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tv   Headline News  RT  October 3, 2013 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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president obama warns of the danger of default accusing the republicans of pushing america's economy a trace with no world were being made to reason that paralyzed government. all thirty people involved in a greenpeace protest against oil drilling in the oxford sea are charged with piracy we'll talk to a former leader of the group who believes activist of a place that. fresh infighting among the seaward opposition as al-qaeda linked rebel groups seek to hide trying this civil war and push for the formation of an islamic state that.
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international news and comment life are most good this is as he with me. thanks for joining us barack obama has called on his republican opponents to show some common sense warning that if congress is not able to agree a budget there is a very real risk of a national default meanwhile an estimated three hundred million dollars are going down the drain every day the government is shut down let's not get more from some socks who said washington d.c. forest. sound so any sign of movement towards a solution to this crisis yet. no meeting last night at the white house between president obama and congressional leaders failed to yield any deal to end the government shutdown now in its third day and it's becoming increasingly clear that the president and congressional leaders want to include an increase in the debt limit and nine eleven and a government shutdown as well because the debt limit is the real serious issue here this government shutdown is having effects on our economy the longer it goes on the
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more effects it will have on our economy but failure to raise the debt limit and the u.s. still going it's would be absolutely catastrophic to put it in perspective in two thousand and eleven when republicans just made the threat of defaulting on our debt we saw the u.s. credit rating downgraded we sold job creation slow we saw the economy slow and we saw about a billion dollar hit to the u.s. economy that was just the threat of a default so here we're looking at the very real possibility of a default which many economists think it could be on par with the financial crisis like we saw in two thousand and eight. right now we see between both parties republicans and democrats with this default looming over their heads no closer to a deal they're both digging in and we've heard from the democratic side words like republicans are acting like an artist's speaker the house john boehner needs to grow up he needs to act like an adult and from republicans i just want to read this quick quote from a republican congressman who said we're not going to be disrespected so that's
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where we are today and we have to get something out of this i don't even know what it is yet so we have republicans saying we need to get something out of this democrats saying we've given you everything that you're going to get out of this meanwhile the country races towards this default in a few weeks which would be a really a self-inflicted economic recession. all right sounds he's sound sax live from washington d.c. sound thank you very much indeed for that update. and let's now bring in a list of all the chief economist and head of the analytical department of deutsche bank in russia great to see you here in the studio so how likely is an american default european well i think it's certainly not our base the base case scenario we believe that at the very last moment probably but there will be a breakthrough and agreement will be reached i think there's too much at stake in terms of what a default. or for there are delays in reaching the compromise would mean
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for the american economy so this is the case for the u.s. economy this is the case for the global economy as well so our view is that there will be a compromise and there will be a deal right but what would be the replications for the likes of russia and china well i think for russia as we've seen before with similar cases in two thousand and eleven. certainly the main transmission mechanism is through will places so pressure on commodities pressure on oil prices would signify essentially pressure on russia's economy and financial markets and then the other channel of course is capital outflows those may intensify further delays in reaching the compromise in the u.s. place. so when to stand that this internal squabbling within the u.s. of course puts other world economies at risk so it's so washington's position as
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the global economic and political elite can be changed or threatened well i think this is certainly something that undermines the. authority and the the wall of the u.s. and leading the world economy out of its current predicament. certainly what the expectation is i think from a lot of the countries is that the u.s. which is one of the leaders of the world economy would lead by example and would certainly contributions to. you know work and economic upturn and the resolution of the key economic challenges that the world economy faces here clearly this case the budget problems that the u.s.
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is experiencing it presents a challenge to not just to the u.s. economy but to the global economy to the global financial markets and going forward of course the hope is that some sort of a working arrangement is worked out in the u.s. so that cases like that in the future are avoided sure the u.s. is one of the most indebted countries in the wild so how can it retain the confidence of its debt. well i think the only way is really to lower the imbalances significant fiscal imbalances. that we see in the united states today and in that regard i think really it's. just the hard work of reducing fiscal deficits and through the reduction of the fiscal deficit reduction and the debt overhang that the u.s. is facing now that's the only possible solution i think right and how could this
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crisis or a possible default impact the dollar's position as as a global currency well i think we certainly see now that the dollar is under pressure across the board whether it's against the euro or against the ruble against other currencies yes this is a blow to two to the dollar and furthermore as this case intensifies if it doesn't answer why then this will probably mean further undermining of the position of the dollar but fundamentally i think of course realistically the dollar will continue to be the reserve currency and fundamentally i don't think that this crisis or this episode radically changes dollars role in the global economy is such a line to get i slap
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a list on it from deutsche bank in russia thank you very much indeed for your insight and twenty. moving on now thirty people involved in a green peace process have now been charged with piracy by a quarter of russia's northwestern port city of movements they were arrested after attempting to scale an oil rig in the arctic last month in protest over offshore drilling in the region greenpeace lawyers are appealing the decision insisting that there was no violence involved but authorities say they posed a serious threat to the security of the platform despite facing up to fifteen years in prison activists are still refusing to give testimony and earlier my colleague bill doll spoke to patrick moore who's a former greenpeace leader and he believes they should have found a better way to convey that message. you can't expect to have people allow you to continue to storm their oil rigs oil rigs are a very serious operation with really big safety issues and you start scaling the
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rig and then people have to come and try to get you off it puts them in danger and so i can certainly understand why they were apprehended and finally towed away from the site the other thing that's quite ironic is greenpeace is using a diesel powered ship to. occupy a or oil rig and so they you would they needed oil to get there if they had sailed there or rode there in a boat maybe it would make more sense i do tend to agree with president putin that they are not pirates it's pretty obvious i think their intentions were not to loot the rig or anything like that but they're still putting people in danger and it is a serious situation but let's just quickly talk about the oil rig itself it is static as opposed to floating offshore platform is it true to say that this is actually a much safer way of extracting oil for the environment it's my understanding that this is the first oil platform that is done zines specifically to withstand ice the intention is to make it
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a safer way of extracting oil but you know when it comes to oil this is a this this is the problem with the greenpeace situation their tactics i know they're not trying to hurt anybody but their policy is ridiculous they live in this dream world we're now they are against fossil fuels they're against hydroelectric energy they are against nuclear energy which between the three of them supply about ninety eight percent of the world's energy and they seem to think that civilization can operate on wind and solar alone these technologies disappear for five days at a time when there's no wind and no sun how do you run factories and schools and hospitals and businesses and homes with this kind of energy so i think it's their policy that should be rejected but on the. concerns justified when it comes to the arctic it is a pristine the last remaining wilderness it is in danger is it not of suffering environmentally by this exploitation the arctic environment is no more fragile than
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the tropical environment or the temperate environment or the environment of england or the environment of anywhere else in the world it's it's just you know mostly ice as most people know which is not alive they talk about how the glaciers are dying and all of this is if these things were alive they're not alive and the world might actually be a better place if there wasn't so much ice greenpeace has become known around the world for stunts like that wanting to pollute in the arctic and this kind of looks now at the criticism of the groups tactics that this story has all the elements to be able to storm into international headlines like the arctic greenpeace russia and armed men in masks but besides the action and the drama it's also full of controversy for instance the same exact oil rig was already targeted by another group of greenpeace activists in august two thousand and twelve back then they did manage to climb onto it and didn't get arrested but later greenpeace itself
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criticized russia for failing to provide the proper security saying that all record become a potential target for terrorists second guessed wrong is clearly not in operation on like those used by other energy companies working in the arctic like norwegian and also this particular rig is static which means it's standing on the bottom of the sea this technology is widely considered to be much safer than that used in floating offshore platforms so many a reason the question why is all the attention focused on this particular one. fresh clashes have erupted in syria between secular rebels and al-qaeda linked extremists is the latest spate of infighting among the anti assad camp which has seen a rapid rise of radicals in their numbers and western analysts put the total number of rebels at around one hundred thousand that splays into as many as a thousand different groups thousand fighters a radical jihadist with links to al qaeda after thirty five thousand others are
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hard line islamists who share many of al qaeda is these and that leaves the more moderate rebels bossley outnumbered that regardless the u.s. and its allies have pumped in more than a billion dollars to support the opposition meaning they could be funded extremists according to international relations professor mark almond there are large numbers of groups some of them are just local people some of them are radicals from within syria some of them are from our side and there's a constant mixing up of people one group asserts itself may have a bit of money may have a success draw supporters then falls out with other groups after all we're seeing in several places in northern syria fighting between more radical groups not just between them and secular opposition but also between those who played really true jihad is against people they say aren't as well make enough even though they might seem to most outsiders to be fairly severe fundamentalists so there is not just a civil war within a civil war but there are several local civil wars within this conflict in syria
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and i think anybody who thinks that the west can pick and choose who are the good guys and who are the bad guys is very naive. meanwhile russia's president vladimir putin has invited barack obama to meet and discuss to see when crisis the two would hold talks in indonesia after this weekend's apec summit and. has more details now had aleksei so tell us how significant is all that well officially it looks like an invitation to a birthday party of who'll be celebrating his sixty first birthday during the apec summit this weekend on indonesia than he needed in the island of bali but definitely this will not be a regular birthday bash party because barack obama and vladimir putin will obviously be discussing the syrian issue and we've been hearing from the highest level officials both in russia in the united states that the both countries are are now working in cooperation to have the geneva two meeting as soon as possible and
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obviously this will be just the occasion for the two presidents to talk about this and to talk about whether the meeting the geneva two convention could be organized any time soon i'd like to remind to our viewers that during the recent g. twenty summit in st petersburg unprecedentedly the two presidents had no official meetings on their schedule it was something of a cold spell in relations after barack obama even canceled his pre-summit visit to moscow the president eventually did. but but this was an unofficial meeting and they did not find any sort of consensus during that during those talks everyone stayed with their opinions we'll see what happens this time when they will have this opportunity to meet during this apec summit on the bali island we do know already that the white house has accepted the invitation coming from the russian president's office. saying thank you very much indeed for bringing us up to speed and he's an ex a dash of skin lines that. meanwhile the international inspections are pushing on
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with a mission to read see where was stockpiles of chemical weapons last week that work was indoors by u.n. security council resolution the experts are currently securing the sites where they'll be working for the next nine months or their mission is dangerous last yesterday just yesterday rebels killed at least nineteen servicemen on the northern edge of damascus the inspectors' goal is to eliminate around one thousand tons of toxic arms with the added challenge of being in a. world apart program acts on a boycott discusses the issue with the yuan high representative for disarmament affairs let's take. do you think it is the sole responsibility of syria is syria the only party that is responsible for making sure that this is our moment initiative is ended successful. according to the chemical weapons convention yes it is according to reality and the practicalities we know that it cannot be so
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there is an effort by other member states to help the effort along and if you look at the security council resolution it's asked the secretary general in consultation with the director general for p.c. w to make recommendations to the security council by next monday and then the security council will decide on exactly what will be the mandate there are questions that are as yet unanswered. and that was a quick preview the interview with the do on high represents a full design meant to fasm and you can watch the full version and while it's an odd mix today. it has nothing to do with poco gambling but his greatest students are getting money online promising big governments he's after the break we'll tell you why the movie sparking controversy stay with us.
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sigrid laboratory to mccurry was able to build a new most sophisticated robot which all unfortunately doesn't give a darn about any thing tunes mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans and world events this is why you should care only on the. bottom of the kind of american ideology is that is the believe that the united states is really of this as this world some to write to be or an obligation to be about whether a body else. we speak your language or not at the. news programs and documentaries and spanish more matters to you
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breaking news a little tonnage of angles stories. for you here. to try to teach spanish find out more visit. this is our siebel. russia's foreign minister has demanded a guarantee of safety for diplomats and their families in libya following wednesday's attack on russia's embassy all members of star have been evacuated to neighboring tunisia an armed group attacks the diplomatic building in revenge for the deaths of believe in air force officer who was stopped by a russian woman that tarkus set a car a blaze before opening fire on the diplomatic building and tearing down the fly last year the diplomatic mission was also targeted by gunmen following moscow's
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veto of a un resolution on syria middle east commentator and blogger col sharrow says the time shows the political reality in libya. what we need to be looking at is the deteriorating security situation in libya which is a reflection of the overall kind of political bankruptcy and the lack of political momentum for change towards let's say a stable democratic future and this is only one manifestation of a whole sterner range of manifestations of that complete divorce divorce reality between those who supposedly exercise office and exercised democratic power and those who have their guns on the streets you see all sorts of abuses i mean there are there is there are various at derrick's there's the implementation of that all laws there's. oil production so we're looking at a host of problems that is that libya is far from even stepping in the right
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direction towards a transition and that's what we're constantly produce incidents like this in the absence of any clear political control. and auntie dot com figure right now farewell to the queen gandhi announces that he no longer has anything to do with the british commonwealth and is leaving for good i don't mind to find out what's motivating the rulers in the tiny african nation. and take a plane live chanted with you and never leave footprints on toilet seats the communist party publishes some guidelines for chinese holiday makers most bizarre advance. advice write up from a sixty four page manual on our website. cash strapped students in israel can now get easy money by simply praising their government online and clicking the like button in the right places youngsters are being offered salaries and even scholarships for furthering official interests and
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fighting and to semitism on the web but the man behind the initiative has come under fire for posting racist comments the very thing he was meant to be combat saying she's policy have reports. public opinion against israel is at an all time low the recent wars with gaza and the seemingly never ending occupation have left the country waging a p.r. war this is a very massive wave of these false propaganda and the terms to the legitimize our right to defend ourselves and even our rights relieved. you know as sort of we have to do everything to tell the truth for sixty five years israeli diplomats have struggled in their posts in the modern world they need all the help they can gate into the undergrads the idea is to pay students to tweet pro israeli propaganda leadoff it has been doing it for a while but as a volunteer it's another way to
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a student to give back to society even in israel you have a bunch of people a few people their foreign affairs minister office. who do social media for their living so it's ok for people to getting salary on this kind of work the new student sales force will share a p.r. commission part of nearly a million dollars and in universities across the country they'll eventually even receive scholarships for waging israel's digital diplomacy but before these new recruits could even start tweeting and liking or hash tag he was a p.r. blunder the guy tapped to head the social media advocacy has a way to be put to pasture take a look at his facebook page daniel seaman is known for being abrasive to the foreign media but that's not all seamen called palestinian stupid and an expletive laden rant critics pounced taking the opportunity to question the basic ethics of
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the new approach. so you're basically turning a human being into human commercial we are going on as a second your philosophy student who says he won't be signing up he's angry with his government trying to tell him what to think stead of trying to make. a good democracy for instance giving out scholarships for people that would try to make this place a better place gives out scholarships for people to say that it's a good place i mean if this was such a good place then these people would tell it anyways those in opposition say they will be some major white washing and using students to tweet pro israeli propaganda is part of that i think the prime minister's office is trying to cover up the human rights violations that are happening by paying young folks to be involved i think you'd be better off investing the funds. in education infrastructure and community development that he hasn't done in decades israelis are no stranger to war but at
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the online front line it's in an interview bill battle to turn public perception of israel from zero to site kindest policy r.t. tel aviv. and we stop now our walls are busy it was trying to deal with the tragedy in the middle rainy and the ninety four up and go from dad and schools will i'm missing often over crowded bar of course and capsized near the turn an island of lampedusa the vessel was carrying around five hundred african migrants mostly from the retreat number confirmed to have lost their lives is expected to rise that accidents like this are not rare as thousands of desperate job seekers trying to reach europe by sea or none save john park. in iran an investigation is underway into the alleged death they had overnight leaves aside the would say unit much the mahdi was reportedly found with
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a bullet in his heart in a rooted area outside tehran and there are some suggestions it could have been an assassination but a source links to iran's revolutionary guard say it's too early to say so by the iranian scientists working on the nation's nuclear program have been murdered since just wasn't at the site. protesters clashed with riot police in mexico city leaving dozens injured as thousands marched to mark forty five years as a student massacre last rioters threw fireballs bottles and rocks at police used tear gas in response that a bus or a big killing of schools of students in the city square ahead of the ninety six to eight summer olympics is often multiplied by hundreds. just a couple of minutes we'll look back at the target and days of october nineteenth ninety three when the white house and central moscow became the target more.
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safety. economic ups and downs in the final months of the london deal and the rest. a single day every week on a plane the list keep. playing mission free the critics should free in-store chargers free arrangements for free risk free studio time free play dumb old free broadcast quality video for your media projects a free media dog r t v dot com. the
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white house says muscovites no it is the building at the very heart of the city. it's now the headquarters of the russian government but it was once home to the supremes soviet of russia. and the country. the brink of civil. two days of street fighting left hundreds dead and injured. from the supreme soviet building. comes to visit son's grave.
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was only seventeen when he died in the turmoil of october nine hundred ninety three the official records says he was killed by multiple injuries. why has the prosecutor's office for my son's closed to see where he was wounded they didn't give them to me and destroyed them before the investigation was completed. college student was a supporter of neither the president nor the legislative assembly he simply went to the white house with a friend to see what was going on on the eve of his death. with his mother. he said why don't you vote. why is it that you vote for father instead of him i want to vote for myself that's why i'm going there to find out who is right and who is wrong i want to decide my country's fate.


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