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tv   Headline News  RT  October 1, 2013 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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coming up on r t the clothes sign is out in washington d.c. and across the country today since midnight last night the federal government has been shut down while congress bickers over a spending deal the american people want chance warry the latest on the shutdown and as a fax coming up. the u.n. general assembly continues in new york last week the president of iran signaled that his country is willing to work with the west to curb its nuclear programs today the prime minister of israel says that that is a lie an update ahead of more revelations about the n.s.a. surveillance continue to be revealed thanks to edward snowden the latest allegations coming out and we'll also look at what legacy snowden is leaving behind that's later in the show.
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it's tuesday october first four pm in washington d.c. i'm meghan lopez and you are watching r.t. well happy government shutdown day everyone because of congress' inability and unwillingness to find a compromise on a spending bill the government has now shut down for the first time in seventeen years across the country over four hundred parks and museums have been closed over eight hundred thousand people have received furlough notices nasa has essentially shuttered the list goes on sixteen hours into the shutdown and congress is no closer to a resolution in fact we might be moving in the exact opposite direction in the senate voted today to reject the house's request to hold formal talks on a stopgap spending bill in a conference committee that stopgap measure would have been a six week spending bill to fund the government but also keep the debate going
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essentially kicking the can down the road president obama also weighed in on the shutdown. i will not negotiate over congress's responsibility to pay bills it's already racked up i'm not going to allow anybody to drag the good name of the united states of america through the mud just to refight a settled election or extract ideological demands nobody gets to hurt our economy and millions of hardworking families over a law you don't like there are a whole bunch of things that i'd like to see passed through congress that the house republicans haven't passed yet and i'm not out there saying well i'm not i'm going to let america default unless congress does something that they don't want to do that's not how adults operate so there's the president once again taking up the role of chief chastize or for the latest on this game of chicken on capitol hill
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political commentator sam sachs hi there sam what's going on on capitol hill are we any closer to a compromise. short answer no shortly after midnight as you mentioned med and republicans send back a spending house republican sent back a spending bill to the senate with obamacare moments attached to it and then asked the senate to hold a conference committee with them to come up with a bill now conference committee is when the senate passes a bill in the house pass a bill their differences they come together to work out those differences of course senate democrats have been asking for a conference for the past two years to get a budget a full budget passed rather than the six week spending resolution and republicans now have decided to call for this conference after the government is shut down so the senate democrats have said republicans are being disingenuous here they were just did the call for conference and stripped out the obamacare stuff again so it's back on the house now there are reports that house republicans might consider
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another spending bill that keeps the government opens up the government partially some parks some veterans administration services but the senate democrats came forward today and said no we want a full spending bill as president obama said this is the job of congress is to pass is to make sure the government is stays open and continues its necessary functions and until republicans come to the table and that democrats are going to budge either so that's where we stand right now almost into the evening of this first day of a government shutdown sam is there any indication how long this shutdown could last have you heard from many democrats or republicans about how long they are willing to hold out. right while it remains to be seen every week you go back to ninety five ninety six the government shutdown this didn't really last more than a week there but of course this is a different time there are different issues. at stake here and you have a much more aggressive tea party republican caucus here that seems very much. willing to continue this now interestingly the house republican leadership held
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a press conference today and budget chairman paul ryan republican budget chairman suggested that this debate might. go all the way to the debt limit in two weeks here's what he saw. we have a debt and deficit is coming in about two weeks most budget agreements in the past have always involved debt limit which we think that's the forcing mechanism just like the budget select that president obama signed before or like to or like or like and i can a set of organs and anybody agree with all of his buddies to get it because of their limits that we think will be the forcing action to bring us the two parties together. even that though is like unlikely to bring the two parties together because house republicans are going trying to attach things related to obamacare related to the keystone pipeline to a delegate increase the senate democrats aren't going to go along with it and that
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president obama again reiterated that he's not going to negotiate over over the debt limit so that has some republicans coming forward looking at the situation saying look we fought the good fight we've lost that was what congressman rangle said this morning a republican we heard congressman peter king another republican echoed those same sentiments last night and i caught up with democratic congressman charlie rangle and asked him what he thinks about these more moderate republicans coming forward and trying to join democrats pass a clean spending resolution and here's what congressman rangel said. they are not courageous. but in place three days. they could if they could raise he said no to a challenge to the leadership of the party that is really vying for line as noted to maintain leadership so these people would say this doesn't make sense if you want to change your look this is not the way to do it we're going to have their chance last night to do this they could have defeated the spending bill republicans
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could have defeated a spending bill last night and join with democrats to pass a clean bill but they decided not to but as the government shutdown continues you can imagine pressure building more and more on these moderate republicans to come forward join with democrats and demand that a clean spending bill come to the floor of the house to be passed and reopen the government and found we have less than a minute left but what are the economic consequences of a prolonged government shutdown. well in ninety five ninety six the price tag was about a little over a billion dollars we're seeing something that each day nowadays it's about a three hundred million dollars economic loss when the government is shut down moody's estimates of the. this person persists for another three to four weeks we could see fifty five billion dollars. in economic losses for the united states so it's not just lost wages that we're talking about people being furloughed it's lost business activity it's lost tourism in these effects compound week two weeks of the
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longer this goes on the worse and worse the economic consequences get that seems to always be the case when you have a threat or a government shutdown as we indeed do have right now political commentator sam sachs on the hill for us thank you so much. so just about everyone has an opinion about the government shutdown but here are where the facts stand the government is shut down the affordable care act is now officially rolled out congress's approval rating is a measly ten percent and the u.s. will hit its debt limit on october seventeenth that is for guard most of what happens in the next couple of weeks but still neither side is budging so where do we go from here or for more on that i'm joined now by daniel for watching is the director of grassroots political consulting as well as mark levine former congressional attorney and host of the insights. much for joining me and daniel i want to start with you john boehner blames president obama and the democrats democrats blame the republicans what are we seeing here other than a blame game do we have any other solution this was
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a convoluted strategy of senator ted cruz in order to spur fund raising and expand a fundraising list the house g.o.p. got caught off guard by this entire announcement this is the premise of the entire situation and in a desperate attempt to show that they were doing something where here where we are today in addition to that since two thousand and seven there is not been a budget passed under regular order so an abdication of responsibility from both parties on passing a budget and creating the tension that we have today feeds into where we are today but this is nothing but a blame game in the g.o.p. is going to suffer for this one long term so what is it going to take to get the g.o.p. and the democrats to work together mark it's going to take the american people to get angry it's going to take them a calling republicans it's going to take frankly wall street to collapse a little bit it's going to take the debt ceiling deadline approaches people to
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panic and people will panic and i think it's going to hurt republicans for quite a long time to come that once it'll hurt most are the few moderate republicans left the ones in the northeast the ones in states that still are competitive the ones that matter most frankly in the two thousand and fourteen elections it's interesting the majority republicans didn't want to do this then points out this is a strategy for a minority of a minority ted cruz is running for president he wants to do some fund raising but they've backed himself in a corner and now they didn't want to blink and yet they have to because the government has to be funded but this can't be soley blamed about it for in many of the republican party let's put it let's face it the democrats played a big role in this as well right definitely both parties as a premise played a role into where we are today and to the underlying tension however this was i mean. if the g.o.p. would have really strategized and really wanted to defund work on defunding this law they could have the backbone and attack the mandatory spending side and expose medicare and medicaid have sold the rest and addition to that they could have just
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skipped the defunding and just gone for. other options the individual mandate or the medical device tax and passed the c.r. with that trying to negotiate a more long term c.r. i mean there was a lot better strategic plays that they had but i have to agree over here with mark i mean they did backed themselves into a corner they took the cruz and rubio feud back and forth one trying to one up each other and created the situation of today however the one thing i do say the g.o.p. will definitely suffer unless they find a way to come back to a cohesive message and with weak leadership that's probably not going to happen but i think the entire political structure is going to suffer because i noticed the difference between this polling wise in ninety six is it was a lot closer to a full across the board blame of both parties they kicked the bums out mentality and they have this prolongs itself it's going to continue on that path as well poor
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people understand though why the republicans are far more to blame than democrats you know the democrats simply want to keep the government going they frankly want to keep the government going at republican spending levels so this isn't a fight like the normal fight over how much just spend democrats have caved in completely to republican spending levels that's what they're putting forward republicans say look we know that obamacare is going to very popular and it's starting today and american people are going to like it we have to stop it before it starts we don't like this law but the constant united states says how you pass laws and obamacare was passed the point the constitution if they don't like it they can try to pass a law to overturn it there are many things democrats while we'd like to see better gun control frankly but we don't say we're going to shut down the government let you give us what we want and that's an apt point that president obama made in his rose garden speech today now daily beast special correspondent michael to manske. he wrote in an op ed that what's happening here isn't hostage taking it's political terrorism what are your thoughts on that i think that's the case i begin the democrats are offering simply to keep the government going they're not attaching
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conditions to it they're not saying we want background checks for the mentally ill to get guns which we very much like but we know we can't pass through regular order we try and we're not attaching conditions by attaching conditions the republicans are setting up something that if it were to prevail would really damage american politics for decades to come because democrats will start touching conditions and nothing would ever get done so i think it is terrorism and i think the democrats have to stand firm not just the democratic party but to prevent this tactic for being used in the future and danielle let's go ahead and talk about some of the future consequences that can weigh down the economy and as a result of all of this standard of course just two years ago as a result of the threat of a government shutdown downgraded our aaa rating star i have actually a quote from forbes from standard and poor's research team about what's going on they said the current impasse over continuing resolution and debt ceiling creates an atmosphere of uncertainty that could affect confidence investment and hiring in the u.s. this sort of political brinksmanship is the dominant reason why the u.s. at the rating is no longer a triple a so obviously they have no more. then no more authority to
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to upgrade that than that that aaa rating score so what are we doing here are we really driving the economy back into a recession well it's amazing since that point the failure in leadership on both sides abdication of responsibility again even after the downgrade we still haven't had a budget under regular order since two thousand and seven neither party is getting the job done nobody's governing and the president right now as well is not helping the situation he's out there making speeches taking shots at everybody instead of pulling people into a room using the pope but he has been telling everyone let's get the job done but the residual effect is you had asked is the shutdown. it's devastating to the micro business people opening cafeterias food trucks concession stands and as this continues on those are the real people that are getting hurt on top of that
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government employees trying to pay a mortgage everybody has heard really account for except for lawmakers because their paychecks keep coming but i do before i let you guys go i do have to show you a couple of tweets that came out from reporters from last night talking about how drunk they thought the congress members were in the voting so you have these different people talking about oh they can smell the breath of the congressman i mean does this kind of show the attitude of congress at this point that they aren't even taking these votes seriously look when the american people into a need for republican congress i came on t.v. and i said the american people maybe not know of but they're voting for gridlock they're voting for a dysfunctional congress so you know the extent americans are complaining that only ten percent approval rating for congress i would argue americans voted for this dysfunction and they need to fix that in two thousand and fourteen by voting for the only party that's having coherent proposals and i would argue that's my party the democratic party that is the appeal of mark levine former congressional attorney and the host of the inside scoop and i was also joined by daniel for
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director at the county grassroots political consulting thank you so much thank you . well it has been less than twenty four hours since the government shutdown and already we are seeing the physical effects from this political stalemate but the woman behind the camera is gone dark national parks are kicking out visitors the list goes on and on for a look at the most reliable signs of a government shutdown right here in the heart of the controversy here's our team was wall. it's day one of a government shutdown it comes after lawmakers here failed to come up with a short term spending bill to fund the government now roughly eight hundred thousand federal workers are out of a job washington is feeling the pain it's really frustrating for the american people and for myself to see you know our government be so inefficient local businesses say they're getting worried we depend on the government here especially for this business and we have a lot of agencies around here so we're just going to turn
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a little quiet around here is among the businesses offering special shutdown deals we don't know with the purchase of a donor with a government i.d. big big boost tourism is at a standstill with iconic landmarks shut down most of the places. for business are closed today thousands of people come to d.c. each year to visit the monuments and museums but today at many of these places like here at the natural history museum they're greeted with a sign like this one announcing that they're closed this family traveled from arizona to do some sightseeing we drove our kids' friends over in arizona thousands of miles across the country hoping to. you know show them the national treasures and teach them a little bit a little bit about american history and show them how great this country is instead we're learning about government the world war two memorial was closed to visiting
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veterans until members of congress came to help break the barrier among them congresswoman michele bachmann. maybe eight to twelve of us members one member had a scissor cut the tape and then we just ask or to. block man blames the democrats for the shutdown we haven't even got return calls most of the time from the president or from harry reid even the last one the last bill said will fully fund the government by which you sit down with us so we can iron out some concerns that we have harry reid said not to do that you just take our way or no way but many others point their finger out the republicans they're the ones who put the obamacare bill into the funding bill that has no business being there the hope now is that a deal comes soon so everyone can get back to business as usual in washington our team while the us government battles through its dysfunction in new york the international community is attempting to forge a new path of cooperation on issues ranging from the global economy to the syrian
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conflict but israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu had other plans this afternoon when he delivered his remarks to the united nations general assembly he focused his criticism on iran and more specifically the country's new president hassan rouhani was said. but when it comes to iran's nuclear weapons program the only difference between them is this. they do judge it was a wolf in wolf's clothing. is a wolf in sheep's clothing a wolf who thinks he can pull the wool over the. so and the criticism certainly did not end there or to fill us in on all the shots that b.b. took out iran r t correspondent. joins me now hi there ana stasia can you fill us in on what else came out of this speech today well making what we just heard was
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really the gist and the key sentiment of the message benjamin netanyahu passed out of the united nations general assembly today this complete lack of trust towards the more friend we are told that we have seen come from iran and its new president rouhani especially during last week at the united nations general assembly this of course this negative negativity sarcasm and lack of whole towards any kind of renewal of negotiations or renewal of possible trust to iran comes after all barack obama and rouhani the u.s. and iranian president spoke for the first time the two leaders of the two countries in over three decades but netanyahu says he basically doesn't buy it at all he says that he wishes he could believe but he doesn't he says iran seeks israel's destruction and only a complete dismantlement of its uranium enrichment program would be a solution to the steam it and he says iran deserves more sanctions not less and
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that military option still remains not on associates there any indication that the threats that netanyahu made today will affect the revamped talks that you just spoke about between the u.s. and iran well it looks like this attitude is certainly ready affecting the latest developments between iran and the united states because we've heard from officials already kind of sounding disappointment with obama is what they have referred to as flip flopping kind of using the softer tone with tehran and yet continuing to encourage israel that the west does keep military option if forceful measures if all else fails so this is certainly something that's been causing kind of eyebrow raising armada really an official. who said that referring to netanyahu is better to have a smiley policy with which they do than a lying so but you know the key here is that iran does need better ties with the us the us is interested with better and better ties with iran israel and the us are
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live each other so they're going to have to move forward one way or another and we do know that there are talks in geneva this month with the five permanent members of the security council plus germany plus around on its uranium enrichment on a kind of their new york for us thank you so much let's turn now to the latest information coming out about the n.s.a. surveillance state on saturday the new york times reported that the agency was using metadata to create profiles on american citizens their doings their locations their friends and their social connections and just yesterday the guardian reported that the n.s.a. is collecting this made of data on millions of internet users regardless of whether or not they are a person of interest and they're doing it for up to a year this is the latest leak that once again is brought to you by edward snowden and more specifically the files that he handed over to journalist glenn greenwald meanwhile the european parliament committee on civil liberties met yesterday to talk about the state of privacy and surveillance during the meeting government
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accountability project national security and human rights director and frequent r.t. america guest just one raid act read a statement aloud on behalf of edward snowden himself here is part of it these are not decisions this should be me for a people but only by people after flow informed and fearless defeat. yet public defeat is not possible without public knowledge and in my country the cost for one in my position. of returning public knowledge to public hands has been persecution and exile. if we are to enjoy such to be in the future we cannot rely upon individual sacrifice. snowden in that letter went on to say that he wants a better way for whistleblowers to raise red flags about government to be else to
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talk all things n.s.a. r t web producer andrew blake joins me now on air and euro so let's start with the statement that we just heard from snowden how did the european parliament committee on civil liberties respond to it you know in the e.u. they've already been pretty concerned for a while now it's been four months since the first leak came out and it was only targeting u.s. citizens and their phone calls to either domestic or other international persons but over the course of a couple of weeks and then months we're seeing that the n.s.a. is activities really do focus on everyone you know it's meant to gather intelligence for counterterrorism purposes and to protect the homeland but what we're realizing is that by gathering intelligence about these other people you know outside the u.s. we're gathering information on people inside the u.s. and pretty much no one is safe right now so what we learned at least as far as privacy is concerned so the you know this committee obviously hasn't gone out and done anything too crazy the state was only twenty four hours old at this point however the committee did already assemble
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a task force earlier this year and they have until the end of two thousand and thirteen to report their findings to say how does the u.s. intelligence community. surveillance practices these programs what impact is it having on the e.u. and its citizens and what we do to make sure that we don't have you know other countries interfering with the way our people are communicating and is there any indication how that inquiry is going well i mean if it's any indication of what we've seen in other countries the most important thing if you ask me is that people are getting angry you know it might take a little bit for legislation to come out and for there to be actually leaders standing up and saying something but over those last four months we've seen that a few times we've seen incidences in bolivia in brazil a couple an american countries where the reaction to the n.s.a.'s. scandals actually prompted really important international figures to step up and voice their opposition to the u.s. is surveillance programs i mean just recently the president of brazil cancel the meeting with the president of united states over the n.s.a. surveillance going to brazil is a very important nation economically speaking
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a very important partner with the u.s. that these revelations are causing such distrust among allies and among otherwise friendly nations like we're we're definitely seeing that it might take a bit to get legislation out there but people are sure enough and rightfully so getting upset about this now let's move on to the guardian's latest n.s.a. revelation that came out yesterday about metadata it came from edward snowden as i mentioned i met a data analysis that was released by the guardian says quote the marina medicaid application tracks a user's browser experience gathers contact information content and develops summaries of targets this tool offers the ability to export the data in a variety of formats as well as create various charts to assist in the pattern of life development of the more distinguished features marina has the ability to look back on the last three hundred sixty five days worth of d.n.a. i met a data seen by the signet collection system were guard lists of whether or not it
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was test collection so doesn't this show andrew that i'm going to reply to everything absolutely everything that i think i said was a lie oh i am wrong not necessarily i mean if you really want to look at this i would go back and look at what senator ron wyden said during a senate intelligence committee hearing back in i believe march of this year and then last week now wyden has been a longtime opponent of these surveillance programs as has if you want to look up representative just a march from michigan he's a republican who almost was successful in defunding the n.s.a. and these lawmakers when they have to grill members of the intelligence community in the most recent example it was general keith alexander the director of the n.s.a. wyden had to go in you know phrase things so particularly narrow in exactly. what he wants to know you can't just say hey the n.s.a. are you doing this because they will find a way to deny it if it's all legally possible so it all comes down to the wording and while the n.s.a. might not exactly be lying i think we have a lot that we're going to learn about chalet to use leaks continue r.t.
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well producer and their blake breaking it all down for us to fix and that does it for now why magnum opus they are right back here at five pm. there's a nine story building i noticed that standing on its roof was a man in civilian clothes holding a sniper rifle. to say something that offends so they can only do the news blank or wooden shells but the building was burning room how much time it took to restore it. and we've noted for you it's in the referendum deputies of the supreme soviet didn't appeal to us out all we have to support yeltsin otherwise it would have been civil war.
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the white house says muscovites no it is the building at the very heart of the city . it's now the headquarters of the russian government but was once home to the supremes soviet of russia the main legislative body in the country. hundred ninety three. on the brink of civil war. and boris yeltsin into supporters on the other. two days of street fighting left hundreds dead and injured .


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