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tv   Headline News  RT  September 28, 2013 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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the world's top chemical weapons watchdog is. in the next few days to oversee the destruction of the country's toxic arsenal that. council resolution paved the way for the disarmament process. raining down on qatar as the football community teams up with rights activists over building. over the dead bodies of its workers. in greece. parliament the police crackdown on the leader and supporters of the extreme right golden dawn party. a war weary public political class tainted by scandal the u.k. ministry of defense are draws up plans hoping to persuade people that any future
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war would not be so bad after all. from our studios in moscow this is thomas certainly glad to have you with us now inspectors from the international chemical weapons a watchdog are preparing to head to syria to oversee the eradication of its chemical stockpiles and this comes after the unanimous u.n. security council resolution demanding the country eliminate its stock the details from our new york correspondent reporting. this breakthrough marks the first time the united nations security council has agreed on a binding document concerning syria the resolution unanimously adopted by the council requires the verification and destruction of syria's chemical weapons
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stockpiles however while it doesn't mention chapter seven towards the end of the document it does not indicate that immediate use of force would be allowed this is something that russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov explained in detail while addressing the security council loose in your book by the with. the resolution does not fall under chapter seven of the un charter and does not allow for the automatic use of force with which we have verbs the agreement reached that the russian american meeting in geneva regarding violations of the use of chemical weapons by anyone will have to be carefully investigated by the security council of the united nations estimates of the council will stand ready to take action under chapter seven of the un charter any incident which is considered to be a violation of the resolution would have to be proved one hundred percent years before any action is taken stupor of the. the resolution also calls for the convening of the geneva two peace talks which un secretary-general ban ki moon says
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could happen as soon as november the geneva two is where the syrian government and opposition are supposed to come to the table together to negotiate a peaceful path towards their future and an ultimate end to the two and a half year civil war taking place in that country russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov says that the syrian opposition as well as the government is applied to comply with all measures in the security council resolution if used in the. responsibility for implementing this resolution lies not only with the government of syria is opposed to the demands of the u.n. security council the syrian opposition will have to go a break with us next. in the meantime u.s. secretary of state john kerry said the precedent setting resolution shows that powerful diplomacy can peacefully disarm the worst weapons however during his address to the security council secretary kerry reminded members that the use of
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force against syria is an option that u.s. president barack obama continues to keep on the table reporting from new york marina porter r.t. . author and historian gerald horne says that unless the syrian opposition is a part of the disarmament deal then chemical weapons may continue to exist in the country that's the weakness of this peace process recall that just a few days ago for these so-called rebels look for officially with the more extremist faction basically saying that the less extreme the structure is somehow being urged and expelled the extremist faction of course is spearheaded by the almost were front close to al qaida keep in mind as well that some of those so-called chemical facilities in syria or under the jurisdiction of rebel forces if the rebel forces are not part of this process it's unclear to me how it could be resolved that is precisely how can chemical weapons be destroyed not the least
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talked and these chemical weapons be found if the rebels are not part of the process well you can always get more reaction and analysis on the syrian crisis on our web site r t dot com also there for you right now an exclusive interview with syria's foreign minister where he explains how the civil war could end in a matter of weeks. i think. the capital of qatar is growing in leaps and bounds and gearing up for the twenty twenty two world cup but it's coming at the tragic cost of dozens of lives shocking revelations show migrant workers living in inhumane conditions and being treated like slaves the football community and rights groups demand the government take
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measures and soon artie's public boyko has been gauging the reaction among some british sports fans. for the twenty twenty two world cup has raised more than just a few eyebrows while football fans wonder how they'll avoid alcohol restrictions if they attend the tournament and players raise concerns over the desert heat an investigation by britain's guardian newspaper has uncovered an altogether more serious control of the city for the twenty twenty two host nation according to the publication nepalese migrants working on major infrastructure projects for the world cup have been subjected to forced labor they've been denied water in extreme heat and they were dying a slow rate of almost one a day ger in the summer after football fans in london the news merely adds insult to injury after a break to spread to host the twenty eighteen world cup was rejected so i've come to london soho where football fans regularly flood the park to find out what they
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think. forty four people died in two months you know that's a higher ratio than had almost of a dam you know back in the what it was the twenty's and thirty's the nice job was first world war standard you know there's a lot of people dying and it sounds like there's not a great deal of governance going on if that's what's happening china was brought around the world the great campbell china have i believe the olympics. was that they could be encouraged to feel that. the same people because of the drop we're going to the world. the only way to really make a global is to bring question rule countries into the fold in terms of highlighting to the world the atrocities that are going on trying to turn those around they don't think it's a good thing because you could hardly think since the poster child twenty twenty two supreme committee which is responsible for the organization of the tournament there has said it is deeply concerned by the allegations and has vowed to
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investigate them but the next police ambassador to canada has already said that abuse of migrant labor is that is so entrenched in the emirates that it might as well be cool. an open jail so for those watching from the sidelines here in london or indeed from pubs like these it raises questions over whether or not castle should be afforded the privilege of hosting the international tournament reporting from london. nicholas mcginn from human rights watch told our t.v. tar and its gulf neighbors have a long history of neglecting workers' rights the government's job to respond to the allegations and the delegations are credible no everyone knows the problem is it's not rocket science and this is not a question of money it's a question of forcing the good laws getting rid of the five laws. prosecuting offenders and o'connor can do that it's just a question of whether it's willing to go the extra mile and to be caught up a leader in the region where we are you know my coworkers rate is
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a real serious issue it has been for a very long thing caught on across the gulf the labor system the legal regulatory framework there are totally totally short of the standards required there are a series of appalling laws rate for the exploitation of workers and the laws which do exist there's a law prohibiting past work on the law prohibiting illegal recruitment these laws are enforced nor for that mater or any of the offenders prosecuted criminally so there is a bank of impunity but employers many of them most of them are county i'm not as old as the for the horrific abuses which have been revealed against. still ahead for you this hour not quite a hero's welcome iran's president is pelted with eggs stones and shoes on his return from the u.n. general assembly and the historic phone conversation with president barack obama.
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greek authorities are conducting a sweeping crackdown on the extreme right golden dawn party arresting its leader and a dozen senior official. and members it stems from the murder of a prominent anti-fascist rapper two weeks ago allegedly by a golden dawn activist the party has become the third largest in greece and is best known for terrorizing immigrants and attacking the political rivals dr alexander kusum a s. who is a specialist in the country's politics spoke to my colleague kevin owen earlier he believes that the more the government tries to suppress it the more it is likely to flourish so far as the position of the m.p.'s for whom arrest warrants have been issued is concerned by the fact that they will be on trial in under arrest they will not lose their status as members of the greek parliament or so seems to be the case if you try and close something and you drive it underground it thrives conversely. that is correct and i am personally against
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a full band of golden dawn precisely for the reason you outlined in your question it seems that the greek authorities are not entirely clear about what to do so far . not banning golden dawn because they want to avoid a situation whereby the movement of the organization rather goes on the ground and becomes a more frightening force in greek politics at the same time however they're arresting its members and they're going for something like a defacto ban without a proper legal battle. the anti-war feelings of many in britain have forced the ministry of defense to come up with new ways to reconcile the public with military casualties the new strategy includes the use of more mercenaries drones and reducing the high profile repatriation ceremonies of service personnel killed in combat. reports how to sell a war to
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a british public that's not buying that's the topic of the latest study by the ministry of defense reacting to what the paper calls a wrong assumption that the british people has become risk averse in a nutshell the paper says it's not the people don't want war it's that they don't understand how it will benefit them so in an effort to explain war the think tank make some recommendations. make a large investment into drone suggesting that if people in foreign countries they killed at arms length the british public mind so much second use more contract aka must raise rather than british soldiers to lessen worries about casualties. and use more special forces soldiers because apparently the loss of soldiers doesn't have such an impact on the public because that role is perceived as inherently more risky and full something military families are already calling. reduce the profile
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of repatriation ceremonies. carrying coffins straight to the union jack when bodies are brought back from afghanistan. but a war weary british public isn't keen on having its opinion swades and is particularly adamant about keeping repatriation ceremonies in the public. saying there should be respected for what they've done and we should be aware that it was just more just the. other things anything they can do is. publish them right. i think basically they should because. it's really trying to avoid war rather than try to make it sound but nice and interesting the paper prescient because it was written before the. involved in syria under the immense weights of public opinion but it seems unlikely that the public will be manipulated into supporting quite as easily as even the ministry of
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defense admits that the current to war is the result of a people let's back to unfold position that's more sophisticated well after the break on our team an austrian election campaign is alive and up by a flamboyant billionaire. he talks to frank. looking to be set on his way into the country's parliament. plus. a flame up for the sochi winter olympics is almost ready to start off on its incredible marathon which will take it as far as outer space after the break we report from the birthplace of the legendary sporting event. wealthy british style sun it's time to.
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market. really happening to the global economy with. no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser reports. we can with know if. you can. choose who you. choose to story. choose. to.
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and welcome back you're watching r.t. president rouhani of iran received a mixed welcome in tehran on his return from his headline stealing attendance at the u.n. general assembly in new york rouhani supporters welcomed his return while dozens of opponents chanting anti-american slogans threw eggs and shoes at his car they oppose the president's softening the islamic republic's stance towards the u.s. and a change of tone on nuclear weapons that follows the historical phone conversation between rowhani and obama the first direct talks between u.s. and iranian leaders for more than three decades after that phone call president obama voiced hopes of progress over tehran's atomic ambitions. and said that
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serious obstacles remain america's top ally in the middle east israel remains skeptical of iran's less confrontational approach at the u.n. labeling it a smokescreen norman solomon from the institute for public accuracy says that hawks in washington are pushing the white house to be more hardline in its policy towards tehran. the u.s. government is under great pressure from the hawks in washington many of whom want the united states to either attack or wink and nod towards israel launching an attack on iran within the next year or so the role of the us i think is now to see what's possible diplomatically and i think it's a combination you know it takes two to dance and ronnie and obama are beginning to dance that was not possible under awkward in a job it was not possible or would not be possible under president romney or president mccain for instance i think that is the very important factor the
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combination and it's a matter of timing. but it will be very important for. a grassroots leaders as well as the powerful in both iran and the united states to keep us on tour so that the hardliners in each country don't gain the upper hand. now our online team has all of our stories and the latest developments on the website just a click away for you now. dramatic footage of a joint military exercise involving russian and bell russian forces all watched over by president putin and a look at shank oh you can find that in our in motion section plus. sued for science a u.s. christian group wants in the kansas education board in court for teaching children about evolution and global warming saying it violates a pupil's a religious freedom the genesis of sad story dot com.
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austria is heading into parliamentary elections on sunday and most polls suggest that the current chancellor is on course for reelection but even a country with a fairly healthy economy is seeing a boom in euro skeptic parties such as team stronach which is expected to win a number of seats archies peter oliver caught up with its billionaire leader. the latest polling information ahead of sunday's election here in austria suggests that the country will see a return of the so-called grand coalition between the social democrats and the conservative people's party however this election has seen a rise in the amount of people turning towards euro skeptic parties now to talk a little bit more about that i'm joined by the founder of one of those euro skeptic parties mr frank straw thanks very much for talking to me why has your skepticism caught the imagination in austria we are nuts get this for me. i'm very much for
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european unity and so on which is always thought that come with currency doesn't make sense it's economically not viable and all the science at that doesn't work now do you think that brussels currently has too much say over the sovereignty of nations like austria while it came to. reason because each country has a certain culture for hundreds and thousands a year as an each country must govern down destiny on the other hand the european unity would be that people can move freely around and products could be moved around freely but again the currency just doesn't work now how important to the rest of the e.u. is they selection taking place in austria. well. i don't think we will get a majority at this time but we have set principles and those would be tax
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reforms and parliamentary reforms and parliamentary reform so we hope to reduce the power of politicians and. citizens representatives will have more say in government thank you very much for talking to me frank stronach there the founder of team stronach policy running in this year's austrian elections artie's peter all over for us there now later this hour max kaiser takes a look at some comments by the boss of insurance giant g. who like into the public anger over bankers' bonuses to the lynching of african-americans here is a quick preview of what's to come. ben. seen the insurance giant which took eighty five billion a bailout money from the american taxpayer said that congressional outrage at the ensuing bonuses paid to these executives in a failed fraudulent phony financial products unit was quote just
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as bad as the deep south lynching. that cracker on wall street sees a kinship with the way blacks were lynched it you know here's what i think black america should do in light of this revelation they should demand reparations for having built the united states of america they are owed by some calculations and this was an issue a few years ago five to seven trillion dollars in cash right now black america this cracker thinks year now we're it is suffering of taking billions in bonus money is equivalent to you building into our culture that he now profits from i'm a victim i was the first of billions of dollars of bonuses on the other victim oh i can't stand it lynched.
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it's not to go swing around the world to look at some other news making headlines this hour in tunisia the islamist led government plans to step down amid criticism and mass protests staged by the secular opposition the decision comes amid political deadlock and a nationwide on rast which was triggered by the july killing of an opposition leader the country is to be led by a provisional government until new elections can be held. in china a large police task force has freed a ninety two children after breaking up a human trafficking network gang members apparently kidnapped the children in the southwest of the country to sell them as a labor force but work is also believed to be responsible for trafficking in women to be sold as brides. angry crowds in bahrain have clashed with security forces in protest over the arrest of a prominent opposition figure former m.p. . who was taken into custody charged with inciting terrorism police used tear
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gas and water cannons to disperse the thousands who tried to get to pull square the cradle of bahrain's long running a rest position as demanded human rights reforms and accuses the government of conducting a ferocious crackdown. security forces in sudan have opened fire on demonstrators are killing another four people in protests which have raged all week long rest is rooted in the cut in fuel subsidies approved last week by president bashir rights groups believe a total of fifty four people have been shot and killed driving anger over the police's increasingly lethal crackdown calls are growing for bashir to end his almost quarter century in power. amid the ancient ruins of a greece's olympia the dress rehearsal for the lighting of the sochi two thousand and fourteen winter olympics torch has taken place. reports from the final preparation before the actual ceremony on sunday. actually watching the rehearsal
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for sunday ceremonies here after limpia the birthplace of the lympics two and a half thousand years ago and they sang side well actually held the start of the next dylan pics and that's because the limping fly for such a twenty fourteen when we did it and it will be it means princesses who we can see here practicing what they would do on sunday and that is my lot in the school should the first torchbearer who by tradition is always the great and he will then hand that see the russian torch bearer who on this occasion will be ice hockey star alexander ovechkin he went to gently has been released by the washington capitals of one weekend only to carry out his sauna back to watch then go on a seven day tour of greece before ending up in athens next weekend with m.b. taking to moscow in the russian leg of the torch relay. on its journey to sochi the torch will pass through nine time zones and will go as far as the north pole and
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even outer space the flame is scheduled to head to the international space station where it will be taken out for a spacewalk in an unprecedented out of this world show our team will be following the ceremony and bring it to you as it takes place. as promised coming up next on our t.v. it's the kaiser report stay with us. i mean anyone who lives in the united states knows a few people or just dismal geography a certain small percentage of the country just can't get it that canada is above us but how important is doing geography anyways what one author on the washington post blogs recently wrote that no one geography really doesn't matter that much he was
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writing in response to the game of where's damascus which challenges people to find serious capital on a blank map he said that whether americans can find secure in a map doesn't affect the wisdom of a punitive strike meant to uphold international norms against the use of chemical weapons and often disasters draw our attention to places we'd never heard of before like pearl harbor or columbine or syria but let's look at this way i don't exactly know where persons kidneys are or how exactly they work so by all normal logic that means i'm not qualified to have an opinion about whether we should remove john doe's kidneys my opinion doesn't count because i am kidney ignorant so if you know so little about syria that you can't even find it on a map then you are more likely to believe from a guy in a suit on t.v. that there must be an intervention to save the people there you have no idea who they are or why they are suffering or how to save them but gosh darn it that intervention sounds nice knowing at least where a country is on the map is the first step in building informed opinion but that's just my opinion.
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welcome to the kaiser report i max kaiser you know earlier this week but ben loesch c.e.o. of ai g. the insurance giant which took eighty five billion of bailout money from the american taxpayer said that congressional outrage at the ensuing bonuses paid to these executives in a failed fraudulent phony financial products unit was quote just as bad as the deep south lynching let me tell you something bob if financial products unit were indeed chased down by a crowd of angry taxpayers and defrauded investors wielding pitchforks and
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hangman's nooses as you suggest in your interview history could one day possibly look on this as an act of great injustice a stain on the soul of a population but violently repressed innocent bankers based simply on the color of their derivatives but i doubt it stacey what is going on here. he's referring there in particular to a i g's financial products unit the unit that is based here in london headed by cassano who remember the whole bank went bust the insurance company went bust eighty five billion dollars and taxpayer bell so he was interviewed in the wall street journal and he suggested that when congress was against paying bonuses to this very unit here destroyed that insurance company well that was it could have lent to the lynching faced by african-americans in the south a i.g. c.e.o. robert benmosche compares.


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