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tv   Headline News  RT  October 2, 2013 2:00am-2:30am EDT

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the shutdown roughly three hundred million dollars. twenty four hours of the us federal hall. and the. gold. criminal charges following a public wave of fury over the killing of. the scenes of syrian diplomacy. at the u.n. . about what needs to be.
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a very welcome to you today this is live from moscow with me. and. america's federal shutdown is beginning to take its toll and the world's largest economy has already lost around three hundred million dollars on just the first day the u.s. government stopped operating it's now estimated the loss will only accelerate with no sign of the lawmakers resolving the budget crisis. this from new york. day two of the us government shutdown is underway and experts say for every hour that washington remains power lies it will become increasingly painful for american citizens and the nation's economy to the shutdown erupted after the republican controlled house of representatives failed to come to an agreement with the democrat led senate on passing the federal budget the core issue obama's affordable care act known as obamacare
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a group of republicans refused to fund the government and pass a budget unless the president's health care plan was dismantled or defunded and as the government overseeing the world's largest economy and military remains closed for business experts say the global reputation of the world's superpower may suffer the worst damage there's literally nothing the u.s. government can't and won't do for unclear reasons sending whatever shock waves they feel like sending into the u.s. and global economies i can't imagine a recipe that would undermine confidence in the dollar of the u.s. or particularly the u.s. government faster or more effectively than what we see on every news channel in the world every day for a week and count down the last government shutdown in one thousand nine hundred ninety six under president bill clinton lasted twenty one days and white house officials say cost the country some two billion dollars now this shutdown will not end until president obama and congress agree on a budget but
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a bigger worry is that if washington remains polarized the u.s. may be on the brink of defaulting because in a few weeks another battle over the debt ceiling will begin reporting from new york . r.t. . in the meantime u.s. politicians are set to meet again to try and bring the government back on line in the meantime the americans and themselves are getting increasingly stressed by the situation liz wahl knowledge digging in investigating how washington is feeling the pinch. it's really frustrating for the american people and for myself to see you know our government be so inefficient local businesses say they're getting worried we depend on the government here especially for this business and we have a lot of agencies around here so we're just going to turn a little quiet around here he is among the businesses offering special shutdown deals we don't know with the purchase of a donor with a government i.d. because still think both tourism is at a standstill with iconic landmarks shut down most of the places. for
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business are closed today all thousands of people come to d.c. each year to visit the monuments and museums but today at many of these places like here at the natural history museum they're greeted with a sign like this one announcing that they're closed this family traveled from arizona to do some sightseeing we drove our kids from gilbert arizona thousands of miles across the country hoping to. you know show him the national treasures and teach him a little bit a little bit about american history and show him how great this country is instead we're learning about government the world war two memorial was closed to visiting veterans until members of congress came to help break the barrier among them congresswoman michele bachmann maybe eight to twelve of us members one member had a scissor cut the tape and then we just asked corded. bachmann blames the democrats
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for the shutdown we haven't even gotten return calls most of the time from the president or from harry reid even the last one the last bill said will fully fund the government tod's which is sit down with us so we can iron out some concerns that we have harry reid said not to that you just take our way or no way but many others point their finger out the republicans they're the ones who put the obamacare bill into the funding bill that has no business being there the hope now is that a deal comes through. so everyone can get back to business as usual in washington liz wahl r.t. . and the u.s. government shutdown is sending shock waves across the globe stoking worries and fears in europe asia even australia financial expert patrick young he explained to my colleague bill dog that when squabbles in congress and ups are spending in the government of the world's biggest economy it's a bad sign for investors this is just another example of how difficult it is to
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trust the american government machine but ultimately what do we want to see as investors well we like to see leadership and that's one of the problems we have at the moment unfortunately mr obama seems to be occupying the white house but he doesn't give us any confidence that he's actually leading the united states of america ultimately right now investors aren't taking any for their knee jerk action but of course what we're warming up to is going to be another couple of weeks' time somewhere between i think the seventeenth and the twentieth of october where actually the american government is going to reach the point where it has to go and borrow more money and the problem with that is it's been drinking vodka like an alcoholic for forty or fifty years and the bar tab needs to be paid but in the meantime they're hoping to get some more credit there's a lot of overreaction here isn't that this this crisis may not last very long and of course the u.s. economy is showing signs of recovery so it's not looking that bad for the future is it. oh gosh you know it's very important to understand where we are in this
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perspective and that is of course that in the little bubble which is washington d.c. and the copper toll politicians love to try and make a drama thing that they possibly can we're seeing this incredibly amazing entrenched found off and you know what's really happening is actually ultimately while obviously there are problems for those million people who aren't getting paid at the moment and indeed the eight hundred thousand who ultimately have been furloughed for the time being actually what we have here at this period between what looks like frankly a few needy tainted years but instead they're the government of the united states of america big over something in their backyard of which we really shouldn't need to have an argument whatsoever and with the u.s. government shutdown continuing now into its second day the alarms are ringing over its negative effects piling up on america for example let's take the issue of the loss in federal wages for you here in our essential services are continuing to operate but with their pay being delayed however there are an estimated eight
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hundred thousand workers who have been stood down and they will not be receiving their paychecks now let's not forget about the soaring business uncertainty in the depressing confidence of consumers money lost by federal workers on unpaid leave a load roughly amounts to about one billion per week moody's analysts say if the shutdown continues for a month it will cost about fifty five billion dollars which is roughly the losses caused by hurricane katrina and sandy excluding property damage charlie mcgrath the founder of the wide awake news he believes u.s. lawmakers are completely out of touch with the nation. this is united states of america richest country in the world we have forty nine million people who are living in poverty forty eight million of them are on food stamps now the last government shutdown ninety five ninety six where you sit in it it under a trillion dollars in sovereign debt today we sit at seventeen trillion dollars in sovereign debt twenty million people unemployed is there
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a disconnect that is an absolute understatement in a washington d.c. i truly believe does not understand what the average person in this country is going through most people even in the mainstream are starting to understand that washington d.c. does not serve the people that elected them and sent them there in most cases it's not saying all five hundred thirty five members of congress are out to get their constituency but it sure seems like the people that stay there for decades at a time they control legislation to decide what's to be talked about on the floor of the congress or on the floor of the senate you know these people are there so long it's obvious that they're special interest driven you know they're there to make sure that the crowd when the tax dollars for the special interest that help fund them and keep them in the position of power and nasa is one of the nonessential services affected by the government shutdown which leaves it grounded on his fifty fifth anniversary ninety seven percent of its employees have a day off today but they're probably in no mood to celebrate and we spoke to tom
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jones a former nasa astronaut i experienced the same thing myself back the last time we had a government shutdown in one thousand nine hundred five and i was an astronaut and i was only i was an essential part of the agency so i did report to work during those days but it is frustrating because everyone has deadlines everyone has a schedule to keep and told to just mark time and lose this time and makes everyone feel that they're not they're not able to do their job. they can head to our website story. a minute. government shutdown until congress funds or go.
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to athens now for senior members of greece's far right golden dawn party have appeared in court on charges of criminal activity down on the political group by the killing of an. allegedly carried out by a member of gold on. while the crackdown against golden dawn continues out pace amid a heavy police presence and pasting the party have appeared in court here in athens charged at being part of a criminal organization a total of six have been arrested along with its leader the cost me. and that followed police making a direct link between the party and the death of an anti fascist rapper and while that action did quell a wave of public unrest following that death it has also produced a backlash from golden dawn and also from their supporters one of whom spoke to r.t. anonymously. i turned to court to show my support for the golden dawn. it's
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unfair of the government to level these charges that the party and it will backfire we demand because at the moment we don't have the golden dawn will continue and it will remain strong the party has the ideology not its people while you have to remember that despite all these events golden dawn still remains the third biggest political party increase it has eighteen elected m.p.'s and getting rid of them will not be easy it is against the law to ban any political party here in greece and even if you did put the politicians in jail they would still remain and pays what's more golden dawn is now threatening to remove all of its politicians from parliament and that were triggered by elections and perhaps destabilize an already fragile coalition and in turn could jeopardize greece's chances of securing more european bailout money but the country already waiting to hear if it will receive the latest try and shift e.u. i.m.f. money worth one billion euros andrey farmer from athens. and so
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last to come here on the program this morning including that of fighting to survive we report on how farmers in portugal. patrol groups in an attempt to combat metal thieves in the region are stealing the farm as a quick moment. and a widening crackdown on egypt's muslim brotherhood as the mists accuse the government of being too harsh and of pushing the country of the deep into political deadlock. there's a nine story building i noticed that standing on its roof was a man in civilian clothes holding a sniper rifle. to say something in their
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defense so they didn't use blank or wooden shells but the building was good for him how much time it took to restore it. rebooted for yeltsin in the referendum deputies of the supreme soviet didn't appeal to us out all we had to support yeltsin otherwise it would have been civil war. wealthy british style. markets find. find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines joining to cause a report on. ten in the morning here in the russian capital it's odd to see an advanced team of
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u.n. inspectors have kicked off the. mission in syria arriving in damascus to oversee the elimination of the country's chemical stockpiles now the experts have a very tough task ahead to find and destroy about a thousand tons of toxic arms all in a country that still at war the un security council approved the mission last week as part of a syrian chemical disarmament resolution it's after all guests poison gas attack outside damascus and the deadline to destroy all facilities is the first of november many they're worried that timeline is too ambitious it is the narrowest window the u.n. team has ever faced in any nation russia's ambassador to the world body. he told r.t. the narrow timeframe will work if all sides take part. this is a difficult schedule but i think there is reason to believe that this is a realistic schedule provided there is cooperation from the syrian government which we see is there and also provided there is required cooperation from various
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opposition groups one important element of this resolution twenty one eighteen is that it makes demands and not only on the government of syria but also about is a position groups there must also play their part it will create a political momentum which will allow us to move. from an agreement on chemical weapons in syria to agree to an agreement on a political settlement of the crisis in that country and convening the geneva two conference. that was just a preview of our. program .
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by islamist supporters in egypt this. is traditional. for the first two months egypt's military chief has called for
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a speedy political transition the muslim brotherhood is accusing the. of the country in. reporting from cairo. egyptian security forces stormed to kyron companies for ousted muslim brotherhood president mohamed morsi back in august tents are torn down over six hundred people are killed a month on brotherhood activists like mr. say they have been driven underground. have started to hide my identity every day i shave my beard i have a second phone number that has to be changed and show it's not tracked now i can't live in my apartment or move from one place to another life has become very difficult for over a month this was the site of one of cairo's main promo see citizens after august body dispersal by security forces it's become just a busy street since that day for many missing by their activists like mr furze they
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say they aren't able to attend rallies and their leaders are in jail or in hiding with last week's court order banning them as a brotherhood many fear this crackdown will just get worse. egyptian human rights organizations say the military led government is being too harsh. all the activities of the muslim brotherhood. and its. related to the muslim brotherhood this is of course so that as a collective punishment restriction. for muslim brotherhood also will not lead to anything but supporters of the interim government say there is documented evidence the brotherhood uses violence so silencing its membership they say is necessary to ensure stability and the transition to democracy to hang with them and was free in the thirtieth of june revolution which was the second wave of the twenty fifth of january revolution muslim brotherhood killed a lot of egyptians they had no problems killing innocent people they proved they were to push egypt into civil war morsi supporters maintain they are being
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prevented from peacefully protesting the brotherhood's newspaper was also shut down its website announced this week they had to move operations to london. rather than stifling the meat meant mischief and his fellow activists say it makes them more determined than ever the tension pushing egypt it's a big crisis. for artsy. but a new u.n. report opening up the ante world update it describes torture and ill treatment often leading to death a wide spread in libyan jails and the means of abuse are said to be the most frequent way to get confessions right after a rest during the first days of interrogation about eight thousand prisoners are held behind bars without any trial while on suspicion of having fought for the ousted leader moammar gadhafi and the u.n. investigation has shown that at least twenty seven people have been tortured to death in the prisons eleven of them just in this year alone all being done by
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militias that triumphed in the eight month civil war. the u.s. has expelled three in venezuela and diplomats from its territory just a day after booted out the same amount of american officials from its country known as well and leader nicholas my daughter accuse the envoys of plotting to sabotage the economy the u.s. embassy denied the allegations and fearing an assassination attempt last week canceled his speech at the u.n. headquarters in new york diplomatic spots on nothing new to venezuela and america both have been without each other's capitals since twenty. and a peaceful teacher protest in brazil turned violent after police used tear gas and stun grenades to disperse the crowds in rio de janeiro of the latin american countries undergoing an educational crisis with a shortage of teachers estimated at three hundred thousand and heavily overcrowded classes government rallies to be rocking brazil since june with demands for more
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public spending on schools public health and transport in response president dilma rousseff has since approved a law that would reserve seventy five percent of oil profits for. education but the measure has so far failed to appease the protesters. and three miners have been killed after a gas leak caused an explosion in a salt mine in eastern germany four others were rescued after being trapped inside the powerful blast occurred in a seven hundred metre deep shaft following an earlier controlled detonation of the mines manager said that while carbon dioxide leaks do happen every day this time it happened at the extend they were not expecting. or to portugal now where local farmers are taking up arms they've set up a patrol to stop thieves from stealing their equipment and the problem of metal theft is nothing new but it's getting worse forcing the farmers to take matters into their own hands. the story. meet the farmer.
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a rural community fighting for its survival these local portuguese farmers struggling to protect their land from mess with the. storm and it's almost time to harvest the crops. so we decided to start to protect our property. everyone who takes part in the patrols to keep calm to only use their weapon if the field. we set out with them on a patrol despite new laws pulls in last year to try to deal with the growing problem thirty say arrests for metal but i think raised to the average full day compared to just a few cases each month a couple of years ago these bonuses become so incensed that the lack of progress with catching the things that they've essentially taken the law into their own
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hands and have gone out on patrols some of them carrying what the farmers want us to film them with their weapons they tell us all the guns are licensed they know the patrols the skirting on the edge of legality. the thieves have been targeting the metal irrigation taps. the taps and selves not worth huge amounts but when stolen. so the phone is telling us that around six hundred of the. cost of a hundred thousand euros and if you just take a look he told us when the caps were stolen all came gushing out on to the learned in front of you can see the damage that has been done as european countries in and out of recession global demand the metals has remained high making skolem cables
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the metal a world wide world. markets. this large metal recycling company tells us the black market trade in metal is beaming copper will fetch a thief around full to five year a pick ely i'm about three year old and they take these typically targeting smaller scrap yards less likely to last question and now if it's an industry that's incredibly hard to regulate they're a loss but as with all also it's possible to get around them. a new law was passed just last year wanting police more powers and tightening industry requirements these countermeasures include the implementation of a cashless system meaning the sales of more than fifty euro scrap yards should be required to write a check despite the new bases being introduced metal to cost the state makes twenty million euros last year says every metal theft is
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a growing problem in lots of countries in europe since the crisis we're hoping the new measures will be effective parts it'll take time for them to take effect. but instill the focus on the controls. valve to continue fighting back against the growing wave of metal that. aussie culture. and artie's come july from moscow on rollers to show thanks so much for joining us today a special report in just a second on the events of the sugar russia two decades ago that of a black october ninety three.
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this point being an expensive car saloon. like new clueless a new fashion show. also designing bangs and shoes in the best shop windows. luxury is a school. is a lost cause. constantly on our team. choose your language. if we can with knowing if they still come out. of the the concerns you can. choose the opinions that invigorating to. choose the stories that impact the life
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choose the access to your office. the white house. at the very heart of the city. government. in the country. brink of civil. two. hundred.
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building. comes to visit son's grave. was only seventeen when he died. the official says he was killed by multiple injuries. i asked the prosecutor's office for my son's clothes to see where he was wounded they didn't give them to me and destroyed them before the investigation was completed. college student was a supporter of neither the president nor the legislative assembly he simply went to the white house with a friend to see what was going on on the eve of his death. with his mother. he said why don't you.


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