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tv   Headline News  RT  October 3, 2013 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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coming up on r t today shots were fired near the u.s. capitol building the suspect is dead two officers are reported injured the latest ahead. the federal government shutdown continues the longer it goes the more dire consequences get with important departments and services closed for business more coming up and in the u.s. more teens are taking a fatal risk was sent benteke marijuana who are the distributors of this stuff and where does all of that money go we'll answer that and more in a special our investigation. it's thursday october third eight pm in washington d.c.
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i'm megan lopez and you are watching r t well we begin tonight with a developing story a chaotic scene unfolded on the streets of washington d.c. today involving one woman a televised car chase and gun shots being fired near capitol hill police say a woman in a black sedan tried to ram her car through the barricade outside of the white house when that was unsuccessful she fled the scene in her car you are looking at video that was captured of that police chase it ended near the capitol building now what you can't see in that car is that there is a child inside the female driver has been confirmed dead tonight the secret service capitol police d.c. metro police and the f.b.i. are all trying to piece together the events that led up to this fateful scene police say security perimeters around the white house and capitol building worked exactly as they were intended to or to correspondent liz wahl brings us the latest . we are just blocks away from the capitol police say the scene is secure after
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a dramatic high speed chase and eventually huge day it started according to authorities at the white house where the suspect tried to ram through a security barrier and that is what led to this high speed chase which ended up around this area near the capitol eventual police say that shots rang out in two areas a bench they just confirmed at this press conference moments ago that the suspect the female suspect is dead here's some more on what capitol police had to say are all short term to make a stop because she will shuttle. the vehicles to damn it continued on behind us it was just an avenue it appears are all sure interceptors to shoot digital. barricades. would leave the vehicle stopped to check in maryland northeast where we were able to choose. we do know that there were shots fired in at least two
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locations during this pursuit the search was from fifty. down to one of the maryland. united states secret service the united states capitol police. suspect. we do know was struck by gunfire at this point has been pronounced well authorities will not go into detail on the identity of that suspect only confirming that she is dead they also confirm that there was a one year old child inside of that car they wouldn't confirm whether or not that child was related to the suspect they did say that that child is unharmed and is in custody they also confirm that at least one officer was was injured during this ordeal they wouldn't say whether or not the suspect was armed but said that shots rang out in two places it's believed. that all or most of those shots were actually
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from police trying to stop this suspect i spoke to some eyewitnesses today that said that they heard these gunshots ring out here here's what they had to say the place where around it with guns drawn. the car backed up slammed and it already turned around was taking off back along the road south side me resist and that's when the shots that you're just you know swarms of police converging on the campus after what was going through your mind when. i was thinking about the navy yard because i work near there. and it was like in their mind to me that so authorities say that this is an isolated incident and believe that it is not tied to terrorism based on the information that they know right now again it is actively under investigation a lot of details still unclear at this point here in washington liz wahl r.t. . meanwhile on capitol hill it's day three of
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a partial government shutdown now if you're just turning into the television for the first time since tuesday well you haven't missed anything we are in the exact same position as we were before the shutdown republicans are still trying to defend obamacare with a one year delay on the individual mandate democrats aren't letting that happen and while they are bickering back and forth it's their constituents not them that are paying the price but if you think this all boils down to some national parks and some monuments being closed think again right now in the gulf of mexico tropical storm karen is brewing off the coast of cuba and should make landfall this weekend meteorologists say that the storm is nearly one hundred percent has a chance of becoming a hurricane the agency that usually predicts in response to these emergencies is fema but that agency is closed. down the agency started recalling some employees
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but good luck to everyone living along the gulf coast the white house has yet to decide how much help you're actually going to get also i'm sure you've been hearing a lot about the horrific tennessee bus crash that left eight dead and inter injured fourteen others is an accident that the national transportation safety board normally would have gone out to investigate but that is not happening this time the government shutdown has for allowed all highway investigators so there's simply no one to do the job and in idaho search and rescue workers have been forced to scale back their efforts to find a missing woman at the moon at national monument sixty nine year old georgina elliott takes lee was last seen on september twenty first however many park employees were forced to take a furlough at least ten rangers are working despite the for a low to help trying to find this woman so this toll this shutdown toll is taking a huge toll always lay on the public with each passing day but still we are no
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closer to a spending bill deal r.t. same sex brings us the latest from the district of dysfunction the government shutdown is now in day three and congress is not any closer to striking a deal to force a meeting at the white house last night between president obama and congressional leaders failed to yield any sort of deal and this morning senate majority leader harry reid took to the floor and said this about republicans on the other side of the capitol republicans should come to their senses realize more than once it's quiet and whine. the longer this republican government shutdown percents the harder will be on our economy. i hope they can figure out what it is that they want before the damage the economic recovery is even more irreversible then they've already created meanwhile republicans are digging in and continuing their strategy of funding just pieces of the government pieces like the veterans administration the park service and the national institutes of health a strategy that democrats in the senate and president obama have already said that
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they will not go along with and we're creeping closer to another crisis the debt limit deadline in two weeks and it's looking increasingly likely that any deal to end the shutdown also include a deal to raise the debt limit but there are two republicans are asking for major concessions dollar for dollar spending cuts repeal of environmental regulations and cuts to entitlements the republican position is perhaps the best capsulized in this quote from congressman marlin stutzman who told reporters on wednesday quote it's about dignity we have been ignored on this issue altogether we're not going to be disrespected and so that's where we're at today where we have to get something out of this and i don't know what that even is but today president obama again reiterated he will not negotiate over the debt limit generally nobody's ever thought to actually threaten not to pay our bills it would be the height of irresponsibility. and that's why i've said this before i'm going to repeat it there
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will be no negotiations over this and the treasury department announced this week that it is exhausting the last of its extreme measures to avoid a default and that of congress doesn't raise the limit in the next two weeks the u.s. could be facing a catastrophic self-inflicted economic wound that could force the country back into a recession now each morning here in the senate proceedings begin with a prayer from senate chaplain barry black and here was his rather pointed message to members of congress this morning have mercy upon us so god. and save us from the madness deliver us from the hypocrisy of attempting to sound reasonable while being unreasonable remove the burglars of voce who allowed
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a real damage. this government shutdown unfortunately at this point it may take a prayer to get the government reopened and the debt limit raised in time from capitol hill in washington d.c. sam sachs r t this week a brazilian federal judge dismissed a multi-billion dollar lawsuit against oil giant chevron ending a two year legal battle over a spill that happened back in two thousand and eleven the spill occurred at the fraud offshore oil field off the coast of rio de janeiro at least three thousand six hundred barrels of crude at least into the ocean this case is the largest ever environmental lawsuit in brazilian history prosecutors were asking for eighteen billion us dollars and damages from chevron they also filed charges against the company's drilling contractor trans ocean ltd and seventeen employees over judge rafael paedo dismissed to those charges after accepting
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a deal with chevron that requires the company to pay one hundred thirty five million dollars in compensation torrie activities brazil has become a sort of at the center of offshore drilling in south america in two thousand and seven there was a major discovery of large oil reserves off the country's coast analysts say that that is the biggest discovery in the last twenty years so you can understand why this is an important case one that could set the precedent for future disputes between the country and they're going all companies i was joined earlier by david kazuko he's a law professor and the director of the brazil american institute for law and environment at pace law school and i first asked him if he could give us more detail about how this settlement came about. we'll sure there was a chevron. and several of its partners had an oil spill off of the coast of rio de janeiro it's in what's called the pre-sell deposits in this bill by
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u.s. standards comparatively small i think about three thousand barrels. but it caused you know if it was a real wake up call for the brazilian the brazilian government terms of the potential danger from the spill and a lawsuit was filed by the by an arm of the brazilian government called the public prosecutor or and pointedly that it be them and minister you approved to go seeking forty billion or so in damages from the spill and so the idea is well you know this this would be brazilians are not that much different from u.s. law in terms of what it was seeking it was seeking clean up costs and property damage and also possible costs going into the future and so that's what that's what brought about this this lawsuit lawsuit was filed essentially to recruit both present and possible future damages and i want to be clear about that forty billion ria says about eighteen billion dollars so why did they agree to settle for one
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hundred thirty five million u.s. dollars in the end. well it's an interesting question the short answer would be is that it was in everybody's interests first of all these these oil deposits off the coast of rio are in very very deep water they're below two thousand meters of water two thousand meters of ocean floor and then and then some two thousand meters of salt getting to those to that oil is extremely difficult and nonetheless we're talking about oil reserves that are absolutely immense and incredibly important to the to brazil so while they want to be very careful with any potential drilling in the area they also don't want to completely discourage it so the settlement i think reflects a certain pragmatism on the part of everybody involved there and one needs to do to
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pay the costs of the exploration and potential damages on the other hand the brazilian government is very wary of deterring future exploration and development in those fields however was the brazilian government that did come up with an initial estimate of the eighteen billion dollars which fine away is more than the u.s. got after the deepwater horizon oil spill which cost significantly more damage and then the oil spill now thing washed up onshore i think i'd say about sixty seven miles offshore no one was injured or killed nothing exploded except trust. yes you're right so the brazilian government came up with that number just like any good litigant would in a potential lawsuit you you look at the potential damages and you get the largest number possible because that's the number you start with when you're starting a negotiation in i mean realistically any lawsuit is also a negotiation so you want to start with the most advantageous negotiating position
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you're quite right the number pales in comparison if we look at the damages that were actually realized from this spill versus the deepwater horizon spill that's both a commentary on the brazilian government negotiating position as well as the fact that the deepwater horizon damages. probably were not calculated in a way that realistically reflected the damage and also chevron was forced to close down for about a six month period which is hugely costly to that company was that taken into account here at all do you know i don't know for certain but i would certainly assume that it was chevron went out of its way to to look like and you know that's a that's a cynical way of saying it but also to be what it would it do to self as a good corporate citizen so this in as there was the there was a some other small leak chevron shut down immediately because the optics of it were horrible i don't think there was the the second leak was was in any danger of
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causing any significant damage at all as well but chevron was looking to contain any possible p.r. damage as well as any possible or will spill and so it shut down and yeah that's that's a very that's a very expensive proposition and brazil is hugely important in the production of oil ninety percent of brazil's oil production actually happens offshore so has anything changed since i saw oil spill. with anything change i think well. i don't know for certain again i don't know. the technology for exploring in the pre so area is all new so yeah i guess the short answer is yes things are constantly changing the technology is in development this is a kind of ration that's never been done anywhere else so the every every week or every month of delay breeze about more knowledge about how to do this safely thank you in fact that you brought us the brazilian national oil company has been very
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slow in developing the this area because they what they have they have chosen to be very careful thank you so much for enlightening us and bringing us the latest on this case and helping us understand it david kasota law professor and director of the privilege american institute for law and environment at pace law school my pleasure thank you all right well for the past two weeks we have been featuring a three part investigative series that looks into the dangers of scent that a marijuana it's a designer drug created in laboratories the chemical is meant to mimic the t.h.c. effects of marijuana however that is far from reality in part one of our investigation we met three families who have been directly affected by the drug and part two we took a closer look at why it is so hard to regulate and some of the actions that local governments are taking to try to get synthetic drugs awful store shelves this week marilyn joins the list of states with the law banning the products from store shelves however despite extensive efforts by the government and by police to get
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rid of these drugs the problem persists today we bring you part three which tries to answer the question of where these drugs are coming from who is behind them and where the profits are going take a look. the stuff was labeled popery it's the moment local governments and law enforcement officials in maryland have been waiting for i defy anybody to take a package of this that's labeled popery and show me how this resembles popery as of october first the sale and possession of synthetic marijuana is illegal in the state it's a designer drug where nail polish remover mixed with chemicals is sprayed on dried herbs sold and then smoked to get a high similar to that of marijuana only this drug is nothing like real marijuana and can lead to serious health of facts last year the federal government took steps of its own to ban these drugs with the synthetic drug abuse prevention act but
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despite state and federal efforts to try to regulate these drugs a simple google search pulls up dozens of websites of companies saying that they're willing to ship these drugs in last quantities right to your door so who exactly is behind this so-called popery i decided to find the owners of one of the more popular brands mr nice guy and the worst part is also the way that they have a package it's almost like a pop rocks and they have i give it a zero on the front of the website looks normal enough the contact page feels official but when you look up that address turns out it's a u.p.s. store lots of internet companies run their businesses using pill boxes though so let's keep digging mr nice guy allegedly by his it's products from crack home labs with yet another official looking website only it's fake you see that phone number at the top it leads to a philadelphia office for personal injury attorney who claim they have never heard
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of crack tone labs in reality mr nice guy is two guys dylan harrison and john sheely their secret operation came crashing down on may twenty first of last year. when the warehouse they produce these drugs in exploded. they were charged with unlawful distribution of controlled substance analogues each of them will serve a reduced prison sentence of just over a year with mr nice guy out of business why are its products still on the market because there is no regulation that brands may not be made by the theme person across the entire united states type synthetic marijuana bags into the internet and a whole slew of manufacturers pop up saying they will sell the bag with popular brands like scooby snacks on the front i quickly came in contact with a man named hank who lives in guangdong china not only did his company offer to
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ship me the bags but they also promised to get them past u.s. customs he even sent me a picture of some options so now that you know how to get the bags how do you fill them what we found is that many of these chemicals are coming from overseas particularly china which makes our job even more challenging challenging because china doesn't have the same standards for drug production as the us challenging because u.s. relations with the country are already shaky and challenging because these chemicals are so difficult to test for one wrong accusation could fray those international time many of those chemicals are falsely labeled for medical research or for cleaning products once the chemicals make it to our shores it's up to dealers to mix them with the leaves the owners of mr nice guy were using cement mixer is to mix together the chemicals and the leaves so what ends up happening is
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from packets to package you may get a cut one concentration that's much higher of drug than in another package karen dov nurse son max died in a car crash after smoking synthetic canal benoit's karen tracked down. on the dealer of max's drug who explain how he made them his son determined about how much to spray on the plant material and he's sprayed it randomly i'm plant material in tupperware containers with crude methods like that it should come as no surprise that there's also variability with any bucks a pop in. seven billion dollar worldwide industry so where are the profits going what we found which is very scary is that drugs coming from china are coming to the united states ends up in shops owned by middle easterners the middle eastern shop owners here in the united states are shipping their money back into
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little middle eastern countries into places that should give americans pause so when you're abusing drugs in this country you're financing either directly or indirectly you could potentially be financing terror operations across the globe groups that want to kill us. that's a really scary thought and it's real adding yet another wrinkle in the fight against these synthetic substances so there you have it with a few simple internet searches i just shows you how easy it is to still get your hands on these drugs ready made and more alarmingly how easy it is to get the different components needed to create these drugs on your own is just the next great frontier in the never ending war on drugs only this one has no simple solutions in washington meghan lopez r.t. . and while we are on the topic of illegal drugs the f.b.i. says it has arrested a san francisco man who allegedly ran an underground web site for selling drugs documents and services twenty nine year old ross william old british who reportedly
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used the name dread pirate roberts to run the silk road website was charged in new york district court this week overage is also accused of involvement in two assassination plots in one case or trying to get an undercover agent to kill a former silk road employee who he feared might become a government witness in the other he tried to have a user of the silk road murdered who was attempting to extort him as for the silk road website itself the f.b.i. has shut it down for good and just to give you an idea of how big of a deal this is f.b.i. special agent christopher tarbell described the silk road website to the guardian as quote the most offish. dictated an extensive criminal marketplace on the internet today since two thousand and eleven the website generated of around one point two billion dollars or nine point five million bitcoins but teunis are the world's most popular form of virtual currency they were the only way to buy or sell
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the merchandise on the silk road the bitcoin foundation says that the closure of the silk road will not affect the long term value of this currency it does affect the silk road users so who had already transferred bitcoins into their accounts the fed seized about only slow the illegal drug trade online temporarily authorities say it's only a matter of time before a similar website pops up and some already exist. in the past few years apple incorporated has become one of the biggest titans in electronics and software a lot of that success comes from their i phones and from their other i products but there are some news stories casting a cloud on the company shine the residents laurie harmfulness tells us more.
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the company that makes all those shiny i phones and i pads just had some really good news in to branson fourteenth annual best global brands report just ranked it as the world's most valuable brand whatever you need i guess all that smug self-satisfied advertising worked so good for apple right well not if the media has anything to say about it because they are out to take apple down or this week they bombarded us with many stories about the horrors of apple products the new i os seven just came out and already every media outlet brace to tell us that it's
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making people these think using crack investigative journalism media outlets quoted experts including apple forum users random people who have downloaded the software and commenters on tech websites like the verge the n.b.c. quoted a psychologist as saying we haven't done any experiments with this phone but this is what i think is happening it's definitely linked to the motion of the screen way to get to the bottom of it see n.b.c. another anti apple story the news proliferated is that i pads are causing a back pain app and demick they even give does want to name the posture the term is being used by the media exclusively maybe to describe a stupid body shape adopted by those texting emailing and playing games on their i pads or smart. to back up the story news outlet i.o.l.
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quoted in at a few experts who said it's been decades since people learned of good posture at finishing schools and that is apparently exacerbating the problem. but my favorite anti apple news story this week is encapsulated in this have mine from a local c.v.s. outlet is your i phone dirtier than a toilet seat. technology blog which tech daily swab a completely random thirty tablets phones and keyboards and found more is desolate caucus on those thirty gadgets than they did on one random toilet seat one. based research by the media. so many news outlets ran out with those anti apple stories this week that it can only mean one of three possible believe i phones are trying to kill us the media really hates apple or that news is dirtier than
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a toilet seat tonight but to talk about that following me on twitter at the resident. that's going to do it for me for tonight but for more on the stories we covered go to youtube dot com slash r.t. america and check out our web site or to dot com slash usa and follow me on twitter at meghan underscore lopez had a wonderful night. he's an american business icon he's brazen outspoken this is always at the top of the headlines his disgust with politicians is led him to consider running for president himself love him or hate him he can make or break someone's future with two words you're fired. the one and only donald trump is next. politicking the larry king.
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the no c.n.n. the most n.b.c. and fox news have taken some not slightly but the fact is i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be accurate. that was funny but it's closer to the truth and might think. it's because when full attention and the mainstream media works side by side the joke is actually on here. at our team we have a different press. because the news of the world just is not.


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