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tv   Headline News  RT  September 23, 2013 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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marco wins the general election but not but then up support for a group party to rule germany on its own with voters lured away by a newfound euro skeptic party. russia's foreign minister says moscow is being blackmailed by the us which is trying to force through grounds for military action in syria pointing at a u. turn to what's already been agreed. and the nuclear thaw iran's leader readies for the un general assembly pushing to ease economic sanctions that appear to hit the weakest part of iranian society hardest.
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watching r t live from moscow i'm lindsey france thanks for joining me on the merkel has won germany's top job again but the landslide victory is overshadowed by some tough choices coalition wise the conservative bloc christian democrats took forty one point five percent of the vote and that's not enough support for merkel's party to rule on their own as their main rivals the social democrats led by peer steinbrück came in with twenty five point seven percent a coalition between the two will be hard to reach artie's peter oliver has more from berlin. well it was a resoundingly result for anglo merkel however now the big question is just what kind of government will she preside over she's going to have to enter into a coalition this won't be the coalition she particularly wanted she would have wanted to deal with the free democrats who were partners going into this election the three democrats didn't even get enough votes to get them one seat in the parliament so she's going to have some tough coalition negotiations on her hands
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moving away from the merkel and looking at the election as a whole what we have seen here in germany as a shift in voter opinion away from liberal politics towards euro skeptic politics the alternative for germany party b. a f t were only founded seven months ago the euro skeptics didn't get past the five percent mark to get them into the stagg but they have certainly announced their arrival on the german political stage now as i said the euro skeptic their anti euro they believe that the u.s. being kept alive artificially and they want to see bailing countries like greece not be allowed to be part of the monetary union. now they took votes from just about everybody as well as protest votes people are unhappy with the current status quo in germany their leader saying that although they didn't get into the
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parliament they put fear into the hearts of the other parties and that they made democracy in germany all the richer so it's angela merkel who's going to be german chancellor for a third term that will make her the longest serving female political leader in europe but some of those europeans are wondering what exactly she'll have in store for them. as. the election when. terrorists. know they're taking the lead on the markets wanted to know. merkel is a follower of margaret that. this is that euro zone two point zero. and one similarity policies between the two is they both tries a shared. mrs merkel case that small finnish home in cash strapped states. we have this obvious privatization agenda that is an essential feature of european politics it's not people and social needs that get addressed but business angela
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merkel supported the decision by portugal to sell off some of its publicly owned companies it's not clear sometimes whether what he is proposing for other countries she will do it itself in germany it's natural that some countries would question whether the call for privatization of countries is a way to open. the room for german companies are unaccompanied by most countries angle or merkel has convinced the german people that she's the right person for the job but across europe people are wondering what four more years of her leadership will mean for them. good people is going to be negative that's logical she's the symbol of the recession in europe. this year was. actually nothing will change where i was when we get more jobs and people have work then we can have growth i don't expect anything from the germans. because critics accuse her
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of pushing europe in the wrong direction merkel must stop merkel must be stopped as well as those who only represent the interests of international finance markets just like under satcher parts of northern england were devastated we see the same in greece today it leads to years and employment and poor living conditions. whether she's the new lady or not we're set for four more years of angela merkel. as the world's most powerful woman peace all over r t j. the alternative for germany party was founded less than a year ago and has already drawn sixteen thousand members to its ranks and as a german journalist manwell oxon writer says a crisis in the country's politics is lying around for the rise of non-mainstream parties we have a huge party nobody's talking about and this is the party of the nonvoters almost
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one third of the germans didn't participate at the elections we see that this so-called huge for my dorothy for the t.v. would for it's not anymore so we when we take into account that people are so many people are not represented in our parliament and this is a sign of a crisis this is a sign of a crisis also of democracy in germany and it's time for turn the power of peace it is time for parties who speak out what those people think and what those people mean they don't want to elect always let me say it like this. the less evil they want to vote for a party that they can support by their heart and so i think yes it's time for eternity is for example it or not he could torture them. for many on the hill and merkel has become the symbol of austerity measures and with greece awaiting another dose of bailout medicine the country's preparing for
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a week of protests that story coming up in a few minutes. russia's foreign minister believes that western states are undermining efforts for a peaceful resolution to the syrian conflict after weeks of diplomatic talks to avoid military action in the war torn state sergey lavrov says that the u.s. and its allies are simply looking for a pretext for a military strike on syria artie's guyana to check on as details. the u.s. says they will stop the work toward securing syria's chemical weapons if russia does not sign off on e.u. one security council resolution based on chapter seven that would allow use of force saylor i've said this is not something that he and u.s. secretary of state john kerry agreed on in geneva the russian foreign minister said instead of using this agreement brokered by russia to get rid of syria's chemical weapons the u.s. is now trying to achieve other goals take a listen. i remember compartments are starting to blackmail us they see if russia
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does not agree to a chip to seven resolution in the u.n. to see who will stop working with the chemical watchdog in the hague this completely counters what we agreed on with john kerry namely the chemical watchdogs decision and then a supporting a solution from the u.n. to see but without chapter seven so you lover of also talked about the conflicting interpretations of the u.n. investigators report the report gave the description of substances and shells that the u.n. experts saw on the ground in syria but no indication of who used the chemicals in august twenty first attack near damascus russia says it's looking at the evidence that rebels have use sarin gas there is a report by israeli experts saying the rebels took control over the areas with chemical weapons facilities at least twice and they may have gotten hold of it it is also known that members of jabot almost were attempted to smuggle containers with sarin gas via turkey so russia is not at all convinced that the assad
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government used of weapons but whatever classified evidence the u.s. says it has it has not presented it to the u.n. security council expecting the international community to take washington's word for it the russian foreign minister said the u.s. has a hard time coming to terms with the fact that decisions on global security have to be taken together take a listen parton's a blinded by an ideological google to remove the assad regime we want to show the big can call the shots in the middle east. they are mostly concerned with proving their own supremacy and not the task that we are driven by which is to solve the syrian chemical weapons problem. so your lover upset only extremists will benefit from such a blind approach as he called it he talked about the chaos and destruction in libya and iraq and referring primarily to the us he said they simply choose not to talk about how a chain of their actions led to
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a catastrophe in that week. russia and china have repeatedly blocked security council resolutions on syria that would allow military intervention in the conflict historian and middle east expert mark allman believes there is a precedent for russia and other states to reject any potential military action in syria remember of libya in march of two thousand and eleven the resolution was presented as a humanitarian resolution to prevent the libyan army gadhafi forces entering the city of benghazi but it was used to justify a small the six months of bombing until gadhafi was overthrown and in july the british prime minister david cameron so that over syria we don't want a resolution like the one on libya that would have labeled us to engage in regime change he was trying to reassure russia and china but precisely because back in march of two thousand and eleven david cameron obama president sarkozy said this was just a humanitarian resolution to do with the immediate crisis in benghazi undoubtedly not just russia and china but other countries like india brazil south africa of
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a suspicious that a resolution which authorized force over chemical weapons could be used to justify a broader range campaign to remove the regime and install a different government protest although i have to say i think if we look at what happened in libya the chaos that followed i would be very reluctant to predict that even if the west was able to pursue a military option in syria that it would produce a regime that most people in the west would feel comfortable with. for the latest on the syrian crisis log on to our web site r t dot com there we've got detailed look at the comments made by russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov on the situation in syria and online for all the highlights of that interview.
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you have to understand that snowden is wanted by a major country a superpower the us government. should have become we know that the capabilities that america has encouraged a serious threat. to speak your language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on all t.v. reporting from the world talks about six of the i p interviewers intriguing story are you. trying. to find out more visit arabic don't teach don't call. mission
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free could you take three months for charges free. range month free. three stooges free. download free broadcast video for your media projects a free media oh god r t dot com. welcome back you're watching our t.v. live from moscow with the lindsey france thanks for joining me iran is reaching out to world powers to revive nuclear talks sparking hopes of resolving a standoff that's dragged on for years ahead of his upcoming address to the u.n. general assembly the country's new leader hassan rouhani pledge not to seek tomic weapons demanding the west make concessions to ease painful sanctions and as artie's policy or reports the restrictions are hurting the most vulnerable. if the
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aim of sanctions is to harm the state but the real victims are ordinary regular people what small. shown that there's a huge wage between what ordinary people experience under sanctions and what. mohamed we heidi is one such case study he's a cancer victim in iran. it is my second kemah fair p. program previously each session cost approximately three hundred dollars these days it costs about seven hundred dollars it is also a challenge to get the medication because you have to go to almost every drugstore asking for them and also because the prices are way too high i get a chemical session once every two weeks and i'm a pensioner. doctors are also frustrated not only is the problem the cost of medication and getting that medication but also getting medical supplies its upkeep can also be a nightmare. if we have a problem getting high tech modern equipment to treat our cancer patients there are
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numerous obstacles for importing the equipment due to the sanctions in place against iran we have some equipment but it requires spare parts that we can't get anywhere the failure of any single piece or part of this equipment causes us to stop operating the entire machine history has shown that sanctions are a failure but in those few very instances where they do bring about some kind of diplomatic agreement that takes a long time merely prolonging the suffering of ordinary citizens. president rouhani and barack obama are expected to meet at the u.n. general assembly in the first face to face between an american and iranian leader in over three decades but as assistant professor at the imaam saadiq university mohammad husain conny says there is resistance to this stock in both countries. it was an offer for some hope for the consolation with a more concerts a time that you won't really powerful it would be
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a mistake for the worst to think that you were in not for a cause for the richness the skeptics are all also for the church and on washington one of. the most of the mystic about the possibility of such a breakthrough and even look one community. will be more thorough draws one a solution to call him their own people their own factions their own political party is that this is in the best interests of both sides so the human warmth here is common as. critics say sanctions on iran have not proven effective in achieving political aims no matter their scope or duration their restrictions are justified as being better than war but they only seem to make things worse for the people within the countries north korea has been hit by a range of economic and military restrictions by the us over its nuclear ambitions but we look at the effects of shortage of food and medical supplies which is led to severe new malnutrition yang shows no sign of curbing its nuclear program than
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syria to has been slapped with u.s. sanctions which have only aggravated the situation with its economy plagued by over two years of civil war and people are left struggling to deal with shortages of even basic foods cuba is another target of us sections the elderly and particularly men there appear the most affected the last two weeks economy is estimated to be around six hundred ninety million dollars annually so in all those cases it appears sanctions are hitting ordinary people hardest with little effect on the sanctioned states and while the u.s. tries to rein in iran's nuclear ambitions newly uncovered documents reveal america was on the edge of an atomic disaster due to its own military the country was just one switch away from a nuclear catastrophe after its air force accidentally dropped two h. bombs over north carolina fifty two years ago more on our website r.t. dot com. meanwhile in germany it's time for leader hose an analog or head to be in
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motion page on our website for the first drop of video from munich's world famous beer festival. hero to some traitor to others whistleblower edward snowden has not been seen in public since russia granted him asylum two months ago to find out more about his current lifestyle r.t. interview show sophie co spoke to one of the few men in touch with the fugitive leaker you'll be able to watch the full exclusive interview with snowden's lawyer anatoly kuchera nine about ten minutes in the meantime here's a quick preview. problem you're a lot of job opportunities for him and we keep receiving job offers by telephone or mail is one you know. from google are they all coming from security services or from different organizations as well. that offers come from different organizations there i even ordinary people who call and offer help as they are concerned about
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him settling in a new home. and we also have heads of big companies offer him employment. out the way we think a little is there any offer in particular it was surprising girl i don't know major laughs. yes we had a woman of about fifty years old who hold off for two adult mr snowden. how well that would take care of this predicament. yes but he's thirty so this procedure would be complicated but it was funny. the troika of european lenders is now back in athens it will decide on a new bailout package aimed at healing the fragile greek economy meanwhile the
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country's teachers and trade union leaders have opened a week of protests promising more strikes to come as artie's lucic half not reports the new installment of cash will mean even more austerity adding to public discontent. a team of international inspectors is here in athens for a fresh audit of the country's ailing finance this with debt stricken greece hoping for progress in reining in spending will unlock even more loans greece has been kept out of bankruptcy with two bailouts worth two hundred forty billion euros but revenues are falling short of expectations sparking fears that another rescue package could be needed to keep it afloat now each loan has come at a high price for ordinary people painful austerity measures have brought cuts to jobs salaries and public services and some greeks are asking whether sticking with the euro is worth the cost instead of waiting for another bailout from europe some suggested leaving the currency union altogether and one such voice as theodore costa neighbors he's an economist and former member of parliament now i had a chance to sit down with him earlier take a look do you believe that the cycle of bailouts for greece is
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a sustainable policy for this country. that they have to do for it because we really. do put google to give us money look to. food needs but the big book. launch of the bust. and this. bailout to this whole thing raises varies the. guy is why did you build it or it will never end we will never regain our strength our economic strength to be an economic development to fight unemployment on the list because of your view. is is made. basically full for strong countries he says. it doesn't feed the not true for our economy now polls do show that
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a large majority of greeks do not want to quit the euro just yet however more people also seem to believe that the country's economy will never recover if it sticks to e.u. mandates to cut government spending enough to repay its debts reporting from athens lisa catherine of r.t.e. . a policeman and a migration officer had been killed in a terrorist attack in the russian republic of dagestan and the details let's cross live to our to. dina tell us what are the details we got so far on this blast while there was an improvised explosive device that someone to early monday morning now a suicide bomber detonated the car as he was a police station saying a morning call off policeman in that area now as a result one policeman and one migration officers were killed but the blast was so strong that another twelve people were injured to and a nearby building also collapsed as
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a result of this explosion now we still don't have the footage from the scene of the information is still coming in but the witnesses said that the explosion was massive and it was heard across the year and now this latest blast. just a week after two other car bombings that killed three policemen in another six policemen in and the neighboring region. leaving really may need to believe that this is a string of coordinated attacks now taking place in russia's north caucasus. thank you very much for that. now to our world update starting with the ongoing hostage crisis in the kenyan capital you're now seeing amateur footage showing the start of the attack at the nairobi shopping center where we have been heavy gunfire and explosions have been heard from inside the mall where al shabaab militants are still holding several people hostage the al qaeda linked gunman are now threatening to kill the captives that's after the military announced that the siege was coming
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to an end with most people rescued the standoff has claimed sixty eight lives so far and injured more than one hundred seventy al-shabaab says the action comes in response to the presence of kenyan troops in somalia. to china now where we saw he has killed at least twenty five people around eighty thousand have been moved to safety the most powerful typhoon this year has led to hundreds of flight cancellations in hong kong the city seaport one of the busiest in the world has also been closed. mexico has seen eight thousand strong rally as protesters flooded the streets of the capital to oppose new energy reforms president and reka opinion yet so is proposing to open up the state owned oil sector to profit sharing contracts with private firms mexico's nationalization of its oil industry has become a popular symbol of sovereignty many in mexico are against any foreign state foreign or private investment in the industry. up next as promised our
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exclusive interview with the lawyer of fugitive whistleblower edward snowden stay with us for that. the macmillan family in canada has decided to defy time itself and keep their family trapped in one thousand nine hundred six sort of like new age amish but only for one year and not their whole lives so they live in one nine hundred six the family forbids the use of any technology developed after the mid eighty's they want their children to experience the world they grew up in when you had to read books and if you're outside no one could call you and there were no tablet computers to stupefy children at a moment's notice as a parent i have some sympathy with this idea because i like all of you have seen
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that technology is dumbing us down a lot i mean how often do you have to memorize a phone number nowadays and we've all seen bad parents just sit their kids in front of the technology and ignore them to chat on facebook about what they saw on netflix but on the other hand for the first time in human history you have the power of knowledge at your fingertips there is an instructional video to do anything you want on you tube and getting basic information on any scientific or historical topic is one click away if you find the idea of the self-made man romantic the now is your time because anyone who has the will to learn can learn you know i don't come from money without the internet i would definitely not have this job and i'd probably be worshipping at the feet of rush limbaugh deluded by the mainstream media modern technology can make your mind with information or break it with cat videos and dumb trendiness but that's up to you and this is just my opinion.
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hello welcome to sophie and co i was sophie shevardnadze the notorious n.s.a. leaks of better words snowden have ended a whole erode faith and privacy that can co-exist with modern technology they also cost him his u.s. passport and forced him to flee his homeland turn into a sea of uncertainty snowden has temporarily anchored himself here in russia which is now his place of refuge and also sort of a prison. a strange sky sky he says he never planned to come one says sovan to the world's biggest power he's now running from it's off to leaking some of its big secrets it would
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snow today would stay here i just saw him in detroit he was. and with no passport and no way to return to russia because he is new. or does he feel it's a prison he cannot wait to escape. does he still believe his sacrifice was worth the price. now we're talking about edward snowden to the only person that is known to have access to him at the moment and that's his lawyer and that's what you thought if i say i didn't think you very much for being with us on the program today don't know we've been waiting a long time to get at least some information about snowden and his life i know he doesn't give interviews and he doesn't talk to the media why's that. well at this point it is his choice pretty much but you have to understand that he found himself in a very tough situation. his position may change over time but right now he's adapting
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to his new circumstances studying russian reading russian classics in english because naturally he hasn't been able to master the language yet. so this point that's the choice he has made this is the right so it's a personal choice it's not like somebody told him not to talk to media and yours of course not trust me but it was his own choice just like it was he's choice to open the eyes of the world and reveal the truth about the us intelligence spying on americans and other people around the world i mean. it was his choice it was his conviction that these methods were unacceptable. when i think you probably know that some members of the european parliament have nominated snowden for this kind of prize for freedom of thought and now we're going to talk to one of those members who initiated this no nation christian strong and strong christian it's great to have you with us today so you were one of those who.


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