sarin we know. possesses. and there is not a shred of evidence however that the opposition does. this isn't complicated when we said we know what is true we meant it but the u.n.
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report doesn't blame the acid regime for the attack or mention other chemical weapons attacks allegedly carried out this summer russia claims there is still no evidence the syrian government is guilty and rather many suggestions the attack was a clever attempt by rebels to push for foreign intervention we have every reason to think that it was a provocation to the small provocation of course but the technique was very simple they use an old soviet missile which are no longer in service with the syrian army or the key thing is that the missile carries the label made in the u.s.s.r. russia says the u.n. report was rushed and ignores relevant evidence of other chemical attacks in syria the deputy foreign minister called in damascus this week confirmed un inspectors were informed of this material which was killed by syria and the story was he's
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handed over to office else drum the head of u.n. mission here mission of experts which came and investigated the incident but never did so on the three subsequent incidents and then sell strong was asked to look into the and eventually factor this new evidence into the final report of self from his mission you can never happened in fact still the u.s. is pushing for a response based on this u.n. investigation just last week the u.s. and russia agreed to a six point plan to rid syria of its chemical weapons to mask its pledge to move forward and has so far complied the chemical weapons ploy if you like by the west and by the by the jihadist was. was countered effectively by russia and damascus
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saying ok you want to chemical weapons you've got the chemical weapons it's interesting to note that the free syrian army disavowed that agreement and will not . and you know it will in the. not to give up their chemical weapons in this whole dispute and then john kerry the u.s. state is not even pushing on that instead he is pushing on the u.n. security council to sign a strong resolution possibly even mandating force but recently seemed like a small victory for diplomacy in the syria crisis a new road is slowly going back to old ways as washington continues to threaten force and moscow push for compromise the battle continues and he's now a r.t. washington the leader of the old guard a wing in syria and iraq. daddy has reportedly been killed it's claimed he died in northwestern syria this is battles between rebel forces and extremists that once fought side by side in the push to become more frequent in the area where with the
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rise of radicals the violence is turning increasingly sectarian and christians are coming under fire or has more information to report on the aftermath of a brutal jihadist attack on the ancient village of. further to the syrian village of the lunar is where the aramaic language believed to have been spoken by jesus christ was in daily use but not so much these days after the harvests attack this mostly christian village in syria more than two weeks ago local residents were forced to flee the battlefield that was once their native land and calm organized life. many of them to graph huge with christian families in all damascus we try to meet them only the thirty dollars vocal music stores for us so that. many refused to talk because their relatives remain missing they say
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is the miss kidnapped people and they fear these could put them in even more danger and these people know well about danger three members of on two on its family were killed on the first days of the violence siege. in the morning by the shards of a knock at the doors and all gathered in one room i thought on the run there and we won't harm you and one mikkel in charge he went there and surrounded they pointed their guns at them and started shooting i was injured in my chest and. one of them offered to save me but i ignored him and the other one said let them die hundreds gathered for the funerals of the three men who they now called walters those muslims and christians the attack on malala village syrians say was an attack on their country and its way of life. what can be their aim other than to destroy the current strand of muslims and christians live in ma luna but it's surrounded by
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four or five muslim villages maybe they see this as the last obstacle in their part . here and when it's father in law is eighty eight years old he says nothing like this has happened in his lifetime. we were living in peace and now it seems they want to throw all the christians out of the country who pray to god that will defeat them and kick them out another relative who is afraid to show her face says it's hard to say how many people were killed in the lula because militants holed in the village often keep bodies for further ransom and to instill fear their goal is not assad their idea is to establish an islamic emirate in all of the middle east however fine countries are helping them with weapons money whatever they need helping them destroy the country and people of this region special sweets sanctified bread he serves in the family to commemorate the dead in church they held special ceremonies for several days and again are the syrians
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equally shocked prayed together for the dead and alive the ancient language in my lula united people for thousands of years they have now is that it can sustain them for a little longer and all over the country the two and a half year long conflict is taking lives language and shattering people's hope. from damascus in syria. also a mortar shell has hit the compound of the russian embassy in damascus after the rebels carried out a strike on the capital at least three people have been injured and find more about that on t.v. dot com. michael merkel has described her party's performance in germany's general election as a super result and some projections suggest that christian democrats could even end up with an absolute majority if true would be the first time in more than half a century a party has been able to govern without forming a coalition
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a main challenger and leader of the social democrats has conceded defeat. has more on the elections from berlin. merkel is almost certainly going to be elected for a third term as german chancellor her c.d.u. party and their bavarian sister party the c.s.u. have taken the lion share of the vote speaking to speaking at a party headquarters mrs merkel said it was a super result in fact it's the it's the the exit polls are correct it's the highest percentage that live taken since one thousand nine hundred ninety so they've done remarkably well it would seem the c.d.u. berthed those that haven't done very well it seems are the main challenges. in this election the social democrats they have been rather disappointing we've seen some dejected looking s.t.p. campaigners and supporters outside of their party headquarters sort of people putting that down to what was essentially
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a gaffe prone campaign that was run by. the challenger to angle or merkel that included him at one point giving a middle making a middle finger gesture towards generalists cheering a photo interview for a newspaper here. another party not doing particularly well are the three democrats now going into this election they were the coalition partners or merkel's party they are well struggling to make the five percent threshold according to exit polls it seems that they aren't going to be taking up seats in the next parliament the center left of them pretty well up to the left. another party though that could make a quite a bit of difference is alternative for germany the f.t. of turreted for deutschland are a new party when it comes to the german politics their euro skeptic party and anti euro cartoons as it stands they looking like they're just going to fall short of
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being part of the coalition but if they get it being part of the pollen to beg pardon if they do get in there they can make quite a bit of difference though they are vehemently opposed to a lot of the policies being put forward by angela merkel what was very interesting what everybody is looking towards is who will be in charge of germany after these elections angle of merkel has got has taken us to say the lion share of the votes it would be the first time since one thousand nine hundred fifty seven that a party had ruled unilaterally without a coalition there very fond of a coalition here in germany i mentioned alternative for deutschland if they were to get in there though angela merkel would be perhaps forced to form a coalition would she go for the so-called grand coalition between the c.d.u. and the social democrats would have to wait to see if that happened a lot of social democrat supporters would be uncomfortable with that the last time that happened with in two thousand and five so it's all going to come out over the
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coming hours to find out just exactly what the what the results are from the selection but it's odds on it's almost nailed on the angle of merkel will be the chancellor for a third term editor in chief of compact magazine your ticket as these smaller parties could have capitalized more on the recent american surveillance scandal that hit in america's government. the german population is very much upset because of the spying of the. n.s.a. and cia on the trail months of this. industry. it had no impact on the elections because the opposition parties run up. to bring of this topic on the top of the election campaign because. social democrats they are also all following the american agenda and they are old soul from the cradle but friends lengthy orientation and shoulder did not make much of this.
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old from a population useful for a reason. they didn't win this elections they could have more. it's not just the rich european states rooting for their favorite leader but the less fortunate two from policy to merkel's unbending conviction in austerity we report on just how much is at stake for europe's weakest in this fight that's still to come in the program. and also for you knocking on the door of peace iran offers an olive branch to the u.s. calling for talks over its controversial nuclear program but washington chooses to keep terran at bay for now these stories and more after the break. wealthy british style some. time to.
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the weekly continues here in r.t. europe is watching how the german elections pan out with much interest and apprehension not only is germany the powerhouse of europe's economy but it is also the person behind the bailouts keeping struggling euro nations afloat and none is more dependent on favor than greece couple of reports from athens. when it comes to finances decisions made in germany are often felt right here in greece and the albums may be the birthplace of democracy ballots cast by german voters have a huge role to play in this country's future that despite two bailouts and across the board spending cuts is still struggling for one of its worst recession since the second world war unemployment just soaring and two thirds of young greeks are without work and despite to a package just west of two hundred forty billion euros revenues are still short of
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expectations what's more the growing consensus is that greece is unlikely to get back on its feet without more help so little third term for chancellor angela merkel mean more austerity as well starship for greece and how do people here actually feel about a potential change in leadership in europe's largest creditor nation we decided to hit the streets of athens to find out take a look. at. the city you. believe it's in there. if you're lucky enough marcos policies hurt the greeks as well as the germans but regardless of who wins the result will be bad for us because our politicians are weak behind me which means a lot of us was not intervened so much in my country that it feels like greece is controlled by foreign politicians germany in general has a good. climate and i don't believe what some greek state.
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says do so as you just heard a mix of views there although germany contributed to to bailout loans to greece models austerity policies are widely blamed for future spending cuts and whichever way germans and voting it certainly is likely to be felt right here in greece reporting from athens from r.t. on this the council of. latin america has taken revolutions of u.s. spying to home and altogether very personally brazil in particular has made no secret of its anger at washington which is believed to have secretly unfold a worldwide. digital surveillance of the brazilian president is proposing to rebuild the country's internet cutting off u.s. spy agencies and compliant technology johns. has the details. as the n.s.a. spying scandal continues to undermine america's global standing one u.s. ally is not willing to forgive and forget brazilian president dilma rousseff who has canceled her scheduled visit to the white house next month and pulling out of
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what was supposed to be the first official state visit of u.s. president barack obama's second term it would have also been the first for a brazilian president in nearly two decades in addition to breaking dates for cilia is also taking steps to divorce itself from the u.s. centric internet while seeking its own sovereignty in cyberspace president rousseff has ordered a series of measures aimed at greater brazilian online independence including storing citizens data locally to protect from n.s.a. snooping according to reports the brazilian government is also planning to lay underwater fiber optic cable directly to europe and also link to all south american nations currently most of brazil's global internet traffic passes through the united states now experts say if other nations follow in brazil's footsteps the us cloud computing industry which stores data remotely could lose tens of billions of
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dollars in business by two thousand and sixteen brazil's path towards internet sovereignty follows revelations that the n.s.a. intercepted president rousseff communications hacked into the network of the state owned oil company and spied on brazilians in trusting their personal information to u.s. companies like facebook and google president rousseff says she intends to push for a new international rules on privacy and security in hardware and software next week when all that has. state gather in new york for the u.n. general assembly on tuesday the brazilian leader is set to open the u.n. g.a. debates and her u.s. counterpart president obama is set to take the stage immediately afterwards reporting from new york marina r.t. . there is no end in sight to the violence in iraq with sixteen killings reported on sunday the deaths come just a day after more than one hundred civilians were killed in
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a ferocious wave of bloodshed the overwhelming majority of the victims died in a string of blasts which rocked shiite neighborhoods more than five and a half thousand people have been killed in iraq this year alone or journalists are said big who's been extensively writing on the matters of the region believes iraq won't see peace for a very long time i think if you look at this year so far it's been the deadliest year since two thousand and eight and this started in april when the shia led government broke up antigovernment protests and this is kind of and get some of the sunnis in the country and giving. fuel to the fire for the al qaeda militants so we've seen an increase in sectarian attacks taking place and i don't see an end in sight the u.s. really messed up stuff in in iraq they had no plan for an intervention hasn't worked given a fuel truck load of militants i don't think. has any say in what's taking place and i think that they've done the damage that they've done you know that they had
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ten years and i think that what we're seeing now is is internal sectarian issues taking place. iran's new president hassan rouhani seems to be persistently knocking on the u.s. still urging washington to break more than three decades of diplomatic silence between the countries though the white house is still sending mixed signals whether it will answer in kind it has recently hinted there is a possibility for a change of heart or let's take a look at how to run is trying to win over the sympathies of the u.s. well present rouhani drew global attention when he recently vowed iran will never seek a nuclear weapon saying the strictly civil atomic program is the subject of national pride he also reached out to the white house through an article in the washington post according to leave frosty relations in the past and focus on warming them up sticking to the election pledges of a moderate approach also released around a dozen political prisoners including prominent human rights activists and finally he exchanged correspondence with president obama later describing it as
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a positive and constructive well assistant professor at the university in toronto how much our son told me that both a and rouhani will have their own troubles at home if they decide to revive diplomacy you want also for somehow for the concert you said without the war comes out to try and you won't believe. it could be a mistake for the worst of. the weakness the skeptics are all both sides both in turn on washington on the rolls who are not most of the mystic about the possibility of such a break that would even. want really. draws on a solution to their own people their own factions their own political parties that this is in the best interests of both sides so the human warmth here is common.
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time now for a world update starting with the on going hostage crisis in kenya's capital most hostages at the mall the police rescued off the security forces launched a major counterattack for military personnel a report of the injured in the latest rescue operation which led to military forces regaining control over much of the shopping complex the today's deadly standoff has claimed sixty eight lives so far and injured more than one hundred seventy the somali an al qaeda linked group but accounted for the attack saying it's a response to the presence of kenyan troops in their country. but the twin suicide bombing in northwest pakistan has killed at least seventy eight people including women and children the blasts occurred outside a church as worshippers were leaving after a sunday service more than one hundred twenty more people have reportedly been injured eleven among them in a critical condition a wing of the pakistan taliban has claimed responsibility and minutes and
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threatened to continue targeting normal muslims until the u.s. stocks drone attacks in the country. so that brings up to date for the moment to the news team will be back with more for you in just over half an hour from me tom examine the causes behind the recent amount of for the recent military operations that's coming our way of the break here. the mcmillian family in canada has decided to defy time itself and keep their family trapped in one thousand nine hundred six sort of like new age only for one year and not their whole lives so to live in ninety six the family forbids the use of any technology developed after the mid eighty's they want their children to experience the world they grew up in when you had to read books and if you're
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outside no one could call. well you and there were no tablet computers to stupefy children at a moment's notice as a parent i have some sympathy with this idea because i like all of you have seen that technology is dumbing us down a lot i mean how often do you have to memorize a phone number nowadays and we've all seen bad parents just sit their kids in front of the technology and ignore them to chat on facebook about what they saw on netflix but on the other hand for the first time in human history you have the power of knowledge at your fingertips there is an instructional video to do anything you want on you tube and getting basic information on any scientific or historical topic is one click away if you find the idea of the self-made man a romantic the now is your time because anyone who has the will to learn can learn you know i don't come from money without the internet i would definitely not have this job and i'd probably be worshipping at the feet of rush limbaugh deluded by the mainstream media modern technology can make your mind with information or break it with cat videos and dumb trendiness but that's up to you and this is just my
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