tv Headline News RT September 28, 2013 11:00am-11:30am EDT
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for a good long. look to. the latest diplomatic marathon over syria results in u.r.l. approval of a resolution at the u.n. security council outlining the country's next moves on chemical disarmament. claims of state slavery are fired a guitar as the football community teams up with rights activists over don't have building its world cup dream at a legal cost to immigrant workers. massive police operation is underway in greece rounding up leaders and members of the far right golden dawn party its first since the one nine hundred seventy s. . and faced with a war of first public the u.k. eyes unmanned drones expendable mercenaries and propaganda to fire off the national spirit.
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this is r.t. coming to you live from moscow i'm renay joshing welcome to the program hank based watchdog says the syrian government should destroy all chemical weapons facilities by november and it has also given damascus until the middle of next year to get rid of the poisonous substances has already developed now it's after the u.n. security council unanimously backed resolution requiring syria to eliminate its arsenal as moscow insisted the document does not authorize the immediate use of force if it doesn't comply the details are from new york or spot a marina. this breakthrough marks the first time the united nations security council has agreed on a binding document concerning syria the resolution unanimously adopted by the council requires the verification and destruction of syria's chemical weapons stockpile however while it doesn't mention chapter seven towards the end of the
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document it does not indicate that immediate use of force would be allowed that this is something that russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov explained in detail while addressing the security council in your book but the movie was that the resolution does not fall under chapter seven of the un charter and does not allow for the automatic use of force if we have berms the agreement reached that the russian american meeting in geneva regarding violations of the use of chemical weapons by anyone will have to be carefully investigated by the security council of the united nations. the council will stand ready to take action under chapter seven . any incident which is considered to be a violation of the resolution it would have to be one hundred percent your system for any action taken and we would still put. the resolution also calls for the convening of the geneva two peace talks which u.n. secretary general ban ki-moon says could happen as soon as november geneva two is
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where the syrian government and opposition are supposed to come to the table together to negotiate a peaceful path towards their future and an ultimate end to the two and a half year civil war taking place in that country russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov says that the syrian opposition as well as the government is up lives to comply with all measures in this care the council resolution used in his opening of the responsibility for implementing this resolution lies not only with the government of syria is opposed to the demands of the u.n. security council the syrian opposition will have to cooperate with u.n. experts you the world. in the meantime u.s. secretary of state john kerry said the precedent setting resolution shows that powerful diplomacy can he's fully disarm the worst weapons however during his address to the security council secretary kerry reminded members that the use of
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force against syria is an option that u.s. president barack obama continues to keep on the table reporting from new york. r.t. well speaking at the un general assembly before the vote foreign minister lavrov said the world is now malta polar and there is no place for unilateral action against other states without collective approval it's in contrast to president obama's theory of american exceptionalism which he to fan it on the same stage a few days before no one discussed that was geopolitical analyst eric draitser let's first of all listen to what a bomb had to say at the u.n. general assembly if we would before i believe america must work for our own security but i also believe the world is better for some may disagree. but i believe america is exceptional. in part because we have shown a willingness through the sacrifice of blood and treasure to stand up not only for our own narrow self-interest but for the interests of all well obama says the u.s.
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has quote a responsibility to act but of course it begs the question does not guarantee it's always going to responsibly think that we should be very cautious about this so called american exceptionalism what obama is asserting is a longstanding principle not only within the political establishment of the united states but within the very psyche of the american people that somehow we're better that somehow we're exceptional and obama is attempting to use that rhetoric as a way of putting himself on a moral high ground above putin above the chinese above any of the so-called troublemakers in the un security council so while it looks to the rest of the world that the united states is a belligerent actor when it comes to syria obama is essentially asserting that no no we are moral we are just and we are righteous i t. has spoken to syria's foreign minister on the sidelines of the un general assembly and he says damascus is willing to comply with the chemical disarmament roadmap but
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us or worried about possible provocation from rebel forces. we control. it but we are worried. that if the group called so how can we count on. the army to use it. to show the west that syria is not only a commitment. you see the entire interview with syria's top diplomat in our website r t v dot com. now the capital of qatar is growing in leaps and bounds and gearing up for the twenty eight twenty two world cup but it's coming out the tragic cost of dozens of lives the football community and ryan's groups accuse the government of treating migrant construction workers like slaves forcing them to work in humiliating and simply inhumane conditions are met some british fans for their thoughts on doha. choice of cast for the twenty twenty two
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world cup has raised more than just a few eyebrows while football fans wonder how they'll avoid alcohol restrictions if they attend the tournament and parents raise concerns over the desert heat an investigation by britain's guardian newspaper has uncovered an altogether more serious control of the sea for the twenty twenty two host nation according to the publication nepalese migrants working on major infrastructure projects for the world cup have been subjected to forced labor they've been denied water in extreme heat and they were dying at a rate of almost one a day during the summer half of football fans in london the news merely adds insult to injury after a break to spread to host the twenty eighteen world cup was rejected so i've come to london so where football fans regularly flood the park to find out what they think. forty four people died in two months you have been had almost of a dam you know back in the what it was the twenty's and thirty's the night germans first world war standard you know there's
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a lot of people dying and it sounds like there's not a great deal of governance going on if that's what's happening john who was brought round the world the great campbell the china have i believe the olympics. was that they could be encouraged to feel that it's the same cycle because so many brought the going into the world. the only way to really make it global is to bring question rule countries into the fold in terms of highlighting to the world the atrocities that go ignored trying to turn those around they don't think it's a good thing because you could hollow that because it's supposed to catch us twenty twenty two supreme committee which is responsible for the organization of the tournament that has said that is deeply concerned by the allegations and has vowed to investigate them but the next police ambassador to china has already said that abuse of migrant laborers that is so entrenched in the emirates. it might as well be called an open jail so for those watching from the sidelines here in london or
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indeed from pubs like these it raises questions over whether or not cast should be afforded the privilege of hosting the international tournament reporting from london i'm paul you. the golf researcher at human rights watch told r.t. that qatar has a long history of the collecting workers' rights but the government's job to respond. if you've got a geisha is are very credible though everyone knows what the problem is it's not rocket science it's not a question of money it's a question of enforcing the good laws getting rid of the bad laws. prosecuting offenders and the car can do that it's just a question of whether it's willing to go the extra mile and to be caught up. in the region where we are you know my coworkers rate is a real serious issue it has been for a very long time so there. shouldn't be but employers many of them most of our county about as opposed to pretty horrific abuse is what you've been really good.
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now for the first time and over thirty years the leaders of iran and the u.s. have spoken to each other directly following their rare phone conversation barack obama said he hoped the stalemate over to iran's nuclear ambitions could be solved soon but he said there was no guarantee of success and there are still some serious obstacles america's top ally israel remains skeptical about the softer approach iran voice at the u.n. general assembly prime minister netanyahu labeled it a smokescreen and said to ron can't be trusted alice believe the toughest hurdle to a solution is the strong and iran lobby was in the us author and historian gerald horne told r.t. that their influence on the president could prove decisive. united states needs iran to help it pull out successfully from afghanistan in two thousand and fourteen recall that in two thousand and one the iranians were very helpful to then u.s. president george w. bush in terms of helping to dislodge the taliban from power around can also be
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helpful with regard to the crisis in iraq with bombings at a level not seen since two thousand and six and two thousand and seven the problem is that the israeli lobby in the united states is very powerful not least in mr obama's own democratic party coalition and it is no secret that mr netanyahu the prime minister of israel is itching to launch military strikes against iran nuclear facilities given such pressure it's unclear how these diplomatic talks will turn out. the historic phone call has cost of some public support back home he was greeted by hardline protesters on the rival into iran some even threw ags and shoes at these car angered by the apparent softening off of the president's stance on washington. oh and coming up here and a man who's got billions in the bank hates the euro but as
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a fan of the death penalty frank stronach who looks set to edge his way into austria's parliament on the back of a surge of if you were a skepticism r.t. talks to him later in the program. on the radical breeding poll on europe's doorstep and is the most movement outlawed in russia and most of the e.u. spreads to ukraine reportedly lou rings young muslims are joining the syrian rebels the details are just ahead. there's a media legal show we leave the media. by the seat pushing through the play your party years ago. for shoes that no one is asking with the guests that you deserve answers from it's all politics. do we speak your language was anybody will or not
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a day in. the news programs and documentaries in spanish what matters to you breaking news a little eternity of angola's stories. you hear. it all teach spanish to find out more visit actuality. welcome back you're watching r t live from moscow greek authorities are conducting a sweeping crackdown on the far right golden dawn party arresting is a year and
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a dozen senior officials and members it stems from the murder of a prominent anti-fascist two weeks ago allegedly by a member of golden dawn the party has become greece's third largest and is best known for terrorizing immigrants and attacking political rivals only with me now to discuss these issues constitutional law professor george mitchell the list thank you so much george for joining us now golden dawn the leader is being held on charges of forming a criminal organization now so how can an elected party be a criminal organization. well you know the group has to do so and does not allow for the bonding of a political party to put it out of the low but do we have a closing our you know code that when more than three per cent are committing an organized crime they can't make course you're going to have organized let's say i came in to get an education so even if the persecutor to find that the
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members of the continent don't have committed crimes that does not mean that they're part of the itself is going to be out of you know it's going to be banned but members of the party going to have acted as criminals they're going to be punished well go down south as it's being tried by the media. leftists now we have just another extreme i agree with you that at least their elementary in nuneaton of the members of the parliament that now are being persecuted should be lifted before. that there is a technical exception because it was too soon that allows for the rest of the
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members of the parliament for frogland crimes but it's a very deep because of course you know the frankenstein what's happened oh i can't agree with you that maybe that isn't us but compared with what government or of use of manson don't use years we cannot condemn the fact by itself but maybe a way that this has been conducted well and also you know looking at the timing greece is now going through a very sensitive period of course and that is bailing out golden dawn will likely mean fresh elections in certain areas so can greece and its economy afford this distraction. will you have that's the very sensitive issue very reason for the knights of the golden don't is not that it's criminal behavior but it is that it reflects on your very big part of the greek population because of the must be over the. because of the inability to cope with the every day situation
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so in order to face the good and don't we miss the brain matter. and the political field no i'm not especially afraid of the eventuality of local elections elections are never about for the democracy maybe they're going to give us the chance for. that. implements well georgia on another note here police have banned a. man of the government's resignation what role do the military have to play in this and do you think the army will intervene very briefly. no i don't think that now the army has any kind of information to involve in the political life we have had a very very bad or little. in the military has taken part of that but i think now there is not any kind of ideological ground for about any kind of organized people within the army so i don't think there's any kind of issue possibility for the future all right george through the us professor of
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constitutional law thank you so much for talking to us here in r.t. . mercenaries drones and cyber warfare may be the only way forward for the u.k. military according to study put together for the country's ministry of defense it turns out that army chiefs are worried that the british public just won't be sold on war anymore so they're looking at how to reinvigorate the warrior spirit as laura smith now explains. how to sell a war to a british public that's not buying that's the topic of the latest study by the ministry of defense reacting to what the paper calls a wrong assumption that the british people has become risk averse in a nutshell the paper says it's not the people don't want war it's that they don't understand how it will benefit them so in an effort to explain war better the think tank makes some recommendations to make
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a large investment into drones suggesting that if people in foreign countries they killed at arms length the british public mind so much second use more contractors aka must rather than british soldiers to lessen worries about casualties. use more special forces soldiers because apparently the loss of elite soldiers doesn't have such an impact on the public because that role is perceived as inherently more risky and full something military families are already calling disgraceful reduce the profile of repatriation ceremonies for sessions of hearses carrying coffins straight to the union jack when bodies are brought back from afghanistan. but a war weary british public isn't keen on having its opinion swades and is particularly adamant about keeping repatriation the ceremonies in the public. should be respected for what they've done and we should be aware that it was just
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more just the. only thing they can do is. going to publish the right move possible before you think. they should be going to war so it's really trying to avoid war rather than try to make it sound it makes an interesting way the paper appears prescient as it was written before the british parliament voted against getting involved in syria under the immense weights of public opinion but. it seems unlikely that the public will be manipulated into supporting conflict quite as easily as even the ministry of defense admits that the current a version to war is the result of a people it's better informed and in opposition it's more sophisticated when austrians vote in their parliamentary election on sunday it'll be an unusual ballot for you or because they're doing it while enjoying a fairly robust economy even so the euro skeptic parties are polling strongly and
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yet a third of the vote peed all over caught up with a flamboyant billionaire leader of one group. the latest polling information ahead of sunday's election here in austria suggests that the country will see a return of the so-called grand coalition between the social democrats and the conservative people's party however this election has seen a rise in the amounts of people turning towards euro skeptic parties now to talk a little bit more about that i'm joined by the founder of one of those euro skeptic parties mr frank thanks very much for talking to me why has your skepticism caught the imagination in austria we are nuts get this i mean this. i'm very much for european unity and so on which is always thought that come with currency doesn't make sense it's economic and not viable and all the science at that doesn't work now do you think that brussels currently has too much say over the sovereignty of nations like austria well.
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because each county has a certain culture for hundreds and thousands a year as an each country must govern down destiny on the other hand the european unity would be that people can move freely around and products could be moved around freely but again the currency just doesn't work now how important to the rest of the e.u. is they selection taking place in austria well. i don't think we will get a majority at this time but we have set principles and dollars for pete daksh reforms in parliamentary reforms and parliamentary reform so we hope to reduce the power of politicians and. citizens representatives will have more say in government thank you very much for talking to me frank stronach there the founder of teen stronach party running in this year's
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austrian elections dozens of the crimean smiley face. lying alongside the armed rebels in syria that's according to statements by the syrian ambassador to the country as well as the leader of the ukrainian branch of his boat here a global islam is organization outlawed in most of europe but the government is legal and active in ukraine at is reportedly encouraging young muslims to go to syria investigate. the one palace in the town of bush said i all that's left as a reminder of the crimean tatars glory days built centuries before the tar's were deported by joseph stalin in the one nine hundred forty s. and repaired treated with the us is ours collapse far healthier century they spent in exile the crimea tatarstan been inhabiting the crimean peninsula for more than sixteen hundred years at some point they even had a powerful state of their own part of the osce man empire and there are those who are clearly unhappy with the current state of things. has the information office of
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the he is the party in ukraine which officially opened in june he points at the global resurrection of islam and says the time has come to rebuild the global islamic state the holy father. we as an organization work on establishing islamic states only in muslim countries like turkey pakistan syria cetera in ukraine russia and european states we're not working on changing governments there are calls in our books to establish the colley fought but we always stress it must be done in a peaceful way. but not everyone seems to be buying that several states including russia and germany his book is considered a terrorist organization and its biggest on for example authorities claim the party was driving force of the bloodletting two thousand and five on the genre it's recently he's booked darkly to showcase their expanding following in ukraine at several thousand strong rally in crimea. they say if you're
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a muslim you must join us and fight infidels and infidel governments ukraine russia the usa if you not with us then you'll be worse than the infidel and must be killed to their goals and not the enlightenment of muslims their goals geo political and many unemployed young people fall for their ideas you know there have already been presidents of underground terrorist cells uncovered and busted by ukraine security service during the most recent. explosives and extremist books were discovered some of those had come directly from current war zones as authorities have evidence of at least four hundred fifty crimean tatars fighting in syria on the rebel side investigative journalist. says this spells trouble not only for crimea but for the whole region it was like this for the present wish we knew they used to go to the turkish part of cyprus to supposedly study but in reality they went through combat training now they have syria as a perfect boot camp and after they return they will be so skilled they could
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explode a powder keg here crimea is like a breeding ground for such movements from here they are exported to russia's caucasus turkey bowl garia and romania and we've got all sorts of radical sects here. nowadays there is still no low ukraine property regulating religious sects and there is no legal definition of extremism there are worries now that if the authorities continue to earning a blind eye to escalating religious activities in the peninsula one provoke could have spark like an international glass could easily good night a militant bought right next door to europe. reporting from crimea in ukraine well you have today here in our team next abby martin looks at what it really means to be a journalist in the u.s. in just a couple of minutes. i
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bet anyone who lives in the united states knows a few people or just dismal geography a certain small percentage of the country just can't get it that canada is above us but how important is knowing geography anyways what one author on the washington post blogs recently wrote that no one geography really doesn't matter that much he was writing a response to the game where is damascus which challenges people to find serious capital on a blank map he said that whether americans confines here on a map doesn't affect the wisdom of a punitive strike meant to uphold international arms against the use of chemical weapons and often disasters draw our attention to places we've never heard of before like pearl harbor or columbine or syria but let's look at this way i don't exactly know where persons kidneys are or how exactly they work so by all normal logic that means i'm not qualified to have an opinion about whether we should remove john doe's kidneys my opinion doesn't count because i am kidney ignorant so
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if you know so little about syria that you can't even find it on a map then you are more likely to believe from a guy in a suit on t.v. that there must be an intervention to save the people there you have no idea who they are or why they are suffering or how to save them but crushed out of that intervention sounds nice knowing at least where a country is on the map as the first step in building and informed opinion but that's just my opinion. the the. hey guys i'm out in martin and this is breaking this set you know despite the revelations concerning the scope of n.s.a. spying there's been little political action reform the shady practices of the secretive agency but earlier this week a small group of politicians and others to build a challenge the end save lack of oversight the charge led by senator ron wyden
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rosa's an overhaul of the agency and a ban of the bulk collection of americans phone and e-mail records but it's not just about gathering data the bill would also introduce a constitutional advocate to argue on behalf of the civil liberties community at the fight as a court now of course there's strong opposition to the legislation mainly from dianne feinstein who shares the intelligence committee yeah feinstein seems to just like the n.s.a. just the way it is and it's all encompassing glory and so if you care about your privacy too and want to see this bill pass then join me and let's break the set. of the because. it was a. very hard take that. once again. i never had sex with her rick perry.
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