tv Breaking the Set RT October 5, 2013 2:29pm-3:01pm EDT
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twenty three days. through two thousand nine hundred towns and cities of russia. relayed by fourteen thousand people or sixty five thousand killings. in a record setting trip by land air and sea and others face. a limp a torch relay special coverage on our. hey guys welcome to breaking the sat i want to take a moment to pay my respects to a man named herman wallace who died today from liver cancer at the age of seventy one seawalls was a former inmate of louisiana state penitentiary in angola and spent the last forty one years of his life in solitary confinement earlier this week he was released from prison after a judge granted him a new trial because of the unfair jury selection of all white males during his
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first one while this was originally imprisoned for robbery and moved to solitary after allegedly stabbing a prison guard during a riot he claimed that he was singled out because he was a member of the black panther party and organize protests against prison conditions now after years of appeals wallace's murder conviction was finally overturned unfortunately he died shortly after being released and while some are happy that at least he's spent his last hours as a free man it's an utter travesty that wallace lived the last forty one years in a tiny cell virtually no human contact all for a crime he may not have committed because that's twenty first century justice in the most incarcerated country on earth. the please please take a look very hard to take that or the. one that he ever had sex with that hurt me there are those. that are like.
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oh oh. oh oh. oh. oh oh oh. breaking news guys a woman rammed her car into a gate near the white house. getting a look now at new eyewitness video of much of the car chase it started near the white house and ended on capitol hill brought the president clearly has been briefed about the shooting it's unclear if you was briefed about the ramming of the gates ball thing was all over in less than an hour but it led to
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a chaotic element to an already tense situation on capitol hill thirty four year old miriam carey reportedly suffered postpartum depression her one year old child was in the back seat after an gage in a high speed car chase in the capital miriam carey was shot in the head and killed as instead of shooting out the car tires another an armed person has been executed by police for acting erratically because that's just the way things operate in the overly militarized us of a and what should have just been another random tragedy in a city turned into a circus by the corporate media now media pundits are psychoanalyzing the woman all afternoon c.n.n. was talking about how kerry was convinced that obama was monitoring her wait i'm confused why does that make her crazy obama it is monitoring her home punk with the rest of us obviously i'm not trying to take away from the seriousness of this incident but you would think that facing an imminent war with syria just mere weeks ago would have given the media some perspective on how to balance the coverage of
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important news stories that actually giving news updates on stories from around the world is the media fixates on the one story one of four seven whether it be dropping missiles on syria or woman slamming a car into a fence so what do i mean by perspective well america was rocked by the news of the navy yard shooting and this latest incident but do you think people would even know these events didn't occur on federal property consider the number of shootings that happened right here in d.c. over the last couple months mere blocks away from the capitol shootings that did. even get a peek from the corporate news in fact in the five days leading up to the navy yard massacre there were ten separate shootings across the district like these two that occurred in northwest d.c. living one dead and two injured on september twelfth or about this drive by it happened just the read days after that in southeast d.c. resulting in two victims going to the hospital wraps most disturbingly is this
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drive by shooting that happened just a few months ago not too far from where i live in which a gunman sprayed bullets on innocent pedestrians check this out miraculous thing no one was killed in this random act of violence but sadly thirteen people were injured and one remains in critical condition there is no flood of cop cars on lockdown of surrounding neighborhoods in fact took police months to even apprehend a suspect. in two thousand and thirteen alone there are already been one hundred forty four homicides in d.c. according to homicide watch d.c. and keep in mind d.c. is not even the murder capital of the country anymore that honor the chicago a city that has seen a grizzly three hundred twenty five homicides so far this year but of course you don't hear about any of these incidents outside of local news. maybe it's because these people to get shot next to a national monument or maybe it's because of the wrong color whatever the reason it's obvious that all the corporate media cares about is exploiting fear in order
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to keep those eyeballs glued to the screen. in the wake of the global financial crisis europe was hit the worst ireland a country of four and a half million people is still coping with the effects of negligent banking practices and i disagree an idea of the corruption surrounding the irish banking system when asked how angle irish bank had come up with its bailout figure the banks executive said i picked it out of my arse. that's a direct quote because it is the ferias bank's austerity measures have severely impacted millions of irish and one political party is fighting back against the financial system that's led to the foreclosure of thousands of irish homes the direct democracy party has been around only for three years but it's already doing huge momentum across the country the party's leader bangle roy joined me earlier to
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talk about his political platform and why he's being persecuted by the irish media and government. direct democracy is where people can initiate referendum most countries to people in the country can do it we had it in our first constitution and. were taken note and when our second constitution come in we want them articles put by could be a bit like the swiss model of the swiss model can initiate a referendum on a wish to gather enough signatures and what is the benefit if people don't understand really the process of referendums. ok the process that we have is is representative democracy set out for you a guy coalmines in arlon they generally lie to you during the election you vote for him you can change him for the next five years he breaks every promise known to man i mean if you take their last government that are now in power these guys said they
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wouldn't bailout anymore bondholders are rolled banks and actually you know rolled back and all of them promises are actually bailing banks. traders a lot more so than the last government did and we have to put up with that for the next five years or a powerless nation and you know most people who don't know a lot about irish politics can you tell about why the labor and and gail parties are not properly leaving the country. well. some time ago around two toes in a two thousand and nine disk space if you fail all over europe. it was. kicked off by angle irish bank in this country who are probably the most criminal of all banks they broke every liquidity law that carries jail sentences instead our government phina fall at the time gave them all big bonuses i regulate who should have been done for treason got a six hundred thousand payoff as well as a big pension our new government who are now in power finagle and labor of course
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were saying all the right things before they got into power and then when they got into power they're actually worse than the last crowd. sounds like this country and what isn't making policy is that your party would implement if you had representation in parliament. well first of all we would you see rather than saying born bond holders that seems to be a very populist thing to say are what we would suggest in direct democracy that we would suspend all capital in interest payments until there is a full legal review to see if ireland had any moral are lawful obligation to pay back gamblers on a stock exchange. so it doesn't sound so crazy when you say let's have a legal review about it because i believe it's classed as an odious death in an international law and then the irish media is trying to connect here with the three men on the land when a group that the f.b.i. has joined a terrorist movement why do you think they've tried to link you to this group. i
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think because i shot to fame one time when you see that there's a fallout from this space in our country because we're such a small country we only have four and a half million people so for your viewers to put that into context or slightly larger liverpool or manchester and they've taken one hundred twenty billion out of our economy to refinance the banks and to pay off gamblers on a stock exchange and then they've asked the irish people when they've paid back this money even if taken this money out of the economy to continue paying your mortgage payments with no money in the economy. and so so far as a dad his now you have repossessions in this country where sheriff's call with the guardian which is our police force to try your victim families out of their homes and they're not guilty of anything now unlike most countries in our constitution the family home is protected and isn't viable to save us to law and it clearly
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states it's not positive law you know so people who don't know what that is i would be axin statute so our family because our irish history is used to oppression. from british forces from years ago and stuff like that so it's in trying to our constitution so i became quite famous from a video if anybody wants to see it on you tube it's called constitution holds share and we actually have a clip of that right now let's check it out. the registrar gives the order yes he puts on the sheriff's house and tells you cold repossess the homes that i do you think that's fair that's right i'm lawful you know what i'm telling you it's not an end of mass and the guy at the today told told common law which star sworn to do and this is not a common law now also under the constitution a man's house isn't viable on the constitution except as to law what law is the dismount break in the city. at the end of this clip you actually force the deputy sheriff to leave or why did you take this action and do you think of more people simply stood up to their moral home for foreclosures that we would see
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a change in policy yes you absolutely would because if it became less attractive and harder for banks to take holmes and businesses back it would it wouldn't be financially viable and that's all they're worried about is the dollar to bottom line to profit so if you made it on profitable saddam know we have stopped a number of auctions in this country as well because look we have a moral duty to stand up against terror and you know and that's our moral duty we must do this and that clip there see where the guy he said he was the sheriff this is another on in our country sheriff can be also did george they double job right get this so so this guy who actually signed the order he was to george on that day in the courthouse that deciding to take this man's home then he steps down and puts on a share of c. on a farm and comes out to the home naked money on that as well i mean you wouldn't going to believe billy movie. well if i got your current legal predicament you're facing
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trespassing charges for occupying our farm you live with that this is a trumped up charge. meant to discredit you why. well i live at home with my young family and i drop my kids to school every day and apparently they can't serve a summons on me so what they've done was they summons to me to court to our national newspapers. so that's not a political assassination saying it was criminal trespassing on some lands no i mean you know if they really are interested in criminal activity you could do a lot worse than look away from me and look elsewhere and i know that there's this evidence picking up a lot of traction across the country talk about how many people are getting involved and how can people get involved if they're interested. sure. in our country we have settled direct democracy dato you and we've several counties and constituencies stand so i mean if you were to look on facebook you would see these
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names probably mean nothing to you know going to be direct democracy draw it in direct microsoft games are all the areas in ireland and it's you know considering we don't do launch just before christmas and in a by election i bet the labor party who are sitting in government right now i bet them in the by election i'm considering that the main media even completely ignored me. it wasn't a bad result of. yes they tended to ostracize minimise the true third party representation across the board ben thank you so much for being the changed man go right leader of direct democracy ireland thanks folks. so ahead hip hop artist cale samson breaks the stage they turn. after decades of prosecuting a coburg in poxy war against iran can washington change its behavior many in
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live. hip hop as a genre of music that's taken many forms over the years today i want to focus on a new style a pop called info rap so socially conscious artists and rising hip hop star cal sands and the scribes his music that a canadian musician is using his talents and draw attention to society's flaws by inviting people to question authority and think critically i first noticed cale in a viral video and he was rapping archipelago an audience of hundreds if not thousands of occupy toronto so i invited calle to the studio to perform some songs on his latest album the big picture his first song is called reach out. sitter and everything that's going on in the world these days. i think this song is
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only fitting. the. world it's time to unite time to reach up and defend all those lights even though there's so many people then came it's time to be chopped up to create to change the world it's time that we speak time to reach up to the band world peace that we've all got to believe we've got to be chopped if we want to be free from the top one percent of the population know forty percent of the wealth they put thirty thousand children die every day in copper d. from lack of health this wealth gap keeps increasing between rich and poor there's more slaves to clean out the net but before democracy is supposed to be equal to is controlled by a small group of people thinkers and corporations or been charged they finance presidents who can help to make laws all the candidates will be pre-selected for it doesn't matter which party ends up but the active central banks control the money supply the crazy thing is that the all privatized to fix all the bits printed never
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existed so cold that we need to pay back with interest fractional reserve system so scam keeps the will make shipment to and that's the way and this is happening across the whole entire world that only leads to pull for the entire the us. this is the world bank in the i.m.f. to pay off public officials to put countries into that debt so big they can never repay so they're forced to sell both the resources that's a trade at the end of the day it's on the thing more than economic bribery a mix torsion some or more people bought becoming desperate actual terrorists that can be arrested in your home could be searched now but that would a warrant you compete to take indefinitely into what should these laws so i decide to destroy our liberties so when we fight back and limit sauber believe these world it's time to do night time to breach up and defend all the rights to so many people in pain it's time to be chopped up because we need to change the world it's time
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that we speak time to reach up and to manage world peace that we've all got to believe we've got to be chopped if we want to be free we live in a system based on profit records lists of what the environmental cost is so when this society monetary gain always comes first before people's well being now think about the theory of supply and demand everything is worth more the less of it that's on hand so if the goal is to make money by any means it makes sense to deny people do what they need in reality and that she is abundant there is no need for anyone to die of hunger everyone on earth could be housed if we wanted but technology that could help this is funded instead businesses that control market share purposely keep all the resources scarce so people don't force to fight she told bikers there's not enough money for us all to survive when greed and corrupt.
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our whole value system is distorted we need to think critically change our perception almost everything we've been told is a deception for centuries things like race and religion have been used to keep us focused on division we've been conditioned to see ourselves as different from everything else and that's the point we're missing humans are trained to look at disparities that are trivial compared to our similarities and not just with people were talking about completely detaching from nature itself our plan it's a system that's interconnected everything we do something else is affected with that we're there no more. we can't survive on this earth humans have no chance so look at everything it's an extension of you atomically we're all the same it's just a different world view and the faster this realized station spreads the better off the world will be moving ahead.
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cayle awesome performance thank you so much for. you describe yourself as kind of an info wrapper what is in photograph. of a monitor i used to describe my style of hip hop and essential what it is is information. my songs are kind of like essays you know in the sort of delivered in rhyme form and they're based on a lot of research and analysis i try to fact check and cross-reference all of my information and i use it to present to the public through the popular culture of hip hop so you have it in full rap and they're a little bit distinctive in terms of the song format is not really typical like i've got a song called the money song which is eight minutes long and sometimes when you're dealing with this type of heavy information. you know you can't just sit in to the two and
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a half minute traditional song so that whole history lesson about these concepts and why did you choose hip hop to display messages about these deeper political issues. ok well i was initially introduced to hip hop at a very young age i was about nine years old and fortunately my initial influences were political and socially conscious mcs like chuck d. from public enemy and care us and at a very early age i realized hip hop's ability to bridge people and bridge cultures together and so i've always had sort of a positive message ever since i was young since i first started and it sort of took on a bit of a political slant after nine eleven happened back in two thousand and one i wrote a song called the facts of war and when i was doing my research for that song i started uncovering a lot of information that i wasn't expecting to find that didn't quite fit with the official stories so to speak and i realized when i tried to talk to my friends or
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other people about this stuff it was harder for the. absorb it just in conversation if i give them a book but i realized if i put music behind it and rap did and does something where then the message that i was trying to communicate was much more well received so hip hop is just a very effective medium for me to use right now to get this information out there. and you know you've risen in the ranks of canadian hip hop and and you've been called multiple publications you know the rising star in canada how does it feel to you as a canadian you know looking at kind of your sister neighbor country being this global had your man kind of this imperial stick force of just military aggression in the world because i know that a lot of your lyrics are actually about america policy and american policy in kind of the military and that we're seen in class struggles that kind of stemmed from the u.s. how do you reconcile that. you know canada is a smaller like you said small sister country of the u.s.
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you know we only have thirty million people were next door neighbors with this powerhouse whose policies are affecting the world on an international level and when i was first starting writing my album and doing writing about political issues i didn't really. think it was the best idea for me to focus specifically on canadian politics because the u.s. their policies affect the world they have an international reach that affects us all so i kind of just that's why i choose to focus more so on us as opposed to just comedian centric policies that would probably only appeal to a canadian population i'm trying to talk about global issues that affect humanity as a whole so it's unfortunate but i have to focus in on u.s. policy explicitly believes in a lot of like you said the media culture the political establishment in canada i mean a lot of it is influenced by this country. reach out is really awesome thanks for
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performing it's on your album called the bigger picture what is. the bigger picture you. will the big picture to me right now if not to say to you so tara but. basically i think that there's a conscious revolution that's happening right now there's so many different issues that are affecting us all and. when i think about being conscious i think about breaking free of the insular sort of narrow minded self-centered mind state that so many of us are imprisoned by and just recognizing the connections that we all share with one another and getting a bigger picture perspective of how you know we're all interrelated not just with one another but with the natural world as a whole and i really feel that there's a conscious revolution or a collective conscious evolution happening right now as more and more people are starting to understand that concept and more and more people are starting to recognize their own agency and their own true potential which is a great great thing i couldn't agree more we're all one human family living on one
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organism time to start treating each other that way and respect in life and the planet kale where can people find out more about your work people can find out more about my music my website calle sampson dot com feel free to add me on twitter underscore sampson look out for the new album the big picture on i tunes and i just want to take a second to encourage everybody out there who is aware of this information to not be afraid to speak out not be afraid to use whatever creative medium speaks most to you to express yourself artistically because really has the power to inspire the masses and with great art comes the possibility for great change which i know in the long run we're going to do but the time is now and we're all in this together we all need to be agents of change thank you so much kale sands and really appreciate you coming out. this is about what's really truthfully going on. because
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ignorance is not bliss knowledge is death and the power of. the truth is the truth is it really simple could not possibly be struck to see alkalis the rebuttal to be believed because the time has come the face reality and more to cap the for the sake of liberty to get off future generation can be free we took a couple to see that the truth is not what it appears to be truth the real dream is simple the world gets molded to deploy money you corporate interest group want to have to watch the world turn the blind eye to bring its tree on the side of this book publishers can donate enough limited amount of money to care to take democrats and republicans up one so get them in does what have a corporation say this president does one country the people who charge of those who control the money so the touch with sorbs group in the world open to us coupled
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to the funding to show. the corporate sacks would still prime. mover. her. basic needs with the economic ups and downs in the final months day the longer the old sang i and the rest of the life they meet a few little babies every week on food per boll eat. we made it out of her. real father gave her. it's a good chance it's all. military service and you expect can. some of the toughest strike. could.
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see. there's a nine story building i noticed that standing on a true for was a man in civilian clothes holding a sniper rifle. to say something that offends so they used blank or wooden shells but the building was burning through my how much time it took to restore it. reloaded for yeltsin in the referendum his deputies of the supreme soviet didn't appeal to us out all we had to support yeltsin otherwise it would have been civil war.
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russia receives the olympic flame during a traditional handover ceremony now for this area on sunday then it will begin its tour of the host country arriving in such a for the twenty fourteen win today. also had no excuse for into that anonymity it's revealed the n.s.a. has been snooping on those who generally need online privacy while the website giant's desperate move to mend their reputations. a fifth straight day of deadlock sees the us government in paralysis with economists warning of impending disaster we report to the next saw far on what the red vs blue standoff is costing america. and switzerland's plan to pay it so this is nearly two thousand euros a month whether they have a job or not we tell you why.
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